I ON ENJOYS Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is Uiken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liivcr and 13owols, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovera and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac--ccptable to tho stomach, prompt in 3ts action and truly beneficial in its .effects, prepared only from the most Jbcalthyand agrocablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who -wi ahes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 10U1SV1UE, KY. NEW YORK, N.X. lbs Dalles Daily Chife. :ur: iiali.ks, okkgox CGU90NAI. MKNTION' Mr. snd Mrs. Sarsfield, of Centerville, are in the city. C. E. Marshall wa3 over from Golden dale yesterday. O. L. Dunbar of Golilendale was in ytlie city last evening. Walter H. Hillgen, of Grass Valley, made this office a pleasant call today. '6. V. Mason of Boyd was in the city -yesterday attending to business mutters. Miss Helen Eliot came up from Port land yesterday and attended the niu .eicale last evening. Rev. Father Briber, of Oregon City, is In the city today to assist in the deiiica vinn nf the new church. f Arcbbisbop Gro39 arrived in the citv From Portland yesterday (veiling for the purpose ot dedtcat:ng the new church. Hon. John Sommervillo, who has Iteea in Portland for a short time, is in the ctby on bia way to bis home at Hav Creek. Rev. (Father Verba? arrived from Tiaker'Ctty yesterday. He was among Mheclery who participated in the dedi cation of the Catholic church. JIOKN. In this city, Thursday, March 17th, to Mr. and .Mrs. Nathaniel Robinson, a daughter. CA .Narrow Uncap. iXbKnkfal words written by Mrs. Ada 15. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my Jlurus; cough set in and finally termin ated in Consumption. Four doctors irave me up, saying I could live but a aliort time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband ws advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight Lotties. J.1 has cured me, and thank Xiod I am saved and now a well and i healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Ulakeley & Hougbton'd drug store. Regular ewt 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed or price refunded. 1 Cadi In Vuur checks. 2111 countv warrants registered prior to .Ian. !1, 1S04, will be paid at my office. Interest cea3es after March. 17, IfifS. 0. L. Pim.LiiM, Countv Treasurer. The Shakers of Monot fjbanon, a j -community of simple, honest, God-fear-Ing oren and women, have prepared the S-hakir"J)iKOHive Cordial for many years, j and it is ahvavs the aame, limple, lion-1 cfit, curative medicine that has helped ttt make the Shakers the healthy, long lived people that they are. The Sliak- itH never nave indigestion, una is jmrtly owing to their simple mode of aife, partly to tho wonderful properties -of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges tion is caused by tho stomach glands not supplying enough digestive juice, fa'lutker Digestive Cordial supplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vigorates the stomach and all its glands ?.o ttmt after a,while they don't need Lap. Aa evidence of the honesty of Kuiker Digestive Cordial, the formula in printed on every bottle. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle. "DANCE OF THE STARVING." An Oilil Kvcnt Atuotii; (lie Poor of 1! unitary. A striking article on the agricultural condition in Hungary has just been published in the Netics Wiener Journal, under the title of "The Danee of t!ic Starving." From this it appears tl:at the peasants of the Alfoclil plain hae recently organi.ed a number of popular bulla, which have been attended by thousands. This does not imply that the people are particularly happy or prosperous. On the contrary, owing to the strike of last summer and the bad harvest, their condition i:i one of 1 great need. The dances an- the result 1 of the bill passed in the Hungarian 1 leichstag for regulating