Hie Dalles Daily Chronicle. AilvortUtnir llnto. tilth. ,l fiO . 1 00 75 CO Oac li.cli of !c tti Daily Oyer two Inches and under four inches. ., Orcr four Inches ami under twelve inches, Orcr twelve Inches DAILY AND WKKKLY. One Inch or less, tier inch Over one Inch nml under four Inches Over four Inches and under twelve Inches Over nclve inches 4 ,?J SO J IX) . 1 no . 1 00 Weekly Cluliblnc Itnti's Chronicle and Oregonlun Chronicle nml Examiner Chronicle ami Inter Ocean Chronicle and Tribune Chronicle and X. Y. World . 2 25 . . 1.85, 1 75' . 2 00, FRIDAY MARCH IS. 1S0S WHAT FUSION MEANS. Tomorrow the experiment of fu sion 111 'Wasco county will be begun. For the Gist time, at least 111 recent 3'cars, the Democratic party has altondoned its individual existence and merged its principles with those of the Populists and free silver Re publicans. There is no logical rca son why fusion is not the proper thing for tbe opponents of the lie publican part' to decide upon. The Democrats, free silverites and Popu lists have no thought further than Iree silver, and they can undoubted ly advance their pet hobby better Ty united action than they can by pulling apart. In name 011I3' arc these various parties distinct, and the time is not for distant when this artiGcial division will exist no longer. It must be a source of disappoint ment to many members of the Pop ulist part' who sincerely believe in the initiative and referendum, the gov ernment ownership of railways and telegraphs, and the various other doc trines once so dear to the Populist's heart, to see the party swalloived up "by its ancient enemies, the Demo crats, and made but a catspaw in the hunt for office; and yet this is what is being done to the Pops. The i-impaign as now proposed will be imt an onslaught for oflices, with the free silver idea made prominent to deceive the voteis. There never was a time when the llcpublicans of this county should maintain the part' organization as at present. The opponents of sound money are arrayed in solid columns and can be defeated only by earnest, concerted work. This is not a time for factions tocreep into the party. The principles are too important to Le subservient to the interests of any man or set of men. The administration is showing a great deal of forethought in its man agement of the Spanish imbroglio. It is evident that some intimation , , , the report to be made by the naval j mmmiuinn line rcmliofl AVnclnnnfnn I " and that ihe President does not wish ! the findings to be officially made ' tne '""' PWcat.on ot tins notice the , , J I owners of two-thirds of the property ad- know until this country is ready for, jacent to faid street file with the re war if it be necessary. There can urj.r,,ltir " wr'"l remonstrance against ... , , ', ' BJid proposed improvement, lie little doubt but that the report I j;.ned this 15 day of .March 1898. "will state that the Maine was dc- Rooeu 11 SisfsoTrp. ' mchlO'Ht ltecorder Dalles Citv. stroyed by an external explosion, ' ; ami If war is to result, every day gamed in preparation will bear good Tesults later cn. It is foitunate for the country that the men in author ity enjoy the confidence of congress and the people as do President Mc Kin ley and his advisers. Very dif ferent is this feeling now from what it was in the closing days of Jiuchanunn's administration. The Klondike relief expedition has turned out to be a ridiculous affair, and so it is proven to havei been from thn inoontinn. It. nmv is I lUkcr Ani? liiiohler Ben VVilxon iinil 1 ontKoinu boiitlicrn mid Northern tmlMNj Knt said that there is food enough al- tfpilu i'ii,fiw Bultr,iia . Ixitnid pMhbeiiKtih urilyinK la Tho i)ulc In tlmu ready in the Dawson City district to last the inlmbitaiit for another year. As r. means of advertisement for ij . i j ! - Portland the relief expedition was of Service, but it was rather an expen-' ive donation for the government. i Bemarks a long-headed exchange: "Before Spain declares war, it will be well for it to ascertain where it will secure ccal for its warships on tbe Atlantlo - coast, Not in Cuba, because the United States will occupy the island. Not in Mexico, because the Mexicans have no special friend ship for the Spanish; and not else where on the continent, because there are 110 nvailible supply points within reach. The battleships and cruisers will operate at great disadvantage unless the Spanish find the English unexpectedly friendly." The Portland Tribune administers a deserved rebuke to the Oregonian for the hitler's ill advised and cruel editorial upon the death of