mm en B-Bl. S 4'M OKS enioys Both tho method and results when Srr.ip of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem ciiecxnally. dispels colds, head aches and levers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable eubstances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one "who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FftAKISCO. CAL iJOUISYltlE, KT. MEW YORK, H.V. Tbe Dalles Daily Ctakate. THE DALLES, OKKUOX I'KUSONM. MENTION George Buster, of Antelope is in the i c:tr. Georce T. Prather, of Hood Kiver, is in the city today. Jihn MsicAulay, an Antelope stock man, is in the city today. Chris Dettiman, the Hood River frait raiser,is in the city. D. E. Hall, claim aeent of the O. R. 5c is in the city today. Homer McFarland left last night for Butte, Mont., after a visit with relatives 'here. , Mrs. Enripht and Miss Enright left on j last evening's train for Wasco, where ( they will mfce their home. Mrs. David Allen came up from Port land yesterday on a hnsiness trip, and stayed over today to visit friends. j H. M. Beall, of the First National , bank, of this city, left on the morning j tram today. Mr. Beall intends visiting California, and will be gone about a month. .Chamberlain's I'nuib ltemedy. "Thl itjmedy is intended especially for conghs, cflld?, croup, whooping cough and influenza. It has become famous for its cures of these diseases, over a Jarge part of tbe civilized world. The most flattering testimonials have been Teceived, giving accounts of its good works; of the aggravating and persist ent coughs it has cured ; of severe colds that have yielded promptly to its sooth ing effects, and of tbe dangerous attacks of croup it has cured, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping cougbe has shown ibt it robs that disease of all dangerous c n eequences. For sale by Blakelev & Houghton. Pa Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to be the best non-poisonous flnid lip m the world ; guaranteed to cure scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot. Ciarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles. HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE I have sixteen head of 3 and 4-year mules broke; lor sale. I also have horses, wares and ueldings for sale, weighing from 900 to 1400 pounds. Any. one wantintr work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to get tlieni cheap for cash. James Buown, f23-l in-i Victor, Or. Whooping cough is the naojt distress ing malady ; but its duration can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bron chial tiouble. Don't nnuoy othere by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. .Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles. Portland k Astoria Navigation Co, at their office Saturday, April 2, 1S9S, at 2 p. rn., for the purpose of electing seven directors, ana transact ing such other business as mav properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles March 1, 1896. C. L. Phillips, Secy. Try Scnllltag'a Dot rea and baking powder MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Cotton of 12 different colors grows , in Peru. The average life of women who work for a living i 3 vcars. In the polar regions the seas ton-' , tain less salt than near the equator. I'pou half an acre cf '.and in An sen, Me., L. D. Tirkhant .'ait season raised 200 bushel of turnips. ' A horse aid- a shepherd at Cham berg, Savey. in keeping the herd to gttber, and dees It a1- effectual as the best trained dog. , - It a strange fact that injuries to f tongue, whether of man or animni. i v.. re; re quickly than those of any . . ' j art of the istem. A: .rg..n cf supericr tone and I .r nas jus: been erected in the l ri.Tvh at St. Ignatius, San Franeisci. It has 3,000 pipes and weighs JOO.WO Ca-ti tu Inur Check. Ail coantv warrants registered prior to Nov. T2, 1S93, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Feb. 16th, ISPS. C. L. PlIILLIl'S, Conntv Treasurer. Sheepn.en, call at Clarke A Falk's and tet prices on the La Piata Sheep Dip. It is non-poisonons, raises in stantly with cold water, and it is an in fuit.uie cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and ticks. 