Etai Sale r 3 Just Received. ' I Ribbons. "Very Much to tho Good." Tho Cream of tho Most Progrosslvo FactoriosO - -o In all thu latest blocks nnd colors. Tlio progress ive inakorH have tho most artistic lilockH. Tho mnH popular huts uro tho onus (hut combine q utility and Htyln with economy. A glance nt. out Furnishing Oools Window will convlneo you that wo uro strictly In It whrn it comes to HatH. Thin Ih Drosay. In Blaok or Brow i. $3.00. A Tomptr, LattiBt Blocks and Colors. $2.00, $2.00, $3.00, $3.00. Displayed in Furnishing ALL GOODS MARKED N PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WKPNT.SDA Y - - MAKCH Hi. IMS a o -r r rr o I I WAYSIDE GLEANINGS Musicalo At K. uf I'. Iiall This ' Wednesday) evening. Wheels for rent at Loo. Sohanno'H old Eta l til . Fresh Columbia rlvor Smelt at Dalles Commission Grocery Co.'h. Tilts wuathor forecast for tonight and Thursday Ih fair and wartnor. When you Hinoko tho Uoso Queen 5 cent cigar you pot your money's worth. tf St. Patrick's day in tho morning. Got ono ol thoHo green noi.ktics at A. M. niinniiiH i: t'o.'u. .Hint received cuuliflowor, wweot pota toes, oranges, lomotm and bauatiaN at Commission & Grocery Co. i- . . . . . . i.-icii uiuy matting a purcliitho in roast: fi Mays dry goods dopartiiionttoniorrowj will receive a present appropriate to St' Patrick's day. .. . . r. V.. rung liiiiauatiooia n wtll not review hie troops thiH evening on account i .1 ... . . , 1 I .....nii;im, biuui) iiuiiiy in nm al""UjiiuX4tiid impressive ninii in attonu me inner poriormance. Dr. Uollistor was called to Moro last nililit to hold a consultation with Dr. Smith, of that place. Tho patient over whom the consultation was held was Mrs. J. McGrath, who is very ill. Thu funeral of Clarence Conkling took place today from tho Methodist church, and was attended by tho numerous himuls of ti in rlmiiiuwl Tin i riimiitiiH were laid away in Sunset cemetery. Tho pipe, Air tho now 0-inch main which will ho laid in tho ICast Hntl. ur fiml yesterday, and has been distribut ed along the street. Work will bo begun 113 eonii as possible putting it in proper shape. This morning tho water main on Kron t heat ImisUTut a point near the JJuUl wi" ojiora houao, and for a time the water iioiired over the street at a gieat y te. Men were immediately put to work pairing tho break. r Today Frank Connelly, of this place, Wis appointed Deputy U. S. Marshal or this district by U. S. Marshal Zoeth "oiHer. tlr. Connolly is a man ro- "larkahlo fur honesty and integrity, and will undoubtedly till the ollicu Batisfac- Doil'l CO In Kliillli nni' (liilm niwl Kill J'wn up, hut call on IJuttB umt get a homo and settle down. He is tho edr in that line, and anyone overlook "K this fact will bo the loser. Infornm Jon cheerfully furnished. You inako 'he price; Uutts does the rest. tf Tim dancing purty given ut Fraternity jail last night by the Woodmen and Co ur Circle, was well attended and very ""joynble. llofrRi utiAiifa wnr unrveil ld the OVenlllB t lirnnulmn Plenum i, I ...... .1... - "Hiuro inut at me conclusion Ribbons. Yoti would not consider $5.00 too much to pity for tliiH hnt, hut wo have marked it to sell at $:',.()(). Where, will you Mini a nunc tiity lint tliim Ih tt'ire seined liy UiU cut. Sill tiihlc for nl most iniy iik unit htilct ly In Ktylc. 1'uy miy price. Hint will k II 1 1 your piirn;, from I'l no tii ii.W), (Jood$ Uindou. everyone expressed tho wish that the Wpodmen would not be blow in giving lii:o entertainments. I Tho motion for m, now trial in tho case (if tho United States vs. 1. II. Tufl'e and ! K. Killfeatlicr, convicted some time ago l)ii tho chat go of conspiracy to influence a petit jury to return Rn exborbitant verdict for damages against the govern ment, in right-of-way proceedings, was argued before Judge Bellinger in the United States district court yesterday toruoon. Today Fred Houghton, who has the gency in this county for the new Co- umbia ehainlesB, received ono of those vheels.x Tlioy aro beauties and wi'l un- y lake the