Trojan Shirt Waists. Our plonk fhows nn I'ndleos variety of Plaids, Baya dure Stripes Mid Fancy Fronts, all in blouse ifl'ect. The variety in price will accomodate any puree. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 $2.25, $2.50, $3 00, $3.50. Wo also hnvn In stock a much waists that are well worthy of your ALL GOODS MARKED N PLAIN FIGURES. 1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY MARCH 23, 1898 Z WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. 8 Frt-sh cows for sale at M. H. Miller's, on 5-Mile. wchllMt Weather Tonight, fair; Tliursday, rain and warmer. When you smoke the Koso Queen 5 cent cigar you get your money's worth. tt Dr. Shackelford has removed his ofHct to room 14, Vogt block, over the post) office. Last night Foter ml7-2m Jackson defeutei Jeffrey in the third round in Ban Fran CISCO. The report of the board of inquiry will to given to the public next Monday or Tuesday. At a cabinet meeting yesterday senti ment was expressed that the Cuban war mast cease. lust received cauliflower, sweet pota toes, oranges, lemons and bananas at Commission & Grocery Co. The only stuck in Saltmarshe & Go.'s yards today aro twonty-flvo bead of boge for the Columbia Packing Co. t Another Alaska vessel, The Alma, has sunk outside of the Golden Gate, California. The passengers and crew, nuniburing torty-one in all, aro believed to be lost. Yestorday the case of Michiel, Snrrad and Pearlman vs. Mrs. Otto Hlrgfold, came before the justice court Ibut was ettled without trial. Early this morning Roe Grimes ship ped 110 head of splendid beef cattle to I the Union Meat Company atTroutdale. They wero bought of Al Lyle, and Drought a handsome price. The Burvoyora are busily engaged at present In laying out the route for the Columbia Southern, botween Wasco and oro, and everything at present goes to indicate that the road will be extended to tho latter place daring the coining maimer. Coroner Butts returned from Cascade wcks last night. Nothing was fjuud out in the Inquest more than that the lmo was committed by Gobbhard, mle in a fit of anger or insanity. The 'mains of the uufortunate couple will w buried today. Tho work of excavation for the water tain tho East End is almost finished nd tins morning the workmen com need laying the pipe. The work ie ln pushed aa rapidly as possible and " hort time this needed linprove Wnt win be completed, 'Jili morning the committee on lights Mil consultation with H. 0. Phillips JW r. 0. Stlmion, of Goldendalo, who jJWwnt the Northwestern Light Co. of u?u .1 y' Thow entlemen offer to "Uhe atreeta of thla city with their n km light (or what li considered a Save Wo expect tin ova tion of ilullglit will follow this thowingof bright now waists the most successful timl tip-to-dato fchlrt waist ol tho eeason. Tlio dosign nnJ peri oral finish of tho Tro jan excels anything tlmt line ever been placed before? the buy ing public of The Dalles. lower priced lino of attention. reasonable price. They claim to have nn invention that works well for the purpose. A special council meeting will be held, and the matter will he brought before the same. 8. Cole, of Walla Walla, shippod a carload of horses from Dayton to the Sound last week. The horses were all bought In the vicinity of Dayton, and are of various ages and sizes. Some of them are draft horees, and will be used logging in the camps in Western ashington. Last evening Mrs. C. J. Crandall left on tho 5:20 train for Almota, Wash., in response to a telegram stating that Henry Spalding, nn old friend of Mrs. Crandall's family when they lived at Almota, had been fatally burned in a hotel fire, and was expected to live but a short time. Treasurer ILirtholet, of Yakima county, is preparing delinquency certi ficates for unpaid real taxes, and the certificates are for sale. The treasurer es timates that fully 0000 of these certifi cates will be issued; and, as they draw 15 per ctnt interest and are a first lien Ujion the property assessed, the security is unquestioned. A Havana dispatch yesterday alleges that Captain-General Blanco and Gen eral Manterola have notified the Span ish government that they will resimi their ofliccB if the torpedo fleet is to be detained at the Canvries in obedience to the demand made by President McKin ley. Captain Eulate, of the VIzcaya, is said to have sent a. similar message to the admiralty. A report is current Unit one of the members of tho club team bad such grave fears of the ladles defeating them, that he had hie lunch brought to the Commercial Club so that ho could spend almost the entire Innch hour in practic ing. We suggest that a lunch counter bo sot up In the club for the accomoda tion of the members of the bowling team, for they will all be equally anxious to practice elnco last evening's defeat. Rehearsals for King Hallabahoola II for this week aro as follows: Wednes day, March 23d, at 8 p. m., at opera houso, entire company; 'lhursday eveu ing, March 24th, at 9 p. m.,ln Sehauno'e hall, song rehearaa1; Friday, March 25th, Schanno's hall, 9 p. in., lanterns; Saturday, March 20th, 9 p. in., at Selianno's hall, natlvne. Tho grand production of King Hallabahoola II will take place on Tuesday even'ii, April 12th. It