The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 19, 1898, Image 3

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    f Just Received.
Tho Cronm of the Most Progressive
Factories" "
In nil tlio latest blocks nml colon'. Tlio progress
ive mnkers liuvn tlio most nrliotio blocks. Tlio most
p'lpulni lints uro Hid ones Hint combines qnnltty unci
style wit ti ounnomy. A glnnco ut 0111 Furnishing
Gomls Window will eonvineo you Hint wo nro elrictly
In it u Ik ii it cnmuB to lints.
Tiiio lo Drossy.
In Blnok or Brown.
A Tomptc
Lntoot Blocks and Colors.
f.2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.90.
Displayed in Furnishing
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MARCH II). 1898
WheelH for rent at Leo. Sehnnno's old
I'resli cows for sale at M. II. Miller's,
onTi-Mile. inchli) -It
Fresh Columbia river Smelt at Dulles
Commission Grocery Co.'b.
When you smoko tho Rose Queen 5
cent cignr you get vour money's worth.
Dr. Shackelford has removed bis ofllco
to room M, Vogt block, over tho post
office. ii17-2m
lust received cauliflower, sweet potn
toes, onuses, lemons and bananas at
Coinniissioii & Grocery Co.
The. Steamer Elder arrived in Port
land yesterday from Alaska points. Shu
la scheduled to leave again Saturday
Work is progressing rapidly on tbe
new water main in the East End, mid in
n short time this needed improvement
will be completed.
The atenin schooner Pasadena arrived
Thursday morning from Skognny and
Dyea, after a slow trip, by the inside
route, She is scheduled to snll again
On nccount of the failure of Rev. Do
Forest to reach here us soon as expected,
having missed connection with tbe
trains, there will bo no services in tho
Eplecopalian church tomorrow.
While preparing your gardens, re
member Mrs. A. C. Stnbling & Son have
many roses, hnrdy plants uud shrub
beries, which will add greatly to tbe ap
poaraneo of your borne. n8 dlw-wlm
A tournament botwenn a toam of ladles
nd the club toam is being arranged to
ly. We understand tho match will
constat of ono gome, to bo played Tnes.(
"veiling, i jiu ladles aro onthuslas
tie nnd the match will cortuinly bo ver,
A meeting of tho joint executive com
Wltteo for tho entertainment of the G
A K.. W. R. 0., Sons of Veterans unci
neir friends on May 17th, 18th nnd 10th,
HI bo held at tho G. A. R. hall, in
MhniHio'a building, tornor Second nud
vuun streets, tonight nt 7o'clock.
A commercial club ban been organized
More, and this niornlfg W. Hadley
nt through the city on his way to
JlCOllia tO .. jlnnl. In ont nt
. (-'..uiiiidU l UUUUIU QVI W.
bOWllllO llllr...., .1 . .. v ..... ..
OW'nrrjryntlii'iSlWt iidfc lw, nlnli
""I re taking great interest in helping
P'of.F.L. Washburn, of tho stoto
jntvejaitv, and II, J, Bretherton.of Now
Wt, liavo associated themselves togoth
"lor the pUrpog0 ol CHrryjng on tho in
Jtigaton8nBto tho flah,g r080Uree8
"qulim bay from an economic nnd
""line Stnildnnlnt. Tl,a roonlf nf
thai I """"M'Ulllli IW rUBHIfc Ul
"If luveitlgntlons will bo published t
Dress Goods
and Silks
Yon would not
consider fi.00 too
m noli to pay for
tins lint, but wo
bn vo to
Bull at $3.00.
We linvi! just reeeived.'direet from Now York,
our first shipment of BAYADERE URESS
GOODS, in pnttertiP, no two nlike. A ho tbe
Theso bilks linvo proved to be the best sellers ever
in Hie bouse.
In Dress Goods wo nro nhowinz nn elegant
line of FANCY WEAVES nt&O cents per yard.
A benntlfnl lino of FRENCH VIG0U11EUX
in all tho latest .shadings nt the popular price of
05 cents per yard.
Our SILK department is tho sensation of Hie
hour. Come and look it through.
Wliuro will ion
llml a limn; tiuty
lint tint ii In icjiru
H'lltvrt by tills cut.
imy iiRo nml hti Ici
ly in Htjle. I'ny
. lis- iirlcc Unit will
'suit ymir puree.
