The Dalles Daily Ghnmicle. AilvertUlnir ltatt Per ihoA orer two inchw tui umicr four inches i to Orer lour lnchcf nnd under twelve Indira.. 78 j Over twelve Inches 60 DAILY AND WKKK1.T. One Inch or less, per Inch V- M Over one Inch mut under (our Inches. 2 Wi Ottt four inches nnd under twelve Inches. 1 SO Over welve Inches 1 OO j Weekly Cliilililnc Jlatei. Chronicle anil Oregonian ?2 '2b Chronicle and Examiner. examiner - -o rw-.,ii .a i.,u, fWp,. 1 8T, Chronicle and Tribune 1 , Chronicle and X. Y. World 2 00 TUESDAY - - MAKCH 15. lb'Jb WHY OPPOSITION EXISTS i Tho Mitnlioll TJnmihlmnns have about i cached the conclusion that no extra session of the legislature will be called. Governor Lord has been asked time and acain if he intends to do so, and the invariable answer has been that he sees no necessity for such action on his part. The only desire on the part of the Mitchell Jlepub'iennB to have nn extra legisla tive session lies in the hope that pos ibiy 3. IT. Mitchell would secure enough votes to get back into the United States senate. The term ol the lDtii legislative assembly expires after the promulgation of the official TQtQ cast for senators and represent atives at the elect. on next June, after which an call tor a special ses sion would be directed to those elected to serve during the 20th bi ennial session. Oregonian. This is about as near correct as the Oregonian is able to state a fact nowadays whenever local politics are concerned, and yet anyone who is at all conversant with the situation knows that the above article is far j jruiu (.rue. it is uiu oimuii uiuu who do not want an extra session of the legislature and who, through the connivance of Governor Lord, have been able to prevent it. They are j opposed to an extra session because they fear Mr. Mitchell, or some gen tleman over whose head the Simon hat does not Gt, might be elected. The Mitchell men, or anti Simon men, or whatever j-ou may wish to call them, may or may not be in favor of an extra session. We have no information upon that paint, but -we do know that the people of Ore ' gon, irrespective of political faction, are desirous that Oregon should have Iter proper representation in the United States senate, and that the senator to be chosen shall not be n j Democrat, Populist, nor both. I It is safe to nssume that the Ore gonian and Joe Simon would rather sec a Populist like Pennoyer or Uoutne elected senator than that some man like Binger Herman, John H. Mitchell or Charles VT. Fulton j should be chosen. The interests of tie state are as nothing in Joe Si mon's opinion compared with polit ical prestige and pull. The Dingley tariff continues to justify itself, at least to its friends, by the revenue receipts. February, I though a short month, showed the j " largest returns of any month since it! . :., . nnn nnn Was UIIUll'll, t'.NUL'UUUIg f lil,UUU,UUU, The total of receipts for the month , was S28,f7i,000 and the expend.-1 '. . . , tures 20,o99,000, showing a surplus of a little less than 2,000,000. Asj,. 8Byp. a few applications of this compared with Febrnnry, 1897, the liniment proved of great service tome, income is considerably larger and the i It euh-iied the inllamation and relieved expenditures somewhat smaller, j Pa,-. S;;"1ul,l a"-v. er P0.1 b-v ' , , . , , civing IM in Halm a trial it will please There was then a deficit ot ncntlj me For , by mllkeiey & Housh- four and a half millions. The Ding- j t0, ley law has been in operation now seven full months, during which it has produced $75,500,000. Com pared with the first seven months of the Wilson tariff, this shows a differ ence of somewhat less than $,'1,000, 000 in favor of the productive capa city of the Wilson law. It is, of course, to be remembered that the importations during the Inst four or five months of the Wilson law were cxtiftnelj heavy in anticipation of i tbe udvancc of rates, nnd tliercfora! he importations were correspond ing.y light in the first four months of the Dingley law. Tho customs re eclpts for the lust month weic the argett Feliruaiy receipts since 1893. Tory little doubt is now entertained by the friends of the Dingley tariff Hint it will produce n sufficient in come, nnd that for the rest of the current fiscul year it will show a handsome surplus, with the constant increase manifested in internal rce j,uc i-otui'HS. ' There is need in the United States senate of another member