The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 22, 1898, Image 1

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    She Dalles
NO 7
Deliberations May Not Re
Ended Until Friday.
No I'tir'lmr I'lirolmiin'of Wnrlil Muitc
.(lovnminriil'ii Option on tlio
O'lllEKln Secure.
? Tim expectations of officials In a
S WushiiiKtun that thu report of tlio 2
J Main court of inquiry might vcnuli S
4 the citpitnl today huvo been diHap-
V pointed. It is now announced that
5 it nmy not tionio
bctoro ThurBduy
or Friday.
J Tlio government has made no
S new purchnsKS of warships.
0 Secretary I.onB bus ri'cliristunnd
the two cruisere purchased of Bra
f sdl. Hereafter tlio AmuzonuB will
f be known an thu Now Orleans, und
J tlm name of the Admiral Aoruell
5 will lie chunked to that of Albany.
Wahiu.noto.v, Mur. 151. It can bo
stated positively und authoritntivoly
the report of tbo hoard of inquiry on tlio
Maine disaster lus not been received up
to noon today. From thu same source it
can outdated that the present official in
formation it) that thu ofliclul report is
not likely to he hero before next Thurs
day or Friday.
Tliifi in a material change from the ex
pectations prior to his time. The can Be of
tlio delay is not known, butit is assumed
that the conclusions of the court are not
yet in each exact form as to warrant
an earlier presentation of them at the
The government has made no further
purchases of warships, hut its negotia
tions in that line linvu been productive
of at leant onu important result, naimly,
in vatuulishinK tlmt unless the buttle
eli i p O'lIiKins becomes the propurty of
the United Slates it will not 1m sold at
all, I'raetiealiy tho'samo condition pre
vails as to thu Argentine armoured
cruiser Sun Marline, which will become
tho property ol this government if it
paeeea from the hands of its present
Secretary Long's ofllco at tho navy de
partment was again the center of a . con
ference toduy. Hale, chairman oi tho
senate committee on naval iili'uirs, was
ono of the early callers, and spent hull
an hour with Long. Senator Pritehurd
alio had a talk with Long.
Halo went from Long's office to the
White House and talked with the presi
dent. Within a short time ho was fol
lowed by Long, wLo spent considerable
time with the president. Senator Han
Da cauiu to thu secretary's olllco during
absence, and learning tlmt ho was
with the president, spont some time in
conference with Assistant Secretary
Secretary Long leaned an order today
that the Amuzunus, the cruiser recently
purchased from the Brazilian govern
went, hereafter shall bear the name of
Nw Orleans, in honor of the principal
1'V ol Louisiana, Long lias ruohristened
the cruder Abruell, recently purchased
from the Urusslllian government, and she
"ill hereafter be known js tho Albany,
in honor ol the capital of tho empire
0aftliu liijiuert Men Already Uond
ami Another Dying.
Butte, Mnr. 21. The Hale house, a
bl three-story building, used us a
5r)e Salue
Garland's "Happy"
Thought Salvo Is
made right. It is the
salvo you are sure of.
50 cents at DONMELL'S.
Royal makes the lood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
boarding and lodging bouse for men in
the employ of the Anaconda Mining
Company, was entirely hestroyed by fire
oarly this morning. Tlio building is on
East Brondway, and when tbo fire broke
out, shortly ufter threo o'clock, there
were four hundred men in it. Of these,
ninny are now in hospitals and others
who escaped nlmost without clothes, arc
scattered all over tho town.
Until the sule, now buried in tho cel
lar under tons of debris, is removed, the
books examined und the roll called, It
will not bo known how many perished.
Estimates, of thu dead, which now run
up to twenty-live, may bo cut down as
the loon report tor duty or to the police.
It iB known tlmt sixty men did not show
up ut the mines this morning, though
many of these doubtless arc with their
friends, recovering from the scare they
The fire started in ihe basement, and
soon was beyond control. The halls
were filled with smoke and it was impos
sible for many to have escaped by tlmt
route. Thu escapes were mostly in the
reur of tho building, and these were used
by the men who could reach them.
