I r Just Received. The Croam of tho Most Progressive .Factories In nil tho latest blocks and colors. Tho progress ive makers have the most artistic Mucks. The mod pnf tilitr litttH tiro tlio oiiuh that -otiibitiu quality and stylo with economy. A glance ut out Furnishing Cioo.ls Window will convince yon that wo iiro strictly In it when it comes to IIiiIh. ' This Ib Drossy. In Blnck or Brown. $3.00. A Tomptr Latust Blocks and Colors. 2.00, $2.00, $3.00, $3. SO. Displayed in Furnishing ALL GOODS MARKED N PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - - MARCH 17, 18i)8 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS Wheels for rent at Leo. Sulumno'e old ttaiul. The forecast for tonight and Friday is (air and warmer. FreHli Columbia river Smelt ut Dulles Commission Grocery Co.'s. When you smoke the Rose Queen 5 cent cigar vou get your money's worth. tf Dr. Shackelford has removed his office to room II, Vogt block, over the post office. inl7-2m .Inst received cnuljflower, sweet pota toes, oranges, lemons and bananas at Commission & Grocery Co. Tlio fancy silk check that l'easo & Mays nro advertising today, is simply beautiful. It will be a pleasure to theui to show it to you, oven if you dunt in tend purchasing. A force of men were put to work this morning doing the excavating for the new water main which will bo put down in the ICnst End. Tho work will be rushed as fust as possible. J.J. Corbett was in Spokane Sunday, nml when asked as to "Kid" McCoy's claim to tlio championship, said : "Fit. eimmniiH is champion of the world and will be until he is whipped." Snow fell in Colfax Sunday and Mon day lo a depth of five inches. The snow molteil rapidly, and it is hoped that the water in the I'alouso river will be raised iulliciently to bring down thu Codd logs to Colfax. A rumor is allont today that tho 0. R. . Iuib passed into the hands of the Van.Jurbilt system, or rather the Union Pacific. This probably accounts for the extensive t III tirfltf ill I Will In ti liln)t 11 trtt t fl Npmnduon this line. They're selling lots of hats at l'easo & Mays', and it's not to bo wondered at. They've got the prettiest lino that has ton seen in Tho Dalles for a long time, nd the priceH nro astonishingly low. . Taken look at our furnishing goods win dow. Dr. Alt x I'lumtner, veterinary at Fort Jalla WuUft, ,mJ William Frazior, of o'tland, the contractor who furnished Mvalry horses to thu govornmunt, were n Pendleton this week, looking for suit "We animals. Not many weru ollored and fewer weru accopted. A mecMng 0f tho joint executive com witteu for tho entertainment of tho G. K W. It. 0., Sons of VeteraiiH und ''Ji"l8 on May 17th, 18th mid llHh, J'J "0 held nt tho G. A. R. hall, In wianno's building, tornor Second nud wurt streets, on Saturday evening next, 7 o'clock. l'i 8. Diiulj mill lf nl' morning for tlieCnyon City couu !J huro thev will prospect for a few ""''Hie. Tho rich strikes which Imvo " inndu in that section are causing SjM Dress Goods and Silks Yon would not coiiHidcr 45.00 too much to pay for this hat, but wo have marked it to sell at $::.oo. WIltTIJ Hill ) Oil llnil 11 more tnMy li ut t tin 1 1 1h retire sen ted liy thin cut. hlilliitili'liiriiltnost imy nue mid strlet ly in Ktylu. I'iiv "iiy irlci' t hat ill 1 11 i 1 yimr imrsu, Ircim liU'U to MM. Qoods Uindouj. prospectors to crowd in from all sections, and the probabilities are that theCanyon . jii:uuiii.iv win uuuiu miring iue coming wummer. I In the United States circuit court Tues I day, in the ease of II. Smith vs. J. G. and I. X. Day, Judge Bellinger allowed plaintiff HO days in which to file a bil' of exceptions pending an appeal. Smith is tlio man who waB severely injured by being struck on the head by n rock j thrown from a blast during the construc A - Ill 1 1 ; ; ' tion of the locks at the Cascades. Judge Rennett is the attorney for the plaintiff. Today being St. Patrick's day, nearly everyone wears a shamrock, a green tie, ribbon, or some like symbol of Erin's patron saint. Many of l'easo & Mays' patrons have answered the ad. in Tin: Ciiuoxicm:, und all come awny deco rated with green ribbon. The day is quiet