1 tf ' Mipeiuuen, Attention: Clarke & Falk have seetirod the azency for the La Plata Sheep Dip. AI.xes instantlv with cold water. There are three little thine? which do more work than auy other three litt'e tl.incs created they are the ant, the b- e and Dr Win's Littie Early Risers, the List being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. To Cure it Cold in One Day. , Take Laxative Brooio Quinine TaL- a 11 a.. : ... : l .i :; ' , thev fail to cure. 23c. a.,, j i i. . . iii itidren and adults tortured by hum;, scalds, injuris, ezema or skin diseases injuries, eze uiav seenre instant relief by nsinc De Witt's Witch Hazel great pile remedy. . . . , SalVe. it IS tne DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds. Burns. DeWitt's Litt'e Early Risers, The hmuui li tl.- pills. S GEISENDOKFFEK i lil'EDV, Physicians aiid Snrxeou: Special attention given lo surstry. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. Vog: Block Patronize the Troy MUflDRY. All kind of work White r-h r' a specialty. Farm!', wo'k ar reduced r t" Val: co!''teJ and deliveied frw. Telfplioiie No. 11U. H. D. Parkins, Agt, Dr.GUNN'S SSS Pot People Tfikt Are A Sick or " Just Don'tr x Feel WelL" I ILLV ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Rtmott Pimples, cum HeaMche. Djspepsla Cotti)i(. 25 cm a box at druasi.u or br miU bmolFr addreta Or. Botanko Co. Ptiil. f Ask your Druggist CATARRH for tgeneroaa 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no ccaine, mrcary nor an other injarloaj dra. It is quick j Absorbed. Gives Ilewcf a. once. It opens and oeiost tbe Ni:al Pawa'cx. AiiSTa Infijmnu'on COLD 'N HEAD Heals and Protects the Mem rane. lleilore tho Sene of Tatte and fcmell. P u BIze ivc ; Tu, Hize 'lit.: at DmL'CMU oi n man. u BUOl'ItEUS 4 Wi.T'scStre-t.KewToTL Purifies and Beautifies by restoring to healthy activity the Clogged, Ir ritated. Inflamed, Slug gish, Overworked Pores. I.M isnsisnl um world. IVirru Dso aj Caaai. Coar.. Hom Pmss. tssstn. V. S- A. W"la loWuyMajassoW Id u,"Mls4. I SOAP Coughs A cough which seems to hung ; on in spite of all the remedies which you have applied certainly needs energetic and sensible treatment. For twenty-five years that stand ard preparation of 'cod-liver oil, SCOTT'S EMULSION j has proved its effectiveness in cur ing; the trying affections of the throat and lungs, and this is ths reason why: the cod-liver oil, par tially digested, strengthens and vitalizes the whole sys tem; the hypophosphites act as a tonic to the mind and nerves, and the flyecrine soothes and eals the irritation. Can you think of any combi nation so effective as this? . its vou lit SCOTT'S Emulsion. S that ths ' ( mas aid Cih ate on ths wrapper 50c. and $i.oo, all drujgiits. j SCOTT & BOWSE. Chsnusu. New York. Call for Republican County Convention , and .Notice of Primary Elections. The Republican County Convention nt county, stitte of Urecnn. i? hcn'bj' culled to meet , in Dalles C'itr- in vild tnuiitv. on AVi-dnetilay, A)irll 6, 1SDS. t the hour oj n eliwk a. ra of sh d on . f..r the ;mrpo-eof uomlnrttinecjtuldatts for the f j iow tnp couniy omcer One Countv rotnmi-noner. Counts 'ler .Count .-tiertt!, lountr TteLurer. t'.iuntv A we.,t, counti stn-.-tiutende:.:. . u..v V',rone; M"d l ouut, ?urvV-vo:- "V" ".T1". !'' I ui.:. lur .lit: t.i 'j.iii u : -i : 1 1 n : . . in niu t.