The Dalles My Chronicle; AilvertUlncr Itnte. Per linn ii.rii or loss In Dally Orer two Inches nnd under four Inches OTer four Inches- nml under twelve Inches.. Over twelve Indies DAILY AND WKKKt.Y. One Inch or loss, ik.t Inch . . Over one lncli nml under four Inches. .... Over four Inches nml umler twelve Inches . Over wclvc Inches inch 1 M 1 00 7.") SO $2 M) J 00 1 1 00 Weekly Cluhblnjr Htn. Chronicle and Oregoniun 2o ami V.vnniitmr - -O Chronicle und Inter Ocean Chronicle and Trihune Chronicle nnd N. Y. World 1.85 1 75 2 00 THURSDAY M ARCH 17, 18S THE JUGIIT OF 1'ItIVATEEJiIXG. The latest silliness finds expression in a note of alarm lest Spain should employ privateers to harry our com merce in the event of war. Priva teering is a legitimate incident of war, of which the United Slates -would not hesitate to avail itself, anil of which it could avail itself in a degree that Spain could not ap proach. The ethics of privateering were discussed by Thomas Jefferson in a paper dated July 4, 1812. He said: "What is war? It is simply a con test between factions as to which can do the most harm to the other. Who curiies on the war? Armies and navies that are made upof individuals. How is the battle gained ? By the death of individuals. What, pro duces peace? The distress of indi--viduals occasioned by the conduct of war. Of what difference is it to the loser of a merchant vessel whether bis ship is captured by a man of-war or a privateer ? This is a clear statement of a dreadful case, says the Inter Ocean. "War is dreadful. The most merci ful conduct of war is that which most quickly produces what Jefferson called such "distress of individuals" as will bring it to a close. Such distress as the result of loss of prop erty is less deplorable than that which is the result of loss of life. The function of a privateer is cap lure or destruction of the maritime property of a nation that is at war with another. So much for the ethics of privateer ing. Isovr for the law of the case. At the close ot the Crimean war all the European powers, Spain being excepted, entered into an agreement l)y which privateering was abolished. Britain then was the dominant power in European politics, and as the largest owner of goods afloat had inost to fear from their capture by privateering vessels. Spain declined to be a party to the agreement for the very sufllcient reason that while she was unable to keep a great navy in readiness for war, and had com paratively little commerce afloat, she could at any time become dangerous "by issuing letters of marque to pri vateer?. The United States declined to become a party to the treat)' upon a higher ground. This country met the British proposition for the abso lute prohibition of privateering by a most equitable counter proposition. It demanded tiiat vessels of war, as well as privateers, should be re strained from attacking and captur ing or destroying ships or cargoes that were the property of individuals. This would have reduced war on the ocean to the condition of that on land, in which private property is exempt from seizure. But Britain would not consent. Its policy was to prevent a foieign nation from supplementing its regu lar navy by privateers' that should act as commerce destroyers, while using its own great, and at that time unrivaled, navy as an instrument for the destruction of the commerce of any nation with which it might bo at war. Europe, Spain excepted, acqusefced in Britain's demand, and lias regretted its folly a thousand lines. There were diplomats in Britain in those days, and the treaty -for abolition of privateering is a ..monument to their art. The United States had diplomat ulto, and by their shrewdness we were saved from falling into the British trap, a'i'lic outcome is that if there be war wn can employ privateers, and it is prob able that we shall. GATORS7'-GETTING SCARCE. Tlio Xortliorti lrl Oifi'le tUr Youiik Onen .Vtvny for 1Hh, There i. i-erious cliuigov iC Florida alligators liceomliifr iwtiiu't. This is Unite n disaster to the flowery state, for the upj.v ullejyil i hild-eatiuir monsters have lire:, quite u source of rcunuie. Sportsmen from the northern states have hunted them an Knirlislimen ile lijjlit to hunt timers in India. Tlie Sem inole Indians, too, make regular war on the saurians for their Index. li:t, singularly enough, nays a rout It cm e.Nchaupe. it is the dainty northern 'irl who is chiefly to hlnnie for their diminishing numbers. It is she wlj' I ruthlessly carries them oil by the hun dreds and thousands each wwmi as pets! Of course, these are the babies, little fellows, te:i or twelve inches louj.r. The Im'tv 'imtims are boxed by the curio