The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 25, 1898, Image 1

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    1) e D n 1 1 CO
NO 10
Spain Will Demand Indem
nity From Us.
AU(11,l in IlnlUt Buropcnn Sj mpatiiy
-Aiiifrlrim Drilled Krniitiiti
Krimi Court Martini.
In cuse of a dctnnnd being ntncle X
upun Spain by tlio United Stolen 4
9 for pawnent of any indemnity for K
tlm destruction of tho Maine in J
Havana harbor, tho latest plan of X
tlie Madrid government is to put , i
inaconuter claim for alleged dam- at
ague eaiibod by American lllibue-
vKixliiiniis In Cuba. This
It I v i -
f demand, It is said, will not be J
i inailu with the hope that it M ill be J
granted, UHl as u puegiiiiu menus
of exulting the sympathy of tho
European powers and forcing tho
United Stales to arbitrato this dia
pate. WaV W
Nkw Vohk, Mar. 24. A Havana dis
patch toys :
It 1b moht probable indeed, It is al
most certain that if tho United Stutes
claims indemnity fur tho Ioeh of tho
Uaine, Spain will put in a counter-claim
for hundreds of millions of dollars for
damage through filibuHtoring. expedi
tions fitted out In America and permit
ted to sail from Amorican ports by tho
harbor officials.
Ono of tho Highest Spanish officials in
Cuba stated that Spain's answer to an
American dcuiauu for a Maine indemnity
would enrelv be as indicated. Ho reluc
tantly admitted that a blank refusal to
pay fur the battleship would not be
backed by Europe, but tie seemed us
euredof the fact that should Spain oiler
to pay promptly, say .50,000,000, for tho
loesof the limine if tho United States
would pay $100,01)0.000 for Spanish losses
thruu2.l1 Culiau (iHbiiBteriiig, Austria
and France would at least ndeavor to
make them their own nfTairs, and thus
give to Spain tho thing alio has been
clamoring for all tho last three yeare,
and the only thing she has possibly
gained, time.
Should the Spanish indemnity for tho
Maine dieaster become a quubtion for un
international board, and should its de
cition be the deciding point of American
inlewntion, either America will have
to feed Cuba a whole year or more, or
theCuUne will become practically ex
tinct. For delay after delay will buioly
consume that much time. If the Cubans
we to live the United States will have
pent by that tlmo as much for their
food as the cost of the Maine. If thoy
n to die, tho quicker their mitery is
mled tho better.
Although hundreds of tons of food
ks now been distributed to sttirvinu
Cubans and the bishop of Havana blesses
Aaeriea for Us Christian use, Iho Span-
W government still denies that there is
Misery there.
La Union Constitutional publishes n
Kong editorial against Messrs. Morgan,
Hiid King, because of tho stand
tb'y Imvo taken In connection with the
nediaaater. It eayt ttio UnitedStates
111 forgive tho loan of life aiid money if
6 Spaniards hand over Cuba, althougn
l0!h American illibiutoringand.yiu.
Wny thousands of Spaniards huve lost
5r)e Salue
Garland's "Happy"
Thought Salvo Is
made right. It la tho
salve you are euro of.
50 cents at DONNELL'S,
Riyal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
their lives in Cuba and the iBland has
been made ndcEert.
Tho Commercial, in nn editorial on
the pamo line, reproaches tho American
newspaper correspondents for the "bad
feelilic thov distilav." an 1 r.ivh it "does
1 not know which to admire tho moic,the
men who write the lies or tho fools who
b dieve them.
N.lf,lli I'Olt l'OICTO RICO.
Tlm Spanish Tiiri. iii riotlllH I. raven
tlm Cuuiirli-s.
Washington, Mar. 24. News reached
tho war department today thnt tho fleet
of Spanish torpedo boats had left the
Canary islands for Porto Rico. This
fact has been communicated to the pres
dent. No question has been nsked of
Spain yet pertaining to this movement
nor has it been decided what action will
be taken by tho navy or state depart
ment under tho circumstances.
