The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 25, 1898, Image 3

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Iadis' Qottop tyose. ! 5ometf?ii)
"Very Much to tho Good."
Not Very Expensive,
...reseept Bieyeles.,
1893 Models are now ready for inspection.
Fricas fi om $27.50 to $50.00.
One '0o Ladies' Clevc- OQH ''
land Wheel OilU g
UlUU t
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.
Two '97 Eagle Wheels
Wo have n5t received a lino of cotton
hosiery that to pot feet in Style, finiDh an J
"1IEK.M3D0UF FAST BLACK" is stamped
on every pulr of ilio b'ook goods.
Plain nml r i 1 t kmI (ops in Black mul tlic
luti'Ft elmik'H of Tun 25 Mints.
Finer grades in 50 and 00 gauge.:!."), -10, 45c
A beautiful assortment in Loco stripes,
Silk Embroidered Boot and Chicked Hosiery
at 50 "nd 75 cents pur pair.
But Very Nice.-
There isn't another line in (he city
that can meet such a requirement as this
with such a quantity as you will find in
our stock of grips and telescopes.
Something can always he found here,
in good taste at the wished for price.
One '96 Cleveland....
Gent's Wheel
One '95 Eagle Gent's
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
One '97 Boy's Eagle
One '97 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our new stock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
M AltOlI 25, 1808
A special received to
day says:
Tho Spaniard are not
ondoavorimr to settlo the
existing trouble peaceably i
but on the contrary are
looking for a fight. Tho
Spanish flotlla has start
ed west from the Canary
islands and' our govern
ment says ijt must stop.
At no time since tho bo-
ginning of
tho 1 rouble
has tho situation looked
so critical as it does at
tho present
tho dogs of
war may bo
turned loose at any mo
Weather Tonigat nml Saturday, fair
mid cooler.
Mil. Anderson, queen of tho Masonp,
died last night.
Now lluo of Delft Ware juat rocelvod
at Maier & Benton's.
Bicycle sundries, (tolling tackle, guns,
rillea and revolvers at Maior & Benton's.
A now lino of '08 models. I Tour hi
cycles at Maier & Bonton'a. Call and
see them.
Tho celebrated maltose cross garden
hose, a largo shipment just recoived at
Maier & Uenton'e.
A band of boot cattle for the Columbia
Packing Company, woro delivered at tho
stockyards by A. A. Bonney today.
Mies Harriot Stevens came up from
Portland yesterday to commeuce her
work us n toucher of vocal music in this
The Indies of tho Good Intont will
have their usual sale of pies, cakee,
doughnuts, ntc, in tho Vogt tnilldlng to
morrow. Latest advices state that Gladfltone is
rapidly noaring tho end. Tho "Grand
Old Man's" physicians say that his
hours are numboiod.
A drunk was brought before the re
corder this morning, and as ho did not
have tho price to pay his fine he la la
wring on the city's woodpile today.
All that could bo learned from the
"tale convention today was that an or
Ban.zatlon had been effected of the
hreo parties, and a platform adopt
ed. No nomlnatloua had been made
when tho last telegram was received and
us yet we cannot give the names of any
of the candidates.
A telegram was received by the friends
of Rev. 0. 1). Taylor ttiis morning, bat
ing tlmt the supreme court of Michigan
had interfered in tho case and he would
not be Imprisoned as stated a few days
On exhibition in A. M. Williams &
Co.'s mammoth show windows may be
I vtnii snniH nf thn li'iulme iinnnlnr Rtvli'R
and cloths in spring and on miner suits
for men's wear. Tho firm extends n
cordial invitatiou to all to inspect their
stock. Seeing is free.
Yesterday Darnel Kelly, of Antelope,
paused through the city on his way to
the hospital In Portland. He has for
some time been suffering from a severe
attack of rheumatism and goes there for
treatment. He was accompanied by P.
