m cranffi ENTOYS "Both the method and results when 'Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant 5Hid refreshing to the taste, and acts ;ijonth yet promptly on the Kidneys, Xiiver and Dowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in Its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most 3icalthyand agreeable substances, its jnany excellent qualities commend it to nil and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who -wishes to try it Do not ncceptany substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAMCISCO, CAL. UUISV1U. XT. NEW YORK, H.Y. Tbe Dalles Daily Chrciifc nit. nvt.i.cs, OKKOON J'KUSONAk MENTION J. W. Parker is up from Hood Itiver today. A. B. Colver and wife of Prineville are in ttie city. John O'Leary is in the city from Grass 5ValIy today. S T. Ilrennan left for his home 1 1 jMitchell today. J. A. Jackson of Slierar'a Bridge is at the TJuialilia House. H. S. Wilson and wife went to Port land this morning for a short visit. Mrs. Frank Menefee lett otvtlie morn ang train to visit friends at Fairview. K. . Mitener, who has been in the eity for several days, returned to tiib lioiue at Mitchell today. William Gribble, the popular porter at the Umatilla House, returned last night from a short visit to his farm on .flood river. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. "Notice is hereby given that there will bean annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland k Astoria Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, April 2, 1S9S, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing seven directors, and transact ing such other business as tnav properly come before said meeting. By order of ?the president. Tbe Dalles March 1, 189S. 0. L. Phillips, Secy. "Foutz" cigars are on saie at the follow ang places: Snipes-Kinersly, Clark & Talk and M. Z. Donnell, druggists ; Com anission Co., Geo. Each. Fred Fisher and Chas. Phillips, grocers ; Columbia 'Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection ers; Clias. Frank, Ad. Keller, D.in maker, Aug. Buchler, Ben Wilson and 3L'he Midwav, saloons. CM.h lu Your Chuck. AH countv warrants registered prior tto Jsov. 22. 1893, will he paid at my sfiice. Interest ceases after Feb. 10th, 38118. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. We Te anxious to do a little good in tthifl world and can think of no pUaa ointer or better way to do it than by rec ommending One Minute Cough Cure as si preventive of pneumonia, consump tion and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk'e and get prices on the La Plata Sheep Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in stantly with cold water, and it is an in fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lieu and ticko. 1 tf Don't annoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by ni-glecting a cold. Ouo Minute Cough Cure cures coughs. colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Miecpiilell, A tli'llllmi: Clarke & Falk have ewurod the tagency for the La Plata Sheep Dip. JMbcee' instantly with cold wuter. . Smoke the popular brands Prizo SHedal, Guarantee and Kosw Queen "Cigars manufactured by S. F. Fouts. TJUS-aKISK.VIHlllKFKK & KUKUV, Physicians aud Surgeons, Special attention given to lursery. JHooiub 21 aud 'ii, Tel. 328 Vogt Illock CAUGHT DY A KODAK. How It ttit lli I'niiill- In n Queer riltrtit lli-ftire tlie .tllttlMrr. MissMai'glllit'uddio's new Uodah funic home from down-town late Saturday night. If there had heen light eiuuifrh she would have done a lot of snap '.hooting before she went to bid, bit'. 