und lacks a celebration of any kind. One would scarce know it was St. 1'utrick'a were it not for the displays in the windows and the emblems worn by our townspeople. A pleasant wedding occurred at Wasco last night uudcrjthe auspices of the K.of I', lodge. The contracting parties were Mr. Earnest Well and Miss Venable. Teuiony took place in the K. of 1 hull, und the services throughout were in accordance with that order. Visiting Knights from The Dulles, Portland and other places were present, und ufter the I ceremony was over an elegant banquet was served,-and to say that a good social time was I ad by all would be lightly putting it. Tho last arrest of Alfred Raymond Ockertnun, defaulting secretary of tho Portland lodge of Elks, which took place last Sunduv at Vancouver, B. C, will likely result in his being brought to justice. The extradition papers have been received ut Vancouver and Con stublo William Connor, of Portland, is In Vancouver to tuku his prisoner into custody und bring I11111 back to Portland. Ockerman iB ,11000 or more short in his accouuts, and, so far as his case is con cerned, the faults of a brother will not be "written upon the sands. u The motion for arrest of judgment and motion for a new trial in the case of thu United States vs. I. H. Tulle and lid Killfeuthor, who were some time since convicted of conspiring to influence the jury in the case of tho United States vs. j 1. II. Tnll'e to return a verdict awarding exorbitant damages for the condemna-, tion of right of way for the Celilo boat i railway, were argued before Judgo Bel-1 linger Tuesday. Tho motiou that judg ment bo not entered against defendants upon the verdict returned in the case is made on the ground that the indictment upon which said defendants wore tried, und upon which said verdict la bused, does not charge any crime against said detnulnnts, or either of them. The mo tion to eut aside tho verdict and grant u new trial is bused on tho following grounds: "Insufllcieney of evidence to jUHtify n verdict ; tho verdict is uguinst errors in law occurring at the trial and duly excepted to by the defendant." R. Mullory appeared for the defendants, Wo liave just received, diroct from New York, our first shipment of RAYADERE DRESS GOODS, in patterns, no two alike. Also tho latest FANCY C11KCK IN SILK FOR WAISTS. These silks have proved to be the best sellers ever in tho house. In Press Goods wn nro showing an elegant lino of FANCY WEAVES at 50 cents per yard. A beautiful line of FRENCH VIGOUREUX in nil the latest shadings at the popular price of (m cents per yard. Our SILK department is the sensation of the hour. Come and look it through. PEASE & MAYS. and U. S. Attorney Hall and J. C. More land for the government. The court, after hearing the arguments, took the matter under advisement. THE DEDICATION. The liiirc-BMIvi Service Held Toiluy Sermon lty Archbishop Gross. The dedication of tho new Catholic, church took place this morning. The serviced were conducted by Archbishop Gross, assisted by Rev. Verhag, of Ra ker City, Father Bronsgeest, of this city, and Father Holder, of Oregon City. After the service Archbishop Gross preached one of bis eloquent eermous, in which he paid tribute the life and virtue of the patron of the chucli, Saint Peter. He uIsob poke at some length on St. Patrick, on whose feast day the dedica tion took place. In conclusion he expressed his sur prise und pleasure at the splendid edifice which the people of The Dalles have been so liberal in contributing toward. High mass was-sung, by Rev. Father Verhag assisted by Fathers Bronsgeest and Bolder, as deacon and sub-deacon, while Wigands mass, in honor of Saint Patrick, was sung by the choir, accom panied by Birgfelds orchestra. The cereuionieB throughout were beau beautiful and impressive, and very large ly attended by people of tho various re Hgious denominutipus.so that the edifice, large ut it is, standing room was unable to furnish for ull who were in at- tendance. The people of Tie Dalles may justly feel proud of the new structure, as it is a beautiful building throughout, and not only is credit due to the members of the