The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 11, 1898, Image 1

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NO mi)
3 t)t Dulks
Conjunctive Movement in
the British I'nrlinment.
Will l' !"'"t ," Goireaa Within Two
Vi'rekn - -London l'ress Cum- '
inrii rrifimlly.
I,osi)uN', Mr. 10. In the house, of
common" today Hon. Hubart Val
entine Duncob, conservative, will
ask the uirlinnientarv secretary lor
tlie foreign office, Curzon. whether
with n view to recognizing the ident
ity nf the interests of nil English
fpeik nc people, her majesty's
govenrntnuit will consider the nd
visiii' ity of plnciiu: the services of
the Hriti!h fleet at the disposal of
the Tinted States, in the event of
couip 'cations between the. United
States awl any foreign power.
In addition Donald Monroe Fer
ption, liberal, will question the
government us to whether there is
any truth in the report that com
munications on the Cuban question
have been exchanged between the
British embassador at Washinctou
and the government of the United
London', -Mar. 10. The Chronicle's ar
ticle on the Cuban question character
iies President McKinlev's action
throughout the crisis as a model of
s'.ateitnatiphip. It declares that the ac
tion of the Washington government in
connection with the Maine disaster de
Ktree the highest recogni'ion.
"There is every indication," says the
Chronicle. That the United States is
preparing for the inevitable struggle.
Soon it will be necessary for Great lirit
tin to show on which side her sympa
thies lie."
Arguing at considerable length upon
the nnce fithnes'j of America's motives
ic desirinir to put an end to the "hell
Dpon tartli, Cuba," and insisting that
"America hits a better right to interfere
than hub been pnt forward in justifica
tion of two out of any three wars in his
"We hope Great Britain will not sup
port the United States only as far as the
limite of international law permits, but
that pnblic opinion will declare itself
cwnly, unmittakab'y and in the face of
all Europe if necessary, as sympathizing
triily with the motives Impelling
America to take a step at last so natural
and yet one she has so long hesitated to
take. At the same time, we wish it
ere po-sible to persuade Spain, even at
the eleventh hour, that her honor and
and Cuba might be saved by the recog
nition of inevitable facts. To bid Cuba
fefree would be u hard task, but it
oukl be tiie safest and most dignified
The Daily Newe says editorially this
morning :
"While crediting the United States
itb the nenerous error of giving the
orlda noble example of sacrifice for
lace by utipreparediiosti for war, we
'"glad to sen that they have shown
tlemeehes wise in time."
A lurry County Mjstery.
fcosEiiuur , Mar. 10. Vestesday the
My of auiari was found on i trail lead
'(roin em Fork station, Cow Cieek
Jon to (,old Beach, Curry county,
j11 remains are supposed to he those of
"'""Culvert, w ho left that station sev
months go for Gold Jiuacli.and
The only accident policy
that la nut up in jars
for 60 cents. Good
business policy to keep
a supply of Garland's
Happy Thought Salve
in the home. The
kind that cures. 60
For Sale at DONNELL'S,
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
who has not since been heard from.
1 Coroner Miller nnd Deputy District At
' torney Kiddle, went south on the niorn
jing's train to hold an inquest. Calvert
was formerly a contractor for the Coos
, Bay mail route.
; Weekly Kirumlmia In Through Curs to
the Hunt.
Another through tourists car to the
Kast hits been arranged for to run out of
r Portland, giving four each week. Here
' after the car leaving Monday will run
, through without change to Kansas City
and Chicago, over the O. II. & X, Oregon
j Short Line, K. G. W., D. & 11. G., Mo.
Pacific and O. & A. That car has just
I previously been arranged for and the
I one previously arranged for has been
I changed to Thursday. It runs through to
j St. Louie, via the Mo. Pacific line. The
I car leaving Portland Tuesday goes
' through to Boston, and is promoted by
the C, R. I. & P. Wednesday's car runs
j to St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis
I over the Burlington. All these special
, through cars are receiving a gratifying
j patroriHge. Consult the O. 11. & N.
ugent before buying a ticket to the East.
ICubbed by a Cabuiau.
