The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 11, 1898, Image 3

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    Clearance Sale
3 Big Drives 3.
"Very Much to the Good."
...reseept Bieyeles...
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
One 'do Ladies' Cleve
land Wheel
, New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.
Lot No. i.
Twin tv-five pieces l.;.inch, Fine Cambric-; nil new
patterns nnd fast edges; per yard 05c
Lonsdale Muslin
For tins week only, at 6
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Fill DAY
MARCH 11. 1803 '
Girl wanted to work at the European
Home. 9-3t
Weather Tonight and Saturday, fair
nd warmer.
There will be Lenten services at the
Lutheran church this evening.
Leave your orders for dressed chickens (
itlUlles Commission Co. tnlO-tf I
mien you smoite me itose i.jueen o
cent cigar vou get your money's worth.
Anocial will be given at the Salvation
Aruir tumonow night. Ice cream and
cake will be served and everybody is in
vited. Tn regjlar monthly meeting of Ml.
Hood Hose Co., No. i, will lie held at
tbe liose hotiee this (Friday) evening at
1:30 o'clock.
Two colored gentlemen from Alabama
entertain the Foresters at the social
tonight. Everybody invited to attend.
Liiiea free , gentlemen 23e.
In speaking of the date of the Kepub
lican countv convention in Wednesday'
issue, an error whs made
Tlia date I
ifaanM !... I. U-...I ....... ...:....
wv, ., vuncouo, , n(.iu u.u.
Uing to the fact that the wires are
down between this place and Portland,
DO bulletin was received this mornim:.
tod"'' t;im,,u' publish News Notet
The dual is blowing in a manner to
day that reirinds us that the sprinkler
illoon have to be brought into Ufe.
HI. outside of the diidt, the weather is fV
lltbat could be desired. 1
A bueinecfl meeting of the Kpworth
gae wi.l be Udd this evening at the
Methodist church. A very important
?alter i" I" be considered, and all mem
urged to be present.
Geo. Liebc anj j, w j.-reru.h re
"4f'B the large locust and poplar trees
' '"mi around their property, on ac-
WOIlt Of the rootll kr.riMuli.iir c. fur uml
!iiorbing the moisture froui the ground.
"Hl.e tirermri it..
vonr tardi'i). re-I
wntr .Mrs. a. C. Stubling A Son have1
jny rofes, hardy plants and shrub-!
"Mi whict, vv hj,j gri.atiy t0 t,e Up. I
'rant-'eof your home. m8 dlw-wlm !
c. 1
-me toughH got jnt0 ,ltJ Salvation
hull a few nights since and along '
' h other damages destroyed the bal- !
lionhtb drum. They will serve ice ;
eS"tlcakM t their ball tomorrow
'wlntrument. ' ,urcl,"e 8
An account
wag yesterday received at i
Cknl iour-uay' tw.ttle between
ftonl i"d B,a,,i,ll olUIr. Al.
wti the KpanlardB outnutnbered tbe
fil In"'.!1? rH'' lClttn',
SpnUf,i. ,hfclr 8tronghold and the
Cites?. 10 retrel wlt" B
nviUICf B.
JiJJr.rld cor,!Pondent al Itto de
oeiro Italia .
- w,v iiem irom me Amn
ion recelvKil 1.. ui j i
. u inu us tiauciiu
Lot No; 2. '
Twenty-five pieces ,-incli Cambric Embroideries;
all different patterns; per yard 10c
Lot No. 3.
Twenty-five pieces .Vinrh Cambric Embroideries;
beautiful pattern?; good stiong eijges ; per yard l-iic
J gives dt tails ol an invasion of Brazilian
I territory on tbe Kio Brauco by English-
men from British Guiana, whose
The eat-
pose it is to instigate a revolution.
Brazilian govern rueut will demand
Lust ninht a carload of Chinese ar
rived from Portland and will go to work
immediately at Seufert Bros.' cannery
near this place. The time from no1- un
til the beacon opens, which will be
April 10th, will be spent in manufact
uring cans and doing other work so as
to be in readiness to begin canning as
soon as possible.
Miss Eliot is in the city, and arrange
ments are being made for the musical to
be given next Wednesday evening at the
K. of I', hall. It is seldom we have an
opportunity to hear two such fine sing
ers as Miss Eliot and Miss Stevens; be
side, the selections by Miss Eliot'e class
will add greatly toward the success of '
the entertainment. 1
Yesterday evening when the Spokane j
train pulled into Arlington it was found 1
that one of the journals bad been burned j
ofrand the corner of the truck was drag-,
gingon the rails. The car was empty at ,
the time that the axJe gave way, and
fortunately remained on the track until
the train reached Arlington, and thus
what might have been a serious accident
was averted.
r...t.... .i..... .1
.""''" """" "Y: """.
Amjy Keller finds it necessary to begin ,
J the manufacture of ice steam and put j
1 his elegant soda fountain in use in order j
4lo ucefimrnoriutH his ninv natrons. Mr.
jfeeller haB the reputation of furnishing
UtliH I n.1.1 rcfrculmiHtrlH in lhtH linps tlmt
the best refreshments in these lines thnt
can be found anywhere, and he will be
ready after tomorrow to furnish his pat
rons with whatever they wish.