is quite posBlblo Spokane people will be able to hear the Hon. William J. Bryan speak in Spokane before many weeks soys tho Chrouidc. The North Pacific Lyceum bureau Is now in corres pondence with him and hopes soon to be able to unnounco hia coming. The man agers of the bureau have had one letter from him. At present he is on a tour of tho South, but in lila letter he said he expected to bo home about tlio 25th, and then would be able to give the bureau a definite answer. A telegram was received yesterday stating that Rev. 0, D, Taylor, of this Your Money. Wear clothes that are satisfactory. Wear clothes that fit and are economical. Try our sure-fitting, mcney-eaving 5b8bSKl16 H II aBaH pride-producing suite, made to fit your form, sold to fit your economical sense. There's satisfaction in theui. Our Spring and Summer Lino is now ready for Inspections PEASE & MAYS. place, who has been tried in t he courts of Michigan mid found guilty of the crime of obtaining money under false pretenses, was sentenced for six years in the Jackeon state's prison. As Taylor's chanceB for an appeal are very limited, this ie, in all probability, the closing scene in the North Dalles drama, of! which the majority of the citizens of the' East and West have heard more or less and in which not a lew people hav been actors to their great sorrow. Dr. Holli8ter, who was called to a tend Captain Endersby, the old gontl man who broke his leg yesterday nior mg, returned last evening, and ports ttie patient in a bad conuitioii His left leg was badly crippled frcm rheumatism before the accident occi r red, atid yesterday his right leg was brokeii a short distance above tho auk e, which, considering his advanced at ?, will probably cripple him tor life. T ie accident was caused by the running aw y of a team on a road-scraper. Mr. E i dersby got his leg fast in the machine n such a way that the bones were bac ly b.okin. Old Lock-Ups, a noted Klickitat in dinn, and tor some time a residentJof this city, died last week at Columbia. Lock-Ups must have been fully 100 years old. He well remembered Lewis and Clark in their trip down the Columbia, away back in 1807. He and his Equaw, who survives him, were members ofjthe Worm SpringB tribe ot Oregon, but they were abandoned wlien t uey grew told and feeble, and left to the cure of the whites. In his youth he had had ma battles with the Snake Indians, wit whom his tribe was always at war. For some three years he had been blind iSr.d unable to get around. For two days and nights the Nesqual ly Indians bavo been matched against tho Puyallups in a great gambling con test, held on the reservation of the former tribe, now almost deserted, and far from a prosperous condition. The Indiana' passion for gambling is satis fied by several games, promiuent among them being that known as "slahal." It was this sort of gambling that occu pied the attention of the neighboring tribes for forty-eight hours. At the end the game was declared a draw, and the horses, wagons, hlankets, articles of clothing and (200 staked ou tho out come, did not change hands. Sum of Veteraim' Entertainment. The Sons of Veterans will give an en tertainment uext Tuesday evening, March 8th, A good program, consist ing of patriotic songs, recitations and musical selections. In conclusion a fine lunch, donated by the W. R. C, will bo served. licit of All. To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the springtime comes, use the true and per fect remedy, Syrup of FIga, Buy the gonuine. Manufactured by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co., ouly, and for sale by all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle, Try Scbllllmt't Went baking powaer Clene Sale BlCYCLtES. One 'OS Ladies' Clove- (50(1 land Wheel folf Two '97 Eagle Wheels at One '9G Cleveland.... Gent's Wheel One '95 Eagle Gent's Wheel One '97 Boy's Eagle QB Wheel WD One '97 Girl's Eagle Wheel In order to make room for our new stock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. MAIER & BENTON THE TEAM DEFEATED. he Ladles Walk Away With the Lau rels from the Club Team. The most interesting of the series of tournamentB which have been bowled dining the winter was that of last even ing betweon the ladies and the club team. The club room was crowded with spectators and everyone was more or less worked up about the matter before the hour for rolling come. The sympa thy was in favor of the ladies, and while the playing was going on a gooEO egg on the part of tho gentlemen called forth as 'oud cheers as dfd a strike on the ladies' side. At first it was intended that but one game would be rolled, but everyone be came more interested than ever after the ladies winning the first, and an other game was rolled, which was also a victory for the fair sex. The following were the scores made: I.ADIKS' TEAM. lbt 2d Game Game Mrs T J Seufert 22 4G Mrs G C Blakeley 24 20 Mrs MT Nolan 33 30 Mrs F Van Norden 21 24 Mies Aunu Lang 27 34 Miss Alma Schanno 31 34 Handicap 00 GO Totals 218 254 CLUB TKAM. 1st 2(1 Game Giimu 35 40 CHallard' 27 51 A J Tolmie 34 37 F Houhton 35 32 J C HAstetlor 37 21 ChasStephcns 30 30 Totals .777": C04 223 After the ladies won tho first victory they were given