r Just Received, I Ribbons. Tho Croam of tho Most Progressive Factories In nil tlio latest blocks and colors. Tlio progress ivu mnkers aro tlio ones Hint combine quality nntl style with economy. A glance nt out Furnishing Goods Window will convince you that wo lire strictly In it whin it comes to lints. This Is Drossy. In Black or Brown. $3.00. A TemptT. Latest Blocks and Colors. $2.00, $2.90, $3.00, $3. SO. Displayed in purrisipc? ALL GOODS MARKED N PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle., MONDAY - MARCH 14, 181M WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Girl wanted to work nt the Kurnjivaii Home. 9-0t Weather Tonight find Tuesday, mqw or rain. Wheels for rent nt Leo. Sehnnno's old stand. The battleship Oregon has ben or dered to Valparaiso. Leave your orders for dressed chickens at Dalles Commission Co. mlO-tf Fregh Columbia river Smelt ut Dalles Commieeion Grocery Co.V. Scow load of dry Fir Wood just re ceived a Muier & Denton's. tf Don't forget the great clearance sale of caps nt A. M. Williams & Co.'e. When you smoke the Rose Queen 5 cent cigar von pet your money's worth. tf v Lugland hits declared her willingness to lend us loyal support in case ol trouble. The new bell-shaped robes are did played by Pease it Mais in their dr goods window. The lntlHii:al( Weilm-mlii v nvoiilnir u- ill to under tlie supervision of the GoodV seres were Mies A. Lung 44 ; Mrs. T. J. Intent Society, and the admission will Seufert 4S. be50'L'"tB- j Advices received this a. m. state that Ladies who wish to be considered up-j the president has been officially in-to-duto will not fail to see the line of j formed of the result of the Maine in- collars and cull's iust placed ou sale at i Pease A Mays There will be a social hop given by Woodmen aud Cedar Circle tomorrow tvening. Invitation is extended to tlieir families and friends, bpain proposes that it will withdraw lU troops and grant independence to the I uiuaim under condition that their flag retained. Cubans will accept noth ing but complete independence. Ladies who have been looking for nelal mid jeweled belts i ill now Und an exquitite lino ut Pease & Mays. They ire aln ulmu't .... ii.. i i...i,.... ' 200,1. i. , , Hwus i rU8Bl!tt Bld unjread leatli. r. reports from thu untier eonnirv Htntii 'ui me ground Is very dry for this time jir8. M. s. Burrell, coniuients as fullows 0' J'tar, and unless tin abundance of , u,,0 tne selections of Miss Harriet Ste 'in falls during tho summer, there will 'mjB, who, in connection with Miss le a posfcibility of a short crop this sea-! j$j0t( will give a muslcale at thu K. of 0n' I P. hall Wednesday evening: "The Mrs. Foley und daughter came up fresh, delicious mezzo voice of Miss liar M'oui Hood Riyer Saturday, bringing 1 riet Jl. Stevens was n pleasant revela- 'tli them the Infant daunhter of Ernest 1 tlon to those who have not had tho op- I..... j - Jensen, who. U'itll il iininliiir nl In fur, tn ' M christened ot the Methodist church J yeeterday morning. A pretty homo wedding took place ut pe retilt-'nce of Mrs. E. U. Warren in ortlaud Wednesduy evening, March when Edward R. Davidaou of Tort 'Ji wag uiled ,n mBfj-jago to Agtm daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J- Bates, of Grass Valley, Rev. Thou. 0,'d opiating. Miss Bates was a Ribbons. Wo have just received our first shipment of Fancy and Plain Kib bons. Tho assortment is beautiful. Every piece is a decided novelty and up-to-date. There is a brightness in their appearance which will convince you that they are the proper thing You would not consider $5.00 too innch to pay for this lint, but we have marked it to sell at if.'i.OO. to wear. 5c to $i.oo per yard. Where will jot! llml ii inure tuMy lint tlniri In rejire n'litwl by this cut. Milliiblefonilincist iirc. unci ktrlct ly 111 Mjlis I'ny my iiiicelhnt will hi 1 1 your jmrn', Horn U (d to The New Bell-Shaped Robes are displayed in Our Dry Goods Window. Qoods Uindou;. former Dalles girl, and her friends here Farmer, at that place. Mr. Farmer had extend their best wishes. Her sister, ( lived in. this city for over two years, and Miss Lizzie Rates, of this city, attended about two weeks ago left for his home in the wedding. 