3 he JHute VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1898 NO 3 SPAIN DON'T LIKE IT War Like Preparations Not Pleasant to Spain. A SHOUT NOTE OX TUB SUBJECT tlio !.niiiiiiiiili"""" N"1 I'rntiml but .Merely a AI 11(1 Kiiri'liiii of Imiij -girnvril uikI Heprrdimtuthtn lliul Wiir I I'"" Himlii, Under tlm JCxIatlug CiiiiiIIIIom. Would Cnrtiilnly I'ii.Iiih tllliililf I" Ky' f World. Waniiini,ton, Mur. HI. The war prep arations buing miulo by tho United ' States, thi! assembling of Hiiii9 ut Key W'pHt. tin- iiiiruhuau of a cruiser ubroud i anil tlm emergency nic-uaurua in the war ami navy lnpurttiiuiita have como to tlio cilicial uttiiiitiiin of tlio Spanish govern iniiiit, uml tli views of tbo Spnnlflli cab met thereon linvtt been commuuicutad to th Btiitn department hero. Thin Iiiin not taken the form of u protest, bow ever, h it does not appear that thuSpiui i;h government claims or asserts thu tint tu ijiii'st ion such measures ub the United States nniy ndopt, even though they of it oliunictcr to indicate wiir. U is riitlmr by way of reparations, con veyed in it friendly Bjiirit mid without threats, iih to tbo serious influences which these preparations will have in encouraging t ho Cuban iriHiirmitH at a moment when llui autonoiuy plan ih to have Its most critical test through tliu Cuban elections, and in thiH way defeat j the measures which SnguBtu ih endeavor ing to carry out. It lias ht!tm especially pointed out that the presuueu of a large fleet of United State? warships at Key vVeHt cunnot bo regarded iih a friendly meiiHure, as the tending ol the ships wub ofliclally ropre lenteil to lie whou the Maine was Bent toliuvaiia, and the Visoaya returned tho friendly visit. Jn Hbort, the presence cf this I'Xti'iisivu fleet near Culm, to gether with the war meiiHUreH taken liy the United .States, is regarded by Spain aneiiottaly prejudicial to the policy ol tutoiiuiiiy which tipivin and thu United Slates have alike approved, and iu di rect uiicimragitinont of tliu insurgents in debating the dosiies of both governments fjrtho miiccl'hs of that policy. Finally, in the aauiu Hpirit of friendly representatives, Spain pointed out that wr begun by the United .States against pain iiiulur such circumstances would lwunjuotifiublo before thu world and a crime against huuiunity and civiliza tion. Tho representations contained no ref 'rence whatever to thu Maine disaster or redresa or indemnity therefor. IHU.INA ItEKIKCiKO. "''" l liially Kel lev.il Tin. llol.ell Imi .Spri'itdlng. NbV Yimic, Mur. 10. A Horn! spuclul The Philippine rebels Hurrounded the MbleBtation at llolina on March 17th, jndtliirty.thr,.,) Spanish soldiers were jilltd. A steamer whicli was sent on March 8th to relievo thu garrison, was 0Keil to lutiirn owing to the renewal ''ao fusillade. Four priests at. tlio prison from neighboring towns were "Miaacred. llolina was Hiibserinontly Wievtd by general Morut. Tho iusurg Wt losa was heavy. riireu gunboats and one steamer left mln March 10th for llolinu witli ar '"wyniiil trooj.s. European cable operation are safe. Tlia provinces of Taslo, Paugns'iuiui HimlmluH uru in open rubollion, and 5l?e Salve Garland's "Happy" Thought Salvo is niado right. It ia thu salvo you are euro of. 50 CClitS at DONNELL'S. Royal makes the (nod pure, wholesome and delicious. n POWDER Absolutely Pure HOVAL I1AKINO POWDfH CO., flCW YORK. it !h feared that others may follow their lead. Jt is reported that Aguinaldo and oth er rebel leaders have landed from Hong Kong with (1000 troops. Artillery has been sent to the prov i'lces within the past three days, and at Manila but a very lew troops have been left. The situation throughout is n very c-itieai one. TO IIKI'Y JOHN lllfl.l,. TrHimvual OiivnrtiiiiHiit Will KtifUKO to Admit llm Claim. Loniion, Mar. 10. There 1b rea son to believe, says the Johanes burg correspondent of the Times, that ut a nmetini; of the voiksraad at President Kruyer's residence yesterday a strong opinion was ex pressed against admitting the ..Ifllt.t t !ltSuli diiu.uhEh. nml ! wub decided to allow the govern- 5 munt to take advantage of any complicatioiiH which Great Itritain 0 mnv be involved in elsewhere. i PitKToitiA, Mar. 1(5. A idiBpread Honsation has been cauHtid by the decla ration ot former Chief Justice Kolz, while addrcHsitig the deputation Sunday, that when the case of Mr. lirown, tho American engineer, with claims against Transvaal government, pending in the courts, wuh uwaiting judgment Btibso qtieutly rendered in his favor, President Ivruger iu an interview with him. Judge Kottlneatened him witii dismissal