The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 18, 1898, Image 4

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    Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
liiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
-only remedy of its kind over pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach) prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
Tvishes to try it. Do not accept nny
The Bellies Daily Gfatejfe.
F. M. Conta is over from Trout Lake.
II. U. MoLain, of Grouts, is in the city
(J. V. Parker is in the city from Hood
N. 0. Evan?, of Hood River, is a guest
at the Umatilla.
Miss Ollie Graham, of Hood River, is
ieitin: in the city.
V. H. H. Diifnr is in from Dufur and
called t 1 1) i 3 office.
V Arehbiehop Gross returned to Portland
on the morning train.
Mies Bessie Cram went to Portland on
ilne morning train today.
V Miss Eliot and Miss Stevens left on
this morning's train for Portland.
If nnrl ATra Tom ltnrrtoaa iamo In
from their home near Bakeoven yester
day. A. Glamo returned on the Regulator
last evening from Portland, where he
lias been visiting his son.
I. J. Norman, who has been confined
to his room for several weeks with a
severe attack of eickness, ia reported
some better today.
Rev. Earl Wilbur, of the Portland
Unitarian church, came up on the train
last evening, and returned this meriting.
He attended the musicale given by the
.pupils of Miss Eliot last evening.
In Hood River, March 14. 189S, to
"Sir. and Mrs. Geo. T. Prather, a daugh
A Few Quotation I'roni Various Mar
ket' of the World.
The wheat market in this place has
been extremely quiet during the past
week. Portland exporters have quit
bidding and the only demands made at
preseut are by the mills. The prices of
fered by the buyers at this point is 70c
for club and 72e for choice, bluestem.
while in Portland Bxa ia offered for
Walla Walla and 77c for choice Valley.
'Chicago Whept was very weak at
the opening on the 10th inst. The bear
ish i-entimerit of the curb of tiie evening
before resulting from tho continuance
of tho lemarkably favorable weather
prevailing all over wheat tectlons. Tho
opening prica for July ranged from
vt xr.... hm.... ie i n'15
a tjj.ji n jicui, nut ten, if.vu7jj
i, o. I), afloat; closed at Jo'c decline.!
May, 97;tt(?t0'Jc, closed at t)8j'8c.
Rev. E. Edwards, pastorof the English
Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa.,
when suffering with rheumatism, was
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
fleeaye: "A few applications of this
liniment proved of great service to me.
It subeued the inhumation anil relieved
the pain. Should any suffer profit by
giving Pain Balm n trial it will please
me." For sale by Wakeley & Hough
ton. The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fearing
men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
And it is always the same, ilmple, lion-
est, curative tnetllclno that baa helped
to make the Shakers tho healthy, long
lived people that they arc. The Shak
ers never have Indigestion. This is
partly owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful properties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges
tion is caused by the stom.ich gland? not
inMilvlncr Kiinmrli Stive Illic'C.
J Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach an I ll its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidenre tif the honesty of
Shaker Digestive Gmlia1, the formula
is printed on every .ImmIm. Sold b
druggists, price 10 cent to $1.00 per but
tle. "
I'rof. limit plUMim.
The testing of eyes ie nut n matter of
cness work, nor by far enly a matter of
trying on a pair uf ready made glasses.
It is a ecienee governed by principles
and conditions, which mine but a person
who has studied the anatomy of tho eye
can understand. Prof. P. G. Dont un
derstands his business thoroughly. Call
and be convinced. He also does all
kinds of watch and jewelry repairing,
and will clean your jewelry while you
wait. Two doors west of Keller's bake
ry. Yours to serve,
Dout Optical & Jewelhy Co.
Notice is hereby given, bv older of the
common council of Dalles City, that
Union street will be improved between
.Main and Twelfth streets by grading
:nd filling the same, and that the cost of
said proposed improvement shall be as
sessed upon property sulj.icent to said
street, unless within fourteen days from
the final publication of this notice the
owners of two-thirds of the property ad
jacent to said street tiln with the re
corder a written remonstrance against
said proposed improvement.
