The Halloe flailu Ctarrnfolp i front aml lUo t,ccl' 8(50 of stnrvntion Advertising Hates. course, try with their navy to break I ! - - i JYrinWt. i our oiocKnuc, out iius attempt wouiu Oneiiich or lew In Pally . .. . ---S1 2 ' hn hnnplc; with Olir nnvnl bnSC Of ' Orertwo Inches nmlunJcr (our InchCT. ... 1 CO 0E "CI,CUSS wu" UI,r UM "l Over (our Incnwrtad under twelve Inches.. supply at Key West, Otllv eighty. Over twelve Inches I " ' ' i daily as wekkly. miles, niul that of the Dry Tortugni, I SSr'SSS in.An..&ur'ich: . . So only sixty miles from Havana. Porto ' v".v" I i:lWco, of course, would be included : in our blockade. "Our own seaboard nnv force thr.t S)ui Spain would fl. Recommendation. Weeklr Cttilililiig Itntcs Chronicle and Orezouian Chronicle and Examiner Chronicle niul Inter Ocean . . . Chronicle and Tribune Chronicle and N. Y. World n or 1 sr. : i ts ' acaiiut it. 1 is safe against , ojj lain could brinir' :h: ...the.. Q I Oil Wffki y Inter Ocean W " mm bbibb a wm m mm a maw w mmm mm m mMMWmM i L1RGEST CIRCULATION OF AHY POLITICAL PAPER IH THE WEST doubtless ' 2 00 : resort to privateering, but our mer- SATUUDAY MARCH 20. 1SES camne marine is musuy cu:iii isv, --- - - --- and we should make the war so short, nilnrt.iiti1 1 i lall lOr nepUDllCait tOllIltJ lOIlVeilUOll and sharp that our commerce could j v i pn 'vi r not suffer much injurv. Besides our and AOHCe OI 1 rmian bieCtlOnS. ;enormuos superiority in men and j money, we would have the enormous The ltepublicnn County Convention n( Wa-w i,. lv.mta"e of hein ab'e to sit t iU county, Siateof Orce in. Is hereby called to meet """U,,&L ul ,,L,"o u su I in Wie city, m suid county, ou j nmj wn;t for an attack on U3 bv an Wedneinla-, .April 0, 1HUS. tthchourof Rocloct turn of s:d day, for the jaSSallant Who Will be obliged to crOSS TOrre of nomliiatlnccainldates for the follow- , ,i,..,: (,... .., Jug county officers: ; the Atlantic. ihcrc i not the One couniv Commissioner. Connty Clerk, . :i.i ..-nit,:t:i i.t c,,; County SberiB, County Treasurer. County As-1 t""""".? """"l ?Z?:L ??ilr.L" 'V 'hT" f. ! break our blockade of its present Tiecw for the -several precincts of suld county: i.,p f,m,ift sprionlv thron'on ad ten delegates to the Itepublican Stute nnd p-UU!U1 oasi., luuhi oLriuusi,) inrL.i.LH Beeond DHttict ConercslJUnl Conventions, nnd Atlantic pabnnrtl filips o- in to transact Mich other business as msr properly i ol,r Liiaiuit. stauoarii Lines, u. in- eomc before said County Convention. I inn our pnnstwisn nnmmnrp.. to nnv U n It is radically Republican, advocating ' But it can always be rcllrJ on with abilitv and carnctr.css.Hk?jjJ ItttcaJ raovcntents.Hsvswlslsks.H M n The convention wilt consist of K5 delegate i chosen by the several precincts, and the several I considerable CXteilt. precincts of said county wilt beentltlcl toreprc-j senuiion in .aiu cunvenuou us iihiuv.s. Antelope . llakc Oven . Columbia Dafur . Deschutes East ballet East Hoi l:i 'er Kipht Mile. . Falls .. .3 3. AilUlllA . PILLS S KinssKy Hosier . 2 Nausene 3 Oaktirove. i Kamsey - 1 Tjgh Valley 3 3 Trevitt 7 '. VI 511 to 2 5 West Dalles 7 2 Wtst Hood Klver . S C Wainic - The same being one delegate at larse from each precinct, mid one dcluvate for every twtnty-tive voles ana one aeiewno ior everv iracuuu over one-half cf tneiity-tite votes cast in cash of said : preci. cts for Unit. T. T. (iter, Kepubllenn candl-" date for pr xidcntial elector at the November , diction in Is'X. PRIMARIES. Primaries to elect d lepates to said County Convection will beheld in c h of the veeral , preciucts in