The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 23, 1898, Image 4

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    ora$ BXJOYd
Both tho method and results when
Syrnpof Figa is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taBte, and nets
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
lavcr and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fovers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac
ceptable to the Btomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and ngrecablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and have mado it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand" will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
-wishes to try it. Do notnecept any
l'i:il8lN.l, MENTION'
It-ic Grimes went to Portland on busi
ness Unlaw
Clyde Hnnnev
iluod lt'ver.
is in tho city from
E. Jacobsen went
on tic.aiueS'i.
to Portland today
Uarrv C. Lieoe went Pari land this
morning for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Huntington went
to I'orthmd on this morning 8 train
It. C. Phillips, of the Northwest Light
and Manufacturing Co., is in the city
from Goldendale.
Hies Emma Staats came up from her
borne in Albina yesterday and left today
to visit fiiends at Dufur.
lire. L. Clarko returned tbie morning
fruui Moro, uiitre she has been vmtint:
bee daughter, Mrs. V. O. Iladley, fur
several Keeks,
tire. Mary Brittaiu will leave for New
York tonight to visit relatives in that
euUo fov a short time, after which she
rut leave (or Alaska
V. I). 8tlineon, of Goldendale, one of
the gentlemen who is interested in the
scheme of lighting Tho Dalles with gas
lights, is in tiie city today.
Walter -"Peterson, the accommodating
Western Union operator at this place,
went to Portland today to visit relatives.
Mies Edith Baum, of Portland, will
jserve as operator in his absence.
,A n linthusiast.
Isapeason who lielieveB about four
times as much as he can prove, and who
out prove about four times as much as
avore else believes. We're not en
tbvaiaate; not a bit of it. We believe
we sell as good clothing as the best, and
a close, if notn closer, margin than
any other dealer. That partly accounts
tor our great success. Look to us for
for the new things in Clothing and Fur
suehings. A. M. vVilliamh & Co.
Notioa is hereby given that there will
beau annual meeting of tho stockhold
ers of The Dalles. Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co. at their office Saturday,
April 2, 1803, at 2 p. in., for the purpoco
of electing seven directors, anil transact
ing such other business as mav properly
ewe before said meeting. By order of
Site president.
The Dalles March 1, 1898.
C. L. Phillips, Secy.
FILED, w. wiuso'.
Till'. OAlAKl!, OKEOON
oaioc ovei First Nat. Unit.
akdWoxix Outrare mo teem.
to ftilly pprecUto the purity, nnI.
ad dellcxcy of Cimcoiu Bur, and
ratwtueafer It dur. tocimbk,
;mi baMtlfy tb akin, to alter itch-
mat IrrrUttM, to hMl siilay . wwl
mm Bletratlyo wiiUm1. aetiilagM
wi,a p i inly ttmtin a www
wttfe Cttkhhu Mir , muowm, waa
Nottcfl Ib hereby given, by order of the
common council of Dnlles City, that
Umon street will bo improved between
Main and Twelfth streets by grading
ind Oiling tho name, and that the coat of
frtlil iimpowd i m provotuent shall be aa
sc.(l upon property adjacent to raid
stn-i't, iinlcci" within 'fourteen dny (torn
i tie liiiul ptiliiii'iit Ion of this notice tho
owners of two-third? of the property ml
jicnt to euiil street file with the ro
corili-r a written remonstrance against
nhl proposed Improvement.
D.Hed this loth d-iv of .March, 18!)3.
ii-IG-I4t K eorder Dalles City.
Notfcu is hereoy uiveu, by order of tho
c iiiinon council of Dalles City, tliHt
Court ftrret will he improved between
Uuiti and Second streets by grading ami
tilling Hiil street, and that tho cost of
.wild proposed improvement shall be
I ?i-e?sed upon property adjacent to said
'-trei'i, unl'-ss within fourteen days from
the final publication of this notice the
, o nt-re of two-thirds of the property ad
jieent to eaia street nle with the re
corder a written remonstrance against
said proposed improvement.
Dated this 15 day of Mxrrh 1698.
mchlO 14 Ueninler Dalles City.
