he Balk VOIi. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 1", 1898 NO 1 II IS NOW ASSURED Investors Awaiting of Action. Signs ALL EUiS TL'KX TO WASHINGTON NuililK" l!lutHK f I'mnt cm tlm Tart 1'ornlC" tin tl tnl IhI. Iti-tult tif CHi-rful Sliiil. .f 'i:v Yokk. Mur. 1L usiteli says : -A Tribune cltH- Kvetits in tho United Status indicate tlnU Hit! tent laid down in President Me- comes from the investment of Kurojican capital. Knjilish c:a)ltalista have shown Royal milid the fond pure, fvhole.MiBie and delicious. tw Ifil POWDER Absolutely Pure HOVAL IMKIka POWDCR CO., VOHK. j imperfect hearing, and when it Is en tirely doped, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can he taken out and this tnhe restored to it normal condition, hearing will ho destroyed for ever; nine cas.s out of ten arc caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur- 1 faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. .1. Chkxkv & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 0-10 To tin 1 raimfrrrrtl to London. London-, Mar. 14. Senor Domingo 1 Gina, Chilean minister at Washirgton, his been appointed minister plenipoten I tiary to to the court, of St. James. Sheep marking paint ; ready for use Two colors, black and red. Whv Klnley's message (or ttolvitig the Cuban coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough should use our sheep paint. First, be question are soon to be applied. Testi-1 and influenza. It has become famous j cause the colors are ground thoroughly mony to the justice of these tests is fur-j for itB cures of these diseases, over a t pure linseed oil by linn machinery; Dished from nil important source. It j largo part of the civilized world. The I second, because it is made of high grade most flattering testimonials have been color, with the proper amount of dryers received, giving accounts of its good added to give it binding and lasting i . . . i - . i i . t . i . i l :. ...i. . ; . t t . more connuenco in mo certainty oi uiks; wine uenravaung aim persist- 'immurr, inuu prevent u irom wasmng American intervention than huve some ; ent cougliB it has cured ; of severe colds or rubbing oh"; third, it is much mote of the American people. For months that have yielded promptly to its sooth they have been making extensive in- log effects, and of the dangerous attacks lestnicnts, ow it is understood Unit of croup it has cured, often saving the Ensliah syndicates control most of the life of the child. The extensive use of tobacco factories. The consolidation of j it for whooping coughs has shown that the railroad svstcm is linger their guid- It robs that disease of all dangerous ctm- Other enterprises have their di- ancc. ruction. All this has been going on during n period 'i hen tiie shuwdow of Spanish idYfreignty over Cuba was disappearing. No single circumstance would huve jus tified the ribk of a dollar if it hud rested For sale by Itlakeley & sequences. Houghton. i CONFIKMKI) AT WASHINGTON-. economical, because it is always for use. We guarantee our sheep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles, Or. KiiKlxcer in it ism 'trnln lteerlvo n l'rltlil Will. I, , (,'iui'l l oiud. "The iui'ous Kira!n on the engineer of a fast train is hoiiictliinjeiiornioiiH," said one or them die other day, reports the Detroit Free Press. ".Not only the lives of the passengers are it Make, but there is the constant fear of run nine; over .someone on the track. An accident, no matter how innocent the engineer, is always a kind of hoodoo. What was my first accident? I shall never forget it. If it had been traecd on my mind with a streak of lightning it couldn't have made a more lasting impression. "It happened one bright moonlight night in November. We-were spinning over the rails at full speed across the country where there were few people passing at that time of night, when I looked out and saw the figure of a man lying across :ne trncK not ten feet in front of the engine. I stopped quick as possible, but too late, of course. We i linrl run nrni" lii.n i.,l flirt UlVlnc. lm.li. VOU ' ... nii'i i .- im-ii.M iiimi. was under t lie wlieels. We got out to look for him, and found his 1ml, a piece of his coat sleeve and one of his shoes, but the rest seemed to be further back under the train. I backed up the en gine and got out to loolc again. There lay the body. I nearly fainted when I saw its distorted form. I felt like a murderer. Did I know the man? No. , i not personally, lie was a scarecrow ready . , iiuiu ci i.i-iniwjui ing cum iiciii. GoTftrmnctiit Hun lioucht the Amazons and Admiral llrru. Washington, Mar. 14. The reported onmitunnniv hrineine neuce or the hone Bule t0 tllt; United States of the Brazil- of Spain being uble to guarantee of sta-I ittn Amiizonas and Admiral Ab- ble government, nor has there been any-1 rmM now receiving their Uiiishing thing to encourage the belief that peace ' touchas m English shipyards, was con would come in the wake of the cuiquer- firmed tl,i8 'ternoon. It is said fur iiigarnisof the peninsula or that the ! tnermore that Spain cannot purchase uionwntH would bo uble to drive the 1 fi,linB eltl,t!r froul cljiI or Argentine Spaniards from the island. English investors have taken no such wildcat chances. They have gone for ward in tiie face of what might