vol xj THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1898 NO l COMING TO A CLIMAX Spain Will .licpeul a Demand lor Indemnity. SPANISH AGENTS ON THE LOOKOUT ,, vrxuil Hit Id to Hnvn l'tm Already H(,(.,ir,..l-Miiinlli l)iimnilnlii, iirt ' "'" "r tl"' Thought t Alriimly In tlm IIhiiiU of tln .spmilMli tliiveriiiiiiint tJiim mi'iit ill Mmlrlil. Mahuiii, Mur. 17.-Tlie following ucmi ofliciul note wns issued today : "Tliu report "f Oio SpaniHli eniiiriiis lioti mi the .Miiino luiH not yet been mailt), but tlm stutuinentof several tech nical ufl'u'ers, who have matin it close ettnly of tins Ht:i!iio, hIiow it to ho Willis putiibly lue to an internal ucelilent. Auieric.in iwurtiniiH to the contrary are therefore ileplureil in olllcial quarters, ajteiuUhi: to miHleatl public opinion mil rentier the Hltuatlon nioro diflluult from tins .Standpoint ol inaintaiiiini; friendly rulalitma between the two coun tries. "It amy be regarded ns certain that ihoiiltl tlm Ainericun technical eoniinia lion report declaring that the diKiiHler MS tine to an external explosion, the public here will reftiHti to accept suuli finding, iiml a tleinantl for imleninity bleed thereon will be intliejniwitly re pelled by Spain." New Yoi:k, Mur. 17. A Madrid iliH pitch says : Itleaketl out, nntwitlifltuutlini? (rt:ut reserve in olllcial quarters, that the gov ernment known that the Spanish and American euniniisslitners i ntj uir iiit into tbe cause of the blowing up of the Maine do not ugrue in the conclusions driwn (ruin Ihi'ir roHiioi'tivii iiiveHtion- lions, but that their reportH clash. The Spanish cniiiiuisHiun iH linn in the opin ion thill tlio cutiiHtroplit! wiih the rcmilt clan aecident. On thu other hand, the Americiui ciiurt, it is Haiti, u.voiierutes tbe officers of the Maine from any btainu itlrilmtin-; the ilisuslur to liome un known exterior cuusu. 1101,11 TO Till: AUCIIIKNT TIII'OKV. Spinlih tliiiiiinUMloiiiirM Will lllnsont 1'riiiu Aiiiiirlcitu IC n r t . Nkiv Vouk, Mar. 17. A special diB pitch save : The 6mnish government expecteti Mb!uilsiatclifs from tbe admiral at Hsvana with the llnal report of the tymijli commission before the meeting ''the extraordinary council of ministers thioh uiim u I r.. i...., "J nmuiiiwiiuu iui itinu iivitiiiii; Bat notfiltiK will ho known probably coscerniui tbe future intentions of thu pinisb wbinet until President McKin- July intimates the course he promises to adopt. U is evident that the Spanish fj'Mninuiit bus determined to stand on jetlefeneive, while resolutely keeping btoucl with public sentiment in re- lto lllllloMI '"frestH in Culm. Hie council was also to e.vainlne into 'becaso m Hmior Cellulitis, wl.ose con tort will bo overlooked if he acted in a "ivato capacity, as he seemed to Indi 18 hours ago when he cuhleil to the '"'I'liitif ComillMs, president of the f'Hali Trans-Atlantic line mi account "Y'Q'Wersallou -villi Presitlunt Me ". which Coniillas iinmediatoly hi .Sugasta. I rendu.- u , " -"K.inia says : " Wlmt paHsetl in the supposed inter- Stye Salve r Garland's "Happy IhoiiL'ht Salve Is Hindu right. It is the bhIvu you nre sure of. SO cents at DONNELL'S, Royal ntukca the fond pure, wholesome and delicious. IT POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL IIAKINO POWDER CO., hCW YOI1K. view of I'reHident McKinley with Senor Cellulitis to seeure pence in Cuba in true, we would reject it.' At a nicotine of the conservative pur ty, Chief Sevu Haiti : " We have solemnly promiped to re spect l.tyalty whatever parliament may Hiinctlou in regard to the new colonial regime, antl I consider this n Hacrcd na tional compromise. The great ruling parties cannot act otherwise even if the compromise is not in harmony with their convictions. When the cortos assembles we will bo bound to demand a strict ac count of tbe treasures of our honor, blood and finance." Di'Ulni-HH Ciimiol In, (lurt'il by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the eur. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. DeafnesB is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of tbe Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in lltuned you have u rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever; nine casds out of ten lire caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused tiy eatarrlO that cannot lie cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. .1. Citn.vnv & Co.. Toledo, 0. Sold by Diuggists, 75c. (MO A iipi-m itl t Madrid. London, Mar. 17. A Madrid special says : Tbe cubIoius committee has approved the report relative to the basis of the treaty of commerce with the United States. Spain will concede certain re ductions in tnrill' on condition that the United States grant honclits under the reciprocity clauses of the Dingley tnrill law. A Nnrriiw Khoiiiim. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada K. Hart, of Groton, S. I). "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my linn's ; cough set in and finally termin ated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying J coultl live but a I short tnnu. I gavu myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and i Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, imtl thank ' I'uid I am saved and now a well and j healthy woman." Trial bottles free at : Ulakeley ei Houghton's drug stoie. ' Uegular size fiOe anil $1.0,0. Guaranteed ! or price rctuuded. 1 i I Mlmirn 'Ink. n (imiht'iil. I London, Mar. 17. A dispatch from Shanghai says : Uussia informed China that the hitter's delay in replying to Uu a an demands will he ciiiiHtiut'd as an acqiiiesence in tbe occupation of Port Arthur by the Russian government. Sir Olitud McDonald, the British min ister at Peking, iH said to e urging Chi na to resist. (iluiiulinilulii'H tliiiiKli Iti'iumly. This remedy Is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and influenza. It has become famous for its cures of these diseases, over a large part of the civilized world. The most flattering testimonials have been received, tjivinu accounta of its goud works; of the iigurnvating and persist ent coughs it lias cured ; of severe colds thut have yielded promptly to its sooth ing effects, nnd of the dangerous attacks of croup it has cured, often saving the life of thu chilti. The extensive use of it for whooping congliB has shown that It robs that disease of nil dangerous c m sequenceH. For sale by Ulakeley & Houghton. FOR THE HOME BAKER. Sonic t'M-l'nl lllntM on tlif Art of I'liMlry .Mnklnc. To prevent cake from becoming too brown on the bottom or burning1, put the cake mold in n tin plate covered with sawdust. To nmooth over ri cake after putting it in tbe mold to bake dip the liund in milk and puss it over the surface of the enke. For cake, powdered Kiipnr sifted is often better lliaii uny other kind, es pecially for an nurel orspongTcake. In making' jelly roll, when tbe cake is taken from tbe oven place it on a cloth tlippetl in cnhl water, then hprcail the jolly on the cake iind roll quickly. If you want to have chopped jelly for garnishing' dishes, remember to chop or cut it A'ith n knife which has been dipped in ice water, and have the jelly on paper which has also been dipped in water. Whites of eggs is pumpkin pies make it. watery. Use only the yolks of eggs and cream, not milk. Jieechmits make a nice dressing for roast woodcock. After shelling tbe nuts, season with :i little butter and salt and stuff the bird full of them. Tbe nuts are removed from the shells by pouring hot water over them. To color homemade candy pink, malic a preparation of one-quarter ounce each of powdered cochineal, alum and cream of tartar, mix well and add fourounccsof warm water and the same quantity of alcohol, cover and allowtbe mixture to stand over night, strain antl bottle. Stir a drop at a time into tho candy until you have the right shade. For coloring yellow, take a half ounce of saffron anil adtl to it two ounces of alcohol and four of witter, bet the mixture stand for several days before using. To color green, crush find cook a few spinach leaves in water, strain nnd use the liquid. Fruit juices can also lie used for coloring purposes in candy ninking. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Coal of tin- Culmii AVnr. The cost of the Cuban war from Feb ruary, S'.i.1, to the end of 1S!)7 isoflicial ly estimated at $2-1(1,000,000. l'dueiitioii ('oniiMilsor.y. I'lduentiou in the Hawaiian islands is compulsory, nnd the law against truants is strictly enforced. Cold from Australia. Ran FitANfisco, Mar. 17. The Ocean ic Steamship Company's steamer Ala meda, now on her way from Australia to Siui Francisco, has on bonrd Sjo.GOO, 000 in gold. This is tho largest amount of treasure ever brought into this port by 11 single ship. The Sunt I.a tirlppe Cure. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You ure having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have n bad cold, in fact are com pletely used up. Flectric Jiitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They net directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up tho whole system anil make you feel like ti new lieim:. They ure guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For side at niakelov & Houghton's drug stoie, only 50 cents ner bottle. 1 CoiniiiUtiii'iuuii fro in llenver. DuNViiu, Mar. 17, Piesideut Springer, of the National Livestock Association, with the approval of the executive coun cil, has appointed Geo. L. Colliding, of Do ner, committeeman Irotn Colorado, nnd also treasurer lor the association. KiiuHIku's Arnica nulve, The boat salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei aorea, tetter, ehupped hands, chilblains, corns, and nil Bkin eruptions, and posi tively euiea piiefl, or no pay required It ia gunrtw.'teed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money relutiuoa. Price '25 cente per lion. For sale uy Ulakeley and Houghton, dniweists. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thut la whut It iviia inuUe (or. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cure Pilen, Scalds, Hums. Sheriff's Sale. N THK OIUOl'lT COl'RT Ol' THK STATIC OK J Ori'Knti for Viiph county. T. I. Fluid, liliiintiir v Win. lllrgfelri, IjiiirnK. lttrpfeld. I'iist Nitllonnl Hunk of I la; Hall y, Tlionnis Kcltv and A. -. Hennctt. detail, nntx. Ity virtue of an execution, decree and order of kiiic, duly Wkik-iI out of mm under the seal of tlieClrcutt Court of thu Sate of Oregon, for tho llm County of Wavco, to me dlieetcd and tinted the 2itli day of Fi brunry, l.sas, upon u decree for Iho foreclo-urc of accilaln tnorlRnxe, and jiiilc mcnt rendeted and entered In mid Court on the 4th day of December, 1!)7, in tho above entitled cause, li favor ot the plaintiff unit against the defendants William HlrRfcltl and Ijtura E, lllrp fcld an judgment riebto s, In the Mini ol fifteen htintlMl and twelve dollars and twenty-nine, centh, with I tere.st thereon from the 4th day of Decern her, IS'.i", at the rate of ten per cent per milium, ami the further Mini of one liundr. d ami fifty rollar.s us ntlorney's feci, and the further minor lllteen dollars, costs, and the costs of and upon this wilt, and pominnndlng me to make sale of tho real property embraced in such licrteof foriclosure and hereinafter decribed, I will on the 121h day i.f April, 1SOS, at the hour of two o'clock in t lie afternoon of c..l.i .,... ...iH ... tl... I..L... ...,. ..r ...... ,'IHIII IH'liFl ill I'lllii n l lla, MPUtP '1, -IllJ, IV con, sell at public auction to the liiKhest'bidder lor cash I hand, all the ilnht. title and Interest which the defendants William HlrfeM and Ijiuia K. Illigleld. 'I bom t Kelly and S. lleii nett, or either of them, had on the I'll day of August, ism the date of the inorlititRC foreclosed h lelu, or which Mich defendants or any of the defendants heliin have acquired, or now have in and to the lollowlng ili-erlbed real pr.ipeity, situated and being in Waco County. Or, eon, to-uit: An uidhidcd one-tilth interest of all of sc'tion No 21, the mr K and the se of ec Hon No. 'J.!: also all of section No 'J.',, the ii'V J4 and the se J4 u section No. 'JT, and the mv '-, 01 section No. IS.",, all in township NV 7, south of lange No. 17. cast of the W. M ; also of section No. :i, township No. S, south of range No. 17, east of the W. M., containing In all '.'Ssl.'.is aero ac cording: to the Government surve (page HI I.Vol. O of deed-) also the s y2 of th sw !4 and the s -t of tbe se ',4 of section No. .11, tounship No. 7. south of ninue 17, eastol W. M., containing ICO acres, (pave llfi.Vo,. K deed-) also all the uw of section No. .'(!, township 7, south of range 17, esl of W. M., (page "..VI, Vol. N. of deeds.) said interest in the above deciibed rent properly be ing the same descended to and inhe-iited b the said IjniraJ". llligfcld upon the death of Alexan der Hogers and M tilda lingers her father and mother. Said jiroperty will be sold subject to continuation and redemption iu by law pro vided. Dated at The Dalles, Oiegon, this Sd day of Maich, ls'JS. inchfi-li. T. .1. IHtlVEIt, Shcrlfl'of Wafco County, Oregon. Guardian's Notice. To Whom It May Coscekn: No iee is hereby gien that the undersigned, as guardian of Jas. A, lirowu, Jr., Ethel M. Urown, Paulina A. Brown, David K. Drown, Mary S. Drown and Ueo. D. Drown, has tiled in he County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, hts petition praying for a li cense to sell the interest of said minors in and to