The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 10, 1898, Image 3

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3 Big Drives 3.
Lot No. i.
Twntty-fivo pieces l)rC-inch, Fine Cambric; nil new
patterns and fast edges ; per yard 05c
Lot No. 2.
Twenty-five pieces 3.j-incli Cambric Embroideries;
all difierent patterns; per yard 10c
Lot No. 3.
Twenty-five pieces .Vinch Cambric Embroideries;
beautiful pattern.1-; uood strung edges ; per yard 12Jc.
Lonsdale Muslin, a
For this week only, at 6 1-4C per yard.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
M rKCH 10. 185)4'
5) 3t
Girl wanted to work at
Weather Tonight and tomorrow, fair
and trusty.
Leave your orders for dressed chickens
at Dalles Commission Co. mlO-tf
Wanted a girl to do general house
work. Inquire at this otlice.
When you smoke the Hose Queen 5-
cent cigar von Ret your money's worth.
' I u ee ii the heavy door and t he side of j stack. G. Springer will be the candi
Itho safe, seriously bruiting the flesh , date for the legislature in the event of
and loosening the nail. The injury is a fusion between the Democrats and Pop
very painful one, .but she displays un-julists. On the republican side the name
usual grit and considers it a mere trifle. 1 of Judge M. E. Brink is talked of for the
Today a carload of beef cattle, which ! legislature ; also M. It. Elliott and V.
have been bought by John Parrot, for c- wl"s for county judge. Ves Uelknap
Fry & Bruhne, of Seattle, were delivered , win probably be before the convention
at the stockyards. They are in fine , for uIerk ! a'f J- H. Gray to succeed
shape and will be slaughtered and i bimself as sheriff, and 1. F. Shown to
shinned from Seattle to Alaska. 1 succeed himself as aBsossor.
fiance Si
One '0o Ladies' Clove
land Wheel
'Very Much to the Good.'
Two '97 Eagle Wheels
Onw9(i Cleveland....
.Cent's Wheel
One '95 Eagle Gent's
One '97 Boy's Eagle
Wheel.. .'
530 1
One '97 Girl's Eagle
In order to make room for
our new slock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
Club Team Wins the Tiiurnaineut.
...reseept Bieyeles...
1 DAD TVT-. J 1 J jp - 1.1
5 Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
5 Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
New Ideas at every point.
The "VSheel that sells at an honest price.
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To he sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co.
J. D. McKennon is making up a ship
A 40,000-pound car of wheat is beinp
The concluding match of the tourna
ment between the club bowling team
and that of the Umatilla House was
played last night and resulted in a vic
tory for the club of three games out ol
four, with an advance of 33 pins. This
makes the club team winners of eleven
games out of Sixteen phiyed. llaetz
biade the highest average on either side,
it being, in the four games, 44.
Houghton made the highest average of
ment of fifteen carloads of potatoes, I loa,Ietl t tbe Pendleton depot to make a ; th(J c(jb bowlere hig bein , 41 -will h f.iru-arded to Kansas Citv ! Part of Oregon's trainload shipment for I rP,. ,
which Nvill be forwarded to Kansas City
thiB week. Three carB will be loaded at j
Alicel, eight at Imbler, and the re-,
mainder of the shipment will be loaded
nt La Grande. j
In Eugene Monday, Gene Matlock and
Lloyd Wilson, two public school bojV
about 10 years old, got into a fight, and i
Lloyd Wli'son wus stabbed in the back.
