It if Tbe Dalles Dafly Chwnick Ailvortlxlnc Mutes. or Jet In! pally ! 55 ' Over turn llichrs nnd lin.lcr IOUT mcnes. ... iw, Otct four Inches nnd under twelve inches.. 73 Orcr twelve Inches DAILY AND WCSKLY. One Inch or less, tier Inch .Jj an Over one Inch nnd tinder four Inches. . 2 oo Orcr four lnche nnd under twelve luches. . 1 !0 , Over elve Inches ICO: AVeekly ClubliliiR Union Chroniclo nnd Oregonian Chronicle nnd Exnminor Chronicle unit Inter Ocean Chronicle anil Tribune -n..,:.,i ...i v v Wm-tii ''o 25 , l.So i nn ' -r-- -.- i .--- ' FRIDAY . - AT A T? f 1 IT iV 1S!)S Call for Republican County Convention and Notice of Primary Elections. Tlie Republican Cmmtv Convention of Wnsro county, Bttite of Oreson, 1 hereby culled to meet .in italics Citr, in suld county, on Wrclntxiluy, April G, 1S0K, mt the hour of S o'clock a. m of sii'd day, for tho Jiurpoye of iioniiiiiitingc.iii'liil.ites for the follow ng county officers: One Couutv Commissioner. County Clerk, Count) Sheriff, County Treasurer. County A nessor, Couutv School Pupeilntetident, Cuuntv Coroner and County Surveyor; also jirccluct of ficers for the several precincts of said county: and ten delegates to thu Iiepubllcan State nnd Second District Conirre.toiml Conventions, and to transact Mich other business as may properly come before said County Convention. The convention will consist of 03 delegates chosen by the several precincts, and the several -precincts of suli; count) ill be eutltled to repre sentation in said convention as follows: Antelope . Utcelow JUIdwin Hake Oven . . . ColumbU . JJufur . . . Deschutes East Dalle. East I!o(.t I'.i cr Xlght Mile. . ..8 Kins-sky 2 . S Moster .3 Nansctie ... . - .... Oak Orove. :i ' Ramsey . - 1 TjRh Valley S .5 Trevitt 7 U Vljlito 2 . a West Dalles ... 7 2 West Hood I'.lver ...8 .C Wamic 2 The tame being one delegate at large from each precinct, and one delegate for e ery twtnty-llve votes and one delegate for cverv fraction over one-half of twenty-live votes cast in each of said Iirecl: cts for Hon. T. T. deer, Itcpublican candi date for presidential elector at the November election In IsvO. PRIMARIES. "Primaries to eit-ct d-.lerjt to said County Convention will beheld in en"h nrecincLi in said Wasco county on March 2ii. LsOS. In East Dalles precinct the polls of said -primnrv election will be located a: the East End Ilase Co.'s house, and I). II. Roberts, W. II. Butts and L. B. Davis will actns Judges nt said elec tion. In lilgelow precinct the polls will br lo cated at the otlice of Win. Michel), nnd A. X. Varncy, J. E. Harnett and Douzlas Dufur will act as Judges at snia eitction. In Trevitt pre cinct the polls will b lotuted in the county coart room, and C. E. liavard, Frank Vozt and S. lu Brooks uill net as judges at said election; and in West Dalles precinct the polls will be lo cated nt the Cltv Mills, and W. D. Dart, U. M. Fouts and J. K Staniel. will act as judges of said election. In Antelope precinct the polls ui'l be located at the usual voting place, and D. -. Klrasey, K. N. Pplcci and F Irvine will act as j idgeseif said election. The 'wills in each of said precincts, In said pri mary election, will be kept open from 12 o'clock tiijon to 7 p. in. for the reception of votes. The polls in each of the other precincts in the county will be located in the usual votins places in each -precinct, and will be opened at the hour of 2 o'clock p. ni. on said 20th day of March, la'J3, and the elecilon will be conducted la the usual manner. Dated at Dalles Cltv, Oregon, thl Oth day of March, liVS. J. M. IMTTEKi-ON, Chairman Republican County Com. If. T. NOLAN, Secretary. LAKE AMIAJIEXTS. The appropriation of $500,000 for the construction of a war vessel for the great lakes is no violation of the spirit of the old treat', however it may stand in relation to