if tit I ON Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Dowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the -only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ae--ccptahle to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly henciicial in its effects, prepared only from tho most leal thy and agrecahfo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it -to all and have made . it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who -wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAttDlSCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kf. NEW YORK, N.Y. Tbe Dalles Dally Chrcin wit Tin: 1IAI.I.KS. onEoox STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Jf oticw is hereby given that there will Ik; an annual meeting of the stnckhold ers af The Bailee. Portland tfc Astoria Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, April 2, 1S9S, at '2 p. m., for the purpose -of electing seven directorsana transact ing such other business us ruav properly come before said meeting. By order of Xhe president. Xhe Dalles March 1, 1S9S. C. L. Pniu.ii's, Secy. Foulz' cigars are on sale at the follow lug places: Snipes-Kinersly, Clark & Folk and M. Z. Donnell, druggists ; Com oniesion Co.. Geo. Kuch, Fred Fisher and Chas. Phillips, grocers ; Columbia Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection era; Cnas. Frank, Ad. Keller, Dan Baker, Aug. Buchler, Ben Wilson and The Midwav, ealoons. We we anxious to do a little good in ih'ie world and can think of no pleas anter or better way to do it than by rec ommending One Minute Cough Cure "as a -preventive of pneumonia, consump tion and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. blieeimen. Attention: Clarke jJc Falk have eecurod the agency for the La Plata Sheep Dip. JUixes instantly with cold water. "Children and adulte tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, ezsma or skin diseaees may etcure instant relief by using De "Witt's Witch Hazsl Salve. It is the 4reat pile remedy. Casli tti lour Check. AH county warrants- registered prior to Nov. 22. 1893, will be paid at my Interest ceases after Feb. 10th, . Z893. C. L. Phillips, j Cnnntv Treasurer, j L Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every teat to be the beat non-poisonous fluid dip m the world ; guaranteed to cure j iscab, itch, eore throat, lice and hoof-rot. j Ciarfce & Falk, agents, The Dalles. j 1Cx-Voii;rriiian Itrutvu Dead. j Sbvmouu, Ind., Mar. 11. Ex-Con- tcm-sman Jason B. Brown, of the "Old Third" Indiana district, is dead, aged 59 j 3eare. j There tue three little things which do Til ore work than any other three little j things created they are the ant, the bee ! and DeWitt's Little Karly Risers, the last j being the famous little pills for stomach j and liver troubles. j Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's and get piices on the I.a Plata Sheep , Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in stantly with cold water, and it iH an in-' fallible cure fur scab, hoof rot, lien and licks. 1 if i Don't annoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs. 1 1 II. I i oiue, croup, grippe anu an mroai anu i -lung troubles. Smoke the popular brands Prize JVIedal, Guarantee and lloan Queen cigars manufactured by S. F. Fouts. tf JltK-OEIHEKUOIiFrKIC IIUKII1', Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to turner)'. Boomv 21 and 21, Tel. 32S Vogt Block 'NEW WOKK FOR WCftlEN. Tho Odd Occupation of a Young Woman in Now York. She ! What Mlprlit .VtHriirlitM- III Tcrmril nn Ar-i'liloiit ItunmT I'rollt 1i j- OiIhth llijurlrn. The unique occupation followed by a young woman was d'si-losod the other day In Xew Vork