Dated this loth dav March, 1S0S.
mlG-l-lt Recorder Dalles City.
Mining ami Irrientlon Convention.
For the Mining and Irrigation Con
vention, to be held at Baker City, Or.,
Maich 2'Jth, 30th and 31st, the 0. R. &
N. Co. will make a rate of one and one
fifth fare for tho round trip. Delegates
or parties attending the convention,
paying full fare to Baker City on March
Oth, :27th, 28th and 29th, will be re
turned at one-fifth fare on presentation
of certificates on or before April 3d to
our agent at Baker City, signed by the
secretarv of the convention. 9-tf
Sheep marking paint ; ready for use.
Two colors, black and red. Why you
should use our sheep paint. First, be
cause the colors are ground thoroughly
in pure linseed oil by tine machinery;
second, because it is made of high grade
color, with the proper amount of dryers
added to give it binding and lasting
qualities, which prevent it from washing
or rubbing off; is much moie
economical, because it is e.lways ready
for use. We guarantee our sheep mark
ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it
and be convinced. Clarke & Falk,
agents, The Dalles, Or.
I have been afilicted with rheumatism
for fourteen years and nothing seemed
to give any relief. 1 was able to be
around all the time, but constantly suf
fering. I had tried everything I could
hear of and at last was told to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which I did, and
was immediately relieved and in a short
time cured. I am happy to eay that it
has not since returned. Josh Edgar,
Germantown, Cal. For eale by Blake
ley & Houghton.
Prof. A. H. Lundell will organize an
alternoon class in the rudiments of vo
cal music and note-reading, Saturday,
March l'Jth, at 4 o'clock p. in., in the
basement of the new Lutheran church.
All who are interested will please come.
This is an opportunity for all who can
not take advantage of the evening class,
and deserves consideration. Terms $1.50
for ten lessons, in advance including
book, $2.00. If) At
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pUas
anter or better way to do it than by rec
ommending Ono Minute Cough Cure as
a preventive of pneumonia, consump
tion and other potions lung troubles that
follow neglected colds.
If the United States and Spain become
involved in war, it will bo impossible to
t . ir .1
impuri Havana iuu. uhci-iuvhhj ,
high grade Havana cigars w ill inereai-e .
in price. Lav in a supply of Prize I
Medal cigars "while the price remains i
tho same. juu
There are thiiu little things which do
more work than any other three little
things created they are tho ant, the heo
and DeWitt'u Little Early Risers, tho last
being tho famouH little pills fur stomach
and liver troubles.
Whooping cough is tho most distress
ing malady ; hut its duration can bo cut
short by the use of One Minute Cough
Cine, which is also the best known
remedy for croup and all lung and bron
chial trouble.
Don't annoy others by your coughing,
nud risk your life by neglecting a cold.
One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs,
colds, croup, grippe and nil throat and
lung troubles.
Smoke the popular brands Prize
Medal, Guarantee ami Rose, Queen
cigars manulactured by S. l Pouts.
DeWltt's Littie Uany Risers,
Tho fammn II II- nllls.
Scow load of dry Kir Wood just ie
reived a Miner it Ilcutou'i. tf
Newsy Porta,
The value of a ton of pure gold is
The active list of tho Clenuan navy
numbers 717 oilicers.
Tho e.inals of the 1'niled States are
1,1GS miles In length.
The Mas: r.chtisctlH militia is to dis
pense with the bayonet.
The raiv.e of ehesa is taught in all the
Australian public nchools.
The EilTi'l tower is eight inches
shorter in winter than in summer.
Telegraph posts e.long n railway tire
arranged 30 to the mile.
One hundred and forty-eight soldiers
are in possession of the Victoria Cross.
