The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 12, 1898, Image 1

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    0 t Hitlks
NO 304
Purchase of Kapid-F ire Guns
Has Been Ordered. j
StJ Hrmrtnirnt niDcrrn In tlnnfi-rrnrf
Krcrillnc I"" Mt iulliiE T Cnnl
So ii I li ! t'ltliHii Wtri. ,
WisiMNCiios, Mnr. 11 .Negotiations
are proceeding for tlio purchase of the I
ISrarillian cruiser Amozonns and her '
sister tliip, tho llarbosa, by the United l
Sulef, hut bo fur aH tho navy depart- ,
merit is advised, have not been closed. !
ti. ,-,tl..ilf.ii for the, tmrrhiiw" of ivrn i
lilt in ,, - I
Japanese cruisers now bin ding in I'tul
adelphia nnd San Francisco are off, and
nreneiit indications are that no further
steps will he taken toward acquiring the J
ships. The Japanese government ap
pears to be even more desirous of eecur-
IIJp UUl rule's mail CIIHLU 4'VVCC,
andowiriR to the delicate ctiara'-ter ot
the aspect of affairs between Kutsia and
Japan, it is felt that the needs of Japan
are just as urgent as those of the United
Lieutenant Stone, a representative of j
the Carnegie Steel Company, wag at the j
uavv department todav iu conference
with ofliclalH regarding the preparations !
u.,.n..;iilWi,r !p ntHrwm lot
of the navigation bureau were very busv
translating cipher messages todav. It
it said that all of these came in over)
night, and they presumably related to
the purchase of ships abroad. :
Stm-lurv l.nnt nrw-rit n nnil .tl nf
time today in consultation with Assist
ant Secretary Roosvelt and Captain
Bradford, chief of the bureau of equip
ment, concerning' a rupplyol coal for the
vessels now cruising south of Cuba. The
gnnboate Wilmington and Indianapolis
reported to the navy department over
night from the Caribean eea.
The torpedo flotilla at Key West will , large part of the civilized world. The
locn be reinforced by two fine boats, j most flattering testimonials have been
ahich have been tinder repairs. received, giving accounts of its good
i works; of the aggravating and persist-
Washington, Mar. 11. Secretary Al- ' ent coughs it has cured ; of severe colds
ger has ordered G neral Flagler, chief of i that have yielded promptly to its sooth
ordnance, to make arrangements at once Ing effects, and of the dangerous attacks
for purchasing a large number of rapid- of croup it has cured, often saving the
firing guns for the sea und coast de- j life of the child. The extensive use of
femes. The action is taken without ' it for whooping coughs has shown that
wasting for an ullotment among the dif- j It robs that distaee of all dangerous con
ferent bureaus of the wbt and navy de- sequences. For sale by Blakeley &
parlniente of the $50,000,000 voted for Houghton.
tbe national defense. I I'mornbir import ordered.
It is now stated by the ordinance of- Washington-, Mar. 11 The house
ficials that directions have been given to U0,IluljUee 0fl public lands agreed to re
tte various arsenals and armories con- porl fHVOrablv the Shafroth bill for the
ironed Dy the government to iucreaee j
their working force to tho fullest prac
ticable extent, with a view to hurrying
to completion existing projects. Like
ise all Onus having contracts to sup
P'y the government with ordnance have
kn required to work niisht midday
iaorderto finish the work in hand and Kev. K. I'M wards, pastor of the English
toarrange their business with a view to! Baptist Church at Minersville, l'a.,
creased orders. I when suffering with rheumatism, was
At to the small arms and extra am-! advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
fmltion, orders have ulready been He says : "A few applications of this
Ied with the Union Metalio Cartridge j liniment proved of great service to me.
mpaiiy and the Winchester Arum It substied the iiilUmation and relieved
totupaiiy. Negotiations for a large sup-jttie pain. Should any suffer profit by
tool small arms, urmv equipments : giving Bain Balm a trial it will l-lease
""1 accoutrements aro' now being ! me." For sale by Blakeley A Hough
""d. j ton.
Fort Mcilenry and Ualtiniore harbor,! Kx-tiuKrri.iuiiii Hrmvn iemi.