dealers and sold to l.idics who affect irrcat interest in the tiply thinirs for pet. An the 'rators live on air and muddy water and an occasional flmul; of meat every three or four days, they arc not troubWomo. But the increase in price will perhaps stap sorv of rhi. cruelty. The Indians, knowing of the scarcity of alligators in all of tnc Flori da streams, have imitated the paleface curio dealers and charge more for their 'gators. The baby alligators, while not valu able for their small hides, arc killed by the hundreds nnd mounted. Some serve as thermometers the tube rimiiinsr up the back. Another curio is a baby alli gator standing upon his hind feet and playing a violin with his forefeet. Others arc arrayed as waiters offering some article for sale or holding a lamp to light visitors to a tank holding a 10 foot or lS-foot live saurian. Alligators three or four feet in length, mounted, serve as grotesque advertise ment and appear to be "so natural'1 that the stranger is frequently in doubt whether "the thing is alive" or not, and makes a detour in order to be on the safe side. AN ENORMOUS SAPPHIRE. flecommendation. rirlrrlit tJein from f pylon Nov.- In I.nn ilnii WelKbs ;as ICsirtits. The London Times tells of a Ceylon sapphire in that city, the proprtj of Maj. flcn. Kobley, which is not less re markable for its size than for its trans lucency and the brilliance ot the op tical effects it can show. The weight of the gem is 0:iS karats and it is of a dark, milky blue color, perfectly trans parent and flawless. Large sapphires have been known, but they have usually, if not always, been dull and muddy, instead of having the clear, translucent color of this speci men. Hut in addition it possesses a property occasionally found in slightly cloudy or milky Ceylon sapphires and sometimes in other gems, too which greatly enhances its value in the eyes of belie.verr. in the occult powers of precious stonrrs to confer health and good fortune on their wearers. It is a star sapphire, or astcria. That is, be ing cut en cabochon, it display: a beau tiful opalescent star, dividing its six rays at the apex, which change;; its po sition according to the movement of the source of light by which it iV. viewed. Ily employing two or three sources of light, two or three of these stars can be simultaneously seen in the gem. Ily further cutting it is said that the beauty of this stone could lie still more increased, but, of course, at the expense of its size. CATARRH A recommendation ia necessary to many persons. A drunuist appreciates it when coining from a good physiuian especially. The character of our drills, the dispatch and iiccruacy with which all formulas are treated has nuuleus a repu tation we shall endeavor at all times to retain. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second Street, THE DALLES, Just Olhat You Ulant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be foro graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant deeigns, tasteful coloring, yours for n small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Regulator Line Tie Dalles. Porllanfl a d4 Astoria Navigation Co.' Ask your Druggist for a gcneroiu 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm containi no cocaine, mercury rmr any other Injurious drn'. It ia quickly Absorbed. Gives Keller at once. ii oiieni ana ciewses . , ..' the Nasal I'awngoi. ffll R H FL H Allays Inflammation. WLV '1 UtrtU Heals and Protects the Membrane. Itettorc tlio Serines of Tate and htnell. Full Bke 50c. ; Trial Size '(C.: at Dnr.'sistH ot l mail. Ut tfJIROTIlEllS.ti Wwren Street, Nw York STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby iv-'ii that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers ot The Dalles, Cortland & Astoria Navigat'on Co. at their office Saturday, April 2, 1898, at 2 p. in,, for the purpose of electing seven directors, and transact ing such other business as mav properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles March 1, 189S. C. L. Pmi.i.ii'.s, Secy. Foul.' cigars are on sale at the follow i ing places: Snipe6-hinerBly, Clark & Falk and M. Z. Donnell, druggists; Com mission Co., Geo. Ruch. Fred Fisher and Chas, Phillips, grocers j Columbia Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection ers; 'Clms. Frank, Ad. Keller, -Dan linker, Auir. Uuchler, Ben Wilson and The Midwav, saloons. Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's and yet prices on the Li Plata Sheep Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in stantly with cold water, and it is an in fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and ticks. Ml ftlieemn, Atleutlont Clarko & Falk have secured the agency for the La Plata Sheep Dip, Mixes' InMantly with cold water. mi ...THE.. 1 Weekly Inter Ocean I I'll s 8 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WESTS Jj It is radically Republican, advocating 2 the cardinal doctrines of that party a ...lit. ytJ vy in. . i . j ...... ... . . - - - But it can always be relied on J for fair and honest reports of all po- litical movcmentsJtti,v5t, S ---iJ THeT WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL YH'j NRWPAND PEST CUNREfJT LITERATURE 0.R.&H. to Tin; EKST1 (IIVKB TIIK (3HOICK OV TWO Transcontinental ROUTES It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without n Peer. g 3111 The Literature of its columns is equal to that of the best maga . zincs. Itis interesting to thechll dren us well as the parents THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and I. . i ,.. r . wr..i .... tl ,1 atscusses mcraiure ana poiiucs irom mc wcsicni.aiai,uuin.-i- w SI.QQ-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEARSI.OO fVm m THE DAILY AHD STTNDAT OTITIons OF THE 1KTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. S I'rlcnoflinllv livmull 4.(lO por your t 5 l'rlMor.Niiiiliiv liymiill ' por yriir ( i i i, A(l lift it,,- xr Uf Z Mil m JJUiiyiiiHi nuiituir ny mini j..-. j Wholesale. dlines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BlfeCH and HOP GOLD BEER anddrnUrjottles. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. strs. Regulator Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall S Barget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. l?obes, Burial Shoes, Etc. BETWEEN Tlie Uallcs, Hood Ulver, Oueiulo Locks ami Tort lund dally, ti,r hunday. DOWN THE VALLEY Are vou going , . oh to (EASTERN OREGON? If o, ne inoiiy nnd enjoy a beautiful trip on tlie Columbia. This wuit-bound train arrlvin at Ttic Dalles lu amplo lime for )uihieii);i;rn to taku Uju kteamur, urrlviiiK in 1'ortland in tlmu for tlie outKoIni; Southern und Norttietn tndn: Kant bound wfcw.Mit!erH ariivuiK in Tliu t)ale.s In time to tnko the Eaxt-bouud train. For further Information apply to J. N. HAHNKY, AKent, Out Ktreet Jiock, 1'ortland, OrcKon, Or W C. AI.LAWA V, Uen. Airt., 'I lic JMIIen. urceon Administratrix Notice. TL. Z. DONNELL, PESCHlPTIOri DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR Notice Is hereby given that the undernlfiued as been rnculurly uiipolnted by the county court of the ntato of OrtKon for Wutco County as adiiilulitrutrlx of tlioetatoof Charles W. John eton, dceenstn, AH jiemons liavint; claims MKulimt wilil cttato are hereby noil lied to pro sent tliem, with the proper vouchers, to mo at tbo office of W. If. Wilson, In Dalies City. Ore Kon, within tlx months from tliodutuol this notice. Ualles City, Orcxon, Feb. a), U9H. OA It It IF. M. JUII.N8TO.V. ftWC-ll Adiiilulitrutrlx. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to "be found in a " first-olass Dry Goods Store. C, F. STEPHENS. caho Subscribe for The Chroinele GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGQfl, GEO. (A. ELDER AND CITY Of TOPEKA Lcuvo I'ortlntid every flvo dnyB for ALASKA POINTS. OCEAN HT1CAMKH8 l.nuvt, I'ortluiiU JKviirv Knur Dhvm for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SteinnurH ninnthly from I'nrclnnil to Yokolmniti and Hour Kuiik viu Nortli urn I'ncilii! Stuntiiship Co., in connection with O. U. it N. For full details call on O. K ,t Co. s AK;nt The Dalles, or address V. II. Hfltl.lll ItT, Cell, I'ns.s. A(?t , I'ortland.Or 1IODSO.S', CAItl.ll.l. A ('),, Ceil. Acts., North l'licllle Htciimslilp t'o. TIMK 4MUII. No. I, to .Spokane mid (Iteat Northurn arrive ntr,:'J.'p. in., leaves nt f::0 p. in. No. 2, to Pendle ton, linker City nml I'nloii t'autllc.urrlvestit It l p. in., deixirts at ll;U) p. in. No :i, front Hpoknue and (ireat Northern, Mr rlvos at li .M) a. in., departs tit i):,Vi a. m. No. 1, from llakir City mid Union l'aeilie, arrives at ::'M a, in,, di'piirtK at :i::j a. m. Nos. and 'Jl, movliiK east of The Dalles, will carry passenners. No. IE! arrives at .' p. in,, No. i!l departs at i:l. p. in. l'nsseiurers for Heppncr taku No leavluc here nt 1 1 : IA i. m. W, 11. ilintl.llUItT, den. Pass. AKt l'ortlaud, Oreifon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Soipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON 50 Years 50 Undisputed Hupremaov in tlio World's Competition. Cooper's Sheep Dip. Inoreases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value of Flock. Cheap, Safe, Handy, Glenn, Wholesomo , rind Odorlesa. Recommended by Manufacturers, Scour era and Buyers. Bold by PEASE & MAYS, THE PALLES, OR. 0. G. Kobertf, Generul Agent, 247 Ash Streat, Portland, Oregon.