Trojan Shirt Waists. Our hI;oivh nu endleos variety of I'liiiils, Bayn dcre Stripes tui-l Fancy Fronts, all in blouse died. Tho variety in price will accoundato nny purso. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 $2.25, $2.50, $3 00, $3.50. We also hnvo in stock n much waists that are well worthy of your ALL GOODS MARKED N PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Uhronieie. M UtCU " 185)8 ' '.A . ' , I TUESDAY 1 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS Wheels for rent at Loo. Schanno'a old j itaml. Fresh cows for sale at M. II. Miller's,,' W. 0. Iladley passed through the city onfi-Mile. inch 10 -It j this morning on his way to his home at When vnu smoko the Hose Queen 5-lMoro. Ho has purchased the Olympic cent ciiia'r you get your inoiiey'B worth. double bowling alleys in Tacoma for the tf I Moro Commercial Club. They will be toroom II, Vogt block, over ihn post- office. nil7-2ni M Tlie weather forecast for tonight and Wednesday is fair. Tonight, killing frosts; tomorrow, warmer. .lust received cauliflower, sweet pota toes, ornuod, lemons and bananas at Commission & Grocery Co. f Murriago liconso was issued yesterday to George It. Archer and Ethel .1. Uigbv. Uoth are residents of Hood Uiver valley. V , , ,, , Murriago liconso was issued yesterday A fall lino of hand made chocolates fine confections just received at Pease & Mays, Fresh goods ami only 25 cents a pound. A scow loaded down with cord wood took advantage of tho brisk iii-strenm breeze today and landed her load of fuel on the bench. The experiment station nt Corvallis has just received a large lot of imported tuisar-beet seed for distribution to farm- Ms who are willing to roport results to the Btation. Tills morning's bulletin Htutee, oiftanrljithl ?oodnuthority, that a condoneed report Ol the court of inquiry has been wired lotlm president, but nothing cau bo U yet as to when tho roport will be ""do public. Work was begun today on a now ferry boat for the Uockland Forry Company. It will bo built after tho pattern of the W craft, hut somo four feet longer. The machinery is in good oliupo and will j transferred into tho new boat. Th;i talkie hope to have it reiulv by May I This morning n messenger came in pnEiulershy for Dr. Hollistor. Ho NMed that Capt. Enderaby of that place broken his leg, but wo did not learn the accident occurred. Mr. En Uenby is advanced in years and it Is vXr1 tlie Bhouk wlu 110 vory hiud " Jolm Templo Graves, oditor of tho " (On.) Constitution, who Is ne,i Bmong UlB en(llng orHtor8 0f the willnent, has been engaged by tho dl oriof tlio Willametto Valley Oliau "nqoft Association to deliver two lec at aiadatone during the aunual "embly to bo hold in July. J1'"4 Mlllor, who la visiting hor un '''.WrlesiUlborn,ln Ooob comity, is inT? ero,Jottqu,w Miller, the poet, the a ti,no attention on Brof i Wloan "Ugu n which '""Won iho followed lor uuinber of Save Your Money. Wo expect mi ova tion of delight will follow this fhnwlug of bright now waists tho most successful unci up-to-date shirt wniet ol tho eenFon. Tho design and gen oral finish of tho Tro jun' cxcula anything that has ever been placed before tho buy ing public of The Dalles. lower priced lino of attention. PEASE & MAYS. years. Miss Miller will probably make ! Coos county her permanent home. 1,1181 HKUt W lmtl I,eavy froBl ll,i8 place, and fears nro entertained that serious Injury has been doue to the early fruits, especially peacbeB and apricots. ; Nothing dellnite, however, can be said j ubout this until later, as the trees are iust beiiinnini; to bud and there arc hopes that no serious damage ban been done. put in place in tho club roomsA It Bneaks well foTtffff BiltCr.HlWruT"1lhe speaks well lonnu liiiitrptieu ui people of a town of Moro's size to bo bo liberal in putting in an expensive club room. The Sherman county Populist, Silver Republican and Democratic convention met at Moro Saturday. A joint confer- k.i nn w tit i M mi tt'tiu n nt irti ii t it rf f n nr. "Ufc" "u '"V . ,0fr a l" n,,,1 H0 ia heiUl" vision 0 B'10 13 )V"B the two conventions had no trouble in agreeing. Tho I'omillstH, however, insisted upon tlie adoption of resolutions by the three conventions in which their entire plat form una embodied, and this prevented a fusion being effected. Yesterday the Dalles Cjmitnission Co., tof this city, started u cvloud of potatoes Last. Joe Don n. oneof tlie partners in tno flrilli informsto that they are Hhipput by themvia. New Orleans to tjl0 Btnrving Curtails, in order to show this compnnyy liberality to those in uee., Wo have always known Joo to be fnl young man when speaking of anything outside of n fishing trip, and believe that tho potatoes have really gone to starving conceutrndos. April 8th has boon sot aside as Arbor day throughout the state of Oregon. It is laid down in the school law that teachers will observe tho afternoon of this day by appropriate exercises in planting trees, beautifying school grounds, nnJ inanlcating lessons of beauty and order into tho minds of tlie children. CireuhuB nnd instructions have been mailed to every district, and it is hoped that every teacher will re port tho reQiilt of the dav'a work. Yesterday evening about .fifteen mln uteB before tho usual time for starting up tho engines iu tho olictrle light plant, tho gasket In tho safety valve pipe, where It connectB with the boiler, blow out, and from that time until 8:30 atores nnd private reBidon.'