The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 18, 1898, Image 3

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Just Received. .
The Cream of tho Most Progressive
Factories-" "r ""
In nil tlio latest blocks mill colon. Tho progrons
iv iniiUtirH havu tho inoHt artistic blocks. Tho most
popular huts uro tho ones that combine qtmlity and
stylo with economy. A glutted ut 0111 Furnishing
Gools Window will coiivinoo you that wo aro strictly
In it who" it comoa to IlntH.
This Is Droouy.
Yon would not
cotiBidir $5.00 too
much to pay for
thiH hat, hut wo
havo marked it to
Holl'nt .t.'I.OO.
In Btaok or Brown.
A Tamptnr.
Where will 5 on
11 mute tii-ty
lint t h 11 11 In Tt'iiri'-f-entiil
by thlh tut.
hiiltublo for almost
miy 11KU mill unlet
ly In Htylc. i'nv
Hiiy iirfriilliiit will
h 11 1 1 ynur iiiuho,
from fj.(ii) tu
LutoHt Blocks nnd Colors.
$2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3. DO.
Displayed in purnishinc? (joods Uindou.
Dress Goods
and Silks dt
We linvo juBt received, direct from New York,
our first shipment of UAYADEUK DRESS
GOODS. 111 patterns, no two uliko. Also tho
These silks lmve proved to be tho best sellers ever
111 tho house.
In Dross Oondfi we nre showing an elegant
lino of FANCY WEAVES at f0 ctnts per yard.
A bountiful lino of FRENCH VIGOUREUX.
in nil the latest Bhadings at the popular price of
05 cents per yard.
Our SILK department ib the sensation of the
hour. Come and look it through. '
Mm Side
One '.)5 Ladies' Cleve
land Wheel :
Two '97 Eagle Wheels
One '90 Cleveland....
Gent's Wheel
One '95 Eagle Gent's
One '97 Boy's Eagle
Wheel .
One '97 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our new stock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
Very Much to the Good."
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MARCH 18, 1HD8
Wheels for rent at Leo. Schanno'd old
The weather forecast for tonight and
.Saturday is continued, frost.
Fresh Columbia river Smelt at Dalles
Commission Grocery Co.'h.
When you smoke tho Koso Queon 5.
cent citiar vou not your money's worth.
Dr. .Shackelford Iiiih removed his oilico
to room H, Vogt block, over tho post
office. inl7-liiu
lust received cauliflower, sweet pota
toes, onuigod, lemons and luinanus ul
Commission & Grucory Co.
bianco predicts war within tiiirty
lays, while Woyler bousls of buying
placed turpedoes in Huviinii liurbor.
We are eorry to iiiitiotini'o tho serious
illnes of our lowiiHinan, John Itunii, who
lias been confined to bis bed for tho past
week with rheumatism.
Madam Lewis, tho quaeiu of shoplift
ers, who was arrested 111 Seattle Mon
day, plead milky on Tuesday to tho
charge of petit larceny, and was lined
fl'ty dollars. She promised to leavo tho
Gertrude Corbett, the recently di
vorced wife of Timothy Corbott.Tuesday
i" Spokane tiled suit miaiust tiio two
daily papers in tlmt city, the Spkesinun
Keview and the Chrunicle, for twenty
live thousand dollars eaeli for defama
tion of character.
The street sprinkler was put to work
yesterday afternoon, and in consequence
the streets aro in hotter shape today,
"lie dust is blowing ttiis aftei noon, and
wemiKBuat that tho sprinkler ho put in
steady service, so Unit it will bo much
more agreeable for everyone.
There will tJU memorial services bold
' the Methodist church next Sunday
evening at 7:!I0 o'clock in honor o'f
'ranees I;. Willard, Into president of
'ho national, mid also tho world's, Wo
mn' Christian Temperance Union. A
wrdlal invitation is extended to the gon
al public.
A report, partial or complete, of the.
" K 01 tho uourl of iIl(luiry( whllsi
een investlt-atlng tho cause of th
,r"llcli0" 'f tho battlesbii) Maine i
ayanu imri)ur( l8 ejcfotocl at Was
, lutl".v ur tomorrow. Tho prea'
"Kiiwpeuta that tho document may bl
Z , " ilB w,,y t0 Washington, i
"-stun a niivnl ollleor.