Mrs. Thurston. The Oregonian's remarks were entirely out of place and bor- deted upon the inhuman. When Mnirnru Will Ko I.onffor riou. From discoveries in the history of Xiurura it is found that the land is ris ing at the rate of Hi to V-. feet u cen tury in that district, more than two feet northeast of lieorpan hay, and over four feet a century at the outlet of Lake Ontario. This northeastward ele ation of the laud is causing the waters of the lakes to overllow the low country about their southwestern extremities. The inundation continuing, it is esti mated that in t00 or TOO years hake Hrie will b" on the same level as Lake Huron; in 1,000 or 1,2(10 years all the upper lakes will have two outlets, namely, by way of ?C in para river and also by way of Chicago and the Mississippi. In 2.400 years Niagara falls will no longer How, as by that time the waters of the upper lakes will be emptying into the Missis sippi end (ittlf of Mexico. In 5,000 years the Niagara river and Lake Krie at TSufTalo will be drained. Hut the Chi cago canal, which is now being built, will greatly hasten the change of drain age, but save the low country about Chicago from being submerged. Hr. .7. W. Spencer, at Canadian Institute. TcltlsiR !y tin- Ci.lcr of Their Clothe. According to a tailor who has had 1 nearly a life experience, it hi possible, I with a little study, to tell within a little what part of England a man comes j from simply by the color of his cloth-1 mg. enwn is 111 great demand among Lincoln people, in the southern coun ties, such as Cornwall and Somerset, the preference is for navy blue. In north Wales the native choice is for light cloth of a yellow tint, but further south you meet with dark shades of brown. There is more black cloth sold in Lancashire than in any other county, excepting Middlesex, and yet in the ad joining counties north the public fancy runs to drab and tweeds. Men who wear clothes of a reddish-brown tint are invariably Yorksliiremen. Ask your Druggist CATARRH for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains 110 cocaine, mercury nor any otner Injurlous dm:;. It Is quickly Absorbed. Gives Keilcf at once. It opens and cleiuses COLD 'N HEAD, Allays Inflammation. Heals and Protects the Membrane, ltcftores tho Senees of Taste and Smell. Full Sko COc. ; Trlai m, . , . , h&wwwHmT-tiTlie Dalles. Portland anA Astoria NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF 1 STREET. ! Vnliiifi io Jioroltv cmooii hv rYtar nl the I common council ol Lialles Uity, that nfiuourt street will te improved between Jiain ano stconu streets oy graomg ami miing eaid street, and that the co3i of eaid proposed improvement shall be assessed upon property adjacent to said etreet, unless within fourteen days from ! Notice is hereby given that there will be ;in annua! meeting of the stockhold ers of Tho Dalles. Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, April 2, lS'JS, at 2 p. in., for the purpose of electing t-even directore, ana traueuct ing bucIi other nusiuesH aH mav properly come before eald meeting. By order of the president. The Dallea March!, 1S98. C. L. 1'mt.Mi's, Secy. Foutz' cigarii aro on naio at the follow ing places: Snipes-Kinerely, Clark & Fulk and 31. 'A. Donnell, druggists; Com mission Co., Geo. Itnch, Fred Fisher and Chas, Phillips, grocers; Columbia Ui)mlv Factory and A. Killer, confection 'era: Clias. Frank. Ad. Keller. Dan The Midwav, saloons. Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Fulk's and get priced on the La Plata Sheep ' Dip. it in non-poisonous, mixes In- ! .1 !.l t.l I 1. 1 1 i BiMiuiy nil com wuier, nuu it in mi in- UMMra cure or 8cab( ,;oof rot( ,k.H am, ticks. 1-tf c',, luur ,,0' All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. .1, 1804, will be paid at my office, Interest ceases after March. 17, 1898. 0. L. PiiiLUi-a, Countv Treasurer. Nliiinu, Attttiitloul Clarko & Fa Ik nave necuiod the agency for the La Plata Sheep Dip. Mixes inftuntly with cold water. fl Recommendation. 1 '" sr. A recommendation is necessary to many purtoua. A druggist appreciates it when coming from a good physician especially. Thu character of our drugs, the dispatch and uccruacy with which all formulas arc treated has made 119 a repu tation we shall endeavor at all times to retain. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES. Just OUhat You ttlant. j New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such 1 wide variety as we are showing never be ' fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. ' Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third , street. Also a full line of house paints. ,D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Regulator Line Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator 6 Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE BKUVJJK.V The Dalles, Hood Jtlver, Ciikceile Ucks and Tort lund dully, "Tcvut bmiduy. DOWN THE VALLEY , on to ( EASTERN OREGON ? Are vou going If no, stte money Hiid enjoy u bciiutldil trip on the ('oiumtilii, 'I'he wu-t-liiund trnln nrrl vt-n at Tho Dull on In MiiU'lo II in e fur niikKeiiucrM to tuke thu ttfrtiuer, urrlviiiK in rorthoid In tlmu for the to tiiko tho Kunt-bouiid trnln. For further Infornmtiou apply to J. N. ItAHNICV, Aeent, Oak .Street Hock, i'ortland, Orcxon, Or W. 0. AJ.LAWAV, (itn. Aut., 'I ho Dulli'D, Oituon Administratrix Notice. Notice 1 hereby Riven thut theiindemlftned 0h hi en riKUlMily appolnttd by thu county court of .the auto of Ortonfor Wuico County u nduiluUtratrlx of tho eUto of Churli'n W. John kton, dect'iikci, All jtertoiiH IihvIiik claluiH ukhIiiH nald ettiilu ure hereby ;iot)llcrj to pro iteiit them, with the proper voucher, to mo at IbeolDce of V, II, WiUon, In JMlle City, Ore Kii, within tlx inonthH from thodatool this notice. ' Dalleh City, OrcKon, Feb. 23, U98. 0AHK1K W. JOHNSTON, h-biC- I AdmluUtratlU. : v. i 3b I ?. SQ1: ....the.... IQ1I li'jWEEKiY Inter Ocean fl 2 LARGEST CIRCULATI01! OF AMY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST 5 2 the cardinal doctrines of that party vwith ability and earnestness.."!.," i THE THE E WEEKLY INTER E NEWS AND BEST it Is A.orally Clean and as u The Literature ot its columns is equal to that of the beat maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chit' drcn aa well as the parents THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. l i nn-Dninc nuc nni 111! THE DAILY AHDSUTOAYEDITtons OF THE INTER OCEAtt ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. I'rlcoof Dnllv liv mull lM.OO per year I'rlniiiirsuuiluy liviuull l"r yrur Dully anil Suiiilny by innll f 11.00 per ynr Wholesale. JVIflLtT LtlQUOftS, CUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED "k. ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD Anheuser-Basch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, uneciiialed as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Grandall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. j funeral Supplies 7Y. Z. DONNELL, PfJESClPTIOH DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR uxho Subscribe for The Chroinele iBut it can always be relied onJJ for fair and honest reports of all po- m Htlc.il movemcntsuw r re OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITER ATU I Family Paper Is Without u Peer. i in dpr vfm-SI.OO BEER on drauRht and In uottlos. & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. 0.R.&H. TO THK EKST! 01VEH Till! OHOIOi: OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. (fl. EliDElj AND CITY Of TOPEKfl I.ciivo Portland evory live dnys for ALASKA POINTS. OOKAN HTKAMKKH l.envit I'ortland ;Eorv rmir I)iVm for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. .Stentnura monthly from Portland to Yokolntmii und Hons; Kong vm North. (!rn I'mcHIo Kti'iuiiHliip Co., in uoiinectiou with O. It. & N. For full dutallx cull on O. K ,t Co. n A Kent Thu Dulles, or Mddrco.1 W. II. lintl.llI'llT. (ieii. VuH. Ant , I'nrtlimiljOr. IXIDHON, C'Altl.ll.l. .V CO,, (it'll. Ants., North Pacific Kteiunslilp Co. TIIMK IMIlll. No. 1, to SpulJimt! mill (Iteat Northern arrive nt'ir'-ip, in., U'uvcs ut h-:W p. in. No. to lvudlc tun, linker City mid I'nliin l'iicltlc,iirtlvusutll:lj p. in,, departs tit 11:.V) p. in. No :j, Irom Hpoknnu mid (Ircnt Northern, nr rlus ut ii. ni dcpiirtu ut li;f.i ii. in. Nn. 1, Irnni linkir City mid llninii l'aolllo, nrrivra at :t:Lii ii. in,, ili'pnrtH ut :':" u. in. Nks. Zl und ai, incivini: wist of Tlu Dulles, will rarry moiixurk. No. Z arrives nt S p. in., No. '.'I deparln at 1:1") p. in. I'liMviitsurii for lleppner take No 2, leaving hero at 11 : !" n. in. W, II. UUltlJIUKT, (kn. 1'ni.s.AKt l'urtlaiid. Orcicou Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass ipes-Klncrsly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON 50 Years 50 Undisputed miproiniiov in tlio World's Competition. Cooper's Sheep Dip. InoronsoH Ylolcl of Wool. Enhances Value of Flock. Cheup, Safe, Hftndy, Glenn, WlioleBoiue und Odorlega. Kecommonded by Manufauturore, Scour- era unu Uuyure. bold iy PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. C. G. KobertH, Gtmaml Agent, 217 Ab Strcot, Portland, Oregon, Sn