Brandy contains more alcohol than
any other spirits or wine namely, ,"t
per cent.
fipr.rrow :i.h ri Mimic.
A French naturalist named Gallon
has made the discovery at Niiues that if
n sparrow is put in the same cage with
finches it will soon learn to imitate
their song like a mocking bird; also the
chirping of a cricket.
Gall for Republican County Convention
Tho Hepubllcan County Convention ot Wikcii
county, state of Oregon, is hereby cutlet! to meet
in Dalles City, in said county, on
Wetlliex.liiy, ,irll O, 1H1IK,
nt the hour of S o'clock a. in of su'd tiny, for the
ptirpoto of nominating canuidates fur the follow
inj; county oilicers :
One Countv Commissioner, County Clerk,
Count Stierill, County Treasurer, County As
sessor," County School Supeiiuteiident, Oiiuiv
Coroner and County Siirveor; also precinct of
lleers for the several precincts of sulil county:
anil ten ilelcK'ites to the itepnbllcan State anil
second Dltrict CthiKre-si mil Conventions', anil
to transact such other business a may properly
come before said County Convention.
'I he convention will consist of 9.5 ilelreates
chosen by the several precincts, unit the several
precincts of sain count) will be entitle! to repre
sentation in siild convention as follows:
Antelope .
Hake liven
Kast Dalle-.
Kast Hood lil er.
KiKht Mile
Mosier ...
Niiusunc .. ..
Oak (irovo .
Tirh Valley . .
West Dalles . .
West Hood Kiver
The same being one delegate nt larjje from each
precinct, and one rteleate for eery twenty-live
votes und one delegate for evert miction over
one-half of twenty-live votes cast in each of said
piecil cts for Hon. T. T. neer, Kepublicaii candi
date for pr-sldcntial elector at the November
election in IVX.
Primaries- to elect dtlcgatcs to said County
Convention will beheld In tn li of tho suneral
precincts in said W'ascii county on March '.'0,
is'.is. In Kast Dalles precinct the lls of said
piimary election will be located at the-Kast Knd
Hose Co.'s house, and D. II. Kobert.-. W. II. Ilutts
and L. ri. Davis will actus JuiUes at said elec
tion. In Ulcelovv precinct the i)llswill be lo
cated ill the olllce of Win. Michcll, and A.N.
Viiruey, J. K. Harnett anil Douglas Iniftir will
act as judges at said election. In Trcvllt pre
cinct the iK)lla will be located in the county
court loom, and C. K. llajard, Krank Vogt and
S. L. Ilrooits will act as judges at said election :
and in West Dalles precinct the polls will be lo
cated at the City -Mills, and W. D. Dait, C. il.
KouU and J. 1 fctanlel-will act as judges of
said eltction. In Antelope piecinct the )lls
wi'l be locattil at the usual voting place, and D,
fi. Klmsey, f. N. Spieer and !' Irvine will act as
Judges of said election.
The polls in each of Bald precincts, in sall pri
mary election, will be kept open from VI o'clock
noon to 7 p. m. for the reception of votes. Tho
prills in each of tho other precincts in the comity
will bo located in thuusuulotlng places in each
piecinct, und will be opened at the hour of 'J
o'clock p. in. mi said 2tlth day of March, lh's, und
tho cleeiiou will be conducted in the usual
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 9th. day of
Murch.IA'JS. J. M. I'.UTKJlsON,
Chairman Republican County Cwi).
M. T. NOLAN, Secretary
The only original and geniiliii- l'reiieli-Kn-imtln
Ki-giilutor, of Mine St. dermal!!, Purls.
Unsurpassed as being safe, sure, and reliable in
every i-ase. Sold under po-ltlv- guarantee or
inonev refunded, (jet the genuine. Price 1.0(
per box by mall. Solo agents for tho United
StatCHand Canada. KINO HAKVaKIi Ul,
1.17 WmsIiIiikIoii St., UIiIciikii.
Physicians and Sunreons,
Special attention given to surgery.