represent-) itjrr Oregon. It is not reasonable to expect that one man can properly at-1 tend to all the necessities of the state, i , , ,.!. i i. i anil tlicv can urn sutler ui ins u The duty before Governor Lord is ' , . - plain, and unless he hears the call, , jg political futiiio is undone. It .makes no difference who is chosen sc,mt0,, ;irovillc(Ulc is nn nblc, con. scicntious Republican in accord with the nlatform of his party and anxious to further the material pros perity of the state. "We want no Populist to represent us; yet such a calamity is possible unless an extra session is called. Governor Leedy, of Nebraska, has Undertaken to run the supreme court of the United States. He will find this a bigger job on hishands than Pennoyer bad when he tried to ruu President Cleveland. 1 have been alllieted with rheumatism for fourteen years and nothinf: seemed to give any relief. 1 was able to be around all the time, but constantly su( ftjriusr. 1 had tried everything I could hear of and at last was told to try Chaui berlaiu'B Pain Balm, which I did, and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured. I am happy to eay that it lias not eince returned. Josh Edgar, fiermantown. Cal. For sale by Bluke- ley & Houghton. Ask your Druggist for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Plu'c nrnnmRalmfcU, 1.1 j U VIUUIII WUIIII contains no cocaine. mercury nor any ether Injurious drus. It Is quickly Absorbed. Gives Itclicf at once. tneSKLrni n HEAD Allays Inflammation. wULU ' ntftW Trails and Prntrta the Membrane. Kestorcr the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full Size 30c. ; Trial Size 10c.; at Uratr-nsts or h mall. liLY BROTHEKij. 1 Warren Street, New Tori HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE I have sixteen head of 3 and 4-year I mules ;broke) tor sale. I aiso have I horees, mares and ueldmgs lor eiile, welyhinc from 900 to 1400 pounds. Any- one wantine work stock or stock for r-l 1.1. i : . 1. . . .. I ., . ... ,n ... . , ,,fc ttS-lm-i ictor, Or. The Ul.eiivery ui the Day. ! Aug. J. Rigfl, the leading drugt-'iit of I Mr. Z-..,;'.?SS!Tte Balte MM aid Astoria cures my cough, ami it is the beat seller j I have.' J. F. Campbell, merchant of Saffurd", Ariz., writes: "Dr. Kinc's Didimvery is all that is claimed for I it ; H never fails, ana is a snre cure ior Consumntion. Colds and Contrhe. I cannot say enough for ite merits." Dr. Kinu'e New Discovery for Consumption, Coul'Hb and Colds is no experiment. It ,1BB heon u,ed for B quarter of B cei,ttiry. al,j ,otiav etands at the head. :It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at Blake - Icy & Houghton's drug store. 0 One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tim: la what it was made lor. Rev. L. huwarus, pastor ol tne tngiisn Iutiat G,,urch .B V'' j wlien euflurintt with rheumatism, was, advige( tQ trv Chamberlllin.e Pain Baim. j NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. Land Office, The Dalles On , K-bruiiry. 'J, i Notice U hereby clven that tho following luuiK-il ieitler una iiicu nonce oi mi-Hiiemnn. t li f KOII fllvr llover, f The Itulle. H. i:. Ko. .V07, for tho HEM NKJ. and NEh SE4' Hp'JI,1'JN. H WK, Wii. He name thu followlnt; wltnekes to prove IiIb continuous residence upon und cultivation uf mid lMiid, viz. Wlllliim itunnur, reiry vuiumii. uarry lurntil, II II. Uarnifl, all of The Dalies, Ore- Administrator's Notice Notice in lierelivulven that by an order of the County Court of the Htate of Orexon, ior Wiueo county made January 19, ltJ9, the underileiitd ban bten duly appoint) a administrator of tho estate of Tboi. J. Hillllvan, jr., decvaked. All iH-rnnih havini' claims imalnut the eatato ol tuld Ue:eaed, are hereby notllied to present them to tne with the priiiier vouchers ut the ottice of liuntinKtoii & WlUoii, wittiln tlx moutbn from date here-f. DutedJiiuuary 10, lf. JIOUATIO FAKOIIEIt, Admiulitrator. o commute nnu rnaKo liiuii prooi in Nippon ns i ne wn ih "" !,,,.....,...... iIn cl.ilm iil thut mlil nro)( will n.uile bu- i ttiu nunmer, nrrtvliiK In IMrtliinil in time for the ore l.iuister mill Ilwelvcr nt The IMllcs, Or- , mitiw UK fconthcrn imU .Northcra InjIiiHi hHt- , on l ueauy. Jiurcu is'ji. viz: uumm m,viik;" . ..i.v Taking the JVIcdicine. RE LI A 15 LE VU A U M A CISTS. Secoiiu Streeh THE DALLES, Just GUhat You ttlant ew ideas in Wnll Paper here. Such i ?"lde varit',,y "? w? " fore uruced