wliep 'hero wis an no i;iknt on the Broadway cable line. Tlie accident in its-elf was- not especially noteworthy; a car that was rajud.y rounding; the Fourteenth street l.uip. Known a "Dead Man's Curve." struck .1 newsboy who was running across the street and knocked him to the pave ment, where he lay uiicon--cious. his head bleeding from a gash cut by a rough stone. The car stopped, and the usual ctowd of curious and sympathetic onlookers gathered about the boy. Soon a young woman, with a business-like air and a tailor-made gown, pushed her way through the crowd about the prostrate youngster. She promptly took charge of the boy. di rected that he be removed to a ncavl drug .store, and sent -a man to ring in ar. ambulance call. While this va being done she moved quickly through the crowd, pencil and notebook in hn:;d, , secured the names of half a dozen per sons who had witnessed The accident, jotted down the numbers of the "cn: dnctor and grlpman, and made a routrli little diagram of the spot where the accident had occurred all before tin car moved on in it uptown journey. Then she hurried back to the hoy and ' remained by him until his wound had l en dressed, and he had been carried , away home. ' Probably the most of those who ob served the young woman's action set i hei down as a woman reporter, but if so they were mi.-taken. Iler name is ' Harriet Emerson, and .she herself tie j scribes her occupation in thiit wise: j "My interest in people who are ' knocked down by street cars is caused i chiefly by business reason.-. I assure I you." she said, brightly. "I'm what i you'd call a 'runner,' I suppose; at ' least that is what we used to call the ' boys who did this work before 1 began , it." Then, in answer to her listener's ' bewildered look, she explained further: "If you'll take the trouble to count them up in your newspaper some morn ! ing. you'll see there are a great many accidents of one kind or another in a big city like New York every day. There are a good many, too. that are never mentioned in the papers. You probably know that if a workman who is injured by a falling .scaffolding, or a man has his foot cut off by a trolley car can prove that it was the fault of his employer, or the railway company, as the case may be, the law permit.- him to collect damages for the injury done. But perhaps you don't know that this branch of the legal business has be come so extensive that it occupies the whole attention of several firms. It is a lucrative business, too, for juries are apt to give the injured person the ben efit of the doubt. "This is what gave me my oppor tunity. 1 made up my mind tint a woman who knew just what was wanted, would have less difficulty in getting the proper evidence than a street bov who knew nothing about it. I've been a: this work for a year now, ond find that it pays me better than my former ollice employment as a .stenog rapher. I do other things beside tak ing notes of accidents, such as serving papers and collecting evidence for my lirm, but most of my income is derived from such affairs as you have just seen. "Of course, I don't see all the acci dents that happen, though a good many more than you would think come under my eyes, but I have a good many ways of finding out about them quickly. For instance, at most of the dangerous fitreet crossings there are men who know me, and will send a tip to the otlice when there's a 'case' on. Similai ly, I've made the acquaintance of work men in the railroad yard and on some of the big buildings. I get a percentage on the fee from eoch csim and some of them net me ns high as $50. I don't have to pick up many of them to make a fairly good living. I dare say