The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 24, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. XI
NO 9
Officers Take a Gloomy View
of It.
jlerlx ami ominl' arrive nt
Miami. Florid, on lloute fur
Miami, Mar. 21$. Lieutenant-Cam-inaniler
Merix, of tlio Maine court of in
quiry, arrived liore in company with n
jmall party of oflleeru tlite morning. A
few minutes later Mm loft by the East
Coast railway, on routo for Washing
ton. Merix was very reticent, but when Mie
correspondent said. "It looks '.ike war,"
ho replied, "It Biirely doeB."
Others of the party in answer to the
tame question were nioru emphatic in
their replies, one of them enying: "1
cannot see how wnr cun poaaibly bo
Another said: "Thoro will be war."
His face wan as geniul and bright ns
ttiimliine, but suddenly u change camu
over Ids countenance, hia eyes fhmhed
fire, and when asked when Mm report
would ho made, Mm reply was: "Ah
soon as wo reach Washington, There
will be no delay." A Htrong impression
left was that the board's report would
be against the accident theory.
A I'ullce Llctitrtiuiit Mint Mill Killed by
a Maniac.
Sax Fhancihco, Mnr. 23. Police Liou
tenant W. F. liurke was sliot and killed
by Frank Ilnynea, uliaa Mm "Irish tink
er," n niuninc, thia morniug, while at
tempting to arrest him for disturbance
of the peace,
Haynca and a neighbor quarreled
about a fence between their Iota this
morning and the former became bo
abusive tiiat the police were summoned.
Two ofllccro responded, but llaynee
flourished a revolver and acted in such
a threatening manner that they with
drew and summoned Lieutenant Burke
who went at once to the (scene of the
Ilaynes waved liurke oh" with a pistol
and as tlio latter continued to advanco,
fired two shots at him, both takiiiKefleet
in tho abdomen, liurke (ell and Haynes
ran into his house, whore be proceeded
to barricade himself. The officers fired
a volley at him, but he returned it with
a Winchester. .
Burko was carried to the hospital
where he died in h few minutes. Hayuoa
finally surrendered after exhausting bis
immunlton. He is now in jail awaiting
hearing ot the case.
War Olniuo Iimurtod III Hlilp Cliurtnra
In Kngluud.
Nkiv Yoiik, Mar. 23. A London cablo
An ominous sign that the strainod re
gions between the United Statosnnd
Spain will result in war is furnished by
E"ll8h shipowners, who cabled to their
KMs that till charters must contain n
wrdamo. This clauso wliicli is posted
in tho maritime exchange, reads as fol -lows:
"It is understood this ateamer is to be
Ployed In strictly neutral trade, is
"'j1 to tarry contraband cargu or trad"
ports declared under blockade; also
" event of war hoinir declared bv or
Wait Great Britain by a maritime
Perthis charter in to bo null and void
wound of tlio current voyuge."
Sr)e Salve
Garland's 'Happy"
Ilioutfht Salve la
made right, It to the
salve you are euro of.
50 cents at DONNELL'S.
Royal makri the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
a. aV
Absolutely Pure
IlcnlnoNR Cnniint tie Cured
by local applications, ns they cannot
reach tlio diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and Mint is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of tho mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When Mils tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect iiearing, and when it Is en
tirely closod, DuafnvsB is Mm result, nnd
unless the inflammation can he taken
out and tliia tubs restored to its normal
condition, iiearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine enss out of ten nre caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of tho mucous eur
facea. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Guturrli
Cure. Send for circulars ; free.
F. J. Chunky & Co.. Toledo, 0.
Sold by DruggiBts, 75c. 0-10
Flood Create Havre In Ohio unci lu
ll Innu.
Dayton, O., Mar. 23. Dayton is iu
worse danger than ut any time since
1800, when the central part oi the city
was flooded. North Dayton is complete
ly under water, and about throe hun
dred bouses are almost covered. There
were several narrow escapes, but no
lives are report id lost. Back-water is
doing great damage below tho city. Three
trolley lines nre blocked, and steam rail
roads north of Mm city are paralyzed.
Tim levees nt Miami and lliverdale nro
in danger. Tim water iu in the eel hug in
the central portion of the city ami large
and valuable stocks oi merchandise will
undoubtedly Bailor.
