1 IH Both tlio method and results when Syrup of Figs is Uikcn; it is pleasant and refreshing to tbc taste, and acts jrontly yet promptly on the Kidneys, liiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agrccablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who -wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. J.0WSV1LLE, XT. HEW XORK, H.Y. Tbs Dalles Daily ChFr.i&. Tilt? UA1.I.KS, OKEOOX l'KHSDNAI, MKNTION- J. L. LangUle is up from Hood River M. I). Nelson is over from Goldeniiule today. Justice A. J. Brishani is in the city from Dufur today. Mr. W. II. Bi'kzs went to Portland on a. business trip today. Charles Sisson Is in the city from hie home near White Salmon. A. J. Douglass, an enterprising Dufur farmer, is in tne city today. F. N. .Innes returned to his home near Sherar's Br.dge this morning. James E. Hackett, a prominent Fen die ton sheep-raiser and buyer, is in the sty today. D. C. O'Kiley is down from Wasco to day on business connected with the Co tamuia southern. lit TTil TTtll rotirt Itaa oian e r y- r wim jjj uie vicinity ui Diiyij, ia visum: bis parents on Dry Hollow, near this I dhornas Puiday, wlio for several niontlis ha9 been in the employ of Jos T. Peters & Co., in this city, left foi Portland this morning to accept a posi j tion with Studebaker & Co., at tiiai 1 place. Wiiilo here Mr. Purdy made many friends, who sincerely regret hi V departure Sheop mafkinjr paint; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you should use our sheep paint. First, bo cause the. colors are ground thorough! in pure linseed oil by fins machinery; .ceeond, because it is made of high grade molar, with the proper amount of dryers -added to give it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing ur rubbing cfT; third, it is much mote economical, becaueo it is always ready for use. We guarantee our sheep mark ing paints to .rive satisfaction. Try it and bo convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, Tike Dailies, Or. 3lluluc axtt Irrigation Convention. For ttio Mining and Irrigation Con mention, to be held at Baker City, Or., March 29ih, 30th and 31st, the O. It. & Si. Co. will make a rate of one and one fifth fare for the round trip. Delegates or parties attending the convention, paying full fare to Biker City on March tStli, 27th, 28th and 20th, will be re turned at one-fifth fare on presentation of certificates on or before April 3d to our agent at Baker City, signed by the secretary of the convention, 9-tf Hucklen'a atidcb salvo. The best salve iu the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fevtl ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine, res, and all skin eruptions, and potN cively cm es piles, or no pay required It in guaranteed to give perfect aatiafac 4es. or mouoy refunded. Price 25 oenta jmt box. For eale oy Blakeley and Hefhton, droggiete. We are anxious to do u little good in Abie world and can think of no plf as iMterer better .way to do it than by rec filing One Minute Caugli Cure ja fwwrentive of paeumenia, coniump- id otber Mrioui Iuok trouble! that 'ejUetedMe. , i load of dry Fir 'Wood Juii ie )daMaitr&Bentonr. tfl ARMY DISCIPLINE. Where OHlecm Often Find Them nrlvrn. Olllccrs often fliul themselves be tween the devil anil the deep sen. Tho must maintain discipline, they must secure prompt and unquestioning rfc tllenee to orders, or otherwise wo shall ltne no army. How tire they to do It? By lcpnrtlng the ease to hentlqtiai tors and nskliiK for instructions'? In such case self-respect injr and efficient of tlrer would fed e-iKetl upon to accom pany his rcijuest for help with a letter of resignation, lie must deal with the I'Mletilty pioniptly and iu such a way as to eoi'vinee the insubordinate that in the proper discharge of his tlutj his will is law ami his orders not open to discussion.. He must never loso his tem per, of course, and in the calm seclusion of a bureau oillec, with nothing more exciting before him than an indorsed paper, he might escape the temptation to do so. That he is wrong when he docs yield to personal feeling mo one will question. What is in doubt is the measure of his offanse when nothing worse results from the rough handling of an Intractable subject. It is natural that there should he a difference of opinion on this subject between the war department n.nd those