OPTO KlVJOYfi Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, hcad jiches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it -to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who -wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP CO. SAH FHAKISCO. CAL LDVISV1UE, KT. HEW YORK, K.t. The Dalles Daily Chrnk Tllli HAl.l.ES, OKERON R P. Lear is in the city from Rufus -today. A K. Fuller of Rufus ie at the Uma tilla Hnu-e. Frank Leibliu of Kingsley was in the city last night. Georce JackBon is in the city from INnrth Ykima. IV. O. Gentler, of Heppner, is in the city on Imsinees. M. M. Dichtenmuller of Mosier is in the city on business. Alex. Smith is in the citv from his ljuuie at Grass Valley today. 13. f. Van Duvn and wife of Tvirh Val ley are in city, having returned from a visit to Portland. Mrs. Russell Sewali came up from Tfrom Portland nn th Knat voattrHar nd wilt remain over Sunday. -H. C. Allard, the Boyd school teacher, crate in from that place on his wheel jteterday, and will return tomorrow. Tilkxs morning T. H. Johnston and "Mra. Carrie JohiiBton came in trom Du fur. iQOrs. Johnston has been visilinc relativt-s at that place. They say that tbe trip 'in against the wind was very disagreeable. The dust was blowing so j bad in some places that they could not i tee the roach "'The blustering boreas did encroche "Bnl beat up-in the eolitane Brere," thus sate the poet of olden time, but yeater day'tfhere was more truth than poetry ' ioJi!iSe saying, for old Boreas got frolic eome and made Dalles real estate move faster than ever did The Dalles Real Ea--late Exchange. Old Dad Butte, how--ever, was up with the pacs set by old Uoreae, and while Boreae only moved -the surface Butts moved everything from -the sky to the center of the earth en one or two pieces of property. Butte has .lie bargains that make property move,! and be does not depend on Boreas or the -co-operation of anyone else to assist him 3d making sales. A few more bargains 3eft for those who com early. Thexe-re three little things which do 3nore work than any other three little things created they are the ant, the bee tand De Witt's Little Early Risers, the lest J 3eir)g the famous little pills for stomach j and liver troubles. La Plata Slieep Dip, proven by every t!St to be the best non-poieonous fluid dip in the world; guaranteed to cure eeab, itch, i-ore throat, lice and hoof-rot. Claike & talk, ayents. The Dalles. LADIES WITH RED FACES -And oily, greasy roinplexiotw, or subject to raphes, pimplen, blacklieads, yel.ow or tuothy skin, will be (rratitied to learn that the pureat, :ween-Ht, ami moat ellective akin purilier jaad beautiller yet comjiouuded ia CUTICURA SOAP It Is solKtcauMi it strikes at the caute of moot coiuplexional ilUiii;uratloiiii(viz.! the Clogged JrriUittd, Infiamtd, or Cneruorked l'OKE. ,-Suft-Keation : After cycling, golf, tennis, rldlog, -or jiUiliitlci, a buth with C'CTlCUIutiOAe U moat ooUilug, cooling, utid refreihlUK, jiroentlng chan u i;, renm-iw.aud rougbaea of the auln, nootb. ing iiirtaroiuatlon. aod when followed by ge ntla anointing with CoriotrM (olntrneut). proven bene. Cclal la relieving tirad, lae, or trained mutcle. Md thnxuthota UmwotM. ftie. CiTicca. c.i 4oir.zse.iHiui.taNT. Mt. and l. funu Data MD Cutu. Ciir..kol rns.. UatUm. mr " Uow to UbUla a IrtlUaol Corsalailos,'' frn. THE CHURCHES. Calvary Baptist church, Elder Wil bnrn pastor At 11 n. in, ami 7:30 p. in, regular services: Sutidav school at 10 a. in. ; young people's meeting at (5:30. 