111 kodaks don't work after dark she wus obliged to wait t:l! morning. As soon as breakfast was over she niched up her new toy and m.:i!L pic ture? of the dog- and the eat tirti! her mother p-otestrd so vigorously against Mteh employment on .Sunday morning that she had to desist. When the old folk:-, had coup to church, however. Miss Maepriiftttldie remaining at home beiause of a slight indisposition, the kodak was trotted out again. The young lady had tried, though, of pho togr: phir.tr such comnunipliici' sub jects as the dog and the eat. so she sent to the house of a couple of friends and askeil them to come over and poc for her. They came and were photo graphed in numerous poses, but the young artist wanted something lhe ly and characteristic. ' "You girl are always playing cards," she said: "why shouldn't I photograph you in the midst of a game. You'll have to sit still only throe or four min utes, and yon can easily do tnat." The other girls acquiesced, and the cards and a set of poker chips were spread out on a ltipboard between them. After the necessary posing and squinting to get everything in proper focus, the cap was removed from the kodak. , Unfortunately Miss Ma-rgillieuddie had taken no account of time during heir morning's experiments, am. Un expose was not more than a minute o'.d when the front door opened and in walked her father and mother, accom panied by the new minister, whom they liad brotitrht to Sunday dinner. The first thing they saw, of course, on en tering the house, was the poker game between the two young women, and the minister, discreetly looking away as soon as possible, failed to discover the kodak. Mrs. laegilliettddie was embarrassed beyond expression by the sight and hurried away to iter room, where she shed bitter tears. Mr. Mac gillicuddie, however, tried to make ex planation, but only succeeded in mak- J ngmnltcxsYijrs.e. ".Not reallv a card era me, 1 assure you, Mr. Fourthly," he stammered in an embarrassed fashion. "Girls only practicing with their new kodak." The rattling of the cards and chips as the girls tried to scramble them out of sight, seemed to disprove this state ment, however, and Mr. Fourthly put an end to it by saying, coldly: "Least said about that is surest mended, lam sure, Mr. Maegillicuddie." He left the house as soon after din ner as he decently could without any one having the courage to make good the explanation. Chicago Times-Herald. I A TOOTH OF GOLD. The Truthful Xurrutlon of n Dentist Vlio Kn Ilia Ilimlnen. The man in the chair of torture was remonstrating with the doctor of dental-surgery. "That's all right," said the dentist, "but you are foolish not to let me build that tooth up with gold for you." "What's the use? It will cost me $40, you say, and I cannot afford to eat my live-dollar-a-week board bill with a $-10 tooth. It is too much de'id capital." "Is it?" smiled the dentist. "Listen to a story. About ten years ago I was trying to make a living in the west ini partnership with a fellow who wasn't any luckier than T was. We worked aiound to the north where the winters are as bad as they are in the Klondike, and our funds kept getting lower and lower until starvation sat down to tabic with us. The weather was getting colder, too, and the last wagon train out was booked for the following Sun day, then two days away. It was our last chance, for to.remain there for the four months till the trail wasopen meant death sure. The price to go with the train was S'5 each. Just what $!.'. amounts to you will never know umtil you need it as badly as we did. "We hadn't a cent on earth and noth ing to put up to get one with. It was indeed a cold day for both of us. By Saturday noon we had given up till hope of getting out, and we had retired to our shanty to drown our sorrow in a fjuart of whisky we had discovered, no matter how. As we sat gazing In stu pid despair at each other with the full bottle between us, my partner grinned ti ghastly grin and the gleam of the gold in his filled teeth ctmglit my eye. I con cealed my feelings quietly and asked him how many teeth he had