The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 15, 1898, Image 3

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Just Received.
Tho Cream of the Most Progressive
In nil the Intent blocks and colore. Tlio progress
ivc makers havo tho most nrtlotlc Mocks. Tlie mof-t
jiopulur hats nro tho ones that combine quality and
style with economy. A glance at otu Furnishing
Goo Is Window will you that wo are strictly
Iti it when It comes to lints.
ThlB Is Drossy.
In Black or Brow 1.
A Tempter.
Latest Blocks and Colors.
$2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3. BO.
Displayed it) purpishirg
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAKCH 15, 1K9S
5 !
" ,
At l of P. hall
Tomorrow evening
Wheel!) for rent at Loo. Sehantio's old
Eta ml.
Fresh Columbia river Smelt at Dalit
Commission Grocery Co.'h .
Scow load of dry Fir Wood just re
ceivetl a Maier & Benton s. t
England and Japan will combine
resist Kiiesiu'H encroachment!) in Chin
When you Hinoke the Hose Queen (5
cent cigar you set your money's wort
Just received caulillower, sweet potil
lU'n, oranges, lemons aim tntnanas a
Cotmuiueion it Grocery Co.
The regular meeting of tho United Ar
tisans will be held tomorrow evening at
o'clock. All members are requested
to lie iiretont.
There will be a nodal bop si von by
the Woodmen and Cedar ; Circle thiH
evening. Invitation in extended to
their families and friends.
The United Statu government baa
tucceuded in getting two line Brazilian
cruiHt-rH. Fpain tried to get them but
the United States spoke first.
The fair grounds and racetrack at
North Yakima will soon present a lively
appearance. This week several horse
Wen with fine strings are expected to
f arrive.
Archbishop W. II. Gross will arrive In
the city tomorrow to otheiatein tho ded
ication of the new Catholic church,
which will take place Thtirsdav at 10
Mule preparing your gardens, re
member Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son have
many roses, hardv tilant and shrub-
berli-M ui,:.,i. ... 1 1 1 ...i.i ....... .1.. ... ii.u .....
1 ,114 UVIU glCHbl IU l(f-
pearnncu of your home. iu8dlw-wlm J-
At the bchool election held yesterday,
tiiuety-eix votes were cast. The
uii v piiii.ii.i....... I.. .1... jr.. i.i .
..i. ... . i
wane for director, andtieo. 1'. Morgan
for i...rL- Q .i.i V i.i .
utTh, bo mat both were elected una-,
Him,....!.. 1
P u ' 1 completed and last evening the now edi-
(l'ortB from tho Hay creek country j (il,0 Wll(1 jjt ,, ,,j thrown open for visi
'le that shearing has begun in that tor8 jl(J av were put in by the
cinity , and it will uot bo long until tho, v0,thweBteiii Light Co., of Portland,
j "tie oi ti,o irelghter'a bells, as he hauls
I lie wool to Tho Dalles market, can bo
"K-'aril along tho Huo.
Crushed rock is being put on Court
t'tet today in frout of the city jail, und
" o remonstrance is umde to tho ordi
"nce for the repair of this utreot, rock
HI he put on tho same between Mam
Blu Hilrd BtreetB.
Don't go to Spain nor Cuba and get
Wown up, but call on Butts and get a
, " "io and settle down. He is the
ler in that line, and auvoue overlook
"K this fact will be the loner. Iuforma-
"uu curfully furnished. You make !
You would not
consider $5.00 too
ninch to pay for
tins bat, bnt we
have marked It to
ell at $3.00.
Where will you
find 11 more tntty
Ilht tlllltl In n-prc-H'litcrt
liy tills cut.
MlllMllloflir IllMKISt
miy iiru n nil htrlet
ly In Ktylu. ry
ny price Unit will
milt your purfc,
Irom fj CO Ui t!..W.
Bell-Shaped Rob
Our Dry
Qood$ Uir;dou.
the price; Butts does the rest, tf
We understand that the strong wind
of last week olew down a portion of the
.fence around the city graveyard, and at!
present the cattle are tramping over the
graves eating the grass and injuring the
monuments. Whoever baB charge of
.. . i . ......
Mil' ci'inctcrv midiiin NCC IIH1I H1H IfriPCB
are put in shape.
County Clerk Kelsav returned last
night from a short business trip t0 the
interior. Ho reports the farmers nnd
sheepmen in good spirits, but saya the
(ground is very drv for this time of the
year, and consequently more rain thau I Au pt"pie OI vouageurove were nor
usualwill bo required this spring and J ror-slricken yesterday morning to learn
summer to insure good crops. J tllat a murder had been committed there.