church, but still more u the people out side, whose kindness and liberality has done so much toward making it what it is. 1IIIU Allowed Uuiicliided. A A Jayne. diet atty fees if J M Godmecy, lodging for pauper Dr Hollister, prof services J M Filloon, justice fees Julius Wiley, constable fees 12 L A Porter, witness 1 Mil I rn A S Blowers, witness 1 50 (j T Prather, justice fees 10 S Olinger, constable fees MrsS A Cannon, witness MrB Win Dodsou do Wm Dodsou do Mark Coram, do G W Mackintosh, do Adia Hunt, do E W Gribble, bnty wild animals S 50 l.'J 50 2 SO 2 80 2 80 2 10 2 10 1 80 :i 00 C L Schmidt, work in clerk's office .'SO 00 A S Blowers, cash advanced .... 14 110 M D O'Dell, bounty Peter Otneg, work on road. . . 18 00 I i i nt ' n vu i F E Jackson, lumber for road . , J5 :i5 E G Clark, wit grand jury 28 10 A S Blowers, commieioner's sal. 17 80 I) S Kitusev, do do. 21 00 W H Butts; dopsl erifl' 20 00 Mrs J A Smith, keeping poor... 4 25 Maya A Crowe, md6o 02 00 ItCKt of All. To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beueflciul manner, when the springtime comes, use the truo and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs, Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by nil druggists, at 50 cents per bottle. Cine Sale BlCVCLiES. One '1)5 Ladies' Cleve land Wlieol Two '07 Eagle Wheels at One '90 Cleveland.. .. Gent's Wheel One "95 Eagle Gent's Wheel One '97 Hoy's Eagle Wheel .' One '97 Girl's Eagle Wheel In order to make room for our new stock, we are mak ing tlio above Low Prices. MAIER & BENTON A MUSICAL TREAT. Minn Kllot mill Stevenr. Delicti! nu Aiiieelative Audience. A good-sized audience of intellectual, music-loving people attended the mu- sicale given by Miss Eliot and Miss Stevens, under the supervision of the ladies of the Good Intent Society, at the K. of P. hall last night. It was a treat which Dalles people failed not to enjoy, and every number seemed to be fully appreciated, as the audience listened breathlessly for fear of losing a single tone. The program was opened witn a duet by tho two young ladies, whose voices harmonize perfectly, although of an en tirely different quality. Especially beautiful was the closing duet, which gave scope for showing to the best ad vantage just how thoroughly they both understand the art of using the voice. A tripplt quartet by the ladies of Miss Eliot's class was very pretty and they were compelled-to answer to an ethusi astic encore. Although the people of our citv have considered themselves fortunate in hav ing Miss Eliot as an instructor of those who before bad no opportunity of hav ing their voices cultivated, and have al ways been anxious to hear her sing, yet they realized more fully last night what it has been to have her with us. The beauty ot Mi3s Eliot's singing lies not alone in the sweetness and clearness of her tones, but in the easy nnnnerof their execution and the freedom from J all affectation. To single out any of iter ; selections as beitig the beit would ba ; impossible, as each was a gem. j The regret at the los9 of Miss Eliot as 1 .1 teacher will not be telt so keenly when it is understood that her place is to be filled by one who acquitted herself as did Miss Stevens last night, showing j that she is a master of her profession and 0 00la comPee"t instructor. Since Miss "l 00 i Stevens' former appearance in our city, 48 00 ! we have looked upon her as a pianist tl 00 I of great merit ; knowing nothing of the 2 50 I ,n t , :.. 11 , :, t CAtt-IICllLC Ul 1IUI lulu. iiunL'MJi 110 sweetness and range impressed every one favorably aa a revelation of her ability in that line, and all are pleased that we ate to have her with us. The musicale wus a success in every particular, leaving a pleasant memory with the audience. NEWS NOTES. An Italian' cruiser has probably been puichased by the United States. e....i k;. ,..i .1... ir..i.i .Jii4ji uiji-;ia iu lliu uijiiui States making West. war preparations around Key Thu Republican leaders of tho house are pressing for an early adjournment, and it is said that their course' meets tho full approval of the president. The senate, ufter the passage yester day of a number of bills on the calendar, began the consideration of a measure providing for a nutional system of quar antine. Little beyond tho reading of tho bill was accomplished, The construction cf five modem dry- "Very Much ...reseepl: Bieyeles... 