The Dalles My Chwnicle. WEDNESDAY MARCH 23, 1898 AdvcrtUlnR Itatei. One Inch or less In Dully ?1 60 Orer two Indies ami under (our Inches 1 CO Otct four Inches anil under tweho Inches.. 73 ftoor tirelvo Inches W DAILY AND WEBKLY. j One Inch or Icjj. per Inch M ' Over one Inch aiul under lour inciie. - Otct lour Inches and under twelve Inches. . 1 M OTerwclTe Inches 100 . Weekly Clubljlug-Hates. Chronicle anil Oregonian $2 23 Gbroniclo and Examiner. . Chronicle und Inter Ocean Chronicle and Tribune Chronicle and N. V. World 1 75; 2 00 Dili for Republican County Convention and Notice of Primary Elections. The Republican Comity Convention of VUseo rounty, State of Orepon, Is hereby called to meet in Italics Cltv. In said county, on YVrcluesdny, April O, t8l)8, ml the hour of S o'clock a. m. of sa'd day, for the purpose of uomlnatlngcauJld.ites for the follow ing coun ty officers : One Couutv rnmintsMoncr, County Clerk, Count Sherth", County TrCiiMirer, County As sessor,' Couutv School Sutieilntendent. County Coroner and County Surveyor; also precinct of Jicers for the several precincts of said county: ri ton rieifimtrs to thi Honiibllraii State and Second District Congressional Conventions, and -to transact inch other business as may properly come before said County Convention. The convention will consist of 1U delegates cJioeen by the several precincts, and the eveal precincts of saltt county 111 be entitle! to repre sentation in said convention as follows: Antelope . . Jttjploiv . . . aWdulii . .... Bake Oven . .... Columbia Sufur Deschutes ,. Xast Dalles . JCast Hood HI cr Jiht Mile. . ..S ..s KiiiKslcy jiosier Nnnsene Oak Grove llanisey Tjph Valley Trovltt Vi:nto West Dalles . . . West Hood iilver Waailc jraus.. Thnuinif hcinir one delegate nt lnrze from each -jirtclnct, and one delegate for every twenty-five votes and one delegate for every friction over one-half of twenty-live votes cast in each of said pretii cts for Hon. T. T. ticer, Republican candi date for pr.fMcnttul elector at the November diction in 1KW. I'llIMAHIES. Primarlcs to nnnvpntlnn will vrccincts in said Wasco county on March 20, 1898. In East Dalles precinct the polls ot saw -primary election will DC incateu at me j-.nsi cnu Hose Co.'s house, and D. II. Kobert?. W. II. Butts and LR Davis will act as judges nt said elec tion. In lllgelow precinct the polls will be lo cated nt the oilico of Win. Mlchell, and A. N. Tarney, J. E. Harnett and Douglas Dufur will etas judges at said election. In Trevltt pre cinct the polls will bs located in the county court loom, and C. E. Hayard, frank Vost and 8. U Brooks will cct as Judges nt said election; ud in West Dalles precinct the polls will be lo rated at tho City Mills, and W. D. Dart, C. 11. l-Vruts and J. F. Htanlelt will act ns Judges ot .:ld election. In Antelope precinct the iolls vl'l be located at the usual voting place, and D. -. Kimsey, F. N. Ppicet and V Irvine will act as j .dees of said election. Tie polls in each of said prcclucb, in said pri mary election, will be kept open from 12 o'clock noou to 7 p. in. for the reception of votes. The volte in each of tho other precincts In the countv -Rill be located In theusual voting places in each precinct, and will be opened at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on Faid 20th day of March, IMS, and the elcciion will be conducted in the usual manner. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 0th day of March, 1898. J. M. l'ATl'KRSON, Chairman Republican County Com. 11. T. NOLAN, Secretary HEW MILITARY DEPARTMENTS. In the reorganization or readjust -ment of the military departments the important changes are in the East, South, nncl lake districts. There are now three major generals on the ac tive list, General Miles, Merritt and Brooke. General Merritt remains in command of the department of the East, with headquarters in New York; General Tlrookc in the new depart neot of the lakes, with headquarters at Chicago, and Urigadicr-Gcneral William M. Graham has been as signed to the new department of the gulf, with headquartets nt Atlanta. General Graham has been in com viand of the department of Texas, with headquarters nt San Antonio. The department of California, with General William K. Sohafter in com mand, is left as it was. Brigadier General James F. Wade has been in command of the department cf Da kota; Brigatliei-Geucial H. C. Mer--riam in command of the department of the Columbia, with hcadquaiters at Vancouver barracks; Brigadier General Elmer S. Otis in command of the department of the Platte, with headquarters nt Omaha. Tho old departments, saj-a the In ter Ocean, were arranged more with 1uc wild tribes of the Indians in Kind than with any menace to our seaboard, but the now departments are arranged with the defense of the seaboard in mind. All of the de partment officers are soldiers of ex perience and training. General Graham, the commander of the new department f the gulf, served with tbeiarmvof the Potomac in the war for tlHj Union, and distinguished him erf ib the peninsular 'campaign at lb battle of Antietam and at the battle of Gettysburg. General Mcr lilt, who, it is ldf will bo in com- inantl of Iho nrnoy In Cuba, if tiny force is sent lo the Island, was one of the most brilliant cavalry ofllcors of the war fo(r the union, and siuco that time litis had experience Unit ad mirnhly (its him for active command in the field. It is a foitunato circumstance that the commanding enornl of the army was one of the ablest ollicers of the old volunteer troops. He is not n 1 "railliaiu Ul 11 i"ai. AVim, iimnn .. ..,., ini i,wnllBn uictiruuuai mm miiu..h 2 26 01 tlie sciuncc anu an 01 war uv ls l'83!tirk cuiinvini- nninnir Aninrian nnm. 