The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 16, 1898, Image 1

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    3 he Date
1 1 I
NO 2
Munner of the Hattlcship's
Dcsl ruction.
Mr"'K I 1 Tlmt nil Agrtil nf Hip
Himnixli ovpriniiPiit 0iprmpl Hip
Kry UMil nr tin' Mimiil nf Inquiry
Nearly l.i'ixly I'i'I'hhmI In A
liiElnn Ki mi thliiR In CJuliit itl Mad
rid m Prt-KPiit.
N'i:w York, Mnr. 1C A special
from Key West huvb :
A shuttered section of n milium
rino cable containing seven eon-
dtiutorH for netting oil iniriun ih in
tliu possession of tlie liourd of in
i 1
quiry. The cable leu to n mine
underneath the MuiiiB. The di
covury was mudo by divers at the
Miiine wreck. Thin proves that
J tlio mine which blew up the bat-
i tk'Hliip was in Himc wny connected
with u switchboard ashore, which
was in charge ol a trusted und re
sponsible agent.
T ,
Nkw York, Mnr. 15. The World's
correspondent at Havana telegraphed
tnat the report of the nival board of In
quiry will be ready to forward to Wash
ington in two or three days at the out
ride. A few little details of expert tes
timony nru being curelully collected to
wind up things, itnd the drawings and
pimis based on the divers' investigations
are nearly finished.
Tim divers are now only working to
verify the points already suggested by j
nrpviniiH dieeovurieB and to tnke accurate!
measurements of certain important
places of the wrecked cruiser and twist
ed rani, which the correspondent asserts
lies in such a position as to jirovo
that i
an outside force
sorved to destroy the
l'rn.pmt Thut lli (SiivrrniiiPnt Will Np
carp Hip Chilean Mlilp O'IIIkk'uh.
Washington, Mar. 15. Nothing of !
tpecial importance developed at today's '
cabinet meeting. A largo part of the
time wits occupied in a general discus
eion of uieasurus being taken to place
the navy on a proper footing for defense
in ease of trouble. The question of the
purciinso of warshipB, where they could
be had and at what price was talked
oyer, but without coming to any defi
nite conclusion as relating to any new
Information in the possession of the
government is to the effect that up to
this tiiiie Spain has not consummated
the purchase of tho Chilean warship
O'UigK'mg. The indications, it is stated
im that this ship will bo ultimately
ldcd to the navy of the United States.
Jlunlml Ht Mail i Id.
Mahuiii, Mar. 15. Friends of Senor
Mpistu, tho Spanish premier, deny that
ur CelmlloB, general manager for the
Spanish Trans-Atlantic Steamship Coin
Piny, at New York, visited President
ilcKinley at the inspiration of the
Spanish government.
him Pruiitilnco In Hufr.
Ban Fuancihuo. Mar. 15. Tho land
Menses of Sun Kriinmtieri hiirhnr Imvit
tan greatl V Strengthened ot lute, and !
wi'rvrrv run if ill
"'Hilary or naval authorities agree that j Tim Hpunisli 'ioiiiixlo-Boats.
N'" presence ol the battles'iip Oregon is j 'Maduid, Mar. 15. Tho Spanish tor
not vent utlul lor the protection of the m,,i flotilla, which Bailed from Cadiz
The 10-inch battery at Fort Point
5l?e Salve
5r)at lead$.
Garland's "Happy"
Thought Salvo is
made right. It is the
salve you are sure of.
r 50 cents at DONNELL'S, j
Royal makes the lood pure,
wholesome and delicious .
lw Ifil
Absolutely Pure
hag been reinforced
two guns, so there
rifles in position.
by the addition of
are now five 10-iheh
Five rJ inch guns, commanding a fine
sweep of the ocean, can be depressed to
bring under fire a ship attempting to
pass through the narrow channel be
tween Lime point and Fort point. Three
more 1'2-inch guns nt Fort Baker, to
gettier with the sixteen mortarB and
three dynamite guns on the peninsula
can also be brought into use at leng or
short range.
I be great guns on Lime point nearly
500 feet above the water are so high
that a uliiriL'itiL' fire lu'iiinst. tint dei-lr nt
a ship can be maintained. All of these
formidable weapons are so situated that
' their fire can bo concentrated on nny
hostile fleet attempting to enter the
Golden Gate.
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community, of simple, honest, God-fear
ing men and women, have prepared the
i Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
andit is always the same, simple, lion
! est, curutive medicine that has helped
to make the Shakers the healthy, long
Uvea people that they are. lue bhttk
ers never nave indigestiou. Tins is
partly owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful properties
' Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordiul supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and all its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
Is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, prico 10 cents to if 1.00 per bot
tle. May II u y tliu Aquldaliuii.