filled. Ik told me there were six, and one of them was nearly a solid gold tooth amd hud cost him $50. In a minute I had com municated my ideas to him, and in an other minute I had my toolh, for I had been studying dentistry then, at work in his mouth, diggingnway like a miner. It wafc a rich field and n half an hour I had out every lilt of gold Lit those teeth of his and hud beaten it up into a wad that we took to the owner of a btiloon who knew what raw gold was worth, lie looked it over and offered $00 for the wad. "My partner kept his mouth shut and so did I, and when the train moved out with its wagons next day we had our place in the front row nnd five dollars apiece Hpending money. Six months later we Htruck luck and I filled my part ner's teeth and never charged him a cent." "Go on with mine," said the man In the chair, "and charge me the same." Washington Star. WILLIAM'S GREAT STABLE. Three Hundred mill Port- IJomcii, Hleven for (lie IlniiiroHn. The "marstall," or stable of the Ger man emperor, consists of S IO middle and carriage horse- r.'l from live to ten years old. Eleven of the llncst of these tire reset-veil especially for the use of the empress. Six of th.'Ui nrc brown trakchiics and arc for carriage tise, and the. others arc broken to raddle. The horses tire entered in the stables when they arc live years old and are trained a half yean before they un used. The requirements tire hard. They inn: t he showy and fiery, be per fect in action and still be ar. gentle as lambs. They must be broken to the noisu-s and tra!l!e of city at recta, to troops and to hot infantry and artil lery lire, nnd must be taught, in addi tion, tn remain perfectly unmoved when there is loud shouting from the great crowd., all around them. The empress war, a poor horsewoman when she wa.4 married, but since then she has ridden r.'most daily. She has a npecinl r,tallir.ciater who rides with her. lie is a beautiful creature in n retl cunt e-nbmidered with gold, white riding breeches and high black boots. For or dinary occasions, such as the daily pleasure drives of the empress, she litis a coachman, two outriders nnd one mounted man abend. For festal occa sions, even though she be alone in the carriage, six great black trakehnes draw her carriage. The leaders are rid den by men in handsome livery. 2 n parades she rides a great gcldlu:r a:id wears a drcrs modeled nfter the cuirassier uniform, with a big white feather-covered hat. Her hunter is a brown horse. BURROS FOR JAPAN. A IllK Ilttnch "f Them tu lie SIiIpiipiI from Orofroii Unuses. Not long ttgi). when W. L. 1'cv. ell and A. .1. Powell were riding through Wat Iowa county to buy horsi s they noticed on the range tuiiuerous.herils of burros. They hunted up the owner, a hotel man at l'lgin, says the Portland Orcgoniar- "What do you want for these bur ros?" asked one of the Powells. The owner fixed no price, but would sell. "I'll give you S::,50 a head and round 4-hem-np-iny-vlf-or--Bix dollars a head, you to deliver them at the corrals." A contract was made on the latter b.tsis for COO head. The owner found the job of collecting those burros a bif, one. They were wild and free and ob jected to captiwty. Since August iatt from six to ten men have been, bury with lariats, nnd they have just finished the work. When a bunch of six or seven were captured their heads were tied together anil they were released until wanted. Nearly 1,000 head, maf:y of them young jacks, were .at last rounded up and delivered. The Powells took them all. They will be shipped tc Seattle, and the majority are destined for Japan to lie used there as pack ani mals. Sonic go to the Klondike, how ever. The younger ones will be re leased by the Powells on the ranges near Pressor, Wash., to further in crease and multiply. A doen years or so ago the pack train of an emigrant