Cine Sale r "Veiy Much to tho Good." ...reseept Bieyeles... HEMSDORF FAST BLACK. Not Very Expensive, BlCYCLiES. 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. J Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. One 'Oo Ladies' Clcvc- 0 land Wheel &j New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. aaaHl bbbbbV Two '97 Eagle Wheels at One '90 Cleveland.... Gent's Wheel Wo have jnt received a lino of cotton hosiery tluit is perfect in Style, finish and color. "IlKMSnOKF FAST BLACK" isetampod on every pair of the black Rood. Plain r ml rihhud topa in Black nnd the latett shades of Tun 25 cents. Finer grades in oO and GO gauge. 33, -10, 45e A licimtifiil assortment in Lace Btripep, Silk Embroidered Boot and Clucked Hosiery at 50 "id 75 contB pur pair. But Very Nice. There isn't another line in the city that can meet such a requirement as this with such a quantity as you will find in our stock of grips ami telescopes. Something can always ho found here, in good taste at the wished for price. U ALL GOODS MARKED N PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. I The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY MARCH 21, 1803 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS i Freeh cow a for sale nt M. II. Miller's? on5-Mili. inclilO -It Pofltiim Corlal Food Coffee nt Com mieaion k Grocery Co.'h. tf Advices eny that the president will (top tlie Cuban war on humane grounds. Today's weather forecast for tonight is rain or snow ; Fridav, fair and cooler. When you amoko the Rose Qupen 5 cent eiar you get your inoney'tj worth. tf Dr. Shackelford lias removed his ofiiue to room 1-1, Vogt block, over tlie post office. mlT-Uiii Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, piga' feet anil pickles in hulk nt Commission & Grocery Co.'u. Telephone messages from Portland to day elated that it wan allowing at that place Una forenoon. Henry Hudson, of Dufur, ia in tho city today. He ia hauling in his grain which e held ovur winter. I.ttoH ndviccB from Havana state that Blanco ia huilding earthworks at tha .place to protect the exposed cuna. The United StatOB navy nnd war d partinenta are maktngliaBto in w I preparation. High .officials prcd V war within ten days. Work is progressing rapidly on t largo addition to the bulldlnc occuui by the Great Northern Furniture Co mlin a few days it will bo ready for occupation. In receiving the bulletin for the Jnck-"on-JefTrii'H prize light yesterday a mis Me was mado by the operator, which Mconnts for our having the reault of the fight turned around. Workmen are buaily engaged today in putting a new glass front In Maya & Crowe's store, and when completed it "HI add much to the nttrctivenes of MeetabliBhimnt. All Foresters are requested to be nt , " r nail trlday evening at 8 o'clock, ae : lf'lDe8of iiuportnnco will bo transact- Work in tho Urat degree will nlao 1 I tn .1.. . . . iiirongn with. I Toilay t10 worktno ftre Rving the I S S0K ,0llcl",fl ' the brick work on ""Wasco Wnrohonso Co.'a new btilld- Vu'nu the aamo will be ready for use I r hid wool season ooens, u i .. j mage Hci-hbo was Issuufl yesterday w Uytle T. Bonnoy and Martini 0. JJ. Mr. Hotmoy la wall nnd favora- KiWn t0 "Ulny DoT poo,,,e' w,lUu y'od Rl UBl;onf u young muy ui ttlT recolvo 'rora Portland nt tabn y8,al08t" the Silver Iio. rwniRnd Democrats are prepared hEin Uh the invention, but the bstii I Rro hoM,n backhand how m ,tRt o. Bffalri will contiuue is hard to tell. At present it looks very discouraging for the fuaionists. Tho many friends of John Bonn are pleased to Bee tho old gentlemen on the Btreets again. For several weeks he lias been confined to his room with an attack of rheumatism, but has bo far recovered ns to be on the streeta today. All necessary preparations are being mado for the G. A. It. encampment to be held at thia place in May, and from present indications, it will be the best and most largely attended encampment that has ever been held in thia state. Iu response to the kind invitation of tiie managers of King Hnllabnhooln U, the reporter attended the reheareal lutt evening, and although lie timet refrain from giving awny tlie plot or character of tho performance, he is permitted to ony one thing, and that is that it prom ises to surpasa anything ever given by home talent iu Tho Dalles. Their EongB, dances, jokes and uiubic are the latent and best, and owing to the good spirit with which everyone enters into their partB, as well as the amount of practic ing tho boys are doing, every turn will ho put on in the best possible shape. Tho Champion basn-ball team lias re- rganized for tiie Benson and will com mence training immediately. Jac Me- Gratli and Mike Robinson, two profes sional ball-tossers of Chicago, have con sented to play with them. Louie Fritz, the mannger, has corresponded with the lending clubs of the Northwest, and has received two favorable answers. The team consists of the following players: Louie Fritz, manager, formerly of the White Stars; J. J. Moloney, Ed Jen kins, Janson Powers, Ed Howell, Willie Drown, Spottard Ferguson, Geo. Dufur, Jim Crate, Mike Robinson and Jac Mc- rath. Goldcndnlo Sentinol : A proposition has been made by J. Russell Jones, now in New York, that if