London, Mur. 15. The United States
government is negotiating here for the
purchase of the Brazilian battleship
formerly the Aquidibau, the flagship of
Admiral Mello, which lias lately been
reconstrusted in England.
lteussvrttul In Loudon.
London, Mar. 15. It is reasserted
here today that the Spanish government
has secured the Chilean battleship
Wo are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pWns
auter or better way to do it than by rec
ommending One Minute Cough Curo as
a preventive of pneumonia, consump
tion and other serious lung troubles thut
follow neglected colds.
1'riiJpvtllpN for Spain.
Biit.MiNCiiiA.M, Eng., Mar. 15. Tho
Kynochs Company has already dis
patched a part of the large Spauibh or
der for special projectiles standing 4,'.
feet high, tho largest ever made by the
Sunday, ostensibly for Porto Hico, will
only call there for piuvN'ons, etc., and
will afterward leave lor ILivana. A
second Spanish flotilla will boon start
for Cuban waters, und will jroliablo be
stationed at Porto Hico
Hev. E. Edwards, pastorofthe English
BaptiBt Church at Minersville, Pa.,
wlien suU'erlng with rheumatism, as
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
He says: "A few applications of this
linliuoiit proved of great service to me.
It 8ubsued tho inllaiuatlon und relieved
the puin. Should any sutler profit by
giving Pain Balm a tilal it will please
me." For sale by Blakeley k Houghton.
Till Wan Mmto MntilfrMt in the Wnv
Midi .Iniiiin.
As for hr patriotism of the Chinese,
if it ever existed, it is unqut'sticmnbly a
thing of the past, says the Illustrnicd
Aincrienn. At the time of (he war
uith Japan, China had two squadrons.
uie main or northern squadron, with
headquarters at Port Arthur and Wei-llni-Wei,
and the southern squadron,
composed of fine Armstrong cruisers,
of gunboats and torpedo boats. As it
was clear that tlio- Japanese would
carry the war i.nto Manchuria and to
ward the Gulf of Petchili. the southern
squadron was ordered to proceed north
ward and to reinforce the northern
fleet. Far from obeying, the com
manding admiral and his officers de
cided that, being a great deal safer in
the south, they would quietly remain
there, and go up a river, the entrance
of which could bo defended by torpedo
mines, which they hurried fo lay. Why,
im the name of Confucius, should thev
have exposed themselves for the sake
of defending the northern provinces?
Aljout the same time the Chinese gov
ernment being in need of money to
carry on the war decided that a small
tax would be imposed upon the tea plan
tations, most of whose proprietors are
wealthy, or at least well-to-do people.
But these patriotic citizens, in order
to avoid paying that small tax, begged
the foreign merchants to take the plan
tations in their names!
Sheep marking paint; ready for use.
Two colors, black and red. Why you '
shou'd use our sheep paint. First, be
cause the colors are ground thoroughly
in pure linseed oil by fine machinery;
seco'tid, because it is made of high grade ,
color, with the proper amount of dryers
added to give it binding and lasting !
qualities, wnicn prevent it irom washing
or rubbing off; is much raoie
economical, because it is always ready
for use. We guarantee our sheep mark
ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it
and be convinced. Clarke & Falk.
agents, The Dalles, Or.
Nmltli Stabbed Kelly.
San Francisco, Mar. 15. James Cur-
tin, known as "Spider Kelly," was seri
ously, but not fatally, stabbed last night
by Solly Smith, the pugilist, who was
drunk .
The affair took place in Kelly's saloon.
and was the culmiuation of a row, in j
which Kelly had violently abused Smith I
who struck with o knile at Kelly's throat
but the Spider threw up his shoulder.
The knife cut deep into the fleshy part
ot the body, jus.t back of the armpit, but
the movement saved his life. The wound
is deep, but the injured man will recover
Smith escaped in a hack.
I have been afflicted witli rheumatism
for fourteen years and nothing seemed
to give any relief. 1 was able to be
around all the time, but constantlv suf
fering. I had tried everything I could
hear of and at last was told to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which I did. and
was immediately relieved and in a ehort !
time cured. I am happy to say that it
has not since returned. Josh Edgar,
Germantown, Cal. For sale by Blake
ley & Houghton.
Siitidaed Joy Preferred.
The Pastor Ie glad to see Hruddah
Jones 'in clui'oh once moah. 1 hope he
done see de eiror ob his ways, fo' dey
s moah joy ober de one sinnah dat is J
returned dan oDcrde ninety ami nine
Brother Jones "Oh, do ninety nn'
.... . 4 .1 i 1 I
nine nceitu t ler erow: an e uu u-u
some Tings 'bout de ninety an' nine if
h wanted fo! Puek.