place of the old chain gear in the near future. At pres ent tho price if a little too high fot most people to be able to allbrd one of them, but as soon iib the price coiiicb down, which it certainly will, the chainless ,vill be ridden in preference to all others. Tho dedication of tho new Catholic church will take place tomorrow at 10 a. m. Everyone is cordially invited to bo present at the dedication. Archbishop Gross will conduct the services, and will be assisted by Kov. A. Btonsgoest and other priests of tho diocese. The choir, assisted by liirgfeld's orchestra, will fur nish tho music for the occasion, an ! the HerVIUt'M till lllllltflll. JMlJUIint: I.U l. I ........ It.. Ilk 1... 1. ....... 31 iinIi'iiIi' I'riiKi'Um. Following is the prognm for tho mti sicale by MisB Hliot and Miss Stevens, under tho supervision of the Good In tent Society, Wednesday evening: M'mi Tum-iiii Duels (i A St I camlet I'ull "f I'lowmsl ), anil Delll I'M I CiiniiTion Miss sacNciis and Miss Hllol Heart lamghiK Host Tliim Ueinoniliec .Miss Kllol. .Ginitt fimith iiutlllltt In llin Dark. In tlie Dew I ruin- l.cuf ('lover I .Miss ytk'vens, ll'iftiirj Ciniinlif 1'itliy Lullaby irs .MKs Hlliii. Hatch Wind In I lie Tiecs A. (nifiiuj Thulium Miss Ste ens. Triple l.niiu tello Miss - lillll.V Ithd... I'liplls tllll'CII I.NTUItMISSION. (i Do Hist li Linn Ultimo ft Die l.iiliihliliiiini ,,, I Miss Ivllot. a Tullli In HprliiK . I. . ft 1 1 it i U ! Hark! Hie liiii'U I ' Miss Stevens. ..'WlllMIIIW ,'ltlttn i t "Wore I (iiuiliier Chtiniliiiule .Miss Kllot. 'I'n ffprlni?. Miss .Slovens. Two 1 oil Mings , All Through tlmMglil i'Mi (iharlhi Is My Diirlinj; (Miuteh) Miss ICIIul. Duel Merry, .Merry Are We . Miss Slovens ami Miss I. Hot. 'omen Admission 50 cents. Program coin- tuences ut 8 o'clock. I'llUIn 'J lllilUK- W. R. Geary, tho well-known piano tuner, is In the city and will call upon his customers. No other piano tuner has authority to ubo his name In auy way. Orders left at either mubUs etore will receive prompt attention. AVo havo just received our first shipment of Fancy and Plain Kib hons. Tho assortment is beautiful, livery j)iooo is a decided novelty and up-to-date. There is a brightness in their appearance which will convince you that they are the proper thing to wear. Trices range from 5c to $i.oo per yard. The New Bell-Shaped Robes are displayed in Our Dry Goods Window. PEASE & MAYS. 5 11111m Allowed CnutlliUfll. j F N Hill, constable s j C ! Phillips, witness fee , Wm Johnson, do do j Henry Teal, do do I)r Kinehart, prof ser , Chas T Power, rtcorder's fee. . . . i E C Dickerson, marshal's fees . . Mrs Sarah Hickok, witness , Chas Brown, do 31 art in Clancy, do Charles Perrin, do Alex McLennan, do 9 50 4 :jo 4 .r)U 3 50 21 50 3 95 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 John Little, lo I! Griflitb, do Mrs O L .Steward, do I Mrs Jennie Gross, do . ... Dr II Logan, prof services lr P Murphy, nursing Farmer. . . J H Goit, ser surveyor M M Waterman, viewing road . . D L Bolton, viewing road Jiobt Galbreth, viewing road D A Cooper, chaiumau A J Linton, chainmau G E Johnston, market J 13 Goit. surveying , . Henry Hibbard, viewing road... F C Sherrieb, viewing road .... 37 00 32 50 10 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 9 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 21 00 Henry Prigge viewing road I Tlios Bishop, chainmun 'Joseph Hengst, chainmau J B Goit, surveying Simon Arnold Viewer ' F M Jackson, do John Wilson, do 8 00 5 991 J A Leiitz, chainmau 8 () I.I A Cook, chuimiiuu 8 00 I .i a ivuux, maiKer i J T Peters, wood county poor. . . . j 'J' J Driver, boatd of prisoners. . . j IIOUNTY ON WILD ANIMALS. 1.1 W Russell I Frank Johnston I M 15 Zumwalt A Deckert S 0t 7 0(i 174 95 3 00 0 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 20 00 A Y Marsh D H Roberts .... J Tihome M T Davis John Christmtin. A Reese A Y Marsh Fred Evans E 13 Dutisnioro . . G 10 Fisher II I'' Woodcock Loran Cary Loo Cover J M Elliot James Snacal Tunis Parkins . . F C Clausen A Keeso Seth Morgan . . G F Arnold J C Benson II C Gordion . . . C J Dunakin .... J E McCoi mick . A Kohler F P Craig 00 00 00 CO 0(1 00 00 U0 01) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oo w 00 Indian Jim. . 