the right-of-way can bo procured for u railway to connect Goldendale with Tlie DalleB, that Eome capitalists, whom ho represents, will have tho line surveyed, and if tlie route is practical, will build a road. It ia ex pected this route will follow that of the Lylo railroad as far as Centervllle, then run in a southerly direction toThoDalles mountain, climlng It at a gradual grade and crossing it where Tho Dalles wagon road roaches tho summit; then descend ing in a wosterly direction, making n turn on the G. W. Smith place, and then to Tho Dalles. Committees have been appointed to got tho right-of-way, and surely no one will be so hoggish as not to grant It. Judge Bellinger yesterday lnoin'ng denied the motion of plaintiff for n now trial in tho case of II. M. Smith vs. J. G. & I. N. Day. Smith sued for $l!5,0Q0 damages baaed upon injuries alleged to havo been euatoined through the negli gence of the defendants in setting oil a blast nt Caecnde Locks. Smith wna struck in tho head by a piece of rock while ho win sitting in tho cabin of the Bteamor tied up near the locks which tho defendants were building. Tho plaintiff alleged in his bill of complaint that by reason of these injuries he hns not only been permanently disabled, hut lias been put to a great deal ot ex penso for hospital care nnd medical treatment. The plaiutiiTa attorney, Judge Dennett, will bring the case be fore tlie court of Bppeals. National Bank Examiner Edward L. CorBon will bo in the city iu a fe-v days to look into tlie standing of the Dalles banks. Tuesday, while climbing into a hay- ;loft, Mrs. It. A. Moore, of Waeco, fell a distance of ten feet. Her wrist was dis located and the bones of her right arm broken near tho wrist. Mrs. Moore is about (10 years of age, and this inakeB tiie accident a serioue one. Just think, $2500 will buy 100 acres, n fine fruit farm, three mileE from town ; three milch cows, five work horses, iarm implenunte, two wagons, fine water privileges iu fact everything complete. For further information and a good bargain Bee Dad Butts. Henry Spalding, the well-known fruit grower, died Tuesday evening Jat Al mota, on the Snake river, from injuries received recently while carrying furni ture from hie burning building. Mr. Spalding was a son of ltev. H. Spalding, who came to tho Pacific Northwest in 183G with Marcus Whitman. He was about 50 years old. J. K. Armsby, the milloinaiie con densed fruit manufacturer of Chicago, who hnB been iu Portland Bounding tho fish market preparatory to putting Co lumbia riyer ealmon on tlie Eastern market, finds the market in a very un settled condition, he says. The fisher men don't seem to know what they in tend doing, according to hie opinion. However, lie thinks there will be plenty of fish, and furthermore that tho market will not vary with other seasons. A grand jury waB organized Tuesday afternoon at Colfax, O. Tingling, a rail road man, being appointed foreman. Tiie judge, in his charge to the jury, laid special stress on the recent lynching of Chudwick Marshall, urging that a care ful investigation be mado, so that the members of the mob might bo indicted and punished. Ho also called attention to the necessity of abating the vices of gambling and prizo-flghting. The grand jury issued snbjxenas for two witnesses, supposed to know something about the lynching, and tho jury began ltB labors yesterday inoui'ng. Degree ot Honor Kntfrtwliiiiif nt. The - Degree of Honor held a abort business session last night, after which tho doors were thrown open to the pub lic. A largo crowd assembled, and the following program was rendered : 1'Iano Overture Georgia Samson Vocal Solo Mrs. 0. F. 8 tenuous Kecltntlon Joseph McArthur Vocal Solo S. I Young lnsttuinctitttl Duet guitar and miimlollul. . j'rof. itynn unci Mr. Twtiiihiun Vocal Puet Mcsdamcii Jayno ana Varncy Solo Georgia Suuijiiion Dancing was Indulged in till midnight, and the evi ning was, pleasantly speut. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Ttuu I what It was miide lor. One '95 Eagle Gent's $Qfl Wheel IjtdU One '97 Boy's Eagle Wheel ' One '97 Girl's Eagle Wheel ; In order to make room for our new stock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. ml 15 MAIER & BENTON THEY SCORE A POINT. Judge llelllngnr HoliU the Indictment Worthies. I. H. Taffe, tho Celilo cannerymon, and E. Kilfeather, recently jointly con victed in the United States district court for attempting to corruptly influence a petit jury to the end that an exorbitant verdict might be returned against tlie government in n right-of-way condem nation proceeding, in which Taffe was to be pecuniarily benefitted, scored a point this morning in the decision of Judge Bellinger upon the motion for a new trial and nrrest of judgment. The mo tion was not only allowed as to Taffe, but tlie c.ise as to him was virtually dis missed. The motion as to Kilfeather was also allowed, but he was held to appear before the next federal grand jury under the same bonds be is now enjoying free dom. There being another indictment against Taffe, charging bribery, he alto will have another set-to with tho legal machinery of Uncle Sam. Tne decision of Judge Bellinger is a ratljer severe arraignment u( tho indict ment upon which Taifd and Kilfeather were tried, the court holding that it was defective and entirely insufficient for the purposes of the prosecution. The indict ment upon which the defendants were tried contained two counts one conspi racy to commit an offense ugaiust the United States bv corruptly eudeavoiing to influence a petit jury of the circuit court of the United States in the dis charge of its cuty, and the other that of conspiring to defraud the United StatC3 by corruptly endeavoring to influence a petit jury of tho circuit court of the United Sir tea to return an exorbitant verdict against the government in a case on trial in which the government was ouo of the parties iu interest. IV. It. Uuubar KvglnU'r at Vancouver. Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. MAYS & CROWE. The selection of Hon. William It. Dun bar for register of the land office of Van couver, WhmIi., seems to meet with the approval of every Republican in K'icki tat county. Tho hearty, unanimous ap proval of tlin appointment is without precedent. t His ctreer as a politician in Klii kltat county is well known. Ho bat always been a faithful worker for the nieces? of the ltepulillcan party, and is well known over the mhio. lln has served Goldendale as mayor at different tunes, but haa never been kuoiMi to lie an oflico-Ecckcr. It ia mid when the news of the present nppuiutmeul came, he wan more surprised than any ono in Goldendale. It is raid Senator John L. Wilson conferred with Klickitat county Republican", and Mr. Dunbar was their choice, At present Mr. Dunbar Is United States land commissioner nt Goldendale, i.nd adininietratur of sev eral estates. It is rumored that he may not take his new position before the expiration of tho present Incum bent's term, which will be iu Juno. To Cure h C'uln Id One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Qulnino Tab lets. All druggist refund tl e money if they fail to cure. 25c, REMEMBER. We have strictly First-Clas&' Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co, A St-'lUh Street Suit. The above illustration represents a stylish street suit shown by A. M. Will iams & Co. Tlie material ia a navy or black serge. Tho short and jaunty jacket has tho popular fly front, and ia lined with a changoablo silk. The full gored fkirt is of tho latest cut, and is lined with percalino. Tho price of the m lire suit is only $5. I'ror. Dout, optluluu. The testing of eyes is not n matter of guess work, nor by far only a matter of trying on a pair of ready made glasses. It is n science governed by principles and conditions, which none but a person who lias studied the anatomy of tlie eye can understand. Prof. P. G. Dout un derstands hih budneES thoroughly. Call and be convinced. He also does all km ds of watch and j jwelry repairing, and will clean your jewelry while you wait. Two doors west of Keller's bake ry. Yours to serve, Dour Optical it Jkwklky Co. l'a I in fur Kent. jyjits. EVANS, MODISTE, Itooms in Mrs. Brittln's Lodging ironic-. Wanted At the Diamond Mills, Good milling wheat. Tho highest price paid. nichlG-tf. An Itiierei-ting Htory is uttractivoar all times. No one can afford to let the eveninga at home bo spent without good reading matter in these days when gooi) books coft eo little. Our stock ofTero some very attractive, Up-to-date anil standard literatuio which will inteieat all. I. C. Nickelsen Book St music Company, The farm known as the Crato Dona tion Claim, situated on tlie river, five miles west of Tho Dilles, consisting of about 400 acres, will be rented to re sponsible party. Also a responsible tarm hand wanted to take charge of a farm. Apply to maraS-Ot Max Vogt A Co, Suns ul VeteraiiH' Kutertuliimelit. Hio Sons of Veteran will give an en tertainment next Tuesday evening, March 8th. A good program, consist ing of patriotic Bongf, recitations and musical selections. In conclusion a fine lunch, donated by the W. It. 0., will be served. ItlHt of All. To cleanse the system iu a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the springtime comes, use the true and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by tho Califor nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and fur sale by all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle, Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, exouia or skin diseases may etcure Instant relief by using Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the great pile remedy. Trjr Sctillltufc-'n licst im sua baking powler Cigars. Why do wo retnil more Cigars than others? Why do smokers go out of their way and pass cigars of the eamo grade? Not because wo havo better cigars or bettor brands, or any greater vaiiety ; uo, not that, Why, because we havo the finest ci gar caEo in the state and keep our cigars in better condition. Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co. SEED E E S A splcmlid iiBHortincnt n( Vikc tiible, Unnlen mul Ui ass Seeds In Hulk, Seed Wliuat, Seed Oats, Seed llurK'y, Gcd Seed Ityc, Oil Meal Cake mut IVrtlllCM, lieu (iui,)lca, Kurly liosu 1'olu toes. Klvvcii llnda of ilrt cIiim Seed Corn. I'oultry ami Kan bougut and sold tit J. H. CROSS' Clival! Ca-h (Iroccry and I'tcd H luio Kevond and Union Sis. E E SEEDS