.os in which electricity who used were loftlndaik tiesB. Nearly all tho business houses closed nt 7 o'clock, while a lew brought tho old stylo coal oil lamps into use for tho evening. Second street, Indeod the whole city, had ft dismal appearance, and by 8 ;30 o'clock, whou the lights were turned on, our oitlitena were all wonder ing how wo ever got along before tho plant was put in. Pooplo traveling ovor tho road be tween Bakeoveu and Antelope eay that tho earno la improved in ft marked de- Woar clothes that are satisfactory. Wear clothes that fit and are economical. Try our sure-fitting, mcney-saving pride-producing suite, made to fit your form, sold to fit your economical Bense. There's satisfaction in them. Our Spring and Summer Line is now ready for Inspections gree since Mr. Joe Sherar has had charge of tho improvement aud con struction work on this road. He has picked out u route so that the hills are avoided, and has done Biich good work in grading and filling that not a single reck can be found on this piece of rond, which heretofore wna a terror to those having to drive over it. Mr. Sherar de serves more credit than he receives for his excellent judgment in building roads, and if our county had a lew more men with the zeal of Mr. Sherar in this di rection, we would have different high ways. Itrccjitlon to Mr. utid Mra. Uuuker. Last night nt Fraternity hall Dalles Lodte, I. O. G. T., gave a reception in honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. O. Bunker, both of whom are energetic workers in that order. Nearly every member was present and a number of invited guests, who seemed to appreciate the short, but excellent, program rendered. At the oloBe of tho program, Mr. and Mrs. Bunker were presented with a very handsomo berry epoon ns a gift from the lodge, when Mr. Bunker responded in a neat and very appropriate maimer, as Burring their friends of tho pleasure it afforded them to feel that they had been so kindly remembered. Ho also said that tlie occasion must not be con eidered a farewell, but a reception, as it wa3 not their intention to desert the work of tlie order, but to remain Btaunch workers in tlie cause of tempeiance. After a song by the quartet club, ice cream and cake were served, and later all took occasion to extend congratula tions and bos t wishes to tho young cou ple, who are starting on the journey of life with such fair prospects for success. JJeutli or Goo. Ileltz. Tills moin'ng James Bees received a message stating that his uncle, Gregor Ileitz, died at his home in Centerville, Klickitat county, at 2 o'clock this morn ing, Mr. Ileitz was 70 years old, and has made his home In Klickitat county for a number of years. He leaves u wife and three children two boys and three girls they being Mrs. W. E. Walther, of this city; Mrs. M. Spicinger, of Mill creek, this county ; Mrs. B. Tupp of the Willamette valley, and Gregor, Jr., nnd George Ileitz. Mr. Holt, bus been ailing for about two tuontliB and his death was not un expected. Ho wne a klnd.tatherly old gentleman nnd was respected by all his acquaint ances. The funeral will take place from the family reslcenco in Couteivillo toiuorow (Wednesduy) nt 2 p. tn. Mr. Walt here and Mr. Hell.' nephew, James Bees, will leave iu the morning to be present nt tho ceremonies, It tut of All, To cleuiiBc the system in a gentle nnd truly bonefleiul manner, when the springtime comes, use the true aud per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all druggiBts, at 00 cents per bottle. Mm Sale BICYCLES. One '05 Ladies' Cleve land Wheel tylU Two '97 Eagle Wheels at One '9G Cleveland.... Gent's Wheel One '95 Eagle Gent's 0flfl Wheel YOU Olio '97 Boy's Eagle nC Wheel MO One '97 Girl's Eagle QD Wheel P0U In order to make room for our new stock, we are mak ing tho above Low Prices. MAO & BENTON A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. Louis Gttbliardt Kills II Ih Wife, Thou Shoots Himself. and News wob received here today of a phocking tragedy which occurred at Cas cade Locks last night. Louie Gebhardt, of that place, murdered his aged wife and then blew out his own brains. Gebhardt had the reputation cf being a man of a bad disposition and violent temper, nnd at various times he is said to have uttered threats against hid wife. Of late he has not been feeling well, and it is thought that he became mentally unbalanced. A bad scar was found on Mrs. Gebhardt's bead, which might have been made with a club, and the supposition is that lie struck her on the head nnd stunned her, and then, fearing that her injuries might provo fatal, he ended tho terrible deed by shooting her through the breast, and theo, placing the gun in bis mouth, ended his miser able existence by blowingout his brains. In both cases death seemed to have been almost Instantaneous. Gebhardt was about 72 years of age, while his wife was several yearsyouiiger. At times he acted as if he were jealous of his wife and showed in many ways that he was not of sound mind. Mrs. Gebhardt was known to all to bo a woman of good character and was highly respected by all who