Those in front, however, crowded to the
windows. Many of theae were taken
out by means of ladders put up by the
firemen. OtherB jumped and were more
or less injured. As fast as tlio men
readied the ground tho injured woro
taken to hospitals or thu homes of
Iriends. Others, not injured, rushed at
once for shelter. The ulr was bitter
Tho loeo on thu hotel will amount to
ifHO.OOO. Nothing was left standing but
u corner of the wall. Thu individual
losses of thu men will amount to con
Free J'lIlM'
Send your address to II. lu. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, nnd get iv Ireo sample
box ol Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you ol their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly ulToctivo in tlio cure of.Con
Bllpatlon and Sick Headache, For Ma
laria and Livor troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance und to bo purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
und bowels greatly invigorate tho sys
tem. .Kogulur size 155. per box. Sold
by Blakeley A Houghton Druggists. (2)
To the l.mllea of Tho Dnllox.
Mrs. Evans lias opened dressmaking
parlors in Mrs. Brittain'e lodging house,
on Second street, and solicits u share of
their patronage. mch5-4t
liiiiuhrliili' Dough Iteiiieily.
This remedy Is intended especially for
coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough
und It has becomo famous
for its cures of these diseases, over a
large part of the civilised world. The
most Haltering testimonials have been
received, giving accounts of its good
works; of the aggravating und persist
ent coughs it has cured ; of severe colds
thttt.hnvu yielded promptly to its sooth
ing effeute! nnd of thu dangerous attacks
of croup It lias cured, often saving the
life ol the child. Thu extensive use of
if u-liooninif conchs has ehown that
! it robs that dine use of nil dangerous con
sequences. For Bale by BluUoloy
Children and adults tortured by burns,
scalds, Injuries, ezuuui or sklu dieuaeo
may secure Instant relief by uelng De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the
great pile remedy.
One Minute Cough Cure, cure.
Thai U what It was made for.
Intention Id to Clin run tlie Kiplonlon to
Unknown Oauno.
Ni:w YonK, Mur. 21. A special from
Havana says:
The workjof the Spanish divers has not
been thorough. Apparently they have
found so littlo evidence on which the
theory of internal explosion could be
based that the Spanish court is not will
ing to stand unaequivocally on the theo
ry of accident, which it set out to main
tain. The facts have been known for
three or four dnys. They may account
for the statements from Madrid that
the Maine incident will not be a cause
for war between the two countriee, and
also hints ut arbitrating the dispute on
the question of facts.
This talk is Beml-offlcial. The Span
ish recoznize thu impossibility of suc
cessfully controverting the case which
will be presented when the report ot
Captain Sampson and his associates on
tlio American board of inquiry is pub
lished. They have had nn inkling that
the evidence on which the external ex
plosion duB to foul play will be changed,
is meant to satisfy, not only the Ameri
can people, but the judgment ot experts
throughout the world. How strongly
this conclusion of the American board
is fortified will soon be known.
The one received from Madrid is to
liovo a counter-case ready, bo a suspen
sion of tho world's judgment can bej
asked until diplomacy can arrange ai
satisfactory settlement. The evident I
hope of Blanco's gorvernment is to keep ;
the Maine incident entirely distinct 1
from other Cuban questions. Notwith
standing this lack of confidence in our
own theory of accident, it cannot be
leurued that the officers are doing any
thing to uncover the the conspirators
who are responsible for the blowing up
of the Maine.
Dealueat Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafneBs,
und that is bv constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of thu mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, nnd when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness ib the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out und this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
uny case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars ; free.
F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10
I'ror. Dout, Ojitlclau.
The testiug of eyes is not a matter of
guess work, nor by far only a matter of
trying on a pair of ready made glasses.
It is a science governed by principles
and conditions, which none but a person
who has studied the anatomy of tiie eye
can understand. Prof. P. G. Dout un
derstands li in business thoroughly. Call
and bo convinced. He also does all
kinds of watch and jewelry repairing,
and will cleau your jewelry while you
wait. Two doors west of Keller a oake
ry, i ours to serve,
Dout Optical & Jgwklky Co.