Jacob Schwartz, n anfi-,auf,t ui, ,...
fower of Utor crL)k( UUllUln oownty
(old hla laHt band, eontuinlug 1000
and will leayo u,at plttC0 ln a fow
S hlaH ?H)t',,0,ue " PortUKl. Mr.
ralill , 18 bm l filmop-
years U"mt,Hft county eighteen
Qui. i!""".' aml ,,tt8 n8el 10,000.
ireaiu" b0U8,,t bBilieep, which
yeHr.old owes of heavy Merino
grade. Tho band is considered among
tho best in Umatiliii county. Tho price
was :i.70 per head.
Some people eat to live; others live to
eat. To either class there is an attrac
tiveness about wholesome, pure grocer
ies. Witli either class there is a desire
for the most substantial food for tho
least possible outlay. I'easo & Mays
supply both clashes. A glunce ut tho
display of cured und canned fish in their
window will confirm 113 in this state
ment. Persons riding bioyeleB should remem
ber Unit tho law strictly forbidB riding
on the siduwulks, and every time they
do so they put themselves in a position
to be fined fur the violation of this law.
On account of thu number who ride ut
night it is altio necessary to have a lan
tern, otiierwiso the marshal will be
forced to act in accordance will) tho
ho amount of wheat which is being
hiyblcd from thu interior is increasing
dilv, and tho employes of of the several
arehouses aro kept busy unloading
reigbt from the cars, loading it on tho
interior-bound fruight wagons, and
handling thu wheat. Today was tho
first day that wo havo seen a string of
teams lined up at thu warehouses await-
Mng their tin 11 to load or unload, since
last tall.
One of tho finest churches in Oregon
was dedicated yesterday, and we
have tho foundation started for the
finest school building in tho state. Such
! facts as these should tic Buflicient for the
wise and induce everyone contemplating
a change tu come and locate with us.
Property can bo bought very reasonable,
J and especially so from the only live real
estate agent In town, old Dad Butts. A
hint to the wise is suflicient. tf
A stranger, who is evidently unbal
lanced mentally, lias been in thu city for
several days. Ho represented himself
to Deputy Sheriff Kelly as a deputy liout
Walla Walla, and induced that worthy
otlicial to show him through the jail and
treat him witii all tho respect due to a
fellow deputy, before he found out that
ho was being duped by a freak. The
samo party made ti contract witli Salt
inarshu to feed fifteen carloads of cattle,
and by thiH and other like actions his
eul condition was learned.
This mottling an altercation arose be
tween Charles Neuborger, of this place
and 11 gambler from Montana, wbii.h
terminated in Neuborgor being knocked
down and handled rather roughly at tho
hands, or lather teet, of his aggressor,
who kicked him in tho mouth, loosen
in several of his teeth, and cut his Up
l open so that it was necessary to have
VfriTnTimeB.1iut in tho eameJ JNeuuei-
gOT HUH BWUllI UIH U nwilt.llt ."i ..iv ... -
roBt of tho man who did tho kicking, mid
tit present Constable 11 ill is on his trail
and will bring him to justice if lie can
ho found.
It seems to he entirely out of the
question for some teamsters in the city
to lmve any rogurd a to how or where
they drive. At tlniee two tennis will
take up ;u entire street, and tho driv
ers do not seem to realize that they ure ! IN HONOR OF IRELAND'S PATRON
rii'lL'ltirr Inuf na fnr1 llhw. i.
" U"1U, St. Patrick's IlavDulv at Hie
K. uf 1. Hall Lust Evening.
over behind the other as they do by
driving two or three ubrenst. There is a
side for tenms going in either direction,
und they should see that they observe
the rules and keep on their respective
sides. They may thus make it more
agreeable and safer for others riding
or driving along the street.
United States Deputy Surveyor Dep
uty Surveyor .Incob Itichardson and
County Surveyor William F. Ilyars have
rutumed to Goldendale from Pig Klicki
tat, where they finished blocking out
work on tho Goldendale and Lyle wagon J
road. They report that rapid progress
has been made on the Klickitat grade.
