3 The Dalles Daily Chwniele. AdvvrtWIng ltt-. Taking the ship at the head of the organization lUr-J j i f- a such a leadership as the Oregoninn j 6aieinB. Per weh. . .. . i.. ti.li.. tl AO Orer two Inches and under four Inches. . . 1 CO ! and Joe SlIIU.II have not pn en. Otcr four Inches and umler twelve Inches.. 75 I Over twelve Inches j l)cafnr Cannot ir Cured DAILT AND WEEKLY. . bv luCftl applications, H9 the? CMIIIOt Over one Inch mid under four Inches. ... 2 re reach the diseased portion Over four luetics ana unuer twelve muiies Over wclve inches ii the ear. l w .... . ....... .. .1.... 1 po inert? is amy one t m utmu:i WrrkU Clubbliic ltlei. Chronicle and Oreponian $2 25 j fllirnnieli" find Kxiinillier - -O Chronicle and Inter Ocean Chronicle and Trihune. Chronicle and N. Y. World and that is bv constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con , .... .. " l:. .!.... .1... T."..n ' o ot. union oi i lie mucous iiiiiiik ui iuc ijur- ) 1 So tachian Tube. When this tube is in- 1 "5 1 flamed vou have a rnmbliiiB sound or 2 00 MONDAY imperfect hearing, and when it is en- TT.pru ii cos tirelv closed, Deafness is the result, and . unless the inflammation can he taken out and this tube restored to its normal I condition, hearinc will be destroyed for- n s f ibo in Wnsnn ever; nine case's out of ten are caused til Ml Jill 11 Vi vj.'w CAMPAIGX IX OREGOX. county may be said to be fairly com menced. The ficc silver forces have licld their primaries and elected dcl nirato to the countv convention. ! .. natnrrli whinl. ia nnthinp hut an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for anv case of Deafness caused by catarrh; . . i . . i i .... tT .ln . --l. Just what the result of this concerted ! " cannui m uureu u uu.. mm... t . A I Cure. Send for circulars; free, -movement tuny be is yet to be de- . T f-.,..v.... t. p.. tvi...i n Sold by DruggistH. 7oc. I'lHUi. Tunllif;. 6-10 termineri ; but it is perfectly evident j that the idea of fusion is uppermost in tl.o minrli rf flip Pnnnlists and " - r i -. ,. .. , Democrats. The tree Silver Repub-j g ,n cUy nml w, upon licans the name is a gross misno- j hig CU9tomer8. No other piano tuner mer arc hunting for some place j has authority to use his name in any in whinli thpv mav cast their lines, way. Orders left at either music store and undoubtedly they will find some soil of refuge among the Populists and Democrats. 2sot since the close of the war has the issue been more direct and une quivocal than it is at this time. The Democrats no longer preach free trade; the Populists seem to have will receive prompt attention. The nucovery oi the Day. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading drugidst of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have.' J. F. Campbell, merchant of Saflbrds, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's i New Discovery is all that is claimed for 1 1 . . f..Io nnd in n Etlrn IM.rp f..r abandoned nil their cherished tenets ; Ci;nsuniption edds and Coughs. I of political belief except their undy-, P.inI10t s.,v enough fcr its merits." Dr. ing attachment to free silver, and King's New Discovery for Consumption, all have united in opposition to the ' Coughs and Colds is no experiment. It j ntr,. cri-m nflvnnntorl sr, -trpr.. ' ilus hn tried for a quarter of a century. ' , , ... , ., , and toduv stands at the head. It never uously by the Republican platforms. . d, ,-,B FrPe tr'ial bottles HtBlahe- It is cheap money against sound ley & Houghton's drug store. C money, with no equivocation of; Sheep markinc paint ; ready for use. terms. TI12 unnaralleled nroineritv Two colors, black and red. Why you ! . t 1 .1 l TT. tiiouui use our euwii jjuhji. rirsi, RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Secoiia Street. THE DALLES,! THE. X I lllrrif 1 m liiTrn flnrnu S Vfj If lCRLI Id I Ltt UlLHll :.7afB2 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY POLITICAL PAPER IH THE WESTg SI It b radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines 01 inai pariy with ability and carncstnc$5,,,1.,, MBut It can always be relied on J for fair and honest reports of all po- litical movcmeaXuJ.!i!!!! THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE 11 Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of its columns is equal to that of the