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of rimple, honest, God-fearing
men nnd women, have prepared the
Shaker Digoativo Cordial for many years,
und it is always tho same, rimple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to moke tho Shakers the healthy, long
llvod neoplo that they are. The Shak
ers never have Indigestion. This is
nartlv owing to thole simple mode ot
life, partly to the wonderful properties
ol Shaker Digestive Cordial. Iudiges-
tion Is caused by tho stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies wnars
wantlm:. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and all its glands
so that ufter awhile they don't need
holn. As evidence of tho honesty ol
Shaker Digestive Coidlal, the formula
is printed on overy bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per hot-
bhoejimen, Atteutluul
Clarko & Fallc have securod the
agencv for the La Plata Sheep Dip.
Mixes' Inotftutly with cold water.
Sheriff's Sale.
Oregon for Wusco comity.
T. J. Fluid, plaintiff
Wm. Illrgfcld, UnrnlC. Wrpfeldi Fiist National
Hank of Tlio Italic, Thomn Kcllv and A. i.
licunctt, defendants.
Uy virtue of nu execution, drcrco nnd order of
snle, duly Issued out of mm under the seal of
the Circuit Court of tho Suto of Oregon, for tho
the County of Wnsco, to me directed nnd dHted
the 25th day of February, IxflS, upon n decree for
me lurccuiMirc oi n certain mortgage, nna jaag
mentrcndcied nnd entered in said Court nn the
4th day of December, 1897, In tho above entitled
onusc. In fnvor ot tho pMntlrt' atid against the
defendants Wllllum nlrKfeldaud Lnura E. Klrg
feld us judgment f!cbto-, In tho Mini ol fifteen
hundrid nnd twelve dollars nnd twentv-nlue
cents, with Interest thereon from the 4lh dnv of
December, 1897, at the rnte of len per rent" per
annum, and the further sum of one hundred and
fifty dollars ns attorney's feci, nnd the further
sum of ill teen dollnis, costs, nnd tho toitsof
nnd upon this wilt, and commanding mo to
make tnle of the real propcrtv embraced In such
ucrecoi iorcciosurc una nercinniicrdecrlbcd, l
will on tlio
lSUi day of April, 1808,
nt the hour of two o'clock in the nfternoon of
snio any. mid at tho front dor or the Couutv
Court house In DnllesCitv. Wnfco Co intv. Ore
gon, sell nt public auction to the hlRhPst'biilder
for li hand, nil the rishl.titlu and IntetcM
wmcn mo acicnahiits milium nirniclil nnd
Lnurn K. Uirsfcld, Thoin s Kelly nnd .. 8. lien
nct, or iliher of them.hiid cm the 4h day of
Auiruf,t, ltftj the date of the moi-tngc foreclosed
heieln, or which sueli defendants or nny of the
defendants herein have acquired, or now have in
and to the following dc.-cribed roil prupeitv,
situated and being in Warn Countv. Or. con,
to-uit: An ui divided one-tilth interest of nil
of section No 21, the nw i and the se A of sec
Hon No. il; also all of section No. 'J.1, the nw l
and the se l,i ot section No. 1!7, and the nw i ol
section No. :!', all in township N 7, south of
tango No. 17. east of the W. lit also of section
No. 11, township No. 8, south of range No. 17, oust
of the V. M containing in ull i'SCl.yi acres ac
cording to the Government survey (page :tl4,Yol.
O of deeds) nlso the s J J of thJ sw x and the s i
of theses of section No. 31, township No. 7
south of range 17, east ol W. M., containing 100
acres, (pure nii.voi. k.. need) also nil the iiw'
of section No. 2ti, township 7, south of range 17,
cnsl of W. M., (page 3.'0, Vol. N. of deeds.) i-aid
Interest in tho above desciibed real property be
ing thu sumo descended to and iuheilted by the
said Laura K. HI refold upon the dentil of Alexan
der Rogers and M tilda lingers, her father and
mother. Said property will be sold subject to
confirmation nud redemption us by law pro
vided. Dated nt The Dalles, Oregon, this 3d day of
Mutch, 1098. mehr-ll.
T. J. DKIVElt,
Sheriff of Waco County, Oregon.
Guardian's Notice.
To Whom It May Concern:
No'ice is hereby given that the undersigned,
ns guardian of Jus. A. Biowu, Jr., Ethel M.