' New YoitK, Mar. 10. Mrs. Horace
I Porter, wife of the United States embaa
! sador here, lodged a complaint againet
a cabman, who she charges with stealing
a portmanteau containing a large sum
; of money and some valuable jewelry,
1 sayH the Paris correspondent of the Her
' aid.
it apperrs from the Temps that Mrs.
1 Porter took the cab on March 4th ut
Gare de l'Est. Upon reaching her house
she paid the cabman, but forgot the port
' manteau, which she left in the cab. The
cabman drove oil" and never returned.
1 An inquiry is on foot at the perfecture
' of police with the object of finding out
1 which cabmen were ut the station on the
date named.
j The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fear-'
ing men and women, have prepared the
j Shaker Digestive Cordial for manyyears,
land it is always the same, i-imple, lion
' est, curative medicine that has helped
' to make the Shakers the healthy, long
! lived people that they are. The Shak
jers never have indigestion. This is
I partly owing to their simple mode of
j life, partly to the wonderful properties
I of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indtges-
tion is caused by the stomach glanus not
I supplying enough digestive juice,
j Shaker Digestive Cardial supplies w hat's
; wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
! v I go rules the stomach nd all its ghtndw
, so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
; Shaker Digestive Coidial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to Jf 1.00 per bot
tle. AmerieHii l.lnera HeUed.
' Chicago, Mar. 10. A Washington
sueclal says :
I ThoUnlteil States government has vir
tuijlly taken position ot the American
line of steamers, consisting of the, St.
lxmis, St. Paul, Paris and New ork.
Federal olliters will be. pnt in charge
practically of each vessel us it urrives
and sails from these shores. Command.
eriJrownson .s virtually in command of
the St. Paul, which sailed from New
York yesterday.
Jtohbed the liruve.
A startling incident of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject
is nurruted by him as follow : I was in
a most dieadful condition. My skin
whs almost yellow, eyes eunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite gradually growing
weaker day by tiny. Three physicians
had given me up. Fortunately, a friend
advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to
my great joy nnd surprise, the first bot
tle made a decided improvement I con
tinued their use for three weeks, and am
now a well man. I know they eaved
my lile and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 50 cents per bottle at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store.
To KnlUt Artllerjnien.
Chicago, Mar. 10. The recruiting of
ficers of the United States army, located
in Chicago have received this telegram
from the adjutant-general at Washing
ton. "Enlist all desirable applicants fitted
for artilery, heavy and light, and send
them to Fort Sheridan.
Clininlierluln'ft C'oti&li Uemeily.
This remedy is intended especially for
coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough
arid influenza. It has become famous
for its cures of these diseases, over a
large part of the civilized world. The
most flattering testimonials have been
received, giving accounts of its good
worke; of the aggravating and persist
ent coughs it has cured ; of severe colds
that have yielded promptly to its sooth
ing efTects, and oT the dangerous attacks
of croup it has cured, often saving the
life of the child. The extensive use of
it for whooping coughs has shown that
it robe that disease of all dangerous c in
sequences. For sale by Blakeley &
Two Warship Commissioned.
Washington, Mar. 10. The monitor
Miantonomoh and the ram Katahdin
were placed in commission this after
noon at the League Island navy yard.
Buckien'a Arinca salve.
The best salve in the world for curs,
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine,
cornB, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cuihb piiea, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 'lb cents
par kx. For sale by Blakeley and
Honghton, druisziste.
'u Warship liuught.
Heiii.i.v, Mar. 10. The United States
so far has made no purchase of warshijis
from among her options in Germany.
Lieutenant-Commander Niblock, United
States Laval attache here, and also at
Rome, has returned to that city.
Rev. E. Edwards, pastor oithe English
Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa.,
when suffering with rheumatism, was
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
HeEaye: "A few applications of this
liniment proved of great service to me.
It euhsued the inllamation and relieved
the pain. Should any suffer profit by
giving Pain Balm a trial it will pleaee
me." For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton. To Admit War Materials Free.
Washington, Mar. 10. Senator Chan
dler has introduced a bill providing for
the remission of duties on war materials
that may be imported.
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world ami can think of no pitas
anter or better way to dq it than by rec
ommending One Minute Cough Cure as
a preventive of pneumonia, consump
tion and other serious lung troubles that
follow neglected colds.
