The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 21, 1898, Image 3

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Trojan Shirt Waists.
Our Block shows nn endleBs variety of Plaids, Baya
ddro Siripoe tnd Fancy Fronts, all in blouse effect. Tho
variety in price will accom idato any purso.
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00
$2.25, $2.60, $3 00, $3.50.
Wo also havo in stock a much lower priced lino of
waists that are well worthy of your attention.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAKCH 21, 181)8
Wheels for rent at Leo. Sehanno'a old
Fresh cows for Bale at M. H. Miller's,
on 5-Mile, inch II) 4t
When yon smoko tho Hose Queen 5.
cent cijiar vou get your money's worth.
Dr. Shackelford has removed his oflice
to room 14, Vogt block, over the post
office. ml7-Um
Finland is surprised that tho United
States should excite herself over Spain's
paper navy.
.lust received cauliflower, sweet pota
toes, oranges, lemons and bananas at
Commission & Grocery Co.
A full Hue of hand made chocolates
flue confections just received at J'ease &
Mays, Fresh goods and only "5 cents a
Jitest reports stale that President
McKinloy ih almost broken down. lie
in said to fear assassination and has (its
of despondency. Tho present crisis is
almost too much for him.
The participants in the centennial colo
uration of tho evening of St. Patrick's
day take this moans of thanking Mayor
Nolan j also Jno. Donohuo and J. M.
Tooiiiey, for tho supply of refreshments
furnished for tho occasion.
An interesting exhibit of sashes ard
scarfs, in Bayaderes and plaidt, woro
put on ealo at Pease & Mays. The do
flgns aro choice, tempting to anyone
who has an oyo and tasto for boauty, in
texture, color and stylo. Tho prices
A range from 2oc to $0,DO each.
Tho following nro tho high scores for
tlio weok ending Sunday night, at tho
Umatilla House bowling ulleys : Mon
day, llirgfold, Oil; Tuoeday, Ulrgfeld, 02;
Wednesday, Mautz, 5(1; Thursday, Og
len,ol: Friday. Ulrufold. 58i Saturday.
Manning, CI; Sunday, Blrgfold, 55.
I" a few days in addition to tho rear
oftho building occupied by Bli.kdloy
Houghton, will bo begun by French A
i Co. Owing to the Increase in business,
ad coiiH'tiuontly tho iiu mused stoskof
Itoods which this firm ia coinporod to
Vearry, tlita additiion Is very ncojssary.
Tho lambing season ia on in Morrow
county, and, if tho present fine weather
continues, very little loss in lambs will
WBuirored. Everything at present In
mates that the llookmuater will, tho
coming year, joy ii era of prosperity
unprecedented in tho history o tho
W bat might havo been n vory tils
Mtroug flro started yesterday morning
tho realdtnco occupied by Mrs. With
"b on tho corner of Filth and Court
"Mil. Tho blH.a originated from a
aectlvo Hue, m. wneu covered the
1. ' WU8 re. An alarm was immeai-
'y turned in and in n remarkably
Wo expect on ova
tion of delight will
follow litis chowing of
bright new wninle
tho most successful
mid up-to-dato shirt
waist ol the season.
Tho design mul peri
oral finish of tho Tro
jan oxcola nnything
that Iihb ever been
placed before the buy
ing public of The
slicrt time a powerful stream was play
i ill' on the roof and tho blaza got undo
control. It was very fortunate that th
flronien were so prompt in responding t
i tho alarm, for if tho fire gained nn
I headway in such a high wind, it woul
I have been next to impossible to save tho
buildings on the south Bide of Fifth
street, oust of the scene of the blaze.
Judging from tho cool threatening
weather wo had yesterday alternoon,
and the thin covering of snow which
fell during the early hours of this morn
ing, one would think that winter was
not yet over. Tho bright PuiiBhine to
day dispelled this fear, however, and we
find ourselves in tho full enjoyment of
siying weather.