whose similarity of "xpericuee make them sympathetic with a brother of ficer. Each should consider the difficul ties of the other. The otiicer on his part should not forgot that those who legislate for the army anil those who ask for legislation must consider pub lie opinion, and the necessity of find ing some way to reconcile the demands of discipline with American concep tions of the dignity of the individual man. The methods of peremptory pun ishment for minor offenses, said to pre vail in the German army, cannot be per mitted here, or any approach to them. Officers must reckon with public opin ion, whether they will or not, and now that the army is under the searchlight of yellow journalism they n;ay be sure that the slightest departure from the straight and narrow path of regulation and restricted authority will raise a t?mpest about their cars. The situa tion is one that can be met only by the wise and prudent management which tests the quality of an officer. Army and Xavy Journal. A THRIFTY INDIAN GIRL. Slip Sccurcil nn Kilncntloii nml Snveil EuotlflrJi to Piirnl.tli 11 Home. In 1S92 the "Seger" school was built in Oklahoma territory, among a colony of Oheycnnes and Arapahces, consid ered among the wildest, most backward and nonprogressive of all the Indians. Fortunately the superintendent of the new school,-Mr. John Homer Seger, had already gained -their confidence in an other capacity, so that when they were asked to put their children in school they said that they would as soon as they were .weaned. And they carried this out literally. Many incidents arc told Illustrating the splendid work which has already been accomplished directly and indi rectly by the school, for often the influ ence in the community is equal to the actual amount of education within the school walls. One of the girl pupils who entered the &chool when it opened has had quite a remarkable record. Having no previous education and leaving her really savage home for the first time, she has demon strated what education is doing and w ill do for the red roan. There is a sys tem iu nearly all the government In dian schools by which those pupils who are both industrious and frugal may earn money in the sewing-room, or on the farm or in some one of the school's other industrial departments. Of course, this must be outside of their jpgular work. This young girl, after taking o regular course us a scholar, was judged capable of filling o salaried position. In the course of a short time she filled not one, but several, and worked in the sewing-room besides. Out of her savings she bought a wagon, har ness, team, organ, bedroom set and a sewing machine, all in view of her pros pective marriage to a young Indian to whom she was engaged, and when they were married she took enough savings with her to build a neat home! All tGiis was accomplished In three years' time. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. BABIES WITH SKINS ON FIRE from Itching ssd burning ecxemiu mil other kin uk! jcilp tortures. Nona but prrnti rol. Im how thaw IllUe cum suffer. To knuw (bit wrm bath with Outicoha op, sad n single spbUosUm of Outicvba (ointinenl), tho Krut afii cure, will la ttio sujority of cues afford Ustaat rsllsf, permit rest ssd sleep, sort point SKWMt'i 4Ux if to faU la our duty. MmIM - . L I . osr. oWf.sosr.,Bsl Pratt., BsslM. sw"ew levsrsisia Tartars. littf,suUsd ftsc. 9t Modern Treatment of Consumption II! i i The latest work on the treatment of diseases, written by forty eminent American m physicians, says; "Cod-liver $ oil has done more for the con- sumptive than all other reme dies put together." It also says : 44 The hypophosphites of lime and soda are regarded bv many English observers as $, specifics for consumption. $ Scott's Emulsion contains the best cod-liver oil 111 tl flOriKMiy UIUIUI combined with the Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda This remedy, a standard for a quarter of a century, is in exact accord with the latest S views of the medicalprofession. $ Be sure you get SCOTT'S $ Emulsion. fb Alt druggists ; 50c. and S1.00. A crnTT a, unvvwp rh.ml.i. v-.,. v.l. FREE TRIAL TREATMENT i TO EVERY MAN. This ofl'ur i9 made bv tho ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM I proviilcil iiiiplinttloii be nindc at onrc, in order ! thut Us inventions titiptintiecMiutl