the following deseiibed real property to-wit: A tract of land In Dalle-City, Wasco County, Oregon, bounded and described us follows: Degiiiniug at a point si rods south and IX) feet west of what is known as the northwest corner of the J. (1. Wilson lot, said comer being one hundred and eleven rods east of the norttiwcst corner ot the John A. SImms Donation I.'ind Claim No. nil, in To 1. North Itange 13 Kast W . Jl., running thence south ten rods; thence west six rods and three feet: thence north ten rods; thence e-ast six lods a-id three feet to the place of beginning, containing one-half an acre, mine or le-ss. All petx.ns intereste-d in real e-tatearo hereby notilled to appear befoie said County Court at the county courtroom In Dalles City on Friday, thu 'J,"ilh day of March, IblW. at the hour of l! ei'clock j,. m., then ami there to short' cause, If any there be, why said license to sell said real jiroperty should not be grunted. Match 1, Ib'Js. JAS. A. DKOWX, SR., mch'.'-l ('uardian. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OmcK, Tub Dai.i.ks, 01:,, j H'bruary. y, IS'J.s. t Notice U hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to coiu-nuteund make final juoof In support of liis claim, and that said jiroof will be made be foie Ke-tister and Deceiver at The Dulles, Ore gon, on Tuesday. March 22, 18'J.S, vl.: Oliver ISowerB, of The Dulles', II. K. No. ,s07, for the SF.- N'EJ-i nnd NE)4 SE.'i Svc 21, Tji 2 N. li 12 K. W M. He names the following wltucsse's to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vi: William ltulfner, I'etry VanCamji, Harry l.catncd, II. II. Learne-d, all of The Dalles, Ore con, JAS. 1 MOOK12, ltegisier. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of thu estate of Frank lielaud, dece-ased, ha tiled ills Ileal account as such nd- I mini tiator in the county couit of tho State of ' Oregon for Wuse'o County, and the judge theie of has appointed Monday, the 7th du of Mtm-h, ls'.is, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the county courtroom in thu couithoiise In Dalles City, In said county and state, as the time and pbice for tho hearing of objections to said llnal account and the settlement thereof. AH heir anil cridltots of the dece-a-cd, nnd nil other per sons interested In said estate, aiehe'cby notilled to II lu their objections to said llnal account, if any they have, on or befoie the dale llxed lor the he-ariug and settlement thereof. Dalles City, Oiegon, Feb. x, Is t'F.OlUiF. IKF.I.AND, jeWlw-il Administrator. NOTICK FOH PUBLICATION. Lanij Officii, Tin: Dai.i.cs, Or.,) Ftbiuary If), lvj, j Notice Is hereby given Unit tho following named seitlei has Hied notlco of his intention M make llnal proof in supimit of his claim, and Hint said jirool will b- made belore Di'glster acd Deceiver at TI10 Dalles, Uicgon, on .Monday, Ajull 111, IMW, vl.: Juiiuta Hull, of Hie Dullen, II. K. No. 1717, for the SF.14 NW' ,. S'. NF.'i nnd Ni:i t NK! See. Ill, Tp I N., a. 12 K. V. M. Do names the billowing Mltuesn's to jirovu his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vi,: Alexander Vance, Albert Walters, Wll'lain Wolf, Frank Obrlst, all ot Thu Dalles, Oregon, fell JAS. F. MOOltK, Kei.'lster. 11 S tlU.NTINOTON It S WILSON HUNTINUTON & WIISON, ATI OK N FYS AT LAW, THK DAI.I.KS, OKKGON Olllco over First Nat. Dank, President (uwk JrffW! How Pres. McKinley would look attired in one of our $7.50 Suits. Of Interest "Who is Be Up- To- Date. WE FIT THE REG1STE RCD Spring Line A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for thoir prosperity and happi ness, for the improvement of their business and homo interests, for education, for tho elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and status. IT HAS advised the farmer as to tho most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho proper time to convert them into tho largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho wolfaro of farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has held their confidence- and esteem. IT NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE and wo furnish it with tho Semi-Weekly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. M'Kinley and M r. 13iyan botli agree that prosperity is large ly a matter of con Hdence. A Man Who wears our clothing in spires confidence whore- ever he goes. Spring Line Now Ready. to the Man hard to fit. Wear the Cloth ing. HARD-TO-FIT TRADE MARK Now Ready. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841.