Qood$ Window.
and distributed free by the state uni
versity and through the preee.
Camp No. 3, E. W. Pike post, Sons of
Veternns, division of Washington, wub
organized in Goldendnle Tuesday even
ing. The muster-roll contains more
than forty names. Colonel W. W.
Sparks and Professor Paul Sutton, of
Vancouver, Wasti., installed the elected
There will be memorial services held
in tho Methodist church tomorrow
evening at 7:110 o'clock in honor of
Frances E. Willnrd, Into president of
tho national, nnd also the world's, Wo
man's Christian Temperance Union. A
cordial invitation is extended to tbe gen
eral public.
Since the football season is over tbe
baseball players of our city are talking of
organizing a team that will bo second to
nono in Eastern Oregon, and if our boys
aro successful in so doing we see no
reason why a series of interesting
games could not be played hero duiing
the coming summer with teams from
both sides of the mountains.
A. W. Stanton, buyer of sheep from
Montana, completed the purchase last
Saturdny In Pendleton of 1000 head of
yearlings, 3,500 choice breeding owes,
nml 3,000 lambs, to bo delivered a Depp
ncr after shearing. Tho ewes brought
$2.25 a head and tho lambs $1.05. The
seller was R. F. Monroo, an extensive
sbeepuwner of Condon, Gilliam county-
The Indians uro ngaiu making their
visits to Morrow county, some from
Umatilla and others from tho Columbia.
During tho past week they buvo brought
in to lleppner nearly 1000 pounds of
wool, which they have disposed of at fair
prices. Last season it is estimated that
ovor $2500 was pnid to the Indians for
wool and pelts, most of which they
g.ithoron the range, generally without
tho consent of tbe owner.
The Dalles CryBtal lea Company, of
this city, tiled its articles of incorpora
tion tu tho department of state I burs
(jfty, The papers numo a capital of
3000 divided into ono hundred nud fifty
$20 shares. Joseph Folco, F. Mathieu
and Ben Wilson aro subscribing incor
porators. A cold storage is something
that The D.illcs lacks, and there is no
ii ruiiuun vii
helped ulo
P-"TV0 Ol
reason why tho project should not bo
ilong by our people.
tho finest chnrchos in Oregon
was dedicated Thursday and we
havo the foundation started for the
tluest school building in tho Btate. Such
facts as these should be sufficient for tho
wiso nnd induce everyone contotnplating
a chango to come and locato with us.
Property can bo bought very reasonable,
uud especially so from tbe only live real
estate ogont In town, old Dad Butte. A
hint to the wiso ia sufficient. tf
Tho man wiio assaulted Chnrlie Neu
burger yesterday morning wub caught
nnd brought beforo Justice Filloon yes
terday, Ho gave his nnmo ns H.J.
Carnoy.itnl says ho is from Sherman
county. Cnrnoy was a very small nml
tint, a. ilnn 'orous-lookinff character, and
lllil iimiivi.. n -
when tho muscular Neuburger wm com
pared with the little Columbia Southern
section boss, the prosecution decided
that there could be no case ngainet the
! -I t 1 t 1 1... .1! ! ,
ueiuuuuiii, unu nu was uiemisseu.
Frank Aldricb, of Arlington, visited
Goldendnle yesterday. Mr. Aldrich is
one of the best posted men on the sheep
outlook on Hie coast. He predicts fair
prices for wool nnd sheep, and says that
with present protection continued,
sheepmen will proeper. He further
states that the sheepmen of East Klick
itat are in an exceedingly joyful mood
ovor tho light winter and the wonderful
promising outlook of the lambing sea
son, which will be in progress Boon.
Tho bog and dairy convention was
brought to a close in Walla Walla on
tbe evening of tho 17th. At the after
noon session, permanent organization
was affected by tbe adoption of a con
stitution nnd by-laws, and the election
of tho following oflicers: President,
W J Spillnian, of Pullman; vice presi
dents -Oregon II T French, of Corval
lis; Washington Frank M Lowden, of
Walla Walla; Iduho-Dr Fred A
Huntey; Montana S M Emery, of Hel
ena; secretary, D D Dillworth, of Spo
kane; treasurer, John L Smith, ol Spo
knne. Momurlal l'louraui.