J. Welch, of Antelope.
Word wa9 received yesterday that Guy
j McLavy, who formerly drove stage be
tween this place and Goldendalo, and
who is at present at Wapinitia, was in a
critical condition and not expected to
live. His brother, Hoy McLavy, and
Charles Alvoid loft for Wapinitia this
A telegram was received last night by
Albert Bottingon informing him tlmt
bis father, A. Bettingon, who is at pres
ent visiting in Fiisco, is suffering from
a severe attack of pneumonia. As tho,
old gentleman is udvnnced in years,
much concern is felt about him by his
'riunds. Albert Bettingtn left for San
aneisco this morning to visit lain.
Services at the Christian church Sun
day as usual. Elder Boltz' subject at
11 a. m. will be "Tho Two Masters; text,
Bom. vi :28, "The wages of sin is death,
but the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ, our Lord." Sub
ject at 7:fl0 in tho evening, "Semi-Para-slieism;"
text, Phil, ii :12, "Work out
your own salvation with fear and trem
bling." Mrs. Phillips will on tomorrow (Sat
urday) afternoon and evening have her
regular Easter opening and display of
pattern hats and bonnets, to which all
aro cordially Invited. Having mado a
pergonal selection of the same in Sau
Francisco, except such as camo from
Chicago and St. Louis, thoy aro of tho
very best procurable, and a large stock
to select from.
Rov. Wood, of this city, has received a
letter from the well-known evangelist,
E. F. Miller, in which he states that he
will beln this city about April 2d, and
will begin revival services on the even
ing of the 2d or 3d nt the latest at the
M. E. church. Mr. Miller has almost a
national reputation, and his coming is
looked forward to with pleasure by
all Interested In tho work.
It seems that souio of the potty thlovcB
with whom other towns have been In
fested, have reached The Dalles, and It
would bo well for our citizens to bar the
doors and windowa more tightly. This
morning whoa Mr. Win, Michell got up
ii nd started to dress, he found that tils
pants, which he had hung over a chair
near his bedside, bad born stolen. For
tunately there was but $1.75 in the
pockets, nnd no doubt the burglar was
disappointed. Evidently they made no
attempt to burglariza further, as no
traces were found, while several small
articles of value were within easy ac
cess. Major W. S. Bowan arrived in this
city tin's morning. Major Bowan was
detailed bv Gov. Lord, us inspector of
troops, and has been through Eastern
Oregon inspecting tho different com
panies. Tonight Company G, of this
place, will undergo an inspection. This
will end the major's duties on this side
of the mountains, as all of the other com
panies have already been inspected and
are ready to lend a hand in case the ex
pected trouble comes.
Johu Fitrgerald received a telegram
last night stating that his eistcr-in-!iw,
Mrs. D. II. Seaver, formerly of this
place, had been drowned nt Sprngue
yesteiday lUternoon, but no particulars
were learned of the accident. Mrs.
Seaver was a daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Wm. Snyder, who, for u numberof years,
were in the restaurant business in this
city, and was 31 years old. Several
years ago sho married D. II. Seaver, a
conductor on tho 0. R. & N., and since
that time has lived at Sprague. She
leaves a husband, three small children
and three sisters to mourn her loss. As
yet it has not been decided where the
funeral will be held, but in all probabili
ty it will be at Sprngue, Satuulay.
Wo have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co.
Th o niore Victims I'rolialily
tlie Lone List.
Added to
Henry continued through bis whole i
life, making Ahuota lruit notorious for .
excellence wherever known. These, j
About p week ago Mat Nydgist and a
partner in the fishing business named
Swan Swanson left The DaMes for their
fishing grounds below Lyle, and, since
that time nothing has been seen or
beard of the two. Yesterday Mr. Jacob
son, of White Salmon, found their boat
near that place, and the supposition at
present is that they were drowned.
