Both tlio method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Xivcr and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most Jicalthy and agreeablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figa is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who Tvishca to try it. Donot'acceptany substitute. AUFQBNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 0VISVIU, Xr. NEW YORK, l.'.Y. The Dalies Daily Gfofiiiidfo. TUK DALLKS, OKKUON I'KItSONAl. 31KNT10N Ex-Gov. Moody 13 visiting in tlio city today. Iko Sii'hcl came up from Portland last evening. T?. II. Stanton, of Hood River, is in tlio city. John Combs is in from his home sit Prineville. SI. T. Powell, of Prineville, is in the city today. Robert Leasure is in the city from Hood River today. J. V. Armsworthy, of the Waeco jjvews, is in :he city. J. A. Douthit, of the Times-Mountaineer, went to Portland today. '"Lee Morse, a prominent White Salm on merchant, is in the city today. Mrs. A. M. Kelsay went to Portland ou the boat this morning for a short .visit. 'S.P. M. Rriggs is in the city nurchae-'ing-gowls for the film of Lord & Co., at Arlington. Sirs. J. GeisendorfTtfr is a cuest of .Sirs. Myers, in this city, and will remain several days. 'Mrs. M. E. Brings went to Astoria .this morning, on business connected uvito the Degree of Honor. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brooks left for the JE&st today. Mrs. Brooks will visit rel sattves rtt St. Paul, while Mr. Brooks ujoes ito Chicago' on a business trip. 33r. and Mrs. J. M. Patterson came down from Wasco on the delayed train I yesterday. Mrs. Patterson spent last week with her husband at that place. air. and Mr3. W. C. Ailaway left for the East today. Mr. Ailaway goes on a (justness trip, while Mrs. Ailaway will accompany him as far as Watson, Miss., where ehe will visit her sister. KOItN. At Wasco, March 18th, to tho wife of W. F. Johnson, a daughter. In this city, Sunday, March 20th, to Jh-. and Mrs. Adam Fleck, a daughter; ISents tlio Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville.Tex., 5 taa found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike, For years ho suffered untold agony from consumption, accom pained by hemrnor rh.igca; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs nod Colds. lie declares that gold is of little value in comparison with ttiis marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat nnd luug nflectiona are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Trial bit ties free at Bhtkeley & Houghton's drug store. Regular size $0 cento and $1.00. Guaranteed to euro, or price refunded. 2 Siieep marking paint ; ready for use, Two colors, black and red. Why you shodld mo our sheep paint. First, bo aM the colors are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by Ann machinery; ceeeud, because it Is made of high grade olor, with the proper amount of dryers added to give it .binding .and lasting aalHiee, which prevent IMfOU washing or nibbing off; thin), t It ,iuucij more eonomic1 , because it la Always ready slsr ate. We guaraatM or ibaa p mark iag;Miiits to give mtitUetlo. . Try it and be convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles, Or. Mining anil Irrigation Convention. For the Mining ami Irrigation Con vention, to lw held at Baker City, Or., March 20th, 30th and 31st, the O. R & N. Co. will make a rate of one and one Hf tli fare for tho round trip. Delegates r parties attending the convention, paying full faro to Baker City on March Willi, 27th, 28th and 'JOtli, will bo re turned at oue-lKtli fate on presentation .