Highly ('ot'liera.
Among numismatists one of the most
sougjit after eolomial coins is the Highly .
copper. Thev are of several varieties,
i ud were struck in 737 by Samuel High-
ly, who was a physician and ;i black-!
smith at Granby, Conn. He obtained i
the copper from a mine near by, and
shaiH-d the coins at his forge.
Whooping cough is tho most distress
ful; malady; but its tluratiun cm be cut
short by the use of One Minutu Couyli
Cute, which Ih uIfo tho heat known
remedy for croup and all lung and bron
chial trouble.
There are ilircu little things which do
more work than any other threo little
things' created t bey are tho ant, tho bee
and J)e Witt's Little Kaily Risers, the last
being the famous little pills for stomach
and liver troubles;.
Biimku the popular brands Prize
Medal, Guarantee aud Jioeo Queen
cigars niauulactured by S, F. Fouts.
One Minute Qough Cure, cures.
TUut in what It was made for.
Sheriff's Sale.
1 OrtYim for Wco comity.
T. ). Klcld, plnliitlfr
Wm. WrRfcId, I -mini K. Wrpfeld. Flict National
Hunk of 'I he Dulles, Thomas Kollv ami A. ?.
Dennett, ilolen.mnts.
Hy.vlrtuo of nn execution, decree mid order of
erne, duly liivd out of una under the soul of
tlieClrcuit Court of the Snte of Oregon, for the
tho County of Wnsco, to me dl looted mill dHted
thc2.'ith dny of Fibrimry, 1WS, upon n decree for
the foreclosure of n certain iiioriRiiRc, and Jiidi?
ment lcndunit und entered In said Court on the
Ith day of December, l(s9", In the above entitled
cause, In favor ot the plalntM' .mil aRiilnst tho
defendants William nirgfcld mid Ijiura K. Itlrp
fuld as judgment debtors, In the sum ol llfteen
hundrtd and twelve dollars and twciitv-ulne
cents, with Interest thereon from tho 4thilny of
December, is:i7, at the rate of ten tier rent per
annum, una the further sum of one liunilr-d and
fifty dollars ns attorney's fee, and the further
sum of 111 teen dollars, costs, and the iot8of
and upon this wilt, and commanding mo to
make sale of the real property embraced In such
ncreeoi lorccioMire aim nereinaiter neerlued, l
win on iuc
1 Sjtli ilnj- of April, 1H0H,
at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon of
said nay. and at the front door of the Countv
Court house in Da c.sCltv. Wnscn Countv. Ore
eon, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder
lur can in mum, nu me rignr. utie ami interest
which the defendants William Hltgfeld and
Lnurn E. lllrgfeld, Thorn s Kelly nud A. 8. lien-
neu, or euner 01 mem, mm on tne I'n day ot
August, ls'.rj, the date of tbo mortgage foreclosed
herein, or w hich such defendants or anv of the
defendants herein huvo aeoillred. or now have In
and to the following described real property,
situated nnd being in Vnco Countv, Ortgon,
to-wit: An undivided one-filth interest of nil
ol teetlon iso. 21, the nw U nnd the so !i of sec
tion No. , alto all of section No. 2,", the luv Ji
nnd the so '.j ut section No. 2", nnd the nw li of
section No. :i.j, all in township No 7, south of
range No. 17. enst of the . M : also of section
No. a, township No. S, south of range No. 17, east
of the V. 31., containing in all 2S81.1U acres ac
cording to the (ioveriiment survey (pageilU.vol.
O of deeds) also the s of the sw Vx and the s
of the se i of section No. 31. towtishln No. 7.
south of tance 17, east ol W. 31., containing 1C0
acres, (pnue ui,.voi. iv. aeeoj also nil tne uw if
of section No. 26, township south of rnnge 17,
enst of W. M., (page 3.7), Vol. N. of deeds.) said
Interest in the above desciibed real property be
ing the same ili'scended to and inherited by the
said Ijmra E. Hlrgfeld upon the death of Alexan-
uer nogers ana i n ma lingers, neriatnerann
mother. Said pronerty will be sold subject to
confirmation and redemption as by law pro
vided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 3d dny of
.Marcn, isvs. men.i-u.
Sheriff of Watco County, Oregon.
Guardian's Notice.
TV. d'Tiinf Tt M.i- r ' n -T T. .