I have I let-1 1 i.lllicted with rheumatism
for lourteeu years and nothing seemed
to give any relief. I was able to be
around all the time, lint constantlv suf
ffrioL'. I had tried everything I could
hear of nnd at last was told to try Cham
linrl.tiiiV Piin Balm, which I did, and
whs immediately relieved and in a short
tim- eiiied. I am hippy to say 4 hut it
ha- not cinre returned. Josh Edgar,
G niiHitowii, Cal. For sale by Blake
ley & Houghton.
Suerp markinz paint ; ready for use.
Two colors, black and red. Why you
should ue our sheep paint. First, lie-ciu-e
the colors arc ground thoroughly
in pure linseed oil by tine machinery;
Heroin!, because it is made of high grade
color, with the proper amount of dryers
added to give it binding nnd lasting
i tiiili ties, which prevent it from washing
or running eft"; is much mote
economical, because it is always ready
for ne. We guarantee our sheep mark
ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it
nnd be convinced. Clarke & Falk,
agents, The Dalle?, Or.
To cure her chapped hands Miss ,e caused a commotion would be put
Cfttrie Iteed. of Camden, N. J., washed ting it inlldlv. The yonnp couple nearly
them in gasoline. Then she tried to i)roe the (iocr (owll in loir lastp l0
dry them over a fire. In an insiant Rct out of the room, and thev made a
were ablaze, and serious burns re-,
A wheel was one of the Christmas
presents received by a llrodklyn young
lady. She tried it on the day it came
icto her possession, and while riding!
on Flatbush avenue fell and split her
knee-cap. She will be lame for life.
Foutz' cigars are on siie at the follow
ing places: Siiipes-Kiuersly, Clark &
Falk and M. Z. Donuell, druggists; Com
mission Co., Geo. Ituch, Fred Fisher
and Chas, Phillips, grocers ; Columbia
Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection
ers; Chas. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dan
Baker, Aug. Buchler, Ben Wilson and
The Midwav, saloons.
Piano Tuning.
W. S. Geary, the well-known piano
tuner, is in the city and will call upon
his customers. No other piano tuner
has authority to use his name in any
way. Orders left at eitiier musio store
will receive prompt attention.
Wo are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pltas-
anter or better way to do it than by rec
ommending One Minute Cough Curo as
a preventive of pneumonia, consump
tion and other serious lung troubles that
follow neglected colds.
There are three little things which do
more work than any other three little
things created they aro the ant, the bte
and DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the last
being the famous little pills for stomach
and liver troubles.
Ch In Vour Cbeck.
All county warrants registered prior
to Jan. I!, 1894, will bo paid at my
office. Interest ceases after March. 17,
1898. 0. L. PiiiLLii'H,
County Treasurer.
Whooping cough is the most diatreis-
ing malady; but its duration can be cut
short by the uee of One Minute Cough
Cure, which is also the beat known
remedy lor croup and all lung and bron
chial trouble.
Don't annoy others by your coughing,
and risk your life by neglecting a cold.
One Minute Cough Cure cuies coughs,
colds, croup, grippe and all throat and
lung troubles.
hlierpineii, Attention!
Clarke & Falk have tecurod tho
agency lor the i.a riata nlieep Dip.
Mixes intantly with cold water.
For lieiit.
Good two-room h suse on doable lot:
good garden spot, inquiro or ll. A.
v . m mm . '
Bill at Maier & Benton's store. m'-H-23
DeWitt' Witch Hazal Satv
Cur Pllw. BcaM Bar.
Scow load of dry Fir Wood just re
ceived a Maier & Benton's. tf
0 Minute Cough Curt, curM.
That la what it wa suae far.
Orrfranmp Kxtiprlener of nn Inillnn
Mpolla Trnvnllnsr Mnn.
The stor.V of the drummer who went
to bed with the rorrtfP is familiar to
j nearly every traveling man In Indianap
olis, but it is not geiuMr.ll, Known that
the hero of thai experience lives In tlii
town. It Is a fact, nevertheless, and his
name Is II. D. Hurgheiin.
