The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Advertlnlnc Kte. to secure the control of the Chinese army, ns Great Britain lias dT the customs, OxineK. fori- iiflinnra ntfnnlinil tn One Inch or less in Dnllr . II JO ... . . I otct two inches nnd under four luetics i to army shall have unreserved power Taking the the Chinese. Orer tour Inche? and under twelve Inches Otct twelve Inches DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or less, twr inch Orer one inch and under (our Inches. . Over four Inches and under twelve inches Orer wclve inches 74 Ml .12 2 HO i no 1 oo over it. It is not strange that it is reported that China hesitates to ernnt the den and. Weekly Clubbing Hate. Chronicle and Oregouian ?2 25 Chronicle and Examiner 2 25 Chronicle Hnd Inter Ocean 1 So Chronicle and Tribune 1 "5 Cfironicle and N. Y. World 2 00 THURSDAY" MARCH 10. 1S9S A PATRIOTIC COSGHESS. There will be no war .vith Cube The action of congress in appropriat ing $50,000,000 as an cmergenc. fund in case of war is a-noticc to Spain what she may expect m casej the United States is provoked to hos tilities. The scene in the house of representatives Tuesday, when this monster appropriation was ordered, is probably without a parallel in the history of congress. Every member present voted for the resolution ; not a voice was raised against it Mem hers who had been paired with ab sentees took the responsibility of brec.kins their pairs in order to go on record as voting for the appropri ation. The vote stood 311 ayes: noes none. The proceedings in the house dur ing the brief discussioa were in every llaily of Texas uttered a aood ' thing in the debate on the appropri ation resolution wiien lie stud : "I ' hope wise counsels will prevail, and ', that if war shall come, it will come from a great and sufficient cause. I j have no- sympathy with those rash and intemperate spirits who would (provoke war simnlv for the sake of ' fighting, and yet I would rather fol low them and suffer all the miseries and misfortunes their heedlessness would bring, than to follow those other contemptible, mercenary crea tures, who are crying out for 'peace t:t any price.' Let us, in this way. adopt the motto our fathers in the ! elder and better days of this republic, and let us say to all the world, now, as then: 'We are ready to spend millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute.' " l l n t mi ' i RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. I I sfti: .-.the :Q ffly Weekly Inter Ocean W LARGEST CIRCULATION OF AMY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST It b radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earnestness.'..... t.tBiit it can always be relied on for fair and honest reports of all po litical rnovcrncntslktvt.itftttte. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of Its columns Is equal to that of the best maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents. r THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while It brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. ti.nn-MiCE out nnniR kr YFii-il.fiO inn ; THE TJAILT AHD STTrTDAY EDITI0WS Of -THE IHTER OCEAJI ARE BEST OF TEETt XDTD. , Price of Hall v l.v iiihII. $4.00 per year t-nce oi Minuay nr mall w w per, year mj Daily and Sunday by mall $0.00 per year 2 1 si 0.R.&N. TO THE EKST1 I GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIa- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Deatneaa Cannot tie Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, pnd that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. -When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or I imperfect hearing, aud when it is en- -way creditable to the American peo-1 tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and pie and their representatives in con. j ""less the inflammation can betaken gress. The brief speeches made weie I out a,,d this tnbe restored to its normal . . ... . ... ! condition, hearing will be destroved for- Tenlete with expressions of patriot . . . " j 1 1 ever ; nine enss out of ten are caused ism, and at the same time free from J bv cutarrh, which is nothing but an in inflammatory design. Party lines I flamed condition of the mucous sur melted away and Populists vied with I luces. ; We will give Une Hundred Dollars lor Democrats in rushinp to the support