Kooms 21 and If.', Tel. 32S Vogt Jllock
A warm shampoo with Cijtk.uwa Soai-,
followed by gentlo applications of Cim
cuiu (oiiitjiient), tho great skin cure, will
.clear tho hcalp of crusts, walos, and
dandruff, allay itching, Bootho Inltalloii,
stitmdato tho hair follicles, and produce
a clean, hoalthy Kcalp and luxuriant hair,
when all else fails.
Bold Ihrouthoot Iht world. Prl. Mc.1
Botr, V I HiMH-vmiTt IM. nl II. tfOTTifK WiiVO
Attn Chm. tr,. Hole I'ropi.. I,,i5' .n.a f,
Patronize the
All woik. White Shirts a specialty,
l-'ainllv work at ttsliircd rule". Wash collected
anddellvetcd ftec, Tolciilinim Mi. I M.
H. D. Parkins, Agt,
J. s. seiaNK.
II. M. llll.W. ,
First National Batik.
A General JJunking llusiiiesa transaeteil
Depoalte received, subject to Sight
Draft or Cheek.
Collections nuido and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic lixeliange sold or.
Now York, San Francisco anJ port
D. P. TlIOMl'HON. Jno. S. Sciiunck,
En. M. VVilmamh, Gko. A. Likuk.
H. M. Ukai.1i.
i A' Tr,
Ue pre Doin?
fleat ar;d
For Reasonable
Wo J'rint AnvLhhif in
the J'rintiim Lino.
Cjive us a trial.
rropiql pub. 5o.
Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that under and by vir
tue of mi order of the County (,'ourt o." thesitutt'
of Oregon for Waseo County, made nulhe.Mli
dav of January, lMb, hi the mutter ot the estate
of 'Dr. W. i:. itluehart, de-eased, I will sell at
public, auction, at thocourlh- nsodoor In 1 Miles
City, in said county and state, on the'JMh il.y
of 1-ebruary, lS'.H, at 1 o'clock p. in., to the high
est bidder, all the real estate liclongiug to said
cit.itennd described us follows, lo-wlt
lt.s A, U, C. 1), U. K, i, II, I.. I, K and I, in
lllock ft',, in the Kort Dalle Mllltiry Kvservn
Hon Addition to I)jlle City, In said county unit
The west half of tho quarter and the
cast half of tnu southwest iiinrterof section Jl
in township - north, raiiKc 11 east, In usco
County, Orezon.
Terms of sale One-half In cash at time of
sal- and one-half in six mouths, secured by
mortirauoou the premises).
Jellies City, Oregon, Ian. 1MH.
KMU.Y II. ltlN'l'.IIAKT.
Jan'JO-ll Admluhtratrlx
For Pooplo That Arof gk
Sick or " Just Don't
Peol Woll."
Removes Pimples, cures Headache, Dyspepsia
Costlveruss. 26 cts. h ooi at ilriik-rtl'Mor by mall
buiole I're. ad Jreu Dr. Botanko Co. .'.'hlU. l'a.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof BRAND
Tfie coiumDia Packing Do
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
TTQflni1ft,nt.ftT.Cl -fVT TTcrt GVinne and all kinds
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
ton FlOUr '"''8 Fl,,r ls manufactured expressly (or family
wt 8e. every flack a Kuuranteed to give Batiufuction.
We ell our itoode lower than any house in tho trade, and if you don't think bo
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prioes Paid for Wlwat, Barley and Oate.