Mr Win. Miehull enfnii nn nn tin
Dalles Ci.v last night, having KOne
down to Lyle to conduct the funeral ser-
vices of Mrs. Fred Smith, who died at
that place Saturday. The funeral wa9
largely attended, and seemed doubly sad
as the deceased wiib but -0 years old
and had been married but a Bhort time.
Graves fears are entertained by the
fruit-raisers on account of the present
pleasant, weather, and borne have come
to tlie conclusion that there will be but
little fruit raised in E.tstern Oregon this
year. The spring is entirely too early,
and if it is not phenomenally mild dur
ing April, the fruit crop will certainly
be destroyed.
1'rof. A. II. Lundel! will organize an
alternoon class in the rudiments of vo
cal music and note-reading, Saturday,
March 19th, at 1 o'clock p. m., in the
basement of theMiew Lutheran church.
All who are interested will please come.
This is au opportunity for all who can
not take advantage of the evening class,
and deserves consideration. Terms 1 50
for ten lessons, in advance including
book, .fU.OO. 15 -it
The woodwork is about done on Mays ,
it Crowe's new warehouse and at present
Fritz and Spivey are getting in their ar
tistic touches in painting the same. Mr.
Fnlz informs us that it is almost impos
sible for ho and Mr. Spivey to do the
amount of work that they .have on hand '
at present?) As soon as they finish the
wTrTTToTMays & Crowo they will begin
on the Great Noitbern Furniture Co.'
tut,,,. ,,,i ,,ntuiil nf theve thev '
"u,"i u '
have a number of smaller jobs.
ieeloruay uie wont oi putting inn s(
., ,.. ... ,. . n..i,ii,.
. t -t - ..ii! it... .-
lights in tho new
Catholic church
and this system is known as the Eagle
Automatic Acelino Generator, which
proves to be a very satisfactory systeiu
of lighting. Tho dedication of the new
edifice will take place at 10 a. m, Thurs
day tho 17th. A general Invitation In
extended to everyone in the city, special
invitations having been issued only to
persons living out of town.
The little 5-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mr. Albert Ballance, residing
three nnles eost of Long Creek, met
with a horrible accident Thursday even
lug that resulted in death a few hours
later. At the time that the accident oc
We have just received our first
shipment of Fancy and Plain Rib
bons. The assortment, is beautiful.
Kvory piece is a decided novelty and
up-to-date. There is a brightness in
their appearance which will convince
you that they are the proper thing
to wear. Prices range from
5c to $i.oo per yard.
The New
displayed in
Goods Window.
curred Mrs. 15a! lance was in the barn
yard, and ono of the children came run-
ning out saying her little sieter was on
fire- Wlie" sliu reached the house she
! f0UIltl tll(i lltlle one wrapped in flame?.
removed its clothing as rapidly as
' possible and extinguished the flames,
I (.Ml Inn l,,lu no fi n. !,,) I...
u '"p "I c miu UUl ucu lie
i nan9 a,,(l body in a shocking manner.
MHcal aid was summoned and every
, toesible done to rel.eve the child's
: ser.ngs but it died
fl 8 f,ock Fr,day motml's ln the m08t
uomu,e aK0"'
Harry r. Stephens, while intoxicated,
! ent to the Bohemia saloon a 10 o clock
j "'8 ,l aa assaulted Is. J. Jones,
,e tenier. Jones evaded Jm the
; ''rst time and going on U.e other side of
! u blll,rtrd, lb,e' ? eked , Ste'jhe"B t0,
awav and leave him alone. He asked
I for help from some bystanders, but they
were afraid. Stephens rushed at Jones',
j throwing the latter down. Jones drew
' his knife and stabbed Stephens two or
I three times in the chest and once on the
, top of his head. Stephens was pulled
I oil' and carried home. He died at 2 a.
' u. 'Stephen? had been a habitual
j drunkard for the last two years, and was
, a very dangerous man while drunk, hav
I lug committed many acts of violence.
He threatened to do up Jones because
the latter refused him liquor time after
Di'Uth of Clareuce Conk lint.
At 7 p. m. yesterday Clarence Edward
'onkling, eldest son of Sarah and H. II.
Conkling, died at hie parents' home, in
this city.l On Thursday mo'ning he was
KTrkPtTTii the abdomen by a horse at the
farm of J. I). Kelly, on 15 mile, and
was biought to tho city for tieatnieut.
lie sustained very serious internal inju
ries, and from the time of the accident
until his death his suffering was intense.