It is now believed Klickitat county
wool-growers may avuii themselves or
tho new road to the boat landing at ,
Lyle, und tho people of this eitv should j
About thirty soriB of the Kmernld Isle
with their wives and a few invited
guests, met last bight at the K. of P.
hall to observe the feast of St. Patrick
ln a fitting manner, ae well rb to observe
the centennial anniversary of the Irish
rebellion of 17!I3. At the opening of the
meeting J. P. Mclnerny was elected
chairman, and on accepting the oflice
be introduced Nicholas1 J. Stnnott, who
made an eloquent talk on the Irish na
tion, its struggle for independence, as
well aa the loyalty ot its subjects, not
only to their own flag, but also to the
country to which English oppression
has led them to emigrate. He recount
ed the many acts of Irishmen during the
wars of our country, and while he uraed
nil tn Ini'n tin frNion flat at thu unmu
uwako to the importance of keeping the L- 1 11 ,
pame should always be subordinate to
flip lnvp nf mir f-nnntrv'rf flm flu. glura
,.r.t I..,,.,,,.,.. H, f.. .!.:.., 1 "
1 una mijpca. ur.
road leading to the fer ry across the river
in perfect condition so that Lyle may
M tirnllirlinnt true nrimirnltl v tluVvtrin
Sinnott's speech
man to be nn
...reseept Bieyeles...
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Pricos from $27.50 to $50.00. .
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Wo have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To he sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co,
sia Tablets to many of my friends and
now I want in a public way to say they
are the safest, pleasantest and I believe
surest cure for stomach and nerve troub
les. I write my honest opinion and I
will gladly answer any letter of inqutry
at any time and feel that I am, in my
small way, helping on a good cause.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is not a
patent medicine, but they contain only
the fruit salts, digestive acids and pep
tones necessary to help the weak stomach
to promptly and thoroughly digest food.
All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets at 50 cents for full sized package
and anyone sufToritu from nervous dys
pepsia. Eour stomach, headaches, acidi
ty, liases, belching, etc., will Gnd them
not only a quick relier but a radical
Send to Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.,
for little book describing cause and euro
of stomach troubles, giving symptoms
and treatment of the various forms of
A Hint J'rom tlio Klondike.
ino pupus 01 Miss JUiot gave tlieir lllui ghoucd the young
limit iniiBicalo at tho home of Miss orator of no mean ability.
Myrtle Michell last evening. As each 1 linvrnnrl lAithPrs Hrnnst.i.psi nn.l V,r
member of the class invited three of'j)iU,g were p-esent and inade'short ad- i
their relatives or friends, quite a num dresses, while Mayor Nolan did himself i
oer were present to enjoy tlio singing ,,roud in an Irish recitation. A musical
and nolo the improvement made by ( program was also rendered and a bouu
eacb. Solos were sung by neatlv every I lim! runnst csr.rt.-Pfl.
one of them, and during the evening
Miss Eliot und Miss Stevens gave selec
tions, which were highly appreciated.
Ice cream and cake wore served after
tho program had been rendered, and
after spending a time in social conveise,
thu pupils and friends bade Miss Kliot I
good bye, wishing her success and hap-1
piness wherever her lot may be east. j
A bloody hobo battle took place late .
Monday afternoon near the Great North
ern niihvuy shops in Hillyard. Fully j
a dozen of tlio worst type of tlio genus j
liobo were driven out of Spokane, and
upon reaching Hillyard began to get
drunk. They seemed to havo plenty of'
money, gold watches, knives, razors, j
spectacles, jewelry, etc., and whisky and ,
beer soon begBii to flow their way. In I
tho Gormania they bought some liquor
The eyening's pleasures closed with a
social dance, which continued until 1 a.
m., at which time the merry-makers
disbanded for the evening, to meet
again next March 17th.
A ecuuTact.
TIiuushikIu uf I'oiiitlt) Have I)y Kii'iil;i iu
It WoiM Form ami Duu't Kuutv It.
Joseph Ladue, the famous trapper and
miner and the present owner of D.iwson
City, and for many years the agent of
the Alaska Commercial Company gives
a hint to persons going to Alaska, and
pujs great compliment to a well known
article. Ho writes:
'I have always used the Poyal Bak
ing Powder in Alaska and Northwest
Territory, as no other gave equal satis
faction in that harsh climate, I aUo
found my customers always insisted on
having that brand."