No'iee is hereby given that the undersigned,
as gunraian oi jus. a. Jirown, jr., j-.tnel 31
Brown, I'aullna A. Brown, David E. Brown
3Iary H. Brown and (Jeo. D. Brown, has filed in
the County Court of the State of Oregon for
hiisco county, nis petition praying lor a li
cense to sell the interest of mid minors In and
to the following described real property to-wit:
A trMct of land in Dalle- City, W asco County,
Oregon, bounded and described as follows:
Ik-ginning at a point 20 rods south and 30 feet
west of what Is known ns the northwest corner
of theJ. 0. Wilson lot, said corner being one
hundred and elevm rods east of the northwei-t
corner of the John A. Slmnis Donation Land
Claim No. ay, in Ti 1. North Hange 13 East W .
31., running thence south ten rods; thenei west
six rods and three feet: thence north ten rods;
thence east six rods and three feet to the place
of beginning, containing one-half an acre,
more or less.
All persons interested in real etate are hereby
notilied to appear before said County Court at
the county courtroom In Dalles City on Fridm,
the 2ith day of Slareh. l&'.W. at the hour of ''
o'clock p. m., then and there to show cause, If
nny mere ue, wny sum license to sell sum real
property should not be granted.
3!arch 1, lsy5.
JAS. A. HUOWN, Sit.,
mcli'M Ouurdlan.
Land Office, The Dai.lks, Ok,, I
February, y, 1S'J8. j
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to commute and makeliual proof in support of
his claim, and thut said proof will be made be
fore Kenfster und Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Tuesduy. iiurch 22, 1898, viz:
Oliver Uoiveru, of Tho Dalles,
It. E. No. 5h07, for the SKJ4 NEJi and NEK SFJf
Svo2l,Tp2N. R 12 E, W l.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation
of said land, viz:
William Rutl'ner, retry VanCamp, Harry
learned, H. H. lA-arned, all of The Dulles, Ore
gon. JAS. K. MOORE, Register.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Frank Ireland,
deceased, ha Hied his II mil account as such 't
mint trutor in the county court of the State of
Ongou for Waseo County, and the Judge theie
of has appointed Monday, the 7th day of Match,
lbtts, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the
couuly courtroom in the courthouse in Dalles
City, in said county and state, as the time and
pHee for the hearing of objections to said final
account and the settlement thereof. All heirs
and enditots of tin' deceased, and all other per
sons interested in said estate, are he'eby notilied
to lllo their objictlous to suld lltuil account, If
any thev have, on or before the date llxed for
the hearing and settlement theieof.
Dulles City, Ongou, Feb. x,,.
Jeb5-lw-li Administrator.
J.ANI) OFKICK, TilK 1MI.1.KS, Or,,)
Kihiuary 15, IsDS, i
Notice is hereby given that tliu followliig
uaincd scctlci has lllul notice of his Intention
to make lliiul pioof In suptini t of his claim, und
unit stun pr oi win n mane ijcioiu ucgisicr ami
Receiver at The Dalles, iregon, on .Monday,
Apill Ifi, 1MW, xhi
Jiiiiich Hull, of The Dulles',
II. K. No. -1717, for the SE.'4 N WW, NE'i and
HKii M: tiie. 31, TP I N., K, U V., V. M.
He names the tnllimlug witnesses to provo
his continuous lesidenco upon aud eultivatlou
of said In i it j , I.,:
Alexander Vance, Albert Walters, Wil iam
Wolf, l'niuk Obrist, all of The Dalles, Oiegon.
O il JAS. F. MOORE, Uerlster.
Ollleo over Klrst Nut. Hunk,
Ucpresontlug one of Leading Styles.
UK stock of Ladies' Spring Suits for the season
of '98 is almost complete and we take great
pleasure in asking the Ladies of The Dalles
and vicinity to call and inspect them.
Leading Styles,
Designed by Leading Makers.
Our assortment is such that anyone can easily
make a satisfactory selection.
Ask to see our Black or Blue Serge Suits; Jack
ets lined with Silk; Skirt with finished seams and
velvet binding, at
Our all-wool Cloth Suits, very Stylish and well
made. Finished seams in skirt, velvet bound,
Jocket faced to shoulder with same material, bDund
seams. Price
Suits from $5.00 to $20
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes ol farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi
ness, for tho improvement of their business and homo
interests, for education, for tho elevation of American
manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive
stories of tho doings of the world, tho nation and states.
IT HAS advised tho fur in or as to tho most approved meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho
proper time to convert them into tho largest possible
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters portaining to tho wolfaro of
farmers und villagers, and for over half a century has
held their confidence and ostoom.
and wo furnish it with the Somi-Weokly Chronicle one
year for $1.75, cash in advanco.
00. nsss&-
I l'
, 1 1
i1 ft
1 Sis
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