Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and rcf reshhig to the taste, and nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iiver and Bowels, cleanses the pys--lem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevcra and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Fics is the only remedy ot its Kind ever pro dnccd, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable Btibatances, its many excellent qualities commend it -to all and have made it the most ;popnlar remedy known. Syrnp of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drag ijists. Any reliable druggist who 3nav not have it on hnnd will pro cure it promptly for any one who -wishes to trv it. Do not accept any SUUSUIUIU. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CQ. 3AH FRA ftClSCO, CAL IDVISV'MS, ST. HEW YORK, N.t. Lengthen tiii? tlic Kye. I4- is said that it is a common custom j-.act.ced among the Turks, who hold 1 eg eyes in such exalted esteem n to lengthen them by cutting the corners A the eyes. This i.- done very early .. the a2! of two or three years the I oc-Ier corner being deftly s!:t with a 'atcet about the twelfth part of an rich. "While the wound is healing the lids arc drawn outward every day, and when i it is quite cuned the eye is still :itted to the drawing process every subn: .day for a long time, with the eventual xesult that it becomes longand narrow, and satisfies the taste of the "unspeak able Turk." SIMPLICITY ITSELF. -A SIMPLE, HARMLESS REMEDY. V?t It cures the Worst Citnes of Uys pepula anil Juillgestion. Dr. Jenuison, who has made a life atady of stomach trouble, says: AH forms of indigestion really amount to the same thinir, that is, failure to com pletely digest thi food eaten: no matter whether the trouble is acid dyspepsia or "sour stomach, belchinc of wind, nervous dyspepsia or loss of flesh and appetite; jo. person will not have any of them if 'the stomach can he induced by any na tural, harmless way to tln.'oUfrty digest """whatis eaten, and this can ho done by a eimjile renieciy which I have tested in iiundreds of aggravated cases with com tilete success. The remedy is a combin jation of fruit and vegetable essences, -pure aseptic pepsin and (tolden eal put op in the Inrm of pleasant tastiug tab ileta and sold by drungiets under the name of Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tublote. One or two of these tablets should be ftikm niter meals and allowed to dittohe in the mouth and mingling with the food in the stomach, digests it completely before it lias time to ferment, decay and ,onr. On octant exnetiment one eram of , Sstnirfa JJyspepsia lamets win uipesi i tlire tuouaand grains ot meat, eggs anu similar wholesome foods. .It is eafe to say if this wholesome -remedy was better known by people gen erally, it would be a national blessing, as we are a nation of dyspeptics nnd isiiie tenths of nil diseases owe their i origin to imperfect digestion and mitri-; (ion. j Staart'e Dyspepsia Tablets are not a eecret patent medicine, but a fifty cent ; suckage will do more real goud for a week stomach than fifty dollars worth ' of patent medicines and a person has the eatisfaction uf knowing j'.iet what he 3d putting into hiii Rtomiich, which he -is patting into his stomnch, which ho 4loes not know, when widely advertised patent medicines are nsed. All druggists tell fjtuart's Dyspepsia Tabiele, full sized prctage?, 50c ts. 1 A little book on catiso and cure of Kewacu troubles mailed tree by address iaTiie fitnurt Co., Marshall, Mich. a iPJata Sheep Dip, proven by every fit to tM,lh best non-polsonom fluid ( lip m the