1 Lutheran services in the basement ol i thu new church tomorrow n follows: Morning services at 11:00. Sunday! school at 12:10. Class ineeiiin: in the ' evening at 7:30. There will also he a ' German service at 3 p. tn. .Regular services at the Christian j church tomorrow. Preaching in the t morning by Kev. 1.. C. Martin of Kelso, j Wash., and in the evening by the nns- . ' tor. Rev. Roltz, on "Straining at a Gin t and Swallow ins a Camel." i M. E. church, earner Fifth and Wash-, ington streets, J. H.Wood, pastor Ser- j vices as follows: Class meeting at 10! a.m.: morning service at 11 ; Sunday; school, 12:20; Junior League, 4; Ep-! .worth league at 0:30; evening service ! at 7:30. All are invited. j Sunday services at the Congregational ! church, corner Court and Fifth streets, as usual: At 11 a. in. and 7 .30 p. m. , worship, and a sermon by the pastor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school fmmedi ately after the morning service; meet- inc of the Junior Christian Endeavor at j 4 :30 p. m ; of the Young People's Soci ety at C:30. Topic. How to keep ihe Endeavor pledge; Matt. xxv:14-30 All persons not worshipping elsewhere ate cordiailv invited. j Fuulz' cigars are on -aie at the folio w mg places: Snipes-Kinersly, Clark & ! Fall; and M. Z. Donnell, druggists; Com mission Co., Geo. Roch, Fred Fisher (and Chas, Phillips, grocers ; Columbia Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection- !ers; Ctias. Frank, Ad. Keller, D.m i linker, Aue. Buchler, Ben Wilson I The Midwav, saLxuis. ud EuttTtalimirtit at ituvri. Editok Chhoxicle: The Boyd public school literary oci - ely cave the following program in a very able mauni-r at its second pession on Friday, March 4th : Sour King the Hell, Watchman Heading .. ... Recltat'on Which Loves Best Rec I Help Mamma All 1 Chu Kec The Struddle Dug I'.ec Pray Do Not Weep School ; .. Esta Bolton I Gertie Abnet Dooia Boltou Andy Baker I-rank Ileadl; Song I'm Going to Write to Papa Pansy Wing uud Emily linker Recitation-Sally's Bicycle Dollle Smith Rec The Dream . . ... Guy Teel Bee Our Lessons Willie Richards Soag The southern Soldier's Little Boy Lela and Nellie Foss Reel ration The Scarecrow. Hanson Heaoley Rec TeinjKtrute Birds... . ..Maud Smith Rec-KeepSllU Edith Abnet Rec Five Little Chicfcen? .. . .Flora Bakir Rec My Horse's Name Is Be'sy . .Floyd Foss Dialogue . . Loyd Boltou HUd George Head'ey Scribe Columbus; .Uarrv southern Recitation II I Were You . . .Elmer Smith Rec -A Little Boy .John Gnens Rec The Dutchman's Mistake Lloyd Bolton Reading of "Boyd Bee" . . Ethel Southern Soug Soldier's Motherless Daughter . . school The first edition of the Buyd Bee, by Ethel Southern, deserves special men tion, as it was full of life and right up to date. Quite a number of visitors weie pres ent. We are anxious to do a little good in t this world and can think of no pitas-! anter or ietter way to do it than by rec ommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consump tion and other serious lung troubles tliat follow neglected colds. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there will bean annual meeting of the Btockhold-I ers of The Dalles. Portland & Astoria I Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, April 2,-i89S, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing seven directors, ana transact ing such other business as inav properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles March 1, 1898. C. L. Phillips, Secy. Don't annoy others by your couching, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. New York, San Francisco and port One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs. 1 -and. colds, croup, grippe and all throat and L ?. Thomo"KCT jo?S. ScHKNCg lung trouble I En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbe. Sheepmen, call ut Clarke & Falk's j H M Bea'1, and get prices on the La Plata Sheep 1 - - - - - Dip. It is non-puisonoue, mixes in- j stantlv with cold water, and it is an in- FRFFTRIAI TREATMENT fallible cure (or scab, hoof rot, lice and ticks, 1 tf Cuslt Iii ttur Chucks. All countv wurrants registered prior to Nov. 122, 1893, will be paid at my othce. Interest ceases after Feb. loth, 1898. C. L. Fiiiluph, Cinntv Treasurer. nbtirpliit-n, Attention! Clurke & Fnlk have tecurod the aitency for the La Plata Sheep Dip. Mixes instantly with cold water. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, ezma or skin diseases l may secure Instant relief by using De , Witt's Witch Ilazel Salve. It is the ' great pile remedy. J-JltH-OEIHENDOItfl'KH Si ItUJCMV, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 aud Tel. . Vogt Ulock. We fire Doipg feat af)d rtistie ..priptip.. For treasonable prices. - We Print Anything in the Printing Line. Qiue us a trial. Qtyror?, pub. Qo. NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION.' school: Notice is herebv civen tn the legal, voter? of school district No. 12, of Wasco countv, state of Oregon, that the annual : school election for the said district will i i be held at the city recorder's ofliee, to i I hepin nt the hour nf ' n'i'ini'k in lli! , Hfternotn. on the 21 Mnndav. tieini- tlit- 1. 1 , v i ti wi. ii.iiikiir.'i.i.iiittn.ut:iiikr iiici 14-h day of March, 1S9S. and t losme at ! G o clock n. in. 'J his lnfetinir ia i'iiIIhH ! for the iiuruoie of electing one director to serve fur the term of three vears, and t . . L- . .. r ... - t one eierK 10 serve lor wie lerm 01 one 1 year. Dated this 3J day of March, 1S9S. V. u. Doank, -!...: i -.1 ( ai. , , ueo. v. AIOKGA.V, LlerK. DeWitt's Little Early Uiscrs, The lm-ti ' -ti "l. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is uhat it was made for. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Till- nU.LKi.'jRK-! )N' Ofliee oei First Nat. BinK B S HU.STI.NGTO.V H S WILSON Hl O'TINGTON A WILSON, ATlOaNEYS AT HW. THE DAI.LEn, OREGON Office ovr First Nat. Bank. Patronize the Troy All kind of work White Shirts n swcialtv. . . . ... . .. j. Famllv work at reduced r tes. Wash eoliwtiil l and deliveied free. Telephone No. 11!. H. D. Parkins, Agt, tin- apnou or People That Are nil I gk Sick or " Just Don'tll I V Feel Well" ILLw ONLY ONE FOR A DOSK. Ittmora Pimpttt, curat Headache. Dytpeptla wa4 Cettlienf IS. 26 cIb. bos st druccinta or by mall buuolM Fre. addrM Or. BoiankoCo. Phlk. Pa. i j. S. BCHE.NK. President. II. M. litki. , Cashier First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A ueneral Bunking Business trausucttiC Depoeite received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt) rftmir.t.rl fin tlnr rif trtl1f.rlinti Siitht and Telegraphic Exclianue sold or I TO EVERY MAN. I Juts oiler is made by the ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided applieatlon be inadu at once, in order ' that Its inventions, iipplianccsMud never failing remedies may receive the widest possible pub licity, uud prove their oivn niorits Ity aeiuul ut unll ierniMlieii t l ures Nn Muney i unuifver win ia received uy tne illlniils htatti Suiitturluin trom iiliy tine tiinler J tt treat ineilt uutll lieiifflclitl r-iilt utr ufiknuw I. irtlcrtl, its reiuidiea uud uppllalices huve been coinmended by the iieHspupers of TuoContl neiiu und endorsed by the gro test rioutors lu the world. Where development is desired, they ' accomplish It and never full to Invigorulc, up ; build and fortify. i They infuse now llfo and energy. They r inaiieutly stop nil losses which utidermliie the consiituuoii una rouuee uespouiieiicy, iney re-tone, icfrcoh and restoie to inuiiinxsl. r- . Kiirdltiss uf ngt. They cure evil habits and lie iiittiieutlv remove their etl'ects. us uell us those of excesses mid over-taxed brain work, iilitlitilu r-,.,..,iii i-l,uiiktliiii V. full. ure, mi publicity, un deception, uu tiup- pomim-ai. HitlTli TO-OAV. I ILLIH0I8 STATE SAKITABIUM. I jc..toi, ut. i DEPOSIT OF DIAMONDS. I Valuable Renin round AanocUted with Tin Ore In Atmtrnlla. An liitercstinp occurrence of tin ore jnnd diamond.