of the president when, the national honor was assailed. The opportu nity was eagerh seized by represent atives from the South to pledge their allegiance to the old flag and to re asseverate that the issues of the great civil war were forgotten arc! I forgiven. This occasion marked a grand re union between the North and South. The opportunity had never before come in such a way that the South ern members as one man could show that the stars and strips are as derr to tbem as they are to the men of the North. The countrj- has reason to con gratulate itself over what has just occurred, and the pessimists who have been preaching the decadence of American patriotism have received a serious set back. Spain will pay strict heed to what has occurred in congress, and now that the temper of the Americau peo ple has been made apparent, the country acrois the sea would do we'I any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh' that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. T"So!d by Drnggipta. c fj-10 NOTICE "OF ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. 12, of Waico corntv, state of Orego , that the annual school eier ion fo the said district will be beld at the city recorder's office, to bec'n at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on the 2d Monday, being the 14th day of Ma'ch, 1S3S. and JoBing at 6 o'clock p. m. This meeting is called for the purpose of electing one director to serve for the term of three years, and oe clerk to serve for the term of one year. Dated this 3d dav of March, 189S. 6. D. Do AXE, Chair, board of directors. Geo. P. Morgan, Clerk. The lMncuvery iT the Day. Aug. J. Bjgel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery ie the only thing that cures my cough, and it ia the beat seller I have.' J. F. Campbell, merchant of Saffords, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all thst is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Colds and Coughs. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King'6 New Discovery for Consumption, 175 SSDODd Street, THE DALLES, i Wholesale. Just ttlhat You GUant. JWftliT IilQUOHS, CClines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED aaaV ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and In uottles Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON GEO. (A. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKfl Leave Portland every five days for ALASKA POINTS. OCEAN STEAM RUM LlTf i'artlaud JKTerr Four Day for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong via North ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with O. It. & N. For full detail cull on O. R .t Co. k Agent The DulliK, or addrtwi W. It. IIl'lll.lU UT, (ion. I'iih.s. Agt , Portland, or, DOIIjiOX, CAKI.I1.1. A CO., fien. ARt., North I'lirtllc Stf!iiii!lili Co. TIME CAItll. No. A, to .-kiim' ami (ireat Nnrtlit'ni iirrlvcs ntSr.'j p. m., leuven nt Ti-.VXi j, m. No. 2, to I'undle ton, HnLer City mill t'liloti I'iielflc.iirriveMit 11 15 1, nt., tleimrtx t 11. .V) . in. No H, from SKikntie mid firrut Northern, ur rlvc nt il Ma. in., ileimrtft lit (';.V ii. in. No. 1, from llalar City unit Union i'ucltiu, arrive nt :'J0 a. m., ilejiiirtH nt W.'M u. in. Nim. -1 anil 'Jt. moviiiK eint of The Dallvx, lit carry aieiiKer. No. 23 arrives at 5 p, in., No. '.'I ilciiartn at 1 : i. in. ' riiKteiiKorii for 1 lupjuier take No 2, leaving liurv ut 11 !." n. in. W. II. ilUl'-LUnilT, Oen. I'aM.ARt Portland. Orueon New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such j wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Keal imita tion creton effects ut ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant desiens, tasteful colorings, yours ior a sman price, ai our store on lniru .street. Also a lull hue of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Regulator Lin Grandall & Burget UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. ljobes, Burial Shoes, Etc. Tie Dalles. Portlaoi ani Astoria Navigation Co.' lo reflect hefore resislin? what wt'i ' Coughs and Colds is no experiment. It v ,i ,i- .t I 'ia8 "een tr,ed for a quarter of a century, De the just demands of the American ... . , . , . , . ' and todav stands at the head. It never government regarding me Maine. Z. DONNELL, PtESClPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR sunken j disappoints. Free