..GHfls. m
and Fattmetts
KeepM on ilninglit the celebrated
COI.I'MIKA IIKKIt, ueknowl
tilKed I Ihi b 'st beer In The Dalles,
at the usual price, f'omn In, try
ji mill In: i or. vl need. Al-o the
I'lui'st brands of Wines, I.I piors
iiiid (.'Ignis,
of all Kinds always on luillil,
1H I'ltKes a Wrult. 1511 I'npcrM n Year
It etands liret among 'weekly" papor?
in Hi.o, freiiiieuey of )iiihlleatlon
freshnees, variet) and reliability of cot.
te Mh. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly : and its vact hflt of
subscribers, extending to every statu and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for thu accuracy and
fairness of itp news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, nud among
Its special features are a flue humoi
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashioiu' for women and n Ion
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Coiiiin lloyln, .liironio K, .liiroino,
Ktiinley Vi'yiuwii .lnry K. WIIIiIiim
Aiitliony llnnti, Unit llitrtti,
Itriinilor .UnlllimvM, lUe.
We offer this iineqmilcd newspaperand
Thu Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle U).
gether one year for !f-00. Tho regular
price of tho two papers is ifli.OO.
Letters of Credit issued availablu in the
Eastern States.
Sight Kxchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Ghicauo,
St. i.ouis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattlo Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collection!) maiu at all points on fav
orable terms.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Notice 9t' Executor's Sale.
I Notice Is hereby Klven that thif umicmliriicii,
vxecutor of the itato of JIiimiiiiIIuii .Mvyer, de
evaseil, will, from ami idler the 1st day of
March, lb'.H, sell nt private sale, upon the prem
ises, the followliiK described real property he
IohkIiik b) said estate and sitiiulrd III Wasco
roiiuty, Oickoii lo-wlt. bit two In hlock
ciuht H lu what Is known us Thompson's1 Ad
dition to Dull u t lty.
Suld sale is iiuulu (u iiccordiiiico Willi an older
f tho County t'ourt rendered and citereil Hie
i day of .lauiiury, IMW, and such sale will he
mhject to confirmation by said court, the terms:
of said sale to bo rash or credit, or both.
l-'.viiiilnr nf t'n., ,-Mtjifi of Miivniiillliiii M.iv-f.r.
Jilt ceased, jun'Jil-1
Administrator's Notice.
Notlco is here5' Riven that by an order of the
County ( cnirtol the Ktate of Oiexon. for Wasco
enmity, niadiiJaniiiiry ID, 1MH, thu uiiderslKiMil
lias been duly iintiolnlMl administrator of tho
estaloof Thus. J. Hulllviiil, Jr.. ileceased. All!
peisous 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 j.: r I ii I ii is imnlnct thccstalo ot said
deee.iMsl, aro hereby notllied to present them to
mi: with the proper vouchers at the. oitico of
IliintliiKton .t Wilson, within six months from
dale lieu" f,
Dated January I'.i, IK'.is.
W atchmaker Jeweler
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or this
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains loiivu iiml are tine to iirrlvo nt I'nrtliimt
liro.M., hiileni, Homu- 1
ImrKi Afchliitiil, Kno-1
mtiit'iito, UiIoii.Hiiii
Krulii'luco, Mojiive, f
l.os AtlHI'U'.1,UI I'HMI. I
New urliiniB ami
'C:00 1'. M
I K"t I. . .J
llovi'liiiru nnil wny -tn-
fVlu Wooilliurii fori
I Mt.AtiKol, Hllverlini,
t Went Hulo, llrowiin- S-
vltk'.HprliiKllt'liI iiml
(.Niitrou ... J
jCorviillla iillil way
Istiillmis j
M;S0 A. M.
I'. M
Hu inlays.
I7;.K) A. M.
l) I'.M.
INDIIl'KNDIIN'M': I'AfHKNtiKIl. i:xia'is train
Dully (exei'litHiiiiilny).
li.Mlp. in. rl.v. ...1'iiMliiiiil r.) Si'i'Hi.m
TiSUp. in. Al..Mi!.MIllllVlMi'..l.v.5 figiilH.m
m:3'J p. in. Ar. . Iiiilopi'iiili'iice..l.v ) -lliOii. in
Dally. iDaily, excejn Hiiniliij
Atlncluil to all TlirotiKh Trains.