the relations between land owners and their labor ers. That bill is regarded as excep tionally hostile to the latter. For the 1 laborers, however, liberty of speech and J cf public meeting in so restricted as to render all gatherings for political pur ' poses practically impossible. Hence 'this stratagem oi popular balls. U is I pointed out that the accounts of these ' peasant dancing parties are aceom I panicd by the new;-, of acts of pillage 1 and i strike against taxes, which have , rendered necessary the intervention of i the military. The present movement is a direct criscqt!r,nce of the harvest strike of last summer, and of the meas ures adopted by the government to pre- vent itr, "recurrence. The obnoxious bill, according to the Xcues .Wiener , Journal, delivers up the laborer to the arbitrary discretion of his employer. , entitling the latter to put an end to the agreement lie liar, entered into, and to withhold the wages he has agreed to pay if the laborer should, in his opin I ion, be a socialist agitator. If the la- . borer, however, should fail to appear at tne time anil place appointed, the employer is empowered to call upon the authorities to force him to carry out his contract. The laborer has no legal remedy against this proceeding, while the employer is assured of the cooperation of the authorities in the event of a strike. Such injustice as this, as the writer remarks, might con vert a strike very easily into a rebel lion. 1.om( His Support. First Tramp When did yer fake V de road? Second Tramp When me wife rlied. "Dat must 've bin a hard blow'.'" "It wuz. 1 didn't have a t'ing i' swal- ler 'cept de lump in me front fer weeks." .lodge. Cliumlierlatu'rt Cougli Itemed'. This remedy is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cougli and influenza. It has Income famous for its cures of these diseases, over a large part of the civilized world. The most flattering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of its good works; of the aggravating and persist ent coughs it has cured ; of severe colds that have yielded promptly to its sooth ing effects, and of the dangerous attacks of croup it has cured, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping coughs has shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous con sequences. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. If the United States and Spain become involved in war, it will be impossible to import Havana tobacco. Consequently high grade Havana cigars will increase in price. Lay in a supply of Prize Medal cigar a while the price remains the same. 10-if DucKleu'o Ariuca attire. The best salve in the world for cutt;, bruises, soree, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sorea, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains corns, and all akin eruptions, and posi tively cuifB piles, or no pay required It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunuea. Price 1'5 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druauists. Scow load of dry Fir Wood just re ceived a Maier & Benton'e. tf TTUtED. W. WILSON. I.1 ATlOitNKV AT J-W, fill'. lUI.LKd.OtlKGON' OHiccoyci First .Vat. Jinn:. J-KS-CJKlSKNDOUKl'Kli & ItlJKDV, Physicians and Surgeons, &Icclal attention given to turgery. Kooias 21 ami?.', Tel. 524 Vogllllock EVERY KIND OF HUMOR FROM NAPLES TO SCROFULA Bjicedlly cured by Cuticuiia IIkhoi.vk.nt, greatest of liuuior cures, assisted externally )y warm baths with Cii'llcuiiA Hoai, and gentlo applications of Cuticuiia (ointment), Uio great tHin euro, when all clue falls. Bold throughout the world. Frier, Cuticuiu, Me.i Batf, met Itooivtar. 4"c. and tl. run Dkva avu Cucu, Cokc, bole 1'ropi., llonton, U. H. A. W" Uow to Cure Lrtif Uuuior," wiUxl Irto. Call for Republican Comity Convention j Tho Kcptthllcau County CoinciHoti uf Witsoc comity, suite oi uregon, l herein- railed to meet In Hulk's l.ltv, In Mild county, on Writiivudiiy, April 11, IStlH. nt the hour of ! o'clock ii. in of dm , for the i.tirpoM) of iionilinitliiRi'.iii tld.itc.