best maga zincs. It Is interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents. T HE INTER OCEAN Is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, ..... . v " V tt?WT 1 " and while it brings to the tamily inn lNcwa yr T,?4,T7 T?7M?T T" nitric Uc TrtApr. and ablest i TT K W discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of "western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. SI.OO-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $(.00 Zm2VZ II I THE DAILY AHD SUHDAY EDIT101TS OF TTHX I VI IHTER OCEAH ARE BEST OF THEIR EIHD. J lllS rrlopiirnnllv liv mnll 14.00 per ynr , UI 5 I'ri.... ..r StimUr iiviniill 13 111) lirr year TT I'aU.v nml Sumln.v by mall fl.00 per yrr 9 n m Just GUhat You Olaht. which the nation has experienced j the inauguration of President le- ; cause the colors are ground thoroughly! DEALEKS IX All kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. 0.R.&N. TO THE EHST! GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. -VIA- OREGON SHORT LINE. Spokane Minneapolis St. Panl Chicago Salt Lake )enver Omaha Kansas City Robes, Burial Shoes, T-L. I niu. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGOH, GEO. 0!. EliDER AND CITY Of TOPEKfl Leave Portland every five days for ALASKA POINTS. "were in 1bSJu. i The last presidential campaign was remarkable for the great interest taken by the business men of the country. The politicians so called were in the background, and the rep New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such be ta- tion creton effects ut ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant defisne, taeteful colorinsze, youre for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. since u.e lunuguruuuu mi t'--ut jn pnre Hnseet, 0 by fine machinerv. JIcKinley seems to count for nothing j second, because it is made of high craile in thp minds nf the blind worshinners ' nolur. with the nroner amount of drvere Of the silver god, and the lines are ; added to eive it bfndnK and laetin, stoSileaTimi drawn in the same places as ther l"ua" W,"B" 7 V " 7'" s I or running ou ; miru, it is mucu more ... . i i economical, because it le p.iways reauy for use. We guarantee our sheep mark ing paints to gie satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke it Falk, agents, The Dalle". Or. I have been alilicted with rheumatism ! fnr fni.rtf.pn vpnr; nnfl iinthins? seemed ! resentatives of the business worltl j t0 B,ve anv relief j WB9 able t0 be; -went to the front and carried the around all the time, but constants euf- XL6g'lllQ,tOr jillG "banners of sound mone' and the j ferine. I had tried everything I could I rnnintninnnnP f.f a stable nurrenev i hear of and at last was tol.i to try Uinm ! berlRiu's I'in Balm, which I did, and , SJ'Slem. I wns nnmRiliKli.lv relieved and in a short , fPllD Halloo Pntltldnrl Qtlfl A rtflTlO As far as Orcaon is concerned, !,., 1Mlr,. , ' hDV lo eav thllt it ' 1U0 UUUUO, iUlliaUU 01IU AAIUUD ha- not ' fcince returned. Josh Edimr, Germantown, Cal. For sale by Bluke- PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies .and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. OCEAN STEAM EltM l.enT I'ortUud ;Kerr Kiiur lr for !SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong via North ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with O. U. & X. Kor lull detail" cull on 0. U A: Co. k Apcnt The Diillen, ir iiildrifch V. II. m'UI.Itl IIT. Cit:n. I'iinh. Apt , i'ortliiiid.Or. KODSON, CAKi.II.l- & CO., fifli. Acts.. North l'licltic HliiuiiBtilii ta TIME Vi Ull. No. 4, to ?)M)kiim' mid Uri-Ht NnrthiTii nrrircn ut5:'i."p. in.. Waff tit 6:R0 ji. m. No. 2, to l'endli tnu, HiikiT City mid I'nloii I'nctllc.iirrlvcMitll 15 j. in., dei'iirth nt ll.,V)i. in. No ", (mm ?ixil.iiiie mill Client Northern, r rlvvMit C'AOn. m., ileimrlB nl r...Vi n. m. No. 1, Irom lliikir City mid t'nloi l'liellie, iirrlvcs ut ii. in., di'inirtt- ut n. m. Noo. 21 mid L'l. niovliiL- eiiht of The Iluileh.wlll ' curry iii-oiiKtjrk. No. 