you think Its an odd occupation, but 1 like ii, and it's good work, too, for if it wasn't for me many of these poor crea tures, who are maimed or injured by the carelessness of others, would never gel their rights." Cincinnati Commer cial Tribune. i i :i The Secret of a BBairtiful Skin Hoft, white baadi, fhply nll, and laxnrUnt bslr, wllli clean wiolxmuiicali,U found in tba perfect ncllon of the I'oiiks, productd by CUTI. CUttA HO P, tbe n(Mt effteUvo tkla iiuiifler, od btnutifler In Ibo world. Sold lhrcKjthnqttbt wotM. I'ottk Dnco isi. Cum IC4L Cgiramios, belt I'ropritlui, Umiob. jmwwmmwwi ICPDnCIII A I iOunuruLiii i i t One of America's most fa- $ nious physicians says: "Scrof- m $ ola is external consumption." $ Scrofulous children arc often beautiful children, but they j lack nerve force, strong bones, stout muscles and power to resist disease. For delicate children there is no remedy equal to t Scott' s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- S phosphites of Lime and Soda, j (D It fills out the skin by putting: $ good flesh beneath it. It makes u $ the checks red by making rich J $ blood. It creates an appetite $ J for food and gives the body to power enough to digest it. Be tt sure you get alAJ lid iimui rt sion. Jj Mi. and $1.00 . all druRgtits. $ Sl'.OTT & HOWNE, Chtmisls. New Vol!. H- llnmlilr tlci-M nnil Clover. Australia lias furnished n fresh il lustration cf Darwin's theory ns to the important part played by bumble bees in fertilizing clover by carrying pollen from one nla'nt to another. Clover never flourished in that continent until recently, when bumblebees had been ' imported from Kurrpe. j Pri-m-li i'opulntloti. - It is only ill France that the French I population does not increase. In Can ' :da, Algeria and Tunis it increases rap ! idly. T7UKI). w. wn.sov. I AlTO.t.VKY AT IW, tii i !u.i.k-;,'i:k Otliceoci Ktrst Nat. 11 nit. U S HCXTINOTO.V II S WtlMJN UNTINOTON A WIION. ATIOKNKYS AT I AW, THK UAI.I.K.-, OlihUUN Ofllceovcr KIrst Nut. Hank. Patronize the IiflUflDRV. All kind of work. White Shirts h specialty. Family work at mlaceil r tes. Wash collected anil dellveitii free. Teleiilione No. 1111, H. D. Parkins, Agt, . S. HCIIENX. i'realdent. II. M. IIK.U. , Cashier First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A u eiier al iianking Busineea traiiHitcieii Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collectione made and proceeds promptlj remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold nr New York, San Francisco and "Port land. DIREOTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Bciiknck En. M. Williams, Gjso. A. Likbk. H M. Beam. mm Ue fre Doio? fleat apd prtistie m ..priptir;.. por Feasopable prices. Wo l'int An'tliing in the Printing Line. Qiue us a trial. $r;rdf?i(:l pub. -o. A CLEVER TRICK. Ilnrr II Was rinycil I'tmn n I'lillnUrl lihln I'ollcrmnn. "Faith, I've heard tell thnt 'nil the world loves a lover,' but it's dllT'rcnt wid a innrri'd couple," said Polieeiv.nn Mike OTliitinngan, of the .Sixth dis trict, by way of n preface to the story of tin experience he had at Twelfth nnd Filbert streets 11 few nights ago, i;n;; the Philadelphia Ueeord. "Well, sir, 1 was pathrullin' 111c bate, whin n young feller wid 11 trim little chunk nv a woman howldiu' on to his nrin 1,-em up teh me, an' scit '0: 'Olllccr,' scz 'o, ' 'tis the tlhil's own flv I'm in this minute. We wore innrri'd the day up in Lan caster, an' we kem teh I'liiliulcltihy fur th' houcyniunc. Iv'ry cint 1 had I gcv j teh 111c broidc fur safe kecpin'. Whin wc goi mien me Jig siaiiou, scz c, 'lol an' bchowld ych, the money was gone! Stolen it was, lie a dlrtliy thafc,' scz V. j "At that the little woman began tch wnpc an' her tears wor licart-rcndcrin' fur tch see. 