-, for tho follow log county ollkers; One Countv Comnt.'-loiier, County Clerk, Count thertli; County Tro.iMirot, Cotuity. cor. Countv .Solioid Siiiieilulciideut. (Viiinv coroner mm i ouuiy fiirvoor. uis-o lui-cinet oi . llcers for the everal piei'liiets "( Mild county , and ton delcKiitei to tho Itemihllcau .-itato ami ! Second l)itrlet CoiisresIv-iial Couvrittlons and 1 1" transr.ct Mich other limine n tuny iroierly i come before s..ild County Convention. I Tho convention will conIt of X, ileleriite 1 chosen hv thOM'verat uieeiiiels., and thoxevcnil jircrlnctsnf Mile, rotinty will Ijo cutltli! to rcpre icntiitlon in Mild eonventron a folloM.s: Antelope . IliKflow l(!(lnln llakc Oven . .. Columbia . . lhifnr .... DcMilmtus Kat Dalle. JJast HoimI III -er KlBht Mile. Falls .. KIiiK-d.y Moiter Nil mono Onk drove . ltamsey Tjjjh Valley Tiuvltt. . . Vlinto .... Wet Dalle West Hood lltver Winnie . Tho same bcliiK one ilelcniito at largo from each precinct, and one dekwatu tor c cry twcnty-tlve votetaud one doleirato for every fraetion over one-half of twenty-live votes east in each of said precli cts for lion. T. T. liter, Kcpubllenu candi date for pnMilcntinl elector at the November election in 1SW. miMAMKS. l'rlmarle? to elect d IcR.ites to said County Convention wilt beheld lu eii'-h of tho scleral precincts in said Wasco county on Mutch ilii, ls'.'s. In K.-ist Dalle precinct the poll, of said rrlmarv election will be located at the Hast Kiul lose Co.'s house, mid D. II. Itnbcrtc W, II. liutts and US. Davis will actus JmUcs at said elec tion. In UIkcIoh-precinct the iiollswlll bo lo cated at tho ollleo of Win. Michel!, and A. N. Varnoy, .1. K. Harnett and Douulas btifur will net as jiidKOs at said olictton. In Trcvltt piv cinct the polls will lie looted In tho county court room, and C. K. Ilayard, Frank Vot and S. L. KrcHiks. will act as judosat said election; and in West Dalles precinct the polls will bo lo cated at tho City Mills, and W. 1). Hart, C. M. Fonts and J. F. htimiels will act as Jinli;esof said eltctlovi. In Antelope piecinct the polls wl'l bo located at the usual voting place, and 1. S. Klinsey, F. N. Splcer anil F Irvine will act as Judws of said election. The polls In each of sild precincts, In said pri mary election, will oe kept open from Vi o'etoe!; noon to 7 p. in. for the reception of votes. The jiolls in each of the other precincts in tho county will bo located In tho usual votlni; places in each piecinct, and will be opened at the hour of 'J o'clock p. in. on said 'JOth day of March. lb'.W, and the clcciiou will bo eouductid in tho usual manner. Dated at Dalles Citv, Oregon, this 'Jth day of March, ISSs J. M. lWlTKUSON, Chairman Republican County Com. M. T. NOLAN, Secretary FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY MAN. This oiler is made hv the ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided application bo made at once, in order that Its intentions, appliances and never fjliinu remedies may receive the widest isslble pub licity, and prove their own merits by urinal unit firiiiii!iiit otireu. Nu .Miniy lvhatrvur will be received by tho IlllnuU sitniH .-iiiiitiiirluni lrom anyoneuudertts treat ment until lii-iu-llchil result liro iiokiinu-l-iIbi-iI, Its remeilles and appllanres have been commeiideil by the newspapers of Two Conti nents and endorsed by the Krettest doctors In the world. Where development Is desired, they accomplish it and never lull to invigorate, up build and fortify. 'I hey Infuse new life and enejRy. Thoy per manently stop all losses which undermine tho constitution and i roluce depindeuny. They re-tone, refresh and restore to manhood, r KurillfMN of k. They euro etii habits and pe manently remove their ell'ccts, as well as those of excesses and over-taxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No fail ure, no publicity, no deception, no illsiip iiointiiiHiit. i urn; td-dav. ILLINOIS STATE SANITAEIUM. KvuiiHton, 111. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET. Notice is hereby given, by order of the common council of Dalles City, that Union street will be improved between .Main and Twelfth streets by "railing and filling the same, mid that the cost of said proposed improvement shall be as sessed upon property adjacent to said street, unless within fourteen days from the final publication of this notice the 1 owners of two-thirds of the property ad-1 . II.. ..1.1. .1.. f jHuent lu saiu street inn iwi tue re corder a written remonstrance against said proposed improvement. Dated this loth dav of March, 1898. Kogi:r $. Si.vxott, ml0-14t Recorder Dalles City. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OF STREET. Notice is hereby given, by order of the common council of Dulles City, that Court street will lie improved between Main and Second streets hy grading and tilling said street, and that the coat of said proposed improvement shall be astiesged upon property adjacent to said street, unless within fourteen days from the final publication of this notice the owners of two-thirds of the property ad jricent to (-aid street file with the re corder a written remonstrance against said proposed improvement. Dated this 15 day of March 1898. . HoOKlt 15. fil.SXOTT. mchlO l it llecorder Dalles Citv. Sllniii).-anil Irrluatlon Con vfiillun. For the Mining and Irrigation Con vention, to he held at baker City, Or., March I2lh.li, 80 lb and Ulst, the O. It. & N. Co, will make a rate of one and one fifth fare for the round trip. Delegates or parties attending thu invention, naviiiir full fare to Haker City on March 20th, 127lb, 28th and 29th, will bo re turned at one-fifth fare on presentation of certificates on or before April !Jd to our agent at JUker City, feigned by the secretary of the convention. 0 tf Wo are anxioii3 to do a littlo good in this world mid can think of no pUas auter or bettor way to do it than by rec ommending Uno Minute Cougli Cure aa a preventive of pneumonia, consump tion and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tht la wbt It wu nudo lor. Patronize the Troy liftUflDRY. Alt kind of work. White Shirts a r.coliitt. 1'iiiiillv work at rodliei'il r,ilc.. Wash colleetcd and dellvctcd flee. Tl-iluiiin No. I lit. H. D. Parkins, ARt, J, . SC1IKNK. l'lesldent. II. M. 1IKAJ. , Caahlor First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - ODEOON A iiunornl liankinj; Jlusiuess traiisncte.i1 Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptlj remitted on diw of collection. Hlpbt and Telegraphic Kxclinnge sold on Kew York, Ban Francisco nn! porl land. DIRECTORS D. P. Thomphon. Jno. S. Schknck. UU. M. WlU.IAMS, GKO. A. blKHK. II. iM. Bkai.i.. Ue fire Doir;? rtistie ..priptii.. por ieasorable prices. AVo J ri ii t Anything in the Printing Linu. (Jiue us a trial. 5i7ro9il pub. o. Adaiinisiraiiiv' Sale of Heal Estate. Notice Is hereby kI en tlntt under and by vir tue of an order of tho County Court of the Statu ofOrejfon for Wasco Countv, lnailo on tho Nth oay of January, IsOS, in the matter ol the estate ot ir. . I-.. Hiuenari, uecousi.il, i win sen at public auction, at thocoiirtln use door in DaMea Citv, in said county and state, on the 'J-th day of H'bruiiry, lityi, at 1 o'clock p. m to the high est bidder, all the real citato belonsmiK to said estatoand described as follows, to-Hit Lots A, It, C, D, V.. K, (, It, I, J, K and I, In Muck r.'i. in the Fort Dalle Jlilltiry Iteservn tion Audition to Dolle, City, in said county and stite. 'I ho west half of tho southeast ipiarter and tlw east half of trio southuet quarter of sectional lu township 1' north, raiiKO 11 east, in Wasco County, Orexou, TeruiH of sale One-half in cash at lime of sal' and one-half in six mouths, secured by laortiraxoou tho premises. lialles City, Urvcoii. -Ian. T,. IsM. KMII.V II. ItlNHIIAItT. jim'.