( ivrtiticates on or before April 3d to urnueutnt linker City, signed by the vcreturv of the convention. U-tf Wo are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleas utter or better way to do it than by rec ommending One Minute Cough Curo ns i preventive of pneumonia, consump tion and other permits lung troubles that follow neglected colds. Vrut. limit, Optician. The testing of eyes is not n matter of juess work, nor by far only ti matter of trying on a pair of re.uly made glasses. It is a science governed by principles and conditions, which none but a person who has studied the nnntnmy of the eye can understand. Prof. P. G. Dout un tlerstan is his business thoroughly. Call .uid be convinced. Hu also does all kinds of watch and jewelry repairing, .ind will clean your jewelry while you wait. Two doors west of Keller's bake ry. Yours to serve, Dout Optical & Jewkluy Co. If the United States and Spain become involved in war, it will be impossible to import Havana tobacco. Consciucntly high grade Havana cigars will incre.ti-e in price. Lay in a supply of Prize Medal cigars while the price remain tho same. 10-tf To tlio Ladles of Tlio Hnllcn. Mrs. Evans has opened dressmnkinj: Parlors in Mrs. Brittain's lodging house, on Second street, and solicits n 6 hare of their patronage. mcho-4t There are three little tilings which do more work than any other threo little things created they are. tho ant, the bee and De Witt's Littie Early Risers, the lust being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET, Notice is hereby given, by order of tlio common council ot Dalles City, tiiat union street will Da improved between Main and Twelfth streets bv gradinc ami Oiling the same, and that trie cost of saitl proposed improvement shall be as sesseil upon property adjacent to said street, unless within fourteen davs from tiie dual publication of this notice the owners of two-thirds of the property ad jacent to said street file with the re corder a written remonstrance against said proposed improvement. Dated this 15th dav of March, 1898. ROGEI! B. SlNXOTT, mlG-l lt R-rcorder Dalles City. Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady; hut its duration can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which 13 also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bron chial trouble. La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to be the best non-poisonous fluid dip m the world; guaranteed to cure scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET. Notice is hereby given, by order of the common council of Dalles City, that Court street will bo improved between Main and Second streets by grading and tilling said street, and that the cost of said proposed improvement shall be assessed upon property adjacent to said street, unless within fourteen days from the final publication of tills notico the owners of two-thirds ot the property ad jieent to said street tile with the re corder a written remonstrance against said proposed improvement. Dated this lo day of March 1898. ItOGEH B. Sixxott. mchlCHt Recorder Dalles City. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, e.Jimi or skin diseases may secure Instant relief by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo. It is the great pile remedy. Don't annoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold, Ono Minute Cough Curo cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Smoko the popular brands Prize Medal, Guarantee mid h'ote Queen cigars .Tiauulactured by S. F. Fonts. tf One Minu! c Cough Cure, cures. T!ii: H wlixt It was roedc (or. I7UIKD. W. WILSON : .VlTOil.NI'.V AT LAW, TIIH lAI.M.& OIUCOON UOico oki First Nat. It-inlc. ' 'fj' wwfPJ) SFPssSSFSjlSJ0 ssjjsssj sBsvB DiGUNN'S For PaoplaTtiat Arefll ft Biok or Just Dontllll I V I'm! Well." I ILbV A PETRIFIED SNAKE. lcrfectlr Formed nml fourteen Keel In I.rnnUi. Jfcnr (he Cascade, three miles from ( Susquehanna, Ph., u party of bluestono ijuurrymcu lately louittl a round stone projecting from the ground. It was In the way of tcaiiiu htmling titnucti, nntl the men attempted to pull it up. The foreman iiustritctul Ilia men to dig up the stone nntl get It out of the way, tnyu the Knn&n.t City Journal. They tltur down u few feet, hut did not reach the end of It. Another effort wan made to null it out, tmd it broke oh. I They continued to throw up tho earth, ntul as a mailt three long pieces were I broken off. At Inst the l'oro.