Tho following is tho program for tho
memorial eervices, in honor of MIes
Frauces E. Willurd, to be'obHerved at
the Methodist church, Sunday evening,
March 20, 1898, at 7 :30. The public are
most cordially invited to bo present and
assist tbe local W. C. T. U. in honoring
the work and character of this greatest
among women.
Opening hymn "Hock of Age."
(Scripture lesson Crusode l'mlm, II Kings, 11
chapter; 1 to 10 verics,
Solo "Ono Sweetly Solemn Thought." Miss
Myrtle Mlchcll.
Hymn "How Firm n Foundation.''
1'iiper-SUss WIUurd'N Clilldhooit nwl Youth
.Mrs. Uenii.
Kulogy on Miss Wlllurd'ts llfo work -Mrs. l
M, VUou.
SliiBlng crusndo hymn "Glvo To tho Winds
Thy Fears."
Tho Iicuuty mid Wealth of Her Character.
Uev. J. II, Wood.
Iteoitiitton-"llo Giveth Ills lleloved Sleep."
Mrs. K. K. uoynolds.
Mlis Wllluixt's Noblo Defense of tho Home
Mrs, 8. French.
Hymn-"Blest Ho the Tio That Hinds-."
Two lots, Nos. 11 nud 12, in block 1-1,
Gates Addition, Tho Dalles, Oregon.
For particulars address the undersigned.
M. E. Fuiiuii.utv,
10 4w Box 178, Goldindale, Wnsli.
licit of All,
To cleanse tho system in a gentle nnd
truly beneficial manner, when tho
springtime comes, use tho true and per
fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the
genuine, Manufactured by the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for enlo by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
To Cure h Cola lu Clue Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets, All druggists refund tl o money if
they fall to cure. 25c,
nee Sale
Ono '05 Lulies' Olcve- $0
land Wheel Ofc
Two '97 Eagle Wheels (MC
at , yuu
One "00 Cleveland.... $
Gent's Wheel U
Ono '95 Eagle Gent's
Wheel l)
Ono '97 Boy's Eagle
One '97 Girl's Eagle
Wheel :.
In order to make room for
our now stock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
Caucuses Held Last Night I'mccrdlugft
of Tortuy's Meetings.
Oyer 150 delegates from the dilTerent
precincts of Wasco county nre collected
in tbe city today attending the Demo
cratic, Populist and Sliver Republican
conventions. Caucus meetings were
held last night by the Silver Republi
cans in the Baldwin opera house, by the
Democrats in tLe court houee, and the
Populists in the city ball. Tho princi
pal matter discussed ut those sessions
was that of uniting the forces of tbe
three parties.
The Populists came together today
and A. L. Reese was elected temporary
chairman and J. H. Arbuckle secretary.
A committee on credentials was appoint
ed, which reported nt 11 o'clock, and the
same was accepted.
A conference committee was then
chosen, consisting of J. L. Story, D. W.
Butler and T. B. Kent.
The Populist delegates then adjourned
until 1 :30, with the understanding that
the consultation committee consult with
with those from the other two parties.
At the Democratic meeting nt the
couit house, Samuel Van Vuctor was
elected temporary chairman, Gus Bonn
secretary, uud II. C. Liebo assistant
A committee on credentiuls was ap
pointed, i nd their report accepted.
George C. Blakeley was then elected
permanent chairmsn, while Gus Bonn
retained the position as secretary.
A conference committee, consisting of
Hon. A. S. Bennett, Sum E. Van Vuc
tor nnd R. F. GibbDtis was appointed
before adjourning lor tho noon hour.
The Silver Republicans met at 10 a.
m., with Dr. Sanders in the chair and
D. S. Dufur as eecretary.
The committee on credentials report
ed, and other business took up the time
to such an extent that it was not until
afteinoou Hint thoconfereuce committee
from this party was appointed. It con
sisted of Bert Thurston, W. L. Voider
pool and B. F, Shoemaker,
At 2 o'clock tho three conlerenco com
mittees went into private session, and
in the meantime the Democrats elected
tho following delegates to the state con
vention: A.S.Bennett, J. A. Douthit,
Sam Van Vector, J. S. Henderson, D.