-Jli Administratrix. Dr.GUNN'S For People That Arc fk Siok or "Just Don't Pool Well." OMLV ONE FOR A DOSE. Remotes Pimples, cure Headache, Oyipeptla ir4 Coitlents. 26 cts. a box atlrui;iriuorlyiuatl baiuples t'ri-t. addreu Or. Bownko Co. .I'hlla. Ttie Co Wia PacKiog Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF M A N U K A CT U it b it b UK Fine Lard ad Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DltlKD HKHr, KTC. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SfnM?"Lk?EED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr T,ljB Flour 18 'nanufuctured expressly for family uwm wvi,a. U(je. ovuryoacjc j8 guaranteed to give satisfuctlon, We ell our goods lower than any house in tho trade, and if you don't think bo call and get our prices and be convinced, Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. .chas. ?m Bcifcchetts and Fattmets ..Exchange.. Keeps on draimht tint celebrated ((ll.I'MlliA IIICKIl, acktiiml ulmsl llioliext bi er III Tho Dalles, at the uual ptice. Como In, try it and be fonvlnccd, Al'o tho l'lmsl btaiids of Wines, I.I iior.s mid Chrais. Sandrjuiches t of alt Kinds always on hand. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 1H I'iiccm n Wnult. mil 1'iiporn ii Your It PtiindH llrstninonR weokly" jmpers in ai.u, frequency of publiciitiuii freshness, variet and relhtbility of cor. tents. It is practically it daily at the low price o a weekly : and itH vimt lint of HiibscriberB, oxtondiiiL' to every atatu and territory of the Union and foreign conn tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of ItP news columiiH. It is splendidly illustrated, and iimnuc Its special features are a line humor pae, exhaustive market reports, all the latent fashion c-: for women and a Inn series of stories by thu grenteat livinc; American and Euulish iiuthurs, C'oiiiin Moyln, .loroiim K. .Inronio, Htmiloy Woynmn, Jliiry H. WIIkliiM Aiitliimy lliipn, Unit llitrto, Itriiuiliir .MuttlioWN, Kto. Wo olTer thiB unerjimleil newHpapornnd The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to ".ether one year for ifiMX). The regular price of tho two papers is $3.00. FRENCH & BANKERS. CO., rUAHBACT A OKNKKAIj HANKING 1IUHINEH letters of Credit issued avnilnblu in Eastern .States. the Sight Exchango ami Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chitnuo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections maJo at all points on fav orable terms. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly nttendeil to, anil warrauteil. 174 VOGT LOCK Notice of Executor's Sale. Notice I hereby ulveu that the unilerslKiu'd, cMt'iitor of tlio estate of Jlaxatiitllaii M'jyer, do eeasiil, will, from and after tho 1st day of March, ib'to. sell at private sale, upon the prem ises, tho foll.ovliiK' described real property bo IohkIiik' to said eatato and situated In Wasco county, Oiiirou o-vlt: Ixit two ('J in block clitht lil In what Is known us ThniiipHiu'H Ad dltinn to Dull s City. ShIiI halo is- mado hi necoidnuco with an order of tho Comity Court rendered and colored the 'M day of January, IKH, anil Mich sale will bo subject to confirmation by Mild court, the terms of said sale to In: cash or credit, or both. ANDKI'.W KKIXKIt, Kxccutor of tho esbito of Maxamlllan Meyer, ill ceased. Jan'Jit-l Administrator's Notice. Notice Ih hereby given that hy an order oi the County Courtof tho tttato of Oregon, for Waco county, mado January V), 18'.n, tho uiiderniumil hasbteu duly aiipoiutiil iidmlnlhtralor of the citato of Tims.. .