Richmond, Ind., Mar. 23. Heavy
floods ure doing incalculable damage. A
largo bridge over Whitewater river has
been destroyed bv lire and Hater. The
Tho city electric light plant is drowned
out. The Starr piano factory and the
Nixon paper mill suffered a heavy loss.
Many people have been driven from
Mieir homes and the streela are badly
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fear-ing
men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is always the same, eimple, hon
est, curative medicino that lias helped
to make tho Shakers the healthy, long
lived peoplo Mutt they are. The Shak
ers never have indigestion. This is
partly owing to their eimple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful properties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorated tho stomach and all its glands
bo that after awhile Miey don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bot
tle. Clurk Utility 'f Alunler.
Papa, Cal Mar. 23. Geo. W. Clark
has l.ooii found guilty of Mm murder of
his brother, William, and on Monday
will receive sentence. The jury was out
nearly uii hour.
IW'UU tlui Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of MiiryevllleiYx.,
has found a more valuable discovery
than bus yet been made in tho Klondike,
For yearn lie Buttered untold agony from
consumption, accom pained by heuimor
rliagos; and was absolutely cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares
that gold ia of little value in comparison
with this marvelous cure; would have it,
oven if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle.
Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and
lung affections nre positively cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. Trial bottles free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. Regular size
CO cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure
or price refunded. 2
An Officer of the Maine.
Lahai.i.k, Ind., Mar. 23. Lieutenant
G. A. Blow, one of the officers of tho ill
fated battleship Maine, has arrived in
Lasalle. The lieutenant expressed his
regret at being unable to divulge any
thing in connection with the Maine dis
aster, as his instructions are particular
ly stringent. The lieutenant will remain
in this city a few days and expects to
report for duty in Washington the latter
part of the wek.
Free I'llli'
Send your address to H. E. Buckien
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in Mm cure of Con
stipation nnd Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they hnve been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
Jackson's Star Has Set.
San Fuancisco, Mar. 23. Jim Jeffries
easily defeated Peter Jackson in the
third round last night at Woodward's
pavilhon. Jackson made scarcely any
showing at all.
Chamberlain's Couth Itemed-.
This remedy is intended especially for
coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough
and Influenza. It lias become famous
for its cures of these diseases, over a
large part of the civilized world. The
most flattering testimonials have been
received, giving accounts of its good
works; of the aggravating and persist
ent coughs it has cured ; of severe colds
Mint have yielded promptly to its sooth
ing effects, and of Mm dangerous attacks
of croup it lias cured, often saving the
life of the child. Tim extensive use of
it for whooping coughs lias shown that
it robs that disease of ull dangerous c m
sequences. For sale by Blakeley &
Cuth In Your Cheek.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Jan. 3, 1894, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after March. 17,
1898. O. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasurer.
Tfnv. V.. l'Mwnvrla rmnlnrnf Urn KhoIIhIi
Baptist Church at Minersviile, Pa.,
when suffering witii rheumatism, was
advieed to try Chamberlain's Paiu Balm.
lie says: "A few applications of tins
liniment proved of great service to me.
It Bubsued the inflamation and relieved
Mm iiflin. Klimilil nnv suffer nro fir. tiv
giving Pain Balm a trial it will please
me." ifor Bate uy uiaiceiey cc nougn
tou. Mlioi-iinen, Atteutlou!
Clarke & Falk have seruiod the
agency for the La Plata Sheep Dip.
Mixes' instantly witii cold water.
Buck leu's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cur,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevti
aoiee, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaina
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cuies pileB, or no pay required
It is guartu.teod to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 ceiite
per box. For sale by Blakeloy and
Houghton, druggists.
Foul.' cigars are on sale at the follow
nig places: Snipes-Kinerely, Clark &
Falk and M. 5i. Donnell, druggists; Com
mission Co., Geo. Ruch, Fred Fisher
and Clias, Phillip?, grocers; Columbia
Cand v Factory nud A. Keller, confection
ers; 'Clias. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dan
itriker. A in. Buchlcr. Ben Wilson and
The Midway, silicons.
in every package of Schil
ling's Best tea.
Follow them no matter
what tea you use. ma
Sheriff's Sale.
Oregon for Wiikco county.
T. J. Held, pliiiiitlff
Wm. lllrRfcld, IjiurnK. Illrgfelii. Flint National
llnnk of Hie Diill'S, Thomas Kcllv and A.
llciiiictt.dcfcii' ants.