The hoat contained a number of arti
cles they had purchased while here, and
among the other things was a quantity
of whiskey. It is the supposition that
they became intoxicated, and falling
overboard,,wpre both drowned. Other
wise they would have been beard of be
fore this,
Swanson Wa Gertfon bos3 at the com
pany lues;. Rous? rUVrreen this pluee and
Celilo, for a icrjf. -whihiiNydgist
was for a nnmi;er,o! yprndin-'hoiu-
ploy of Seufert Bros., near this place, i
Both were honest, bard-wprkirig men, J
and it is hoped by their friends and ac
quaintances that they will turn up all
right, in spite of the fact that chances
are against them.
A Lonely Childhood.
'with carinu for the little successor- Hooms in Mrs. Brittla's Lol?in5 House
Martha, now Mrs. Wigle, of Prineville,
and Milly, Mrs. Brown, of Brownsville ; Tc ri ar
They had the advantage in being in at j - At tho Diamond Mills,
the start of the first sight of things. No
harsher sound than the slipping of the J Good milling wheat. Tho highest price
canoe as it wns drawn up on the beach
pebbles ever reached their ears. There 1
were no boys' plays, no "pom porn pull j
away," no mumble peg, nor "duck on !
the rock," no torn ball can we imagine j
among those little blonde iieads in a;
savage world. Their father may have
made them kite?, end an up stream
wind could have been trusted to do the
rest; but the writer's memory of Mr.
Spalding is of one in whom the play
spirit had not survived into manhood.
"Piisoner's base" they had, alas in
dreadful earnest. .Let us hope that tho
memory ot thoso awful tragedies is well
nitjjj Eujtened hy the lapse of years and
the SscuJ. chaise rol circumstances. In this c'nai.d'- inO'ff marked
than when Mrs. Iltu'ry Spalding, cb- (
serving that her husband's strWi th was
f.iiliiu, and wishing to communicate j
with friends, went to the long-distauce '
telephone and spoke to her friend, Mrs. j
Crandall, in Tho Dalles. What more '
AtlvcrtUvcl Letter.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the po9toflke at The Dalles un
called for March 2o, 1898. Persons
calling for the same will give date en
which they were advertised :
Brunot, Jane Bird, Allro
Bunzey, Mary Burn-, E W
Clark, L A Coleman, F II
Covert, J H (4) Davidson, Albert
Engmaii, Martin (2 Evans, Bello
Ellis, Khoda Gardner, Wm
Harper, R W Harris, Mamie
liackathorn, Geo A Hansen, Herman (S)
Hardest', II Harris, F II
Jacobsen, Mabel Jenkins, J W
Jones Cash Store, Johnson, Bell
Moran, B
Peterson, O A
Kay, Wiley E
Shipley, Oscar
Towneend, Hv
Wilkins, Nellie
Whitaker. J R
An Intel eciing Htory -is attractive at
all times. No.iii:a:on..r.FiiriLt.t"r ,fi e
evenings at home be spent without
reading matter in these days'wheii od
books cost so little. Our" strch'so.ilt"rV
evidence of tho power to work magic , e J " ' 'ft, l-" : "V", an,
,, ., ,. ' , . , standard literature winch will interi-st
wouiu me eiuer iienry nave cuncei veu 1 1,ni
of in those earlv ami lonely days? And!
j what do our wildest fancies imagine!
' IT.itr'ia n . Hi! tii.iv cua ua full !
'of years, come to the river's brink, j Book & fllUSie Company,
! where earth's greatest dreams give place
E. M. W.
Marshall, Frank M
O'Noil, Wm G
Ray, Bessie
Rusk, Chits
Syring, G
lowinenU, j ii
J. Ashby is in from Antelope to-
I .1. W. Ward is in tho city today from
Wm. Mansfield wont to Portland on
business this morning.
E. Jacobsen returned last night from
a business trip to Portland.
Harrv O. Llebe returned last night
from a short visit in Portland.
Mlsa Elva Gaunt, who has been visit
ing in this ilty for some time, left for
her home in Centervllle today.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That it wtiat It was mde for.