said Waico county on March 2ti, ltto. In East Dalles precinct tne polls of said . -primary electlou win In; located at tne Hose Cc's house, aud D. II. Robert?. W. II. Butts and L. B. Davis wilt act as ladies at said elec tion. In ISfgelntt- precinct the polls will be lo-1 cated at the odlce of Wm. Jlichcll, and A. N. "Varnev. J. E. llaiuett and Dufur will j act as juuges at sum election, in i levui pre-1 duct the pjlls will be located in the county court loom, and C. E. liayanl, frank Vozt and i Denlilea Cannot lie Cured B. L. lltooks, uill act as judges at said election; j ... and in W est Dalles precinct the polls will be lo- bv local applications, as tht'V cannot cated nt the City Mills, aud W. D. Dart, C. M. i " . . . ".. Fonts nnd J. r. fctanieN will act as judges of reach the diseased portion of the ear. f,cli0.n-. I.Antelor Pj1"?' ,hJ?V.s There is onlv one wav to cure deafuess, J'l be locatid at the usual voting place, nnd D. I . - . 1 -1. Kimsey, F N. .picei and F Irvine wiU act as 1 and that 19 by constitutional remedies, j jdues of said clecUon. n . . . , Th?r-ils in each of sala precincts, in said p:l- j Deafness is caused by an infi.tmed con- mary election, will toe kep: open trom o'clock i dition of the luncous lining of the Eus noou to 7 p. n. for the reception of votes. The i a ... jlls in each of the other precincts in the county tarhian Tube. Vi hen this tube is ln will lie located In the usual voting places in each I ,,., i., .n:, . ... prrcicct. and v I 1 be opened at the hour of 2 named yon have a rumbling sonnd or "clock m. on faid-jfith day oi March, .ai"! imperfect hearing, aud when it is en the eleu.ion will fce conducted in the usual i . ' , , V --manner. I tirelv closed, Deafness is the result, and Murrh. is! j it . pati'kissos. unless the tntlatnuiation Chairman Republican County Com. 31. T. XOLAX, Secretary A tceo:r,inemiii:;on 13 necessary to many persons. A dmacist apprfciatfs it when coming from a pood physician especially. The character of onr driiuo. the dispatch and accruacr with which all formulas are treated has made us a repu tation we shall endeavor at all times to retain. With the blockade of Cuba maintained ; with ths insurgent army fully armed and - e suiiiihju nun U11IIIUIUU3 ui "iir, j Spain would surely lose Cuba within j sixty days after our blockade was' complete and our communications with the insurgent army fully secured." i THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and cs a Family Pancr Is Without n Peer. The Literature of its columns is equal to that of the best muga zlties. It is interestini: to the chil dren as R'c as the parents. T HE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and wWlc it brings to the family THE NEWS Or THE WORLD and eives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. ti nn-Mine fine nm i d in THE DAILY AirlTsiTTOXTSmOKSOr TEI I UTTER 0CXAR ARE BEST OF THEIR QKD. Price of nnltv br mall 4.00 per year t Prior or Munilar byumil 2 per year . Dally und Sunday by mall .. .. . f 15.00 per year O.R.aN. TO TI1K EAST! GIVES THE CHOICE OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VU- Spokane Minneapolis St. Pani Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. I Wholesale. 