The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Ailvertlnlng Kntci. Per inch. Onoluchor less In Dally M Over two Inches ami under four Inches 1 00 Over lour Inchc? nml under twelve Inches, . 75 Over twelve Inches 80 DAILY AND WKKKLY. Oae Inch or less, per Inch l-!,JjO Over one Inch nncl under four Inches..,..- -00 Orer four Inches aud under twelve Inches. . 1 50 Over welvo Inches 1 00 Weekly Clubbing llntes. Chronicle and Orcgouian $2 '2o Chronicle nnd Examiner - 25 Chronicle anil Inter Ocean 1.85 Chronicle and Tribune 1 75 Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00 TUESDAY - MARCH 22, 1898 Call for Republican County Convention and Notice of Primary Elections. The Republican County Convention of Vnco county, 8ito of Oregon, Is hereby culled to meet lu Dalles City, In said county, on Wednesday, April U, 1898, at the hour of 8 o'clock a. m . of sn'tl day, for the purposed nomlnattngcaiutdntesforthu follow .log county officers : One Couutv Commissioner, County Clerk, Count Shcrlir, County Treasurer, County As--scMor, County School Supetlntcndent, County Coroner and County Surveyor; also precinct of iieera for the several precincts of said county: and ten delegates, to the Republican State and Second District Congressional Conventions, and to transact uch other business as may proierly come before said County Convention. Tlin fvmvpntlnn ulll consist of '.V! delegates choaeu by tho several precincts, and tho several -precincts or sum county win nienuui'i iu reprc rotation in said convention as follows: Antelope S K'.nsslcy 2 iiiKtioir o -MUMur Nanscno - Oak Orove :i Ramsey - Tygb Valley 3 Trevltt 7 Vlento 'J West Dalle 7 West Hood lllver... S 31Idwin Bake Oven :' Columbia - Bufur 4 Deschutes 3 Kast Dalles '.) 3atl!ood Rier. . .5 Kiffht Mile.. . . '.' Falls li Wamlc 2 The same being one delegate at large from each precinct, and one delegate for every twenty-live votes and one delegate for every fraction over one-half of twenty-live votes cast in each of said Srecil cts for Hon. T. T. Geer, Republican candl ate for pn sldcutlal elector at the November election in 18Dt3. PRIMARIES. Primaries to elect di legates to said County Convention will beheld in cn-h of the scleral -precincts in said Wasco county on March '26, 1898. In East Dalles precinct the noils of said primary election will be located at tbo East End Hose Co.'s house, nnd D. II. Robert? , W. II. Ilutls and Ik S. Davis will net as judges at said elec tion, lu Blgeloiv precinct tho poll" will be lo cated at the otlice of Wm. Michell, and A. N. "Varncy, J. E. Harnett and Douglas Dufur will act as judges at snid election. In Tievltt pre cinct the po"s will be located in the county court loom, and C. E. Uayard, Frank Vost and S. L. Brooks will act as judges at said election; and In West Dalles precinct the polls will be lo cated at the City Mills, and W. D. Dart, C. M. ?'uta and J. V. StanieU will act as Judges of Mild election. In Antelope precinct the polls i i'l be locattd at the usual voting place, and D. t-. Kinisey, F.N. Splcer and F. Irvine will act as j .dges of said election. The polls in each of s&ld precinct, in said pri mary election, will be kept open from 12 o'clock luxm to 7 p. ui. for tho reeeptton of votes. The ljlls in each of tho other precincts In tho county will be located in the usual voting places in each precinct, and will be opened at toe hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on said 2Cth day of March, lh", and the election will be conducted in the usual manner. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this Oth day of March, 1608. J. M. PAT I'KRSOX, Chairman Republican County Com. IX. T. NOLAN, Secretary WHY AN EXTRA SESSION. The Portland Chronicle, a jourinl which represents the Simon-Corbett combination, intimates that Governor Lord will not gratify the Mitchell men, as he calls them, 113- convening the legislature in extra session. This may be true, but Governor Lord will be making a grovious error if lie conclude that the Mitchell men, or any other set of individuals, alone desire an extra session. The great majority of Republican voters and the people generally are anxious to see Oregon have her full representa tion at the national capital. There is no attempt on the part of those asking for a legislative session to in sist that any one man shall be elected or any particular individual be de feated, but only that an opportunity be given the Republican members of tho legislature to send some one to Washington who can fittingly fill the seat now vacant. If Mr. Corbott should be elected senator, well nnd good, lie will then be (he choice of the people of Oregon as evidenced by the vote of their