a single re f howing never be- stuck. Ileal imitu- j tiou ureton eflecte at ortlinurv nrices Li oon papers at uiieap paper prices. Elegant deaiiriifi, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, nt our store on Third street. Also a full Hue of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. ; - - - - - . ' ReffTUatOr iAUB Navigation Co.' j Roffllljjtftl1 rtj Hi W 1 1 TV lltUiaiUl U UllllUo VilJ FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BVKSS The Dulles, Hood itiver, Cun-ade Uxikh and Port land daily, MYcefit hunday. DOWN THE VALLEY on to EASTERN OREGON? Are you going If no. rave money mid enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. Tiiewe t-bouiul train arrives ut tit!.., t hi, KMKt.hoiiiid train. For further Information upply to J. N. IIAKNKV, Agent, Oak Street Dock. I'ortlatid. Orcifnn, Or W C. AL1.AWAV, lien. AKt., 'I he Dulles, Uteuoii Administratrix Notice. Notice in hereby given Unit the uiidernlKiied as been rtKUlarly appointed by thu county court of the htato of OrtKMi for W aico Comity an udmlBlntrutrlx of tbe eitute of Uhnrlea W . Joliu. mon. deceasci. All roim huvliiB clalnib aitalnut ald entutc ure hereby notllied to pre fceut them, with the proper vouchem, to mo ut the office of W. I. Wllioii, In Dalleh City. Ore Knn, within tlx montba Iroin the date of this not ice. Dalle City, Orejron, Feb. 23, CAKHIK M. JOHNSTON. febWil AdmluUtrutrlx. i Q1 2 THE Mil Weekly Inter Ocean LARGEST CIRCUL&TIOH OF ANY It is radically Republican, advocating (he cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earnestness..'!. THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWSAND BEST It Is Morally Clean and as n The Literature of its columns Is equal to that of the best maga zines, it Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents. THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it Is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint... $1.00 PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $1.00 2! ll I S Tin tiattv AWT?1srrirnT Via INTER OCEAH ARE 11 i 5 rrlci,riallvlv limit , g M X m 1'rlou of Sunday by mull Grandall & Bqrqet I DEALERS IN tObBS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes, Funeral Supplies embalmers Ete. r The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wholesale. IVTflLtT IiIQUOHS, CUines and Cigaps. THE CELEBRATED -h. ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER and In Dottles. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. 7. Z. DONNELL, PSESCSIPTIOH DU GGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., cjaho Subscribe for The Chpoinele I POLITIC PAPER IN THE WEST .U.IRl It cm ilw.ivc (v rolled on for fair and honest reports of all po litical movements........' OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. FTITTIOHS OF THE BEST OF THEIR KlrtD. $4.00 per year . t" OO Ir y4-ir $11.00 per ynr AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. 0.R.&N. TO TI1K EMST! 01VKS THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VlA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. UI. EbDEtj AND CITY 0 TOPEKR l.tiive Portland every five diiyB for ALASKA POINTS. OCEAN HTKAMEKH l.ur J'ortland JEvurV Four IV fur SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SteitmerB monthly from Portlum! to Voknliiunn and Hoiik Kong via North urn I'liulfic. SN-atnaliip Co., in connection Willi O. U. & N. For full di'talli. tall nn O. II A Co. ARcnt Thu DalluH. nr addri'tN w. ii iiriti.iii i:t. (ion l'ahN. AKt l'lrtluii(l,l)r liOD.SON, CAItl.II.h .t CO., (it'll. AKtN., .Niirtli I'lii'tllc Htt'aiiiHld ( . mite cai:i. Kn. 1, t Siuikaiic and (Iruat Nnrtlicrn arrive! atfi:'J.'i. m.. luavi'h at fi:M p. in. No. '1, to I'ciullc tim, linker City unit I'lilon l'aulll(;,arrlveatU 45 )i. in., depart "t 11 i.'ill 1- in. Ko !l, from 8iol.imt! mid Oruat Nnrtheni, nr. rive nt 0 .Ml u. m., di'iinrt.i ut ii;5.'i n, in. Nn. 1, from llakir (!lty nnd I'lilon 1'ncl lie, arrives ut ;i:'Jl a. in,, ilenr(K at W.'M a. in. No. 'j;t and '11, moving east of The Dalles, will earrv HiM!iiKvri. No. arrlvcK at 6 p. in,, No. i-'l deimrtn at ltt.'i p. in. lWeiiKeri. lor Heppner take No leavlnr; livru at 11: 15 p. in. W, 11. HUKUtUKT, Ocn. I'iibm. Act I'ortland. Oregon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass ipes-K'nersly Drug Co. I THe dalles, oeegon DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. 131. Q-L IE 2sT InT- Sd