-, which is believed to be I unique, is described in the recently-issued report of the department cf mines and rtgrieulutro of New South Nnlcs for JK!Ki. (travel containing- r.-isfetcrite in ! vork:ib;e quantities, together wilh dia monds, was discovered last year at ISous-v camp, 15 miles west of Tinghn, which has been for some time a pro ductive tin field. The pay streak at Boggy camp, which is from 30 to 30 feet deep, averages from two to seven feet in thickness, the width of the lead net yet hating been j ascertained. One load of gracl iculcd 310 stones cf Is! karats aggregate weight and 111 loads furnished biO karat-, of diamonds and tinM. lie at the rate of 13 pounds per load. The pay streak is a ciuartz pebble drift unierlying n large hill of basalt. K. 1 l'itnmn, thet government geologist who examined the occurrence, considers that the basalt filled what was originally au oval-shaped depression. The gra el rests on granite, and gran ite can be traced entirely around the basalt. The tiiamotid'-.sre w hile and of good quality, and it is thought that when the gravel is drained the district will make a considerable production. TO SURPASS NIAGARA. An Cnclli.li I'nier'i Acennnt of nn Aiiifrlfim 1'rttjfet. Iig as the Niagara scheme is, work has just cemniiwee'l upon a stiil larger ! scheme r.f water power development near Massena. on the St. Lawi-cnre river. United States of Amir ca. iiis Cham- hers' Journal. It U Inteucicd to develop here loO,00;i liorse power b. taking ad vantage of the difference in level be tween the St. Lawrence rhcr and the (Iras river, lioiving nearly parallel ;o it at a distance of 3' miles. A big , . , . . . nl ,s to l,V Mr h.tf ,n"r!rn,I;P piateau. and a fall of water 50 feet in height, thus obtained on the banks of 'he Grass river. - 1 r . 1 .. t . The latter river will itself form the "tail race" of the power station. This scheme dwarfs the Niagara one. siuee not only do the plans provide for r. greater amount of power, but man is going to do what nature lias done for him nt Niagara namely, provide the waterfall. The necessary capital for earn ing -out this scheme has beein pro - vided, work has been commenced, and it is hoped that some of the turbines' and dynamos will be working by De cember, lolls. If no unforeseen difli-! rRANSACTAGKNEKALBANKLSG BUelNES culty occur, and if this scheme be com-' pleted by the date named, it will cer tainly form one of the most remarkable achievements of the ceuturv. Uiiccr ;p'ft Inca. A South Sea islander greets a friend1 bv flinging a jar of water over his head. Transfers sold on New York. Chicauo, iii Jlussia it is correct for gentlemen to St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore press the forehead? of bd:es whem tbev ?on, Seattle Wash,, and various points know intimately with their lips; and in ,n 0ro8on and Washington. Germany and other continental nations ' Collections male at all pointe on fav kissing between men is by no means orable terms. tii;comnion. ! - - - - - - Adminislrafrix Sale of Ileal Estate. Notice is heubv given that under and br vir ' tueof au order of the C ounty Court of the .-Male n, ... .. .... ..r........ ... ...i i. .... .i... i..i. of Orecon lor Wum o County, made onthestli day of January, lss, in the inuiter ol the elale .of Dr. W. E. P.liiehart, defeaeil. I will fell at , public auction, at thecourth Uftcduor in ballth i I City, in said county and Hate, on the'Jhth day I of February, lr'.'l. at 1 o'clock p. in., to the hlmi j et bidder, all the rerl obtate belonging to mid 1 I etitaleaud descriU-d ns follow. to-lt U)!h a, II, C, II, L. F, !, II, I, J, K and L In I , Illnck US. in the Fort I)nlle Milittry Ueserva i tiou Audition to Do lie., city, in tuid county and , j titate. . ' The west halt of the houtheaxt (jtinrtcr and thu I i flint half of trie nuutliuesl quarter of Mtction 21 i i In tou'tmbip 'J north, rantre II taut, In Uum.