02B ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts icntly vet promptly on the Kidneys, liirer and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds., head aches and fevers and enres habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the onlv remedv of its kind ever pro- dnccd, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptahle to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most Kr-nlrhv.-ind nrrrnnnhlcRiihstonccs. its -TTTvnf TPfllont niiilitie? commend it many excellent. qiumit.3C-oniiut.uu i -tr nil inn htivo made it tlip most to ail ana nae maue nuii most popular remedy known. Srnin of Fim? iq for sale in 50 oyruu 01 r ujb u iui tsait, xii v cent bottles bv all leading druc- . -T- , 1 C1SIS. -nv retiauie amcctSX WOO may not. have it on hand trill pro- j enre it promptly for anyone who; -mshea to try it- Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FftAkCISCO, CAL. U0Q!SV1U, KT. HEW YORK. N.Y. Tbs Dalles Daily Chpcfc SlIU DALLES, OKERO.N t-EIlSOXAL MENTION i. ?lewart of Monkhtnd is ::i the city cn t usiness. Charles E. Chandler and wife of Sil ver Lake ate iu the city todny. Eunl Slorlock, of Carlyle, 111., an old frieod and schio mate of FerdinandDiet- t ::.: .u-. 1.. - I Mrs. W. Lord aud Miss Etta Lord j.trei bti?iness, wasn't vou, Mr. Mari vent np to Arlington last evening to j j-old?" "Whv, no. Johnnie; what makes Vtpend a lew days with Mr. Chas. Lord. J0U ask tha', r ..pa saitl that if you Miss Pauline Drews returned on the could only be corked up, you wouldn't train last eveninz. after a visit of be such a bad sort of fellow." Cleve- eeveral weeks with friends in Portland Mrs. M. E. BriEgs went to Pendleton on tiie 5:20 train last evening, to assist in instituting a Degree of Honor lodge at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Winoeck of Missoula are cpendinz a short time with Mrs. Winnecs s sister, Mrs. Geo. Morgan ioey are on tneir way to caitiornia, i where they will make their home. J Ernst L. Luddermgiin is in the city j j from Virainia, visiting Mr. Gude. Mr. livavntikn is very tavoraoiy !mp-essei with Oregon, and" it he can find a suit able opening he will make this city his future home. riTertlrU Letters. t'oUowitfg'is tlie list of letters remain ing in the poslofEce at The Dalles tin called for March 11, 1S98. Persons calling for the same will give date 011 -which they were advertised: Sennett, H K Bennett, J A ZBickerton, Harrv Bolton. Maggie Ualluck, Geo F Buchard, Geo (2) Sorrow, Albert J Burford, Orwan -Brown, R-v C P Chrielenson, A T Cov. Gerald C 2) Curtis, Mrs J E Dividson.Alhert (4) Dean, Mrs Isabella Soon, W Hi Sin- Evans, C H lleton Frates, Frank T"rmer, Elizabeth Gschwend, Chas J Henrice. R E '4 Hvgoert, Mr Matis Kohler, Frank McCreadv, Clyde IMcCoy.MisGeorgia Martin, Mr Uittclietl. Abraham Mills, W E aiiller, Chas Morse, C L Eq 3Ioore, J W Morgan, Mrs Eva Murhard, Mr O r Udell, J IPercy, Howard Reee, Wm 1) hwabee, Mre Smith, Mr Davie Twigu, Miss Katie Trunk, Chae '.2 Williams, Hettie J. A. Cuossen. Euark, Mre J P Stub, Miss A C Taylor, Mr A "Thomas Glarmce TWiaelow, Olive NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION. SCHOOL Notice is hereby given to the legal voter of school district No. 12, of Wasco .tftsMtnt,- aft.iu r f Orcrfnn flint rh,. nnnnnl school election for the eaid district will be held ut the city recorder' office, to ! Ixririn at the lionr oi i: o cioctc in tne afternoon, on the 2-1 Monday, beini? the H'h day of March, 1898. and closing at , C o'clock p. in. 7h?s meetinu is called , Sor the purpo-e of electing one director to wrve f jr ihe term of three years, and 1 oimj clerk to eerve for the term of one jyear. Dated this 3d day of .March, 1698. , O. D. Doane. Chair, board of directors. Geo. P. Mokgan, Clerk. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notin te hereby j veil that there will j lean annual meeting of the etockhold- ru of The Dalles. Portland & Astoria ' M"tee inntantly with cold water. Jfa-vigation Co. at their office Saturday, ' to cure cold in one iy. JLri!2, 1S98, at 2 p. m., for the purpose 1 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab M electing teven directors, ana transact-, lets. All druegiets refund tie money if 3njC useh other business as mav properly , eoaM before eaid meeting. By order of : thu president. Tbe Dalles March 1, 1986. 0. L. PiULLU-H, Secy. 9uapectd Child .Murder. .-ssisiani Listriei Attorney o. n. ' rev returned to Pendleton Monday even- j itig (rom Milton, where he was encased .-. . . ti. i.. trtt in looking up a case of u?Kcted child . . . ' ... ' murder. Accompanied by Justice W J. ,.h-lntyre, of Milton, he went to the, . , , . i , place where the crime repor'ed to have been committed. Harvey Hod- 1 . ..." I .1 I - I...... T I tl.l tin- MHieu uiui 1119 i.r(ir, 1... .o...-j IU. l.onll.v r,,mrallnnOT. Countv Clerk,, tin", had found the body of 11 child nnd , County Mieriil. County TreuMircr. (Vuntr a r , . . . M--.ir, Cotinti M'liool Mi-eriiiteiideht. liniv had buried It. 1 omini Mid Countv Surreyor: alo p-e-lnet-if ' T 5.,1-octiotin.. dip iiiMttor i-n nt'""'" for the jeverAl. preeincts of naitl county . ' In investigating tlie matter, u pr ni nd ten doU-Kaic tn the Kepiiblican Mau- unit uirhv ronflu'lii'L' Mories uere hi ard. ; second DItilet Cousrcl. imi Convent! f. nnd , , , ., , to transact tuch othtr lui'liie. n may proi'Or'y J 11 me wnsh, of iNnlln aim, who come b-fore said County convention. the fir?t to report the find, claimed that ,'lc convention Mill coiislt . f X ilelcc.itc? , ... jiii 1 chneii bv the several precinct.-., nlid the 'evera! a tinmber of boys hud foutici the tiooy 1 prceliiei-nf mIg count u-entitled to rente- nnd had told neighbors of it. Up. n re- . -'' eunretHluu u, follow ....... f Antelope .S kitiC'.l.r ; turning, 11 uiifMiig. r.u mui-in? J .1.... V. I 1 ..... ..!.. .,.,,1 buried it. The stories confl cted al-o in fbu the dates, some witnesses claiming; the ! iwhute crime was committed a couple of months-. i;"",iV.i -ei aco, while otliers said it was committed ! Kicht Mile. ....... I witnm toe last lew aoys. The assistant district attornev and justice found a handle of raps and wo-1 mu,,' i.lr.tiioa In .iftiHiiiHil ami wli-t 1 mans clotue?, tu KKtaineU, anu wnat was most peculiar, the stains on the ' ...... 1 1 rass indicated that they were made eome, "CO, while the ttains on the cloth-, Cmiventlou will be held in cn h of the seier-l - , j iireeiuet In said aco countv 011 March 2i.. mi were seeEitneiy freh. I lie lino in- i-us. In Eat Pallet pre- luet the jkiII? of sali - noa.-it.H .nmpon.. intcrwied I1""'."!""" ""'Ei-i End titcateu tuat possible someone interesieu iUleCo -s h0UM,,und B. H. noi-t.. w. h. imsi- bad attempted to pive the impression , ""d l 2. ttuvis wiu act a-, jud.-e at said iciec- SjOII ju nrvx-iuct the iniIU will la- liv that the body was recently found. Ihe cted hi the ot'.iee of wm. Micheii. and A. s. ..n;:.i, ,.-:n ...oS- u,,n,Ur tnnnirr in'Vumey. J K llu.iittt and I)ouirm Dnfur will vun.mi f-.... "ie iar future. puNGtm hmhauRaPHS. T. . . , ,. The Keview. leacher .ou, what did the Master turn the water into. Dairyman s Tlnirmnr's Snn "The 1 milk, sir.' Detroit Free Press. j ' "Is papa stronirninnuon, aunty .' "Whv. no, Willie, of course not. "W ell. ., , , , .. i...,i mamma saM he had you on his ijanUs for two months." Scribner's. ' , .,.ii j "But she married with her eyes open, did she not?" "Welt, she knows ' ' , , ... , . j who all were at her wedding, and how I thev were dressed." Detroit Journal. 