three hearty cheers and a tiger, and Mrs. Chas. Hilton presented the captain of the victorious team with a beautiful bouquet of carnations. The ladies aro anxious to play out tho tournament, and if they do as well as they did last evening, they will have a good chance to win, since they have al ready two games and 45 pins to their credit. The men will have to pick up wonderfully in order to beat them. The ladies desire to express their thanks to everyone connected with the club for the courteous treatment re ceived while practicing for and during the match. Also to Mrs. Hilton for her kind appreciation of their victory. tiutt for Hale, Not building lots: but lots of durable. dressy and stylish suits for spring wear. Suits that will add finish and stvlo to your appearance; suits that will gratify your personal pride and win tho com mendation oi yourtrleuds; suits that will pleaso your fancy, fit your shape, and sustain your reputation as a good dresser, For sale by A. M, Williams & Co. farm fur Kent. The farm known as the Crate Dona tion Claim, situated on the river, five mllee weat of The Dalles, consisting of about 400 acres, will be reuted to re sponsible party. Alao a responsible "Very Much ...reseept 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Pricos from $27.50 to $50.00.. New Ideas at every point The Wheel that sells at an honest price. Bicycles Cleaned and Ropalred. REMEMBER We Fir, Oak and 0 Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. phone 25. J- T. Peters & Co. farm hand wanted to take cbargeofa farm. Apply to mar23Gt Max Vogt & Co. The Teachers' Association. A local teachers' institute will be held at the school building at Hood River, on Saturday, April 2d. The exercises consist of a morning, af ternoon and evening program,commenc eB at 10 a. m. A cordial invitation is ex tended to nil teachers, school officers and friends of education generally to be pres ent. The following is the program : Music. Importance of tho first day of school. Katie Davenport. Discussion. John Gavin. The teachers in the school room. J. II. Ackerman. Language in the primary grades. Ida Fobs. Music in the Echool room. Anna Smith. Discussion. J. S. Landers. Penmsnship. II. L. Howe. Discustion. A. P. Armstrong. Music. Readinz in fourth, fifth and sixth grades. Grace Graham. Primary number work.-Eliz.i Stevens. Number work in higher grades. J. T. N.'ff. How to beautify tiie school room and grounds. R. It. Allard. Music. 11-or. JlllUt, Optician. The testing of eyes is not a matter of guess work, nor by far only n matter of trying on a pair of ready made glasses. It is a science governed by principles and conditions, which none but a person who lias studied the anatomy of the eye can understand. Prof. P. G. Dout un derstands tils business thoroughly. Call and be convinced. He also docs all kinds of watch and jewelry repairing, and will clean your jewelry while you wait. Two doors west of Keller's bake ry. Yours to serve, Pout Optical A Jkwklhy Co. If the United States and Spain become involved in war, it will be impossible to Import Havana tobacco. Consequently high grade Havana cigars will increase in price. Lay in a supply of Prize Medal cigars while tho price remains the samo. 10-if Smoke tho popular brands Prize Medal, Guarantee and Rose Queen cigars manufactured by S. F, Fouta. tf Ii Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to bo the best non-poisonous fluid dip in the world; guaranteed to cure Bcab, itch, tore throat, lice and hoof-rot. Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles, Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuria, ezema or akin diseases may secure Instant relief by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the great pile remedy, To Cure a Cold lu flue Day. Take Laxativo Broino Quinine Tab lets. All druggista refund the money if they fail to cure, 25u, One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That U what it wu Hide tor. to the Good." Bieyeles... I MAYS & CROWE. have strictly First-Class- M ns. ICVANS, MODISTE, Kooins in Mrs. Diitlin's Lodging House. "Wanted. Atthe Diamond Mills, Good milling wheat. The highest prices paid. icchlG-tf. WE J3M0L An Interei-tiiig Story is attractivent all times. No one can afl'urd to let this evenings at home lie spent without gtxxi reading matter in these days when good books cost eo little. Our stick otTem some very attractive, up-to-date and standard literature which will interest all. I. C. Nickelsen Book & fTlusie Company, Cigars. Why do we retail more Cigars than otiierc? Why do Finohen po rut of their way and paes cigars of the same grade? Not because we hi.vo better c'i;ar or better brands, or any greater variety ; no, not that. Why, because wo have the finest ci gar cuso in the Btuto and keep our cigare in better condition, Snlpes-Klnersly Drug; Co- SEED A splcndlil imsnrtii)eiit r Vege table, liaiden mul Uinis SctiU In Hulk. Heed Wheat, Seed (hits, Seed Hurley, Bwd Bed Itye. Oil Men! Cuke mid KortilrVeriti Ileo SimiOles, ICarly Horn I'otu. toes. Klcvcn klndu of Hot olnsa Kceci Com. 1'uultry mid Kgg bought, u ud koldat J. H. CROSS' Cheap Cu-ti (iroeery and Wed Slorc, Kecond and Union Bin. IS 23 D 22 S 22 22 D S f wm in 9 t