Oim BNIOTA Both the mothod and results "when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts jfently yet promptly on the Kidneys, livor and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agroeablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable drnggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who -wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HO SYRUP CO. san mucaco. cal. tDUISVllLE. KX. KEW XORK, H.Y. I'UKStlXAi. MENTION- J. R. li.uikiu, of White Salmon, is in the city. A. C. Sanford, of Wasco, is in the city on businssB. Atty. J. M. Long, of Portland, is in the city today. Donald JIcRae, the Antelope stock sunn, is in the city. Harrv Mahear is in the eitv from his Mrs. A. M. Kelsay returned from Portland on the boat lust evening. 3It. and Mrs. Smith French left on lie morning train for Portland. 1 aire. T. A. Hudson was a pauaenzer on , ithie morning's train for Portland. Mr. A. S. Mnc Aliister left for Portland on the morning train today. Mrs. C. N. Thornhcry went to Port land this morning, where she will visit for a few days. Mr. Parker Wilson has returned from Pittsburg, where he has made his home for tue past year or two. WOItN. In this cily, Wednesday, March 3d, to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Johnson, a son. 1-Rehearsals for King HaJlalwhoola II for this week as follows : Thursday even ing, March 24th. at 9 p. in., In 8channo's fiall, eong rehearea' ; Friday, March 25th, Schanno's hall, 9 p. ru., lanterns; Saturday, March 20lh, 9 p. in., at Sclianuo'e hall, natlvee. Tho grand (production of King Hallnbahoola II will take place on Tuesday even'ne, April 322th. "STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold era of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria ."Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, .April 2, 1893, at 2 p. in., for the purpose jf electing seven directors, and transact iqs euch other business as inav properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles March 1, 1898. 0. L. PntLLirs, Secy. fiheep marking pniut; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you hould use our sheep paint. First, be 'cause tho colors aro ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by fin machinery; ecoud, because It is made of high tirade color, with the proper amount of dryers added to cive it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing or rubbing off; third, it is much moie economical, because it is always ready forn. We guarantee our sheep mark ing paint6 to five satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, Tiie D.dlec, Or. Wo are anxious to do u little good in this world and can think of no picas antcr or better way to do it than by rec ommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consump tion und other serious lung troubles that fallow neglected colds. Whooping cough la the moat distress lac uislndy ; lint its duration can bo cut faort by the use of One Minute Cough jrtVwhicli Is also the best known lemedy for croup and all lung and bron chia? trouble: ;' load of dry Fir Wood jmi ro- ,a!Mier&Jientnn'fl. II MMiri i TV WILSOH. t ATlUaHEi A J lvr, r TIIK IIAI.I.KV. OBKOOK OBEYED THE JUDGE. Got HU Maa unit ttroaskt Hlat to Town. Among the wills that were probated the other dny was that of n negro black smith named Austin Thompson, whose shop was on Sycamore street. There Is h story connected with this man's name that is worth telling, says the Lexington (Ky.) Herald. Just after tho war old Hcnjamlti F. Graves was county judge. He wns an eccentric man. very peculiar In many ways, very honest and very positive. He ruled with a strong hand. One day Austin Thompson, who lived in the county, was brought before him charged with hog stealing. The meat was found upon his premises, but he had made no effort at concealment. He acknowledged having the hog and killing it, but insisted that he bought the hog from another negro, who rep resented It as his own. Judge Graves inquired if he could "bring that other nigger into court." He was answered somewhat doubtfully. The old judge then nnswered to Austin that he "must bring that other nigger in, dead or alive." A day or two afterward Austin drove up with n cart to the judge's office, and entering