Yesterday tho morning passengers
'had u trouble in getting through the
sand east of this place. The early morn
lug train got stalled near Biggs, and the
engine from the Spokane local uncou
pled and went ahead to help them out.
In returning, this engine got on" the
track, but no serious damage was done.
Tho trains passed throughseveral hours
late. v'
Tlio La Grande Chronicle says that
one of the physicians tliero ropoits that
there is danger of an epidemic of diph
theria at Alicel, in Union county, as n
young son of Henry Kuhl died of tho
disease a few days ago, and during the
illness waB visited by many neighbors.
The 4-year old child of J. JL Ilerford Is
now down with the disease, and the case
is considered critical.
Sheepmen In Grant county nro count
ing on u heavy crop of wool title year,
their (locks having boon kept in good
condition during the paBt winter.
Should spring weather prevail, shearing
would soon be general in that county, as
sheepmen aro anxious to got their wool
ready for market and then wait till tho
mountain roads botweon them and the
railroad become passable.
Tho original farro comedy, "King
Ilallababoola II," is surpassing tlio ex
pectations of everyone concerned, and it
is indeed encouraging to eee with what
good spirit they boys all throw them
selves into their respective parts. In
all probability it will be put on Immedi
ately after the leutru seaBon, nnd unless
some changes nro made Inter, tho date
will boTuetdiy evening, April 12th.
During the woek ending yesterday at
tho club ulleys the following scores wero
made: Mondny, Nolan, CO; Tuesday,
Houghton oud Tolmle, OS; Wednosday,
J. F. Moore, 04 : Friday, Sampson, 55 ;
Saturday. N. Sinnott, 53; Sunday, Brad
Hlmw, 72. On Thursday Mrs. Charles
Stephens hold tho board with a score of
158, while on Wednesday nnd Friday
Mra. Theo. fioufert scored 49 nnd 50 re
spectively. if Tho bowling tournament betweou tlio
ladioB of tho Commercial Club and tho
regular club team will wko piace tomor
row evening. 'J lie IndhV team consists
of Mrs. T. J. Soufert, pptaiu ; MrB. G.
0. Blakoluy, Mra. AL T. Nolan, Mrs.
Fred Van Nordon, Misses Annie Lang
and Alma Schanno., A handicap of
en pins will be jilvuu each lady
Your Money.
Wear clolhea that nro satisfactory. Wear
clothes thnt fit and are economical. Try our
Hurc-fllting, incney. saving
prido.producing suils, made lofit your form,
sold to fit your economical spii3e. There's
Batisfaction in them.
Our Spring and Summer Line
is now ready for Inspection1
eixty for the game. But one came will
bo played Tuesday night, owing to the
fact that there aro many ladies who do
not have an opportunity to bowl on
other days, and those howling in the
tournament do not wish to take up the
alleys longer than it tnlr : howl one
Hatched game.
Memorial Heivlce fur Mii,.i Wllliml.
A largo number of neonle eathered at
j the Methodist church last evening to
join with tho members of tho W. C. T.
U. in honoring the memory of their lato
leader, Frances E. Willard. Artistic
hands must certainly have had charge
of tho decorations, for they were beauti
ful nnd appropriate. Over the large
vocalion was nn a-ch painted white
on either side of which was draped the
stars nnd strips. In the center were the
gales ajar, through which could be seen
n pure white cross, surmounted by the
crown. At the top of the arch was hung
a picture of the one who has received
her reward. Draped on either side o.'
the platform wero Americnn flags, while
hung in a conspicuous place was a
motto, the dying words of Mies Willard,
"How Beautiful to Be With God." At
one side of the church was tho motto of
the W. C. T. U., "For God and Home
and Native Land," and on a white easel
on the platform wns a life-like picture of
her whose memory they revered. Polted
plants and cut flowers were in profusion,
but it wns noticable that not a sign of
mourning marred the beauty of the pic
ture, for sho had rtquested that for her
no mourning be put on.