(. Knllivaii, jr., deeeaMd. All persons having cIiiIiiih against tho c.ttalo of said decciM'd, arc hereby notllied to piwent them to mo with tho pioiivr voiicIkth at tho ollleo of lliiutlngton Wllhon, within blx uionthH from dnlo here f. D.itcil Jiutiiary lu, IB'.is. HOItATIO I'AltfilU'.lt, Admlnl.itralor. WatchmakorlJewelcr EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or Tint Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains Icavoaml arc due to arrive nt I'ortlamt I.ISAVH. OVIIItl.AND KX'-l tires',, Mnleiii, lto.e-1 burg, Anhliiud, Sec- I rameuto, Ogileu.Siili I '0:00 I' .M.i I' ranisiM'o, .iojave, ( I l.o Angele!,i:i I'aho, New orleaua and Kant J I Kovt'biirg and way Mu-I 8S80 A. .M, tlotiH p, ji f Via Wondhurn fori I I Mt.AnKol.Hllverton, i)v Went Helo, lliowim- incept vIlle.HpriiiKlleldiind I HhiuIiij-k ( Natron J i Dally except Htuidayj (CorvnlttH fxtatloilH. . A. M, and wayj !M I'. M, l.S'DKl'UNDKNCK I'AKHKNfiKIt, ICxprei-d train Dally (except Hiiuday). I;fi0p. in. il.v. ..rortbuid . .Ar.) 7S)I i, m. Ai McMllilivllle .l.v.5 :'J.ui. m Ti;l a, in CM) a. m s::;u p. in. t A r. . i lioepenuciice..i.v. ; Daily. tD.uiy, except Humbly. DINtNti CA ItH ON OCIDICN HOUTK. l'Ul.l.MAN mil'I'KT HI.KKl'KHH AND riHCOND-CI.ABS HI.KHI'INC CAI1H Attaehctl to all Througli TniiiiM, Direct connection menu fraiiclM-o with Orel dental ami Oriental and l'acltlc mall HteaiiHhlp llneN for .I.M'AN and CHINA. Hailing datea on at plleatlou. Itatca and tickets to Kantern polulh anil Ku roiio. AIko JAPAN, CHINA, HbNOI.tM.C anU AIISTUAI.IA. call be obtained fiom J. II. KIUKI.AN1), Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Olllcc, llll Third atrect, where throiiKli tleketa to all polutu in tho HiiHieru Ktatex, Camilla anil Kuropc can be obtained at lowest rales from J. II. ICIItKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above t ml tin arrive at and depart lrom llraiid Central Htntlou, I'ilth and Irving utrectb YA.MHll.li DIVISION, l'af.-engcr Depot, foot of Jelternon htreet. Uavc for OSWKCO, dally, except Hiniday, nt 7:lm ii. m.; l:.Vi, fulft, (iVX, "suw, i. m. (and p. m. on Hatiinlay only, and '.urn a. m ami :i:.'!0 p. m. on Hoiidaya only). Arrive at I'ortland ilally ill 'ii:IO mid .S:."o a in.; ami 1:1',, l:.p), Cii'.M anil 7:.Vi p. in., (and I0:U a. in, :t-l.ri 0: IU p. in. on Hominy only). U-avc for Hheridaii, week da)6, at 1:30 p. m Arrive at 1'ortlaml, a, m, U-nvc for AUU.li; on Monday, Wednesday mid Krloav at u: lo a. in. Arrlvi at Portland, Ttieh dav, Thursday and Katutdaj it :i.0."i p. in. Kxccpt Kiiuilay. "Kxeepl Hatutday. I!. KOr.HI.Kll, .Manager. (i, II. .MAKICHAM, Asst. (i. 1''. ,t PiiM. Agt ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car tiT. TAIII. AIINNKAI'OI.I JMJMITII I'AltllO (IK AN I) I'Olt CUOOKSTON WINNII'KC. iii:i.i:na m ItlJTTK TO Through Tickets 4M1ICAOO WAHIUNC1TON I'lllI.AOKI.I'illA KV YOKK IIOSTON AND AM. I'OINTN KAHT unil HOIITII Kor Information, tlmo ciirtlh, mapHand ticket, cal ou or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Aent, The DitllvH, Oregon on A. I). OHAlil.TON. AHHt. G. P. A., 2.V), Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon Dalles, Moro aud Antelope S0?AGE LINE. Thniiigh hy daylight and Crofh IlollowK, via finiss Valley, Kent IKMKII.AH AI.I.KN, V, M. WIIITlil.AtV, 'l lio llulloN, Alltiilopo. Klagcs leave Tho Dallea lrom t'matllla IIouo nt 7 a. in,, altto from Autelopo at 7;:a. in. every Monday, WciIiicmIiiv and i'rhlav, Conueelionx lin.dc nt Auteloiu for l'lluovillo. .Mitchell and 1 pol-itH beyonil. ciomi e ni.ectloiiK mado at Tho Dalles with railways, tralux and boats Hinges (torn A nielopo leach The Dallea Tues dayij, 'lhurMlayH ami .SatiiulayN at l;'M p. m. HATBN OK KAIIK. . Dalles lo Detehules ?1 W ilo Moid. . . I Ni do (Irass Valley . '-' .'' do Kent ill1" do Cros HollmvN I W Antelope to Cross IIiiIIowh 1 do Kent '-' W do (iiakh Valley ill" do Mom do De.cliuees do DiiIIch TilK) Lu I'lutu Sbcop Dip, nroviin by every tent to be the beat imii-iibleonmis lluid dip in tlit) world ; nunrnntcuil to cure ecub, itch, sore throat, lico ivml bouf-rot. Clnrko & l'idk, ititentH. The i)ullea. Children mid iiilultn turltired by liuriie, BcaltlH, InjurloH, c.omu or nkin diaeuecH may secure luataut rullef by using Do Witt's Wltob Huzol Sulve.-It is thu gront pile remedy.