M le telci-tlrl uu , I,,,,.. -....o t.xr .win .... ...I ,.. 11 l,.nn,i.
....... a i.t,..'ij,.r.i iv. a lyjt
6,fcrtViuorth,N. Y., us origlnaly
Hoposed. The selection of Fort S'oeuiti
headquarters for one of tho regiments
'file only accident policy
that is put up In jars
for GO cents. (Jood
Lusiness policy to keep
ft supply of (iar)aiid's
Happy Thought Salve
in the home. The
kind that cures. 60
For Sale at DONNELL'S,
Royal make the lood pure,
wholesome and dellclou.
Absolute! Pure
will not be altered.
General Greely, chief eifnal officer,
has been given authority by the eecre-
tary of war to proceed without regard to
ordinary restrictions, in establishing
rapiil telegraphic connections between
- ...
coaBt defenses
Private VljiliitA JlUt CnMslilewrt Umlrr
.SprrUI Order.
! Washington, Mar. 11. Under the
j Spicial order made last week, today was
' set aside in the house for consideration
; of a bill containing provisions for claims
aggregating $1,200,000, reported by the
uou't 01 claims unuer me provisions oi
tne Bowman act.
Hull of Iowa, Republican, chairman
trie military attairs committee, re
ported a complete agreement by the
conferees on the army appropriation
bill. The report was agreed to without
The house then went into committee
Of the whole and
took up the special
order. Loud of California demanded
' the reading of the bill, which covers SO
Cliuiiiherlulu's Cough Itemeily.
I This remedy is intended especially for
coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough
and influenza. It has become famous
for its cures of these diseases, over a
uf h11 urid ia..(l9 t0 the state in
which thev are located. Under the
Carey act, 1.000,000 acres have already
been ceded to the respective states, but
none but Wyoming Have taken advant
age ot the act.
M'VMOUIt, Jli'Jt, illrtl. li. v",.-
gresfiiiau Jasi ii B. Brown, of the "Old
Third" Indiana dittrict, is dead, aged 69
vears. . .
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles, Scalds. Cur ns.
You ought to pay twice as
much for Schilling's h-s nr,
for other good baking pow
der. Low-price baking pow
der you should not use at
II Ik Nervlrrn tn 11 In Country KnrliiR tho
l.atn War.
Los Anoei.ks. Mar. 11. General
William Stalk Rosecrans died at 7
o'clock this morning at Ills home
near Redondo. His death was not
unexpected, it having been realized
several days ago that his illness
could not have other than a fatal
General Rosecrans' deatli was peaceful
in the extreme. For several days he
haB been between life and death, at
times unconscious and again in a coma
tose state. His splendid vitality kept
hi in alive for days. At the bedside when
the end came were the son and daugh
ter of the general, Carl and Anna Rose
crans, and a number of immediate
friends of the family, besides the attend
ing physician, Dr. Ha) lies, from this
Rosecrans was stricken with no par
ticular disease, and the end came trough
a gradual weakening of the system.
When he was first stricken, more than was not supposed to
be more than a light attack of la grippe.
A daughter of Rosecrans, Mrs. Toole,
is now at Helena, Mont., where her hua
bamrresidesT Rosecrans was possessed of a fine
property and his last days were spent in
peace and plenty.
Arrangements for the funeral have not
yet been announced.
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fearing
men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is always the same, simple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to make the Shakers the healthy, long
lived people that they are. The Shak
ers never have indigestion. This is
partly owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful properties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enougli digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and all its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bot
tle. Oiie and llne-Flftli I'ure to Wullu U'ulla
For the Dairy and Hog Convention to
be held at Walla Walla March 15th, 10th
and 17th, the O. R. & N. Co. will make
a special rate of one and oim-fiftli fare
for the round trip on the certificate plan.
Passengers paying full fare to Walla'
Walla will, upon request, De given a re
ceipt for fare paid, which, when signed
by the secretary of the convention, en
tities holder to purchase return ticket at
one-fifth fare within three days after
close of meeting,
tf Jamkm, Agent.