'Troy, where he died yesterday. He At the Umntilla House alleye last!leves five children Mrs. Ahvise, of week the daily high bowling scores were Troy; Mrs. McLaine.of Pine Bluff, Ark. ; as follows: Monday. Maetz 03; Tues- Mrs. Upper, of Portland, Or. ; Miss Liz day, Maetz 05; Wednesday, W.Brown zie Farmer and Hugh Farmer, both of C.:;; Thursday, Maetz, 07 ; Friday, O. lt'is city. Mr. Farmer whb 73 years old. Dell 04 ; Saturday, Maetz 54 ; Sunday, , and week before his death he etated in W. Lytle 57. The ladies' suit department of A. M. Williams &' Co. presents a scene of life aud business these days, goods being re ceived and goods being sold. This morn ing paw the arrival of another shipment of fine tailor-made suits, representing some of the season's choicest styles, modelled after tlie latest Parisian im portations. Yesterday two carloads of burros which are being shipped from South ern Utah to Seattle for the Alaska trade, were unloaded at stock yards and fed. They numbered seventy-three in nil, and were shipped by W.. L. Lake of Utah. Mr. Luke expects that they will bring a hiuideome price in the Alaska inrkets. The following are the high scores made , I nt the club alleys last week, Monday, Tolmie 5S; Tuesday, Van Norden 5S; m-...i i.... ci .... r.n. i.i..,.i v " """""'' "lc '.,'" u"' ' J. Sinnott 51 ; Friduy, 2. J. .Sinnotto'J; I Saturday, Sinnott 54; Sunday, VunNor - den 57. Tim ladies makim? the hiehest (uiryund will denuud $10,000,000 from Spain. It is thought that Spain will j ask for an international board of arbi tration and the president v. ill agree to this. Thu above is tho policy formu luted by the president and his cabinet. The school election for TheJD.illes dis trict is being held this afternoon. Dr. O. D. Doane and George Miller are tho candidates for director, while George P. ; MrtriPiiri iu tilt fittll Mil nil 11 H t H IlHMlt'll fnt'- , , , .. ... ... . scnooi cierii, aim nu win, in mi inuu.i bility, receive the unanimous vote. Up to tho time of going to press but n few ii,..iii,iriiil ii i. vi ut ilmlr Imllnl. ycgU.uirty's Oregonian. iu speaking of ! nii.n fim roHliliiei nf 1 iuv i.iuciviv iinriniiliv of hearlnif her ill the Muslcale I Club. Miss Stevens is the possessor of , that desirable adjunct, "musical style," and it is hoped that she will bo heard frequently in thu future by Portland au diences. She presented selections by Coombs aud Thomas." Miss Lizzie Farmer of thiBcity.ro. colved a telegram Saturday evening from Troy, New York, infoam ing her of the death of her father, Thos. Prices range from PEASE & MAYS. l one of Ins letters that he was enjoying 'good health, so that his death was un i expected. The telegram did not state I the cause, but it was probably heart! ! failure. BILLS ALLOWED. Portion of tile HiIIn Allowed March Teun of Court. ut tlie Mrs S K Fredc-nburg, care of pau- I pers $ 15 00 j JUliOHS. 1 1) J Cooper 'G A Liebe ; F J Clarke i A Anderson John Btookhouse : Mike Caliaghau. . j E A Griffin W A Hendricks . 0 001 4 00 2 00 2 00 o on 0 00 12 00 12 00 L P Bolton. 10 80 '.II, Prill fur 111 11(1 j jj cCorkle. . ... . . . . '. '. '. '. 14 00 Chas Green 13 00 ' Amos Root 11 'JO 'WHaynes 12 40 H II Tomlinson 10 80 q W Wishurt 10 00 CJ Brown 10 00 O L btrunahan 12 40 I W J Davidson 10 40 I John Wagonblaet 8 50 1 A I) Savage 10 00 ! O F A n gel 1 10 00 i. i- jeuy id uu IG W Run von 0 20 liltANJ) JL'IiOltH nmitu.uiY. ILLanib 11 20 G E End 10 00 G C Campbell 13 20 D G Hill 13 80 Robt Black 17 00 C D Doyle 11 00 G M McLeod 13 40 WJTNKShi: (1HA.VI) JUKV. J E Hanna FE Jackson. . Mrs S Cameron . 0 40 i .in 10 00 10 40 8 40 10 00 10 00 11 40 15 00 15 00 Miss Daisy Dodson ESOlinger J E MeCormiek A S Roberts Ed Spencer . M M Morns. W C Doiighton Ferdinand Westermnnn. . . ., 15 00 Lem (Jresham 15 00 Joe Martin 0 00 William Spencer 0 00 W H Arbue le II 00 f. A Loonev 0 00 Julius Wilev 4 00 A Everding' (i 00 I Jake Whittiker 4 I WITNUHSCK ciucuir t'OUltl'. I Richard Nolan 2 ' J II Jackson 2 i T J Borne 2 00 ' ' 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 G A Liebe f.Jft,' ' . . . W E Walthers 2 00 Geo W Miller, juror Nov term . . 