Direct connection iitmi Hraiicln'ii with Orel
ilcntal anil (irientiil ami I'aclile mall xi'iiniKlilp
lines for JAl'AN anil (JHINA. Kalllui- datuH nn
at plication.
Kates anil tickets to Kaolurn points ami Ku
lopo. Also JAl'AN, (1IIINA, HONOLULU anil
AUSTRALIA, can lie olilalni'il front
J. II. Kl UK LA Ml, Tlekut AkciiL
TliroiiKli Ticket Olllcv, l,' Tlilnl utrttit, wliuro
tliroinrli tickets to all points In the Ktmteru
Ktates, Ciiniiila anil Ktimpc can he uliliiliai! at talcs fioiii
J. II. UIItKLAND, Ticket Akuiii.
All iihovn traliip arrive at ami ilci rt iioim
(Iratiil Central Station, I'lltii anil Irvine streets
Yamhill division.
I'asseiincr Depot, foot of JeilerMin street.
U'uvi! for
OSVl!(iO, (hilly, except Sunday, ut
W:.K), l.M, fi:l.', li:'ri, siltt p. in.
1:M ii. in.
fmiil p. in. on Satunliiy only, anil H:ll a. in
anil :i:."il p. in. on Siiiiilays only). Aulve at
I'ortlanil iiallv at i!s 10 unci ,S;Hn a in ! anil 1 as.
ll.'i.ri.'JJiinil Ti.Vip. in., (anil 10:0," a. in, Xlb
,'i;l(l p. in, on Sundays only).
U-iive for Sheridan, week days,
AriUc tit rortliiiul, .:: n. in.
it 1:30 p, m
U'avc for AIIIL1K on .Monday, WedueMlav anil
I'ri ii v at U K) a. in. Arrlv" at l'orlland, I ties
dav, Thursday and Sattltilii it :i:0." p. in.
Kxcept Suiiday. "Kxccpt Hatiirilay,
u. icoi:itLi:it,
i, it. MAIiKIIAM,
Asst. (I. I". ,V Pass, Alii
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
1IKI.15NA mi
Through Tiekets
Kor Intormiitlou, time cards, iimpnund tlckeu,
cal on or write to
W. C. ALLA WAY. Agent,
The DmIIcs, Oregon
A. 1. C1IAKLTON, Asst. G. 1'. A
ZVi. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland OreKon
Dalles, Moro and Autclope
Throuiili by dnyllKht via Oras.s Valley, Kent
and Cross HoIIowh.
1KMK1LAH AI.I.ICN, Tile Oulles.
V. M. WIUTKI.AW, Anloloi'ii.
Staes leave Thu Dalles Iroin I'matllla llnii-i
at 7 a. in,, also from Autulopoat 7:'Mn. in, eery
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, t'onms'llmi'i at Antelope for I'rlnuvllle, Mitchell mid
pol'.itK beyond. Close e iiiiectloiiH inaduat lho
))alle.s with railways, trains and boats.
HIiikos from Anlclopu reach The Dalles Thus
(lit) b, 'UiurnhiyH nud SaliiidayH at li'M p. m.
Dalles to Deschutes
do Moro,..
do (Irass Valley
do Kent
do Cross Hollows .,
Antelope to Cross Holluwx
do Kent
do Uinss Valley
(in Mom,
(in Dcrchiiccs
do Dalles
1 W
i '.'5
:i (hi
i CO
l (i0
. :i iw
fi iw
Lu Plata Sheet) Dip, proven by every
test to he thu best lion-poisonous fluid
dip in thu world; Kuaranteotl to cure
seab, Hcli, eoro throat, lice and hoof-rot.
Clarku & Falk, imeute. The l)nlles.
Children and adtilts tortured by hnrna,
scalds, injuries, ezenm or skin diseiuen
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WUt'a Witch Hazol Salve. It is tho
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