If the United States and Spain become
involved in war, it will be impossible to
import Havana tobacco. Consequently
high grade Havana cigars will increase
in price. Lay in a supply of Prize
Medal cigars while the price remains
the same. 10-tf
.Mtnlnj; anil Irrigation Convention.
For the Mining und Irrigation Con
vention, to bo held at Baker City, Or.,
March 2Uih, .'50th and .'Slst, the O. R. k
X. Co. w ill make a rHto of one. and one
fifth faro for tho round trip. Delegates
or parties attending the convention,
,paying full fare to Baker City on March
JOth, 27lh, liSth and U'Jth, will bo mi-j
turned at one-fifth fare on presentation J
of CHrtificateH on or before April 3d lo
our agent ui miner iiy, Higuuu uy inu
secretary of the convention. U tf
Smoke the popular brands I'rlzo
Medal, Guarantee anil Ros Queen
cigars iiianuliictiired by S. F. Fouls,
... ( .1 (... .!.. I I... .1...
HuiiKlnn'K AMU.: nblvt).
The best salve in trio world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi
lively cui hs piies, or no pay required
It is guanu.tued to give perfect satisfac
tion, or nit ney refunded. Price -'5cent
per io, For sale oy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures,
That li what It was ude fur.
KtplnlnlnK II In lU'iixnn fur nn
tiMiiiil I'mrreilliiK'.
There is : man in Wentzvillc. .Mo.,
who has :i habit of eiitiiifr his middiiy
menl before 1L' o'clock, snys the Sun
day Republic. A neighbor went to his
house not loiitf ngo, and found him and
his family at t he dinner table. It was
then half-past 11.
"Why. .Mr. Majors are you at lin
nerV" ejaculated the surprised neigh
bor. "Oh. yes," replied Mr. Majors. "We
nearly n!ways eat dinner about this
time of day."
"It seem to me that this is pretf.y
early," said the visitor, smiling. "Why,
you must get through by 12 o'clock."
"Yes, I suppose we do," was the re
ply. "You see we always have our din
ner early as a precautionary measure."
"As a prcer.iitinn.iry nieasurel" ex
claimed the neighbor. "Why? Do you
want to Keep fiom getting hungry?"
"So, that's not it," said Majors.
"Don't you see, if we don't eat our din
ner early the house might burn down
and then we wouldn't have any? It's
a precautionary measure, u precau
tionary measure!"
Tito Virwn of he Lecture Delivered
by n XorcllMt In n Jorpy Town,
cwel!-Unoww-novpiRt deliveml a-lce-turc
recently in a Xew Jersey town not
far from this city, in which he read
selections from his own works. His
reputation and the society that engaged
him brought together an audience com
posed of the best people of the neigh
brrhodd. After t he lecture, when peo
ple met. it wiik the proper .lung for one
to ask the other:
"Were you at the lecture?" and the
answer in every case was:
"Oh, yes! 1 was there, but I didn't
hear a word. Did you hear the lec
ture?" "Well, no! I was there but I couldn't
hear, either."
A friend who met the novelist a few
days after his visit to the suburban
town asked him what kind of audience
he had and how lie liked the town.
"It's a fine place," was the reply,
"and I had the most attentive audience
that I have ever spoken to. Xo one
made n sound, and 1 didn't have to raise
my voice above a whisper."
Historic- Cnnea.
Walking sticks have frequently been
left by will. Franklin bequeathed his
favorite stick, with a gold handle
shaped like a cap of liberty, to George
Washington. The gold-headed cane
used by Drs. RcdclitTt! and Mead and
others, whose arms are engraved upon
it, was bequeathed by Baillie to the col
lege of physicians. Xapoleon's walk
ing stick of tortoisesliell was sold in
London in la-'.t for JESS.
Ui-cllnc of French Shipping.
T-Vpnnh slilimtn.r Is kI.uvIv hut. kIo.h1
- - - i I n -j ,
.1 T .n.-fi i 1. i.rn 1
uy ueeiiiuiig. jii ioou inure eic
candidates for examination for mas
ters' mates, and in lS'JO only 25.
Ilri-nUnirc on Occnn Slcuinpra,
It is calculated on large ocean steam
ers more than 3,000 articles of glass and
china are broken on every voyage.