115 SGCODu Street, THE DALLES. Just ttlhat You tttant. mines and Cigars. ! Lew Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGOfl, GEO. CQ. ELiDER AND CITY Of TOPEKfl Leave 1'ortland every five days for ALASKA POINTS. ONE FOR A DOSE. RenTo PinpW, I'mTent ( re ll;dacheanil lrnrui. . -?0Tf.:2",tn.0, ,he, bowel ech dxy U rnn I-"ST.'ft "rjf1" ml" OiPl T". CT full hozlct 4.5. Uoid i)7 dracsir. DR. B0SAf0 CO. Phila. Pa. IF WE SHOULD GO TO WAR. Tbis from the Orpgonian gives an excellent resume of the military sit uation of this country regarding; Spain : "We are ready for war today. In that event, our first step would be to blockade Havana. This would con fine the C0.000 Spanish troops now In Cuba to the island; would cut off all hope of reinforements from Spain. Spaiu would thus lose its Cuban base, with no power or opportunity to secuie an American bnse which could be successfully held and util ized. The Spanish ships would thus Tic deprived of the means of coal lag, unless by tenders accompanying them, which are always liable to de Btruction or dispersion. We would at once seize some minot seaport on the Cuban coast, communicate with the insurgent forces, which are not less than 40,000 strong, supply them cannon, small arms, ammunition and military supplies of nil sorts, and, -without the landing of a single American soldier in Cuba, the Span lab army, which depends for its sup port entirely upon provisions im ported from abroad, would soon be starved into surrender. "The Spanish urmy in Cuba today Sets rice, beans and flour from Spain ; swat from Mexico and Florida. The city of Havana, with its 200.000 in JubiL-tnt, gets its milk in condensed form from the United States; its g8 nnd vegetables from Florida. It food imnorU were stooned. the . i food supply of Havana would be ex iMHMterl in a week. In short, we abuuld .only need to blockade the can be taken ont and this tnbe restored to its normal condition, hearinp will be destroyed for ever; nine cass out of ten are cansed hy catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of tiie mueons eut faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused hy catarrh' that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. &. Co.. Toledo, O. old by Diugsriste, 75c. 0-10 f 1 I 1 1 t ..T f V f I mm i i. wm ' Vrntf r THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER and tn Dottles Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. ft i. if r 2ew ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as wc ure showing never be fore graced a eingle Block. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorinss, yours for a email price, at onr store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Regulator Line. Uncklec's Annca talva. The best saive in trie world for cutt, bruises, sores, uicora, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption?, and posi tively cuis plies, or no pay required It is tmar.M.tsed to sive perfect Eatiafar 5ion. or mc ney reiunuea. Price J5 ceuls p"3- hox. For eale nv Ktakeley and Houghton, dro.'srii't. FOR SALE. ! Tun 1n(a V..J 11 at. A 10 in l.,n.(- 1 Giites Addition, Tin Dalles, Oregon. For particulars address the undersigned. M. E. FcuaiiAEV, 19-4w Box 17S, Uohbndule, Wash. Smoke the popnlar brands Prize Medal, .Guarantee and Kosn Queen cigars aiauntactured by S. F. Pouts. tf Tie Dalies, Fortlaiii aci Astoria Navigation Co.' r I -IV .Vf J I M sir4egoIalor 4 Dalles City STUBLING & WILLIAMS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grccer 7VL Z. DONNELL, PHESCSlPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BK7TTEEM J The Dolles, Hood River, Carcade Locks and Port land 00117, ? hunaay. If the United States mid Spain become involved in war, it will tie impossible to import Havana tobacco. Consequently high grade Havana cigars will increase in price. Lay in n ftipply of Priz Medal cigura whilo the price remains the same. 10-tf Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk'e and gel prices on the La Plata Sheep Dip. It is non-p'ii-i'iioi.B, mixes in stantly with cold water, at.d it is an in fallible cure f jr fccab, l.oof rut, lice and ticks. 