un less ho ooeyod thu resolution of thu voiksraad. At a special session ol tho voiksraad today President Kroger declared Judge KoU' statement false, and said: "The devil himself never spoke a great er lie." Having given his version of the mat ter, President Ivruger, turning to the preueut situation, said ttiat tiie lintisli people were jealous of tho country's in dependence and the progress it was making. No one knew what was going to happen, but they must etand togeth er. Thu government, he declared, had replied to the liritiah dispatch, and the reply would bo published directly. Ho know that it had reached tho hands of Mr. Chamberlain. President Kruger oonluded his speech exclaiming : "We shall show that we are a govern ment." Loud cheers followed. His declaration left tho impression that the governments reply denied tho British claim of su.urnnity. Judge Kotz has published noted sup porting his Mtiteinent as to tho interview with President Kruger. Ho th clarea j that ho htlll regards liinisoll as tlie cinei justice of tho supremo court until prop oily tried. Ho will llrst appeal to tlio people, nml, if that fails him, ho says ! bo is bound to proaectito his rights in other quarters and to appeal to tlio queen's government. Hov. H. Kdwards, pastorof the Kuglish B.iptist Church at Minersvillo, Pa., when HUllcriug with rheumatism, was udvifccd to try Chauiberlain'fl Pain Ualin. HoBiiyH! "A few applications of this liniment proved of great Burvicu to mo. It Huhsucd tho iiiiliiuirttion nud relieved the pain. Should any HtiHur protlt by giving Pain Jtulin a trial it will please nio." For sale by Ulakoloy & Hough ton. Smoko the popular brandB Prizo Medal. Gimrntoo und Hobo Queen cigars manufactured by S. F. Fouts. Dl-Clllll- Of HfMTft. Onieial stnlistlcs arc quolcd sliowinp Mint the birth rate in France has fallen, from :iri per 1,000 at the ln-ffinnliifrof the eentnry to 22 per 1,000, or It ss than the death rate. In f-cinc of M'tTnitedStiites lion ever, this matter is even more scri oiiti, it' would appear. Tims, the birth rate in Nevada in given ns lfi.lio jicr 1,000, Maine 17.!)!), New Hampislilre 1S.4 and Vermont 1S.5, while California, .stranjje to r.xy. has a birth rate of 10.4 per 1,000, or nearly 12 per cent, los-s Minn that of France a fnet which, in view of the favorable climate, ample area and di versity of interest and employment characteristic of the. state, is most strik ing. Follow Inp California is Connec ticut, -which lias a birth rate of 21.3 per 1,000, Massachusetts 21.5, while Uhode Island has 22.5, or a somewhat higher rate than the French; then Wyoming, with its 21.S. comes between Massa chusetts and Jthortc island, and Oregon figures at 22.5. These data, it is assert ed, show that within a period arying from 00 to 200 years, according to' cir cumstances, the Anglo-Saxon race of inhabitants- of 2ow England and Pacific coast will be replaced by other. St. Louis l!epublic. the an- Thc Hun, I.a Grippe Curi-. There is no use Buffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain nil through your body, your liver ib out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a had cold, in fact are com pletely used up. Electric; Hitters is the! only remedy that will give you prompt i and buns relief. They act directly on ! your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone 1 up tho whole system and make you feet like a new beinir. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at Blakelcv A Houghton's drug store, only 50 cents tier bottle. 1 Vrm-llaii Sliocn. The traveled lady who returns from Venice with Venetian shoes belonging to tho sixteenth century is looked upon with envy by feminine shoe collectors. IlrlflHli DoiikhIIc HiTvnnlH. A hill will probably be introduced in .lie urnisn parnamcui pi-oi.u.uu u.u- tcrs and mistresses from exacting more than ten hours incstic servants. dnv of work from do- i:ntcllNli JuiIi:'' WIkh. Judges in England have worn the pe culiar wigs they now wear ever since the reign of Charles II. Sheep marking paint ; ready for uee. Two colors, black and red. Why you should use our pheep paint. First, be cause tho colors ate ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by fine machinery; second, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers added to give it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing or rubbing ell'; third, it is much mote economical, becuuse it is always ready for uee. We guarantee our sheep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles', Or. I have been alllicted with rheumatienf for fourteen years and notning seeaied to give any relief. 