The cut was well up towards tho neck,
It ib said that a Popuiist paper will
loon be started in Wasco, Sherjnau
Entertainment, lunch and dunce will
. . 1 . .i i i i ..ill, . l, ' centra committee, to. le used as it sees
tomorrow evening. 1 and the wound is a bad one, although! ' re
' .... l. . . i i .i : ' 'It. i
Numerous freight teaniB are loading""8 uuenung pnysicmu B wic .
daily at tlie warehouses in thistity
part of Oregon's trainload shipment for
the relief of the Cubans, says the East
Oregonian. The donations of Athena,
Pendleton, Adams and Eastland, hereto
fore reported, are on the ground. At
Weston $40 in money and some grain
was secured by Edwin Simpson, of the
committee there. There will undoubt
edly be more than enough to fill tho car,
and the surplus wilbbe reported to the
rsady to open up by Tuesday, the 8th,
and will, for a beginner, make a special
j reduction for ten days only. He will
Jalso do all kinds of complicated watch
I work, jewelry repairing and diamond
Ha comes here with the best of rec-
!.pmmendat,ions as an eye specialist, and
cau, undoubtedly, do as he agrees. We
are pleased that he has decided to re
main in our city, and recommend him
to the patronage of our readers. tf
The following a'e the scores made bv
each of the players for the four games:
1). c. a a. e.
pointB in the interior.
Tiie morning a consignment of about
1200 bushels of wheat was shipped via
the Regulator line to Portland.
Smoke the popular brands Prize
Medal, Guarantee and Kose Queen
ciwrs manufactured by S. F. Foute.
A dance and social will bo given by
tbe Foresters of America on Frday even
ing at their lodge rooms Kuights of
Pythias hull.
Admission to tbe Foresters' social to-morrows-ladies
free; gentlemen 25 cts.
None but persons of a good moral char
ter will bo admitted.
Charles A. Towne, chapman of tbe
national silver party, spoke 'ut Salem
Teeterday. A fair-sired audience gave
Mm a respectful bearing.
A monthly report just issued by Hiu j
Wriijtendeiit Paine, of tbe state insane I
"Jluin, shows that 1139 patients wei'e !
in that institution Pebruary
serious danger.
The committee which has been mak
iiig arrangements for tbe Red Men's
f'Ynnrnmn to (lib. tilttr.o nn Mut. fill. I
"ft reindeer with thfir frnm
'-ipUnd passed through Spokane Sun
"ayi and thousands of people turned ort
id journeyed to Hlllyard to seethe
Wblle preparing your gardens, re
wwber Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son have
"ny roses, hardy plants and shrujr
rK which will add greatly to the up
France of your home. dlw-wlm
Gary, tho plano-tuner, will be in the
j'1? on ttit. Hth and remain threo days.
canbo found at tbe Jncobson Hook
MuMc Co.'s or I. C. Nickelsen'e,
"Here orders for tuning will be attended
11 foe United States and Spain become
"jlved in Wttr, it will be Impossible to
,jTrt Httvana tobacco. Consequently
Q grade Havana cigars will Increase
Mmi ' I,ay in a BUPPlV ol l'rlze
tMtt f Whll the prIce re,nai,1B
JJIi afternoon lierlU Glenn waa clpa
igfe n ier ,er.8 offlce( wbw,
way her tbufob was caught be-
have iiad splendid success and there id
nothing at present to prevent the excur
sion from coming off". It wll' be ran on
tiie same principle as that of last year,
leaving Purtland in the morning and re
turning that night. Three .trains, con
sisting of thirty-three cars will be fur
nished by the railroad company and
they will undoubtedly be crowded with
A special council meeting was field
last night and the following ordinances
were passed. A special ordinance for
the repair of Court street between Main
and Second and another ordinance for
the repair of the entire length of Union
street Irom Main to Twelfth. Tbe cost
of the above improvements will be as
sessed on the property owners alou-j
those streets, and us they are badly in
need of repairs It is a coinmendab'e
j them in shape.