world ; guaranteed to cure i-v Iteti, wmmrotu, lice anu ncoi-rot. i CUrke MHr.iwMiU. The Dailet. Mmoke ttw ;fMrfHilMr bmsds FriM jH0l, OMrmtM ami Bote Qomii iualerJ by B, V. Fonti. THE DISAPPEARING TRAY. Itcnlt of PnttlnK a Jnnnnrnc MrtI Al. IlKdvcr limn h llol Move. If vou evor use one of those Httle J fancy Jurmnesc tuotnl trn.vs sold nbout the streets for nsh receivers, don't put ol mki nt Inat wits toM to try l.liaui it on the stove, though that happens to ; hsMuiii.'s I'.iin Halm, which 1 did, and he a handy place for a circle or muck- j w:is tmniedialejy n-lioved ami in n t-hort urs to reach. That was what the ou- i ., ,.r.,,i. . i,.,,,.,. . .. u servant .lerscyman did the other night at his country home, says the New I York San. ! lie ami his sons were sitting1 about a J big stove on a cold night, ail smoking, and for convenience he put the ash re ceiver on a sort of shelf at the bnck of the stove against the smoke pipe. When he went to bed he left the ash receiver then. The following mornin- his wife navigation o. ai ineir omce eaiuruay, discovered it. It was perfect in ap- j April 2, 1893, at 2 p. in., for the purpose penranee nud form, and still held the of electing Boven directors, una transnct pile of ashes, burned match ends, and injj such other business aa iiniv properly cigar butts which had been deposited C3Ine bufoie paid meeting. By order of in it the night before. She was about j tj,t, .,rt;8idnt to pick it up, when she bethought her- j T, Dil,e6 lanU ,sg8 self that it might he hot. Taking some-j jj jj ijnn,j.s geey. thing, therefore, to push it with, she attempted to slide it off upon a plate, The moment she touched it the ash receiver lost its form, became liquid, and ran off the stove upon the floor in u sinning stream of white metal. The ),.,r. ,.f 41... l.i.r... ...tfll.,;.-,. n ill, i. ... .ill; fiii.i. ...ill iiiiuii oiiiinniii iw i ... . i . - .... t . , . , .. . ; tiling said street, and that the cost of melt the pewter of which it was com- M,(, h i,,,lrovelllellt Bnall posed, and it had probably stood there i n9fcMert upon pr0pertv arijactnt to said for hours, all in a liquid form, except , stri.i, unless within (ourtetn duva from the little crust of oxide and lacquer j the final publication of this notice the upon its outer surface. This crust had j owners of two-thirds of the property ad been coherent enoutrh to keen the tray ijicent to said street Die with the re in form until a touch broke it, and then the whole had collapsed. , LIVING PROGENY OF FISH. . runs 1'lneeb Iieoorilcil In the i Territory of Arlminn. A doubt that has troubled scientists ; j for years whether there exists a vivi- j I parous kind of fish, one that gives birth j j to its young in a living state was defi- j . uiteH- settled in the affirmative the j i other day. when the city hall fountain j of the capital of Arizona territory was cleaned out. In turning the water out of the big cement basin, where a gold fish variety of the carp family lias long disported itself for the edification of i the I'hocnix nurse girl and the Mari copa county linba, it was found that many of the fish had given birth to progeny ful!y formed and ready to dart in search of food at the moment of com- i inir into tneir waterv worm, utners ila",i uirth to tinv creatures that were .-'.obular in shape, except for the protruding eyes and a nascent tail fin that ccuhl scarcely be seen without a strong glass. From all the evidences, it wab clear that the clean-up had been made during the breeding season, yet there was no sign of fish roe or eggs. Many specimens of the strange young fish were collected, and will be shipped, to different experts, one lot going to the Smithsonian institution. HIS DEATH FORETOLD. 