have proved a temporary period of anarchy or even a CO-days' war. Their business judgment has been based upon deliber ate conviction that either the mediation or the intervention ot the United States was inevitable, in the belief that Spain would he unable to meet the conditions on which the president would be sup ported by the facts in saying that the cause of intervention hud been re moved. In a leas pronounced wov representa tives of the French capitalists who have Republic. The big armored cruiser Brooklyn ar rived at Fortress Monroe this motning direct from La Guayra, Yenezuela. She made a fine run up and it is expected will await at Hampton Itoads the arri val of the Minneapolis and Columbia, which are just hitting out at Philadel phia. This force u ill form uu excellent nucleus for a protected "flying squad ron," iu case the department decides to form one. Orders have been sent to Commodore Howell, commanding tiie European sta tion, to send a furce of men from the Siin Francisco to take possession ol and hoist the United States il.ig on the lira- recently been in Cuba have readied the i zllilU1 ,l,at 'H rL'ad' 10 u int0 c01"- ! ...:....: v ., ...1.. i'i.. ...ill tame conclusion. This has been in the mission at Newcastle. This will ureveiit face of the French holdings of Spanish -v dithculty in case hostilities should bonds. 1 break out, as the ship would be under (!,.. II.... I... I !!.,,. i., ,. fri... I.urhr.r The German commercial interests long ago strongly intrenched have looked for ard with coniplaisancy mingled with impatience to the tiute when the United Elates would end the struggle. Doubtless the consuls of these Euro pean powers huve reported the situation to their respective governments. Most I'tliein have made n careful study of ! tie economical as well as the political nd military outlook. They will wel Woe peace or intervention us a menus ol releasing tu., from biinlt ns. In the titles the gas companies and electric liiiht companies can collect nothing. If press fur payment the plants are threatened w Itli confiscation. The rail ,0d company receives promises of fu ture payment for the traiiHportiitioii of Nppliee. The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fearing men and women, have prepared the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years, and it is always the same, timple, hon est, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the heulthy, long lived people that they are. The Shak ers never have indigestion. This is partly owing to their simple mode of life, partly to the wonderful properties of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges tion is caused by the stomach glands not supplying enough digestive juice. Shaker Digective Cordial supplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vigorates the stomach and all its glands bo that lifter awhile they don't need help. As evidence of the honesty of nr.... .t "an lm.y pr,i(jH jor compensation!,,,.,. Digestive Cordial, the formula y are mut with the point that the I i8 ,,ritd on every bottle. Sold by perniaent may take the roads. Other druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 pur hot ""I'ortumint creditors are held off in a tie. Hollar wuv. i ,.7 ir .iiii-i Mint. ilmiiiiiiriuiu ennui ic. iii.Miy. j Cai'i: Town, Mar. 14. Wolf Joel, tiu This remedy i intended especially for ' t ' ho estate of the late Harney Hai- Torpedo Flet Hull. Madrid, Mar. 1-1. The Spanish tor pedo squadron sailed from Cadiz at C o'clock last night for the Canary is One and One-Fifth Fare to Walla Walla For the Dairy and Hog Convention to be held at Walla Walla March loth, 16th and 17lh, the O. K. A N. Co. will make a special rate of one and one-fifth fare for the round trip.on the certificate plan. Passengers paying full fare to Walla Walla will, upon request, be given a re ceipt for fare paid, which, when signed by the secretary of the convention, en titles holder to purchase return ticket at one-fifth fare within three days after close of meeting, tf James Ikei.and, Agent. The Fern at Key Wet. Kky Wi:st, Mar. 14. The dispatch boat Fern arrived here today from Ma tatizas. ItuhbeU the (Irani. A Btarthng incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject is narrated by him as follows: I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually In back and sides, uo appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy ami surprise, the first bot tle made a decided improvement I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my lite and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail totrythem. SI Inlnt ami Irricutloii Convention. For the Mining and Irrigation Con vention, to lie held at Baker City, Or., March 2tth, UOth and 31st, the O. H. & N. Co. will make a rate of one and one fifth fare for the round trip. Delegates or parties attending the convention, paying full fare to Biker City on March '.'