It wouiu be hard to parallel the pecul
iar circumstances surrounding the in
fancy and childhcod of Henry Spalding,
whoso life was so sadly closed this week
while defending his home and house
hold :oods from destruction. An only
son has always a special position. But
this bov, when, fiftv-seven years ago,
hn hpiiMii Inn 1'iirtlilr ivit.riri whs !
more especially placed. No eronp of j iet of aii. j
loving relatives to welcome his birth; To cleanse the system in a gentle and I
uo grandmother's caresses; no sympa- truly beneficial manner, when the I
thetii! neighbors to share in the care of i springtime comes, use the true and per-
I. C. Nidelsen
to what is bevond?
the tinder infant. At no time does the
terrible isolation of the early missknaiy
show more vividly than on the occasions
when the care of mortal life begins or
when it ends. Happily fur tho little
man, tho good Dr. Whitman's services
were within reach. vValulatpu toLip
wr.i was not too long a lide for the med
ical man's puny in lime of need.
Wo eau imagine the joy of the lonely
little girl, now Mrs. Warren, of Water-villi-,
Waeh., at the advent of the baby
brother. Bin to the growing yeais of
Why do wo retail more Cigars than
Why do smokers go out of their way
and puss cigars of the Eame grade?
Not because we have better cigars
sponsible party. Also u responsible . or letter brands, or any greater variety ;
feet remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the
genuine. Manufactured by tho Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by
all druguists, at 50 cents per bottle.
Farm fur Kent.
The farm known as tho Crato Dona
tion Claim, situated on the river, five
miles west of The Ihlles, consisting of
abcut -10J acres, will be rented to re-
hand wanted
Apply to
to take-charge of a no, not that.
Max Vogt & Co,
tho boy there, was no uuuked epoch of mar?3-0t
kindergarten or public school. His kin- H,,ieareaU (ur KlujS nMrinhoo 11
dergarter. was at I.I motherV knee, u for H9 f(J0W(, . Tliuredaj. eVt).
jj'puv. iiiiur, iu j , ilia irrcuun iii'iti
Why, because wc have tho finest ci-
!gar case in the stato and keep our cigava
in better condition.
Snipos-Kinorsly Drug Co,
learned there. Boy playma'es lie had
none. Myron and Edwin Kell? and tl c
Walker boys were at Tshiniakain, near
tho Col villi) legion, There must have
been visits, when, of course, the wliole
family went along, the little fellows
strung around the parents oti tho well
broken saddle horse, and wo can im
agine tho delight and joy with which
they were participated. But for the
most part Eliza and little Henry made
their own plays and amusements, bows
and arrows, pony riding, work with
their most industrious parents, perhaps
helping to plant the seeds of that pri
meval and historical orchard; work that
ing, March 24th, nt 9 p. in., in Schanuo's
hall, song rehearsal ; Friday, March
25th, Schanuo's hall, 9 p. in., lanterns;
I Saturday, March 2G!h, 9 p, in., at
j Sciianu i's hall, natives, Tho grand
production of King Hallahaboola II will
i take place on Tuesday eveu'ny, April
Children and adults tortured by burns,
scalds, injuries, e.dma or ekiu diseases
may secure instant relief by using De
Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve.-It is the
great pile remedy.
Dr. Shackelford has removed ilia office
to room 1-1, Vogt block, over the post-
A siileiuliil r.fsottment nf Vege
table, Unrdcii mul iiiats smh In
lluU. Seed Wheat, Seed O.iU,
Seed Hurley, Seed Heed Hye,
Oil Meal dike unci IVrlllUcr,
Deo Buiillt's, Kurly Ko.-o 1'otu
tocn. Klcveu kinds ol ilrt eaa
Swt Corn. I'oultry unit Kggs
bought una sold ut
neap Uasti (itocory nnd Fe
tHore, Second and Unfuii titt