In 1S77 Mr. llurhelm traveled for a
wholesale inllllucry house located at
Keokuk, la. Amnug the places lie
visited was n village known as Mlltnii.
located on the ('. iV M. road. One day
while passing through the place he saw
one of the proprietors of the hutel stand
ing on the depot platform and told him
to reserve the room he usually occupied,
as he would return on the next train and
spend the night there. It was ten o'clock
when he reached Milton on the back
trip nnd the town was dark nnd ap
parently deserted Mr. Ilurghrim ex
perienced but little difficulty in reach
ing, the hotel. Tlnclerk had gone to
bed and Mr. Itiirgheini knowing per
fectly well where the room was located
decided not to arouse him. He found
the door unlocked and was somewhat
surprised to find the room already oc
cupied. The man was in bed nnd to all
appearances sound asleep.
llurghcitu decided thatthe hotel must
be crowded, and for that reason it had
been found necessary to give him a
roommate. He knew the man was all
right or the landlord would not hne put
him in there, so he quietly removed his
clothes and climbed into bed. carefully
drawing' the covers about him so as not
to disturb his bed fellow. He was just
getting comfortably fixed when the
door opened and a young man and
young woman entered. The roan lighted
the lump and without even looking at
the bed sat down on n chair and pulled
the young woman onto his lap. There
was billing and ccoing, and kisses with
out number. After watching the in
teresting scene for about live minutes
Hurghcim came to the conclusion that
his bed fellow would enjot it and he
tried to arouse him. lie punched him in
the ribs tw or three times, but the fel
low never so much as grunted. He (hen
reached over with the intention of tak
ing him by the arm. In some manner
his hand came in contact with the man's
face, and it was as cold as ice. In an
instant it flashed over Hurghcim that
he was in bed with a corpse. The very
idea of the thing was. horrible to con
template, and without stoppiug to
think he uttered a frightful yell nnd
leaned out onto the iloor. To sav that
r,h for the office pursued bv Iturc-
heim, who was as badly frightened as
they were. The veils aroused every-
body in
the hotel, and it was an hour
before the place quieted down again.
The trouble was caused bv the pro-
prietor of the hotel who had neglected
to inform his partner that the room had
been engaged by Hurghcim. One of the
guests of the house had died during the
day, atd the partner plactd the body in
the room Burgheim had engaged. The
young people who were having such a
nice time when Hurghcim jumped from
the bed hud gone there for the purpose
of sitting up with the corpse. They
were under the impression that the man
had suddenly come to life and of course
they were badly frightened. The young
woman fainted, nnd as for Hurghcim
he found it necessary to take several
bracers before he could summon up
courage enough to retire to bed. He
occupied another room and half a dozen
people sat up with the corpse. Indian
apolis Sentinel.
One Made of tinn 3IntaI and One Car
ries a Nail from the Cron.
The crown of Kounmnin h; composed
of gun metal made, in fact, out of n
bit of old cannon captured nt Plevna;
that of Portugal has gems in it which
have caused it to be valued nt $5,000,000.
The iron crown of I.ombardy, which,
by the by, is the oldest diadem in Eu
rope, is only ix inches in diameter.
The question usually nsked by those
who behold it for the first time is:
Where is the iron? For to all appear
ances the crown consista of n broad
circle of gold ornamented by un enam
eling of flowers. This, however, is but
the outward case within the coronet
rests the iron itself. It in fashioned
out of one of the nails by which Christ
was fastened to the cross. The crown
now rests in the Cathedral of Monza,
Italy, and is under tho enro of the
uionks of the establishment. These
holy men call nttcntion to the fact that
while no attempt hns ever been mado to
clean tho baser metal, r.tlll there Is no
sign of rust upon it a fact which con
clusively proves itfiencrcd origin.
To Preserve the (taecn'a Voice.
The London Dolly Mall says that ar
rangements have been made to pre
serve permanently the tones o Queen
Victoria's voice. The lateirt type of pho
nograph will be sent to Windsor castle,
nnd into this instrument her majrety
has consented to speak n certain ines-
sage, which will be permanently pre-
served on the cylliidepniwl kept in the
British museum.
T ..!!!...
Curn Out of Water,
Rome fish exhibit great power of en
durance when deprived of power of ac
cess to their native elements. In Hol
land carp arc kept alive for three weeks
or a month, the fish being placed in wet
moss ami kept in a cold spot.
llo Dro rimnn $3
" V Ml W MWIIiV f I
teat ai)d
por treasonable
Wo Print Anything in
the Printing Lino.
Qje us a trial.
lropKl pub. Qo.
Dalles, Moro and Antelope.