3Iovr Clioutr Explrm ot the Hoar He Unci Nnnicd. An cstoundiig case of fatalism has just come under the attention of the Dritish Columbia medical practitioners, who find in science no explanation ami hut few precedents for the extraordi nary occurrence, reports the St. Lot. Is ftepahlic. .uuuta ku jsow i.noaff, a wealthy merchant and manufacturer of paper floivr?s,.ud a vision in which, he said, he received a supernatural com munication informing him that he would die at .six p. m. the 10th day of Shap Yce, the 11th of January. Before the fateful day arrived he closed up his business, distributed bequests and on the day set for his death was banqueted by some 20 intimate friends at his resi dence here. The feast, was in progress when he quietly left the board and retired to his couch. Just as the clock struok six he died, without a word or struggle. Much against the wishes of his rela tives, an autop.-.y -was ordered, which, however, failed to disclose any cause of .cam. .now tnc autliorities are in a or Z a hZ tCrl y CaRi 0t- lHbU Vl or sent home to China, as desired, wit - out a death certificate, and no local (leatli. JSnw the authorities uul n uvis practitioner can sohe the riddle and is- sue one, (.Ineiunliwnpli Showing Slow Slove. The cineuiatogrnpii register slow as well as rapid motion, and a camera has been made to register the growth of 1'Iants. j ung troublcB. j Postnm Cerial Food Coffee at Coni Tn cur roi.i in one iy. ' mi?sion ft Groceiy Co. 'a. tf Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tab- ,, ; ; !'!. All driiBuists refund the monay ij hen you smoke the Hose Queen o they fail to enre. 25c. (cent cij;ar you get jour money's worth. Blood Humors "nVEttV Im-.ior, iraiibcr Itching, burning, I XI blcc-Jl1 s, t.ily, crii.t.'d, pimply, or Moichy, whether ri flk'K', if iilou4, or liundlt.try, from liiljucy 10 tgo, ;ifu i:ot pwuny tuiiu t ffitlcura Resolvent AS KIX aad blood purUUr of iaOBparbio purity rod curtthe poirtr, l'urly vcgeU. bU, Mto, Uutoecnt, aad palatible. ItappcaU lo 11, aad tyadally motion, uiraa, aad aUIdrao. I HHtMfc t lb writ. Mm, Cuticvu, We.i . tf. i mt. m4 ti. runta Mm HIT. ZHB.I BHIMHI. OH. T HKW I Can m4 ml Hi Ut t Haaan, Urn. I have been itfllictcd with rheumatism fur foi.rlepn venrs nnd 11 ithlni? (tr-rmpri ,n ...u ,. ' ,,, , ... . . " ' ! around nil tho time, but euf- , ferine. 1 hail tiled everything I could has not flnco ruturned. Josh T-Meur, liuiiiituiloivn, Cal. For sale by lilako ley & Houghton. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there will he an annual meeting of the stockhold ers o( The D.ules, Portland & Astoria j NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF ' STREET, ' Notice is hereby ejven, by order ol the 'ciinunou council of Dalles City, that Court street will lie improved between Main and Second streets by grading and corder a written remonstrance against said proposed improvement. Dated this 15 day of .March 1898. I'tOREIS B. StN.NCTT. inchlG 14t Recorder Dalles City. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF ; STREET, i Notice is hereby given, by order of the common council of Dalies City, that j Union street will be improved between j Main and Twelfth streets by grading ! i. ml tilling the samu, ami that the cost of ' said proposed improvement shall be as sessed upon property adjacent to eaid street, unless within fourteen days from the final publication of this notice the 'owners of two-thirds of the property ad jjaceut to said street tile with there- I corder a written remonstrance against i said proposed improvement. I Dated this loth dav of March, 1895. i Rocnit B. Sinnott, ml0-14t Recorder Dalles City. ' isheep marking paint ; ready tor use. Two coiors, black and red. Why you should use our sheep paint. First, lie cauie the colors are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by lin machinery; second, becnuse it is made of high crude colur, with the proper amount of dryers added to give it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing or rubbing cfT; third, it is much mote economical, because It is always ready for use. We guarantee our theep mark ing paints to cive satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles, Or. We are anxious to do a littie good in this world and can think of no picas anter or better way to do it than by rec ommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consump tim'and other serious lung troubles that j follow neglected colds, Foul cigars nre on saio at tl follow mg places: Snipes-Kinersly, Clark & Falk and M. Z. Donncll, druggists; Com mission Co., Geo. Knch, Fred Fisher and Chas, Phillips, grocere ; Colnmbia Candy Factory and A. Koller, confection erp; Chas. Frank, Ad. K'tllur, Dan Baker, Aug. Uuchler, Ben WilEon nnd The Midwav, saloons. Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady; but its duration can bo cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bron chial trouble There are three little things which do raore work tjun auy olher threo litt things created-they are the ant, the b. , ?.... t-..i i- i i: .i i ndDoN Ufa Lutlo Early IHb, the In little bee st being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. Don't annoy others by your coughing, ami risk your life by neglecting a cold One Minute Cough Cure cures coughe jjo croup, erippc and all threat and It ror Itrut. Good two-room hunso on doubld lot; good garden spot. Inquire of 11, A. Uill ut Mair & llenton'H etore. m21-J3 Gcow load of dry Fir Wood juat re ceived a Maicr Si ItenlonV. tf DeWitt'5 Witch Mazel Salve Cure Piles, Scalds, I) urns. ST, GERMAIN: FEMALE PILLS The only uricluol and cchuIiih French-Ka. male Icrgiilut'ir, of Mine Ht. (icrmaln, Hurls. Uuurp.tMtil oi lAiiiiKMifc, turc, and reliable In every cae. hold under ponllivu gunrautea or money refunded, (iet the genuine. Prion tl.00 per box hy mull, hole agent for the United HUleaand Ciiliadtt. KIM1 IIA1IVAUU CO, 107 IVaahlustuit Ht , Chicago. JUICED. tt,jjjV AT ww TIIK DAJ.LKt!, OI'.EGON Ofllcc otti Pint .Vat. tank. ' Ue fre Doir?? w(g. t r?d rtistie ..priptii.. por Feasopable prices. "We Print Anything in the Prinlinc Line. Cjiue us a trial. I ropic;! pub. Qo. Dalles, Mora and Aofclope! STAGS LINE. ! Tlirouxli by dayllgnt vlii Grass Valley, Kunt Htsd c;n;d UtiUous. IIOUOI.AS AI,!.i:.V, Tlif Ilnlltn. C. M. WIHTIU.AW. Aiitrl.ii.ii. Ftazca leiTe The Dalles Iriim t'nmtllla Honv nt 7 ii. in., nlno from AiitelnieiU7:3)ii. in, eve-y Jlimilny, WttliiCMlny mid 1'riilny. Cnnmt'tlniK inwlf tit AutetoiH! for I'rlnevlllc, Mlti'lio.l nail iHiinlf ocyinU C'oso c m-vclious inuilc at The bullcs with railwuvb, trains mul bouts. Biases from Ainelope icai'li The liilltff Thus ilr., Ttuuf days mul i.miril.iys n: l:S i. in. RATKS OF TACK. Dulles to Deiohutes do Muro... do (inivs Vulley do Kent , do Crovs Hnllmvi AtUL'loi-j tu Cross UdIIoisc do Kent do (irn& Valley , do Jloro do Jle.chaees do DallcM ?i no ; . - ! . iv , . 1 10, . 1 so . 2cu; . 3 CO Patronize the All klmlof work. Wiiite i-h-.-i it siiTl.ilty. Kiimllv work m -edar'nl ti'. Wali i'nl led (Hid tltfllvticd fret;. Trle.lone .No. lilt. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Tie GoiiiSia Mm Go.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTCKtKB Uf Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIED BEEF, ETC. Administrator's Notice. Notice la hereby given thot by an order of the County Court of the a tote of Oregon, for Wnnco county, mailu January vj, UW, the unduislirntd has btcn duty aniHilnt a udmiui.itrHtor ot the estate of Tho. J. iSulllvari, r deeeaned. All IK.TXHIS hnvlliR cliilins iitfHlnnt the entiitu of eiild dveedied, nre iifiehy notlfled to proent them to me with the proper vouchers ut the oltico of lluntliiRtou it U'llson, uitbia i.x mouthx ftoia date hen- I, Iintttl Juuuary 19, ISO?. 1IOUATI0 FAItOllEII, Adinliil.itniior. JTUS-(JKIHCMIOKU KU & KUEDV, Physicians and Surgeons, & attention kIvuii lo nursery. HooniK 21 ami 2, Tel. S2S VcgtlJIock Wasco Ware house Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TmmD Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- ton Flour. This Flour uh) ; every We toll our pooda lower tlian any home in the trade, and if you don't ttiink m call and get our pricea and be convinced. Highest Price Paid for WJmt, Barley and Oat. ..CHflS. ?W. Butchcns and Fanmefs ..Exchange.. liroiw mi dnuiu'ht llio culclinitPit COl.l'MU A ik'HiiiuI ljiHt llio lft Ii-or In The ll:ilk'., tt t t ti' ii -tin 1 piice. ('nine In, try l mill ho i'ii' vliicril, Abo the I'll!' st brands of Wltici, 1.1 iiur n ml (.:Ikiiti. Sonduuiches of till Kinds uhvuys on hiiiiil. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. nt.VNsSACT.V OK.VKU.VI.llANKt.VU IJUSt.SEH letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Stntes. Sight EM'linnge and Tehnrraphu Traii-lers sold on New York. Chiutco. St. I.nnif, San Francisco, Portland Or ton, Seattle Wash,, and various polnte in Oregon and Washington. Collection ma le at all points on fav orably lerniH, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker 4 Jeweler All work jiromptly nttcaded lo, unit warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. IK I'ncen a Wrck. 1.10 I'liperH Year It stands first among '"weekly" papers in eizo, frequency of publication frt'siuit'MS, vuriett and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically n daily at the Ion price o a weekly: and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will '."jucii for tlie accuracy and fairiit'sB of its news coiunitiB. It is splendidly illustrated, and unionc its special features are a fine limner page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a Inn (cries of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, (,'uiiKti Diiylfl, Jtjruinti 11, .lurnine, Htnnley Wnyniaiij lary K. AVIIkhiH Antliiiny lliipe, llrnt llnrto, llruutlnr MulthowH, Klc. ofTer this unequaled newspaper and Tho Dalles Twico-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for f 2.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. Notice of Final Settlement. I Notice Is hereby given Unit the illiilfrkined : Inn, tllui in the nllico of the County Clerk, of vuco county, uer niiiu nccoiuii n iKimiiuxirlx of the ent ile ot I. I. llurxet, mid Unit by order tit the County Court, fur mid County, Monday, the 2d dny of May, IfWi, Im been llxcd nit the time and the court riMiin of tU Court n the pluce for the hear I UK of Mild Huh! account. All pennns Interested in drIiI estate arc notilled to npieiir nt idtl time null place mid dhow chum: why nalil llmil account nhniild not be iipprovetl mid til Imnd. A. T. llL'ISOKI'. mcli.Vll. Adnililliitrutcix. Administratrix Notice. Notice Is hereby given Unit the iindcralgned us been rvguhirly uppriiutetl by the county court of the