The deceased was bom in Iowa 2.'l
years ago, and has
about fourteen years
lived in tilts city
He had the rep
utation of being an honest, upright and
Industrious boy, and it is sad to see one
of this character taken away In his early
He leaves a father and mother, three
brothers Ernest, Bertie and Elda and
one sister, Gracie, to mourn his uutime-
lv death.
The funeral will take place from the
M. E. church at 10 a. m. tomorrow. All
friends of the family are invited to at
tend. liuokleu'K jtriiiun mtlvn.
The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, aud posi
tively cui es piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 26 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley aud
Houghton, druggists.
To Cure Cola lu Oue Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
ets. All druggists refund the money if
(hey fail to cure. 25c,
Clean Sale
One '95 I ,ad i es ' C love
land Wheel
Two '97 Eagle Wheels
One '90 Cleveland.. .
Gent's Wheel
One '95 Eagle Gent's
One '97 Boy's Eagle
Wheel '
One '97 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our new slock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
'ortinn r thH KiIIh Allowed
March Term of Court.
at the
E Martin $ ll 00
Josie Martin 18 00
R Brookhouse 10 40
Dallas and Spangler 10 00
Geo D Barnhart ACorapany office
A E Lake, lumber
Airtelope Herals, ptg
Woodworth and Hanna, supervis
L Healy. witness, justice court. .
A Field Lee, supervisor
Geo Meloy, do
J C Markham do
F W L Skibbe, meals
Chronicle Pub Co, ptg
J W .Marcus, sopt-rvlsor
Hansen & Thompson, repairing
J C Kocher, repairing wall of
Mays & Crowe, mdse
D P Crabtree, work on Tygb hill,
J M Ztimwalt, constable fees. . . .
A S Swift, justice fees
Lem Grisson, witness fees
M M Morris do
W C Houghton do
Win Frazier, serv subpoenas. . . .
Times. Mountaineer, pttr
Oregon Telegraph & Telephone
Co, telephoni' g
Jos 1 Peters & Co, wood
T J Driver, expenses for the ai-
restof Lemons
X J Swift, drawing jury list
li Kelly, witness fees
O It &K Co, transportation ....
W H Butts, coroners fee
Irwin-Hodson Co, supplies
O It A N Co, transportation ....
J H Cross, supplies to paupers. .
T J Driver, fees
Irwin-Hodson Co, supplies
Geo D Barnhard it Co, supplies,
W Heisler & Son, poll tax, II P
J II Aldrich, justice fees . , . . .
I) L Cates, witness fees
Times-Mountaineer, ptg
Mays it Crowe, supplies
E J Collins it Co, supplies, poor,
I) W. Vause, work on courthouse
Blakely it Houghton, medicines
for paupers
M ', Don ne 1, eame
7 90
11 07
4 55
5 00
1 50
39 00
51 50
50 00
G 00
28 00
27 CO
53 07
2 00
2 75
9 00
(i 40
12 85
2 90
2 90
2 DO
1 00
12 00
5 (10
9 25
05 50
3 00
1 50
05 00
3 00
31 50
27 95
1 00
(i 05
1 50
20 50
31 25
1 70
5 00
22 20
12 (i i
200 00
1 50
4 00
8 2.1
3 00
80 00
12 00
12 00
J2 00
4 50
3 00
11 20
17 90
W II Whipple, assessor
P F Burhani, conveying Mrs,
Chronicle Pub Co, ptg
Dalles Com Co, mdse to poor . . .
John Dalrvmple, work on toad. ,
J I4 Uiluert, extending tax roll. .
! C L Gilbert
i John Gavin , . . .
J T Nell
' F N Hill, constable fees
' F T Wrightman, sheriffs fees. , . .
' .1 M Fllloon, justice fees
i F N Hill, constable fees
, WmFolev 3 00
' Win Spencer 3 90
iWCSecklcs 3 00
Fred Kemph 7 40
FVank Heater 1 50
LO Hann 1 50
II S Cheasman 1 50
J M Filloon, justice fees 18 20
I'ruf. Dout, Optician.
The testing of eyes is not a matter of
naves work, nor by far only a matter of
trying on a pair of ready made glasses.
It Is a science governed by principles
and conditions, which none but a person
who has Btudied the anatomy of the eye
can understand. Prof. P. G. Dout un-
"Very Much
...reseept Bieyeles...
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood. ;
To be sold'at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co,
derstands hi& business thoroughly. Call
and be convinced. He also does all
kinds of watch and jewelry repairing,
and will clean your jewelry while you
wait. Two doors west of Keller's bake
ry. Yours to serve,
Dout Oi'ticai. it Jkweluy Co.
