The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 16, 1898, Image 4

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Uoth tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acts
jgently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
liver and Bowels, clonuses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in ite
effects, prepared only from the most
leal thy and agrecablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
-wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Tbe Dalles Daily Chrcfel&
Weekly Clubbing Kates.
Chronicle and Oregonian
. .2 '25
Chronicle and Examiner 2 25
Chronicle anil Inter Ocean 1.85
Chronicle and Tribune 1 75
Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
22. Hart, of Gro'ton, S. D. '"Was taken
with a bad cold which eettled on my
lunue; cough set in and finally termin
ated in Consumption. Four doctors
Cave me up, saying I could live but a
short time. I gave myself up to my
Savior, determined if I could not stay
with my friends on earth, I would meet
-my absent ones above. My husband
was advised to get Dr. King's Now Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. I gave it a trial, tcok in all eight
bottles. It has cured me, and thank
Clod I am saved and now a well .and
healthy woman." Trial bottles free at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store.
Regular size 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed
or price refunded. 1
J'rof. lout, Optician.
The' tesTing of eyes is not a matter of
ness work, nor by 7ar only a matter of
trying on a pair of ready made glasses.
3t is a science governed by principles
-and conditions, which none but a person
who lias etudied the .anatomy of the eye
man understand. Prof. P. G. Dout un
derstands hife business thoroughly. Call
-and be convinced. He also does all
itnds of watch and jewelry repairing,
.and will clean your jewelry while you
-wait. Two doors west of Keller's bake
ary. Yours to serve,
Dout Optical & Jewelky Co.
Tbe Suio I. a Grippe Cure.
There is no use suffering from this
dreadful malady, if you will only get the
aright remedy. You are having pain all
-through your body, your liver is out of
order, have no appetite, no life or ambi
tion, have a bad cold, in fact are com
pletely used up. Electric Bitters is the
only remedy that will give you prompt
and sure relief. They act directly on
your Liver. Stomach and Kidneys, tone
up the whole system and make you feel
like a new being. They are guaranteed
to cure-or price refunded. For sale at
Blakeley ii Houghton's drug store, only
SO cents ner bottle. 1
Notice is hereby given, by order of tho
cnmuion council of Dalles City, that
Union street will bo improved between
3lain and Twelfth streets by grading
nd lilliug the same, and that the cost of
said proposed improvement shall be as
eeseed upon property adjacent to said
street, milees within fourteen days from
-the final publication of this notice the
owners of two-thirds of the property ad
jacent to fcaid street file with the re--corder
a written remonstrance against
.said proposed improvement.
Dated this 15th day of March, 1898.
RorjKit 1J. KiNNorr,
milCHt - Recorder Dalles City.
'Don't annoy others by your coughing,
.-aud risk your life by neglecting a cold,
One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs,
colds, croup, grippe and all throat and
Hung troubles.
PrncPNM liy Whli h tlu Pout OtllPi' C'nr-r.-ctn
n V. nine AdiJri'Hs.
Here is n pood tin on post ofiico mut
ters: The other day a young follow
pot n postal onlor ami gfr -.' ti.e n :::i'
of tho payee wrong. The cdor s ' ull
have licon r.iiitlo out to J.V.. i-el.
(that's not his nai.-.o) in Wii.ililnptflii,
but by m'mtnko hii ntltlriMs was put
down as rnltiir.orc. It wan a ease of
I heterojilieiny or sor.ic'hinjj of that kind,
snyn n WtmliinRton paper.
There the eiuploj -'r went to the
)ropcr window, and, hr.vln; reeelpted
I for the amount of the money order,
he wat. sent to the cashier. It wau as
I if he'd been to window A, and then w.i.
s -nt to winder C. At C he jm .iMitivl
his rreeipte l money order, p domed
with certain stamps and ninrki. and
I there he received the amount called
for by the order. Then, hiiinp made
out r.nother and correct application, lie
joined the line at window 1', got his'
I vouchor, .-.nil for the second time went
to the cashier at window (', where he
paid for and got his money order in
correct chape.