Do Vou Hr a Cup?
If vou do. we want to talk to you. If
you do not, kindly tell your friends
about it. We are bidding a quick good
bye to all tbe cups that are here, and
that just while they are the right thi.igs
for wear.
Golfs, Yachts, and Eatous that were
20, 25 and 30 cents are now '10 certs.
The better ones that were 3-3 and f0
cents are now 15 reiits. Our best caps
Tu ci-ila. Cnrdnroi h and leather iroods
including Tans that were 50, 75 and $1.00
are now offered at 25 cents. The cap
y0U Want is here. The room we want
and must have is here also. "Null' said."
A. M. Wll.MA.M8 .V Lo.
.M In I nt uml IrrlKHtlou Coiiveuliiiu.
For the Mining and Irrigation Con
vention, to be held at Baker City, Or.,
March 2lth, 30th arid 31st, the 0. It. &
N. Co. will make a rate of one and one-
flft, far0 for tne roud trip. Delegates
or parties attending the convention,
paying full fare to Baker City on March
20th, 27th, 28th and 29th, will here
turned at one-fifth fare on presentation
of certificates on or beforo April 3d to
our agent at Baker City, signed by the
secretary of the convention. D-tf
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That It what II wa fur.
1-4C per yard.
A Worthy
iii.titutiiiii 1, ft
Help It Alone.
IJveryone 1
The ladies who are interested in the
public library are doing their utmost to
j secure a collection of books for the same
that will suit everyone and make it an
object for every intellectual person to
join. A number of interesting books
nave receui'y ueen received, which con
sist ol the following popular works that
should be read by every lover of good
literature :
"The Bed Bridge Neighborhood" by
Marie Louise Pool.
"The Lion of Janina" by Maurus
"At the Cross Koads" by F. F. Mon
tresor. "Sweetheart Travellers" by S. R.
"Checkers" by Harry M. Blossom.
I "His Grace of Osmonde" by Mrs.
' Hodgson Burnett.
' "Paste Jewels" by Bangs. ,
j "Jerome" by Mary E. Wilkms.
1 "The Great Stone of Sardis" by Stock
' ton.
' "The Third Violet" by Crane,
i "JIania" by Sienkiewicz.
' A movement is at present on foot t
raise money to secure complete sets
i books by standard authors. As vet the
j ladies have not decided as to the meth-
ods to
be adopted, but whatever they j
may be, we sincerely hope that ever one
will aid at much as possible in this
worthy cause.
It should be remembered that Mrs.
William Mansfield donated over 200
volumes to the library and while it can- !
not be expected that everyone will be j
tlllH Hlipr.ll flttll a ltrtltt aaefuta.w.j. frnm '
those who can afford it will aid
in the work and eventually build up
library of which we may be proud.
Vfcl'ut Itrfell
Mm. A. T.
ISrotllifuk In
Mrs. A. T. Brodbeck, a rich widow, of
Southern Oregon, and her Alaskan pro
tective scheme have come to grief in
Pittsburu. Pa.
It is charged that the charming widow t0 t,"il" bolb
has been fleecing innocents of the smoky ! Yesterday being the twenty .ninth an
citv. Her traveling comnanlon was a "vrsay of the marriage of Mr. and
j young man of Portland and, it seems,
' he gave the snap away, and the Pitts
I burg police are much exercised trying to
! find out whether Mrs. Brodbeck's ere-
dentials are all she represents them to
be. Mrs. Brodbeck is under arrest,
companion has desappeared.
jer j
charge against her is having defrauded
an applicant for a position with
her promoting scheme out of f250
a deposit required "as a guarantee of
good faith."
The news will startle a large number
of Portland people. Mrs. Brodbeck was
formerly a school teacher and claims ac
quaintanceship with many prominent
people of Portland and this state. The
most dangerous feature aliout her pres
ent plight at Pittsburg is that she has
taken advantage of a number ot letter h
Two '97 Eagle Wheels
One 9C Cleveland.. ;
Gent's Wheel ...
One '95 Eagle Cent's
One '97 Boy's Eagle
One '97 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our new stock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
which are in her possession and which
are indorsements from Oregonians not
of her Klondike company, by the way,
but of men who acted as directors foi
Mrs. Brodbeck's ALASKA MUTUAL
The widow makes use of such names as
Judge M. C. Geprge, of the circuit court,
State Senator Brownell, Gorden E.
Hayes, county judge of Clackamas coun
ty; Frank Bigler, school superintend
ent; and T. 0. Hutchinson, formerly
superintenden of schools at Monmouth,
Mrs. Brodbeck is well known in Port
land. From what is learned of her oper
ations here she has made improper use
ol their names. Some of thpso gentle
men deny ever knowing tbe women and
they declare they did dot indorse the
Klondike scheme. Telegram.
A quiet wedding took place last even
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Biggs, the contracting parties being Mr.