The services vero presided over by
Mrs. 0. T. Donnell, acting president of
the local W. C. T. U., and each paper read
was a beautiful tribute to their lost
general nnd bravo ndvocnte. Mis. W.
H. Biggs read the call for memorial ser
vices issued by the Union, and the early
life of Miss Willard was take up by Mrs.
Doan; her life work by Mrs. 10. M. Wil
son ; Kov. Wood spoke of her Christian
character, and Mrs. S. French of her
noble defenso of tho home. Tho papers
wero each well written, and gave to tho
audience n clearer insight into the wealth
of tier character and the greatness of her
Mrs. .Boynolds recited in a touching
iiianner 'yio Giveth His Beloved Sleep,"
and Miss Myrtle Michell sang "One
S.veetlv Solemn Thought," while tho
anthem by tlio choir, "In Heavenly
Lovo Abiding," nnd tho hymns wero
particularly euited to the occasion.
Kev. Curtis dismissed the audience
with tlio benediction, nnd everyono left
with tho conviction that the moubera of
tho W. 0. T. U. woro not discouraged,
but determined to work with new zeal.
'i'hn Tlirou I'm-liva Unite. Cuiulldutea
Is'tiiiiiiiulrtl to Dltlereut Olllcei.
After a conference which lusted about
five hours, the committees from the Sil
ver Republican, Democratic and Popu
list parties agreed to tho following terms :
That the Democrats should have the
nominating of the sheriff, commissioner,
coroner and conetable. Tne Silver Re-
Mm Mir
One '05 Ladies' Cleve
land Wheel
Two '97 Eagle Wheels
at ;
One 'OG Cleveland....
Gent's Wheel
One '05 Eaglo Gent's
One '07 Boy's Eagle
One '07 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our now stock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
publicans had the county cleik, while
the Populists were given the treasurer,
assessor and school superintendent. The
following were the nominees :
Sheriff I. D. Driver, of Wainic.
Commissioner F. M. Jackson, of
Hood River.
Coroner J. H. Jackson. The Dalles.
Constable F. N. Hill, The Dalles.
Justice ot the Peace Dalles district
J. P. Sehutz.
County clerk J. M. Anderson, of
Treasurer W. H. Arbuckle, The
Assessor J. H. Aldrich, Cascade
School superintendent P, P. Under
wood, Boyd.
The Democratic delegates to the state
convention, which meets in Portland on
the 23d were A. S. Bennett, J. A. Douth
it, S. E. Van Vactor, J. L. Henderson,
D. R. Cooper, W. N. Wiley, W. K. Tern
pie, J. II. Chastinn. ThoBe from the
Silver Republican party were: Thomas
Harlan, D. S. Dufur, W. C. Adams and
A. J. Brigham.
It was further decided by the confer
ence committee, that the Democratic
candidate for circuit judgo and the Pop
ulist nominee for district attorney
should bo supported. Tho Populists
wero given one joint representative and
the Silver Republicaneorie, though these
candidates must be chosen at the state
The three parties adopted resolutions
favoring tho free coinage of silver.
As a great deal of business had to be
transacted, the convention did not close
until 11 p. ni. How well satisfied tho
delegates nro with tho proceedings of
the convention is hard to say. Gruni
blinz, however, was heard among a
number of the deleates.
Mcctlnc .Notice.
The committee on music and program
for the G. A, R. encampment to bo held
in this city on the 17th, ISih.and 19. h of
May, 1898, will meet at K. of P. hall
(small hall), at '.i p. m. on Tuesday next,
to transact such business as may come
before it.
Tlio committee is composed of (lie fol
lowing ladies and gentlemen :
G. A. 11. T. J, Lynch, Captain J. W.
D. C. & A. 0.-0. D. Doane, C. J.
Crandal), R. G. Davenport, N. J. Sin
nott. W. R. C Mesdames Patterson, Var-
Barnctt, Stephens.
T. J. Lynch, Chairman,
I'luuo Tuning.