So the mistake ec?t hir.i three cents.
the expense of the lirst wroiiff money
lie paid for one order, and got
mnt of the order back, though
the anion
not the chars'' for the order; then he
liad to pay for another order. 'flint
was all, and he had the experience.
Perhaps lie's still in debt to Uncle Sam
"When JloyiMty Trnvcls.
Mnnv women were called "cranks"
' for objecting to occupying berths in
, ulecping ears. However, a large nitin-
1 ber of maladies are propagated by
eu..' old,
any and the t
means of hotel mattresses
I'r.iperor William m Germ;
late czar, as well as his father, in- .
variably carried about with them on j
their journeys small, narrow iron camp j
bedsteads,- the mattresses and pillows j
being thin and hard. Quern Vietorin 1
travels about with her own bedstead, a
peculiar, old-fashioned, wooden affair,
and her mattress gives a whole lot of
trouble, two domestics being assigned
to its care. Doth Grand Duke I'aul of
liussia and King Leopold of Delginni,
and likewise Prince Albert of I'rursM,
the regent of Drunswicl;, carry their
bedsteads and their bedding about with
" "i..-iv..,....v.. ... ...v..
stature. They require beds eight feet
One mill One-Flftti I' lire to lVallu Wallu
For the Dairy and Hog Convention to
be held at Walla Walla March loch, 16th
and 17th, the O. R. & N. 'Co. will make
a special rate of one and one-fifth fare
for the round trip on the certificate plan.
Passengers paying full fare to Walla
Walla will, upon request, be given a re
ceipt for fare paid, which, when signed
by the secretary of the convention, en
titles holder to purchase return ticket at
one-fifth fare within three days after
close of meeting.
tf James Iheland, Agent.
Huclcteu'a Arinc salve.
The best salve in the world for curt,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cut 8 piiea, or no pay required
It is guar ij teed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale uy Blakeloy and
Houghton . druggists.
La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by etery
-.teat to be the best non-poisonous mud
dip in the world ; guaranteed to cure
ecab, itch, sore throat, lice and hooirot.
Clarke & Falk, Hitents. The Dalles.
Children and adults tortured by burns,
scalds, injuries, ezema or skin diseases
may secure instant relief by using De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the
great pile remedy.
C itli lu Your Clieckn.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Nov. '-'2, 1893, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Feb. 10th,
1898. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's
and get prices on the La 1'latu Sheep
Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in
stantly with cold water, and it is an in
fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and
ticks. 1 tf
To Cure a Cold in .One Diiy.
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tain
lets. All dru'igists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c.
I"UKU, w. wiusos.
Ofliccoei First .S'nt. li-ink.
For Tired. Aching. Irritated Feet U a
wrm oatn wnn
and a etntle anointincr with CUTI.
uuka loiniuieoij, tne great sum cure, j
I'.TIili trcitiucnt allavn ilcMnir anil IrrU
Ullon, koollira lollnniinailon aiail
painiui tvviiiiiiKS or me joini,
i yuiaiiBni. roufiieumi kiu, hiui pun
l ucv iiiu H-rfiriii(iij,
IMd Ihroiirlmut in nHd, Portial
i uaio ft uu, mir., nof; uutwo.1
Children f
Wtin wntifrf nwsrrlfv. nnlv U
1' " i '
tonics and bitters for a weak, i
m puny child ? Its muscles and $
$ nerves are so thoroughly ex- $
$ hausted that they cannot be $
g whipped into activity. The j
$ child needs food ; a blood-
ft making', nerve-strengthening
and muscle-building- food.
$ Scott's Emulsion
$ of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this,
$ and you still have a tonic in
the hypophosphites of lime
$ and soda to act with the food.
i For thin and delicate children y
there is no remedy superior ,
jj to it in the World. It means $
t $ .owth. strentrth. olumoncss
jM yruwiuy awwiigwif iuiiit.w
and comfort to them. Be sure g
$ vou pet SCOTT'S Emulsion.