R. Cooper, W. N. Wiley, W. B. A. Tern,
pie and J. II. Christian,
Committeemen from tho different
precincts were also elected during the
Tho Stiver Republicans held a cloeed
session while they were waiting for the
three committees to come to an under
standing; but nothing of importance
was transacted,
At 4:30 Hie committees had not yet
reported, nnd, judgltig from the length
of time they have been in session, they
have had anything but clear soiling,
On account of this delay, it is impossi
ble to give further particulars of the
convention in today's issue.
"Very Much
...reseept Bieyeles...
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $60.00.
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest prica.
Bicycles Cleanod
and Repaired.
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co,
A rickeil SlxlColled tlio Club Tcnm on
Their Alleys.
A tournament took place at tlio club
alleys last night between a team picked
from the club nnd the regular club
The match was very close, the totals
being 900 to 924, in favor tho regular
team. Tbe picked team deserved much
credit, however, as they made a much
better showing than did the Oregon
Road Club's team.
The following are Hie scores :
1 2 3 4 Total
Brndshaw .... 40 44 49 37 170
Houghton 44 47 30 52 173
Tolmie 27 47 51 44 109
Hosteller .... 43 33 39 34 149
Stephens 33 30 37 38 138
Dufur 30 41 25 23 119
223 242 231 228 924
1 2 3 4 Total
Sampson 55 48 34 45 182
Schmidi 41 39 49 39 10S
Orfden 38 34 42 43 157
Sinuott 50 35 32 35 152
Nolan 22 37 40 30 129
Van Norden.. 37 31 23 30 121
243 224 220 222 009
Spain is said to have at least 500,000
lighting men nt her disposal.
Latest reports stato that tho Mont
gomery has been removed from Havana
harbor by request of Consul General
Leo. Treachery was feared.
Judging from tho present indications,
more trouble may break out in Guate
mala at any time. Spaniards aro said
to be aiding tho Insurgents, uud will ex
pect assistance from them if they aro
It i3 the evident intention ot Blanco
to make it appear that an alliance has
been formed between Austria and Spain,
With or without the sanction of his gov
ernment, the Austrian consul, Berudes,
is lending aid to this Idea.
Tho cruifer Amn.onas, built by tho
Armstrongs for Brazil and purchased by
tbe United States, was formally trans
ferred from tho Brazilian flag to the
stars and stripes shortly after 11 o'clock
yesterday morning. Tho ceremony was
simplo and dlmiilled, and to the Brazil
ian officers It whs somewhat pathetic.
"Thank Hod!" exclaimed John 11.
Draper, ;i colored man who was a wit
ness in a Baltimore court, on being in
formed by n lawyer Hint he had no more
iiiestior.s to nsk, The Judge promptly
fined tho witness five dollars for con
tempt of court,
Onlco ovr First Nut. Bunk,
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
'flint Ii what It wa rade for.
DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve
Cure Pila, Scald, Duma.
lo the Good."
have strictly First-Class,
Kooms In Mrs. Bilttin'ii Lodging House.
Atthe Diamond Mills,
Good milling whent. Tho highest price
paid. mcbl6-tf.
An Interei-niig Story is attractive nt
nil times. No ono can nil'-ud to let tb
evenings nt home he spent without gocxli
rending mutter in theto dnye whou good
books cost so little. Our" stock offers
some very attractive, up-to-date anil
standard literature which will interehi
I. C. Mckelsen
Sook St fJQusie Company.
Why do wo retail more Cigars Hum
Why do smokers go out of their way
and pass cigars of the same grade?
Not because we have better clears
or bettor brands, or any greater vaiiety ;
no, riot that.
Why, because we hnve tbe Buret ci
gar cuse In the state unit keep our c!t;ara
in better condition.
Snipes-Klneraly Drug Cck
A splendid iitnortment of Vigc
tuble, Uurdcn end (liass Seeds lu
Hulk, Bccd Wheat, bird Oats,
Seed Hurley, Sccil deed liyo.
Oil Meal Cako and Kcitlll.ord
Elieo Bupinies, r.uny uu&u i imr 'mM
toes. Eleveu kinds nt llrt uIhm Mu
Seed Com. 1'oultry mid Kkim,
Ilea Supplies, Uurly Ho&o I'utir
toes. Eleven kinds nt llrst u'hm
Seed Com. 1'oultry mid Keg
bong lit and so'.d nt
J. H. CROSS rk
(Jlieap Oatli Gnecry und Kectl
Store, Seconi nud Union His.