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. RE7VYE7VXE3ER "We Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co, docks was ncreed on Tuesday by the bouse committee on naval affairs. They are to be located at Portsmouth, N. H. ; Boston, League island, near Philadel phia; Algiers, La.; and Mare island, Pal. A semi-official agency in Madrid yes terday publishes the following an nouncement: "It is useless to talk of the sale of Cuba. The sale could not be arranged, except by parliament, and it is impossible that any Spanish chamber would agree to sell the island at any price." IleafueMS Cannot lio Cureil by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Ib en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless tho inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever; nine cass out of ten aro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of tho mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for nv case of Deafness ( caused bv catarrh ; that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh j Cure. Send for circulars; free. j F. J. Chbxkv & Co., Toledo, O. fSSo!d by Druggists, "oc. 0-10 I'ruf. Diiiit, Optician. The testing of eyes is not a matter of guess work, nor by far only a matter of trying on a pair of ready made glasses. It is a science governed by principles and conditions, which none but a person who has studied the anatomy of tho eye can understand. Prof. P. G. Pout un derstands his business thoroughly. Call and bo convinced. Ho also does all kinds ol watch and jewelry repairing, and will clean your jewelry while you wait. Two doors west of Keller's bake ry. Yours to serve, Dorr Oniem & Jewki.iiv Co. Prof. A. H. Lundell will organize an afternoon class iu thu rudiments of vo cal music and note-reading, Saturday, March UUh, at 4 o'clock p. in., in thu basement of the new Lutheran church. All who are interested will pleaso come, This is an opportunity for all who can not take advantage of the evening class, and deserves consideration. Terms $1.50 for ten lessons, in advance including book, 2,00. 15-3t To (lie I, mile of Tilt) Unlit. 1 Mrs. Evam has opened dressmaking 1 I parlors in Mrs. Ilrittaiu's lodging house, on Second street, und solicits a share of their patronage. mch5it To L'uru u Cola In One Day, Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tab lets, All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure, 25c. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tbxt U what It wus mede for. to the Good." i t t p $ MAYS & CROWE. have strictly First-Class , I'lano T 11 n I n (j. W. S. Geary, the well-known piano tuner, is in the city and will call upon his customers. No other piano tuner has authority to use his name in any way. Orders left at either niusiu store will receive prompt attention. An ItitercHting Story is attractive at all times. No one can afford to let the evenings at homo be spent without good reading matter in these days when good books cost po little. Our stock otferB some very attractive, up-to-dato und standard literature which will interest all. I. C. Nickelsen Book St fTJusie Company, Cigars. Why do wo retail more Cigars than others? Why do smokers go out of their war und pass cigars of the same grade? Not because wo have better cigars or better brands, or any greater variety; no, not that. Why, because we novo the finest ci gar case in the state nnd keep our cigai B in better condition. Snipos-Kiners ly Drug Co. S E E X S A iiileililltl asKOitnient of Voro tnlile, (iimleii nml (iiu&s J-ccds in Hulk. Pood Wliwit, Seed Oals, Sonl Hurley, Feed Food Uyc. Oil Mi'iit Cuke mid Kortlllors, lieu Himpllos, Kurly ltiv.o l'ntu toos. i:iovcn kinds of lirt elites Sood Corn. I'miltry und Kgir bought mill sold ut J. H. CROSS' Clieiii Cuidi (iioi'ery mid Toed Btoro, Focond und I'nlou &(, r E E D S nyjJlH. KVANS, MODISTE, Itooiiib Iu Mrs, lliltllu'b I.oilglni,' Home, 7W