never f.iilliiir ' remedies muy receive the widest iOKsitjle pub licity, and prove their own merits by Hriiml ; 11x1 nml trtiiHiint currx. No IVlotixy wlmitivur will be rrcctvul by the llllnola State Hiinltiirltiiii irum nuoiio!imlerits treat- ment until beiivllclul result ur ni'Uliowl- Mltrril. Its remedies mid appliances lmvo been I commended by the newspapers of Two (.'ontl ' ncnts nml endorted by the Kro.test doctors in ; the world. Where development Is desired, they ! nccomplish It iind uecr lull to Invigorate, up ' build nud fortify. They lufiibe now life and cneriiy. They per mnnently stop nil losses whieli undermine the constitution tind rnuic di-poiidency. They re-tone, refresh mid restore to miintiood, r irurdlowof age. They cure evil Imblls and pe maiientiy remove their ell'ccts, 11s well 11s those of excesses nnd ovei-tii.xed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No fail ure, no publicity, no deception, no ilUiip IMiliiliiifiii. M RITK KI-IIAV. ILLINOIS STATE SAHITAEIUM. Kraustun, 111. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET. Notice is hereby given, by order of the common council of Dalles City, that union street will be unproved between Main and Twelfth streets by (Trading i' in I lining lliu same, and that t tie cost of said proposed improvement shall be as sesd upon property adjacent to eaid street, unless within fourteen days from the tinal publication of this notice the owners of two-thirds of the property nd i.:c:nt to said street fllo with the re corder a written remonstrance against sum proposed improvement. Dated this loth dav of March, 189S. EOGKIt B. Si.sxott, mlG-llt K-cor.ler Dalles City. There are three little thinga which do more work than any other three little things created they are tho ant, tho bee and DeVVitt'e Little Early Risers, the last being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. OMLV OKI POm A DOME. Rmmm Plmplts, curs Headache, Oytpentla art Cestlieni is. 26 els. s box at druggits or br mall templaa fr'o address 0r. BoeankoCo. .Vhli. i. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET. Notice is hereby given, by order of tho common council of Dalles City, that Court street will bo improved between Main and Second streets by grading and Illling said street, and that the coit of said propoaed improvement chilli be assessed upon property adjacent to said street, unless within fourteen days from the final publication of this notice the riu-riorti nf twn.llilriln of tlm nrnmtrtv ml. jicent to said street file with the re- corner n wriiirii riMiiuinir.iiicu against said proposed improvement. Dated this 15 day of M.trch 1398. Hcuini B Si.v.Norr. mchlC 14t Kecorder Dalles City. t Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady ; but its duration can bo cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cine, which in also the best kirnvn remedy for croup and all lung and bron chial trouble Li Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to be tho boit non-polnuioui fluid dip in thu world ; guaranteed to cure scab, Itch, (ore throat, lice and hoof-rot. Ciaiko & Falk, agents, The Dalles. If the United States nud Spain become involved in war, It will be impossible to Import Havana tobacco. Consequently high grade Havana cigars will increase in pi ice. Lay in a supply of Prize Medal cigars while the prlco remains the eaino. 10tf fjmoke the popular brands Prize Medal, Guanmtee and Jtoae Queen cigars aioimfactured by S.,F. ;FouU. u DeWitt' Witch Hazel Salva Cam PIIm, ScaM. ittirm. Dr-GUNN'S lor Peoplo That Areir I g Biok or " Just Don'tUII I V Feel Well." I I LL W Patronize the Troy LAUNDRY. All kind nt work. Wlilto ShlrH it specially, i I'amllv work m icdiiotd r tt. Wiitli cc- ntcd I nml itcllveU'it fee. Titiiluni N, lit). H. D. Parkins, Agt, I J. S. SCIIKNK, I'K'.vilk'llt. II. M. 1IKA). , (.'nsulci First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREdON A lieiieial flanking Business trammeled Deposits received, subject to Sight Druft or Chech. Collections made and proceeds promptlj remitted on dav of collection. Sight nnd Telegraphic Exchange sold ok New York, San Francisco an J "nrt land. OIRBOTOKS D. P. Thomphon. Jno. 8. Bchunck. EU. M. WlLMAKS, (iKO. A. I.IKHB. H . M. Ukai.i,. We Are Doino '! fleat bt)6 Irtistie ..priptip.. For treasonable priGet;.