the letter. Ity strict terms of the treaty Britain and the United States are each bound to keep uo rooic than one wntship on the waters' that divide the dominion .from the republic. The Michigan, which now has the name of a war sbip, has the name only. She is a relic rather than a force. She could not live for five minutes in a battle waged in modern style. The queen's ambassador nt Washington is report ed as offering no protest against the action of our government in this matter. This may be significant of an intent to abrogate u treat' that was made to meet widely different international conditions from those which now prevail, or it may be just an expression of British friendliness and good will. It is true that war between the United States and Great Britain has li.en regaided ns nil but impossible for many years, and at present there Is a nearer approach to cordial friend- efaip than ut any time iince 1811 Nevertheless, during the discussion of the Venezuela matter, the Bchring eeu question, nnd the North Atlantic fisheries question tho relations be tween the two countries were strained. Commerce acts as a pence maker be tween Britain and the United States. If trouble ever come it is more likely 4o come by way of Canada than from ' ay other direction, and therefore we lltould be strong on our northern jborder. Tho dominion is a some what braggart youngster, apt to be aucy andiqunriclsome and to shout, Til ruR hone and tell' when called r1 recouat for iHiblcncc. OfMnd'by.itielf 'Cnnnrin never can bo a serious factor against the pence of tho United States; but fussy cliil drou often arc causes of quarrel be tween grown folks. A proper demon stratton of national foiCO Oil the 1nVa mii'llt l)C a t'llC.U) insurance . , I against costly trouble : The dawn rising of n brighter day is J for Cuba. Intcrvcn j i slowlv . ! tion by this country, in view of all j 'that has lately happened, seems an assured fact, and if not intervention, our threatened trouble with Spain, if it pass into reality will mean the! ... - . , .. r... -I. I liberation of Cuba from Spanish bondage. The visits nt different times of Senators Proctor nnd Gal linger, and their statements in the senate of the misery their eyes wit nessed, supplied the necessar' incen tive to arouse the American people and, in the name of honesty, put an end to the unchristian slaughter and treatment to which innocent people in Cuba are subjected. It cannot be but that the end of the Cuban revolution is near at hand, and that, after nearly a century of yearning for liberty, the boon is at hist to be granted. "The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceed ing small." Some measure of justice will have been meted out to Cuba before the present year closes. The Republican party of "Wasco county has a splendid opportunity to he successful in the coming count' campaign. Altuounh the foices of fusion arc numerically strong, the ticket put up by them is confessedly weak and cannot secure the support even of the fusionists. If the Re publicans nominate a clear, straight forward ticket, there can be no ques tion as to the result of the election. The primaries, which arc to be held tomorrow, should be made a means to this end. Every Republican voter who has the interests of his party at heart should attend the primary polls and vote for delegates to the county convention who will nominate only such men who deserve recognition. The primary is the place where the battle is fought, and the friends of good government should be on the watch and see that the delegates to the county convention arc woithy representatives of the party. Sons nt Veteran' Kntertiilument. The Sons of Veterans will give an en tertainment nest TuecUay evening, March 8th. A good program, consist ing of patriotic songs, recitations and mimical selections. In conclusion a fine lunch, donatpd by the V. It. C, will be served. ONE FOR A DOSE. Rll 1 f n-moTe PimpVj, PrTent H I 3fe Lata Heviscl)oan(llrpepji. LJLEJSt .J,Z.1ZW'.S', tbe, "" etch da; la ncesury 2Z r!'