I.A.NI) OmcK, Thk IUixkn Or,, j
K-linmry 1.1, Ib'JA. (
Notice Is hereby given Unit tho following
iiMiiuil seitlei liitH li notice ot his Intention
t iniike tiiuil proof In Mippoit of Ills eliilm, Mini
Unit mid jir-'Ot will nimlu beloio liegister unci
Keeter Ht The Dulles, urcgoii, on .Momliiy,
April 10, Ib'JS vi-
liillli-s Hull, of Tin- DmIIiin,
II. K. No. 1717, for the .KIJ NV. S'-. NKJ , mill
NKJ-i .SKJ4 feie. ill, Tli 1 N., K. 12 I:. M.
IU; iiiiiiu-i the following uitnehuh to prove
his continuous utlik-nee upon urn! cultivation
of MtM hiiiil,
Alexander Vmiee, Albert Wnlters, Wil Iiun
Wolf, Trunk Obrint, nil of The Diille, (liegon
511 JAS. K. MOOIU-:, KcfrUter.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice ih hereby given that tho underi-igiieil,
ml in i ii in t r tor of the estate of Frank lielaud,
dcccaM'd, ha llled his II mil account as Midi U't
niiiil trator iu tho county coin t of the Mate of
On non for WiiM'o (.'ouiily, miiiI the Judge thent
of him appointed Monday ,.llio 7th dit) of Maich,
1WS, at tho hour of 10 o'clock u. in., at tho
county courtroom in tliu courthoiiMi In Dalles
t'ltv. in said ','ouutv and stale, as the tiliiu and
plnce for tliu hearing of objections to said Until
account mid the Itleincut thereof. All hells
und crulltois of tin' ilecea.eil, mid nil other per
sons Interested In said estate, arohoichy notllleil
to (Do their oliltctioiis to said lllial ncconut, If
any they have, on or befoie tho diitu llxid for
tho hearing and settlement theieof,
Dalles City, Oickoii, IVb, X, lh,S.
(illOIKil; IKKI.AND,
JeM-lw-ll Admliilstiator.
Notice of Executor's Sale.
Notice Is hereby glM'ii that tho undersigned,
executor of tliuestato o( .Maxiiinillail .Miyer, do
eeiiMit, Mill, from and after tho 1st day ol
March, JMli, sell at private sale, Upon tho Prom
ises, tho fnll.'Hllig descrlbid real properly btr
longing to said estalo and situated In Wasco
county, Oiegou to-uil: IJit two 2 in block
eight IM In uhat Is known us 'Hioiiii sou's Ad
dition to Dull h City,
Kidd sale In made fu iiccnnli ui e v.Ith auonlor
of the County Coll it leudeied mid u itered Ihe
liil day of January, IKW, and such sale will be
subject to conllniintloii by shM court, the terms
of said sale to bocush or credit, or both.
lCxeentor of tho estuie of .Mnxamlllun Meyer,
d i ceased, Jun'Jo 1
The New. The Stylish.
The very latest Weaves $P Patterns.-
prom fieixx
Drap d'ete
"Whip Cords
Camel's hair suitings
Two-toned Granite
Our Finer Materials are
shown 7 and 8-yard lengths.
No two Patterns alike.
For more than fifty-six -years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes ot farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully lahorod
i'... .i. :.
Ilt'HH, H)I I'llU lllipniVUIIIlMIU ui lllL-u ininiiiunn nun innuu
intorosts, for education, for tho elevation of American
manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive
stories of the doings of the world, tho nation and slates.
IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the
proper time to convert them into the largest possible,
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the wolfaro of
farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has
hold their confidence and esteem.
und we furnish it with tho Somi-VVookly Chronicle ono
year for $1.75, cash in advance.
Ouv Spiring Ltines
oi pine Dress Coods
ore notja ready foir Inspection.
Yofk markets.
Silk and Wool
Mixtures Plaids and Checks
Bayadere Stripes.
You are Cordially Invited
to call and see these G-oods.
for thoir prospority mid happi-
i ..i' ii...:,, i k.u.w.