Tt Ibllac flail ftkmAfofo s Artvertllic Kim. JYr ihc A. Odc Inch or !es in Dullv t M Otct two inche and under four inches. .. 1 CO Orw lonr lnche nnd under twelve Inches. . T5 Orer twelve Inches . . SO DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per Inch i 12 SO Over one ltich and under four lnchev 2 CO Orer four Inche and under twelve Inche 1 .W Over welve luches . . 1W Wreklr Clubbing Kates, Chronicle and Oreponian. . . Chronicle and Examiner Chronicle and Inter Ocean Chronicle and Tribune Chronicle and X. Y. World The Cuban cause is in for' better condition tlian it was a year ago, and it is hardly a matter of doubt but that eventual! the in surgen'.s will triumph even if other countries do not assist. The sym pathy of even civilized country is; with the Cuiians; though this fcclinc' may not be olllcially expressed, it exists nevertheless. Spain has for- all claims to consideration from this nation. Our flag has been 1-85 insulted, our president maligned and ' " battleship destroyed : hundreds of - w Taking the JVIedieine. 2A1S thf Snii o n; , fcitCO TRIDAY THE ACTIO OF THE HEX ATE, brave American lives have been sac- - MARCH 11. 1S9S rificed, without a doubt, through Spanish treachery. War with Spain is not likely to happen, but this gov- 3owed the example set by of representatives and m r- . i c. . i,c fi ernment will be but doing ihe decent The united Mates senate uas fol-, - the house tn,n? ,r lt declares to bpain ttiat we nased the humor her no longer, but extend 50,000,000 appropriation without a " ,iuu"ul'""uu 13 dissenting voice, and the prnidint . licrs b' T'l't having immediately affixed his signa I reatnei cnum i.e carrd tare, the bill has now become a Jaw. I by local applications, as they cannot Seldom, if ever, in the history of h the diseased portion of the ear. , . . J There is onlv one wav to core deafness, nj country has such unanimity of ami ,hat j, by con.titntional remedies, action been shown m the face of so Deafness is caused by an inflamed con grave a crisis, and the result shows dition of the mucous lining of the Eus how great is the confidence felt by all j tachian Tnbe. When this tube is in- , i . .. . ,, . flamed von have a rumbling sound or classes and parties m the character, 1 . . , . " . , 1 . . i imperfect hearing, and when it Is en- judgment and patriotism of the presi- j t- , . - Deafness is the result, and 1 i iw ,1 Weekly Inter Ocean i, LARGEST CIRCDLAT10F OP M POLITICAL PAPER 111 THE WEST 5 It is radically Republican, advocating ?MBiit it can always bt relied on J the cardirul doctrines of that party for fair and honest reports of all po- with ability and cxmatmssJ. Utical movements.....'..'.. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. 0.R.&N. TO THK EHST! 1 GIVES THE CHOICE OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. 8 " The Literature of its columns Is equal to that of the best maga zines, it is interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents. -VlA- -v5 .Spokane rHE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF 5 THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy 2 with the ideas and aspirations of Western people ana ay, disctnw literature and politics from the Western standpoint. J. ? i nn-Minp nut nm i ii ki YFM-il.flO I Minneapolis j St. Paxil Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City dent. Few men have received such a declaration of confidence as Presi dent McKinley has received, and there are none to gainsay but that be deserves it. x It is vet too soon to sav that the war cloud hoverinc over this countrv i RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES. I THI DAILY ATO STTCTDAT EDITIONS OTTJE i rjrrxR ocxah are best of tbxik Kent. Price i.THhIIv by mall I4.00 pr yr Prlcr tr Similar bv mall. ... ., ta OO pr year Uaily and Honda br mall .. $0.00 per yrar I m i Low Rates to all Eastern Cities unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cass ont of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mncous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for j and Spain has entirely blown away, j The Teport of the comniision investi gating the Maine explosion has not I been made public and Spain has not '. had an opportunity to indicate what she will do in case the United States : pots in a claim for heavy damages : n account of the Maine's destruc tion, but the action of the American ! is the best argument ior nnv case of Deafness caused dv catarrh' that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh ! Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. So'.d by Druggists, 75c. 6-10 Ask your Druggist for a generoas IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH dftSflMBALrV f5 peace with which the Spaniards could j Ely's Cream BallTJ fcjJJJj J auurL.aeu. mwoiynor any other T HAnn4H . 1.1 nn ntl.n. :m infnrinn rim'-. tut: acuiiLU nuu u. uu uiiiui iui . J : " portant matters, act with the same celerity and good judgment with which it has- moved in this, the American people would regard it with far greater esteem than thev do at present Just Ulhat ! You CUant. i XT) TQ. 1 W-rKXT Wholesale. Cllines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED mm ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. (0. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKfl Leave Portland every five days for ALASKA POINyS. on draught and in oottles AniLeuser-Busch. Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. OCEAN HTEAMEKR liBTe Purtlaud !Everr Fi.ur Darn fur !SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ! Steamers monthly from Portland to I Yokohama and Hong Kong via North . urn I'ii ei tic Steamehip Co., in connection - " with O. It. & N. For lull (h-taili. mil on 0. K A Co. A Knit The Dullin. or addrea , w. ii. urnuu uT. lien. I'ns.i. ARt , l'ortlutid,0r ' DODi-ON, CAItl.lI.I. CO., Gun. Agts., Norili I'lirltlc ati-iiuutil). t o. TIME CAIill, ' No. 4, to ?iitanc- and Grout Northern arrives at 5 '.';" p. m.. k'H'f nt !"30 p. m. No. 2, to Peudli- I ion, linker City mid I'nlon l'uclllc,urrlviiitll 15 1. m di-vtirth nt 11 .TO ). m. No n, from ftwLatic nnd lirt'Mt Northern, nr rlvi nt 0 W a. in., ilrwrt nt ft n. in No. 1, i (rum llukir C'lt und I'iiUki 1'arltlc, urrlvot at t 3. ID a. in., di'i'iirtf nt ;i.:a) a. m. Nos. ZS and '21, tnovltiB tnkt of Till1 Un'.lw, will curry jdis-i'iicurti. No. 'it arrive ut &p. m., . No. I'l ilt-urt at 1:15 i. in. ' TaRienqcry lor Hci'pner tnke No 2, IcavIiir here at 11:15 1'. m. W, 11. UL'KLIIUKT, Oeii. l'an. Act t'ortland. Ort-jou It Is qaickJy Absorbed. Gives ltelief : once. the Njual Vuostn. ' POI Fl Inl H F A T ' New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such j 1 wide variety as we are showing never be-, i fore graced a single stock, ileal imila- ! ' tion creton effects at ordinary prices. ! , Good papers at cheap paper prices. ! I AJIars Inflammation neaie ana notecu we Jiemnnne. Jiwiores me p,un, ,rua:no ,.r nriT.r.o r-nnru &eu of Taste and Smell, foil SizeWc : Trial fegant tlesigns, tastelul tolormce, onrs Sizelfcc.: a: lmi.rt or dj mail- ! for a email price, at onr store on Third ELX BBOTHEKii, i Warret Street, Vew Tort street. Also a foil line of Loose paints. I DEALERS IN The The TJUcovery or the Da". Aug. J. Boeel, the leading drngcist of news from West Africa stat-; sbreveriort. La., savs: "Dr. Kinc's D. W. VAUSE, Third St. ! All kinds of mrr njai two bodies of irencii sol- j ew iJiscovery ib tue oniy tntntnatj diers were inarehins on Sokoto, the I cnres m-v cough, and it is the best eeller j RefTXilatOr Lille ., , ... ci.- ii tu . . 1 1 have.'" J. F. Campbell, merchant of! capital of the Sultan of all that ter-1 . , . ' . , i ,r jeaffords, Ariz., writes: "Dr. Kings) ntor', proves to be a talse report. Xew Digc0verv is all that is claimed for ' It gave considerable alarm for the ; u; it.never fails, and is a sure cure for moment to the Engish people, as it j Consumption, Colds and Coughs. I cMniofl n iwiinaio ti.of Vm..r. Tt-oc cannot say enoneh for its uieriu." Dr. Grandall S Burget UNDERTAKERS Faneral Supplied embalmers The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. He Dab Portland and Astoria I fa V... rit-.y-. ........ fv. rVxneitmnfrirtn determined not to recoirnize even its , , n . . ' T ' Coughs and Colds ;s no experiment. It ! own treaty obligations with England, j haa heen tried for a q,mrter 0f a century. because the bultan s terrilor)' is , and today stands at the head. It never wholly within the English sphere of ' dieappoints. Free trial bottles at Blabe . . . . , ., ! lev i Houghton's drug store. 6 influence, Iving, as it does, to the cast of the Niger river and to the Sheep marking paint; ready for use. ...... , .. ,. Two colors, black and red. Why you south of the boundary line extending i , ,A . , , r " . ' j Bliould use onr sheep paint. First, be- from Lake Tchad to Say on the C3U5fc lne coor8 are ground, thoroughly Niger, which delimits French and in pure linseed oil by Hn? machinery; English territory. With the passing : second, because it is inade-of high grade . away of the fright which this report occasioned enme the assurance that i Navigation Co.' i 7VT..Z. DONNELL, PfESCIPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Cigars. strs. Regulator (6 Dalles City ficulty lies to the west ot the Nigei. 