'i'l itrrivi-H ut fji. m., ' No. ill depurt" nt 1 : 15 j. in. ruieu'iiiiurK for Hujijiner tiiLe No 2, leurliic hi'tutU ll.ir.n. in, W, 11. iU'Kl.l.'Ur.T, Ccn. Tun.. AKt l'ortliind. Orecon ,1 the same thing must be done again. Whatever reason a year or so ago there mav have existed in the minds i ley & Houghton " i - of some people for going to a silver i Tjasis, there is none now. The ca lamatcus predictions so confidently ! .made by Populists and Democrats Lave been unverified, while the as surances made by the Republican rjjyig Qj-rjQrrj FJgJrj party that prosperity would return cJaim no' cinc! with the election of JIcKinley, has ' SJffiSS- oU,Cf proven true. Oreiron cannot afford, it i quick Absorbed. j Glvea Keiiet at once that its fair name suffer by the defeat it nns nnd cienn Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Navigation Co. Wholesale. of the Republican party and the cause of sound monpj. The duty of every good citizen is , plain. 3Jolitics must be sent to the background, while good judgment , and patriotism predominate. A sweeping victory COLD 'N HEAD the Nasal I'aisiecs. Allays Inflammation Heals and 1'rotecta the Memlirane. Itcitorcs tho hvmti ut Ta to and hniell. Full tiizc Soc ; Trial fcize 'Oo.; st Drn'.'ijts or 0) mall. iii BUOTIIEUS. s Wanen Street, Kew Tort. JURlxT IilQUOHS, (JUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER and In tfottles Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE I have sixteen head of .'5 and 4 year mules lirobvi tor sale. I uIho liave in June will be a liornt'", inarei and tiHldinj;? for sale, i ruir. . i inn A .... , it l i . . e .1 . . Cli:illIl liuui iu liuu uuiiiiiic. rkit - splendid advertisement for this state, nne wa"nUUi! work elQ 0T Htock for nnd the end is well worth the em- Klondike, here is the place to tret them , . , i, , ... . ' cheat) for cash. Jaiii Bitow.v, liloyment of all legitimate means:. , (-.,,., VJntor, Or. Candidates for the legislature thisi year should be chosen with particu-; Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby clreri that by on order of the lar caution. There should be no , county court of the htato of uron, for w'i Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE The Ddlleh, Hood r.lver, Ccadf Ix.-ls und Port land dully, -fot huiiday. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass 3VL Z. DONNELL, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Are yon going ( DOWN THE VALLEY ! TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. on to EASTERN OREGON ? If so, save money anil enjoy a beautiful trip on the ColiiniBlu. '1 fie weM-oounu train arrives at , f0r,on of 0 Urov,,,,, OiSh To be a member of the legislative iwi.bYi D I iivcdtl, are hereby notified to iireeut them to f"""." 'U;V''", , " assembly is an arrbit.on worthy any me wm. the ,.i-'M-f,, vo..;;hc;f8 ,u ,ti-it.m-t 'f . aVfrUllniy to Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR honorable citizen; but it isn't every voter who is fit for the position. Po- litical parties treat this matter too , lightly; but the people are becoming' aroused to the necessity of having' cleaner representation, and it would be well for the nominating conven-' tion to consider well before making nominations. date here- f. JJattdJuuuary 10, 1&93. MOKATJO FAItOHKi:, Admtulmutor. HAHKEY. Airent. Ouk Street fjock. 1'ortlund, OrcKon, Or W C. Af.I.A WAV, (Jen. Act., 1 he iJallen. Uieuou Dr.QUNN'V 1 for People That Arefir Biok or " Juat Dont I V Administratrix Notice. It the Iiepublican party is defeated in Oicgon, such a result would be due, in large measure, to the internal Notice la hereby given Unit the iimlemlKiitd us been ri-L'iiliirlv unuolnted by the county nut V OVI row A DOMK. ' r.rjurt if t)i Miut nf fireunn for Wueii County us Rtmom PlmplM, CurM HwdaeM, DytHNh M wlraluUtratrlx of the citato of Charlex W.John. CoiUHMU. Z5cl. bo t druKKluor hr mall Uton, deceakei. All oerkons liuvini; claims btutilM i-r UdrBr. BaMnkoCo.i'bu. rt. UKalnt ald eabite are hereby notified to ore- . Mjrit them, with the proper vouchor, to me at nwi,(ia i p-i, DSt-... theomco of W. Ii. WlUon, In IJalles City, Ore UeWitt S Little burly KlScrs, KOflf wit,U ,ix mouths from the date of thin The fimo i nil. notice, Iiatle City, Orwon, Feb. SI. Ie93. v One Minute Cough Cure, cures. cakkib m. jo hnbtov That Is what It was made fur. uxho has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to "be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. Subscribe for The Chroincle !Snipes-K'nersIy Drue Co. i I 129 Second Street, !THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and .Picture' Moulding. IE3I. OLE 3STIN". t