Mu.lcale I'rogr.'im.
Following is the progam for the mu
sicale by Miss Eliot and Miss Stevens,
under tho supervision of the Good In
tent Society, Wednesday evening:
Two Tuscan Duets
a A Streamlet Full of Floorers I .,,
6 Nearest anU Dearest I ...taracciolo
Miss Stevens und Miss Eliot.
a Heart LoniiiiiK , Gcrrilt Smith
b Dost Thou Keineiiibrr (Imlanl
Miss Kllot.
a In the Dark. In the Dew I
b Four Leaf Clover )"
. Whitney Coombs
Miss S?tc vens.
Fairy I.ulluliy Mrs,
Miss Eliot.
Wind In the Trees A.
Miss Htevens.
JT. Jr. A. Jkaeh
Goring Thomas
Triple Quartette I.udv Hint ..
Miss Eliot's Pupils
(i Du Ills t '.Vie Kino Illume I
b Die l.otusbluniu )
Miss Eliot.
a Faith In Spring I
b llurk! Hark! the Lark I'
Miss Stevens.
"Were I Gardner
.. . Schubert
, .. S'oitnotl
Miss Elliil.
To Spring
Miss Stevens.
Two Folk Sonus
Ail Tliiotiiih the Nli?ht (Welsh).
Charlie Is My Diiillnt? (Scotch).
Miss Eliot.
Merry, Merry Ate We
Miss Stevens und Miss Eliot.
Admission 50 centa.
indices at 8 o'clock.
Program coin-
To till! I.HlllM Of Till) DllIUlH.
Mrs. Evans has opened diessmaking
parlors in Mrs, Brittain's lodging house,
on Second street, nnd solicits a share of
their patronage. inch5-4t
I'luno TiiiiIiik.
W. S. Geary, tho well-known piano
tuner, is In the city and will call upon
his customers. No other piano tuner
has authoiity to use his name in any
way. Orders left at either inusio store
will receive prompt attention.
There are threo little things which do
moie work than any other threo little
things created they aru tho ant, the, bee
and DnWitt's Little Early Risers, thulust
being tho famous little pills for stomach
and liver troubles.
Nome i lui I I) life re lit.
-w tr 1 r I I.... ti 1
.Mis -liouiewiiuu vininey jh iishjiu
told me that 1 was looking pretty tins
Miss Point Breeze That isn't wlinthe
told me be said to you.
"What did lie say?"
"lie said that you were looking as
pretty as ever." Pltt-sbiirg-h Chronicle
"I'In mi Ill W I ml, lite.
"Oh, Qiieeuie, fetich sweet news! What
do you think?"
"No idea, Flo! What Is It?"
"Papa has been bitten by u mad ilojr
ii' id now we nre all frniug' to Paris. Tsn't
it a bit of liiekV-PieU-Me-Up.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The f.inious ID tic nllU.
DcWitt's Witch Hazel Solve
Cures Piles, Scalds, Uurns.
to tho Good."
Ilest of All.
To cleanse the system in a gentle iuL
truly beneficial manner, when the
springtime comes, use the true und per
fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the.
genuine. Manufactured by the Califor
nia F'ig Syrup Co., only, and for srIb by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
Whooping cough is the most distress
ing milady ; but its duration can Ito cnt
short by the use of One Minute Comrh
Cuie, which is also the best known
remedy for croup and all lung und bron
chial tiouble.
An Interesting Story is attractive nt
all times. No one can adord to let the
evenings at home be spent without good!
reading matter in these days when gooil
books cost so little. Our stcct: otlera
some very attractive, up-to-date sindi
standard literature which will interest
I. C. Nickelsen
Book St music Company.
Why do wo retail more CIgara thau
Why do smokers go out of their way
and pass cigara of the same gradeV
Not because we have better cigars
or better brands, or any greater vurlelyj
no, not that.
Why, because wo havo the finest ci
gar case in the utato and keep our cigars
in better condition.
Snipos-Kiners ly Drug Co.
A splendid iikMirtuiuut o( Vt,'i'
tuhlu, Uatiluu hnd fiuiss Seeds in -yy
Hulk. Keel Wheat, Seed Outs, JEjtf
Seed Hurley, Seed Seed Uyo,
till Meal Cuke mid FertilUerb,
lleo Supplies, ICurly ltoo 1'otn
toes. Ulevou kinds of llrst cIiim
Seed ('orit. I'nultry and ICgga
bought und sold ut
Cheap Ciah firocery ami Feuit
Store, Second and I'lilim Hit.