'Well,' scz theyoung feller, continuiu' his story, 'I tried fur tch telegraft tch nie people in Lancaster, hut they'd not send the message wid out pav. So here wc nre distracted, not I kuowin' where teh turn fur a night's ' lodgin' an' this our woddin' night,' sc 'c. I had a two-dollar bill in tnc pocket, j an' 1 let 'i:n have it, ' "1'is no more than ' a Ion. Rtv V. 'an' 'twill be ropni;1 ych 1 to-r.i."rrow.' lie wouldn't bccnntir.t till 1 lie nnd tool,- down me name an 111c num ber. 'God bless ych,' hcz. woman, an' wid that they the little .vt,i n,vn- An' 1 haven't heard of thim frum that day tch this. "J'wns a clever thrick. nn' no mistake." ASYLUMS FOR INSANE ... Thr Sm-reil TimiuiIi-h nf I'trj'I'l tin" Plrnt IviiiMvn to Uistir. The first retreats for the insane men tioned in history Merc t!"' sacred tem ples of I'pypt. where the 1 ifrlics.t devel opment of moral treatment was prac ticed for the rest oration of reason. One of the carlicnt notices uf the establish ment of an asvluin for the insane h- in th'' life ot St. Tlicotiosiii!-.. who v.as born in the year rJ.'i. mul died in ."20. He es tablished near Ilothlehem.n monastery. I to which were annexed three infirm aries one for the sick, one for the i aged nnd feeble mid the other for such ns had lost their sensesin which all succors, npiritiir.l mid temporal, were afforded with admirable order, care nnd affection. In medieval Christian t'meii conventual cstaliliKhments were used for similar purposes, but with those exceptions there were no orgnn i7cd nrylums for the insane until the foiittdii.?.' of I'et.hlchem ho;iitnl. This, the oldest lunatic nsylitm in the world, witli the doubtful exception rf one nt Granada, war. oriciitally founded in 1217 ns n priory in l'lHliopiicatc. its mother church bcinc; St. MnrvV of liethlehem ! (or Itedlccm in Wyclif's spcllintr). It in spoken of an a hospital for lunnticsin 1472, and as such it was grunted at the i , - i ... - - e iiiwr iiiuon to uie mayor an o c.ti.cnso London, being incorporated as a royal foundation in l."-17. Fale of Ileal Eslalo. i Notice is hereby given that under nnd by vir I tneof mi order of the l ounty Court of the rilale i of Oregon lor Wai o County, imnle onlheSth dav of January, li'M, in the mailer ot the estate of Ilr. W. j:. itlnehart, dt-.-.i-ed, I will -ell at public auction, at thecoiirth u-ediair in Dalle.s i.'lty, in Mild county and state, on thelMh day ' of Kebruary, lt'.'i, at 1 o'clock p. in., to the hliih j v.ii bidder, all the real eMate beloiiKUiR to ;nlil estatuand described as follous, to-wit i 1 Lots A, II, C, 1), K. K, i, II, I, J, K and I. In : lllock r.-j. In the Kort Dalles Militiry Iteserva- ' tlim Addition to I)alle :ity, in mid county and ' state. I Tho west half of the outheast(tiartcr and tbe ! east half of Uie southwest quarter of i-eetion Jl ' in tonuxhip north, rmiKe II east, In Wasco i County, Oreuou. Terms of salo One-half in cash at time ol : aI- nnd one-half in six mimtlit, secured by i iiiortitaRuon tlie pretnUes. I uaues Ulty, urvKOii, Jan. zi, i-js. KM1I.Y II. KINKHAIIT. jan'"J-U Administratrix. THe Columbia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOFACTOltr-KoUr" Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON ! x)HIED BEISF, ETC. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s?S,ffLk tnEdE8D Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr ,'8 "'our IH tnanufactured pxpreenly (or family v v' use; every fluck is uu a ran teed to give uatiBfaution. We sell our goods lower tlmn any house in the trade, and il you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prioes Paid for Wlwat, Barley and Oats. .GHflS. FHflM. But"-hens and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kivi-s on ilmuulit Hit- coli'lirntcil COUMHiA IIKCIl, wknmvl KlKctl the ln"t I"fr In Tin- Unlli's nl tin' ii-uiiI price, ('nine In, try l mill lie cm vliii'cil. Ai-n tin 1 UirM liriimlt u( Willi's, I.I iimri mill Chtiiri. Sanduuiches nt nil Klluls iiltvity on limiil. NEW YORK WORLD THRlCE-fl-WEEK EDITION. I H I'iicck h IVriiki 1.10 I'lipcrH ii Veal It (-11111(16 first niniinp ''weeklv" papers 1 111 m!," Ireqiiency of ptililiciitioii I freehncHH, vurieti and reliubility of col. tents. It is practicnllv a dailv at the lot price o a weekly: it ml its vat list of HitbHcribers, extcndini: to every Htntu and territory of the Union nnd foreign coun triee, will vouch for the accuracy and fnirnesH of its newp columiif!. It ib sulendidlv illustrated, and miuinc, in ejieuiiii it:uiiiren on- ii nut; iiiiiuiii pii'c, ox Imitative market reports, all the latent fashion; for women and a Ion sericH of ptorieH by the greatest liviiiu Amiiriciiu and English autiiorH, Ciiiiim lliiylc, Jiiromi' K. .Iiiroiiie. Stultify WcyuiHii Mary K. Wllklnx Autliony liiiiic, llrnt llitrti-, ItriindiT .llliltlic wk, i;ti:. We offer tilit! iineqiialed newspaper nnd The Dulles Tvvice-it Week Chninichi to puther one year for $".()). The rtKitliir price of the two pupert ib 1.1.00. j , 1t fn'KTTT j Jj XvJliJN LM & CO., ' BANKERS 1 rilANSACT A OENKKAI.IlASKINti IlUElNKrf Letters of Credit ienued available in the EiiHtorn States.. HicLt Exchange and Teli'cniphiL Tranefera sold on New York. Chicago, St. LouiB, San FruneiHco, Portland Ore iron, Seattle Wtifih,, and vuriotiE pointn in Oregon and WuHliint'ton. Collections ina-le nt all poiute on fav ornu. terms, i Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL II. , J All work promptly attaded to, and warranted. 174 VOGT LOCK G-uardian's Notice. j To Whom It Mav Conckiin Nniico Is hereby Klven tliat tin- nndcrsleiicd, 1 as Kiiardlan of Jus. A. Drown, Jr., Kthel M. j llrown, I'aiilinu A. Ilrown, David K. llrowil, , Mary h. llrown and (ieo. Ii, Ilrown, has tiled in i 'lie Comity Court of tho Htntu- of OrcKon for , Wasco Comity, Ills i-etltlon prayiiiK for a II 1 cciim to ull the interest of said minors in mid to the followiiiK described real proiierty to-wlf A tract of land In lalle City, anco County, OrcKoiii bounded nnd described as follows: I Hculiinlm: nt n xiint rods south and 3n feet west of what is known n tbe northwest corner of the. I. (i. Wilson lot, said corner beini; one hundred and eleven rods east of tho northwest corner ol (lie John A'. Hltnms lionatlou Uiud , Claim No, :iJ, ill 'I'll 1, North ItaliKt' i:i Kast W. M., runuiuK tlieueo Houtli ten rods, thenei west six lods nod three feet; thence north ten rods ' thence cast six rods ii'id three feet to the place in iJCKiuiiiiiK, couimiiiuK onc-iimi an acre, more or less. All is-rsdiiH Interested In real eilate are hereby nottlk-d to appear before said County Court at tbe county courtroom In Dalles City on Kriday, tlie Uith day of .March, ib'M. at the hour of tl o'clock p. in., then and there to show cause, if any there be, why said license to sell said real pru.Tty should not be limited. March 1, Ir-'Ji. JAH. A ItllOWN.Hli., mcli'.'-l (iiiiirdlau, Watchmaker? Jeweler EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF TIIK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tmliih Iphvu mul nre ilno to nrrlve nt Pcirtlmht !! OVKUI.ANI1 KX-1 preis, Hiilcm, Hose- 1 burn, Aflilnml, Sin;-1 I rimu'litii, (lt;ili'li,rliill II r'nilit'lxi'n, Mojnvo, AllKl'U",i;i I'mmi, . New urliuiiH mul I ti.OO I' M i I KiimI J I IlioMilinrR mul wny -tu-' ItlllllS ... ' ; ( Vlu WoiKttiiirti fur 1 , i ! Mi.AukuI, Hllverton, ; Went Ht'ln, llriiwiif- ; villu,SprlllKlit'lil mul ' Nntruti ... ! 