1 . , , , . loverty, saiu iiie JJlilluuIluu boarder, "ii the cause "of inost crime." "Strange, isn't it," commet.ied the Cheerful Idiot, "how straitened circum- stances will make a man crooked?" Indianapolis Journal. Talknttve. "lou was in the min land Plain Dealer. llesentincr It. "Cyrus Winterside," snapped the indignant wife, as the quar rel ax;d fiercer, "you married me for my money, and you know it!" " 'Tis false!" roared Mr. Winterside, "I mar ried you for your amiable disposition, you viracro!' Chicago Tribune. Metapbvsical. Bronco Pete (thought full "Wonder wot ever he- come uv Taranru!a Jim?" Grizzly Dan "W'v, don't vou remember helpintr to lvneh him last Julv?" Bronco I'et "W'y. uv course I do! but I wonder wot ever become uv him finally." Puck. There are three little things which do more work than any other three little' things created they are the ant, the bee ( and DeWitt'e Little Early Risers, the last beinir the famous little oills for etomacb and liver troubles. One and One-Flf:u Fare to Walla Walla For the Dairy and Hog Convention to be held at Walla Walla March 15th, 16th and 17th, the O. R. & Co. will make t a special rate of one and cne-fiflh fare j for the round trip on the certificate plan. ! Passengers paying full fare to Walla Walla will, upon request, be given a re-, ceipt for fare paid, which, when eigned by the eecretary of the convention, en-' ! title; holder to purchase return ticket at j , one-fifth fare within three days after j close of meeting. I tf JAMES IRELAND, Ageni. La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every 1 teat to be the best non-poisonous fluid ; dip m the world ; guaranteed to cure scab, itch, tore throat, lice and hoof-rot. r-i...i. r. L-.ii. ti, n ,n,. I ; umibc i aiiv, ni;T-ii,R, nit- uannz. i Children and adults tortured by burn?, ' e raids, injuring, ezenia or ekin diseaees ! miyBtcure Instant relief by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the : ereat l''Ie remedy Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Talk's d , on rhe I a Plan Sheer, I ' pncee on the La i la a ftlaep DlP- 18 non-poisonous, mixes in-; fetantly with cold water, and it is an in-1 fallible cure for bcab, hoof rot, lice and tiefce. 1 tf ! cu.h iu lour ctiecki. ! ,., tirinr ' warrants to ov. 22. 1893, will he paid at my office. Interest ceaci-s after Feb, 16th, lovb. t;. i.. rniLLii'8, C'nintv Treasurer. Duet-omen, Attention! Clarke & Falk have securod the agency fnr tho T Plain Kl.i-er, lir. I they fail to cure DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cure Piles. Scalds, liura. DeWitt' Little Early Risers, The famous il tic pill. Call fur Republican County Convention and Notice of Primaiy E'eclions. . ... . I The Itcntibl can Countv Convention of Wiuro county, Slate of orvenn, Is hcrebv culled f meet ' l" ""lc "tv, n, Mid rillirily, April C. ISflS, . ,h , . . .,,,... of , d .,, . purp?c of tiomtmitttigcaii'lldatcs for the fu'.ttm , i ins county ufiiccrs , , nu-Jiw Mo-icr iMiin 2 Naneiie :t Out move z Uanm-v t T5fi Valley 3 ireviii i Vl-nt 5 vet IhiHe 7 2 wt Hood Klver J- ft Warulc . 'J I The atue Ixilic one doleantc at larce from each j preciuet, mid oue dele -ate for every twenty-five I I flit util ..tin .titl.M.. att-.i. Irf.r(riti , il-.,. one-half of tuentj-hve vote ct tu each of said 1 !ci t't" T. T. t.evr, KepubliC-in eaiidi- dte for K-Moeiitial elector at the .November eUction in lii. KIMARIE&. ; t..,..- tft .i.w.,. ,n i,i r..lfe , ( actus judge.