The Dalles Daily Chronicle. AilviTtlflnc Hntes. iVr inch. or less In Bally M M Ow two inches niul muter (our Inches, ...100 Over four Inchc ami umler twelve Inches.. 75 Over twelve Inches w DAILY AND WKHKI.V. . S 00 i UTLTUiiv iivu nii't ,.,.. . . - - ---- nnllT X I i.ii. ... two vi InfliM . 1 iiO 1 L.IIH. UTCT H'Ut HKIIVB mm uin.n ...w - . .11 Over welve inches 1 w mnvirtud his selcol 1011 be acccpuilllC i innl.T four Inches - 00 but the least wc can do Is to ohnngo thorn, ami in that respect the situa Hon will become lnorc tolerable. Tin: Ciihoxicm: favors an extra session not because Sir. Mitchell may be elected, but that some Kc publtcan of ability mini occupy the ennt in ilm nntinnal senate now vn- Wo do not enro who lie is, Heeommendation. Weekly imiltlilnir Itnte. Chronicle and Orcsronian Chronicle anil Kxnininer Chronicle und Inter Ocean Chronicle nud Tribune Chronicle and X. Y. World THURSDAY MAUCH 24. 1S0S to the ui.'ijoiity of good people in the" state. The OicKonian may classify Tin: 1 75 Omiosici.i: as a Mitchell ornan, hut Ij m doing so it assumes the premises . .$2 2o 2 25 . .. 1.S3 Call for Republican County Convention anil Notice of Primary Elections. The Republican County Convention of Wasco countv, Btitlcof Oregon, is. hereby called to meet in JJailes Cltv. l nM county, on WeilneiiiUy. April O. IH08, at the hour of 8 o'clock a. m of sn'ii Jay, for the lmrpotcof nomlnatlnRcan llilaUa for the follow ing county officers One County Commissioner, County Clerk, Count Sherltt, County Tie-uurer, County A sctaor, Countv School Superintendent, Cuunty Coroner ana County Surveyor; also precinct of ficeni for the several precincts of sultl county : -. - ..... . lr.miiK1fr..m .itiiti nnn Second District Couf?reslcnnl Conventions, anil to transact such other business as may properly come before said County Convention. The convention will consist of ft! deUwites chosen bv the several precincts, and the teveral nreciiicts'of said county w 111 be entitled to repre sentation in said convention as follows: Antelope S Kinssl:y r. Widow S Mosler . .. ... JUldwln .. 2 Jiautene - Hake Oven H Oak Orove " Columbia Ilamsey 2 Dnfur 4 Tjsh alley Iteschutes . -1 Trevltt Kast Dalles . . 0 lsuto... I last Hood Hi -er 5 ) est Bulles ... . . Kigbt Sllle.. . . -' W est Hood Uiver .. S yuUs .0 Wanile - The same being one delegate at largo from each precinct, nud one delegate for every twenty-live, votes and one delegate for evcrv fraction over one-half of twenty-live votes cat In each of said S recti cts for Hon. T. T. (ieer, Kepublican candl ate for pnsWcntlai elector at the November ekcttonin 1SW. l'KIMAMES. l'rimaries to elect dt legates to said County Convention will beheld in en h of thesccrl products in mia wuseo coumy on jiuto -v. In East Dalles precinct the polls of said ?rimary election will be located at tbo Last End lose Co.'s house, and 1). II. Itoberts. W . H. Butts mid L. S. Itovis will act as judges at said elec tion, lu lllgelow precinct the polls "'ill be lo eatcil at the office of Wm. Michel), and A. J. "Vorncv, J. K. Harnett and Douglas Dnfur will ct as 'judges at said election. In Trcvltt rre cinet the polls will be located in the county court room, and C. E. Bayard, Frank pat and 8. U Brooks will act as judges at said election; nud in West JMlles precinct the polls will bo lo cated at the Citv Mills, ami W. D. Dart, C. M. Tonta nud J. F. HtanieU will act as judges of Kaid election. In Antelope precinct the polls u t'l be located at the usual voting place, and h. . Kimscy, F. N. Ppicei and V Irvine will act as 1 idRett of said election. The twlls in each of siid prcciucti, in said pri mary election, will be kept open from 12 o clock iioou to p. m. for