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 . H'l inaudcrs. His thorough acquaint ance with the temper and peculiar!, tics of the United States volunteers will prove to be invaluable in the event of war upon a large scale, for in such .1 war the volunteer inevita bly will bo the central figure. SIMPLICITY ITSELF. A SIMPLE, HARMLESS REMEDY. Yet It cures the ffnnt Cbcm of Oyx tlia ami Indigestion. Dr. Jetuiison, who lias made a life of stomach trouble, eays: All study forms of indigestion really amount to the same thing, that is, failure to com- vletehi diaest the food eaten: no matter whether the trouble is acid dyspepsia or sour stomach, belchina of wind, nervous dyspepsia or loss of llesh and appetite; a nerson will not have any of them if the stomach can be induced by any na tural, harmless way to thoroughly digest what is eaten, and this can bo done by u simple remedy which I have tc3ted in hundreds of aggravated cases with com plete success. The remedy is a combin ation of fruit and vegetable essences, up in the torm ot pleasant lusting tao- lets and sold bv druggists under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. One or two of these tablets should be taken after menls and allowed to diaaalve in the mouth and mingling with the food in the stomach.digests it completely before it has time to ferment, decay and sour. On actual expetiment one gram of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest three thousand grains of meat, eggs and similar wholesome foods. It is safe to sav if this wholesome remedy was better known by people gen erally, it would be a national blessing, as we are a nation of dyspeptics and nine-tenths of all diseases owe their origin to imperfect digestion and nutri tion. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not a secret patent medicine, but a fifty cent nsickaee will do more real good for a week stomach than fifty dollars worth of patent medicines and a person lias the satisfaction of knowing jtist what be is putting into his stomach, which lie is Dinting into his stomach, which he does not know, when widely advertised patent medicines are used All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, full sized packages, 50cts A little book on cause and cure of stomach troubles mailed tree by address ing The Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. flM AlisMsUlft .o ONE FOR A DOSE. nP,n"T0 P'raPloa. Prerent nillonjneea.Hqrifr tho Blood, PILLS n. miTrmcoi or the bowels each day la necexarr lnc rou, we will tosll umplfi free, or lail box for Ik. Bold bj druwUt OR. B0SANKO CO. Phila. Pa. FOR SALE. Two lots', Nop. 11 and 12, in block 14, Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon For particulars address the undersigned. M. E. Kuuhmauy, 19-4w Box 178, Goldcndale, Wash. Sheepmen, call at Clarke it Falk'e anil get prices ou the La Plata Sheep Dip. It is uon-poisonoue, mixes in tantly with cold water, and it in an in fallible cure lor scab, liool rot, lice and ticks. 1-tf B 8 HUNTINGTON U B WILtO.N UNTINGTON i WILSON, ATlOMNKYH AT LAW. THE IMI.LKH, OH EG ON Office ovr Fint Nat. Bunk. Ask your Druggist CATARRH tot a geuerotu 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cnan Balm contain no cocaine, mercury nor an other injunasi iuvz. UUiialekljr Absorbed. Girt Relief at once It opeu and cknnate tae Natal PaMAgc. Allan .IaSammatlon. Heal sad Protect tho Membrane. Kettore too Hen of TaU and (iMU. Full Mm KXt. Trial SUe be. : at DmreUt ot uvmeii. M,y JROYIIBIW, tl WiK'.f raet,nrTb coldVhead Reeommendation. A recommendnt:on it. mct?s?ary to mativ nersons. A druuiiist apiin-fiates it when coming from a good physician especially. Tho character of minimus, tho dispatch and arcrunny with which nil formulas ate treated has tnudeiis a renu tntion we shall endeavor at all times to retain. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES, Just IjQhat You lUant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful coloring, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Regulator Line Tie Dalles, Fortlanfl a d Astoria Navigation Co.' stK. Regulator S Dalles City FREIGHT AND PA8SENUER LINE BKTWEEN Tlic Dellcs, Hood River. Otsctdo Locks and Port laud dally, vcnt fjunday. ( DOWN THE VALLEY Are vou going i on to ( EASTERN OREGON? If io, imc money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia, 'f he weiMxiund train arrives at Tlie Dalles In ample tlmu for tuitseiiKcrH to take the ttcamer, nrrlviiiK In 1'ortlaud In time for the outKoitiK Houtliern and Northern tralim; Hunt bound puteiiKe's anlvint; In The Ualc In time to take tho Kait-bouud train. For further liilormnUoa apply to J. N. HAUNEV, Agent, Oak Street Dock, fortlnnd. Oresron, Or VV C. ALLAWAY, Uen. Agt Tho Dalle, urvgon HOR8E8 AND MULES FOR 8ALE I have sixteen head of 3 and 4 year mules (broke) ior eale. I alto have hones, mares and geldings for Bale, weighing from 600 to 1400 pounds. Any one wanting work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to get them cheap or cash. Jamba Huown, I231ral Victor, Or, DeWitt'A Little Hurly Risers, Tbo f.moud II. tU plIU. MBMSSSSSSBSSBHBBaBaSBHHw II! WeekiyInterOceiin IS 8 LARGEST CIRCULATION OP ANY It le riAii-tiU? Pr-.MiVin. ArlvncallnfT the cardftul' doctrines of that party with ability and carncstncssvoo i M S THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST It Is Morally Clcnn ami as n The Literature oS its columns Is equal to that of the best mnga zincs. Ms Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents THE INTER OCEAN b a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while It brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it Is In iull sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. 3 i nnDBine nuc nm THE DAILY ArlBSUTTOATmOHS OF THE IHTEK OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIHD. 1 PrlciMirnnllvhymnll $1.00 por year t rrlcnofNundnv tiyninll " 0 por year a Dally anil Sunday by mall 0.00 wv year f Wholesale. IVTflLtT LtlQUOHS, (JUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED - ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Z. DONNELL, PSESCSlPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williame & Co., uxho ih, -its -il. Crandall&Borget DEALEItS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies Subscribe for The Chpoinele POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST .st UR..t if mo .tIw.iv hp. rolled Oil for fair and honest reports of all po litical movemcntsO OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without n Peer. i ir DCR VPlR-Si.OO - BUSCH and EEE3& anddrnUuottlos AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR l has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to he found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc O.R.N. TO THE EMST! 0IVK8 Till! OIIOICU OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT OREGON SHORT LINE. NORTHERN RAILWAY. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Chicago Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OfyEGOfl, GEO. 10, EltfiElt AND CITY OF TOPEP Leave Portland every five dnyu for ALASKA POINTS. O V.KAN HTKAMJtllH I.enve JurtUlid IKvorv Fidir l)v for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. fatcaniors montlily from Porilnnd to Yokohiuiui um! Hihir Koiir via North ern 1'uulflc SteauiBhip Co., in connection with 0. II. & N. Kor lull (lotdlls cnll on O. H t Co. s ARcnt Tlic Dalles, or HiUlrcnn W. II. IIl'UI.IIl'IlT. Moil, l'tta.s. Act , I'Drtlaml, Or J)()l)HON, UAI1I.II.I. t CO., Ocn. AKt". North 1'iiclllc Ktcmnsliip Co. TIMK CAUII. No. 4, lo Spokimc mid (ircnt Northern nrrlvcn nti'D'J.')!' nt.. Iciivch at f::i0 p. in. No. to l'vixlle ton, linker City imil Union rnclllc,iirrlvc at 11:45 p, in., iluparlN at 11 :!SU . in. No :), Irnm Kokanu and (ircnt Northern, Ar rives at iViV) a. in., clepiirU at D:,V a. in. No. 1, trom llular City and Union l'ucillc, arrives nt y;'J) n. in., (Icpnrtd at a. in. Not. 1 and 'U, movliiK ciist of Tho Dulles, will enrrv iasci)Kurs. No. ') arrives at &ii. m., No. ill depart! at 1:45 n. ni. raetiRcrK lor Iloppncr take No 2, IoiyIuk here at IJ:I.". m. W, II. 11UUI.1IUKT, (leu. I'mi. At l'ortlnnd, Oregon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass ipes-K'nersly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON J.H. HCHCNK, II. 31. 1IKAJ. , Cashier rreniiiunt. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Ormeral bunking BuaineiiB traiiawtw Depoaita received, aubject to Sigut Draft or Check. Collectiona made and proceede promptly remitted ou dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa New York, rJnn Vraneiaco and Port land. DIKKOTOWS D. T. Thomphon. Jno. S. bonuioci Eo. M. Wiu.iaB, Guo. A. Libb. II. M. Bkai.i.. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' Land Omen. Tim liM-Kt. February 15, ?,'.. Notice If. hereby Riven Hint tho follow " tunned Mittlei lm llled notlconf Ills iW2 t make llimi proof In nuppoit of HU that Mid proof will hi mude before I'Jf.-jS?. Kecelver at Tho Dallet, Oregon, on Boturoiji April 10, m, vU: iMwai IImIL of The Halle. II. K. No. 4747, for tho Hl'.',i N WW, BK HM NKW UHU Bee. 31, Tp 1 N It. 12 K. W . Ifo namcit tbe followlnv wy.?,i fv5?n bU oontinuoua reildeuce ujwii aud tuitivv w of aula land, vli.i . . ,, wiiilim Alexander Vance, Albert Walter; Wolf, frank ObrUt, all of Tho IMIlei. OreKO'i. S ll .IAS. K. MOOltK, ItWl'M'- So