-.ian eon- eluded to see whero it ended. After ! several hours wore consumed in Iho work the end wan reached. The men were surprised to Mud, when they lln ished their work, u perfectly-formed scrpent'u head and nook. The foreman at once concluded that they had unearthed a petrified serpent. The pieces were plneed together mid formed ti perfect snake 14 feet long. The eye:, noalrils and mouth are dis tinct and unmistakably marked, us are the dark and lighter brown spots upon the sides. The head is about six inches wide nnd decreases one-third in thick ness from tho top down. The nerk gradually grows smnller, and then the body increases in size until the middle is reached, where the ilinni eter is six inches. From that point it declines to the tail. One piece is miss ing, evidently about one foot in length. The petrifaction of what nre supposed to hnve been the fleshy parts of the monster has a color corresponding to red sandstone, while that of the vcrie brte i several shades lighteraud softer. SHE WAS NOT A LAWYER. Di'dliieil to Aiuurev it uiicrttlim and flnve Ilcr Ilcanon Why. '"Now," said Iho lawyer who was con ducting the eros3-e::amination, "will you please state how and where you first met this man?" "I think," said the lady with the sharp nose, "that ft was " "Never mind what you think," inter rupted tho lawyer. "We want facts here. Wo don't cave what you think, and wo haven't nny time to waste in listening to what you think. Now, jilease tell us where and when it was that you first met this man?" The witness made no reply, cays the Cleveland Leader. "Come, come," urged the lawyer. "1 demand r.u answer to my question." Still no resjionsc from the witness. "Vour honor," said the lawyer, turn ing to the court, "I think I am entitled to an answer to the question I have put." "The witness will please answer the question," said the court, in impressive tones. "Can't," said the lad v. "Why not?" "The court doesn't care to hear what T think, doea it?" "No." "Then there's no use questioning me any further. I am not a lawyer. I can't talk without thinking." ( So they called the next witness. TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. One Will lie Seen !- (he Peoulc of America mi Mu- 23, lOOO. The people of America will have n very unusual chance to see a totnl solar eclipse right here at home on. May 28, 1000. Astronomers arc even now study ing the meteorological tables for jast years in order to find the localities promising clearest skies, says the Washington Pcs-t. The line of totality firs.t touches the continent cn the Pacific coast of Mex ico, north of Cape Corientes, pursuing a northeast course, leaving Mexico at the mouth of the Rio Grande, crossing the gulf of Mexico and entering the United States at Atcluifalaya bay, Louisiana. The breadth of the line is about 50 niilea. The eclipse will be totnl at ew Orleans at about S.22 a. m., Washington time. The eclipse will be visible in Macon, Itakigh, Norfolk and inter mediate and neighboring points. Crossing the ocean, the land first touched is near the. port of Coimhra, Spain, passing southeast acrosr, south ern Kurope and the Mediterranean sea. Thus all the astronomers in both hem isphere: will he within easy distance and with every facility for using nny amount of intrumcntal equipment. The greatest duration will be two min utes nine seconds, about the middle of the Atlantic ocean. uticura SOAP pAKES SOfT .WHITE i HANDS PS I of own SW. iiy iherouiililjr. in3 wyly f'n KSt unto a cum. Coir, M Vnf-i I Patronize the All litmlr.f woik. Wlitto fililits ii nprelnlly. I'aiullv work nt rcilitcnl r tiv. eolU'ctnl nml itcltvci nt five. T1piIuiiu I Ml, H. D. Parkins, Agt, J. K. feiiKNi;. l'lu.vident. it. M. lli:.M. , t'nslilcr First Rational Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Oeueral Hanking ilusineas traiiniicted Doposits received, Bubject to Sight Draft or Cheek. Collectiona mailo and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Ezcfuuiue sold oc Nir.v York, San Francisco ati.1 "orl laud. ntRBOTOKS D. P. TllOMl'KON. JXO. B. SCIIKNCK, lin. M. Williams, Gr.o. A. Likur. H. M. lU-Ai.t.. Uie fire Doiro fleat ar;d jrtistie .priptir;.. For leasoijablc Wo 1'rint An(ything in the Printing Lino. (Jiue us a trial. ?i?ror;ic,,r3 pub. o.' Tiie columuia Packing Go.