-o uoiiuiy, urecon Terms of sale One-half in cash at time of 1 ml- and one-half in six mouths, secured by I lenns oi sa e-uiie-naii in eitsu at iiinrra moriRMKcon me premises. Italics City, Urepon, Jan. 27, !. EMILY It. I'.INLHAUT. jan'.'Oli Administratrix. THe Mia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MA-StJKACTOitr.KoUF IPmo T.qt1 qtiH RancQtroc Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)HIED BEEF. ETC. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tm"lIw r Head quarters for "By ers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. Tills Flour uee: every We sell our goods lower than any iiouee in the trade, and if vou don't think an call and get oor prices and be convinced. . . , Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats r CHAS. FRRpK- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kcop on draught the celebrated COl.lMlli.V IIIIKK, iicUiomI edged the !ot beer In The liiilh-, nt the usual price. Come in, try I mill lie rot vineeil. Al-o the l'llirst brands of lnc, Llltiors Hint Cigars. Sandujiches !9 (if nil Kinds always cm hand. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. IK rEtn m Wruk, ino rt rit a Yimr It stands first among ''weekly" paperr in size, frequency of publication freshness, varieti "and reliability of coi. tents. It ie practically a daily at the Io price o a weekly: and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every stale and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and ainonir Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashioiic for women and a Ion series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Count! Do lr, .ItToniK K. .Irrotiie, Stmilr)- VVfjllim. -Mary K. Wllklim Anthony Hope, llret llartf, llramlrr Mttlirw, Etc. We offer this iinequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to gether one year for f 2.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. j ; fr' ff.TTlTfTT 1 CO., BANKERS. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern StateB. Sight Ex chance and TelecraphiL Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT LOCK Guardian's Notice. To Whom It May CoNCKKN I Mil leu Is hereby Riven that the underslf-ncd, I iih guardian of Jan. A. Brown, Jr., Lthel M i llrouii, I'uiilina A. Ilrown, David K. llroiru, I Mary , Urowti-itiid tieo. I. Ilrouti.has Hied In j 'lie County Court of the Mate of Oregon lor J Wasco County, ills iietltlcin praying lor u !! cense to sell the interest of said minors in and I to the folio wlutr described real uronertv to-wlt- A tract of land in Halle- City, Masco County, Oregon, bounded and descr bed as lolltius: Ilegliinltig at a jHilut '.D rods smith and liO feet west of what In known as the liorUiuent corner I of the J. 0. Wilson lot, said comer being one hundred and eleven rods east of tlie nortnwe-t corner of the John A. Hituuis lioiiatlou IjiiicI I tiaini No. :rj, in To 1, North linage 111 Kast v . j M-, running thence south ten rods; thenet west , six rods und three feet: thence north ten rods; thence east six rods and three feet to tin: place of bcgltiului:. containing one-half an acre. t more or less. All ixtsi ns interested in real U'tate are herebv notified to apjieiir before suld County Court at the couutv courtroom in Dalles Citv on I- rltlm . I the Sitli day of March, 1VW. at 'the hour of ai I o'clock p. m., tin n and there to shoiv cause, If I ! ,. tl.i.r.. I... tfl... w.,1.1 11,...,... ,.11 ..1,1 ..... I . uivit ..i , ..j r,..v. in i pi; in evil nuiu ii;i property should not be giauted, .March 1, b'Ji. JAB. A. llItOWN, Hit., mcli'.'-I Ouardliiti. in manufactured expremly for ftimllt Hack is Kuuratiteed to give satisfaction Watchmakeryeweler EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -or TIIK- 'Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tra'ps leave and arc due tn arrive nt lVirttnn,! . OVKIM.A.VP KX "! 