J 50c. and $1.00, ill druggists.
SCOTT & UOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Gall for Republican County Convention
1 v
and Notice of Primary Elections.
The Hciiib!lciiii County tronvciliuii of Wmm
county. Shite of Oregon, is hereby called to meet
In Uniles City, in Miiil county, on
Weilnemluy, April (i, 1H1IH,
nt the hour of $ o'clock n. m of sn'il iln , for the
iiiirpo-e of iiomlnntltigcau liiiiites for the follow
ing county oflleers.
Dnn I'minfv l'miimtInnpr. (!nnntv tllprk.
Count Hheilll, County Treasurer, County A
ieior. County School Siieiinlcmient, Cuuiitv
I Coroner mul County .Surveyor iilo precinct of
ficers for the 'ovenil precinct of s-nirl comity:
anil ton delegates to the Keimbllciin ritn'e mill
fceconil l)ltriet Cniisresl jIuii Conventions, unit
1 come Detoie sum county Lonvenuon.
The convention III conlt of m ieleir.itc
choeu bv the several nrecinct-, mul the several
precincts of all count) uill betntltle'i to repre
bentutiou in Mitil convention a follows:
Antelope .
Hieflow ....
Hake Oven
S Kingiky 2
S Miuier :i
'i Niiti-eiio . U
Oak drove .
Kanisev . ...
T)Kh Valley
Visnto . ...
West l.ille
West Hood itiver
Columbia l
Dufur I
Deschutes . a
East Unite .... 0
East HivkI Uler ..'
Eight Mile 'X
Fulls f.
The fcame being one delegate nt large from ouch
precinct, ami one deleate for every twtuty-llve
vote-, and one delegate for everv fraction over
one-half of twenty-live votes cat in each of said
precii cts for Uon.T. T. (Jeer, Hepublican candi
date for pr.slilential elector at the November
elictton in lb'.Hj.
l'rimnrles to elect dtlegates to Hihl County
Convention will beheld in ea h of thuheternl
precincts in tald Wasco rounty on March 20,
Xb'M. In East Dalles precinct the polls of'saiil
rrirnarv election will bo located at the East End
lose Co.'e hoiiKS and U, II. ltobert. V. H. ltntts
mid L. b. Davis will actus judxex at ald elec
tion. In Iligclow precinct the polls will bo lo
rated at the ollice of Win. .Michell, and A.N.
Varuey, J. E. iiamett null Douglas Dufur will
act as Judges nt saiil election, in Truvitt pre
cinct the polls uill be located In the county
court loom, and (;. E, liayard, h'rauk Vot and
b. L. Uroolis uill HfC as judges nt said election;
and in West Dalles precinct the polls will be lo
cated at the City Mills, and W. U. Dart. C. M.
Fonts and J. F. Staniel-" will act as judges of
said ehutlon. In Antelope precinct the polls
vi 1 be locattd nt the usual voting place, mid D.
S. Kiinsey, r-. N. Spleei und F Irvine will act as
judge of said election.
The olls in each of t,ald precincts, in said pri
mary election, will be kept men from VI o'clock
noon to71. m. for the-reception of votes. The
(Kills in each of the other precincts in the county
will be located in the usual voting places in each
precinct, and will be opened at the hour of'.'
o'clock p. in. on sxid 26th day of March, Ih'H, and
the eleoiioii will be conducted in the usual
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 9tli day of
March, lS'JS. J. M. i'AT I'EitSON,
Chairman Itepubllean County Com.
M. T. NOI.AN, Secretary
Mining and Irrlgfitloii Coiiveutlou.