' A weak stomach is the cause of about
' nine-tenths of all diseases, yet in most (
j eases the wrong thing is treated and tlio j
' true causo overlooked. j
I This is because a weak digestion pro- j
duces symptoms resembling nearly ev-1
ery disease because it weakens and dis-j
1 turbs the action of every nerve "and or- j
I gan iu the body ; poor digestion causes'
j heart trouble, kidney trouble, lung !
I weakness and especially nervous break- j
i ing down or nervous prostration; tho
j nerves cannot stand tho wear and tear
The celebrated Stetson hats in the
newest spring styles, blocks and shades,
are now ready at A. M. Williams & Co's.
and stole a fancy bar bottle of whisky.
n i . .i . . , . nui i co tnuuuii omuu lift; n u.u tuiii mnr
In tho fight that took place, ouo tramp , .... ., ,,
, . i .ti i unless generously fed bv well d gested,
lost an ear and another's scalp was, , , . ," b '
split open for several incites. Others
were bruised and b.ttteied and their
clothes were literally torn In threds.
llt!Nt uf All.
I v ihjiubuiuu jouu.
j Keep thu digestion good and no one
need fear tho approach of disease,
! Mrs. II. M. Lee, of Rochester, N. V.,
'writes: For tho sake of suH'erlng hii
l'lann Tuning.
W. S. Geary, the well-known piano
tuner, is in the city and will call upon
his customers. No other piano tuner
itas authority to use his name in any
way. Orders left at either music; store
will receive prompt attention.
An Interesting Story if attractive at
all times. No ono can" afl'ord to let the
evening.-) at homo bo spent without good
reading matter in those days when good
books cost so little. Our" stock oilers
some very attractive, up-to-date anil
standard literature which will Interest
I. C. Mckelsen
Book St music Company,
Why do wo retail moro Cigars than
Why do smokers go out of their wuy
and pass cigars of tho sumo grade?
Not becauso wo hnvo better cigars
or bettor brands, or any greater variety;
no, not that.
Why, becauso wo havo tho finest ci
gar case in the state and keep our oigura
in better condition.
Snipos-Kinorsly Drug Co.
I To cleanse the system in a gentle and . munlty I want to say that from a child I
truly beneficial manitor, when tho
springtime comes, use tho truu and per
fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Utiy the
genuine. Manufactured by tho Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for salo by
all druggists, at oO cent's per bottle.
To the I.ailloi uf The Italleu.
Mrs, Kviuii has opened dressmaking
parlors in Mrs. Prittain'e lodging house,
on Second street, und solicits a share of
their patronage. uich5-4t
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what It was made fur.
nan a very weak stomach, threw up my
food very often after eating and after u
few years nervous dyspepsia resulted
anil for more titan twenty years 1 havo
Biitlcrel inexpressibly,
I tried mauy physicians and adver
tised remedies with only temporary re
lief for nervous dyspepsia, and not until
I commenced taking Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets lust September, six months ago,
have I been free from sullering caused
by tho condition of my nerves and stom
ach ; in short, chronic nervous dyspep
sia. I have recommended Stuart's Dyepep-
C; llko the above worth from '2oo to
r0o are now telling at 10c, locand 25c, at
A. M. Williams & Co's.
To Ohio it Cold iu Ouo lluy.
Tako Laxative Pronto Qiiinino Tab
lots. All driiigists refund tho money if
they fail to cure. -5c.
At the Diamond Mills,
Good milling wheat,
The highest prico
THK i).vi.i.Kd,oui:aa.
OtllcooK'i J'lrst Nat. IImiiU.
A bjiK'itcllil aemirtment ot Vege
table, (iiirilun iiiwl linns gi'ctls Iu
Hulk. Sivil Wheat, Seed Outs.,
Seed llmley, gml Suit Jlye.
Oil Meat C'liLe ami Fertilizer:,
lieu KunjilluN, Kiirly lin-u I'otu
UK's. Kluvcu kinds ut first clns
heed Corn. Poultry mid Kgs
bouulit mid bold ut
D J. H. CROSS' n
('heap Cnidi tlrocery unit I-Vetl
Store, (-ecoud mill I'liltiu bt.
jyjjts. UVANH,
itooiub iu Mr. Urlttln'ti lodging llouti'.