m Is i JTV The Dalles Daily Chronicla. Ailrrtllnc Ut-. grcss and president. The business; failures have been exceptionally few during the past month, and the snmll ness of the capitals involved has been The elearinc- Prr ifK, v ... tv.il.. it VI orcr two inches Mid under four inches. . 1 oo , equally remarkable Orcr lour iucho nndjiindcr twelve inches.. T5 u0llses report ail almost llllprCCC- OTd twelve menrs . . DAiLY AND WEEKLY. Taking the JVIedieine. Ml One inch or lcs. vt inch . . -Over one inch nnd under four inches. Over four inches and under twelve inches Over welve inches denied prompluude in the payment! labilities, and the volume of 2 JO 1 of ! 5S. monetary transactions has been uii- Wrrklv Clubbing KMm Chronicle and Oreconian Chronicle and Examiner. . . Chronicle n Inter Ocean Chronicle and TribnDe Chronicle and N. V. World usually larcc. The clearing house jo 05 j transactions in Chicago were greater 2 -5 ; by moie than thirty-four per cent i1 5? idurin" the weekending March od.' SATURDAY 2 00 than during the corresponding week - M A.RCH 12. of last year It is long since mone- , - tary condition? were in a more satis-! factory condition than they now arc. , . We have ceased to be expoitersof; fA T1SFA CTOIl Y HE YES VE It is now seven months since the 0i,nn payment for Kurornn uiods. j "Republican promise of a new tariff J Tue gol(i of Europe is flowing to our was made good. In anticipation of ( si,crei) i;,,300,000 being now on the higher duties stocks of goods were j waVi increased enormously m all lines.; An inci eased demand for all the j 2Co one could tell just where the in-j?reat stnpiei j5 noticeable, and there crease of duties would strike. I be is nn impr0VCment in the price of! only sure thing was that the changes. J mosl of luem Trade is rot de-j if any, would be upward, instead or i pfessed by the prospect of war. The downward. From the day McKin- trafijtjons" of the activity in manu- i ley electors were chosen to the hoiirjfaclur;Kg agricultural and transpor wben the Dingley tariff bill was ( tation enterpr5es between 16G1 and signed the stocking up policy was j lSC5 bave not f:;cJecj out Df memory. followed, so far as possible. It took ! - a long time to work off the surplus i itne.. cannot i cured imports. At last it has been. TheKv local applications, u they cannot j Jjg tlhat monthly statement of the treasury RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. ai: .-the.. : Oil Weekly Inter Ocean i 0.R.&N. LWGEST CIRCULATION OF AMY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WESTg It Is radically Republican, advocating ' ."MBut it can always be relied on the cardinal doctrines of that party for fair and honest reports of all po- with ability and eamcstncss.0 . litical movements.'!.-'' TO THE THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWSAND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. iEMST! ' GIVES THE CHOICE OF .TWO Transcontinental ROUTES The Literature of its columns is equal to that oi the best maga zines, it Is Interesting to the chih dren as well as the parents. ' GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. -VIA- OREGON SHORT LINE. THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discuras literature and politics from the Western standpoint. J. ! Spokane Minneapolis ,St. Paul S1.00-MICE ONE DOLUB FEB YEAR 41.00 , chicago mi THE DAILY ATO STTHDAT EDITIONS; OF THX INTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. rrlce or Tall v bv mall 4.00 per yrmr I'rlcf or Sundmr'lir mull $3 OO per year Daily and Sumlar br mail . $0.00 prr year I m Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City 175 Second Street. THE DALLES, i I reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to enre deafness, j and that is by constitutional remedies. ; Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus-1 tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or ! imperfect hearing, and when it is en-j tirely closed, Deafness is the result, aud unless the inflammation can be taken condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cass out oi ten are cansed j by catarrh, which is nothing but, an in- j flamed condilion of the mucous snr- j faces. department, made at the close of February, indicates that our national revenues have reached a normal con dition. The treasury once more shows a surplus, in place of a deficit, says the Inter Ocean. Durinc the twentv-eicbt davs of February ibe receipts of the treasury ! out and this tube restored to its normal -were a little over twenty-eight mil lions of dollars. This was