-'iuiii. and ten delecatcj to the l!eublieau -ta'c and mjuu Mi.uiLi uuiu?Kunt till cu.i'i' . niiu x trnn-ae: such other builne h iukv proper'. y come before said Couuty Convention. The convention will consist of . delecatf- cho-en by the several prtciiiot.". and the eveii ! prtcinrt of aid couut ill . entitle"! to repre i in aid convention a folknvs: Antelope llialow . . . lUldwin Bake Oven . Columbia liufur . . IKjiChutes Kaat Dalles East ilood Kier Klnol y Miwter NaU'Ce Oak titove Kam-ey Tch Valley Trevltt VliUlo WCTt Hullo West Hood Kiver Wamic . l Kicnt Mile. . . Falls .. The same beiue one delegate at larse from each precinct, ud one delegate for every ttteuty-tive i vote and one delegate for everv fraction over one-half of tiventy-tive votes cat in each of said precii ct for Hon. T. T. Oeer, Uepublican cundi ' date for presidential elector at the November ' eltction in 1 ! I'BIMAP.IES. j Primaries to elect deb-vjte, t said County Convention will beheld in en h of the eerl preciticta in said Wasco county on Jlarcb ! 1?C5. In Ea,t lJalles prcinct the polls of aid primary election will be located at the Ent End Ho-eC'o. s house, and D. H. lloberf. W. H. Hulls nud L. a. Davis will act as judges, at said eb-e- , tlon. In lligelo precinct tne poll- will Ik lo- j coted ut the omce of Wm. Jlicneli. and A. N. ' Varney. J E. Uaiuett and Douciai Dufur will act as judges at said election. In Trevltt pre-, cinct tbe poll v.ll be liatel ill the county i i court loom, and C. E. Ilavard. t-rati Vo2t and . . 1 Bioois uillact a judges at snid lectlnb I and in Wett Dalles precinct the poll will be U- 1 cated at tbe City .Mills, and W D. Dart. .. M. ' ; Fouls and J. V. atanlel- will act as judges of said eltction. In Antelope p".-cinct the )ll wi 1 b-: lm-uttd at the usual votimr plane, and l. a. Kimsey, f S .-picer and F Irvine will act as ' judge of said election. The poll in each of said precincts, in said pri mary election, will be kept open from 12 o eh:X j ' uoju to 7 p. m. for the reception of votes. The pull.- in CHCh of the other prveitict in the county i 1 wil. 1 located, in the usual voilnK places in enen J precinct, and will be opuned at tne hour of 2 o ciock p. nt. on said 2t",th day of March, lvn, and 1 the elec ion will oe conducted in the usual 1 manner 1 Dated at Dalles City, Oteaon, this Oth day of Man.b, LiW. J 11 I'ATTEI'.bO.V j Chairman l'.epublican County Com. M. T NOLAN, secretary FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY ! MAN. This offer is made bv thj ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM lirovided uiiplicatlon be made u. once, in order that tu Invention).. uiillauee and never lallini; remedies may receive the widest vMible imt llclly and prove their own muritn l actual u. uoil curi. Nk ,1one uliateer will be receivrd by the llllnnl. Mlf Muiiliuriuni -rum unone under ici treat ment until lii-nclal r-iill. arc MCkimw I ntcnl, itti remedies nil J Hpjillal.f . have been cora mended by the new.ini;r of Tuoionti nent u:id endor,eil by the K'e test do-'tori. lii tne world. Where development!" desired, they ofcump ito It and never tail to Invigorate, up bund and fortify. 'Ihej- mfme new life and nersy They itr maneiitiy atop all Urwm which undermine the constitution and iroiuce deoudeiiev. The) re-tone, refreb and restore to rnauuMil, r--Ci,rdif of itgf They cur- evj. haiil nnd p; rnanently remove their ell'iou. ai vvu!l a tiioae of uxceifa end uv-T-taien b'aii' worn neiiratthenla or r.ervoua exnautloii No la 1 lire. iui,iii'ii, n deception, iilnp ...ilitmn.. M KM K I II- I.V V. ILLINOIS STATE 8AKITAEIUM. Ki auotiiii. Ml. J H. rtCIIKSK. President. 11.31. liEAl. , Caa'iier First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A liKllttrul tittllKtllK riUttllienr lr4lielM.'l-i: DeiKieit received, rjulijfci't n firtit Draft or Chwr. Oil lections mmde unti ri-e.'ls (iruinptM remitted on dav f i-nllection. Hljtht and Ttjleraubic hxehuiige sold or NV-a York. Kan r,rrn,l' pnn. 'and OI RBCToris D. V. ThOMPMOM. .1 NO. ft. ftUHKMCC Ed. M. William, '" A Ijbbc H . Bt su FREE. FREE. -We Will Give to ah Subscribers! ami a tul Person? payinc subscribinc up in ad- yaikv for the Weekly Ghrooiele Will Answer Any Question You may Ask It Standard American Annual. Ready Jnn. I. 1898, On AH News Stands. J J J v v v v w Larger, Better, Aore Complete Than Ever. JThe most videly sold Quintal Refer' $tce Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. TILLETT & GALLIGAN. WM. TILLETT. 