Hy virtue of u execution, decree and' order of
sic, duly issued out of ana under the senior
the Circuit Court of this Sato of O'cr, ii, for Hie
this County of Wasco, to me ditcctcd and dated
the 25th day of Fcbrnnrv, MS, upon a deeieo for
tlio forccloMirc of a certain moi igaxe, mid Judg
ment rciidctod and cntcicd In said Court on the
4th day of December, 1897, In the above entitled
cnuM'. li favor ot tho pli.lntlfl' jnd against the
defendant William Btigfcld and Lauru K. ISlrg
leld an Judgment debtors, In the mm til fifteen
hundrd and twelve dollars and twenty-nine
cents, with 1 tercst thereon from the lth day of
December, 1897, at the rote of ten per rent per
annum, ana tho further sum of one liuudr d and
tlfty i ollnrs as attorney" fee?, and the further
sum of lllteen dollars, costs, and tho outs of
and upon this wilt, and commanding ine to
make sale of the real property embraced In such
iicreof fon.closuro.and hereinafter decrlbcd, I
will on the
12th day of April, 181)8,
at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of
said day nnd nt the front door of tho Countv
Court house In Dalles City, ttWcn Co ntv, Ore
gon, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder
foi cash 1 hand, all the light, title and interest
which tho de'cndnntK William Hlrtifeld nnd
Laura K. Illrgrold, Thorn s Kelly and t.B. Hen
licit, or dtlier of them, had on the ih day of
August, IMC tho date of the mortgage foreclosed
h.telu, or which such defendants or any of the
defendants herein havo acquire!, orjiow have in
and to the following dc.-crlbed re-il pmpcitv,
sit u a tul and being In Waco County, Ongoii,
to-wit: An ui divided one-litth interest of all
of tei tlon No 21, the nw , and the so A of sec
tloti No. 23; also all of section No. 2T, tiie nw i
and the so J. oi section No. 27, arid the nw i ot
section No. S, all In township N 7, south of
tango No. 17. cast of the W. M; also of section
No y, township lo. 8, south of range No. 17, oust
of tlio W. II.. contutiiing iu all 28M.9S acres ac
cording to the Government surve (page ;:il, Vol.
O of deeds) also tho s of th sw !4 .tnd the s
of tho so of sect ou No. 31, township No. 7,
south of lunve 17, cast ol W. M.. containing 100
acres. (mu'O Ufi.Voi. K. deeds) also ull tho nw !r
of section No. 20, lowiishlti 7, south of range 17,
e. si oi v. . m., (page y.o, vol. a. oi deeds.) said
interest in the above descilbed real prop-ry be
ing the sumo descended to and Inherited b the
said Lull nil:. Birgfeld upon the death of Alexan
der It, gers nnd M tilda lingers, her father and
mother. Said property will bo soil subject to
confirmation und leacmptlon as by law pro
Dated nt The Dalles. Oreeon. this 3d dnv of
March, 1898. mcli5-li.
J . .1. DHIVKK,
Eucrifl'of Wasco County, Oregon.
Sheriffs Sale.
Brvlitueof an execution and order of sale
duly issued out ol the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Wusco County, to me directed, und
dated March 18, 1898, upon a judgment and de
cree rendered ana etitcied In said court on No
vember 11, 1891 In favor of the plnlntiir, in a
ease wherein the AllNnco Tiust Company, a
corporation, was plaintiff, and against thede-
icnaenis inemn, c. w. Denton awl Kllzabcth
Denton, for the sum of J91.18, with Interest
thenon from the said dute ut the rate of eight
percent per annum, und tho costs of and upon
this writ (which said judgement and decree was
on the fith day ol January, 1892, duly assigned
and com eyed to Mrs. 1. K. Thomson), and . om
maudiug m3 to make sale of certain of the real
property embraced In such decree and her, In
ulter lully described, 1 will, ou
April SO, 1808.