informed his honor that he had his man. "llring him in," said the judge. "I can't," said Austin; "he's dead." He had followed the old judge's in structions to the letter. The other negro refused to accompany Austin to town, and so Austin killed him. Of course it caused an immense sen- ' sation in the community, and there i wns talk of impeaching the judge and of haiifrmtr Austin. Rut iiothimr after ! all was done about it, and the mutter was allowed to drop. BOVINE VALOR. Two Cotrn Stormed n llnrltpil-Wire Fciipi; to Rent'iit? Tliclr Calve. The editor of the Condon (Ore.) Globe saw a deed of va!or lately that was worth recording as well as seeing. A herd of cattle, among tliem two cows accompanied by their calves, were graz ing in tall, dead grass when the calves became separated a little way from'the rest of the cattle, and some wolves stni ted in pursuit of them. After run ning about 'C0 yards the calves came to a high, five-wired, barbed-wire fence. and. being small, managed to got through it. On the other side of the fence was an open pasture. The v. o:vcs quickly followed the calves through the fence, and were rap idly running them down on the other side, when the two cow mothers discov ered what was going on. Each uttered a loud bellow, hoisted her tail and started for the rescue. It appeared to be n hopeless chase, for the fence intervened, and the cows were certainly much too large to gel through it. Thry knew well enough that it was there, and could, beside, see it plainly; but both cows plunged straight into it. The watching editor, horrified, locked to see '.hem hurlsd back, frightfully wounded, but, instead, one of the posts gave way under the onslaught, the wires sank down, and in another mo ment the mothers were on the pasture side of the fence, badly cut nnd bleed ing, but still able to charge the wolves successfully and put them to flight. Soon the cows were licking the res cued calves nffectionatelv, and the co yotes were howling a disappointed duet from the summit of a knoll nearby. STRANGE CASES OF POISONING Gila Dltc WnK Not 1J en illy, Hot L'ra lirelln Tree Wan. In the far northeastern part of Ari zona territory, that is to say in Xavajo county, n young mnn was bitten by n Giln monster recently. Almost at the ame time, ut- Yuma, in the extreme southwestern corner of the territory, a little girl ntc some berries that fell from the umbrella trees thut grow so plentiful in southern Arizona. The young mnn lived, but the little maiden died. The latter cuse is the more re markable, perhaps, for until this in stance not even the medical profession suspected that there wns anything poisonous about the umbiellu tree. The child's name was Dora Lynch, her fa ther being well-known in Yuma. The lucky young man in the northeast was Orrin Barney, who had started out with a party for Utah. He was following a wagon up a hill and "scotching" it with rocks. He reached down for a rock and picked up n Gila monster. The monster's head had to be cuU ciT to loosen the grip on Harney's hnnd. The lutter suffered severe pain for I vo days, but then recovered. His only remcdi'-s were tobacco and whisky. NO REST NO SLEEP DAY OR NIGHT My bands were completely covcrrtl with lie zemn, and between my ilugcn tlio aktn was perfectly raw, I bad to tit with both baud held op, and away from tlio firo. My husband bad to drew and undrew mo llko a baby. I tried Ibc bfl phyn'ciaij., bist I heir medicines gave mo no relief, and drove mo utmost crazy, I was ml. vised t try Cutiu'iia Hknkdieii, and did so, although my husband had to go twenty miles to get them. At soon as ho got back, I used tho Ucticura, and In flee minuti ojttr the jtrtt application I teat ptreetly tat, ami iteit soundly all thai nigh!. Ilefore I commenced using tho Cuticuba Ukmc tiics I ciuld et no mm nifht or day. I could not bear to get warm, It would put mo In a rage of itcblug. I nlwuya keep Ux Cuticuka IUmedim In my bouso uow. and recommend ibem to everybody, bteauso of UVlr woedtrful effect. Yours gratefully , AUHKM If. H AKHIS, Push, MeckknburgCo. Va rasDT.Cusa Tmtmit ro Totviio, Uiw nocaiao Hvaoas. Warm Uufcs with Cuticv a Uo r. sails illniii at Cmicva (eialmeal). Ike ami skla !. aaa.aaM tests ef Cvitcvaa sUioiymt, gMlsrt9lkaair asM SaasasAsi Mm