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF it ANUFACTU HliHti OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)IUED BEEF, ETC. Nolico of Executor's Sale. Notico in licrclir uiven that tlio lunIcrMi'iii'd. exicutorof ttiofstitte of Mii.xMinlllnii .Meyer, de ceitK'd, ulll, from anil ufler lliu 1st day of Miircn, lbvi, bvii nt privnie kiuc, upon mo iircm i6cs, tlio foll.iwlnK doicribcd real proiieriy bo loiiKlnir to said estate mid bittintcd hi Uikoi comity, OrcKon, to-wit: I)t two '. In block ciKlitPH In wliat is known ns Thonii ton's Ad dition to Dull h City. tiiildfenlulsmaUohi uccordaucc u'itli unorder of tho County Court rendered nnd citorcd the iid day of Jiinunry, lb'.w, mid bucIi miIo will bo isiibjfct U) conliriiiatlon by snld court, the terms ofuutdeulc tolK-cusli or credit, or both. ANDHKW KKLfKK, Executor ot the oatato of Muxmnlllun Mover. diceutsed. Jin'dl Administrator's Notice. Kotlco I hrrcbv elven that bv uu order of Iho County Court of tlio HUto of Oregon, for Wiiuro county, miido Jmiuary V), li'JS, the iindemiKiiid Iihh Ixtn duly ujipoint d iirtinlnUtrntor of tho ctato of Tlios, J. Kulltvmi, Jr., dt'ccutcil. All nvrtoii8 linvlinr clnluiK iiiruliikt the cstulu of kiilil (lece.iKil, are hereby notlliul lb pro. out them to mo Willi trie proper voucners hi mo otneo ol lliintliiutoii A WIIkoii. within tlx inonthM from dalo title f. Uuti'd Juuuury iv, mi. I10KAT10 KAKMIKH, Adiiitiil&truior. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds, Headquarters for Rolled Grain, &u kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, "fiSt Pee'd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton irioni Tn,a F,onr 18 naanufttctiued expreisly for fmlly ww w me; every Rack is Kuaranteed to glvo iatitfctlon. We tell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wtoat, Barley and Oats. ..GHfls. ?m Batchers and Fanmcfs Exchange. . Kivpx on drniijilit the eelelimlnl COI.It.MlliA IIKKIt, ncknowl di;rd the lient beer In The l.lllt', nt thiMiiial price, I'nnio In, try I' nnd lin mi Mnccil. A Imi tlm I'lm sl IiimiuIs of Winn., I.t imus nnd (.'I Kins.. Sandrjuiches it till Ivllwt nlirnrc it ltititil. is, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rKANSAOT A (I UN'K It A 1. 11 ASIC I Nil IIUSINKB Letters of Credit issued iivallablo in the Eastern States. fiiyht ExchutiKO nnd TcleirnphtL Trnnsfera Hold on Now York, Chicmro, St. Louis, Sun Friuicieco, l'ortlund Oro- Kon, beuttlo V null,, nnd various points in Oregon mid ashinaton. Collection1? inn le at all points on hiV' oral lie terms. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker Jeweler Alt work promptly attended to, and warrmitcd. 174 VOGT BLOCK TclZ NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 1':ikch n Week. 1130 1'nporB n Year It stands llrst anions "weekly" pnjiere in size, Irequeiicy of publication freshness, variet mid reliability of cor. tents. It is practically n dailv at the low price o a weekly; and its vast hat nf subscribers, esteiiilim,' to overy state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for tho accuracy and fairness of itn news columns. It is splendidly Illustrated, nnd among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashion, for women nml n lou series of stories tiy the greatest living American and English authors, L'oiiiiii Doylo, .loroino K. .lcrimio, Ntnultiy Wnymmij aiury K. WllklUH Antliiiny Hope, Unit lliirtv, Itruiulnr Kluttliown, Ktc. Wo oiTer this unequnled uuwspaperaiid Tlio Dalles Twico-n-Week Chronicle to. ether one year for $2.00. Tho regular prico of tho two papers is $3.00. ST, GERMAIN: FEMALE PILLS Tlio only orluliiul unit annul"" I'renoli-lri-in ii I ii ltHBiilutiir, of JImo Ht. (iorinnlii, furls. UniiiirpaMtiil nt- bcliiK Mlv, ture, nnd reliable In every case. Hold under posltlvo Kuarmitoo or money refunded. Hot tho genuine. I'rlvu ll.uu per box by mail. Bolo iiKouta for tho United Htatcsiaud Cauuda. KINO HAltVAUU CO, 157 Wiuhtuifliiu Nt,, Clilcagu. NOTI0B FOU PUBLICATION. Land Okkicb.Tuk Dallkh, Or.,) February 10, 1S98. Kollco Is hereby given that the following. named hcttlvi bus lll-d notico of his intention t make Hunt proof In kuppoit of Ilia clnlin, and that nail! priMif will In in ado beloro Itenlitor and llecclver nt 't'ho Palleu, Oregon, on Monday, April 10, Ife'JJ, vk: .laiueH Hull, of Tlio Dullnii, II. E. No. 1717, for the HI'. NWJ-.f, fi! J Kl'.li and NHi til'.'A Hie. at, Tli 1 N., 11. VI . Y. M. Ilo names tho fouowhiK wllni'snes to provo his continuous residence upon nnd cilllivntion of hald land, viz.: Alexander Vance, Albert Walters, Wil lain Wolf, I'runk ObrUt, all of 'Iho Pallon, Oregon. Ml JAB, F. MOOltK. ltrItcr. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta , Route or tiik Southern Pacific Comp'y. TraliiH leave and nre dun tn arrive nt Portland I.KAVK. 7 ovkkTanii i hx'-i ' pres, Halcin, Ituse I liurir, .blauit, Hue- i-.oii ! m ' inineilto, Oi?dcMi,Hnii 1 l.ox AiikoIcn,KI f'nso, I Now orlenua and Knt , y.-n a m I'btiiu unit way Ma. fl...u a. i, i1)is j I Via Woodburn fori Dallv I .U.AliBol,HllVorton, J)fty Hmidrix riltlr'l,tl!';l."?,.ll,,l.,.,;,.ll J H"U"',y"' 17B1 A. M. w,;-j :S0 1'. M. INDHI'KNDKNri: I'ASHIINOKit. Kxprcss train lially (except Hunilay). m. (l.v...., Portland. ...Ar.) Bitl'ia. m " Al,.Mc.Mliinvllle..l.v, r"i;fi0a,iii n::u)ji. in. (Ar..lii(lepeiidonce..I,v,) I:(flii. m Dally. f I'ally, except Hunilay. UINfNti CAU8 ON oilDKN HOUTE. PUI.IJIAN JIUKI'liT Bl-KKl'KltS AND HKC0Nl)-CI.A88 Hl.KEI'lNC OA11B Attached to all Through Triittm. Direct coiincctlnn atMiii tranrlsro with Orel, dctltiil and Ollentat and I'aolllo nml I teanihlp linen for JAl'AiS and CHINA. Halllni; dates on a pllcattoii. Hates mid tickets to Knstcrn tmluts mid Ku topo. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU mid Al'HTliAl.IA, rati ho ohtnlniil front J. II. KIHKI.AND, Ticket Agent. Tlirourth Tlckut Olllcv, l:H Third Htrcot, whoro tluoucli tlcketd to all pollltn in tho Hasten) Htiilcx, (,'aiiailii and Kurojio can bo obtained at lowest rates from J. II. KIltKLAND, Ticket Audit. All nhovo truiiiK arrive ill and depart Irom (Irand Cenlral Htntlim, Fifth and Irving BtrecU YAMHILL IllVtSION. Paticii(!er, foot of Jeileifcon street lxnvo for OSWKtiO, dally, oxrept Hunilay, at 7S20 n. III.! l'-'lSO, l!.V), fiil&, IIVX, "Hiltt p. m. (and llilin p, in. on Kiituiilay only, and '.UlXi a. in mid :i:.10 p. ni. mi HiiiiiIiih only). Anivo at I'ortlniid iiaily ut '0:10 and H:i a in,: and lsiK, l:l.j, li;J0iind7:Mp. (and H):0r a. in, ll'Ij &:lu p. in. on Suiulaj.i only). Iamivc for Bherldan, week days, ut 1:30 p. m Arrlvo ut Portland, U::X) n. in, lx?avc for Alltl. IIC on .Monday, Wednesday and I' ll' iiy at 'J! to ii. m. Arriv at Portland, lues dav, ThiirMlay mid .Salunlaj a :p,05 p. m. Kxcept Hunilay. "Kxccjit Saturday. It. I OK I ILK It, Maunucr. (I, it. MAItKHAM, U. K. & 1'iuk. Aut ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. p. H s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. I'Altl. AI INNKAI'OIiI DIII.IJTII KAUOO OHA.NI nut OltOOKSTON WINMl'KO IIKI.KNA mi IlllTTK TO Through Tickets TO OIIIOAOO WAHIIINUTON I'lllI.AllKM'HIA 'KV l'OHK IIOHTON AND AI.l. I'OINTH KAMT and HOUTU For Information, ilmo cards. maDsand tlckcta, cat on or write to W. C. ALLA WAY. Agent, Tho Dalles, OreKOli OK A. I). CHARLTON, Asst. G. P. A., Morriaoti Cor. Third. Portland Oregon Dalles, Moro ami Antelope STAGE LINE. Throuch bv davllirht via (Irasu Valley, Kent ituil CniHS HolImvH, IIOIim.AH AI.LKN, Tho Ilnlln. V, M. WIHTKI.AW, Aiitoloio. Ktacca leave Tho Dallca Iroin Umatilla Hotiso at 7 a. in., iilao from Auteloiio at 7:W a. in. every Monday, VVcdnoMlny and Krlday. Coiiiiwtionj nt Antelope for Prineville, Mitchell and Iiolnts Iwyoud. Clone o. nneotloiiH madoat'llie Milieu with rallwnyn, tralna and boat. BIhkck from AiitcloK reach Tho Dalles Tues days, Tliurxdays uud Saturdays at l:li0 p. in. It.lTKH OF KAIIK, Dallen to Doschllles do Moro , do (I rsMi Valley....... do Kent.... ... 1 ' .... - A M) no iross iioiiows. , , ; ' AiitclojMj to Cross llolluws l" do Cross Hollows, uw nvm. - ;Ml do Onus Valley J 4)0 do Moro , do Dex'liuces. . . do Dalleu , 800 J)8' OKlHICNUOlUfjrKIi & ItVKUV, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given lo surgery. Room 31 Mid 23, Tel. 838 Vogt Block.