For the Mining and Irrigation Con
vention, to be held at Baker City, Or.,
March 29th, :50th and 31st, the O. It. &
N. Co. will make a rate of one and one
fifth fare for the round trip. Delegates
or parties attending the convention,
paying full fare to linker City on March
20th, 27th, 28th and 29th, will bo re
turned at one-fifth fare on presentation
of certificates on or before April 3d to
our agent at linker City, signed by the
secretary of the convention. 9 tf
Cliuiiiliurlulii'it C'nugli ItiMiieily.
This remedy is intended especially for
coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough
land influenza. It has become famous
1 for its cures of these diseases, over a
lar;e part of the civilized world. The
most Haltering testimonials have been
received, giving accounts of its good
( works; of the aggravating and persist
(ent coughs it has cured ; of severe colds
that have yielded promptly to its sooth
ing efl'ects, und of the dangerous attacks
! of croup it has cured, often saving the
life of the child. The extensive use of
it for whooping coughs has shown that
it robs that disease of all dangerous u in
sequences. For sale by Illakeluy &
If tho United Slates and Spain become
involved In war, It will be impossible to
import Havana tobacco. Consequently
high grade Havana cigars will increase
in price. Lay in a supply of Prize
Medal cigars while the prico remains
the same. 10tf
One Minute Cough Curd cures.
That la what It was Made lor.
Patronize the
1 All kind of work. White Hhlrtx h Hpedalty.
, Fatiillv work at rediuicd r. to. Wiuh cot Ict'tfil
and delivered live. Tilnilitnu No. lit).
H. D. Pnrkins, Agt,
.), 8. KCIIKNK.
it. M. ltK.W. ,
First National Bank.
A ttunernl Hunking IIuaintHf" trKiioiicti'd
Deposit received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceedH prompt!
remitted on tlnv of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic. .Exchange sold tu
New York, Snn Francisco nnJ Port
D. P. TllOMPHON. JilO. 8. 8(!IIKNCK
En. M. W11.MAM8, Oko. A. Likiik.
H . M. Bkai.i..
Ue pre Doipg
fleat arpd
For Reasonable
Wo Print Anything in
the Printing Line.
(Jiue u$ a trial.
5l?roi7iql pub. $o.
Administnitrix' Sale of Ileal Estate.
Notice Is hereby Riven that under and by vlr
ttiuof tin order of tint County Court of theHtaic
if Oregon lor Wum o Countv, made oiithoAtli
ilav of January, Ib'.H, In the matter ol the estate
of'llr. V. K. Hlnc!iart,du;eaN.-d, 1 will sell at
public auction, at thecourth n-eil.xir in HalleM
City, in Mild county and state, on tlie'.Mth day
of ebruary. lyjl, at 1 o'clock p. m., to the high
est bidder, till the entate beloiiirini; to said
e.itatoiiud ilescrllnd mk follows, to-wlt
Uib A, IS, (.', I), K. K. (, II, I.J, K and I. in
lllock 05. in the Kort Dalles Jlillt iry Keserva
Hon Addlllon to I)jI1o City, lu tali county and
The wett half of the koiitheas'. qriarter and tho
east half of tne koulhurcit qunrterof section '-'I
in township - north, range H east, lu Wntei)
County, Orejroij.
Termx of wile One-half in cash at time of
Mil- and one-half in nix mouths, secured by
mortKaRoon the premises.
Dalle City, OrtKon, Jan. 'J7, lOH.
jniV.-Jll Admini'itratri.x.
RlMitl Plmptos, eurM Htdach. OwnH anA
CoitlieniM. 25 cH. a box at druggi'tnar br mU
teiuolM ! re. aUdrM Or. Bounko Co. I'hUa. 1.
me ColuinDia PackinoCo.,
MAN U FACTO rtr.ttn OK
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Siok or M Just Don'tfJII I V
Feel Woll." i ILLV
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SFmlkeed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr Tnls I,o,,r W manufactured expressly for fiunlh
use. evyij j8 mjBntced to give satisfaction,
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think no
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prioes Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
and Fafmens
Keeps on draught the celebrated
COl.I'MIIIA IIKKIt, urkiiowl
edged the best beer In The Unlles,
nt tho tiMial price. Come In, try
it mul be rm:vhiml, A I t the
Fillet brands of Wines I.I iior.
mid Clgnrs.
nfull IvIiiil.K iiliviiVK nti hmiil.