1 H. GALLIGAN. Sole l"ro)irletnt of the CKI.EIIUATKII 1 XARI.MA Al'I'I.t:. HAAJ k1 AT1 lllPPATF M iMlrl IXHIV lllUU llllll i'UlOl ! tl 7 1 TILLETT A- GALI.1I.aN, rui. c . lecialty First-cla-s Nurserv Stock a TfieGoiumcia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF ilANt'PACTL' P.CKs UC Fine Lard and Sausages, Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)HIKD BEEF, ETC. A Copy of Ttt) Tl Ti n M n OTP Ri M M UJ ?'z". 1 V a. A. II nev M Tl J 71 3 W 1 ! j U HI re5J,ne,, Encyclopedia I! PRICE 9. CENTS ai Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. .Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tmi!iSZD , Head quarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton JJ -LOUP lumHour is manufactured .txprrJimly for family use ; everv Hack is guaranteed to give aatiafaction. We sell our jjoods lower than any house in the trade, aud if yoo don't think ao call and get our prices and be convinced. f Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oate. ..GHflS. FRAJ1K- Butchers and Fairners ..Exchange.. Keel" on dnunrht the relolimtwl (Ol.l Mil A HKKIi. iirknowl edsed llio liest beer in The Pulli-, nt the titiul )iiee. t (imv in. trj ! Mill lie eo vititttl. Al-o tl.e I'linst brands o( W'liio, l.l juot Mni Clears. Sanduiiehes (if all Kinds aluays on bund 1 i T i NEW YORK WORLD THRlCE-fi-WEEK EDITION. Wruk. l.'O Pullers u Wr It stands first nmnng "weekly" papers frequency of putilii'iitinn vurief ami relialnlity of cur. is practically a .liuly tit the low , price o u weekly: anil its vut li-t oi , subscribers, exlenilinu to every state mid territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vonch for the ncenrney and , fairness of its news columns. , It is snlendidly illustrated, and tiinotig its specinl features are a fine humor , page, exhaustive market p-port?, nil the ! latest fnsbione for women and a lo-i 1 ' series of stories by the greatest livinv i American and English authors, Citiaii Doyle, .leromr K. .Irrotna, Stanley Wryman .Mary K. V'llkln Anthony Hope, Itret llarte, I llralider Malthewn. Etc I We offer this uneqnaled newspaperntid ' ' The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to gether one year for fL'.OO. The reirulnr j price of the two papers is $3.00. .FRENCH & CO., i BANKERS. I rHA.VSACTAOE.VEKALilAXKl.VG IICEl.VEa' j Letters of Credit issued available in the I EuBtern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic ' Transfers sold on 2ew York. Chicago. St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland 0r ! con, Seattle Wash,, and variouE points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav ,' orable terms. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker'Jewe All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT LOCK Guardian Sale of Real Estate. 1 To Whom It Mav Concekn Nolce l hereby the underMciiwi, ' B"rli"H oi J. A. llrown, Jr., Ethel M. Drown, Paulina A. Drown, David E. llrowu, M .. . V U ll.r.... n ,1 f.,. 1 tt.T. .. .tl.. I.. upv 1. Ilrru.ti n.l flu.. II ltrf...... , .. ttl., I.. ,ne (Guilty Court of the state of Ureirou for I Waco County, hi etitiu praylnc for a 11-1 i cenie tonell the Interest of mid minors in mid . to tne following ue-crllx-vl real proiwrty to-wlt. A tract of land in Dalle, City, aco County, i Orej,'on, loutided and decrilR-l an (ulHmr, lleliininc at a point M HU nouth mid 30 feet weat of what U known a the northwest corner i of the J. ( NVIlnon lot, Mild corner bclnc. one hundred and cluvi u rMih eioit of the uorthwext j corner of the John A. .Hiimim Donation Ijuid ( lalm No. in To 1. North P.anue in Kant W. 31., runniliB thence nouth ten rods thenc weat ; aix rods and three feet: thence north ten rod ; thence emt six rwla aid three fe;t to tlic place I oi oeKiuiiiiirii couiaiuiiig one-nan an acre, more or less. ' All iwrtoiia intereatHt In real etute are hereby f notified to appear l:forc anld County Court at the county courtroom In Dalle City on Friday, the illh day of .March, l-.'ja. at the hour of a 1 n clock m., then and there to show canae. If any there be, why aald license to sell aald real . proKrty ahould not be granted. 