- at Miia election. In Trevltt pre- ciuet the iil lll b? locatel in the county' court 100m, and C. E. Hazard, Frank Vivt mid 1 U l!li-it ujp act us iudi at "aid eleeti.in ; and in West Dalles lirecinct the lwill- will be lf- ! 'eatw at the City Mill-, ami W D Dart. M ' . t-ims ana j yt s,titlel- will act a judc.v of id elic'.iou. lu Antelope v ecinet the poll- '""".."'."i': "";, " " . . rvime . r - oieei anu r irviue win nvi a- Judse? of .ud elsctiun. , me iiii.-111 each o: .-nn precinct t, in satu trt ; niary elect'.oii, will De kept oien from U o does noon to , p. in. for the reception or votev The i-IIj in each of the other preeincts 111 the eountv , nm 1 located in the usualvottnp place in eaeh . pneitict, and hi 1 be oi-ened at tne tvn.r 'if . " cluck p. h' on aid'J-jth dvot llurch. :Mm and , the elev ion will be conducted iu the usuat . nnuer 1 Dated al i)ae C itv. Orecnn. thi 9th day of ( jiarcb. bite. J. M. PAT ifcltsnS, !.. , Chairman Republican U-m.ty ( om M T XOL.AN, secretary 1 ' qt p p n hi i y j O I , U titlfi Alfl rruii p nil I C ! rLlflMLL rlLLO 1 The only iiricliial und cpiuiinw Crunch-IV-inale lipEiilutur, of Mme ?t. itermuln. I'aris l'iiurjuiMed a being safe. Mire, and reliable in ' every' ease, aold under ixsjt5ve iruarantee or ( money le'ULded. Get the ci-nnine. Piiee II W ', Tr box by mail, sole agents for th- I luted states and Canada. KINO Hi:V,iKn ci, IS? uKhlUElun St , Chicaco. J-ltS-GElSENDOItFFEK A" Itl EDV, Physicians and Surgeons. Special attenUon civen to surgery. Booms 21 and '21, Tel. ?. Vogt lUock Patronize the IiflUJIDHY. All kind of work White ?h r;.- n uricclalty. Fumi y wors tit reduenl r t- Wanh co'let-tetl i auddehveied frw, Teiri.lunie Nu. i lit. t H. D. Parkins, Agt, Dr.GUNN'S Tor People ThetAreft gk Sick or "Just Don'tl rlLLO Feel WelL" OMLV OKI FOR A DO BE. Rtmem Pimples, curM Head eta, D-rtpeptla aai Cottiierifts. 26 ct. box at drujKi.u or t-r mall bamolt it addiM Or. BoMnko Co. i'Uil. Fa, DISTRESSING IRRITATIONS OF THE SKIN Instantly Relieved fay ffl To eleaDe, purify, and beautify the nkin, I u.ln uml hair I, nILtv ilr-hl riff and irritatiftn. lo acalp, and hair, to allay itching, and irritation, to heal cLahPfe'., ezcoridtiona, ana ulcerallv weak net, to au-cdlly cure the first symptomi of torturice, dlifitrurlKK kia ald xaIii huraorn, nolhine o pure, no rweeU o wholeiiome, so peedlly effecllve a warm hatha with Cintlci'RA i rjur, and ucntlu application! of C'iticltji (ointment), the great kin cure. 1 Sold thrbushotil Iht world. PrK, Ci-totka, 3V:. l ' $rnr. Vx. Iihol7, be r,ii 41. I'Ktna Data -Atti Chiu. Cull'., boU frnpt-. ll'xtoa. ttr-llaw u, Cu bk!a llu," wUrl fi, I 8- ticHtttK 51. M. V.r.l. , Cuahler President. First National Bank. IMLUAULta OREGON Aueneraiuau ingsnHnwi .iranBacieu . .. t , T. , - 1 Depoaita received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. ' rVillActlnnn main and nroceedl nronintli I remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange aold on New York, San Francisco taxi porl !and. DIKKOTOKk D. P. THOMraoit. Jno. 6. Bchbmck. Ed. M. WixuAica, Oao. A. Liana. U. M. Baii.L. (1 ira FREE. FREE. "g) (9 We Will Give- mi Subscribers and Persons and paving vanee for the subscribing up in ad- Weekly GhFODieleu A Copy of ft 1HM1M TV Will Answer Any Qiiestion You may Ask It Standard American Annual. PRICE GENTS Ready Jan. , 1898, On AH News Stands. K J J v & 0 J Larger, Better, Aore Complete Than Ever. 'The most -aidtly sold Annual Refer tnze Book and Poli'.i -al Manual published. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York- ITILLETT & GALLIGAN, ' WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Sole I'roiirirtotk tit the CELEHltATEII I XA K IMA AI'I'LE. ! rlAnn nUuP X'nPPnPU I II I II II V III WlU Mil V 11UUU. Ill 1 VI lllWlJUl ! f ' TILLETT GALLIGAN. 