(ith, 27th, 28th and 2!Jth, will bu i il lumed at one-fifth fare on presentation THE ORIGINAL HANDY MAN. lie Liven In California tinil In u Jack of All Trurien. In one of Frank 11, Stockton's amus ing stories there is a character of a jack-of-all-trades and general utility man, who is good at everything. He can do anyining. irom uuiuiing a nouse to a hencoop, and is just as handy in most other lines as in that of carpenter. Mr. Stockton might have got the ma terial for this character from a man who lives in National City, Cal., says the Philadelphia Times. He is willing to do anything from nursing a sick person to building a church. There is no sort of work in which he will not engage if paid for it, and he is versatile enough to make himself useful in pretty nearly anything he undertakes. That he is slever, not only with his hands, but with his pen, is proved by the following advertisement, which he inserted in a newspaper in his town: THi; OrtlGINAL HANDY MAN! Still lives and loves to labor. Makes Door ami Window Screens, Files baws. Sharpens Cutlery and Fits Keys. Repairs and Polishes Furniture, Makes Store Fixtures and Does Gen era! Jobljlni;. He Is at home in the sick room to offer consolation to those who mourn, and pa tiently nurses by day or night the sick In body. God bless the Handy man and keep hlin safe. Ho may be found at his old knoll on Street S, near Avenue 2. N. 15. Makes a specialty of Church and Schoolhouse work. Jailor 5uits. 5prir$ 5tyles 98 Representing one of Lending Styles. MARK TWAIN'S STUTTER. JH-lh IluttOIl niHUUNNOH IIIh I'len- nnt Impi-tUmi'iit. Joseph Ilntton, in hjs "Cigarette Pa pers," thus breezily writes of America's humorist : "Do you recall what a pleasant, tan talizing stutter Mark Twain has? It is really not a stutter, nor a stammer, but just a drawl and a hesitation; Charles Lamb's was a real stutter. Lord Dun dreary's was a good imitation. "The most captivating impediment was that of Mr. Travers, of New Vo'rk. 'Why, Mr. Travel's,' said a lady, 'you stammer more in New York than you did in Baltimore. 'II li higgi-r plaVe,' stammered Travers. 'A chestnut !' you say? Well, what of it V There are chestnuts and chestnuts. If you have heard Mark Twain lecture you know with what effect lie uses his little pe culiarity of speech. The point that oroice tne general titter into n heart v . . 1 . .I.,.. " 01 cruucttieH 011 or oeiore April on to j;,ugh when first he appeared in town was concerning that very cold mono . ... m ...... 11 1 ,., i) ,1.,,.. n ui, ...... 1 1... 11... 1 UMI I.UIIl. II, JJUJl l V'll- , CllllU 11 lllU secretary of the convention. The only accident policy thut is put up In jars for GO cents. Good business policy to keep a supply of Garland's Happy Thought Salve in the home. The kind thut cents. cures. 60 9 For Sale at DONNELL'S. Z I nato, the South Afiican millionaire, was shot iu iu his office this morning at Jo hannesburg, by a former soldier. JoiiANXKsiiL'Mi, Mar. 11. The mur derer of Wolf Joel, a cni'ii named Field thein, has been arrested. I DeitlntiHM C'unniit he Out ml 1 by local applications, as they cunnot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. ! Deafness is caused by an inflamed con ditlon of the mucous lining of the Hun- tadilan Tube. Wliun this tube ts Ju lia wed you have a rumbling sound or If the United States and Spain become involved in war, it will he impossible to import Havana tobacco. Consequently high grade Havana cigats will increase in price. Lav in a supply of Prize 'ms often Medal cigars while the price leinains ' the same. 10-tf 0 tf I tain in Fiji, where, he said, 'it is so cold up there that people can't tpeak the truth.' When the audience had done smiling, he added: 'I know because I have been there.' The wit of 11 story should be in the tail; American humor the peculiar artfulness of 11 double-hinged tail; and you get two laughs instead of one." OUR stock of Ladies' Spring Suits for the season of '98 is almost complete and we take great pleasure in asking the Ladies of The Dalles and vicinity to call and inspect them. Leading Styles, Designed by Leading Makers. Our assortment is such that anyone can easily make a satisfactory selection. Ask to see our Black or Blue Serge Suits; Jack ets lined with Silk; Skirt with finished seams and velvet binding, at $5.00 Our all-wool Cloth Suits, very Stylish and well made. Finished seams in skirt, velvet bound, Jocket faced to shoulder with same material, bound seams. Price $5.95 Suits from $5.00 to $20 00. aass A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injurb's, c.euia or skin diseases may secure Instant relief by nein De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the great pile remedy. La Plata Sheep Dip, proven 'by every test to he the best iion-poiMinous fluid dip in the world; guaranteed to cure scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot. Clarke A: l'alk, annuls, The Dalles, Your Grocer doesn't want to sell you low-price baking powder. It is your fault. You ask for it. There is no good low-price baking powder; so he sells you bad. 7 BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully lahorod for' their prosperity and happi ness, for the improvement of their business and homo interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and truo womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and slates. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to tho wolfaro of farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has hold their confidence and esteem. IT I THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE and wo furnish it with tho Semi-Weekly Chronicle ono year for $1.75, cash in advance, irj'iii