representatives. All that the supporters of an extra session ak is that the danger of a Populist teimtar be eliminated and that it may be made impossible that Oregon should be classed, among the Populist slates. The fusion movement is gathering Jotce, and there is no doubt but that fwion candidates for the legislature will be nomiuated in every county. "While there is every reason to be lieve that tho Republicans will carry tbo atate, still a severe sirugglo is jfMViUble, and tho result is always a Miter of doubt. We have an op portunity to elect a Republican sen ator if Governor Lord will bced tbo all of duty, TUk Ciimoxiclb Is not a Mitchell paper, nor is it supporting tho candi dacy of any particular individual. It believes that thero is plenty of material from which an nblo senator may bo chosen, and sees 110 worthy argument yet put forth against the calling of an extra session. At Philadelphia, during 1809, a large trade exposition will be held, of which the prospectus has lately been issued by the Philadelphia Ex position Association. The main purpose of this exposition will bo to extend our foreign trade by exhibit ing manufactures in this country best suited for export trade side by side with samples of products from En repc. Trade bodies in all parts of the country give assurance of tbeir co-operation. The exposition will probably be hold in permanent fire proof buildings, 10 bo elected on land set aside for that purpose by the city of Philadelphia. Tho exposi tion will be opened May 10, 1899, and will continue for five months. American manufactures, properly classified and displayed, will -form the most extensive department. An other important department will con sist of exhibits of European manu factures, selected by competent specialists, with a view to showing the requirements of the different ex port markets. A third department will be that of packing nnd shipping, designed to show in detail ho.v American goods should be packed, labeled and dipped to meet the re quirements of foreign trade. The Democrats of Sherman county look upon the fusion movement dif ferently than they do in this county. At the recent convention, held at Moro, fusion was progressing smooth ly until it camo to adopting resolu tions when the Democrats refused to surrender all their individual or party feelings and swallow the dose prepared by the Populists. Fusion cannot be commended save as po litical expediency. In this instance, however, there seems to be little reason why the Democrats, Free Silverites and Populists should not fuse, as the difference in their polit ical beliefs is too minute for discernment. The . middle-of-the-road Populist and the gold-standard Democrat are in a like situation. Both are desert ed by their parlies and left stranded on the shores of political desolation by the receding free silver waves. Along with the Farmers Alliance, the prohibition movement and vari ous other attempted reforms, true blue Populism has had its day. In the future it will be known as a spas modic attempt on the part of disap pointed politicians to corral the offices. I have liecn uillieteil with rheumatism for fourteen years mid mining eeeaied to jjive any relief. I was ablo lo be around all the time, but constantly euf ftjritia. I had tried everything I could hear of nnd at last was told to try Chain berlahi's Pain Balm, which I did, and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured. I am hippy to eay that it ha9 not since returned. Josh Edgar, Germatitotvn, Cal. For eale by Iilake ley & Houghton. Sheepmen, call at Clarko & Talk's and yet prices on thu La Plata Sheep Dip. It is iion-poisonone, mixes in stantly with cold water, and it Is an in fallible cure fur echo, hoof rot, lice and ticks. 1 tf DeWitt's Liu u uji iv Risers, The faiiuuj i tk- 01IU. D 8 IIU.NTISOTON TTUNTJ.NC1TOK & WIU30N, It 8 VVtUON ATIOKNKYH AT IAW. THIS IMLLES, Offlco ov?r First Nat. Hank. OJtKGON CATARRH 0 A. Recommendation. A recommendation is necessary to many persons. A druuulst appreciates tt when coming from a good physician especially. The character of our drug, the dispatch and accrnacy with which all formulas are treated has made us a repu tation we shall endeavor at all times to retain. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES, Just Ulhat You OUant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton e flee Is at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prieee. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vonrs for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full Hue of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as been regularly appointed by the county court of tho state, of Ortgon for Wusco County m udioiuistratrix of tho citato of Charles W. John ston, ilecoHseo. All persons having claims agalnd said estate arc hereby nolilieil to pro Hent them, with the proper vouchor, to mu at thooinco of W. II. WlNon, In Dalles City, Ore gon, within tlx months from thodatoof tills notice. Dalles City, Oregon, Feb. 2.1, 139S. CAKUIK il, JOHNSTON, feb'.'C i Administratrix. Regulator Line The Dalles. Porllanl a nfl Astoria Navigation Co.' sirs. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE The Dalles, Hood Illvcr, Cascade I.ockfs and Tort land daily, -c" huuduy. Ask your Druggist lor a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other iojurloui druz. It la quickly Absorbed. Glreallellcf atoacc. Tt. Aivtttl atirl'.uda B&BSEk. COLD'NHEA II ulll and Protect! the Membrane. MeiLoreii thu Henna of Taite and bmell. full Mm sue : Trial BUeJOCi atDruirclilior bymall. jJ':YRO'i'ilRlffj.j Wurtc StNt,?ewYork. DOWN THE VALLEY Aro you going OR TO EASTERN OREGON? If no, !hto money ind enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. Tbo wet-bouud train arrive ut 'fne Dallev lu amnio llnio for iiaaaenirera t) UVe tbo ktcamer, arriving In Portland In time (or the outgoing Boutbern aud Northern Irulnrf; Kail bound pam-ngeik arriving In The Da(le! lu time to take the Kat-bouud train. for further iiUonnatiou apply to J. N. II A BN KY, Agent, Oak Street Dock, Portland. Oregon, Or VY O. AIXAWAY, (Jen. At The Dalle!. Oregon his ....the.... Q I m Weekly Inter Ocean W LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and carncstncsstMO oMBut it can always be relied on for fair and honest reports of all po litical movementsiJ THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN 8UPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of Its columns Is equal to that of the beat maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents THE INTER OCEAN fa a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while It brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it fa in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. JJ ci nn-B&inc nuc nm i as dps yfir-si.dd 1115 rrlco of Dully by mull M.OO por your UIS Price of Nundnv by mull lor your TT S Dull v nml Nun.lav by mall 0.00 per year THE DAILY AITD SUITDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. Wholesale. CJdines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER and in Dottles. Anheuser-Busoh Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, nnequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall&Burget UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Hobes, Burial Shoes, Ete. 7VL Z. DONNELL, PHESClPTIOJi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams cfc Co., THE DALLES, OR 4 has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything. to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. uxho Subscribe for The Chroinele 0.R.&N. TO TIIK EKST! 01VKB THE CHOICE Ol' TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis Salt Lake Denver St. Paul Chicago Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. 01. EltDEt) AND CITY OF TOPEP Leave Portland every five days for ALASKA POINTS. OOKAN HTICAMKKH l.imve I'urtland ;Korv four Dava tor SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Stcnmcrs monthly from Ponlnud to Yokohama nnd Jlnnu Kong via North, em l'aclllc StKamehip Co., in connection with O. It. & N. For full dctnllH cull on O. H & Co. a Agent The Dalles, or tulilrt't.i V. It. IlIMtl.lll'KT. (lull. I'iisb. Act , l'urtlimi!,Ur HUDSON, CAUl.Il.l. A: CO., (icn. ARtx., North 1'iicllio HU'iimahlp Co. TIMK CAltll. No. I, to SpoUmiu nml (Irent Northern nrrlvcn ntri:'J.'i)i. in.. leitvcH nt i'ii.IO p. ni. No. to l'cinl ton, linker City nml Union l'acllit',iirrlvvHiit 11:13 p. 111., ilcpiirtn nt 11:W p. m. No :t, from Hpoknuu nnd (Irent Northern, nr. rives at (I'SO a. ni ilcpnrtu at a. 111. No. 1, Irom llnktr City unit llntoi. l'acllle, arrives nt J;3) 11. in., ilcpnriN ut :i:0 n. m. No?. 21 nml 'Jl, innvliiK east of The Dulles, will curry pnsmiiKers. No. 21 arrives nt 5 p. m No. 'Jl ilepiirtN at 1:45 p. in. ruftKCiiKcrs for Hcppncr tnko No leaving hcruut 11: ).' p. 111. W, II. HUKL11UKT, (Icn. l'nss. A(jt l'ortlaiui, OrcKon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Snipes-Kmersly Drag Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON 50 Years 50 Undisputed supremacy In tho World's Competition. Coopers Sheep Dip. Inoreaaea YlolU of Wool. Enhnncos Vnluo of Flock. Cheap, Safe, Hnr.rty, Glenn, Wliolceomo and Odorless. Recommended by Mttnufitotnre.-e, Kcour ere and Buyers. Hold by PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. C. G. Roberts, Uenerul Agent. 247 Alb Streat, Portland, Oregon.