Ieulns Cimimt tie Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only ono way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con
dition of tho mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it Is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ton are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of tho mucous sur
faces. Wo will give One Hundred Do!lar3 for
any cuse of DeufnesH (caused by catarrh)
thot cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 0-10
The Gravity o( the (Situation in Fully
New Yokk, Mar. 24. A Pekin special
During the last few days tho consulta
tions between the emperor and high offi
cers of state show thnt China is finally
awakening to tho seriousness of her sit
uation. One night the emperor decided
to resist Ruesla by fotco of arms, but the
lack of money and tho counsels of Li
Hung Chang prevailed upon him to
During a recent discussioti tho empe
ror exclaimed :
"Whv did I not accede to the opening
of 'Fallen Wan when it was proposed by
England Y"
Scenes uf DovuMiitlon all Along tlm A)
Iricht'iiy ttlvir.
I'lrrnuuuci, Mar. 24. A sudden and
decided change in tho temperature has
checked the flow in tho headwaters this
morning, and tho effect was soon notice
ablo here. After reaching thitty feet
tho water begun to recede rapidly. Tho
valley of the Akghcny rlvor Is a tent - of
devastation for many miles.
Tho Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of i-lniplo, honest, God-fearing
men and women, hnvo prepared tho
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is always tho same, pimple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to make tho ShakerB the healthy, long
lived people that thoy are. The Slink
ore never have Indigestion. This la
partly owing to their elm plo mode of
life, partly to the wonderful properties
of Shaker Dlgeitlve Cordial. Indiges
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive juice.
I Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vlgorate the stomach and all its glands
I so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of tho honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, tho formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
, druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bot-
IkaU tlm Klonrtlfce.
Mr. A. O. Thomas, of Marysvillo.Tex.,
has found a more valuable discovery
' than has yet been made in the Klondike.
For years he suffered untold agony from
consumption, nccompaincd by hemmor
rhages; and was absolutely cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares
that gold is of little value iu comparison
with this marvelous cure; would have it,
even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle.
Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and
lung affections are positively cured by
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consump
tion. Ttial bottles free at Ulakeley &
Houghton's drug store. Regular size
GO cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure
or price refunded. 2
l'ror. lout, Optlclnn.
The testing of eyes is not a matter of
gues? work, nor by far only a matter of
trying on a pair of ready made glasses.
It is a science governed by principles
and conditions, which none but a person
who has ttuilied the anatomy of the eye
can understand, i'rof. 1 G. Dout un
derstands his business thoroughly. Call
aud be convinced. He also does all
kinds of Hatch and jewelry repairing,
and will clean your jewelry while you
wait. Two doors west of Keller's bake
ry. Yours to serve,
Pout Optical & Jkwklhv Co.
Free Fills
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in tho cure of.Con
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be peifectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to Btomach
and bowels greatly invigorate tho sys
tem. Regular Bize 25c. per box. Sold
by lilakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, pigs' feet
and pickles in bu k ct Commission &
Grocery Co. 'a.
Clininberiulu'g (Jnugli lteiiiedy.
This remedy is intended especially for
coughs, colde, croup, whooping cough
and influenza. It has become famous
for its cures of these diseases, over a
largo part of the civilized world. The
most flattering testimonials have been
received, giving accounts of its good
works ; of the aggravating and persist
ent couglis it has cured ; of severe colds
that have yielded promptly to its sooth
ing eflecte, and of tho dangerous attacks
of croup It has cured, often Baving tho
life of tho child. The extenelve use of
it for whooping coughs has ehown that
It robs that disease of all dangerous con
sequences. For sale by Ulakeley &
Citxh lu lour Chucks.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Jan. o, 1804, will be paid at my
office. Imprest ceases after March. 17,
1808. C. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasurer.
Rev. E. Edwards, paslorof the English
Baptist Church at Minersville, Pu.,
when suffering with rhumntiBin, was
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain JSalni.
He says: "A few applications of this
liniment proved of great service to me.
It subsued tho iulUumloii and relieved
the pain, Should any suffer profit by
giving Pain Dalm n trial it will please
me." For sale by Ulakeley & Hough
ton. felieeiiiiifii, AUuutlou!
Clarke & Falk have secured the
agenev for the La Plata Sheep Dip.
Mixes' inWantly with cold water.
stuoKteu'a Ainu' Halve.
The best salve in the world for outs,
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, level
sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chllblaine
corns, and all Bkin eruptions, and posi
tively cuihs piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfac
tion , or money refunded. Price 26 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeleyand
Houghton, druggists.
Try BcblUlDg's Beit tea and baking powder
Sheriff's Sale.
OrcRon for Wnico county.
T. J. Hold, platiitln'
Wm. lllrRfelil, 1iurnK. Illnrfelil. KltMt National
jiiwk in mo nunc, Tlionmn Kelly ana A, s.
llcnnctt, defendant!.