IK I'lisex it tVnuli,
ltlti rniorn a Yi'iir
It stands lirstnmouK ''weekly" papers
in ahu, frequency of publication
freshuepa, vuriett and relhibility of cot,
tentH. It iB practically a daily at the low
price o ti weekly; und itH vast list of
subscribers, cxtcudiiu; to every statu and
territory of tho Union and foroin coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of itH news columns.
It if snlendidly illustrated, and amouc
Its special features are n fine humor
ptipc, exhaustive market roportH, nil the
Intent fashions: for women anil a Ion
series of HtoricR by the urenteat livinjr
American and English authors,
Roiiiin Doyle, .JoroniK K. .1irfiiiia.
Htaiiley WoyniBii. .Iliiry i:. WllkliiN
Anlliony Hope, Unit lliirtn,
llrniKlnr SliiltliHW, Ktc.
We offer thiB unequaled uowspapernnd
The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to
nut her one year for $'-',00. Tho regular
prico of tho two papers ib $.'.00.
letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and TulcRraphu
Trunslers sold on New York, Chiuuro,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
Hon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections ma Je at till points on fav
ornblo terms.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warrantul.
Notice of Executor's Sale.
Notice Is hereby Riven that tho iiuilerslRiicd,
executor of tho estate of Muxainillan Meyer, de
ceased, will, from and after the 1st day of
March, 1M)S, sell at private Mile, upon the in-om-Ises,
the follnwIiiK deM.-rlbvd real pronerty he
loiiKi'iK to fiiIiI ealatu and situated in
eonnty, Oiej,'iin to-wlt. Iit two 2 ill lllock
eluht H in what In known mm Thoini eoii'a Ad
dition to Dull h City.
Kald miIu Is made in accordance with an order
of the rounty Court rendered and entered the
:td day of January, I KM, and aiieli sale will he
subject to eonliniiatlou by mild court, the terms
of said Mile to or credit, or both.
Kxeeutor of the entitle, of Maxiiiiillliiu Meyer,
d( censed. Jan'Jii'i
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Ih hereby Riven that by an order of the
County Court of tliu Htatu of OreRou, for Wasco
county, made January VJ, IK08, tho tiiidcrMRiicd
bus been duly niipolnt'il administrator of thu
estate of Thob, .1. Hulllvaii, Jr., deceawd. All
persons haviliR cIiiIiiih iiRiiliint thu citato of tald
deceased, are hereby untitled to pre. cut them to
rue with thu proiier voucher at the oltico of
HuiitliiRtou .t Wilson, within lx moidlm from
date liere' f.
Dated January 111, IR'.rt.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or TIIK-
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trn'iiH Irnvuiinil are duo to nrrlvc nt I'ortlnini
tireN, Hiiluin. ltou-1
liiirK, AhIiIiiuiI, Hue
rametito. OL'di'n.Hal
5:WI 1' M.
fratielHeo, Molavo,
I. ok AiiKclcft,Kl I'lino,
. f
New urieatm nun
llCant J
ItonebltrK und way hta
fV'iii Woodbiirii fort
MLAiieel, Hllvurtou,
H;:) A. M.
I'. M
t West Hcln, llrowim-)
I vllle,riprliiKlleld mill
i Nntron j
l7;:;o A. M.l
((.'nrviilllH inn! way
INDKl'KNUKSCK I'AKSIINdKlt. Kxpreni, train
Dally (except Huiidiiy).
I:.ri li. m. (I.v. ...Portland. ...Ar.i K:2"ni, m
p. in. Ai .McMinnvllle .l.v.J n;fiiiM, m
8:3d p. in. ( Ar. , Independence. I.v,) I :M a. ni
Daily, IDifily, oxrept Hiimlay,
Attached to all TliroiiRh Trnlim.