knew her. Coroner Butts left for the scene of tho trageay today, and will, iu all prohabil lty, return this evening, when a more accurate account can be got. HlfiT Strike ut (he Golden Kngle The Baker City Democrat says: "A big strike has been encountered in tho main tunnel of the Golden Eagle, about 200 yards from the Don Juan, and owned by Messrs. Hill and Ctadlebangh, the latter a veteran newspaper man and recently editor of The UalleB Daily Chronicle. The Golden Kanle has a very neat and complete three-6tamp mill and conemtrator, combined, mak ing iib efficient an outfit of the size as there is iu this section. Active opera tioiiH will begin In the mine and mill this week." Tin: CmtONiCLE, ns well as Mr. Cra dlolmugh's many friends In this city, binceiely hopes that tho report of the rlchstiiko is true, and that ho will re member this cilice with an occasional nugget. An KntliuiilitHt. Is a peasou who believes about four times as much as he can prove, aud who can prove about four times as much as anyone else believes. We're not en thusiasts; not a bit of it. Wo believe we sell as good clothing ns the best, and on as close, if not a closer, margin than auy other dealer. That partly accounts for our great success. Look to us for for the new things In Clothing and Fur nishings. A. M. .VlLMAMS & Co. To I) lire u Cold Iu Oue Day. Tako Laxative Broino Quinine Tab lets. All druttgists refund tie money if they ail to cure. 25c, "Very Much ...reseei?t Bieyeles... 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. New Ideas at The Wheel that sells Bicyclos Cleaned and Repaired. REMEMBER Wo have strictly First-Class. Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. ISratH tun Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville.Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has et been made in the Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompained by liemmor rhages; and waB absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs nnd Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Regular size 50 cents nnd $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. 2 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there will beau annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. nt their office Saturday, Apiil 2, 1S93, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing? seven directors, auu transact ing such other business as mav properly come before said meeting. By ordei of the president. Tho Dalles March 1, 1898. 0. L. Pmi.ui'S, Secy. I'inuu Tltnllljf. W. S. Geary, the well-known piano tuner, is In din city and will call upon his customers. No other piano tuner has authority to use hif name in nny way. Orders left at either musij store will receive prompt attention. FOR SALE. Two lot?, N03. 11 and 12, in block 14, Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon, For particulars address the undersigned. M. E. Fuiihmaky, 19 4w Box 178, Gohlendalo, Wash. HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE I have sixteen head of 3 and 4-year mules (broke) tor sale. I also have horses, mares and ueldiugs for Bale, weighing from 900 to 1400 pounds. Any one wantinu work slock or stock for Klondike, here is tho place to get them cheat) for cash. James Biiown, f231m-i Victor, Or. Foul.' cigars are on silo at the follow nig places: Snipes-Kinersly, Clark & Falk and M. 'A, Donnell, druggists; Com mission Co., Geo. IJuch, Fred Fisher nod Clias, Phillips, grocers ; Columbia Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection ers; Clias. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dan linker, Au. Buchler, Ben Wilson aud Tho Midwuv, saloons. fur Kent. Good two-room L'men on double lot; good garden spot. Inquire of II. A. Bill at Maier k Denton's stoie. m21-23 Don't annoy others by your coughing, aud risk your life by neglecting a cold, Oue Minuto Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Try ScbllUng't licst tea, and baking powaor. T7IKKD, W. WII50S. ATTOiNHV AT LAW. 1 OOlcc ovei First Nat. ll'iuk. to the Good." every point. at an honest price. MAYS & CROWE. J. T. Peters & Co. jypts. EVANS, MODISTE, I'ooms iii Mrs. Brittin's Lodging Itouae-. Wanted- Atthe Diamond Mills, Good milling wheat. Tho highest price paid. mchlG-tf. An Inieiertiug titory is nttinctivent all times. No one can all'ird to let the evenings at home bo spent without good reading matter iu these days when jl'ooiI hooka cost so little. Our" st i l: tflWrt some very attractive, up-to-date ilnd standard literature which will interest all. I. C. Nickelsen Book St fllusie Company. 5flOr Cigars. Why do wo retail moro Cigars tlin others? Why do smokers go out of their way aud pass cigars of the eamo grade? Not because we have betler e'gnrs or better brands, Or any greater variety ; no, not that. Why, becaiuo wo have the finest -5-gar case in the statu and keep our citus in better condition, Snipas-Kinersly Drug Co. SEEDS A fcjlcii(llil assortment of Vtue tuble, tinmen and Unus HtviU In Hulk. Kced Wlieat, Seed Oats, Bet'l Hurley, Bctil Heed Kye. Oil Mcul Cako aud IVrtlllzeis, Ike SlHes, llaily Itoso I'tilu toes. KUveu kinUii of llrt clitts Seed Com. J'oultry aud Kygs bought aud sold at J. H. CROSS' Cheap CaOi tlrocery nnd Feed Btore, Kecon 1 and Union fits. X , , . , ..i.,t