outfit, consisting of bur ros, was turned loose in Wullowa valley. From these ancestors sprang the. 1,000 head that now comprise the. novel shipment of the Powells. FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY MAN. I This offer is made by the ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM I iirovldcil iijijillriitlon be made ill Mieu, in nrilur ' tlmt Its inventions, appliances iiiul never LiUinc , remedies rimy receive the widest tMjxilblc pub licity, itnrt prove their own merits by hriiihI Ui uiul inrlllBllnt ourt-H. No .Mimny I wiinivr will be recelvnl by the IlllmiU , HiHtn Huiiliurluiii I rum niiynneuiidcrU.'i treat i meat until Imimllcliil rnnult rokinm l i cilBftl, Its remedies and appllanee have been 1 enintnendeil hv the newsuaiierH of Two Conti nents and etidored by the ftreitett dwlor in the world. Where development Is desired, they Hi-cnmpUih it and never mil to invigorate, up build mid fortify. They Infuse new life and enenjy. They per. liiariuutly Htop all losses which undermine the constitution nnd roditco despondency. They re-lone, reiresn anil rcnoro in maniiooii, r K"rill of nj. They care evil habits and I j m maiiently remove their ell'vcts, n well as I those of excesses and over-taxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No fall me, no piililleliy. no deception, no illii I nlntiniil. KITE TO-ll, V. 1 ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM. i KvuiiMton, 111. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tht la what It whs md lor EVERY DOT PORE IF A PORE DECOMEB CLOGGEDwl Inflammation and Irritation et in causing PIMPLES Dlotches, blackheads, baby blemishes, and falling hair. The- ouly proventlvo la CUTICURA SOAP becau&e tho ouly proventlvo of Inflamma tion and clogging of the Form, Btl (rtWr than lb MnbUad Mlw of til ether (kljt ad MBPItslen mmm. Hold tsroufhoat ll vend. . i "mm Patronize the Troy IiAUflDRY. All klnilnf work White Shirts n specialty. Kiimllv work nt reduced r te. Wash cnllerled nmldellveiiil tree, Teleiilumo No. 1 ll. H. D. Parkins, Agt, I J. S. HCIIKNK. I'l evident. II. M. ItK.W. , Cashier i prat National Bank. i THE DALLES - - - OREGON 1 . . . L-l II 1 .. , a CiOIlcrill lUUlKlng iiuainrnn irwiBituwii Dopoaits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptlj remitted on duv of collection. ! Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold or. Now York, San Francisco tuiJ port- land. DIKECTOKS D. P. Thomphon. Jno. 8. Schknuk. Kn. M. Wilmamh, Gko. A. I.tr.iiK. II. M. Bkai.i.. We fire Doir;?? ffeat apd jlrtistie ..priptir;.. For Ffeasorjable We Print Anything in the Printing Line. (Jiie us a trial. l?ror;.fJ pub. 5o. Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate. Kotleu Is hereby given that under and by vlr tneof an order of the tlonnty Court of the .Stale of Oregon for Whm o Countv, made on the 8th ilny of January, in tin- matter nt the estate of Dr. V. i:. Hlnehart, dei-e.i-ed, 1 w-IIUell at public auction, at the eonrth uedoor In Dalles City, In tahl comity and stale, on the'JHth day of l-tbruarv, lK'-i, at 1 o'clock p. tu., to the high est biilder,"iill the real estate belotiiuns to ald estatoittid described as follows, to-wlt. Uiti. A, 11, C, I), K. y, (i, II, I, J, K and I, in lllock IV. in the Kurt Dalles illlitiry Iteserva tion Anillliou to Dulles Mty, lu taidcouuey and .Unto. 1 he west half of the southeast quarter anil the east half of tne southwest quarter of .-eetlun 1 In township '.' north, ratiKe II east, In neo County, Orezon. Terms of sale One-half In rash at time of al and one-half lu six mouths, secured by morttrattt' on the premises. Dalles City, Otefron, Jan. J7, 1KW. KMII.Y 11. ItlNKIIAUT. Jan'.M-ii Administratrix. For Peoplo That Are f I PILLS Sick or " Just con't Feel WeU." nmv ONE FOR A DOSE. fltmoe PlmplM, curat HMtwche. Dyipepsli ir Collenlt. 