Ily vlrluo of on execution, decree mid order of
i.aie, duly issued out of mm under the senl of
the Circuit Court of the 8to of Orrgrti, for the;ouih- oi nnscn, to me aiicctcu nntl nnicfl
tho 23th day of February, 1S9.S, upon n dcereo for
tho foreclosure of n certain iiiorlRU?e, and Judg
ment rendcted and entered In Mild Court on the
4th day of December, 1.S07, In the nbovo entitled
cause, in fnvor nl the plaintiff utid against the
defendants William Blrgfeld and Laura E. Hlrsr
feld ns jiulKmcnt debtors, In the mm of fifteen
huudrtd and twelve dollars and twenty-nine
cents, with interest thereon from tho -Ith day of
December, 18!i7, at tho rale of ten per rent per
annum, and the further sum of one hundred and
fifty rtollarn as attorney's feey, and the further
sum of lit teen dollars, costs, nud tho toils of
aud upon this wilt, htid commanding me to
make sale of tho real property embraced in such
licreeof foreclosure and hereinafter decribed, I
will on the
lath flny of April, 1S08,
at the hour of two o'clock in Iho afternoon of
said dny aud at tho from door of the Countv
Court house in Dalles City, Wasco Countv, Ore
roii, sell at public auction to the lilRhcst bidder
for cash ii hand, nil the tight, title and interest
which the dcfcndr.uts William ttirftfcld and
Ijiurn E. Kirgreld, Thorn s Kelly and A. S. Den
nett, or tither of them, had on the I'h day of
August, 1592 the date of the mortgage foreclosed
In rein, or which fueli defendants or any of the
defendants herein have acquired, or now have iu
and to tho following riei-cribcd prupcrtv,
situated and being in Wa-co County, Ongon,
to-wit: An ui'dlWdcd one-litth interest of all
of teetlon Xo 21, tbe nw i and the so 'i of see
Hon No. 23: also nil of fcetiou No. as, the nw J-f
and the 'o t,i t cclloii No. 27, nml the u w J of
section No. all iu township Nn 7, south of
langeNo. 17. cast of the W. M ; also of section
No. 3, township No. 8, south of range No. 17, east
of the V. M containing in all SSSl.tM ncies ac
cording to tho Government survey (page :tU,Vol.
O of deeds) also the s of the sw and the s
of these of section No. l, township No. 7,
south of range J7, east ol V. M containing lf0
acres, (pace 116, Vol. K. deeds) also all the nw 4
of section No. 20, township 7, south of range 17,
est of W. M (page Sra, Vol. N. of deeds.) faid
Interest in the above described real properly be
ing the same descended to and inherited by the
said IjinraE. Utrgfeld upon the death of Alexan
der Kogcrs and Matilda lingers, her father and
mother. Satd property will be sold subject to
conllrmatien and redemption us by law pro-
Dated at The Dalles. Oiceon. this 3d dav of
March, ls'JS. mch5-il.
J'. J. JJlUVfilt,
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
SherifTc Sale.
Bvviltucof nn execution and order of sale
duly issued out ol tho Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Wasco County, to me directed, and
dated March 18, lfc'J8, upon u Judgment and de
cree rendered una entered in said court on No
vember 11, 1801. in favor of the plaintiff, in a
case wherein the Alliance Trust Company, a
corporation, was plaintiff, and cgniust thede-
lenuenis men in, u. u. jjcutou mm felizaueth
Denton, for the 6um of ?891.-is, with interest
therton from the said date at the rate of eight
per cent per annum, and tho costs of and upon
this writ (which said Judgement and decree was
on the nth day of January, 1892, duly assigned
aud com eyed to Mrs. K. K. Thomson), aud om
muudiug nid to make sale of certain of the real
property embraced in such decree and lierilu
alter fully described, I will, on
April 30, 1808.