wstM. Mas. CpriomM, . Ms 1 M4r, Ms.f IUSSI.TI. ajsaai. reins watu i,"iies. Wasting in Children can be overcome In almost all cases by the use of Scotf s Emulsion o: Cod-Liver Oil and the Hvooohos phites of Lime and Soda. While it is a scientific fact that cod-liver oil is the most digestible oil in ex istence, m SCOTT'S EMULSION it is not only palatable, but it is already digested and made ready J for immediate absorption by the system. It is also combined with the hypophosphites, which supply a food not only for the tissues of the body but for the bones and nerves, and will build up the child when its ordinary food does not supply proper nourishment. Be lure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the nun, ana nsn are on tne wrapper. Alt druggists ; 50c. and f t.oo. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET, Notice ie hereby given, by order of the common council of Dulles City, that Union etreet will bo improved between Main nnd Twelfth streets by grading 1'inl filling the same, and that the cost of 8;ud proposed improvement shall he us sesBed upon property adjacent to said street, unless within fourteen uavs from the fi 11 it t publication of this notice the owners of two-thirds of the property ad lucent to said street file with the re eorder a written remonstrance against suitl proposed improvement. D.ted this 15th dav of March, 189S, KOGKR B. SlNNOTT, mlG-14t Recorder Dalles Citv, I have been HlUicted with rheumatism for fourteen year and nothing seemed to give iiiiv iclief. 1 vwis able to be around all the time, hut constxnUv suf fer nr. Iliad iried every liiug I could hear of and at Innt was told to try Chain berlaiu'd 1'iiii Balm, which I did, and whs immediately relieved and in a short tiuiH cured. I am h tppy 10 sat that it has not since returned. Josh Edgar, Germantown, Cal. For salu by Blake ley & Uoughton. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET. Notice is hereby given, by order of the common council of Dalles City, that Court street will lie improved between Main and Second streets by urading and tilling said Btreot, ami that the cost of said proposed improvement shall be assessed upon property ndjtui nt to said street, unless within fourteen days Iroin tiie filial publication of this notice the owners 01 two-thirds of the property ad jtcent to said etreet Gle with the re corder a written remonstrance against said proposed improvement. Dated this 15 day of March 1898. ItOGKR B SlNNOTT. mchlO Ht Recorder Dalles City. For Kent. Good two-room h ouse on donblo lot; good garden spot. Inquire of hi. A Bill at Maier & Benton's store. m21-23 There are three little things which do more work than any other three little thing3 created they are the ant, the bee and DeWitt'e Little Early Risers, the last being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to be the best non-poisonous fluid dip in the world; guaranteed to cure scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles. Smoke the popular brands Frize Medal, Guarantee nnd Ito8 Queen cigars manufactured by S. F. Fouts. tf Don't annoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and hint; troubles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Plies, Scalds, liurns. FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY MAN. Tills ofl'ur is made by the ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided oppllfidloa be mmlo ni once, in order ihtt Its Inventions, upplUiito unci never fullinu rciucdk nmy receive tiie widest pomllile pub licity, and prove their own mortis ly imiihuI iihi) mill imrmniioMt cure. No Money whutover will he rttelvul liv tlio llllnol Hlato KHniturliiin iroin miyoiiounUerlts treat ment until lienrflclal rault nra hiiKiiiihI rilavd. lis remedies nnd appliances hnvo been commended by tho nmvupupera of Two Conti nents una ennnrseu tty inu Kro-icni noeiora in the world. Wlieio development is desired, the; itccompllsli It and never (all to invigorate, up- puna ana lormy. 