1 was able to . I'C ; around all the time, but emiHtmitlv mi f . I fering. I hud tried everything I could hoar of and at last was told to try Chat berlain'e Pain Balm, which I did, auu was immediately relieved and iu a short time cured. I am huppy to say that it has not silll'O ruturneil. JOSH ivlgar, .r, ...... ,. "t,il t(',,r c'll,. Iiv KliiL-u. Oertnantown, bal. l'or sale in uiahe- lev it HoiluhtOll. I . .... , , . .1 .1-. I WllOOpillg COUgh IB tho most diatresc- I,, lint iiu iliiriitiiin ciin Iih cut ' ing iiMliuiv , tint its duration uin ue tut : short bv tho 1180 of One Minute Cough 1 '.,.. u'lm.U iu 11 Ion tlm liiSrtt b I Cuie.wliicll is also tlio nest Know n, t.llirti t'roubh. remedy for croup turn all lung anil Droll- There aro tlnco little things which do more work than any other three little things created they aro tho ant, the bee and DtiWitt's Little Early Risers, tholHst being the fanioiiH little pilla for stomach and liver troubles. Don't annoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cuies coughs, colds, croup, grippo and all thi oat and lung troubles. The Klondykc baking powder is Schilling's Best baking powder. It keeps and does its work everywhere. a Sheriff's Sale. txtiik entcuiTcontTor thi: static ok 1 OreKon for Wnsco county. T. J. Field, plnlntilV vs Wm. lllrjrfcM, 1-nurn K. Illrtrfeld. Vit-t Xiitlotiiil llnnk of Tlio Dulles, Thotnns Kelly mill A. i . lleiinctt.dcfeiiilniits. liy virtue of nn execution, decree and order of sale, duly Issued out of una nndiT the sen! of tlierirenit Court of the Site of Oregon, for the ttie County of Vnoo, to me dliectcd and dated the 'i"th duy of rclirunry, isttt, upon a ilcercc for tlic foreclosure of a ecrtiiln inortKnse, nnrt Jnrti? meiit rcndciod and entered In suld Court on the 4th duy of December, 1MI7, in the iibovo entitled emise. In favor ot the plxlutlil' mil nf-ntnxtthc defendnt.s William BlrBfeldsnd Ijiura K. Illrsr feld lis Judgment debtots, in the sum of fifteen hnndrid mid tuelve dollars mid twenty-nine, cents, with interest thereon from the 4th dnv of December, 1S07, nt tlic rate of ten !crrent'per nnuum. rma the further mm of onehnndrfd am) fifty dollars ns attorney's fees, and the further sum of illtcen dollars, costs, and tho (ostsof anil upon this wilt, and cominandini; mc to make sale of the real property embraced in such decree of foreclosure und hereinafter decribed, I will on tho l-.Mli lny of April, 1808, at tho hour of two o'clock In the afternoon of said day, and at tho front door of tlu! Countv court House in Dalles City, Wto-co Co.intv, Ore gon, sell at public miction to the hifrlie-t'tiidder lorcasnii nana, an tne nenr. title anil interest which the dcfendiiiits William BIrRfeM mid Laura K. llligfeld, Thorn s Kelly mid A. S. Hen nctt, or either of them, had on the I'll dnv of AtiRiist, lS'.L'. tho date of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which such defendants or any of tho defendants herein have acquired, ornow have in and to the following de-eribed real property, situated mid being in Wa-eo Countv, Oregon, to-wit: An undivided one-tilth Interest of all of section No. 21, the nw i mid the so ' ; of sec tlon No. 23! also all of seefloii No. 2. the nw M mid the se 'i ul section No. 27, and the nw ol section No. ;!", all in township Nn 7, soutn of lnnge No. 17. east of the W. ii; aKo of section No. .'!, township No. S. south of range No. 17, east of the W. M., containing in nil 2Sl.'.is acres ac cording to the Government survey (page au.Vol. O of deeds) also the s '5 of th sw 1,4 and the s of those of section No. 31. township No. 7, south nf taiiEe 17, eastol W. M containing ltX) acres, (pace Ufi.Voi. K. deeds) also all the nw of section No. 2fi, townshlii 7, south of range 17, oust of W. M (page STW, Vol. N. of deeds.) ,-ald interest in the above described real propertv be ing the same descended to and inherited by the saiu uiura t. liiigiem upon tne acatn ot Alexan der Itogers. and Mtilda lingers her father and mother. Said projierty will be sold subject to continuation ,aud redemption i by law pro vided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 3d day of -iiaicu, if'js. incn.i-u. T. J. DUIVEK, Sherlil'of Wusco County, Oregon Guardian's Notice. To Whom It May Conceun: Notice is heieby given thut the undersigned, as guardian of Jus. A. Brown, .Jr., Ktliel M. lirown, Paulina A. Brown, David K. lirown, Mary S. lirown and Geo. 1). lliown, has filed in 1 lie County Court of the State of Oregon for l'...n.. -........ 1.1. ..nt.i.. ....... 1.. e .. 11 j ,.