?i' nS "',"" "mpla f r, or fall l,ox for K.bMi,,iMstiu. DR. B0SANK0 CO.PhHfcP FOR SALE. Two lots, Xo3. 11 and 12, in block 14, Gates Addition, Tim D-tllea, Oregon. For particulars address the nri(h'rigned. M. E. Fvhumaby, 19-4w Bos 178, CJolil.ndale, Wash. If the United States and Spain become involvvd in war, it will he impo-Vilile to import Havana tobacco. Consequently high grade Havana cguis will incrt.M-t! in price. Lay in a supply of Priz Medal cigars while the price remains tho same. 10-tf Sheepmen, call at Clarltn ft Falk's and get prices on thu La Plata Sheep Dip. It is uon-poieniioiig, inisea in htantly with cold water, and it iti an in fallible cure for eut, hoof rot, licit and ticks. 1 tf II 8 1IUNTI.VOTO.V II 8 UILSO.N "T UNTIKUTOK & WILSON, Ai lUri.lLin A I MB, 1111. UAl.1,1, Dlir.UU.N Oflicoovi'r Hirst Nut. Iliinlc, Ask your Druggist for ageneroaa IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. CiiT ff? H lit B rlf fl Si. "HE n..u a ni irHfmrAW". conUiM no cocaine. mercury nor any other Injurioaidrag. UU quickly AUortwd. QiTMlteliefatonco. It open and cfevuea tfeo Maaal l'$tx. COLD'NHEA Allaya iBlUmoution. Ileal and I'rotueti tho Meml.rane. llniniu thn i Bcums ot Tate and Kmell. J-VII 81xo five ; Trial ii: J BWriJiKifj ot W?t SIXtV, fWTWli Reeommendation. 3, hlk&tvi-U: A recommendation is necessary to many persons. A tlruireist appreciate! it when coining from h good physician especially. The character of our drug?, thu dispatch and urcrnac.v with which isll formulas ate treated has made ua n ropu lixtinn we shall endeavor at all times to retain. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES. Just CUhat You ttlant. New idea9 in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced a single Block. Ileal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorincs, yonrs for a small price, at our -store on Third street. Also n full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Regulator Line The Dalles. Fortlaai ana Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator S Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE BETWEEN Tlie Dnllcfl, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port, land dally, "tvn humluy. DOWN THE VALLEY OR TO EASTERN OREGON? Arc vou going II io, tnc money and enjoy a beautiful trip on ...b wi'iuiiiiftit, . ..w 1-i.juiiii ,111,11 njIIVGBCIl Tlie D-illt-i in miii, In lime lor im-cntrcm to take tlie sicHmi;rt arriving In Portland in time for the mitxolnf; Hoiittieru and Northern tmiiin; hound iMueneeik unlvine In The liallea In lime to lake thu Kast-bouod train, r'or further iiitomiatlon uj.ply to J' '""atrwt nVjclf'ortlnnd. Oregon. Or W C. AU.AWAY, lien. A (ft., Too Dalles, Oregon HOR8E8 AND MULES FOR SALE I have sixteen head of 3 and 4 year I inuleH (hroke) lor sale. I also have i horses, mares and ueldiiiga for sale, j weighing from IKK) to 1400 pounds. Any one wantinir work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to get them cheap for cash. Jambs Buow.v, f231ro.i Victor, Or. navtl I :'.. THO UmoUi littK pills. VM-WJT7 ) I Jr 41 m m m m Tl- I Weekly fJ!l9cl LSRGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST it Is Morally Clean and ns n It is radically Repoblicon, advocating I vikBut it can alvays he relied on S the cardinal doctrinfs of that party I for fair and honest reports of all po rn with ability and carncstnesj.,'' I litlcal movemcntsiiJSvistUt The Literature of its columns la equal to that of the best mnga' zincs. It is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, 1 and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF S THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy 2 with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint... N nn-Dinc five nm m W1 fv i . vni. wwx 1 ! THE DAILY ATOSUrTnTTEDITIONS OF T HE i IMTER OCEAlf ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. ! rrlcooTDnll v lv mull $4.00 per year ITionrSiiiuiuT byninll 3 00 por yenr Unlly and Sunday liynmll $0.00 pir yenr ( Wholesale. jVIfl-T LtlQUOS, CUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-knovn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body -with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 7VL Z. DONNELL, PESCIPTIOI DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williaine & Co., has enho has Gfandall&Borget DEALEIiS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies Subscribe for The Chroinele Inter Ocean I POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST 8 OOSAM SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. 1 1 bps vfir-SI.OD - .fi! . . I I" - BUSCH and BEER and In bottles AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR the best Dress Goods the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Stor9. C. F. STEPHENS. -Hl Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. 0.R8K TO THE EMSTI GIVES THE CHOICE OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -vu- Spokane Salt Lake Minneapolis Denver ?a'?1 Omaha Chicago Kansas City Lew Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON GEO. 01. EliDEfj AND CITY Of TOPEKfl I.cnvo Portland every five dnys for ALASKA POINTS. OCEAN HTKAMEKH 1'urtlnud ;EerV Four l)iv fo. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. StcntnerB monthly from Portland to Yokohama nnd Hong Kong in North ern PaoIIie Sti-nuiehip Co., in connection with O. It. & N. Knr lull ilclnllh cull mi O. U A Cn. h ARCtlt Tin.- DhIIch, or address w. ii. m iii.iirnT. dun. I'nss. i(;t , I'ortlnnd.Or DOnsO.V, CAUI.IU. i CO., Ocn. Acts., Nurtli l'licllie Stcnnisliip Co. tiujk cTitn. No. I, to 9wikune nml Hrent Nortlicrn nrrlves ut.'i.'i'ni. in,, lunvcK lit ri:rai p. in. No. '., to lViulle ton, linUor City mill Union I'liclllc.urrivraut 11.15 li. in,, ilcixirth ut 11:50 p. in. Xo .'!, from Spoknnu nnd Orent Nnrthcrn, nr rivex nt C'flO n. in., ilupiirtu nt CuM n. m. No. 1, from linker City nml Unlo, l'uuillu, urrivca at 3:'Ji) n. m., (iPpnrtH nt :i:30 n. m. Kos. 'Zl nml -I, movliiR wist of Thu Dulles, will rnrry piissuiiKorn. No. 23 urrlvus tit 5 p. in., So. 21 departs nt 1:15 p. in. li!Hnt,'ers for Huppnur tnkc No 'J, leaving haunt 11:15 n. ni. W, II. itUKLUUUT, Otn. 1'nui.Aftt I'ortlniiil, OrcKon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Snipes-Kinersiy Drug Co. 129 Secod Street, THE DALLES, OREGON J. 6, HCIIENK, i'rciilduiit. II. Jl.Iirat, Cashier First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREOOr- A uonentl ttuitKiiiij OuaineHB tnuintn-uu Dopoalte rocoivetl, tmhject to Mi-rht Plrnfl rr PIltM-k. Collections mtwie anil proceedH promptly rin dnv (if nnlloctioil. Sight and Tolesraohie Erclmmtf Hold on Hew York, Han tranclact. un land. DIHICCTOKh D. P. Thomi-hon. Jwo. K. m iiknck. EU. M. WlLWAMH, liKO. A I.IKI1K. H M. UKAM. NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. Uhd OmcKTiiB l)ur.r. 0t.,l Kuliruury If', 1. Notice Ik liorcbv irlvcn llmt tun .''II'' 'A named nuttloi Ii.ih ilkd notice o Iilx " 'W"" V make llmil wmif In nuppiii t uf h Ij clt that laid proof will b - umdo buimu HfJ Xt. ltccclvcr ot Tho Dulltii. wrtKOli, on Hutliruiy April 1C, 189H, viz; Juuie IUII, ofTlif uulii". II. E. No. 4717, lor the HKJi N WW. H M'A flDl1 KWiNKBo.itl,TpilN.,.l . uo iiiuni;! hid luiiuwiiiK "," ..i. uitlofl hln contlnuoun retdcitco upon nml ciiitiv."'"" of mid lund, viz.: . n inlim Alexander Vance, Albert WnltcrB, V , 1'iw Wolf, Krank ObrUt, all ol aim imlic( tiifK"''- u-lt .'AH, V, SlO'Jiir.. i.w"