1'liey infuse now Ufa and enemy. Tbcypcn roaneutly stop all losses which undermine tlio constitution und irmiiico despondency. They rc-tone, ielreh nnd restore to iiiannood, r Hrdioaa if Hun- Thy euro evil habits und pe maneiitly remove their eflccts, as well as ihose of excesses and over-taxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No fail ure, iiu publicity, no deception, ru dlsap plBlmm. M ft ITB TO-1 A If. ILLII0I8 STATE I1KITABIUM, BlMMMi Hi. Ue pre Doino rtistie ..priptir;.. For treasonable prices Vd Print Anything in tho Printing Lino. Qiue us a trial. Qr;ror;i(;l pub. ?o. Dalles, Moro aod Melope STAGE LINE. Through by tbiyllglit vin (lnis Vulley, Kent iiud Urons Hollows. DtllKil.AH AI.I.KN, Tim Dnllt-H. C. M. XV II ITKI.AAV, Atitnlupe. Stnea leave The Dulles irom L'nuitllln ltoti.se at 7 n. m., ulso from Antelope at 7;S0 n. m. every Monday, Wednesday und trlday. C'ouuit!tlou nn.de ut AuteloiKi for l'rlnevlllc, Jllteliell nnd points beyond. Close c nt.ectious made tit The bnlles with railways, trains and boats. Htiiaes. from Antelono reach The Dalles Tues days, Thut.Mlays and Saturdays ut l:U0 p. ni. HATES (If FA UK. Dalles to Deschutes ?1 TO do Jloro 1 60 do Grass Vnlley - "3 do Kent :i CO do Cross Hollows -I tf) Antelope to Cross, Hollows v. 1 fO do Kent -' 00 do Grass Valley H 00 do Moro 1I0 Desrhuccs do Dalles 5 CO Patronize the Troy AH kind of work. White Shirts 11 specialty. Film llv work nt reduced r tt. Wash collected and dellveted free. Tuleiiliono ISo. Jill. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Be GoiuiDDia PackinoCo.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUltKKti UF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIED DEEF. ETC. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby clvcn that by an order of I lie County Court of tlio Htato of Oregon, for Wanco county, tnudo January It), 1698, tho undersipiifd haa bten duly niipnlnttd iidinlnlstrator of tho estate of Tlios. J. Htilllvnn, jr., deccan-d. All iterkona huviiiK claims nimtnst the citato of milil deceased, are hereby nntilicd to present them to ino wiin 1110 proper vnncuers nt 1110 omco 01 tlnntlni'ton i Wilson, within tlx montliM from dale here- f. Dated January 19, 1S0S. 1IOKATIO FA ltd II Kit, Adrnlnislrulor, J-JltS-OKIHKSlltHU FKll & ItlEDY, Physiclaus and Sureoiis, felK.-clnl ntteulloii i;lveu to Milery, liooma 21 nnd Tel. SJH Vogt Block Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, &11 kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, XiSlfbed Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton FlOlll Tl,l F,0Ur " manufactiired expressly for futnlly ww uie; every iiaok ia Rtuiranteed to givo satisfaction. We tell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and If vnn ,h,ni, call and get our price and be convlaeed, HighMt PrloM Paid for Wtoat, Barley and Oati. ..CHAS. FRfljHK- Sutchefrg and Fafmcps ..Exchange.. Keeps on draiiKht tho celebrated COLUMBIA Ill-Kit, iickliovvt. rdiicd the best beer In The Dalles, nt the usual price. Come hi, try Itutid be iiivvlncril. Al-o tlic Finest brandi of Wines, M inors midClirain. Sandwiches of all Kinds ulwnys on hand. i FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. riUNSACT A UKNKItAt, BASKING I1US1NE8 I.t'ttera of Credit iBaucd uvnilablo in the Eastern States. Sighl Exuhango nnd Telcgrnphu irnnstors sold un sscw lurk, uiiunuo St. I.nuiH, San FrunciFco, l'orlluinJ Ore eon, Si'itttlo WuhIi,, timl viirioue point? in Uregon ntui nshint'lou. Collections inn le ut nil polute on fav ornblo teriua. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, Htul warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 1'uRoa u TTook. 150 raimra a Year It Ftunds tlrBtnmong ''weekly" pnpere in eize, irequency of publication freshtiL'Sfl, vuriet and reliability of cur. tente. It is practically n dailv at the ion price o n weekly : and its vast list of Butificriuers, extending to every state und territory of tiie Union und foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy nnd fairness of its iiuwb columns. It is splendidly illustrated, nnd uinouc Kb special feu tun's aro n fine humor pnge, exhaustive market reports, nil the latest fuHliioni for wouiuti and a Ion series of stories by the greatest living American nnd English unthurs, (.otiati IJoyln, .Icronm K. .Iftroina, Htunley Wuyinuiij Jllnry K. lVIIkllia Anthony lliii, Unit llnrto, llrnudcr Multliowa, Etc. We offer this uneqtialed newspnperand The Dalles Twico-a- Week Chronicle to gether one year for fL'.OO. The regular price of the two papers is 13.00. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby Kivcu that the undi;riRned huHlllcd in tho olllco of the County Clerk, of Waco County, her llnal account na admlulnirix of tho eHtate of I, I. llurget, and thut by order ol the County Court, for Mild County, Monday, the 2d dny of May, lfcDH, lias been tixed na the time and the court room of mild Court an tlio place for the hearing of nid llnnl account. All ternonii Intereatcd in aaid estate itro notified to appear at Hild time and place nnd show cauto why aaid llnal account should not bo approved and Hi lowed. A. T. liUlUiUr, melij-ll. AdnilnlMtratrix. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given Unit the undcritlKtied aa been rcKUlarly appointed by tho countv court of tho Htato of OreKon for Wnico County n admlubitratrix of thooitntoof Charlca W. John nton, deccae'i. All jtarkons huvliu; claiinn HKaliiM said estate tiro hereby un'llled to pro keiit them, with the proper voucher, to meat tboolllce of W. ii. WlUon, In Dalles City, Ore Kon, within hlx uiontlib from tho date of this notice. liulleh City, Oicroii, Feb. 21. 1SW. CAItltIK il, JDlfNHTON, fcWC I Adnilulatratrlx. Watchmaker Jeweler N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegont Towrist Sleeping Oars Dining Cars Sleeping Car -T I' A II I " " MINMCAI'Okl IMH.UTII KAKflO OltANII FOIl VKIIOKSTON WINMI'KO HELENA un ItUTTK TO Thtough Tickets CHItlAOO tVAHHINflTON I'lIILAUELI'llIA NEW YOKK IIIIHTIIN AM) AI.I, I'OINTH EAHT anil NDIITII For Intormutlon, time cards, niapbaud tlcketh, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The DdlleB, OreKon on ' A. D. CHARLTON. AhhI. G. i'. A., 2Yi. MoiriHon Cor. Third, t'urtliind Orevnu EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y Trains leave nnd are duo to arrive nt l'ortlni OVKH1.ANI) KX-I nreis. Hulein. Koko- 1 on re, ANiiiaua, bin: , Kill!- I ii, Han I iliivo, f 0:00 1 M, rumento, ugitcn crunemeo, aid. i.on AiiReie,t.ll'iiiio, I New OrlcaiiH und I East I S:30 A. Jl. KoscburR and way ta- lions fVIa Wnodburn fori I Mt.AtiRol, Hllverton, West Bclo, llrowns- V vllle.riprlugtluld und (, Natron J I'.M Dally except Sundays. Dally except Hundaya 17:80 A. JI. I Cor vail Is (stations.. and way; :50 f. M. I.NDKI'ENDKSnK I'ASHENGKK. Kxprcss train Daily (except Huuday), 1:00 p. m. il.v i'ortlanil ...Ar.) 8:2.'ia.m :wp. in. At...MnMliiurlie..i.v. ri;,'iou,m a:'M p. in. tAr .i . IudcKudencc l:n0n. m 'Duily. Daily, except Buuaay. DINING CA KB UN OUDKN KOUTE. 1'UUJIAN IIOFKKT HI.EKl'KKB AND HECOND-CIASh HLEEI'ING CAK6 Attached to all Tliroush Tralus. lilrcct connection ut Kan Kratiolsco with Occi dental and Orleutut und Tactile mail steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Kulllni! dates on ii plication. nates iiiul tickets to Kastorn points una f.u- rope. AlsoJAl'AN, CHINA, ilONUl.Ul.U ntld iiuiiai.ia, can lie olitulniil irom J. Jl. KIKK1.AND, Ticket Apctit. Thrnuch Ticket Oltlce. VM Third street, where through tlckots to all nolnts in tho Eastern Htiitew, Canada and Kuroe can be obtained ut lowest rtiics iroui J. II. KIUKI.AM), Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive nt nnd depart Irom Urund Central HUtlon. Fifth und Irvine streets YAMHILU DIVIHION. rakscngcr Depot, foot of Jetlcrson street Unvo for OSWEOO. daily, except Sunday, at 7:."0 a. m.; vi:vo, i;r5, fi:i;, g:23, "8:0. p. m. fund U-.'M ii. ni. on Hiituriluv onlv. end 1:00 a. m and a:::o p. in. on hundays only). Arrive at i'orttnnd oally nt G:l0tind H::wn m.; und 1:33, l:l&,0:'J0nml7:ri6p. in., (and 10:05 a. in, 3-15 6:10 p. m. on Hundays only. Ijtiivn fnp RliAvliluti tilr rlnva ,t l!S0 r. m Arrivo ut l'ortluud, U::i0 n. in. I'flve for AIlli.TK on Mnniliiv. Wcdnpsdar and Krl-niv Ht 0:10 ii. in. Arrlvp ut Portland. Tut- dav, Thursday und Buturdss it 3:05 p. ni. Except Huinlny. Except Buturduy. It. KOKIILKR, Mutiuifcr. (1, if. MAKK1IAM, Asst. U. V. k i'ass. Ant 50 Veal's 50 Undisputed supremacy in tlio World's Competition. j Cooper's Sheep Dip. Increases Yield of Wool. Enhance Valuo of Flook. Cheap, Safe, Handy, Clean, Wholeaonio and OdorleeH. Recommended by Manufacturers, Scour ers and Buyers, Bold by PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. C. G. Koberts, General Agent, 247 Ash Street, Portland, Oregon.