at 2 o'clock p. m., ut tho front door of the county
court house In Dalles City, Wusco Countv, Ore
gon, sell at public auction to tho highest 'bidder
lor cash iu hand, nil the light, title and (ut- rest
wmcn o aetenauuts, una enen ot them, hud ou
July 11, 1889, tho dute of the mortgage foreclosed
by said dtcreo, in und to the following described
twenty (JO) acres of land, to-wit: That certain
twenty (2U)ueroH In squuro form out of the
northeast corner of the donation land claim of
Chnrles W. Denton and Kliz-ibctli Denton, his
wife, suld donation land claim being Notifica
tion No. 8019, Claim No. 42, and being parlsof
sections 5 and 8, in township 1 north, range 13
east of Willamette Meridian, In Wasco County,
State of Oregon, und is more pxrtlcuhuly de
scribed as follows, to-wit: Uegiunlug nt u
point 13 chains 77 links east and G chuius 7 links
north of the southwest corner of said section 5:
thence south 09 chains 50 links: thence east 10
chains '9 links; thence north 22 chu'ns 20 links;
menceeasi lacuuui', 00 nuns tncncd north 11
minutes west 47 chains, 42 links; und thence
west 69 ell .ins 85 liuks to the nlucc of boirinnlui!
containing 329 01-100 ncies, inoie or less.
inc Danes, urcgon, uuicn 22, isvs.
mch23-l Sheriff of Wusco County, Or.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that under and bv vlr-
tuu of uu execution and order of sale issued out
of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
viusco county, on the Tin day ol March. 1898.
mum n j dgmcut und decrto given und ren
dered therein on the 12th day of M.-trcn, 189S, 111
u can so then and theretofore landing therein, In
wui-u vt. j.uuucs wus piaimur 111,11 ruuuioA.
Kennedy ct 11I. were defendants, which said exe
cution and iTder of sale is to mo directed, and
commanding me to soil the lands and premises
uereiutiiier meuiioueu lor no purpose 01 satis
fying und inivlng tho amount udludiml to be
duo to tho plaintill', to-wit: Tho sum of $2209.00.
and the further sum of $200 attorney's fees, una
$15.00 costs, 1 will, on Saturday, tho 23d day of
Apill, 1898, at iho hour of 1 o'clock p. 111., ut the
com mouse door, In Dalles City, in Wasco enmi
ty, uregnu, sen nt punuu auction, 10 tuo inquest
bidder, for cash In h ind, for the purpose of sat
isfying tho Judgment and decree above mo'i
tinned, ull the iollowliig descilbed luudsiind to-wlt;
ilCKluiiiug at u n ii it 10.19 rhulus south of tlio
quarter suciiuu corner between .sections six and
seven, in township two north of range eleven
east of illamet'o Meridian, und running thence
norm 10.19 cntiins; tueiico west 21.(19 cnaiu-;
thence iu 11 southerly direction 21.09 ihulus to
thetilauu (1 b-L'liiuiiiL'. lont.ilnlntr eleven and
50-100 acres. Also ull of tho southwest quarter
of seclloi: six In township two north range
eleven cast of Willamette Meridian, excepting
two cerium tracts uerewiore conveyed incie
from to W. V. Johnson und now of 1 coord, o e
containing two and thrco-fuurths ncios, and tho
othi'i' containing 22 5-8 acres, nnd also excepting
a tract of twenty neres couvc)cd by deed of Dee.
in, ift'.u, to uu 11. fiiuuu.
Dalluj city, Oregon, March 2, 1898.
incbiSM T. J. DK1VHK, Sheriff.
i'lauu Timing,
W. S. Geary, the well-known t lano
tuner, is Iu the city nnd will cull upon
his I'ustomeis. No other piano tuner
has authority to ueo his name iu any
way. Orders left At either muslo store
will receive prompt attention.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Tkt It wht It wm wdt for.
JNlot a,
fiat a suit fot $10
You can go into any clothing store and buy
a Ten-Dollar Suit any and all tho stores have them,
but you'll get just what you ask for a Ten-Dollar
Now, we brought into view this morning, a
large number of styles that have just arrived, fin
ished to our order, and which wo propose to sell at
Ten Dollars
Ten Dollars.
As an illustration of what wo are doing in
Popular Pfieed Glothing.
If3'Ou have bought a Suit as well made and
as nobby for $8.00 or $4.00 more than our price of
ten dollars, you received your money's worth.
A plain fact.
For more than fifty-six years it lias never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes of iarmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi
ness, for tho improvement of thoir businoss and homo
interests, for education, for tho olovation of American
manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at tho fi reside, interesting and instructive
storios of tho doings of tho world, tho nation and states.
IT HAS advised tho farmer as to tho most approvod meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho
proper time to convort thorn into tho largest possiblo
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters portaining to tho wolfaro of
farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has
held their confidence and esteem.
and wo furnish it with the Semi-Weokly Chronicle on
year for $1.75, cash in advanco.