25 cts. box at druit(?ltiior hr mall baiuolt t'nt addreai Or. BounkoCo. 1'hlU. Tne coiumDia Packing Co. PACKERS OF ! PORKand BEEF! MANUKACTUltKlttt Ur I Fine Lard and Sausages, Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIKD UKEF. HTC. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. TIoorlmiorDT'C -frr "RtQT1 Q"hrvrc and all kinds Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- FlOUr ff,,'8 F'0,,r 18 mmiufttcturt'il ox)rHHly lor fiunllj uvru a vui. U8e. everv (mck jH KiiurmiU-cil to yivu natisfuutiim. We tell our goods lower than any house In the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced, 4 Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. r ,CHAS. F-W- Sutchens and Fanmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the ci'leliratod t'Ol.t'MIliA IlKICU, acktiowl dcd Ihe best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Conic lu, try I' aud be iiii.vlnccd. Al-n the I'ltnst brands of Wlni-s, I.I tiors imil Clitars. Sanduiiehes of nil Kinds always on hand. IMS NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'uci'H n U'enk. irll I'Hpnrs u Vi-ur It f-tunilH first iituonc 'wcukly" pupcrt in ui'.e, frt'(uuni-y of pulilicntloii fruehni-HH, vnriisU tintl rulluhility of cor. twite. It iB practically n dully tit thu low pricu o a wi-ckly : mid itH vuet lint of BiihHcribcrH, oxti'iiilinir to uvory Btati- and territory of tht' Union mid foreign conn trii'9, will vouch (or thu accuracy anil fairncHH of it e uihvh colutnuH. It is Hiilt'tiiiiilly illiiatruti'il, aud imion Its Hpucial fi'atiiri'B tiro n lino htttuor pujru, uxhiiustivii inarki't ruportn, all tin.' iati'ft fashions, for wouiuti and a Ion surii'H of Htorii-H ly tho nrwituHt Hvinv Anierican nnd EtitiliHh uuthorH, Ciniiiii Ilnylx, .Jiirimii' K. .li-riiiiie, Htiinlt-y Wi-j-iiihii. illiiry E. AVIIMiih Antliiiuy Ilium, Unit llurtti, llritnilnr Multlit-WK, Kte. WeoflcrthiB uni-quiili'd uowHpiipi'rand Tho Dalk-H Tu icu-u-Wt-ok Chroiiicli! to. pother onu year for if'J.OO. Thu reuhu pricu of the two papers ie $11. 00. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANSACT A GKNEIt.U, HAN' KING IlUclNEa Luttcrs of Credit issued uvailahlu in the Etiflturn StateB. Siyht JExchnnKe mid Teleprnphic TrmiBfurg Hold on New York, Chicuiro, St. Louis, San FranciHco, l'ortlund Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various poitits tu Oregon and Washington. Collections ma'le at till points on fav orable terms. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL If All work promptly nttcndeil to, and warranted. ' 174 VOGT LOCK G-uardian's Notice. To Whom It May Co.nckun Xodee Is lierehy Klven that tho undersigned, as Kuardlan of Jan. A. Ilrowu, Jr., Ktliel M. Drown, Paulina A. Ilroivn, David K. lltowu, Mary H. Ilrowu and Geo. It. Ilrowu, lias tiled in Mm County Court of the Htate of Grewm for Wax-o County, his tietltlon praying for a li cense to sell the Interest of said minors In and to the followltiK deserloed real proterty to-wlt: A tract of laud in Unite. City, Uaseo County, Oregon, Ixiuudeil and described as follows: IH-nliiuliin nt it iHiiut rods south and :.0 feet west of what Is known as the northweit eoruer of the J. G. Wilson lot, said eoruer heltiK one hiiudnil and elevm nsls east of the norlliue-it corner of the John A, Kiiutus Donation IjiikI Claim No. II'J, iu Tn 1, North Hiiiiko 111 ICast W. M riiuulliK thence south ten rods, thence west six tods nnd three feet: thencetiortli ten rials, thenre enst six rods it-id thret) feet to the place of bcKiuiiliiKi coiitnlulUK one-half an acre, inoroor less, All irn,ni lnterenti-d lu real -tnte are hereby notilkd to appear before said County Court at tho county courtroom lu Dalle.-t City on lrlda, the 'J-'itli day ol .March, WM. nt tho hour of 'J o'clock p. in,, then and there to show cause, If any there be, why said license to sell said real property should not bcitraulcd. March 1, IWi. JAB, A. llllOWN.Kit., inuh'.'