trial hottlee at Blake- ; ley & Houghton s drug store. G I While Eussia strengthens her ho'd Sheep marking paint ; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Whv you on Manchuria, and is even reported ehould use our eheep paint. First, be to have sent an arm' of ten thousi nd cause the colors are ground thoroughly men into the nrovinee. and while she Pure Unseed oil by fine machinery; irnM tn oivo nv nnsltivn .,nrnntv ""ond, because it is made of high grade! , " ? . ! , . . I color, with the" proper amount of dryers that she will not hold Port Arthur , (ldded tff give it binding nnd aaUnfcf permanently, France has intimated , qualities, which prevent it from washing to the British government that she . or rubbing off; third, it is much more has not the least intention of follow- .economical, because it iB always ready in- the example of Russia and Ger-1 or use We Biiarantee our sheep mark , . . ! ing points to give satteiaction. Try it many by occupying Hainan as a,8nJ ,je convinced. C!arke & FaIk naval base. At least so Mr. Curzon, agents, The Dalles, Or. of the foreign office, has informed-) I have been"ailicted withTheumatiam parliament. Perhaps this assurance ' for fourteen years and nothing seemed will not command perfect confident sirs. Regulator S Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE BETWEEN as the failure of France to keep he to give any relief. I was able to bi i around all the time, but constantly fiiif- Tlie Dalles, Hkj1 Klvcr, Cascade Lock and Port land Unlly,' Minduy. Are von going ( DOWN THE VALLEY ! i On TO (EASTERN OREGON? PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc II so, sac moner and enjoy tuauti(ul trip on the Columbia. The weat-bouiid tmln arrives at I The Italics In ample time lor iijunenia-rs to take the uteuiner, nrrlvhiff In I'nrtlimd in lime for the outgoing Southern und Northern tmln; haul-, bound paftMHiRer urilvinK in liie uaiiea in uiiie fering. I had tried everything I could to take the Knit-bound train promises as to Madagascar h fry. hear of Bnd at ,a8t wa8 tolll to try Cmui. j ' u,,p,y t0 quently recalled in parliamenu?9rU0tr berlain'e lUn Balm, which I did. andl "6ak stect iock. I'ortiand.orcuon, . -,,!. v , ,, . Or W V. ALLAWA, (ien. more serious to us is the interference i was immediately relieved and in a short i of Germany with American riirhts in time cured- 1 am haPP' t0 eay u,at :t China. The Chinese government has Act., i The Dalle. Oruon icsucd an imperial decree authorizing a Chinese syndicate, backed by American financiers, to construct a railroad from Tientsin through the Shantung province to Cuin-kinnp. Tbe German minister intervened, claiming that only" Germany bad the right to construct any railroad in Shantung. Russia seems determined has not since returned. Josh Edtrar, German town, Cal. For sale by Blake-1 ley &. Houghton. Foutz' cigars are on sale at the follow ing places: Snipec-Kineraly, Clark & Falk and M. Z. Donnell, druggists; Com ; lesion Co,, Geo. Koch, Fred Fisher and Chae. Phillips, grocers ; Columbia Candy Factory and A, Keller, confection ers; Chas. Frank, Ad. Keller1, Dan Baker, Auit, Bucbler, Bon Wilton and The Midway, talooti. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. i.ano OrncE, Tur. Dalle. Or.,) renruary lo, im. Notice I hereby given that the following. named kectlei ban filed notice of lilt Intention to make final proof in ujiort o( hla claim, and that said prnol will b? made before KegWter and litt-fUer at The Dalle, Oregon, on .Mouduy, April 1C, WS, vUi Jamea Uall, of Tbe Dalle, II. E. No. 4717, for the 8Kf NWlf. 9V. NKJ and VVM Hm Hec. l, Tp 1 N., K. 12 K. W. M, lie namea tbe following witneske to prove hit coutlnuoui realdence ukii aud cultivation of Mid land, viz.i Alexander Vance, Albert Walter. William Wolf, Frank Obriit, all of The Dalle, Oregon. Ml JAH. F. MOOItK, Kei;lter, . has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. mho Subscribe for The Chtfoinele Cigars. Why do we retail more Clears than othurH? Why do Hiuokcre ko out of their way and jiauB cigaru of the same grade? Not because we have better oigara or better brands, or any greater variety; no, not that. Why, because we have the fineflt ci gar cuhu in the state and keep our ciyara in better condition. Soipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Qlass and Picture Moulding.