If the United States and Spain become
involved in war, it will be impossible to
import Havana tobacco. Consequently
high gradu Havana cigars will increare
in price. Lay in a supply of Prize
Medal cigars while the price remains
the same. 10-if
Whooping cough is the most distress
ing malady; hut its duration can bu cut
short by tlie use of One Minute Cough
Cuie, which is also the best known
remedy for croup and all lung and bron
chial trouble.
Smoke the popular brands Prize
Medal, Guarantee and Rose Queen
cigars munuluctured by S. F, Fouts.
Don't annoy others by your coughing,
and risk your life by neglecting a cold.
One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs,
colds, croup, grippe and all throat and
lung troubles
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Tbat li what It wai oiadc for.
Sheriff's Sale.
Oregon for Wasco county,
T. J. Field, plaintlll'
Wm. Tllrgfcld, Uiurn K. lllrgfeld. Klit National
lliiiik of I liu Dalli , rhuinas Kellv ami A.'.
Dennett, defcin ants.
Hy vlrlui! of mi execution, decree nnd order of
fine, duly imd tint of unci tinder the seal of
UiC-CUcuit court of the Snlu of 0e. n, for the
the County of Wiikmi, in me dlieeted mid dnted
the "Joth day of l briiim , Ms, upon u decree for
the forecloure of iieertHlu inutliMite, am! Judg
ment rendeied mid onleied In said Court on tin;
till day of December, 1MI", in the above entitled
cause, It. favor ot the jil.dnllll' .ind again-st the
defendants William IlirKfeld and Ijtura K. Illrg
feld as Judgment dibto s, in the sum ol Hfteen
hundr'd and tnehe dm tars and tweutv-nlnu
cents, with I tcrest thereon from the llh'day of
Decern Ikt, 1 V.i", at the rate of leu er cent per
annum, ami the further sum of onchundrd ami
fifty collars as attorney's fees, and the further
sum of tltlceii dollais, ccsts, and the otsof
and upon this wilt, and commanding me to
make sale of the real ti'onertv embraced in such
iicrteof fonciosure ami hereinafter decribed, I
will on the
1I.M1i day of April, I SDH,
at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of
said day and at the front di or of Hie Countv
Court house in Dalles City, WVcn Co mty, Ore
gon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash I hand, all the right, title ami interest
which the defcmlhtits William I'i'gfeid ami
Laura K. Dligfeld. Thoin s Kelly and i..S. Hen
licit, or either of them, had on the I'll day of
August, 1-lrj the date of the mortgage fureclnstd
h-ithi, or which such defendants or any of the
defendants herein have acquired, or now have in
ann to me loili'wing iie.-criuei! reil pri.peitv,
siiuatidand being in Waco i ountv. On gnu,
to-uit: Anuiditided one-tilth interest of alt
of tei tion No 21, the nw . and the se i of see
tioti No. 'J3: also nil of section No. 'St, the nw i
and the se 1 ol section No. '.7, and the nw 01
section No. all in township N T, south of
lahge No. 17. cast of the W. M; also of section
No a, township No. 8, south of range No. 17, east
of the W. !., co'itaiiiint: in nil'j iiltcm ac
cording to tlie Government surve (imgeHH.Vid.
O of deeds) also the f !4 of th sw (4 and the s
of the se of sect on No. 31, townshlii No. 7.
south of latme 17, east ol W. M containing lfio
acres. (Iue IIO.V01. K deedt) also all the 11 w '4
of section No. l'C, town-hip 7, south of range 17,
e-si of W. !., (page Sil. Vol. N. of deeds.) .-aid
interest in the above described real prop-r y be
ing the same descended to and inherited b the
suid Ijuira K. Ilirgfeld upon the death of -Alexander
Kogers and M tllda Ki gers, her father and
mother, .ald jiroiierty will be soli subject to
confirmation and redemption as by law pro
vided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 3d day of
March, lt'JS. mch5-ll.
Sherill'of Wasco County, Oregon.
Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that under and by vir
tueof an order of the County Court of theSiate
of Oregon lor Wasi o County, made on the 8th
aay of January, 1S9S, In the matter ot the estate
of Dr. W. K. riliiehart, dc eased. I will sell at
public unction, at the fourth use door in Dalles
City, In said county and state, on the 'JSth day
of rebruary, lfc'Ji, at 1 o'clock p in., to the high
est bidder, ull the reul estate belonging to said
estuteaud described as follows,
Lots A, 11, C, D, K. K, it, II, I, J, K and h in
Hlock CS, in the Fort Dal es M t lit ,rv Reserva
tion Audiiion to D..lle City, la tali county uml
The west half of the southeast quarter and the
cast half of tne southwest quarter of section 21
in township '.' north, range 11 cast, In Wasco
County, Oregon.
Terms of sale one-half li cash at time of
sal- and one-half in six months, secured by
, mortgageou the premises.
Dalles City, Oregon. Jan. 27. 1S98.
JanOO-Jl Administratrix.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
lias filed In the ollice of the County Clerk, of
I Wasco County, her tlnal sccount as admlulstrlx
of the estate of I. I. llurget, and that by Order ol
the County Court, for said County, Monday, the
2d day of May, 1NM, has been fixed as the time
I and the court room of saU Court as the place for
the hearing of said final account. All persons
interested in said estate are notllled to appear at
; said time and place and show cause why said
I final account should not bo approved and al
lowed. A. T. Ill KtIK I",
mchSil. Administratrix.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate ot Frank Ireland,'.l. liu nifil lif m fl fin I iif.f.otmt UN hlleh ail.
inllii trator in Hie county court of the State of
Oregon for Wasco County, and the Judge there
of lias apgiointcd Monday, the 7th day of Mincli,
lb'Js, at the hour of ID o'clock a. in., at the
: county courtroom ill tlie ciiurthnusc in Italics
City, in said county and state, as the time ami
plce for the healing of objections to said final
' 1 .1 ..!......... .I...-..... .11
and cndltois of the deceased, and all other per
son interested in said estate, are heeby uotillcd
to lilo their objictions to said II no I account, if
any tiny have, on or before the date llxed for
the hearing and settlement thereof.
Dalles City, Oregon, Feb. IS'jH.
(iF.OIilii: IUKI.AND,
JebVlw-H Administrator.
Notice ol' Executor's Sale,
Notice is hereby given that (ho uudcisigncd,
cxi color of the estate of Maxaliilllan Miner, dc-
'ceased, will, from and after the 1st day of
i .March, lh'JS. sell at private sale, upon the prem
I ises, the following described real property bo
longing to said estate and situated In Wasco
county, Oicgou to-ult: Uit two 2 in block
I eight IM in what is known as Tliouii sou's Ad
dition to wall s city.
fiaid sale Is made fll accoidnlKO with an Older
of tlie County Court rcudeuil and entered the
!id day of January, IMS, and such sale will be
subject to continuation by said court, the terms
of said tale to becash or credit, or both.
Kxccutnr of tlie estate of .Maxaliilllan Meyer,
diccabcd. Jaii2ii 1
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
us been rcgulaily appointed by the county
court of the ntutu of Oitgou for U'mco County as
administratrix ol the estate of Charles W. John
ston, decease-1, All crsons having claims
against said estate are hereby uo'lllud to pre
sent them, with the proper vouchers, to mu at
the office of W, II, Wllwou, In Dulles City, Ore
gon, within tlx mouths from the date of this
not Ice.
Dalltn City, Oregon, l'eb. 23, PJUH.
feb'.'Cll Administratrix.
Out? Spring Ltines
of pine Dress Goods
The New. The Stylish.
The very latest Weaves pj5 Patterns.
prom rieui
Drap d'ete
Whip Cords .
Camel's hair suitings
Two-toned Granite
Our Finer Materials are
shown 7 and 8-yard lengths.
No two Patterns alike.
For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes ot farmers and
villagers throughout the Unitdd States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for tboir prosperity and happi
ness, for the improvement of their business and homo
interests, for education, for the elevation of American
manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive
stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states.
IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, ami the
proper time to convert them into the largest possiblo
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters portaining to the welfaro of
farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has
hold their confidence and esteem. '
and wo furnish it with the Somi-Wookly Chronicle ono
year for $1.75, cash in advance.
are notxi ready for Inspection
York fnankets.
Silk and Wool
Mixtures Plaids and Checks
Bayadere Stripes.
You are Cordially Invited
to call and see these Goods.