1-roin First-class Norfrv c,,,i, c. ,,.;i, fclOCK a .specialty rue CoiumDia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANt'fAtTl'tttKs Of Fine Lard aild SaUSaaeS. wi. uu u.oo.&co, Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)HIED HEKh. ETC. lis World Tr0 m ET7cyclopeaiu Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. w iu avujiiuu JIXlUUa v,j, -rrnn V . T- Headquarters for "By ere' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr This Flour jh -manufactured jucpresaly ior fariillu use; every nack in guaranteed to give satisfaction We sell our goods lower than any house in tbe trade, aud if you don't thiuk so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wh-mt, Barley and Oat. ..cfliis. mH" Butchers and Farmefs ..Exchange.. Keep oit draucht the cclebrntml COlil' Mil 'A HKKIt, niknowl tiltiwl the la't lx'er in The Dalle-. tthpiiual jitlce. Couu-In, tr I ami he . vtm-ed. A ho the 1' in t brands of Wlno, LI iior uidCiRars. Sandujiches of nil Kind- ill any- on hand. THE NEW YORK WORLD THR1CE-A-WEEK EDITION- 1H I 'hup h Wrtk. 15(1 ritrft a-Vmr ' It Hands first among '"weekly" papers ' in size, frequency of publication fret-hue?, varieu and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o n weekly; and its vast lif-t of subscribers, extending to every stale and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, wiil vouch for the accuracy and fairnci-s of its news columns. J It is splendidly illustrated, and among ; its special features are n fine humor 1 page, exhaustive market reports, all the 1 latest fashions for women and a Inn 1 series of stories by the greatest living, 1 American and English authors, Couan Doyle, .Irriililf K. ilfrnine, , Stanley Weyman. .Mary K. Wilkin Anthony Hope, llret Harte, 1 Itrander ."MutthrM , Etc. I We offer this unequaled newspaper and (The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to . gether one year for ?'-.O0. The reculat price of the two papers is ?3.00. 1 FRENCH & CO. BANKERS. 1 TRANSACT A GE.S'EHAt.BAN'KINa BUSl.NKs' Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chicaco, ' St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various jKiiuts f in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav '. orable terme. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL 11 J I I I WatcnmakerfJewelcr! All work promptly attesdeil to, and warranted. 174 VOGT LOCK Guardian's Notice. - hereby given that the utidemlKiicti, HH KUardlnn of Jan. A. llrown, Jr., Ethel M. Urown, I'uuHuh A. llrown. David K, llrown, .Mary b. llrown and Geo. 1). llrown, hint II led in he County Court of the elate of Oreiron for Wasco County, liln petition praylnc for a 1! i fine to nell the luterebt of mill minora lu and to the followlncdeMrrllKfl real proirty to-ult I a true; oi mno in wane i lly, iico county, I I......l.l .... .1..... I rl .... . lieKlnnliif; at a (rfilnt '.t; rods south and I!0 feet vsent of what in known in, the northiveit corner of tlie.l. G. Utlnon lot, i-aid corner beine one hundred nnd eleven rod eimt of the northwest corner of the John A. bimnm Donation Ijind i Claim No. 3, ill Tc 1, North Kanse 13 Katit ! M., runuliiK thence ootilh ten tikIh , thenet went, mx rods and thtee feet, thence north ten rods; thence eaat six rodn aid three feet to the place of beginning, coutiduint; one-half uu acre, ! A11 tr( iis liuerinted in rcale.tatt- are hereby i ! ot,iMl , npjnr U-fort- said County Court ut ! more or less. the county courtriaiin iu Dalles City on Krldat , mo '-.liri ohv in Aiiirpn. ih'iM. ut riu. iirir ni o'r'lrw'L: ti in . thn hiuI I )n.,i f, hlii.n' mhi.m Iff any there be, w hy sabi lieunse to sell said real property should nut be canted, March 1, WJt. JAS. A iiUOWN, Pit., mcU2l ' Guardian. m h all kinds IX FEED ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining: Cars 1 Sleeping Car ST. I-AIW MlNKAroi,l liCUtTII KAUOI) TO OK VNI' trntt ClttM)KSTO.N WINNtl'EO HKI.KNV an IlltTTK Through Tickets ; to I CIIICAS W."tlINlTON l-IIII.A IlK.I. CIIIA SEW VIIKK HUSTON AMI ALL POINTS EAST uml SOUTH for liilornnUon, time curdk, iiihpkaiid tUkeb, cl on or write to W. 0. A I. LA WAY. Agent, The D.iliet, OrtRou Oh A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. 