The young men of the Commercial
Club are doing some splendid work in the
way of preparing for their performance,
i and there is little dcubt but that it will
be one of the best things ol the kind that j
Houghton 34 38 49 37107
Tolraie 27 39 44 51 Nil
Hradshaw...... 33 38 38 51160
Hostetller 40 30 40 41157
Ballard 41 38 34 35-148
Dufur 19 41 33 30129
Totals 209 224 238 251
Maetz 37 52 45 44178
Hen ton 30 51 30 44101
Johnson 33 30 43 45151
Birgfeld 34 37 47 31149
Pundt 35 20 31 35127
Frank j... 25 30 31 31123
200 232 227 230
has been put on u. The Dalles dur
J ing the entire winter. They have
. not decided yet as to tbe date when the
show will be put on, but in all probabil
ity it will not be before April 15th. The
boys have the material to make an un
paralelled performance, and they have
decided to have sufficient practice so
that they can put it on in a manner as
near perfect as possible.
or Interna to the I. allien.
A late report from Uyea states that
five lives were lost in a bunting hotel at
that place.
Tho course of the United States in the
Cuban matter has tiie approval of ull
loreign countries except Germany and
Prince Albert of Belgium arrived at
1 New York Tuesday on tho steamer
I Kaiser Wilbelm der Grosse.
Fancy ribbons promise to lead again , A Shanghai dispatch received at Lon
during the present season, and to be ! don save that Hussia has airreed to onen
Port Arthur and 1 alien Wan to foreign
trade, but under Russian laws mid administration.
Tho executive committee of The Dalles
Public Library would" like to meet all
women charter members and patroiiB of
the library at the residence of William
'Michell Friday evening, March 11th, at
3 o'clock. A full attendance is request
ed, as a matter of very great importance
to the library will be discussed.
! Skcketaby.
used more extensively than during last
year. The present collections show rib-
j bons in bayadere, plaid, amber and
checked styles; besides a good variety
j of stripes. Also mousseline. satin mer
veilleux and satin tafl'eta ribbons, in ex
tremely wide widths. An extensive
invoice of the very newest styles in rib
bons has just been received by A. M.
Williams & Co.
This morning a dozen of the finest
Plymouth Hock chickens wo have ever
seen arrived at the express office for M.
A'. Moody, from beorge Goodhue, of s'a
Iwn. While they are young chickens
i they are quite large. lhe admirable
I teature of this grade of fouls is that they
grow very rapidly andean be marketed , f
I l .1 I (.1..... ...t.... ...1. ... I.i.f ii tui.i '
lor mo uigueei jiiiuo vi iicii uui jiin
I inontns old. Mr. Moody.intends send
ing these chickens to his farm on Tygb
Kldge, and acts wisely in securing tho
beet varieties that can be found.
The Crook County Journal gives the
following list of candidates for office in
Crook county : On the Democratic side,
M. A. Moore for slierM; M. H. Ulggsfor
clerk j M. II. Bell for county judge; R.
MlnliiK unil IrrlKittlou Con vi'iitlon.
For the Mining and Irrigation Con
vention, to be held at Baker City, Or.,
March 29th, 30th and 31st, the O. It. k
N. Co. will make a rate of one and one-
or parties attending the convention,
I paying full faro to Baker City on March
'20111, 27th, 28th and 29th, will bore-
turned at one-fifth fine on presentation
of certificates on or before April 3d to
our agent ut Baker City, signed by tho
secretary of the convention. 9-tf
K. Mlsener for representative; aleo
W. Barnes. Superintendent Sohuson
as a candidate for county judge, and the
name of Editor Liggett Is also mentioned
in this connection. W. R. McFarland
is talked of for assessor, mid Knox Hus
ton for surveyor. For clerk, J. J. Smith,
of Sisters, and Warren Brown, of Hay-
Ueit of All.
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
springtime comes, use tbe true and per
fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the
genuine, Manufactured by the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle,
One Minute Cotigh Cure, cures.
That U what it wu mad fur.
Advices from tho Oritnt, brought to
Vancouver, B. C, by tho steamship
Fhnpress of ludia, tell of tho almost
complete destruction of Manilla, Philli
piue islands, by fire. Five million dol
lars' w.orth of property was destroyed.