-i (iiiarillau. of MILL f-EEO Watehmakeri Jewe cr EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave nnd an- duo tn nrrlvt- nt Portland I.KAVK. oviuti.ANi) i:x. press, Halciii, Itose fill tk, Ashland, Sue- O.W I' .. i j rniueiiio, wKoi-ii,rMiu ' rranoisco, Molnve, fl l ,os Aiilteies.i-.i rnso. New Orleans uiul ! t.K'"t J ItosehurR nnd way sta-1 tlOIIK r Via WoiMlburii fori i I Mt, Annul, Hllverton, i ",-t::ai A. M 1' M Hally except Sundays, Imlly except Miuidny West Sclo, llrowus- I vlllcriprltiRlluld and IMiin Natron J ITtrJl A. M. ICorviillls Istatlous . IM I', M I.VIiKl'KNIiKXf'K I'ASHKSGKlt. Kxpress train Dally (uxceptHuudiiy). liftOti. in, 1.V. . .I'ortlnnil Ar.i h:'r a. in -:M. m, i.M MeMlnnvllle .l.v.J (i.Nin, tr H::wp. in. (Ar .Iiiilepeiiileuce..l.v J liifla. nt Dally. (Daily, except auiulny. DINING CAUb"(1N (TgDHN UOUTK. I'lTI.i.MAN lll'FKKT HI.KKl'KItS AND rti:(,OND-OI.AS.H HI.KKI'INO CAIth Attnehcd to all TliroilKli TrnliiN. Direct connection at fnn Krnticlsco with Orel denial and oriental and Tactile mall steamship Hues for JAI'AN iitul CHINA. Hnillnr; dates on nt plication. Kates and tickets to Knstern iniIiiIs and Ku roiie. Also JAPAN, CHINA, IIONOt.lM.L' and AC.STKAI.IA. can be olitalniii from .1. II. KIltKI.ANI), Ticket ARtnt. ThrouKh Ticket Olhce, l.'ll Third street, where throturh tickets to all polutH In the Knstern Htatcs, Catiadn and hurope can be olitalmxl at lowest rates from , J. II. KIltKI.ANI), Ticket AKeut. All above trains arrive at and depart Irian (iratid Central Station, Tilth and Irving streets YA.MIIli.l. DIVIHION. I'lissctiKcr Di'sit, foot of Jetlersou street. U-ave for OSW'KGO, daily, except Sunday, nt !;i0 ii, in., l'.'.UI, !..Vt, fi (.:..., ruitt p, m, (anil II :'M p. in. on Httimlay only, nnd U'lU a, tu mill :i:lin p. in. ou Mondays only). Arrive nt i'ortlnnil nnllv nt M: 10 iind hillo a in.; and 1.V,, 1.15, 1'.'.'.'H mill 7:Ki p. in. i (and lUtltt a. in , a 15 ,'i:lu p. ui. on siinilays mil) . I.enve for Kherldnn, week ttnys, ut l:W p. m Arrive at I'ortlaud, J:'W a. m, Iji-ave for AIUI.II'. on Mondiiy, VAilnesdiiv and Krlaay at ;: 10 n. in. Arrlv nt I'ortlnud, Tues day, Thursday aud Hiituriluj it :i:U,"i p. in. Kxcept Huiidny. Kxcept Kattirdny. It. KOKIII.KU, Manater. G, II. .MA HICHAM, Asst. G, K. .V i'ass. Ast ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Tomrist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. I' A 11 1. MINNKAl'OI.I 1ICI.CTII f-MtGO ilt,M) COIt uitmmsTON U'lNMI'KO IIKl.KNA uu l IJTTK TO Through Tiekets Chicago Tl WAHIIINUTON l'IIII.ilKI.I'lllA NEW YOUK IIOHTON AMI A I.I. I'OINTH KAHT uiul HOIITII For liilorinatlou, time cards, mapNuud tlekeu, cal on ur write tn W. C. ALLAWAY. ARftit, The Dalles, OWin ou A. I). CHARLTON. AhhL G- l. A., iW. .Morrison Cor. Third. Tortland On-uou Dalles, Moi'o and Aotelope. STAGE LINE. Through by dayllKht via Grass Valley, Kent nud Cross Hollows. IMUKll.AH AI.I.KN, 'Jim IIhIIiim. C. M. WIIITKI.AW, Antelopo. fibiKes lenve The Dulles Iroui Iniatllla House at 7 ii. in., also fioui Anleloiio at T.'M n. in. ever) Mondiiy, Weduesdny mid Frliluy. Coiiuectloiis ini.oc nv Aiueioiie lor rrineviiie, .onuimu 1 points boyotul. Close in iiiieuiious niailuat I In I Dalles with railways, trains mid boats. I Htaites fioui Auicloiio reach The DnllcH Tues days, Thursdays and .SnturdnyK at 1 ;UU i. in. I'.ATIiH (IP FA UK. Dulles lo Dcsehiitc. do .Moro, ., do Grass Valley do Kent do Cross Hollows Antelope to Cross Hollows do Kent do Grass Vulley .fl on 1 W '.' '.O il I m I fl I U CO . II l no juoro , do Deschuees . do Dalles w I1 ATTUKNKY AT LAW, , TIIK Al.lil,OKICI0 Olllee ovet First Nut. ll ink. H N IIUNTINCITON it s wlfcSOM Hl UNTINOTON A WIIJiON IIUR Ol ITlllun. ATIOKNKVH AT LAW, TIIK UAI.LEH, Oftlco over Flrit Nut. Dunk.