'f, "M A. M I Dully ! except hiitiiluy- 1 t7:mi A. .M. I'. Jt bully except HmiiliiyH. JCorviilllK f stntlDiis . . mil! vuy( M V. M iNi)i:ri:.vi)i: -i: i'Assr.Nrii:ii. i:vprc. tmin Dally (except riumluy). l;WIi, in. (l.v. . . rortlanil Ar.) h:!Tin. m :.'ii) p. III. iAl .MuMllinvllle . I.v.J 5..MI 11, n; h::!ii p. in. (Ar lni1epoiuk'iicu..l. ) I.. -On. in 'Dally. Dull, except rtunilii). DINING CAKS ON (KiDKN IJOl'TK. I'tM.I.MAN llt'l'Hn' SI.KKI'KUR and .si;ciis'D-ci.ASft hi.i:i:i'iN(j cuils Atlai.'littl to nit TliroilKli Triitim. i Dlniit conm-ctloii at Mm l,rmiclco with Occi dental mid oriental and I'aelllc mail Hlcinuhhlp j II im.- for JAPAN and CHINA. fMillliiR dau-h on I a plication. liatcs hiul tlckcti- to Diitcrn polntr. unit Ku roiie. AI-oJAl'AN, CHINA, HONOI.f l.V una At'STltAMA. can be obtained from I J. II. IClltKI.ANll, Ticket ARWit. I Through Ticket Ollice, 1IU Third street, w here I throuch tlekels to all point" In the Kiistcrn Hthtes, Cmiaila mid Ktirope can be obtained nt toucnt rules fioin J. II. KIHK1.AND, Ticket Airvnt, All above trutin- arrive at mul ilepiiri (nun . Grand Central ritntloii, I'lfth and Irving Ntrevti- VAMIItl.li DIVISION. rai-eii(;er Depot, foot of JelturMin ntreel. U-avc for OSWIXlO, dally, excejit Hunilny. at lL'.mi, I. V., fi:l.'i, f. i, h:U-i )i. m, t T:M a. m. (and 11 P. in. on raturday only, and tl:i) a. in IIIIIVl 11 only). land :i 3d p. m. on hiindatN only). Arrive at 1 I'ortland nally al 'mill and H::iu a m , ami 1 j "I 15, (j.'JOmul 7:.V, p. in., (and 10 :(!." u. m , 3 15 li, in p. n;. on Hiiiidayi- only). j Ij'iivo for Hlicrldan, ueek ilayn, at l:SU p, m ' Arrive at I'orttand, 'J-.'M a, in. it: Id and n::iu a 1.1-avc for AIUl.li: on Monday, Wcdm-day mul i Krl' aj- at !). ID a. m. Arrlv- at rortlanil, Tin. 1 dav, TlnirMlny and Siiturilni it :'.:0.'i p. in. 1 'Kxeept Hnnilay. "Kxcept Haturday. It. KOKHI.KU, MamiL'er. (I, II Aht. (i, MA It K II AM, 1". .V 1'iun, Aut Sit ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. a N s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. TAIll. MIN.NKAI'Ol.I Dt'I.llTII KA It CO (IK AM) KOIt (MtOOKSTON WINMTEO IIKI.KNA uu ItltTTK TO Through Tiekefcs CIIICAOO T HAHIIINOTON I'HII.A DKI.I-HIA NKW VtlltK llOSTON ANI ALL I'OINTN KANT HlKl HOIITH For Information, time cards, maps mid tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLA WAY. AKnt, The Dalles, Oreitoii Oh A. D. CIIAULTON. AhhL G. P. A., iW, Morrlsou Cor. Third, i'ortland Orcipin Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. 'riiroiiKh by dayllKlit via (ira Valley, Kent ami cro! Hollowu. DDIMIl.AH Al.l.KN, Till' Dollt'H. t). M. WIIITKI.A V, Allti'lupit. Htaifcn leave Tliu Dallcn Irom I'uiatllla HoUfcO at 7 a. in., iilmi from Ante Iiijk! at I.'M a. hi. every Monday, WcdncMlay and I riday. CouiieetloiiN mi.de at Antelope for I'rlniivllle, Mltebeil and pohith lHiyond. Itloi-u o. nnectloim made at '1 lie DallcH with rallwayN, tralnn and boatn. Hlai-eh (rum Alilelopu reach The Hailed 'I'll h dayn, 'Ihuri-dayn and haturdayM at 1 :'M p. in. 11ATKH Of KAIlK. ., Dalleh to Deocbutcs - do .Mom. . . ! do (irimH Valley - .-j' do Kent do Cnws Hollowu 1 y Antelope to (!rou llollmvii ... ' ; do Kent '-' " do (inihi, Valley .... ' w do .Moid. . . do Dcj-clmcch . do Dalk-H '' ST, GERMAIN FEMALE PILLS Tliuonly uriKlnal mid cnuulnn Kru l -J initlti HnKiilHtor, of Mine Ht. (iermiiln. f UuKUrpanneil u bt'lliB wlf. Hiiro, mid rcl WW uvery chm. Hold uudur poHltlvu KUijrmiti'ii or money relunUed. (ilit tlie koiiuI"1-'' ."SVni ri HtteMiiir(:tiudu. KIM HAKVAlll -' 107 WHblugtou Ht., Chicago.