1 tf Ask your Druggist tor a generous 10 CENT TRIAL. SIZE. CATARRH Are you going j DOWN THE VALLEY (EASTERN OREGON? uiard. by .e., Cive the insurgents SToZ aJf the riflei, cartridges nnd cannon VLl oUier tkey ,Bcd. and the Spanish army,' it i quickly Abao-bed. oil w II so, tae money and enjoy a t-cautKul trip on the Culumblu. The we.l-Umnd train arrives nt The Ualle lo nmrile lime for iaiijieni to take the xteniner, arriving in i'ortlond in time for the outgoing Boutherii and Northern tr.iln; EbjiI bound (HiiM:ngeri aniving In Tbc Unllca In time to take the Eait-bouud train. For farther iuformatlou apply to J. N. IIAKKEY, Agent, Oak Htrect lock. I'urtland. Oregon, Or W V. ALXuVWAY, tien. Agt., The Dalles. Oregon Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR caho has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. -BD ia Havana and the other i it ..m ,l.I iportf, would have to ' TOT5SS5S. tlAliHLAI WtWMH the iscreasing f kfrfetljr equipped rebel army ucaia ana froitcu the Mwsiirao. Jtaatona tba I IP r.lic 'Le. : at Uf astfula ri nt mm. I HOR8E8 AND MULES FOR SALE I have eixteen head of 3 and 4-year males (broke) for sale. I also have horses, mares and geldings for sale, weighing from (MM to 1 400 pounds. Any one wanting work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to get them cheap for cash. Jawcs Uuow.v, 123-1 ml Victor, Or. UK I). W. WIIJJOK, ATTOaNKY AT LAW, T1IK IIAl.LKri. 'JRKO-J.V OSicc oei fti: Si. Biuk. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall&Borget UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. Subscribe for The Chroincle OCEAN MTEAMEI1S Leave 1'iirtlaud JEvrrV Four l)Vn ror SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong via North ern I'nclfic Steamthip Co., in connection with O. It. & !s for (nil detnllH cnll on O. I'. i Co. b arcd: The balleii, or uddrinsi w. ii. iiriii.m r.T. (ien. Tins. Agt , Portland, Or DOllSON, C.UU.1I.1. A CO., Gen. Acts., Nortli I'ucllle. Strr.un-hip Co. TIME CAKIt. No. i, to Fitune nnd Orent Nnrthcrii nrrlve nt5 'Jap. in., leaves id 5;30 p, m. Xo. to I'eiulle ton, linker City mid I'nlon I'ncltli'.iirrlvi-sutll 15 p. in., dei'iirts at p. m. No 3, (mm ?)K)knne nnd Cirent Northern, ar riven nt O fiO a. in., departs nt il:Si n. tn. No. 1, from llakir City mid Unio. l'nullic, arrlvct nt 2:20 ii. m., depnrm ut li:'M n. in. The following freight trulnn enrry pBH-enecrs on tbc lint nnd nccoiid districts, hut do no: tlop ut Mutlun plutfiirms: No. ii; wtst, nrilvo at 5 p. tn., departs nt9 tj u. ni. No. 21 east, arrives ntI12:'0 p. tn., departs ct t: I.) p. in. W. II. HUKLIIUKT, Gen. I'n8. Apt I'ortlHiid, Orik'on Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Soipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON J. H. HCilCKK, t'lealdeiil. h. ji.iiK;. , First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A (jeneral bmiUing BUBiness tnumacieu uepositn receiveu. Huoject to ngm. uraii ur viiri n . Collections made and proceeds jirotnjitly Sk'hl utid Telegraphic Kxciiuiiff oold on Nt-- York, San Francisco an." port- :aiiu. Dl MICOTOH8 D. P. TllOMJ-HOH. .INO. S. hCIIKNCS. Eo. M. VVlLLIAKB, Gko. A. Linus- II M. lik'AI.I. J-ltS'tlEtHENUOUrFKlt PJiysiciaus aud Surgeons, 6clal attention glvun In misery. Room 21 and &!, Tel.S28 Vogt iw S HUKTINGTON M W'"" HUNTiNOTON ib WIION.. ATIOHNKYH AT LAW, 0 THK IAI.I.Kr, OKE00M Ofllce over I'lrst Nut. Ilnuk.