the reception of votes. The illt in each of the other precincts in the county Mill be localed In theusual voting places in each precinct, and will be opened at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on said 28th day of March, 1MS, and the clec.ion will be conducted In the usual manner. ... ... , Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 0th day of liareh, lbBS. J. M. I'ATl'KIttfON, Chairman Republican County Com. II. T. NOLAN, Secretary and draws sion. an untvnnanied conclu- TJIE HEAL POSITION. The Oregonian persists in dubbins Tue CiutoMCLi: a "Mitchell oran," though this paper lias repeatedly stated its position and declared that it was not supporting John II. Mitchell nor any other man. Prob ably the Oresonicn knows more of the inner workings of this paper than we do ourselves, and if such be the case, we are glad at last to learn the truth. The Cuuonici.i: is opposed to the Simon system of politics. It does not necessarily follow that this paper is a "Mitchell organ" or the organ of any faction in the Republican party. From lime to time we have 'had occasion to comment upon the situation in state politics, and gener ally have taken a position antago nistic to the Oregonian and Mr. Simon. The reason for this is evi dent. The extent to which Simon has carried "bossism" in the Kepub lican party has brought a largo meas ure of disrepute upon the organization. It lias currently reported that no man can aspire to any oflicc within the gift of the Republican party un less he have the approbation and consent of Mr. Simon. While this statement may be something of an exaggeration, yet in it is contained n great deal of truth, and it is this condition which Tin: Chiionicm: opposes. "Bossism" has long been attendant on the Republican party. The prin ciples which wc represent are the wised t for the safety ot the nation, aad when carried iuto effect have proven of benefit to the greatest Btinucr. Hut when one man, or set pt .wen, take upon .themselves the dictation of all party action, it is the tiae for tbo rank and file to declare they will have no more of such die lation. Roues will always exlat; The senate committee on civil service, winch has been taking testi mony for some months regarding the operation of the civil service system, has made a report in which it favors certain modifications m the classifi cation. There are two reports, a majority and a minority report. The majority report says that it is in the province of the president to modify the classification, and it indicates in what respects, in the judgment of the committee, it ought to be modified. The committee holds that the classi fication has been too extensive, and that there should be certain excep tions made, allowing appointing officers to appoint to certain ofllces without requiting examinations to be made. Among the exceptions rec ommended are those of deputy com missioners, deputy collectors of in ternal revenue, temporary storekeep ers and ''aimers, inspectors of hulls j-, a , and hoileis, janitors, assistnnt-'tttoi iievs and special ajcnts of the department of justice, deputy United States marshals, the chief cletlc in each of the departments, and the chief clerks of bureaus, and certain positions in the punting ollice. Sen ator Lodge, who signs tho minority report, believes that the list of ex ceptions should be much less limited than is proposed by the majority re port, and he would include in the competitive list the congressional library and the clerical force in the District of Columbia. The report is more conservative than might have been expected. It is not believed that the house bill, proposing to exempt some 40,000 government employes, has the remotest chance of being passed. It is expected that the president will shortly issue a rule making ccitain exceptions, but not so numerous as those proposed by the senate committee. A riJr-nmiiunii:lt:oti IB ' IieCti! to manv nursons. A drUL'Siist apiireeiaU'8 it wilon i-iimiiiL' from ii uootl nliysicinii llv. Tlin eluiraelLT of our drill's tii iiiutintnn mid iirernucv Willi winoii ;m fnrinlliiiu nr." I mill I'd IlllS 11I1U1P 119 It rt!HU tntion we shall endeavor at nil times to retain. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 SecQiifl Street. THE DALLES Just GUhat You ttlant. aeiailB.I if- ONE FOR A DOSE. Ilcnore Pimplca, PreTent niliooaanii, Parifr thoBlood, L 'Jm IIr.Aflkrf.ttr Axil linnanjit A movement of tho bowel ceth d7 la necessary tur health. Thej neither srlpo nor ticitcn. Tocoo rWco toij, wn will mail mp!o frets cr f all box for Us. Hold by drnjguM. DR. B0SAKK0 CO. Phila. Pa. V 7T PILLS FOR SALE. Two lots, N'oi. 11 and 12, in block 14. Gutos Addition, Tliu Dulles, Oregon. For particulars addresfl tho undersigned. M. E. FuunuAUY, 10-4w Box 178, Gohltndale, Wash. If tho United States and Spain become involved in war, it will bo itnpo-allile to import Havana tobacco. Con?tqnently high grade Havana cigars will inereace in price. Lay in a mpply of Prizo Medal cigars while the price remains the name. 10-tf Sheepmen, call at Clarku & Falk's and tet prices on the La Plata Sheep Dip. It la non-polrionoii6, mixes in stantly with cold water, and it Ih an in fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lien and ticks. 1 tf B S IIUNTINGTOH II 8 1V1LSO.S TTUNTINGTON St WILSON, ' Till: IMU.Kri, OKEHON Offlco owr I'liit Nat. Hank. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are ehowing never be- !nrt tyrnrm i Hinaln fltfrk. Rcnl imita tion creton elTecte at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Eleirant desicns. tasteful coloriiiup, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a lull line ot House paints D. W. VATJSE, Third St Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland a Hi Astoria Navigation Co.' TKVs the :Q1 IB Weekly Inter Ocean g LKRGBST CIRCULATION OF AHY POLITICAL PAPER IH THE WEST J It is radically Republican, advocating tne carattui aor.trinca oi iu.i r"r with ability anti carnisinc5sw tt.iSRxt H mi, ntuj.ivs tiff rlid On ! for fair and honest reports of ail po-1 Ittical niovcmentst5k'' j Hi THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL HE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LiTSRATU It Is Morally Clean ami as a Pamlly Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of Its columns la equal to that of the best maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF m THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy 2 with the Ideas and aspirations of Western peop e and 5 discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. !miad i nn name nue nm I ID Dm VFAR-SI.0D TUT. DATLT ATOSmrlTIOKS OF THE s : 111 I'ricoomiilly by mnil... $1.00 por yeav 'j nn nor year SI S TT 5 llallvniul Sun.lay by mall $0.00 per year 9 U g Bl"aBS Wholesale. MflLtT LtlQUOHS, CUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER ddirnaiLBohtt.o5 0.R.