1 IltC.S. Sllll'lll. ItllSO. , I burg, Ashland, Sac. I -.1,111., It1 fl,ltt C. 0 00 V M ' 1 r'rulu'lseo. Mol'iive. ? l,os Angeles, KI I'aso, i 1 I Sew Orleans inn I Kii-t H 'li M ' """"'burg and way ttu-i Until, f Vln Woodhuni fon ' I .Ml.Aircfl,81lverlmi, west clo, lir.mns. y ! vlllf.si.rliiglleM mid f I Nutron .... j I'. M Dully except Sundays. Dully except 51an'liij IT:3fl A. Jl. jCorvallls fStUtlllllS and wuyl ( :S0 I' M iNi)i:i,KNi)i:N"i: passiingku. Express train Dally (except Sunday). Ir.Vlp.m. (I.v. .I'ottlniiil ...Ar.) S.Hui.m 7:li.in. ?A1 .MrMltinvl'li- .l.v.V fi.Nu.ir S.:nii. iii. (Ar lni!cii'iidi'ticf..Lv.) I.fliini Pally. tliiiiiy, ejecjit Mlliilny. DINING CAltS ON OGIIKN KOl'TK. l't7I.I,.MAN JIL'FKKT Hl.KKI'EIIS AND ,SK( OND-CI.ASS sI.KEI'ING CAUs. Atli.t-Uiil to nil TUrougli Tralim. I I'lin "nnv, ii" i in n i iiiwiipcu linn WCCI ' dctitnl tmd Olielllnl mill l'nclflr mull ftnunMiii, I lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Bulling dates on I n plication. ' lliitcs and tickits to Entern )iolnts ntnl Fu ; roi.0. Also japan, china, iiunoli'll ana Al'sTRAl.IA, enu lie olitalncdfriim J. II. KIRK LAND, Ticket Agent. i ! ThrouRh Ticket ORiee, VM Third street, Hhe-e I tliiiiucli tli'kels to nil point In the KtiMcru ; Mi les, CiiiiikIh mill fcuroia- can be obtained hi lowest rates Irom i J. II. KlRKIuND, Ticket Agent. All nbnxe triiln- arrive at and deniri Irnm ' Grand Centra! Station, Fifth and Irving htreeU I YAMHILL DIVISION. I Passenger Di-ImI, loot of Jcilerson street. ' U-ave for OSWTOO. dally, exreiit Sundnv. at 1 7:M a. in.. K.M, l.SS, ft 1 G , "sM p, m fund ll::w p. in. on .altirclay only, and icuia. m ami :i.:it) p. in. mi MiiuIhjn imlj). Arrive at Portland oallv at ViMO uud s:Hua in.; and 1 as I M:IS, C.'JO and T:.Vi p. in., (and lO-.Oi a. m , 3 is . 6 10 i. in. on Sundays onl) J. U'uvc for .Sheridan, week days. tt 1.30 p. m , Arrive nt Portliitid, ;30 n. m. ' U'ave for AIRI.1K on Monday, Wednevlav ami l-rl ii- at 9: ID a. tit. Arrlv nt Portland, Tui--(lav, Thursday and Saturday it 3 (15 p. in. Kitept Sunday. "Except Saturday. R. KOEHLER, MaiutLer. (I, II. MAKKHAM, KhU G. F. A Pass, Aet ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. P. a s Pullman Elegent Tomrist - Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. I'AIM. MIN.NK.trOLI IU l.t'TII ;; OKA NO POIt CKOOKSTON WINNIl'KO IIKI.KNA an IHITTK TO Through Tiekets L'lIICAilO T U'AHHINOTON I'HII.AIKL,I'II1A NKW YOltK IIOHTON AMI ALL l'OINTN KANT anil MOUTH Kor Information, ttme cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. CHAKLTON. Asst. G. I'. A., iV). Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Uregno STAGE LINE. Through by daylight via Crass Valley, Kent aud cross Hollims. OOlMiLAH Al.l.KN, Tlie Dulles. V. M. WIIITKLAW, Antelope. Htagen leave Tlie Dalles Irom t'iniitllla House at 7 a. in., also from Alitelotio at ".'JO a. m. evcy Monday, Wwlnesdiiy and rrlday. Connection mi.ile at Aiiteloe for Prlncvllle, Mltelie1! and ool-its beyonu C oo c iii.ectlons made at T'ltf Dalles with railways, trains and boats, Singes ftoui AlHelopii reai-h Tlie Dalles Tues dajs, 'i hursdays and Haturduys at 1 M p. in. fi. ten ur lAiik, I Dulles to Deschutes I flu Mfirii Jl IK) 1 W L "5 I do Crass Valley uu lt'lll. Kent. Cross lliiHmvs 1 ' 00 mi Vlunn I lllfl'tmi. j Antelope to Cross Hollows do i ro 3 W iuu tveiu , , (In (iruks Vulley do .Mom. . do Deschuees. do Dulles . b 00 ST. GERMAIN: TFMAIF PILLS ' mmwwwrmm " 'Hie only original and genuine I'rritrli-K" uil HeKulHttir. of Mine Kt. (icrmulii, '"; Unsurpassed as Iteltig safe, mire, and reliable in every caso. Hold litider Kisltlve guaralitee or nioney refunded. Out the genuine. y;V V,'-i piT box by mall, bolu agonU lor the uiilieu HUtesaud Cuiiudu. KIN HAKVAUU co, 167 Vhlulou Nt., Chicago. Moro and Antelope