W. S. Geary, tho well-known piano
tuner, is in the city and will call upon
his customers. No other piano tuner
has authority to usa his name in auy
way. Orders left at either muslj store
will recoive prompt attention.
For Kent.
Good two-room house on double lot;
good garden spot, Inquire of II. A.
Bill at Maier & Benton's store, m21-23
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Curea Pile, Scald, Burn.
"Very Much
...reseept Bieyeles...
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co,
Yet It cures the Worst Onsen of I)J B
pepsla and Indigestion.
Dr. Jennison, who has made a life
study of Btomach trouble, Bays: All
forms of indigeetion really amount to
the samo tiling, that is, failure to com
pletelu digest the food eaten: no matter
whether the trouble is acid dyspepsia or
sour etomach, belching of wind, nervous
dyspepsia or loss of fleBh and appetite;
n person will not have any of them if
the stomach can be induced by any na
tural, harmless way to thoroughly digest
what is eaten, and this can bo done by a
simple remedy which I have tested in
hundreds of aggravated cases with com
pleto succesB. Tho remedy is a combin
ation of fruit and vegetable essences,
pure aseptic pepsin and goldvn seal put
up in the lorm of pleasant tasting tab
lets and sold by druszgiets under the
name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
One or two of these tablets should be
taken after meals and allowed to dissolve
in the mouth and mingling with tho
food in the stomach.digests it completely
before it has time to ferment, decay and
On aclual espciiment ouo grain of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest
three thousand grains of meat, ej:gs and
similar wholesome foods.
It is safe to say if this wholesome
remedy was better known by people gen
erally, it would bo a national blessing,
as we are a nation of dyspeptics and
nine-tenths of all diseases owe their
origin to imperfect digestion and nutri
tion. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not a
secret patent medicine, bat a fifty cent
package will do more real good for a
week stomach than fifty dollars worth
of patent medicines and a person has
the satisfaction of knowing just what ho
is putting into his stomach, which he
is putting into his stomach, which ho
does not know, when widely advertised
patent medicines are used.
All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, full Eizcd packages, 50cts.
A little book on causo and cure of
stomach troubles mailed tree by address
ing The Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
Two lots, Noa. 11 and 12, In block 11,
Gutes Addition, The Dalles, Oregon.
For particulars address the undersigned.
M. U. FimiiMAHY,
19 4w Box 178, Goldcndale, Wash.
Ilest of .,
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
springtime comes, use tlio true and per
fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the
genuine. Manufactured by tho Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for ealo by
all drutiit?, at 50 cents per bottle.
To Cure a Cold iu Oue Day.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggistR refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
to the Good."
We have strictly First-Class
Kooms in Mrs. Iiritlln's Lodging House.
Atthe Diamond Mills,
Good milling wheat. The highest price
paid. .jjichlG-tf.
An Interei-thig Story ia attractive at
all times. No ono can iifi'urd to let the
evenings at home be spent without gixxl
reading matter iu theso days when powi
books coft so little. Our' sti ck (jrrs
some very attractive, up-to-date and
standard literature which will hstt-n-Jt
1. C. Nickelsen
Book fit fTlasie Company,
Why do we retail more Cigars than
Why do smokers go out of their way
uud pass cigars of tho eame grade?
Not becanso we have betler rigors
or better brands, or any greater variety;
no, not that.
Why, becauso we havo the finest ci
gar case in the stato and keop our cipts
iu better condition,
Snlpes-Kineraly Drug Co.
A splendid nsfcortincnt nf Vcge
table, (Jardon nnd Umss Secdu In
Hulk, Bucd Wheat, Heed Oats,
Seed Barley, Seed Seed Hye.
Oil Meal Cake and KcrtlllixTir,
Deo Bup)lcrt, Kurly I!(i I'otn- aww
toes. Eleven kind of iUh cluwi TfS
Seed Corn. I'oultry mid l-gs
bought and sold at
n J. H. CROSS' jx
Clicup Cash tiriccry and Feed
More, Svconl and Unluu St.