&N TO THE EMSTI alVKB THE 01IOICK OP TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OttEGOH. GEO. Q. EhDEtt AND CITY Of TOPEKR Leave Portland every five ditys for ALASKA POINTS. Bnsch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic bevorage, nnequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. OOICAN KTKAMKltH l.naro I'ortUnd JKvcrV Vniir DnVn ff SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Stcamera monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hone Kon via North urn Pnclllc Steatnohip Co., in connection with 0. It. & N. For full ilotnllK call nn 0. H A Co. h ARent Tho !..,. or mure,, w . ,,,.,,,,,.,, (!cu. l'nes. Ai;t , l'nrtlunil,0r DODSON, CAIil.lI.Ii & CO., cn. ArK, North ruclllc Hti'umslii)i (.'o. T I M IS CAItl). No, 4, to Pm)Iiuic mill (lii'iit Nnrtln-rii nrrlvea ntfi:'.Vil. in.. U'iivcm ut fiiSil p. in. No. In I'omlle ton, linker City iitul L'niiin t'licllltv-irtlvt'satUUi ii. m., ili'tutrtH nt U: ft) j. in. No V Irnm Sjiokmio mill (Iri-nt Northern, or rlvcs lit li M n. m., ilirt.i ut (l:f5 n. m. Nu. 1, Irotn llnkir City anil Unto, l'liclllo, iirrlvcs nt ;i:'Ji) n. in,, (li.'piiriH ut :i:so u. in. Nos. bi nml -I, movliiK fitst nl The Dalles. will carry iniMt'HKers. .n. uiiivva v i. No. Ul ilt'imrts nt 1:15 v. ni. l'ne.ieiiKUis lor Uopiicr tnko No 2, leaving hen: nt 11: On, in. VV, II. UUiU.llUUl, liCII. rum. rtgs rortliiuil, Oregon PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. sti. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWKRN The Dalles, Hood River, Cacarte Looks and Port in n d dally, TCHit Huuday, DOWN THE VALLEY Aro vou going ' on to Ask your Druggist tot ftgenciooa IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm P"". contain! no cocaine, mercury nor any other injurlooidruz. It U quickly Abaorbtd. UITM UVUCI MOUCC EASTERN OREGON? If 0, nue money und enjoy n boautKul trip on the Ooliiinbiu. Theuc t-boiind train nrrlvunut The Dulles lu nmplo tlmu lur lumxeiiKerv to take the kti'iiiut-r, urrlviiiK In I'ottlioiil in time (or the outgoing tioiithvrn and Northern trnlim; Ktut-l.-ounil uriivtiiK In The Du(le in time to ink ii tho Ktut-botit.d truln. , tor iiiuiu-r iiiioriiinuuii ajipiy io v ami m w w ALI.AWAY. (icn. Aet.. The IMlleu, Oieson HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE I have eixteen head of 3 and 4-year niilMQ lirnlru lor ua& T filfln hnvn i lioroee, innreH and KcldingB for sale, 1 weighing from 000 to 1400 pounds. Any one wanting work dock or stock, for Klondike, here la the placa to get them chean for ch. Jahkb Hiiown, f23-lm-l Victor, Or. raw of Tuta and boitll. l' 8le Wc. ; Trial , DeWitt'A Littio Rarlv Risers. a i jiiu'-iiKii.i oi niirus swrii rw on. t?' COLD 'N HEAD Ueali and 1'rotecta tbo Mubran. lletort tho Z. DONNELL, PHESCHIPTIOH DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, Oil cjaho has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first'Class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Barget undertakers embalmers Tho Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes, Ete. 5 Subscribe for The Chroinele Drugs Paints Oils Wall Pap Window Glass Snipes-KineFsIy Dmi Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON J. 8. HC1IRNK, rresmeiii. First national Bank. THE; DALLES - - - OREa?i A liemsnil bunking UiislneHH 1 1 itnuatwu Depoalts received, aubjuet to mIH Draft or Cheek. . CollectlonH made and proi-eedH proiiiptij remitted on dttv of eollcetioii. Sight and Telegraphic Iixclmni;; B'lH on New York, San Francisco un-' land. DIKBOVOKia D. P. Thomphon. Jho. f ,iUt,y' Eu. M. WlW.lAMH, Oko. A l.'K'1"' H M. Bkai.i. NOTICE FPU PU UMCAT ION. UNO Oni'cK.TiiB l'v"ft,?r"! Notice l hereby Klven ttiut ti'!' '"'''"j named aottlei liax lUed notlco .if his itt ti make II mil vtmtt In u;ioi t nl h Ij cl li. JJd that wild jiroolwlll b inado bolmu U-Kj t Itecelver at Tbo Dulleii, urcKon, on iiturari April 10, loot), via: Jmaa Hull, of TIip ',,''1..nd II. K. No. 4717, for the BKJ NWU, Hh M ua NK'i NKtf Bvo. 31, Tlj 1 Nu . 1, 0 ,,rovc ife nainea tho "lollowtnB wit uwo Jn Ilia contlmioun ri'ildtnee upon uml tuinvi" ol wild land, viz.! ..... wn lao Alnnilr Viinoe. Albert WllltCrHi Wolf, Wink ObrUt, all of The Itollw. uw" Ml US. K. MOOHKi ItwUtef-