31itrch 1, JAS. A IIP.OWN.Sk., wch'.'-l Ouardlaii. tents. It N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. N Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car Elegont Tourist M. V.Wt. MINNKATOLI nui.tmi MIIRII (iitAND roic CHOOKSTON WI.NNWKO II ELENA au II (ITT K TO 'Through Tickets CMICAliO V,.H INI8TUN I'llll.A 111.1,1'lllA VKlV VltK HUSTON AND Al.Ii l'OtNT KAHT and SOUTH For Information, time cards, mapo aud tickets, ml on or write to w. c. ALLA WAY. Agent, The Ii.ilkt., Oregon A. I). CHAKLTON. Asst. G. P. A., i'ki. Morrison Cor. Third, I'ortlund Orejun EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. 1 rains leave and Hre due to arrive at Portland OVKKIiAND EX-) 1 presti, piilein. Hose- 1 ' I Imrtr, Abland, hue 1 rainciito, OgdeiLaan 1 KraiiCiseo, Mojave, o-.oo r Ijis Aliceles.El I'hko. I Sew urleaim and J i I, EllHt . ItoseburB aud wiiy sta tion!. . ... f Via VVoodburn fori ' :'J0 A. M. P. M Dally Daily except suii'Juyj 1 .Mt.Aticel. nlltcrlou, , Went mcIo, Hrowtis- except vllle,irlngtleld aud .Sundays. iNutrou J ICorvallin (stiitlons 17:30 A. SI. and way I .501'. JI. INDEPENDENCE PAS.-ENGEIt. Express train Dally (except ounday). l:.V)p. m. tl.v. Portland . Ar.i S'Sia.m .'Jip. m. ai .Mc-Mlniiviiie i.v. ....ii)a. m i.M p. in. llideiendeiice..Lv ) 4 iOa. m "Daily. (Daily, except ftunduy. Dl.VINCi CAKS ON OGDE.V ItOUTE. 1?L1.MAN lll'KKET KLEKPEK3 AND riECOND-Ctasb l.EEPI.Vli (AP.a Attuched to all Thnitigh Trains. Direct connection at sail rranciaco with Occi dental and Oriental und Pacific luali ateaui'ihlp lluea for JAPAN und CHINA, hulling dates on a pllratiou. Kate and ticket to Eatern point nnd Eu ro;. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOU'U auO Al'sTKAlJA.can ! obtained from J. II. KIIIKI.AND, Ticket Acent. ThrouRh Ticket Ollice, lt Third street, where ItirmiL'ti tickets to all points in the Kaaterti htatea, Canada and Europ call be obtained a, lowest rates from J. II. K I P.KLAND. Ticket Aceut. All above trains arrive at and depart from Grand Central btatlon, 1'lltli nnd Irvine streets YAM 111 LI. ""pi VISION. Paaaenner DeMti foot of Jettersoii street. U-ave for OSWEtiO, dally, except Sunday, at 7:.Da. m.; Ja:ai, 1..V., fi l.'i, c-A"), "h lW p. m. (aud 11::J) p. in. on haturday only, and ii.lK) a. in and 3:;w p. in. tm hundajs only). Arrive at Portland uaily at 'ft: 10 mid b.'M a m. . and 1 Z. l.t;, C:'JU and T:,V, p. in., (aud 10:0i a. in , i li 5:10 p. in. on holidays only). U-ave for Shcrldun, week daya, it 1 30 p. m Arrive at Portland, !:: a. ta. 1-eave for A I HUE on Monday, Wednesdav and Kri'-av at 9. V) a.m. Arrlv at Portland, Tuea dav, Thursday aud riiitiirdiii it 3.05 p. m. Except nunday. Except outurday. P.. KOEHI.EP. .Mauauer. Ci, II. MA P. K 11 AM Asit. U. K. k Pass. Aft Dalles, Moro aod Aolelope STAGE LINE. ThroiiKh by daylight and criss Hollows. via Grass Valley, Kc- I Illll'liLAN AI.LK.N, The Dalles. C. M. WMITKI.AW. AuteloMi. ' htKes lettve The Dulles Iroin I'linitlllii H iUW lit 7 ii. in. mIso (roin Allteloiw nt 7:30 ii. in ' .Mondiiy, VSediiesdny nnd Irldiiv. f:miii'''i ' iniide nt Aiitelojie lor Prlnuvllle, Mllrhe end tHihits U-yond Close c ni.ectlims miideiit Ihe Iiiilles with rulhtuys, trains und lmts. Hlmie fiom AlilelOHi rcurti Tbe Duties Tu 1 dys, Tliursdiiya and huturdnys ut 1.30 p. m. KATKS Or F'AIIK. Dulles lo Deschutes (lo Moro. do tlriiss Vulley. do Kent do Cross Hollows Atltelni.- to Cross Hollows do Kent do Oruss Vulley .V : w to I J) ! !f . W .CO uo jioro do DeMdiuee . ... do Dulles IUKD. W. WIIAOV. ATTOKNKV AT i.AV, T1IK IIVI.I.r.!.'ir.uw." Orlleo ovei Klrst .Vat. UhiiK. H IIUMTIXOTON 8 VIUOX HUNTINOTO.V 4 WILSON, AT10KNKY8 AT LAW, ,... THK DA1.LK8, 0KK00.N Odce ott First Nat. liank. . ; ; -