ThroiiKh ly ilnyllght via CJrnsi Vullcy, Kent
anil Cross Hollows.
1IOUGI.AH AI.I.KN, Tho Dalle.
O. III. M'llU'KLAlV, Alltiil.lIM).
Stages leave The Dulles Irom I'tnntllla House
nt 7 ii. m.. also Irom Antelope nt T.'JO n. in. every
Mondny, Wi'diiKMlny nml 1-rlilny. CouiK-ctlout
nimle nt Antelope for l'rlncvlllc, Mitchell mut
points beyond. Close c iinectlons mailont The
ballcs with railways, trains nml bouts.
RUkcs from Antelope reneh The Pidlcii Tuis
days, Tluirtdny.'i uiul S.itimliiys nt 1:30 . iu.
Dalles to Deschutes .?! 00
do Moro 1 SO
do tlrass Valley "25
ilo Kent 3 ro
do Cross Hollows I U)
Antelope to Cross Hollows 1 0
do Kent i! 00
ilo (Irass Valley y 00
do Moro ,
do Doschnccs
do Dalles b 00
Patronize the
All kind of work. Wldto Shirts n specialty.
Family work at reduced r tes. Wiish colic-ted
und deltvcicil free. Telephone No. 110.
H. D. Parkins, Agt,
Hie GDlumDia PaGRing Co..
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Administrator's Notioe.
Notice is hereby Riven that by an order of the
County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for Watco
county, made January 19, W)S, tho undersigned
hasbten duly iippolnt'd administrator of tlio
estate of Tlios. J. Siiilllvan, jr., deceased. All
persons bnvlne claims against the estate of said
deceased, arc hereby notlllcd to pretcnt them to
mo wiin ino proper voucners nr. ino orueo oi
iluntluirton it Wilson, within tlx months from
diilo herd f.
Dntva Jnuunry VJ. iwf.
Physiciaus and Surgeons,
fipeclal attention given to surgery.
Booms 21 nnd 12, Tel. 228 VogtMock
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Teed Grain of all kinds,
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, XD
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr Tb,s F,oor roanufgetured exprMaly for family
w. nM! every aack ie guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wo Mil our goods lower than any boiiee in the trade, and it you don't think to
call and get oar price and be convinced.
Highest Prioes Paid for Whttbt, Barley and Oat.
and FofffneHg
Keep on dnuijdit llio celebrated
COMJMItiA IIKKIt, npkiioHl
edged llic best beer in Thu Hallos,
nlthtiUMlid price. I'omu In, try
It nml he ri' vhiecd. Aim tlio
Kin) st brands of Wines, Minors
mid Clears.
of nil Kinds always on baud.
Letters uf Credit issued nvnllable in tin
Eaatcrn States.
Sinlit Exchange nnd Ttilemntplm
TrnnHfers sold on Now York, Oliiaiuo.
St. Lou in, Ban Francisco, Portland On
Hon, Seattle WiihIi,, and vurloue point?
in Oregon nnd Washington.
Collections inaio at all points on lav.
orablu terms.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker? Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
IH 1'afte Weak. 100 I'miar ft 1'oar
It Ptunds Jirst among '"weekly" paper?
in sie, frequency of publication
freshness, viiriet) nnd reliability of cor.
tents. It is practically n daily at tlio Ion
price o a weekly : and its vast list of
subscribers, cxtondinir to every state aud
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for tlio accuracy and
fairness of Its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, nnd among
Its special features are a fine humor
pne, exiinustivo market reports, nil the
latest fasliioni! fur women and a Ion
scries of stories by tlio greatest living
American nuu bnglish authors,
i:innn Doylo, Jerome IC. Toroni,
Htauley WeymaU fllury K. WllkltiH
Anthony llopu, llrnt llarto,
llrander Slnttliewa, IJtc.
We offer this unenualed newspaper and
Tho Dalles Twicc-a-Veuk Chronicle to
gether one year for $l'.00. Thu regular
price of the two papers is
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice Is hereby Given that tho underlined
bus (lied In tho ofllco of the County Clerk, of
Waico County, her mini account ns adminlstrlx
of the estate of I. I. Iluriret. anil tbnt bv order ot
tho County Court, for (aid County, Monday, thu
2d day of May, IKXi, bua been lUed as the time
and the court room of sal J Court ns tho place for
iiiu jieumiK i "uu nnui avL'iuiii. nil n.tsuiis
interested in said estate arc nolltled to appear nt
said time aud place nnd show causo why said
fuinl account should not bu approved nnd al
lowed. A.T. IlUIUifcl',
incUi-ll. Administratrix.