at 2 o'clock p. in., at the frontdoor of tho county
court house in Dalles City, Wasco Countv, Ore
gon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder
lor casu in nana, nil me right, title aim int. rest
which the defendant.', and each of them, hud on
July 0, ltib9, the date of the rnorigago foreclosed
oy sum iii'Cree, in aim to tno following described
twenty (JO) acres of land, to-wit: That certain
twenty (20) acres iu square form out of the
northeast corner of the donation land claim of
Charles W. Denton aud hllzabeth Denton, his
wife, said donation laud claim being Notifica
tion No. 8019, Claim No. 42. aud being parts of
sections 6 and 8, In township 1 north, range 13
east of Willamette Meridian, in Wuseo County,
State of Oregon, and is more particularly de
scribed us follows, to-wit: liegiunlng at a
point 13 chains 77 links cast and C chains 7 links
norm or uio souimvest corner oi said section a:
thence south 09 chains 0 links: theneu east 1(1
chains 29 links; thence north 2.' cha'ns 20 links;
thence east 13 chains 60 links tlieuce north II
miiiUtes west 17 chains, 42 links; and thence
west 5'J chillis 85 links to the placoof beginning
containing 329 51-100 ucrei, inoio or less.
Tiro Duties, Oregon, March 22, Jb98.
mch23-l Sherift'of Wuseo County, Or.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is lien by given that under aud by vir
tue of un txeeutloii uud order of sale issued out
of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
Wasco County, on the 22d day of March, 1893,
upon a J (tginent and decrte given uud ten
dered therein on tho 12lh day of Muron, ls9S, tu
a cause then and theretofore pending therein, in
whi-Ii W. I.ande., was plulutllf ai.d Kunuio A.
Kemied) ct al, were defendants, which said exe
cution and i rdcr of sale is to me directed, aud
commanding me to sell the lauds aud premises
heiclmdtcr mentioned for -lie purpose of satis
fying unci paying the amount adjudmi tube
due to the plufutllf, to-wit: The sum of $2209.00,
and the further sum of J200 attorney's fees, arid
715.00 costs, I will, oil riaturduy, the 23d day of
April, WM, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., at tho
courthouse door, ill Dalles City, lu Winco enmi
ty, Oiegou, sell at public miction, tu the highest
bidder, for cash in li nid, for tho purpose of sat
lsf)llig lliu Jtidginuut and decree abntumim.
lloniil, ull tho lollowiug described lauds and
piemi-es to-wit:
Declining at it oi it 10.1') chains south of the
quarter scetluii corner between sections six and
seven, iu township two north of ruugc eleven
eust of illumcUe Meridian, and running thcuco
not tli 10.19 chains; thence west 21.09 chains;
llieueo lu u southerly direction 21.09 chains to
the place of beginning, containing eleven and
50-100 acres. Alsu all of tho southwest quarter
of section six iu touushlu two north lauiio
eleven east ol Willamette Meridian, excepting
two eeitalu tracts heretofore conveyed there
fiom to V, V. Johuvou uud now of icenid, o e
containing two and tin eo fourths iicjcj, uud the
other c.muilulng 22 5-8 neies, uud also excepting
ii tract of twenty ucres convejed by deed of Dee,
23,1893, tolruD. Smith.
Dulles ( Ity, Oregon, March ii, 189S.
inelr.'3-l T. J, DK1VKU, Sheriff.
I'lHIlO TUUlllg.
YV. S. Geary, tho well-known iano
tuner, is In the city uud will call upon
his customers. No other pitino tuner
has authority to uso his name in any
way. Orders left at olthor musio store
will receive prompt attention,
One Minute Cough Cure, cur.
That I what It was Made for.
fiot a,
But a suit fot $10
You can go into any clothing store and buy
a Ten-Dollar Suit an' and all the stores have them,
but you'll get just 'what you ask for a Ten-Dollar
Now, we brought into view this morning, a
large number of styles that have just arrived, fin
ished to our order, and which wo propose to sell at
Ten Dollars
Ten Dollars
As an illustration of what wo are doing in
Popular Pfieed Glothinj.
If you have bought a Suit as well made and
as nobby for $8.00 or $4.00 more than our price of
ten dollars, you received your money's worth.
A plain fact.
For more than, fifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and
villagers throughout the United States,
IT HAS faithfully labored for thoir prosperity and happi
ness, for tho improvement of thoir business and homo
interests, for education, for tho elevation of American
manhood and truo womanhood.
IT HAS told at tho (irosido, interesting and instructive
stories of tho doings of tho world, tho nation and statoa.
IT HA3 advisod tho farmor as to tho most approvod meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho
proper timo to convert thorn into tho largest possible
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho wolfaro of
farmers and villagers, and for over half a contury has
held thoir confidence and osteom.
and wo furnish it with tho Semi-Weakly Chronicle ono
year for $1.75, cash in advance,