Direct connection nt mm ItiiiicIsoo with Orel
denial and Oriental nhil l'aclllii mall steamship
1 1 nca forJATAiN and CHINA. HalllliR dates on
a plication.
KaU-s i,u! tickets to I'astcrn points and Ku
rope. AlniJAI'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU anil
Al'KTUAI.lA, can be obtained from
.1. 11. KIIIK1.AND, Ticket AKCllt.
TliroiiRh Tlokut Olllcc, 1111 Third Hreet, where
throiiRh tlcUctM in all points In thu Kiistcrn
Mutes, Ciinaila and Kurope can be obtnliied at
IowchI rates from
J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All above trains arrive at and depart Irom
Oram! Central Station. Filth and Irvini: streets
l'atscuKcr Depot, foot of Jetleisou Mreet.
Iavu for, dully, except annda, at
7:.U a. in.; V2;M, l.M, fiilfi, OttH, "NMtt p. m.
(and ll:Ml i. m. on Saturday only, nut! .i:iiO a, in
and :i:l p. m. on HiimiIhvh only). Arrive at
rortlaiiil iially at 'lit 10 and Hj.'Hl u m.; und 1
ii;'JO noil 7:.V p. in., (and llHU.'i a. tit , :! IS
tt-.w p. m. on Hiiudaya only).
ix-iive for Rherfdati, week ilayn, at l:H0 p. m
Arrive nt l'ortlaud, 'JVM a, m,
U'ftvc for AIUI.Ii: on Monday, WextiieMlay and
Krloiiv iit'JUnn. m. Arrlvi- at l'ortlaud, Tnwt.
ilav, Thursday and Haturdus it :i:0." p. tu.
Kxcept Huiiday. Kxcept .Saturday.
n. koi:hli:u,
Assl. O, F. ,t 1'iihn. Act
Sleeping Cars
Dining: Cars
Sleeping Car
ST. I'Atlt,
iii;i,i;tii '
UltANll Kdlt
Through Tickets
For Information, time cards, mnpnnud ticket,
cal on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
The Dallea, OreRon
A. D. OHAULTON. AHflt. G. P. A.,
iW. Morrlnon (.'or. Third. I'ortlainl Oregon
n n m iiii
Dalles, Moro aud Antelopc
ThroiiKli by daylight via (J rush Valley, Kent
and Cross llollnuH.
ItOIIOI.AN AI.I.KN, The DitllcN.
V. M. WIIITKI.AW, Aiitolopo.
KtiiKCH leave Tho Dallea Irom Umatilla limn"
at 7 n. m,, also from Alitclopu at T.'M a. in. every
Monday, Wednesday mul Friday. Connections'
liu.ilo at Alilclopo for i'rllliiville, .Mitchell and
liolutH buyoud. C'oso u nncctloiiH uiiiilu at The
DiiIIcn with rallwayH, trains and boats.
Hlaues from Alilclopo reach The Dallcn Tues
days, Thursday and riatlinlayH at 1:30 p. in.
Dallea to Desclmteii 91!
do iloro 1M
do (Irasa Valley .. "
do Kent !'
do Crush Hollows J "J
Antelope to Cross IIoIIown 1 ;I
do Kent V
do Crass Valley ;' w
do Morn -
ill) DcMlllllCCh , , ...
do Dallea " 110
lliunnly nrlKliinl Mini hoiiuIiih Kriih-I'"
iiihIu ItHBiilMtoriof Mine Ht. (ieruialn, I'arln,
UimuriiaiiMed an buinr tuifo. Mure, and reliable in
every ciwo. Hold iiiulur uimltlvif uiinriiutco or
iiMMieyirediiiaeil.i )UottbP.K0iiulu. Vtleo II.U"
lHjrbox by riiali, Hoo aguiita ,for thu United
HUbjiul Canada. KlUO IUKVAKU CD,
107 waaniMgiuu Ht., cniciigo.