Brown, l'liuliuu A. Brown, David E. Brown,
Mnry H. Brown und Geo. D. Brown, has tiled lu
i lie County Court of the State of Oregon for
M'usco Couuty, bis petition praying for a li
cense to sell the Interest of said minors iu nnd
to the following described real property to-wit:
A tract of land in Dalle-city, Wnsco County,
Oregon, bounded nnd described us follows:
Beginning nt u point '26 rods south and SO feet
west of what Is known ns the northwest corner
of the J. (!. Wilson lot, said corner being one
hundred and eleven rods east of the uortnwcit
corner of the John A. Binims Donation Lund
Clulm No. 39, in Ti 1, North Bange 13 East W.
M., running thence south ten rods; thence west
six rods und threo feet: thence north ten rods;
thence east six rods and three feet to the place
of beginning, containing one-half an ucre,
more or less.
All persons Interested in real c-tate are hereby
notllled to npeur befoio said County Court nt
the couuty courtroom lu Dulles Citv on Friday,
the 'Joth day of March, 18'JS. nt the hour of 2
o'clock p. in., thtn nnd there to show cause, If
nny there be, why snid license to sell said real
property should not be granted.
Match 1, lt93.
JAS. A. BUOWN, 8lt
mch'.'-i Uuurdinu.
Land Office, Thk D.u.lkk, On.,
rebruurv. U. 189.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to commute aud make linal proof in support of
his claim, nnd that said proof will be made be
fore Ucitlster nnd Itecelver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Tuesday. March , 1898, viz:
Oliver Bower, of The Dalle,
H. E. No. r07, for the SK!4 NEJi and NEJi SE
Bsc 24, Tp i! N. U 12 15, W M.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his contluuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said land, viz:
William it u liner, Peiry VunCnmp, Hurry
Learned, II. if. Learned, all of The Dalles, Ore
gon. JAS. F. MOOKE, Keglsier.
Notice of Pinal Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
nduiliiUtrtitor ot the estate of Frank Ireland,
deceased, ha tiled his tlnnl account us such ad
mini, trntor lu the county court of the State of
Oregon for Wasco County, nud the judge there
of bus appointed Monday, the 7th day of Match,
lh9S, at tho hour of 10 o'clock u. in., nt the
county courtroom in tho courthouse iu Dalles
City, in said county aud state, us the time and
plricc for the hearing ot objections to suld tlnnl
account nud tho settlement thereof. All heirs
and creditors of the deceased, and ull other per
sons interested iu said estate, uru hereby notllled
to tile their objections to said tlnnl account, If
any they have, on or before the date lixed for
the hearing nnd settlement thereof.
Dulles City, Oregon, Feb. , ISM.
jebS-lw-ii Administrator.
Itev. K. Edwards, pastorof the English
Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa.,
when sull'erlng with rheumatism, was
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
fie says: "A few applications of this
liniment proved of great service to mu.
It suhsued the iiillamation Bill relieved
the pain, Should any suffer profit by
giving Pain Balm a trial it will please
me." For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton. Cth lu 1'our Checks. ,
All countv warrants registered prior
to Jan. 0, 1804, will be paid at my
oftlee. Interest ceases after March. 17,
18P8. O. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasurer,
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what It wm aawle lor.
1 Siting JlovelliKTj
Suits to lit the lit- f 2
Z tie man and to 2
2 . suit his Mamma. f
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in.
its weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi
ness, for tho improvement of their businoss and homo
interests, for education, for tho elevation of American
manhood and true womanhood,
IT HAS told at the ti reside, interesting and instructivo
stories of the doings of tho world, tho nation and states.
IT HA3 advised tho farmer
ods ot cultivating and harvosting his crops, and tlio
proper time to convert them into tho largest possiblo
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho welfare of
farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has
held their confidence and esteem.
and we furnish it with tho Somi-Weekly Chronicle one
year for $1.75, cash in advance.
Perfection in Clothing
is attained by the makers
of our
Boys' and
Children's Glothing.
The cloths, the trimmings, tho
til and tho styles are there. The
prices we have marked these
perfect garments, have produced
the values. It's economy to
buy your clothing of us.
Let Your Little Hoys next Suit
be bought Here
as to tho most approved meth