1 1 T Woodcock II J'JI 01' J T Smith B Sellinger L Eyans J Tihome Frank Johnston . L II Lensiugei'. . . N F Davis W A 13 Campbell B Sanders C 13 Brown 3 00 1 L Howard. 0 00 Stockmen's Union SO 00 'l o thu l.mllt-tt uf Tlio Diillei. Mrs. Evans has opened dressmaking parlors in Mrs, lirittiiin's lodging house, on Second street, and solicits a sharo of their patronage. mou5-4t DeWitt'5 Witch Hazel Salve Cured l'IU, Sculds, Burnt). BlCVCLiES. One '95 Ladies' Cleve land Wheel Two '97 Eagle Wheels at One '9G Cleveland.... Gent's Wheel .... One '95 Eagle Gent's Wheel $30 One '97 Boy's Eagle $25 Wheel One '97 'Girl's Eagle $35 Wheel In order to make room for our new stock, we are mak ing the above Low Prices. MAIER & BENTON I'KKSO.NAL MENTION- Samuel BroileB, of Tygh Valley, is in the city today. H. T. Davidson, of Hood River, is in the city today. W. B. Presby, of Goldendale, ie in the city on business. Tom Driver went to Stevenson, Wash., this morning on business. John D. Whitten, of Kiugsiey, is among the guests at the Umatilla House today. J. W. Clarno, of Antelope, arrived :n this city last night, and left for Portland this morning. C. S. Hicks, of Antelope, stopped in this city over night and left for Portland on the morning train. Jonn Morris, of Oregon City, arrived here last night. He is on his way to visit his uncle, Louie Klinger, of Du- CTfTand Mrs. 13. S. Huntington re 'turued from Moro this morning, where Mr. Huntington has been attending Ncourt. John E. Paver arrived from Portland last night. He comes to iinish putting in the tinted glass in the new Catholic S OoUd'Uich. Attorneys F. W. Wilson and S. E. Van 'Vactor went Stevenson this morning, whete they have a case in the circuit court. Mrs. Cesser, wife of Dr. Gesner, of Prineville, arrived in this uitv last even ing from Portland, and took the stage for her home this morning. Mr. W. M. McCorkle and son, F. FJ. McCoikle, were in from Tygh Valley to day. Mr. McCorkle never fails to give The CiutONiCLU oiliee a pleasant call. ISO UN. In this city on March 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Buun, a daughter. ThIIoi'-MhiIo nulls. A. M. Williams & Co. are having great success with their spring line of ladies' suits.' They give special attention to high-class tailored garments, and aro showing suits equal in stylo ami Iinish to those of any custoni-tailor. Their present showing is meeting with marked approval among our ladies. An especial favorite is an English walking suit, made of a cadet blue can vas chili, a strictiy all-wool material. The jacket is niado blazer front, with belt, same going through first darts ut waist line, thereby permitting an entire open front, and is finished with a cut- ! steol slide. The lining through jacket I, ., l. itf.,1 ..!... 1 ...ll-.... ..III. mi... IB II Uirillllliui Jlllllll UlUUlll C1IK. i lie skirt is made perfectly plain, with eight gores, and is lined with best quality tafl'otta lining, seams finished, This very cltic suit is priced at only $15. Prof. A. II. Lundoll will organize an atternoou class in the rudiments of vo cal music and note-reading, Saturday, March 19, h, at 4 o'clock p. in., In the basement of tho new Lutheran chinch. All who are interested will please come. This is an opportunity for all who can not take advantage of the evening class, and deserves consideration. Terms $1 50 for ten lessons, in advance Including book, if2.00. 5 3t DeWltfs Little Early Risers, The fiimuud llulr pills, . . .reseepl: Bieyeles... 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. New Ideas at every point The Wheel that sells at an honest price. Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. REMEMBER. We have strictly First-Class. Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co, A PECULIAR FACT. Thousands of Temple Have Dyspepsia tu Its Worst Form anil Don't Know It. A weak etomach is the cause of about nine-tenths of all diseases, yet in most cases the wrong thing is treated and the true cause ov?rlooked. This is becauee a weak digestion pro duces symptoms resembling nearly ev ery disease because it weakens and dis turbs the action of every nerve and or gan in tho body; poor digestion causes heart trouble, kidney trouble, lung weakness and especially nervous break ing down or nervous prostration ; the nerves cannot etand the wear nnd tear unless generously fed by well digested, wholesome food. Keep the digestion good and no one need fear the approach of disease. Mrs. II. M. Lee, of Rochester, N. Y., writes: For the sake of suffering hu manity I want to say that from a child 1 had a very weak stomach, threw up my food very often after eating and after a few years nervous dyspepsia resulted and for moro than twenty years I have suffered inexpressibly. I tried many physicians ami adver tised remedies with only temporary re lief for nervous dyspepsia, anil not until I commenced taking Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets last September, six months ago, have I been free from suffering caused by tho condition of my nerves and stom ach; in short, chronic neivous dyspep sia. 1 have recommended Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets to many of my friends and now 1 want in a public way to say they are the safest, pleasantest and I believo surest cure for stomach and nerve troub les. I write niv honest opinion and I will gladly answer any letter of inquiry at auy time and feel that I am, in my small way, helping on a good cause. Stuart's Dyppepsia Tablets is not a patent medicine, but they contain only tho fruit salts, digestive acids and pep tones necessary to help tho weak stomach to promptly and thoroughly digest food. All diuggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at 50 cents for full sized package and anyone suffering from nervous dys pepsia, sour stomach, headaches, acidi ty, gases, belching, etc., will find them not only a quick roller butaiadleal cure. Send to Stuart Co,, Marshall, Mich., for little book describing cause and euro of stomach troubles, giving symptoms and treatment of the various forms of indigestion. On I'liiiiiiLi). Invest your money where it will bring you tho best returns. The nest 10c, 15c or 25c investment you inako, let it be for a cap at A. M. Williams & Co.'s. Those caps alluded to ure worth from two to four limes the amount asked for them. JUS- (iKISBMIOKFFKIi Si ItUKDV, Physicians and Surgeons, Sjicclul uttvntlon given to nurgcry. Kooins 21 mid H, Tel. C'JS Vogt Hlock. MAYS & CROWE. I Ilest or All. To cleanse the system in a gentle ant! truly beneficial manner, when the springtime comes, use the true and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all druauists, at 50 cents per bottle. ML An Interesting Story is attractive nfc all times. No one can allbrd to let the evenings at home bo spent without good reading matter in these days when goouY books cost so little. Our stock oilers some very attractive, up-to-date and standard literatuie which will interest all. . C. Nickelsen Book & musie Company". Cigars. Why do wo retail moie Cigars thna. others? Why do smokers go out of their way and pass cigars of tho same grade? Xot because we havo better cigars or better brands, or any greater variety j no, not that. Why, because we havo the finest ci gar case in tho state and keep our oignva in better condition. Snipos-Kiners ly Drug Go. S 13 7EH !0 A spli'iullit nMirtineut uf Vegu- IS E tiiuiu, liiirnoii nun iiiiiss feeds In -j Hulk Mill Wheiit, Seeit Oats, Jj M'eil Dm ley, hml Sinl Hye. Oil .Meiil Cnko ami 1'citillzers, lire Siliiilles, Kurly Itiiao I'olu tucs. Uli'ven kinds of lirst nliis Hoed Coin. Poultry nnd ICggs bought nnd uold ut D J. H. CROSS' Tk ('liuiii dull (Iroccry nnd IVoit Stole, Heciinil mid I'liliin tits. SEEDS jyUS. EVANS, MODISTE, Ilooiiishi .Mr, llrlttlu'n l.iitglnj,- Uousu.