0. P. A., iW. MurriKiiu Cor. Third. I'ortlniht i)ru,-(in EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tra'iiK leave and are one to arrive at l'ortInd OVEKI.A.ND KX-) , i prtn, Milem, Hcikv-1 51 I burs:, AMiIaml, mic- i ' 6:00 I rumento, Ocden,: an i KraiuTiheo. Molave, l lx AliKelei-.El f'a aho. i i I I New urleaua and j , I Eat J ; . UiiM;burB and way -ta-' A-"'tloin . .... ' V. M Dally except iundayt. fia Mooillmrn fori I Mt.Ancel, Sllverloti. I Went ricln, Browiif 1 vIlle.prtUKlleld and F i Nutrou .... J Daily except hundaya (CorvulIU fhtatioiih 17:30 A. il. and wayj :50 l'.M. I.VDEl'ENDEVE I'AriSENGEIt. Kxpres train imiiy (except .iiinaayj. ;.V)p. in. (I.v. 1'o'tland Ar.) S;'J."a. m (I,v. 1'o'tland Ar.) S;'J."a. m Al McMllinviile .Lv. 5.fJK,tu (Ar Indecndeiice..Lv ) 4 .0a. m p. m. s:;!) p. m. tAr lnae "Dally. I Dully, except Minauy. DINING CAIla ON OGDEN UOl'TE. l't:i.l.MAN IlUKl ET fjLEEI'EllS AND nEt-OND-CLAns eLEEI'INt- CAKs Attached to all ThtiiUKh Tralim. Direct connection at ran rraiicl.ro with Occi dental and oriental and l'aclilc mail lear:lilp ltiieo fur JAI'A.N and CHINA. Salll - At si KAMA, fun be obtained from Aalllng dates cm iliith and l.u NOLl'LV and om J. U. KIHK1.AND, Ticket AKt-uL Throuch Ticket Olhci , 13t Third utruet, where through tlcketk to all xiint in the taMc.-n stte, Caiinda and huroj-e can be obtulned at loweitt rates from J. II. KIHKLAND, Ticket AKent. All above truliik arrive al aud depnrt roir Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets VAMIIILL DIVISION. I'asseucer Depot, toot of JetlcriMiu strci-L Leave for Os"VEGO. dally, except i-unday, at 7:.ti a. in.; li.KJ, 1 .M, D id, C-J3, "(M p. m. (and 11 :'M i, in. on Saturday only, and ll'W a. m and ;!:) p. in. on nuudajs on)). Arrive at f'ortlaud oally at '0: 10 and b.lio a m., audi 35. 1:1S, G.-.f) and 7:.W p. in., (and 10:05 a. in , 3 IS 010 p. m. on suoUujs yuly). I-nve for Sheridan, week days, it I 30 p. m Arrive at I'ortlaud, !)::) a. in. I-ave for A II'. I.IK on Monday, Wednesday and Krl nv at 9:10 k. in. Arrlvi- at I'ortland, Tues dav, Tiiursday and Saturdn it 3.05 p. in, Kxcept Kunday, Except Saturday. K. KOKIII.HK, .Mauacer. U, II. MAKKHAM. Asst. G. K. i I'hiis. AL'l ! Dalles. Moid and Antelope STAGE LINE. Tlirouith by duyllght via Grass Vall'-y, Kent and Cros Hollow k. DOlKiLAH ALLEN, V.. M. V II ITU I. A V, Till Ltellii. Antelope. Staces leave The Dalle from I'matllla IIoum' at 7 n. in., also from Anti-lopo at 7,30 a. in every ; Monday, Wednesday and 1'rldny. Connect 'His , uii.de at Aiitcloie for l'rlliuvllle, Mltche i and ' point beyond. Close u ui.cccloiit, made at I In) ( Dulles with railways, trains and boat. ! Hlaues from AuielOie reueli The Dalle Tue ' days, ThursdayH and Saturdays at 1 :M p. in, , KATKH Of CAKE. Dalles to Desclnites ' do Moro. . , ; do Grass Valley. . . I do Kent I do Cros Hollows. . . , j Antelope to Cros HoIIoiv . . do Kent I do Grass Valley do Moro l (D 1 00 a 00 4 ' 1 M ;!10 00 do Denchlieek, . .... do Dallea , .00 ;iukd. w. Wilson. ? ATTORNEY AT LAW, TIIK II.Vl.l.Kd.OBIiOON OIliee-ovtt-FlriKS'ut.-niik. IIUKTIHOTOM It II wiwo HUNTINGTON b WILSON, ATIOKNEYH AT LAW, THK DALLEH, 0KK00N Office over First Nat. Ilauk.