0 00 Mrs E J Sanders, witness 2 00 G E Sanders, witness 4 00 E Martin, wit grand jury,' 11 00 To Cure u Colli Iu One Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tl o money If they fail to cure. 25c. 'Clearance Sale BlCYCLiES. One '95 Ladies' Clove land Wheel Two '97 Eaclo Wheels at One '9G Cleveland Gent's Wheel .. One '95 Eagle Gent's Wheel One '97 Boy's Eagle Wheel One '97 Girl's Eagle (fcQD Wheel 4UU In order to make room for our new slock, we are mak ing the above Low. Prices. MA1ER & BENTON I'KltSONAI, MENTION- J. Stewart of Monkland is in 'the city today. Mijs Hart ot Goldendale is a guest of Mrs. Geo. Miller. H. S. Gallegan, of Hood River, spent Sunday in this city. D. W. Butler was in the city Irom Cascade Locks yesterday. Miss Estelle Masters is over from Gol dendale, and is a guest of the Misses UBolton. Mrs. J. M. Patter6n went to Wapco Saturday evening to spend Sunday with he husband, s N Will Croseen. who has been working in San Francisco for several months, re turned home Saturday. Mrs. G. C. Eshelman returned yester. day from Centerville, WaBh., where she has been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lord and Miss Etta Lord returned lrom a short visit with friends in Arlington, yesterday. Mrs. Russell SewjrJI and Miss Will iams, aceompanietrby their sister, Mrs. II. W. French. rfnrniil tn Pnrtlmwl nn Nlhe boat today Fred Drews, of Portland, who came up Saturday evening to visit his rela tives in this city, returned to his homo on the morning train today. Mrs. Belle Johnson of Deschutes, who has been seriously ill for three months, is able to be aroutid again, and is in tlio city today. Dr. Eshelman will leave tonight for Chicago, where he will spend a month in the post graduate course in the hos pital of.thatc'ty. Ho will stop over n few days in St. Louis on his way. llOKN. Sunday, March 1! J. B. Rorer, u duuj Di this citv, !, 1898, liter. to the wife of MIhn Clark' Dentil. Miss Ethel Clatk died at the home of her parents at Hartland yesterday morning, aged about l(i years. Miss Clark has been suffering from heart dis ease for over two years. Tho last attack which eventually caused her death, came on last November, l-rom that on until n few weeks ago sho has been under medical treatment in this city ; but iu spite of tlie fact that every means available was used to sayo her, tho heart trouble brought on an attack of dropsy, unit the complication caused . her death yesterday morning, i She leaves u father, mother, two Bis ' tern and two brothers to mourn her loss, j Her parents taku this menus of ex- pressing their appreciation of the many I acts of kindness shown to them while . they were in this city by all their fririida, especially those living on tho I Ml 1.. I f I I . .1 f 1 inn, in which viciuiiy tney rcsmeu while hero. llueklHii'u iriue naive. The best salvo iu trie world for emu, btuites, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovei eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and al! skin eruption'), and posi tively euies piles, or no pay required It is guaraiteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 centa per box, For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggiate. One Minute Cough Cure, cures, That U wlut It was inndc fur. "Very Much I ...reseept 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to New Ideas at The Wheel that sells Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. REMEMBER. Wo Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. phone 25. J T. Peters & Co. A PECULIAR FACT. TIiiiuhiiiiiIh of I'ooilu Have Dyspepsia In ItH Worst Form anil Don't Kuow It. A weak stomach is the cause of about nine-tenths of all diseases, yet in most cases the wrong thing is treated and tlie true cause overlooked. This is because a weak digestion pro duces symptoms resembling nearly ev ery disease because it weakens and dis turbs the action of every nerve and or gan in the body; poor digestion causes heart trouble, kidney trouble, lung