Administratrix Notioe.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
as been ritrularly appointed by the county
court of tlio Htato of OrvKon for Watco County us
administratrix of thoojbitoof Charles W, John
ston, deccasel. All iicrsous havlnir claims
MRnintt said cstnto are hereby iioilllel to pru
sent them, with the proper voucberi, to mo nt
tho office of W. II. Wilton, In Dalles City, Ore
K"ii, within six months from thudatoof this
Pallcs City, OrcKon, Feb. SI, 103.
feWC I Administratrix.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
NT. I'M! I. ' "
Through Tickets
For lulormatlon, time cards, map nnd tickets,
cal nu or write to
W. C5. Al.LAVVAY. AkoiiI,
The Dalles, Oret'ou
A. I). OHAKlrON. Asst. G. P. A.,
iV. Morrlim Cor. Third. I'ortluud Oregon
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y
Trnhi!. leave nnd are dun to nrrivc nt I'nrtlni
iiress. Hiilniti. Uimu. I
bunr, Ashland, Hue
o:oo r. si.
ramentii, OKdcn.Snn
rraucisco, .unjave.
U)8 AiiKeles.f.ll'nso. i
New Orleans and
IKast J
HosebiirR and way bi
llons fVIn Woodhiirn lorl
I iIt.Ati(rel, Hlivcrton,
West Hclo, llrowns- y
vllle.riprluglleld uud
(.Natron j
(Corvnllls and way)
(stutlous (
H:S0 a. il.
17:30 A. 21.
:M P.M.
Dnllv (oxcept Hiindiiy).
li.Mlp. m. (I.v. ...Portland. ...Ar.) 8:lin. m
ji i. m. A!.,3iC3iinnviiit'..i.v. (i;mim, m
ji. in.
l:.'Un. m
'Daily. tDiliy, except bunilay.
Attached to nil Through Trains.
Direct connection ntPnu Krnnclsco with Occi
dental nnd Oriental und Paclllc mall steamship
lines for JAPAN uud CHINA. Sulllng dntea on
a plication.
ltntt-H i,ml tickets to Knstorn points nnd Kit
AllBTltALlA, can bcobtulned from
J. 1). KIltKl.AND, Ticket A Rent.
Through Ticket Olllco, nt Thlnl iitreot, where
through tickets to all points in the Kasteru
Htntc", Canada and Euroic can bo obtained at
lowest rates Irom
J. H. KIltKl.AND, Ticket Agent.
All above trains nrrlvo nt uud depart Irom
Grand Central million, 1'llth mid Irving streets
l'ttssengcr l)eiit, loot oi Jodcrson street.
Iienvo for OBWK(K). dnlly, except fiundny, at
7:4)n. in.; w:ao, 1:55, fi;lf, 6-:, p. m.
(and 11:20 p. in. on Saturday only, mid 9:00 a. m
mid :i:Su p. m. on Hunilays only). Arrive at
Portland nnlly nt 'ii:IOnud H;3Un m.; and 1:35,
M:lS,6:inud7:&5p. in., (mid 10:03 u. m , 3-15
5:10 p. m. on Buuduys only).
I-envo (or Hlicrldan, week days, at 1:30 p. m
Arrive nt Portland, 0:30 n. m.
Ivc lor AIKME on Monday, Wednesday and
Krl'ioj- ut 0:10 u. m. Arrlvo at Portland, Tuwi
dnv, Thursday uud Baturdu) it 3:05 p. m.
Except Suudiiy. Except Buturday.
Asst. U. K. it Pass. Agt
50 Years 50
Undisputed aupromncy in tlio World's
Inoroases Yield of Wool.
Enhanoea Value of Flock.
Clioap, Safe, Handy. Glean, Wholeeomo
aud OclorletB.
Kecommended by Manufacturers, Kcouf'
ers and uuyors. isoia vy
O.'G. RoberU, General Agent, 247 Aih
Btreat, Portland, Oregon.