a better sbowing than any February had made during the entire second term of Grover Cleveland. The aggre gate of the month was about one million and a half above the expen ditures of the period. It seems like good old Republicans days to have Ibe difference between the receipts and expenditures of the treasurj' on the credit side ot the .ledger instead of the debit side. Each day in the month, take the month through, tbe government took in si 7,000 more v i i - than it paid OUt. j contains no cocaine, ' mercury mr any other The difference between the Wilson I injurious dm. ,.,,.., , I It ieqaiekJjr Absorbed, and Dingley bills IS almost exclusive Gives llelief atence. lyin the tariff revenue features, i it"!, S.-SS i i ,- 11 ' AllaTB Inflammation. JJOtn UIIIS inmuuu unereai. a; ni as ; nta- and Protecu Membrane. Hnstore the :nnn,t fi-cntinn The two bills ; nses of Tsjte and Smell. Full Sue . j Trisi impost taxation. iue iu uui. fce!(c, at Drnzziats or o mail. rested upon the same general lines of ' policy as regards international reve-1 nae. The increase under the Dinu:- i I We will give One Hundred Dollars for ' ! any case of Deafness caused Dy catarrh" ' that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh 1 Cure. Send for circulars; free. ' F. J. Chexey & Co.. Toledo, O. So!d by Druggists, 7oc. 6-10 You Ulant.j mi1 M DEALERS IX All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Burget UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. Ask your Druggist for a generous '10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Xew ideas in Wall Paper here. Such , wide variety as we are showing never be- i fore traced a single stock. Real imita- ! tion creton effects at ordinary prices, i Good papers at cheap paper prices, j t Elegant desirns, tasteful colorings, yours 1 for a small price, at onr store on Third , etreet. Also a full line of house paints.: i D. W. YATJSE, Third St. 1 PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Ba '. , and am now prepared to snpply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc Low Rates to all Eastern Cities I OCEAN STEAMERS ! OREGON, GEO. IH. ELDER j AXD CITY OF TOPEKfl ! Leave Portland every five days for 1 ALASKA POINTS. j OCEAN STEAM EKH I.-Tr TortUm) j ;Krrrr Fitur Ir for iSAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ! Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong via Xorth i ern Puclfic Steamship Co., in connection . j with O. R. & X. For lull detail rail 0:1 O. 11 .V Co. s Agent The Dullch, or uddritk I W. II. IiniLM I1T. 1 On. Apt , l'ortlund.Or I I)OI).ON, CA It I.M.I. V CO., Cien. AkU , j North l'noillc sleu:nt.hiii t o. TIME CAKII. I No. 4, to Sj-oLune mid (irt-Mt Northern iirriven I ut5'25p. m.. leuve lit b.X) p. in. No. 2, to 1'endle. ton, linker City itod I'lilon l'uclllc,iirrivat ll 15 I p. 111., dt'i'irU ut 11 .W i. m. I No 3, from ?K)Lne nnd Grvnt Northern, I rlvK lit t- oU u. m., tieimrt nt C.Ki iu m. No. 1, from lliiki r City unit I'uloi. 1'uciUc, arrivca ut 1 IMU 11. in., (li'imrl nt "'.) 11. m. ' No-. Zl mid "1, inovliiK rt '( The Iiulies, will ! rnrry )niiviiKerii. No. Si nrriven at 5 p. m No. il dcjuirtn nt l :4.r i. in. ' riihsencerf. lor Hei'imer take No 2, leavnii; I here at 11 15 11. m. W. II. iltrnurJKT, Oen. I'h. Act j I'ortlmia. Oreiruu Wholesale. COLD'nHEAD Regulator Line LY BBOTHEUS 4 Wirrec tret, Kew Tort. ley law n-as subtantlally all due to increased receipts of customs. The percentage of increase in customs duties, comparing the first Dingley month with the seventh, was about 140 percent. It is safe to say that Tie Dalles. Portland a Hi Astoria Navigation Co.' The UIcorf ry uf the Day. Au. J. Bogf', the Inadij: druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's' Xew Discovery is the only thing that . cures rny conirh, and it is the best seller . I have.' J. F. Campbell, merchant of Saflbrds. Ariz., writes: "Dr. Kinp'e ' Xew Diecovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a snre cure for I . . n t 1 T the Gist full vear of Dinslev will consumption, oo.us aim cgns. i . . , . In- ir,n I cannot sav enough for its merits." Dr. snow an increase of about -o,000,- ... , . i r , img'g ,ew- Discoverv for Consumption, 000 over the first year of Wilson. ' Coughs and Colds is no experiment. It These figures do not take into ac- j lias been tried for a quarter of a century nnnnt nnv nf the mnnev reeoived bv 1 and today stands at the head. It never the government from the Pacific raid fe;, toMK?" "B,Bfl iray sales of the last few months.; sbeep m7t7v for use. i They simply attest the healthy con-1 to colors, blacfc and red. Why you' 1 ditionof the treasury under a Ke-, should use our sheep paint. First, be-1 FREIGHT AND PASSENUtR LINE, --Hiblican revenue low. i cause the colors are ground ttiorougtily , a. VtflLiT LiIQUOftS, mines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED - ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER and In Dottles. Anheuser-Busch. Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic 1 beverage, unequaled as a tonic. ijStre. Regulator Dalles City The country is now on a revenue n P 'ineeetl f. b-v fi,np """"'J'i BETWEEN' i. .:. ...l ... ... .i. : -tvuuu, uasia uo pruic-cis ..uu lUc , tbe pr0Jer 8l0Unt of dryerB tlu6tries of tlie people, but tlie Unan- added to give it binding and lasting ces of the jiovernment. That "end-. qualitiw, which prevent it from washing less chain" cannot operate ngainst us j or rubbing on"; third.it is much more while our income exceeds our out-! economical, because it is p.lways ready second, because it is made of high grade j The Uillc, Hood Itiver, Cascade Lockf ami I'orl- land Ouiiy, nunauy. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. 7. Z. DONNELL, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Cigars. Why do we retail more Cigars than others? Why do smokers go out of their way and pass cigRrs of the same grade? Xot because we have better cigars or better braude, or any greater variety no, not that. Why, because we have the finest ci gar cuse in the Htate anil keep our eir;are in better condition. Snipes-K nersly Drug Co. t : 129 Second Street, I ! THE DALLES, OREGON Are yon going DOWN THE VALLEY TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. i DOORS, ' (nr I1fc W rftiamntf'f lr frtlfr'pri tit fir L poes. The gold in the treasury to-1 ns paint8 to yJve eatUfaction. Try it day is largely in excess of the ie-anil convinced. Clarke &. Falk, demotion needs of the government, j agents, The Dalles, Or. Thib finnncial feature of the case is; I have been alilicted with rheumatism j n , vc money and enjoy a tauti!u! trip on hardly less important than the Indus-! 'or fourteen year and nothing seemed ; 'j , . , ... , V .... JtOL'ive any relief. I wae able to be the turner, arriving In rortlnnd in .tlinelor the trial. xiuicn lugeiuei iiiev iuuiiu , - outgoing soiiineni aim .-.nruiuni ""in out the requirements of the situation ( EASTERN OREGON ?j Opp. A. M. Williame ct Co., THE DALLES, OR j WINDOWS, has the best Dress Goods KaM 1 around all the time, but constantly siy- tnund ia'nKe" arriving in The liulc iu time ; i fcrintr. I had tried everything J could fifijiZ$g?pir to j i hear of and at last was told to try Cham- j. hakkey, Agent, ' i .ini. u i.s.i lui.n u-lili.ii'T ilid imfl ' Oak otreut lJock. rortlnnd, Oregon, J . berlaiu s 1 tin tialm, wiilcli i uia, anu ...... iiiaway. Gen. Agt.. Review of ' waE immediately relieved and in a short The iialien. ougon , . t S r n T utit Imnni In Bflt tliit It t . . ! Trade truthfully and consolinuly says ; faM mt rt.lnrned.JoBh Edt.ar ; ! that, though the rumors of war huve ! Germantown, Cal. For sale by Wake- Administratrix Notice, i at times "affected speculation in t ley &. Houghton. . ! stocks, they have not distuibcd the SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, Til AVE Jd XOT DEPRESSED. Dunn it Co.'s Weekly industries and trade of the country." This is well put. Whatever the future may bave in Btore, the commercial element is un disturbed, and imposes confidence in the wisdom nnd patriotism of con- Notlcc it ncrebjr given Mint the undersigned uk been rtvulurl unpointed by the county , court of the ntate o Orvgon lor Wnico Umntv u ' HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE I have sixteen head of 3 and 4 year . u,i,,,iuutr,iirir f thoiMtatunf L'tmrlen w. John mules Cbroke) lor sa e. I a so iiave i ton, deece.i. All K.-ron having cllin nr.7 rna.V nnd uhldintfg for Hale ! Klnt mild estate are hereby nolllloi to pre- horse?, mares ana gfciiiingg ior bhib, tli)jm ,tb hc .,ropcr voucheri,, to me at weighing from 900 to 1400 pounds. Any- ,ne offlcc ! v. H. ttluon, In Dalle city. Ore- wuntine work 1gck or 8IOCK lor'gon. wiinin iix iiioiiwn iium iuc umv-ui tun one Klondike, here ii the place to get them chean for cash. JAit:fc Bkow.v, f!K5-lm-i Victor, Or. Tlftlff'4 any. orb. si. iro.iiNHTov IcbM-li Ailmlnlntratrlx. has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a j FIRE CLAY, first-class Dry Goods Store. LIME CEMENT. C. F. STEPHENS.! winaow-u-iaes anu Picture Moulding. Subscribe for The Chroincle T. a- Ij iE3 nsrnsr.