- n Print Anything in the Printing Lino. Cjive us a trial, tyropi pub. $o. Tfie CDiumDia PacKino Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUKKKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS 8c BACON JRIED BEEF, ETC. Kolico of Executor's Sale, Notlco is liercby (jiven that tbo uiidersinoil, c.x'cutor of tbo estate of Ma.vaiiillliin il!er, do ceased, will, from nnd after the 1st dav of March, Ib'.ii, tell nt private unlc, iih)ii tbe prom ises, llio fdll.iivliiK dckcrlbeil real proieriy Im longing to sntd ettnte und slttiatc-d hi Wa-co eouiity, Outrun lo-wlt: Ixit two 12 In block elRlit H in wliat in known as Tiioniinou'H Art dlllon to Uall n city. iiild Ktile U miide in itccorduuco with an order of tho County Court rendered and e itcred the ad day of January, 18J, and mich nulowlll be tubject to confirmation by ttnld eourt, tbc terms of ealdnalelolwcuhh or credit, or both. ANimi'.W KKI.LKIl, Kxecutor of the cctn'o of Miiximilllun Meyer, dtcctiecd. juirJiil Administrator's Notice. Notice i hereby given that by unorder of Die. County Court of the Htate of Urt-gou, for Wureo county, innde January l'J, Ih'JS, the iiuderbl(iiril bus been duly appoint u mlmiiiUtrator of the cetnlcof Tho$, J. Sullivan, Jr., deceaxed. All pemoiiH hiiviue claims against tbe estate of iaid ileceaK-il, tire hereby notified to present them lo mo with tho proiier vouchers at tho otlleo of Huntington it WiUou, within tlx moutlm from Unto here- f. Dated January l'j, Wxi. 1IORATIO I'AItOUHIt, Adiniiiiatruior. ) Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Stff.iSSD Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. ThU F,oor " nu'tMred expreiily for family uva wui . uw. nny M(5k lg gqgrouUw, t0 give MtiBfaotion. We tell Our a nodi lower lhn tnv hnnu In thu Ivada mnA II ...... J il ell and ( our pne w'd iu rSnJd." ' " UOM w W,M K Higheit Pricw Paid for Wlwat, Barley and Oati. ..CHflS. pRBJlK.. and Fanmens ..Exchange. KrcpH nn dniiiKht the celeliriittMl COl.U.MIliA IIKICK, iicliiiowl edued the best beer Iu The Dulles, lit the ii'iial price. I'ome In, try It mill be roi vllircd. Al-o thu 1'lnrst brnniU of Wines, I.I tiors mid ClKiirs. Sandrjuichcs ..r.iii .,1.. .1, ii.m.i u : J FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritANHACTAGKN'KKAtjII.VSlCINd HUKtNKH Letters of Credit issued availablo in the Eastern States. Sight Eclinngo and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Cliinmo, St. J.onis, Ban Francisco, I'ortlunil Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections ma lis at all points on fav orable teruiH. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker! Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK T.-I2 NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 rujre a AVeok. ICO rniiom Year It stands first nmmig "weoklv" papers 1.. : . . in bizu, irequency ui jiumicaiion freshness, variett and relinhilitv of cor. tente. It is practically n daily ut tho low price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every Htate and territory of tint Union and luruiirii conn tries, will vouch for the accuracy nnd lairness oi hh news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, nnd among its Bpecial features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market ruportn, all the latest laelilons for women and a Ion series of etories by tho greatest living American ami r.nyliati authors, Coiiiin Doyle, ,loriim K. ilnrnnia, Htanley Wwynimi, Alary K. WiUHim Aiitlimiy Hove, Unit llurtu, llranlr lUiittlinwa, Ktc. Wo offer this unequnled nowapaperand JLliu Ualle8 lwico-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for ii.00. The regular price oi llio two pa pern is f.S.Uu. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. h. !.'! OKriCK, TllF. Dallkh, Or,,) February ID, 1S. I Notice is liercby given Unit tho following imnieil sottlei Iiiih, flWil notice of his In teiitlon t make llnal proof in tupiMiitof bU claim, and that raid urool will Iu miuio before lieu I. iter uml Iteeelver at Tho Dulles, Uregon, on Monday, .prii ii, ibvs, u: ilmues Hall, nf Tlio I)kII, If. K. No. 1717, for the 81'.J,( NWV, Bli NK nnd Nl'Ai NKli Hee. :il. Tii 1 N.. It. 12 I. w' M. lie liiimew tbc followiiiK wltiiexseH to prove ins coiumuou resmciicu upon imu euilivaiion of uiid land, viz.: Alexander Vance, Albert Waltem, Wllllmu Wolf, Kranlc Obrlat, all of Thu Dalles, Oregon. VII JAB. K. MOOKK, lteftlater. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Ih hereby given Unit the iindcrtigneil liieiilleil in the otllce of the Comity Clerk, of Wiitco County, her llnal Hccouut aa Hdmlnlxirlx of tlio esUte of I. I. Uurxct, mid that by order ol tho County Court, for mid County, Monday, the 'J"l fifty of May, lStW, bax been fixed as tlio lime unit the court room of mi I.I Court ii tho plaeo for tho hearing of told II mil account. All pernnux interested iu mild ontato nro uollllul to appear at mild time und place nud allow chiuo whyiiiild Haul account should not bo approved anil nl lowcU. A.T. lUMtOKI', mcfcWI. Admlnliitrtttrlx. EAST Ahd SOUTH via The Shasta Route Or TIIK- Southern Pacific Comp'y Twins Icuvennd urn dun tn nrrlvo i ortlni I.KAVK. ovi:iti.ANn nx-i prcnn, Hiilem, Hose-1 blliv, Ahbliilld, Kite 6:00 IV M. I tiimuiilo, 0(,'don,Hnn I rriuiuiKeo, moiiivu, 1 New urleaus I Kant LOS AIIIC1CS,E.1 I'MSO, iiinj .S!S0 A. Mi Dully except Hiiudiiyn I7:ni) A. Al, Itotcbitrg mid way Ma tllUIH , .. I Via Woodbnrn tori Mt,Aimel, Hllverlon, Wost Bolo, llrowim- vllk'.riprlnglleld and ( Natron .... J (CorvalllM nnd Way (stations I'. M Dally except HllildiiyK. :50 l'.M. INDIil'KNUKNt'U I'ABHKNOKIt. Kxpreis train Dully (except Hmidny). ItMp. in. I,v t'orlliinit....Ar.) 8:2'n,m , ;.p. in. m .3H!.miiuivimo..i.v, riiWa.in ,s::;o p. m, v . r. . i iiui'puimciicc., i.v, J M)ally. tUHiiy, except Hiinnay. DINfNCi UA118 ON 00 DUN UOUTK. l'UU.MAN IIUI'KKT Hl.KKl'KllH AND HKCONl)-CI.A8S BI.EKI'ING CAI18 Attached to nil Through Trains. Direct connection athan Krauelsco with Occl den lal anil Oriental nnd I'acllle mall ntuamshln Hues for JAl'AN nml CHINA. Hailing date on n pllcntloii. Ha ten iind tleketH tn Hantorn pnlnt.s and Ku. roi.o. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU hiiq AfJKTKAI.IA. enn be obtained from J. II. ICIUKi.ANil, Ticket ARcnt. Tlirough Tiokct Olllce, l.'ll Third Htreet, whvre through ticketH to nil poluU Iu the Kustern Ktiitci, Can ad ii and Kurope call be obtained nt lowest rates from J. II. KIltKI.AND, Ticket Agent. All above trnliiN arrive nt and depart Iroin Orand Central Htiitlun, 1'Ittli and Irvum htiteU YAMIIII.Ii 1IIVIHI0N. l'ntrcngcr DeiOt, foot of Jeitcron street. I.cnvo for OHWKOO, ilnlly, except Hundnv, nt 7:20 n. m.i Viiao, llM, fi:16, o:'2. :( m (and ll::Jt p. m. on Katiirdny only, and UMn. m and :i p. in. on Huiulny.s only). Arilvo nt I'orlliuiil ilaily nt tf.'t'J nud H:3o a m.; andi:r, lilB, Oi'.'Umul 7:65 1. in., (and iu:m a. ni , a-15 ,':1'J p. in. on Huuilayx only). U'iivo for Hhcrldiin, wixik days, ut 1:50 p. tn Anlve at l'orthiud, U:: n. m. Ixavc for A I It l.IK on .Monday, Wolm-nhiy nmt Kri'iii- at i): 10 ii. m. Arrivi' at I'ortlaud, Tues dav, ThurMlay und Haturilaj it 3,ai p. m. Kxcept Hmidny. Kxcept tiaturdny. It. ICOKIII.KK, Mnuaucr. (i, II. MAKKIIAM, At.1t. (1. F. ,fe l'ab.i. Ak't ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. H s Pullman Elegont Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. I'Atll. AllNMCArOI.I IIIII.IITII KAKIIO UltANO INIll UKOOKSTON WINNII'KO IIKI.KNA mi ItllTTK TO Through Tickets C1UUAOO W A HIM NO TON HII.AOKL.I'llIA NEW VOIIK HOHTUN AND ALL l'OINXH BAHT anil HOUTH For Information, lime enrdf. mnpnaiid ticket, cal ou or write to W. 0. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalleu, OroD ou A. I). GHAHLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 25.'), MorrUou Cor. Third. Portland urejjou Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Through bv dnvllulit via Oniis Valloy, K'enl ami Croas HoIIowm. noUdl.AH ALLKN, Tlio lnlloa. C. 111. WttlTKI.AW, Alitolopo- Hbnres lonvo Tho DhIIch I rom Umatilla llouso nt 7 a. iu aUo from Aiitoloiio nt T.'M a. in. ever) Monday, WeUiiosidiiy nml Friday. Connection; mailo ut AlitcloiH for I'rinovilic, Mitchell w pol n U beyond. Cloo caniieotlomi made at riw Dalles with rallwayu, tralnu mid boalx. HlaneH from An leloim roach The Dalle Turt- day, Thurmlayii mid HaturdayH ut V.'JO . m. . .. iutbs or kaiib. M Diillck o Deschuteii 9S no ioro........ K do (IniKH Valley... do Kent ?ffi lio CriikH IIollnwH ! Antelope U Croa Hollowi j S uo fteiu : k do draw Valley 3 w do Moro. , Uo De.ohuceii, , .M do Dalleu 608 J)HS UKIHKNOOKmCII lll'K Physicians aud Surgeons, BpeoUl atUntlon glvwi.lo nursery. RoomiSUurl22, Tel. 828 Vogtuw'