1 AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN Tlie Dalle , H&od River, Cascade UrXf, and Port- Are yon going color, with the proper amount of dryere added to give it binding and lasting finalities, which rirpvent it from washincr I the International Commission at Pans, or rnbbing off; is much more' would arrive sooner or later at a per-1 economical, because it is always ready ' FREIGHT fectly just decision. The whole dif-1 for u5- We Boarantee our sheep mark-1 I mg paints to give satisiaction. iry it; and be convinced. Clarke cc talk. I aaents. The Dalle?. Or. that treaties with the natives are not j l)8ve been 8IHcted wUh rieuroatl8m j to be regarded as conclusive, but for fourteen year, and nothing seemed j that effective occupation ought to to give any relief. I was able to be j settle the right to permanent poes-i around 81,1 the li,ne' bul 'onstantlv eul-; siou. England has produced t.eaties ' fBri,,2-f 1 ftrlfed ould I ., . , . , . , . hear of and at last was told to try Cham-i with native kings dating hack to a berlain'e IV.n Halm, which I did, and j period before French visitations. It was immediately relieved and in a short f is hardly to be supposed that the In- time cured. I am happy to eay that it j utm9no1ttTmAmiOTtluuUtuittipan lfrnntirtnnl Pnmmiccirm nf T,.,! .,il 1189 1101 Since leiurneu. JOen JiUgar, 1 the Columbia. inew&l-WiUiiu irniu nrwvCT o. ,. :,! t- i Germantown, Cal. For sale bv Blake-, fcet all these aside. France is ex- , . lev & Houghton. tremely anxious to have a water ' , -.. ... i. ..i , . t . Foulz' cigars are on s.ile at the follow way, or the right of a water way, to , c , . ... , , , . . J mg placee: finipes-Kinersly, Clark & the sea. It is quite certain that j Falk and M. z, DonneU.druggiau; Com England will not surrender her con- miseion Co.. Geo. Rnch. Fred Fiaher trol over the Niger. But English 1 and Cbas. Phillips, grocers; Columbia control means the utmost freedom of ! Cand' Factory and x Keller, confection-; era; Uhaa. frank, Ad. Keller, Uan Baker, Aug. Buchler, Ben Wilson and ; 'The Midway, saloons. I Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR ( DOWN THE VALLEY I on to (EASTERN OREGON?! PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-kno-wn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body -with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc Tho riuiiM (n urn til h lime fur tmMeiureri) to take the iteamcr, arriving In 1'ortland In time for the ' outgninc houthcni and Northern trln; hiutt- , bound anKei arrlvini; In The Imlltai lu time i to take the Kaxt-bouud truln. i For further Infonnatlou ajiply to ' J. U. IIAKKEV, Agent, , r ; Oak fatreet Hfck. 1'ortland. Oreeon, Or W C. ALLAWAV, (Jen. Agt., The Dalle. Oregon t caho umvigation, while implies restriction. French control ' Tbe time is ripe for the belligerency of Cuba. recognizing j HOR8ES AND MULES FOR Spain is confessedly unable to prevent a state of war on tbe Islands, but on the coutrary has been made to take re peated defeat from the Cuban insur- Ihave sixteen head of 3 and 4-year j Kfrlixc ules (broke) lor sale. I also have ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. j LaIj Ornci:. The Dallec, Or., j 1 f ebruarr h, 1i'jm. ( Notice is hereby given lhat tbe following. : namtil xeltlei baa riled notice nf bU Intentlnn u make rinal tirool in auuiairt of hi claim, and ! GAi p l that Mid prool will rt made before Begiiter and i HMIto, mt The ItellM. urMrnn. on ilnnduv. . . - . . rnareV and mid Inn for Bale Ji' ' for the8E NW. B NK4 from 900 to 1400 pounds. Any. lie name tbe lolloping wltneuea to pi mules (broke) hones, weighing one wanting work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to get them cheap for cash. Jamkh Bhow.v, f23-lm-i Victor, Or. Hall, of Tbe Oallca. nd nrove bUcontinuoua realdencenpoii and cultivation of iald land, viz.; Alexander Vance, Albert Walter. William Wolf, Krank Obriat, all of Tbe Dalle, Oregon. Mi JA8. F. MOOl'.K, KfgUter. Why do we retail more Clears than ot'uerfc? Why do etnokere ko out of their way and pabB cinrt of the same crude9 Not beuanHe we have better cigars or better brands, or any greater variety; no, not that. Why, because we have the. finest ci gar case in the state and keep our cigars in better condition. Soipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, has the best Dress Goods; SHINGLES, has the best Shoes ( FIRE BRICK, has everything to be found in a ; 1?T first-class Dry Goods Store. 'AXCJli 0-lO.X, C. F. STEPHENS. i1' cement, i Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. Subscribe for The Ghroinele