The British naval estimates weie is
sued lust night. They increase the ex
penditures by 1,440.000 (.f7,202,000) ;
inctease the personnel of tho navy by
0310 men, and provide for the building
of three new battleships, four armored
cruisers and four sloops-of-wur,
Prof. P. G. Dout will open up an op
tician parlor on Second street, two doors
west pi Keller's bakery. Tho professor
has been employed by Harry Liebe, the
jeweler, for several months and leaves
him with the best of recommendations.
His work speuks for itself, und be lurs
many home testimonials, which lie will
be glad to show to anyone desiring to see
them. His patients are his friends and
his friends ure his putiente, for he is un
expert fitting the eye perfectly in all
Anyone wishing their eyes examined
aud properly fitted will do well to give
him u trial. He states that he will be
Au ICiikIInIi Siiclt'ty Woman Who Had
it 111(7 Heart.
!l.aly Camilla (Jurdon, in her memories
of Suffolk, tells a story of n society
woman who was swect-nntured and
tjenerous enough to giw the poor of her
very best. She used to wsit the large,
dreary workhouse in the manufnetur
iiif,' town near her country home. For
this, she dressed herself carefully in
her best clot lies, uml u'ore ull Her
brightest jewels. "For," said Gertrude,
simply, "poor people euro much more
to sei one ill one's best things than
rich people do. 1 wonder why every
body generally puts on common, (lull
old clothes to visit cottages!"
One night, we went together to n
party; my prett dertrude dressed in
cery color of the rainbow, with dia
monds sparkling on her wtivy hair and
shining about her soft, round throat.
As we alighted from our carriage, the
prince and princess of Wales happened
to arrive, and we stood aside on the
steps to let them pass.
As usual, there was a crowd of peo
ple waiting to enter the house. A poor
woman, just behind us, was ainly en
deavoring to lift her child, a little crip
ple, so that he might see the princess;
but each lime Hint she pressed forward,
a policeman pushed her back. The
child broke into a wail:
"Oh, 1 can't see her! 1 can't see her!
You promised I should see her, mum
my!" Gertrude turned quickly. "UIus me
your little boy," she said, and she took
the astonished child in her arms, "I
will hold him up. lie can have a much
better iew bore."
With a queenly gesture, she wined
aside the bewildered policeman. The
little cripple put his tiny, wasted arms
trustfully about her neck, und leaned
eagerly forward to see nil that was to
be seen; and when the sight was over,
anil Gertrude gently disentangled her
self from his pour little hands, to give
him back to his mother, the child put
his pale lips to her rosy cheek and kissed
"Pretty lady! pretty hulyj" he said,
iidnilrliigly. t t
His mother broke into u torrent of
thnnkK and upolpgles, whlje Gertrude,
gathering up her brilliant train,
passed Into the house. Youth's Companion.
An Iuieier-iing .Story is attractive at
all times. No one can afford to let tho
evenings at home be spent without good
reading matter in these days when good
books cost so little. Our" etrck oilers
some very attractive, up-to-date and
standard literature which will interest
I. C. Melsen
Book 6t music Company,
Ue Ire Doipg
feat apd
por eajoijable
AVo Print. Anything in
tho Trinlint' Lino.
(jiue us a trial.
i?r)ror;i;l pub. $o.
A'iiillil nhbiirtinent of Vege
table, (innluti unit (lia snU la
Hulk, Hctxl Whunt, rii'nl (lilts,
Hi'fil Hurley, Hecit Breil Kyo.
Oil Meat Cnkti unit IVrtlllxuro,
Jleo Biiinilli'ii, Knrly Kusu 1'otit
toi'H. Kluvun ktnilH u( ilrnt eliiss
Hei'it Corn. I'niiltry uml Krhh
bought "lid bull! ut
('lii'ii. ('mli (Irnccry unit Kmt
More, HiihiihI unit t'uliiii 81s,
- i
V . i
i, 4
I. i