Clarence Bunker and Miss Ethel Deal
ing, both of this city. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. J. H. Wood, and
none but a few relatives and intimate
friends of the young people were pres-
of rTIToomB were appropriatelv deco
rated for the occasion, and theevei.t
was made a very happy one. Lunch
was served after the ceremony, and all
joined in the heartiest of eongrgtula
tions to the newly-married couple.
Mies Deming is an adopted daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Biggs, and is a very
bright and accomplished young lady.
During the few years she has made this
citv her home she has gained many
trtita aarxttiAaWv n rnnrwT thu vniiim rwww
pie with whom she associates.
Mr. Bunker line lived here for a num
ber of years, and is known to ovu-yonu
as a good, so'.ier and reliable young man.
He has been employed in the Diamond
Mills for several years, and has won the
esteem of his employers during that
The young couple will make their
future home in this city, and their many
frienda, as well as Tiik Ciiuonici.k ex-
tends congratulations and best wishcH
Mrs. Biggs, it was thought best to make
it the occMsion of a double wedding.
No objection was made by Mr. mid Mrs.
Biggs, both declaring that having felt
no regret since the event which occured
twenty-nine years ago, they worn more
t'lu" """l""1 to spend their remaining
years together.
Hurlouu It until' HuiiietliuttH Follow 1U
JCxceatlvo like.
Common soda is all right In its place
and indispensable in the kitchen and
for cooking and washing purposes, but
it was never intended for a medicine,
and people who use it as such(will some
day regret It.
We refer to the common use of soda
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Wo have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To he sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co.
to relieve heartburn or sour stomach, a
habit which thousands of people practice
almost daily, and one which is fraught
with danger; moreover the soda only
gives temporary relief and in the end
the stomach trouble continues to get
worEe and worse.
The soda acts as a mechanical irritant
to the walls of the stomach and
bowels and cases are on record where
it accumulated in the intestines, causing
death by inflaraation or peritonitis.
Dr. Harlandson recommends as the
safest and surest cure for sour stomach
acid dyspepsia, an excellent prepara
tion sold by druggists under the name of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. These tab
lets ar,e large twenty-grain lozenges,
very pleasant to taste jind contains the
natural acids, peptones and digestive
elements essential to good digestion,
and when taken after meals they digest
the food perfectly and promptly before
it has time to ferment, and sour nnd
poison the blood and nervous system.
Dr. Wuerth states that he invariably
uses Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets in all
cases of stomach derangements and finds
them a certain cure not only for sour
stomach, but by promptly digesting the
food create a healthy appetite, increase
flesh and strengthen the action of
the heart and liver.
They are not a cathartic, but intended
only lor stomach diseases and weakness
and will be found reliable in any stom
ach trouble except cancer of the stom
ach- All druggists Eel! Stuart'sDyspepsia
Tablets at 50c per package.
A little book describing all forms of
stomach weaknesses and their cure
mailed free by addressing the Stuart Co.
of Marshall, Mich.
Trot, limit, litlcluu.
The testing of eyes is not a matter of
guess work, nor by far only a matter of
trying on a pair of ready made glasses.
It Is a science governed by principles
and conditions, which none but a person
who has studied the anatomy of the eye
can understand. Prof. P. G. Dout un
derstands his business thoroughly. Cull
and be convinced, Hu also does all
kinds of watch and jewelry repairing,
and will clean your jewelry while yuu
wait. Two doors west of Keller's bake
ry. Yours to serve,
Dout Optical A. .Jkwkuiv Co.
l'lit no Tuning,
W. S. Geary, the well-known piano
tuner, is in the city and will call upon
his customers, No other piano tuner
has authority to use IiIh name in any
way. Orders left at either inusij store
will receive prompt attention,
ithKt or All.
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
springtime conies, use the true and per
fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the
genuine, Manufactured by the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co,, only, and for sale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle,
Try SculJHpiFiIim "Tea aim baking powier
An luteieMing .Story ifl attractive at
all times. No one can ati'urd to let the
evenings at home be spent without good
reading matter in these days when good
books cost so little. Our stock odere
some very attractive, up-to-date and
standard literature which will interest
i. C. Ickelsen
Book St music Company,
Ue Ire Doir?5
fleat apd
For treasonable
Wo Print Anything in
the Printing Lino.
(Jiue lis a trial.
5?r)roQi;l pub. i?o.
A Hik'iullil iibMirtiiiunt of Vi'kk
tnlilu, (ianluii mill (nut KitiI in ipff
Hulk, Bec'd Wheat, Kml om, JCjl
Heed lliirloy, Heeil rteeil Uye,
Oil Mt'iil Ciiku 11111I KcrlllliTH,
lieu HuiiiillfS, ICurly Hiimi I'oIii.
Inert, KU'Vi'li kliuln ( llrNtcliik.i
Km) fern. I'miltry uml Kkk
bought mill kolil at
J. H. CROSS' t
C!ieai C11M1 ( I nicer y 11111) Feed
Htoiu, Hecnml ami Union Mi.