weakness and especially nervous break ing down or nervous prostration ; the nerves cannot stand the wear and tear unless generously fed by well digested, wholesome food. Keep the digestion good and no one need fear the approach of disease. Mrs. II. M. Lee, of Rochester, N. Y., writes: For tho sake of sufl'ering hu manity I want to say that from a child I had a very weak stomach, threw up my food very often after eating und after a few years nervous dyspepsia resulted and for more than twenty years 1 have siidered inexpressibly. I tried many physicians and adver tised remedies wiih only temporary re lief for nervous dyspepsia, and not until I commenced taking Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets last September, six months ago, have I-been free from suH'ering caused by the condition of my nerves and stom ach ; in short, chronic nervous dyspep sia. I have recommended Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets tn many of my friends and now I want in a public way to say they aro the safest, plenmintest and I believe surest cure for stomach and nervo troub les. I write my honest opinion and I will gladly answer any letter of inquiry at any time and feel that I am, in my small way, helping ou a good cause. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is not a patent medicine, but they contain only the fruit anlts, digestive acids and pep tones necessary to help tho weak stomach to promptly and thoroughly digest food. All druggists Bell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at 50 cents for full sized package and anyone sulleriiu from nervous dys pepsia, sour stomach, headaches, acidi ty, gases, belching, etc, will It lid them not only n quick relier but a nidical cure. Send to Stuart Co., Marshal!, Mich,, for little book describing cause nnil cure of stomach troubles, giving symptoms and treatment of the various forms of Indigestion. I'rof. Hunt, llptleluu. The testing of eyes is not a matter of guess work, nor by far only a matter of trying ou a pair of ready uiadu glasses. It is a science governed by principles and conditions, which none hut a person who has studied tho anatomy of thu eye can understand. Prof, P. G, Dunt un derstands bib business thoroughly. Cull und bo convinced. He also does all kinds of watch und jewelry repairing, and will clean your jewelry while you wait. Two doors west of Keller's bake ry. Youra to serve, Dour Oitioai, & Jkivkwiy Co. to tho Good." Bieyeles... $50.00. every point. at an honest price. MAYS & CROWE. have strictly First-Class ISest of All. To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the springtime comes, use the true and per fect remedy. Syrup of Figs. Buy tho genuine. Manufactured by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle. Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady; but its duration cm be cat short by the use of One Minute Cough Cine, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bron chial trouble. An Interesting Story is nttractivo at all times. No one can a fiord to let tho evenings at home be spent without good reading mutter iu these days when good books cost so little. Our" stick ofl'ers some very attractive, up-to-date und standard literature which will interest all. 1. C. Nickelsen Book St CTlusie Company, Cigars. Why do wo retail moro Cigars than others'.' Why do smokers go out of their way ami pass cigars of the Eame grade? Not because wo have better cigara or better brands, or any greater variety; no, not that. Why, because we have the finest ci gar ciisu iu tho state and keup our cigttva in bettor condition. Snipos-Kinorsly Drug Co. S D S E E D A HllU'llllllI Ufchllttnilillt lit Vt'KC tnhle, Uiiiilun mill liinis fei'ciU In "rr-sn Hulk. Km! Whe.it, heed Outs, .K'nf Sei'il Hurley, Ktil Kivil llyo, Oil Mcul I'liku inn) IVrllllATH, Hie Hiliuilli'N. Hurlv Kn.-o I'ohi. tues, Klevuii Mint ot llrM clnsx hinl Corn, I'miltr' iilul Kkks uimgui nun miiii in J. H. CROSS' Clieiip 'uli (irnci'ry unit IVtil titote, Heconil innl I'lilim hU. E E D S A, 5, ,"l I tl Hi V. II if ii -J I - it! - ii' if 'PA !! I IS 111 m . 1 i w h