-.uu viiuhij , iiia iviiiioii pinning iur tl II- , ---;.-v- .- . iHA- v," " --r " v: iA tract of land in Dalle-City, Wasco County, vjii'Kiuj, iiuuiiueu uiiu uesurjueii us luiiuwn; Beginning at a point 2G rods south mid 30 feet west of what is krowu as the northwest corner Of the.'. O. Wi'on lot, said corner being one hundred and elevc 1 rods east of the northwest corner of the John A. sSimms Donation Land Claim No. Si. In Ti 1. North Itunge 13 Kust w . M., running thence south ten rods; thence west six rods and three feet: theneenorth ton roils; them e east six rods trid three feet to the place of beginning, containing- one-half nn acre, more or less. All perstns Interested in real e-tateare hereby notified to appear before said County Court at the county courtroom in Dalles City on Fridav, the 2'ith day ol Mutch, lb'Ji. nt the hour of 2 o'clock p. 111., then and there to show euuse, if any theie be, why saiu license to sell said real pioperty should not be gtunted. March 1, ls'i-. JAS. A. I1HOWN. Sr., lueli'.'-i Guardian. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.ANIJ OFKICK, TlIK DAI.LKS, Oil., j K'bruar, U, lb'JS. j Notice ! hereby given that the following 11111I settler has Hied notice of his intention 3 coni'iiutu and make final proof In support of s claim mid that said proof will be made be line Kenister und Receiver at The Dalles, Ore- on, oil l uesuay. Marcu 2.', Jb'JS, viz: u v Oliver Unworn, of Tlic Dalles, No. .is07, for the HK'S NEH and NEJi SiE'i Svc21,Tp2 N. It 12 K. V M. lie u.iuiOH tue lollowing witnesses to jirovu his continuous lesideuce upon and cultivation K,'(l l"d, vi.: Learned, II II. i.earned, all of 'l iic Dalles, Ore gon. JAS. 1', MOOUK, Hegisier. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, admlulstritifr of tho estate of Frank Ireland, . .... ,.,,. ..,s ..... ..,..,, ,ls .,,(,h mint trator In the county coin t of the Mate of irtgon for Wasco County, and the judge ihere- d has appointed Mond.iy, the 7th day of Match, ikis, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at thu county courtroom iu the courthouse iu Dalles (.Vi Mlld ,,01111ly ttnWi ns Ilu, tlmo liml l'Nce for the hearing of objections to said liiml aeeouut mid the s ttlciaeut theicot. All heirs . t.rt,iit0I )f th.Mlecea-ed.iiuii all other per- sons Inteiested in said estate, are he-ehy notiiicd 10 nie uieir oujiciious n saiu 1111111 crrouiu, 11 any they have, on or before the date llxed for the healing and settlement theieof. Dalles City, Oiegou, Tob. :, ls.is. liKOltliK IKKIiAND, Jeb.Vlw-ii AUtululstrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Okfick, Tub Du.i.f.s, Or., I Ftbruaiy 15, isy.i, j Notice Is hereby given liml lint following limned sedlei has Illnl notice of his Intention I make Hunt proof In suppoi 1 of Ills el 1I111, and that said pp'oi will t made bciore ltiylster and iteeilver at Tho Dalles, uregoil, on Monday, Apiil 10, Is'JS, U: ilaint'H Hull, of 'I lie 1 1 it 1 1 x , II. K. No. 1717, for the SKff NV)i, S,. KK'i mid Nli MiU Sec. 31, Tp 1 N K, 1J Ii. . M. Ho ninnes the lollowing witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud, vi.; Alexander Vunee, Albert Walters, William Wolf, I' 1 ulik Obllst, all of I he Dalles, Oregon 0-11 JAS. 1', MOOUK, ikter. II S IIUNTINUTON II S WILSON ir TUNTINUTON & WILSON, ATIUKKKYS AT liAff, TlIK DAI.l.KS, OKKUON OIUcc over First Nut, Bank. How President Ik Pres. McKinley And Mr. Bryan both agree that prosperity is largely a matter of confidence. A man who wears our Clothing inspires con fidence wherever he goes. Spring Line Now Ready. A. M. WILLIAMS & ii For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes ot farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS i'u ill) fully labored lor Iboir prosperity and happi ness, for tho improvement of their businoss and homo intorosts, for education, for tho elevation of Ameriean manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at tho fireside, interesting and instruetivo stories of the doings of tho world, tho nation and states. IT HAS advised tho farmer as to the most apprpvod moth ods of cultivating und harvesting his crops, und tho proper time to convert thorn into tho lurgost possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho welfare of farmers and villagors, and for over half a century has hold their confidence and osteom. IT NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE and wo furnish it with tho Somi-Weokly Ohronielo 0110 year for $1.75, cash in advance. McKinley Would look attired in one of our $7.50 suits. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841.