htatu of Ortiton forAViuro County ut BdliillllxtrHtriX of the eitato nt Cbiirleri W. John Mton, det'enneo. All m.tiiii8 liuvlng eluliiu. ' HKMiii't siuu t-suiit! arc nureny no'iuen io pre tent Idem, with the proper vouehnre, to nie at thcolhcc of W. II. SVlUou, In Dulles City, Ore gun, within kix inuiitlis (ruin the date uf this notice. Dulles Cily, Oregon. Teb.2.1, 1"W. CAituii: ji. juiinston, lebM' i AdiniiiLttrutru. ..L.J! I u manufactured expretaly (or family Hack it guaranteed tu give eatiafaction. If ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT. l'AIIL ' IUINNEAIMM.I IXM.UTII FA ICO( ni'.AXI) FIMt UUOOKSTON TriNMrcn IIRI.KNA Mil IlL'TTK TO Through Tickets TO CIUCAOO WAHHINOTOM I'llll.AIllCI.I'lllA KKIV YOltK llOSTON AMI Al.l. 1'OINTH KANT Mini NOUTH Kor liifnrnnitlon, lime cards, inupt and tlrtuta, cal on or write to W. C. AI.LAWAY. Agent, The DalleH, Oti'Bou oh A. D. CHARLTON. AfHt. G. I. A., 2.H. .Morrison Cor. Third. I'ortlima Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or Tin: Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trttliio leave anil nre due to nrrlvu nt l'nrtlm. I.KAVK. OVKIM.AND KX-1 Iircftii, bideiu, Kose-' inrg, Ahhliinil, Hue-1 s:co r. ji. riiuienio, UKuen,ann ; Krunoieo, Mojitve, ( l.oh Atigelc,r.l 1'ano, I Nttv ttrlt'HiiK into I I I Kant . J j"'A t m ilioneburg Hiid way ttu a.uO A'a'itloiiH ... V. M Dully except Buutlays. r in vtoodhitrn furl i I Mt.Angel, Hllvorlon, I West Heln, Drowns- ! ville.tjprtuglleld nnd (.Nutrou J Dully except bundiiyj ... , ., (CnrvulIlK iiikI WRyj :50 r.M. INDKl'KNDKNCK l'AKKNGKIt. Kxpreas tralu D.i.'.'y (except Huiiday). Ij.'flp. in. (l.v. ...1'ortlnncl Ar.) 8:2in. m p. in. .i .-ucJiinuviuc .i.v. a;.vuH,m 8:: p. in. i.r iiiiiepunucncc.i.v,) I :r0 tt. in 'Dully, (Daily, except tiuudiiy, DINING CAIiS O.N OGDEN IIOUTE. ri'til.MAN 11UKKET KLKKl'Kl'.B AND HEC'OND-CI.ASS KLKEI'ING CAP.b Attached to nil Through Truiiu. Direct eoiineetloii nt fan Kritliclsco with Ocnl ilcnti'.l mid Oriental nnd Paelllc mall KteHiiibhlp lines for JATAN nnd CHINA. Hiilllng datcu on il) pllciition. nates ami tlckctn to Knuterii points mid Ku roiie. AlioJAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU nnd Al'bTitAI.IA, can tie obtiiinitl from J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Ofllee, M Third street, where through tlckctH to uil poliitu In the Kustcrn Hlaten, Camilla and turojie can be obtained at lowest iitten from J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent. All nbnvu ttiiliiM nrrlvu at mid depart I rum Gruud Central Htatlou, Fifth nnd Irving street. YAMIIILI. HIVIBION. I'ukbenger Dejiot, loot of Jerterum street. Ix?nve for or OSWEGO, dully, except Sunday, at i 12;S0, l:.Vi, 5:16, 6:23, Htft'i p. m. i :M a. m. fund 11::X) n. in. on Hatunlav onlv. and 9:uD a. m mid :3 p. m. on huiiiIiijh only). Arrive at I'ortland dally at 0:i0 and H:30 it m.;uudl:35, 1:10, 0;'.u nnil 7:.V p. m., (and lu:0, u, m , 3-15 6:10 p. in. ou MumlHyn only. Ix'iive for Hhcrldan, week days, atl:S0p. m Arrive ut I'ortland, U::S0 a. in. Iavc for AIKI.IK on Slonday, Wednesday and Krl'iiy at : 111 a. in. Arrlv ot Portland, Tum dav, 1 hurtday and Hnturdni it 3:05 p. in. Except Hiiudiiy, "Except Hnturday. 1'.. K0E1ILEU, Manager. (i, II. MABKHAM. Atxt. (!. K. l'us. At 50 Years 50 Uudif jutted supremacy in tho World' Competition. Coopers Sheep Dip. Increases Yiold of Wool. Enhanoes Value of Flock. Cheap, Safe, Ilondy, Clean, Wholesome and Odorleia. Recommended by Manufacturer, Scour ers and hnyne. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. C. G, Roberta, General Agent, 247 An Streat, Portland, Oregon.