1 RE II I m at mm m ! 1 Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels." cleanses the sys tem effectually, disjwls colds, head aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the onlv remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and trulv beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthyand agrecable6ubstances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it " Donot'ncceptany substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FHAKCISCO. CAL WUISVIUS, AT. HEW YORK, K.t. Tbe Dalles Dafly Chrniiiuiis. ; ouEnux - TIIK DAI.LGS, pcitsnNAii nExno.v Brown of Goldendale is in the A city. A. J. Henderson, of Heppner, is in the citv todav. Commissioner 'Doc' Ktmsey is attend Jing county court. J. C. Ward, Mxp Kingsley merchant, As in the city on business. A. B. Allison of Grass-Valley is anion;: the guests at the Umatilla House.. County Commissioner A. S. Blowers Is in tbe city attending county court. Ed. llichell came upfront Portland on the Keyulator Monday, and is visiting relatives and frienda here. Miss Jeannette Williams came up Irom Portland yesterday, and is visiting her sitter, Mts.'H. W. French, and other relatives. Mrs. Stacy Shown, who has been vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. floyd, of 5-Mile, for several weeks, left for "ner home in Seittle on the morning train. There are three little things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant, the bee and DeWin's Little Early Risers, the last being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. "STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there wijl j be an annual meeting of tbe stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, April 2, 1S9S, at 2 p. m., lor the purpose of electing seven directors, ana transact ing such other business as mav properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles March I, 1S98. 0. L. Phillips, Secy. We are anxious to do a little good in this world end can think of no pleas-: anter or better way to do it than by rec ommending One 51inute Cough Cure as 1 a preventive of pneumonia, consump tion an 1 other serious lung troubles that iollow neglected colds. HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE I hrtve sixteen head of 3 and 4-year muiefc broke; tor sale. I also have hor-t-r, mares and geldings for sale, weighing from 800 to 1400 pounds. Any one wantuie work stock or stock for KlondiKe, here is the place to get them cheap for cash. J.utKh Bitow.v, a'3-lm-i Victor, Or. To Corn a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative llronio Quinine Tab let. All drUL'glate refund tl e money if they fail to cure. 2iic. Wh"0(iing cough is the uioit distress ing nuhidy ; but its duration can bo cut ebon by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known i remedy fo croup and all long and bron chia! nouble. 4 Cash In Vnur Chech. AM rountv warrants registered prior iohuv. i'2, 1893, will be paid at my ottiiv. Intereat ceasea alter teb. JOth, 188. C.L.Phillips, Countv Treasurer. rnu innn. nthara hw vnur cniiohinf. and rik your life by neglecting a cold. -One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, coliln, cronp, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. " YOUR NOSE. What Thli Special Feature TelU of Your diameter, j A nose thick anil tint is an unfavor able feature with men us well as worn-1 en, usually sijriiifyinp that the charae- j ter is predominated by material In- j stincts, while a turned-up nose with j , wide nostrils betokens a vain disposi- ( tion, says nn exelianpc. I Especially wide nostrils are sipns of ( courajje. strencth and pnde; small nos trils of weakness and timidity. Nose larre in every respect are ..n..ntl. , found nmontr men, ami wnen a woman . . possesses a lare nose it indicates th ; she is masculine in character. The nose, the form of which has so r. uch t- do with the beauty oi the face, is amenable to culture, and wcluwc ir on the authority of a German physician that it is beyond dispute that during h:.!f E'.t ordinary human life the nose is erpacie of receiving more noble form. The mental rrnininc of an individua' has a creat deal to do with shaping- tb' nose. The small, flat nose, found among women and called the soubrette nose when reev.rrine w acreeable cart of cates c gracious and c0:nb:f.etl vrih cenct JeraHc curios! c,,.., a ,10se is seldom found amonp men. and when a man is unfortunate enourh to possess it he is characterized , bv weak end deficient sa pa city.' Slic nefeutnl Tlicm. The Oil C'.t (Pa.) Derrick tells of a imrtv.of bovs of about 11 years of aire who were teasinc a ITir. or anotlt ttie same ape who was hi.ultnp her little sister on handsled. The jrirl evident! had n temper, and also self-reliance. inpline ovt the larpest boy in the lot she sailed into him like an infurintefl tomcat and had him thorough!? whipped, and was chaninc him up thr railroad track before the surprised spectators recovered presence of mint! enough to part the combatants. The other boys viewed the fate of their late cn panion with consternation, and when the pirl returned and resumed ! possession of the sled there was not one in the crowd with courape enonph to re . sume the tcasinp operations. Slnlclstc PetrlliiMl 3Ien. t Petrified men and women are made to order in Minnesota. It has just been discovered at a place appropriately ! called Crookston that a colored woman , named Pheneie Tinn had a cast of her self made, which was to be sold to a ! museum of natural history as a pen- j uine human form in a state of petri- faction. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Currs Piles, Scalds. Hums. . Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, iujuri-S, ezema or skin uiseatej may secure instant relief by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the great pile remedy. DufiUNN'Ss Por People That Aref A Sick or "Just Dont TlLLO Feel "WelL" ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Ktment Pimples, cure Mdaehe. rypoila aof CostiwtifU. 25ei box at dmzziuor by mU bimoliM 1m uldrtu Dr. Bosanko Co. i'iiUA. Fa. Ask your Druggist for a generoua 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH , t 5 0183111 031111 contains no cocaine. mercury nor any ether lnjartoui ara. It U qaiekiy Absorbed. Gives IteLicf at once. It openi and cleanes COLD 'n HEAD Attars Inflammation Ileala and Protecta the Ifembrane. lleitoren tho Semes of Tute and hmelL Full Size ic J Trji Bizelfcc.t at DmzsUts or by null tJLYBU0a'llEai3:6 Warren Street, Sew Tort (uticura WORKS Wonders In curing torturing, disfiguring, humiliating humors of the Skin, Scalp, and Blood when ail else fails. bcii throexboot t! vc&l. Viitt, Crricet, ffVr.i Boat, tie.i Biu.fnr, y, tsd II. Perms I'iro i3P Cum. Co:?., o.r I'tr.fu, Coitm. Of" Haw to Cm r.T(t7 BiiS-uitis Bowr," free. , PT PCDUAIII g, UtlllflHIll rryii r nil I C -hUHil h K LLh The only urlelual and Kenulnr Krwnch-Ft.. ith an otherv.be! "V . , ' P Rl IU W A 1W fll countenance, indi- i prci cts for Hon. T. T. (ieer, ltepublic-vn cniidl- If, VIW VUil JiVuL , rim.l ltuUtr,ol Mine Ht. Germain. I'arln. Unuriaud as U-hii: uife. sure, and reliable Iu every cane, liold under positive guarantee or money refunded. Oct the genuine. Price ll.W per box by mall. Sole agenu for the l.'nlleil Htatesnnd Canada. KIMi IIAKVAKU UU, lt7 Wanhlii-stou Ht , C'lilcaeo. i i i Call Tor Republican County Convention niir! Xnfipp nf Prinmv ElpflfimK U1IU .WHVV VI 1 HlltJI U'VVUVUUt The Republican County !tinveutlon of W'aro county. State of Oregon. I hereby called to meet . lit Dulles CltVi In satd county, on Saturday. irll II. 1H1I'. nt the hour of S o'clock n. ni of sa'd day, for the ! purpose of nomluntuiKcau iidates tor the to.ioiv i iiig coutity oUV.-e ( One Couutv rommhsinner. County Clerk , Count Sheriff. County TriMMire. Onintr A' I esor, County School Superintendent, CVutUv , Coroner and c ounty surveyor. hio precinct ni rtK.ifi die (. ikvomI urortltmt itt mi (it mmntv mm It'll llClViiniV llir juimwii.iit mm scomld Di'trtot O.icrc-sl nsl cotiventlo- . unit to trn.ict ueh other bulne a may properly come before Mia County convention. The convention II1 constat of "X: delecnte chosen by the .-everul preclnct-i, and the -evernl precinct nf vila count) u ill be entitled to repre sentation iu said convention as follows: Antelope . ItiiMinv lUldwin llnke Oven . Columblt tmfiir Deschute? Ka.-t Dalle. Kat Hixxl IV Kistit Mite . rail .. n Kinil-y S Mmier 'J Naii'ene i ok urove . j Uautsev 4 Tch Valley .3 :? Tiuvllt. ... 7 9 Vlitttn . .2 5 West Dalles 7 - West Hood Ktvor 6 W'uaitc . - " 'cr The same beltie one delesrate ut larse from e.icu precinct, mid one delegate for every twttity-tlve 1T.IMAKIKS. Primaries to elect dtlecates to said County Convention will be b eld in en h of the eerl preciucts in said W'aeo county on March 2fi. Is3s. In Kast Dalle- precinct tne poll of nld filmary election will oe Ircated Ht the Kait End lose Co.'s hou;e, and B. It. Hubert'. W. H Butts '. and L. s. Davis will uctuj! Jtidces at atd elee , tloti. in Bigelow precinct tne poli will le l- cattd at the othce of wm. Mlchell. and A. X. ' I Varnef, J E. Harnett and bouau Dufur will I i act as ludires at said election. In t'revltt pre-' tt... ..... ...tt. ..tit i.. , .... i i.. t cuurs IMm, and c. E. Ilavaid. Frank Voat and . L. Btooss will act as Judges at said election . ' unu iu e-. i'niies wvciuui me ihiu uk u- eated at the City Mills and W. 1). Dart, t . -M Fouti and J. i'. etauleU v 111 act as udse of said election. In Antelope ptecinet the jmjIN vt 1 be locaUd at the usual voting place, and l. s. Kinuey, F ?plcer and F Irvine will act as Judaes of sjtd election. The poll- In each of sid precinct.. In said pf : niary election, will ne kep: oteti from H c clt-'K noou to T p. ts. for the reception of votes The poll.- In each of the other precincts In the couutv ttiil be locattd in the uual voting plac.s in each precinct, and v Id l; opvneil at the hour of J o'clock p. n.. on aid Wth da oi March. aud the uleu Ion lil bu conducted in the usual ; rammer Dated at Dalles Cltv, Oregon. thi Oth d.iy of i March, J. M. CAT I LKsu.S, i Chairman I'epub.icau Count? ' oi., 1 M. T. NOLAN, :crctary FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY MAN. This offer is made bv the ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided application be made at once, In order lhrtt ft.s inventions. Tinlianee and never falling . remedies may receive the wtdes; po'-dble pub- UCIfcJ, UUU PiUVe LIIL'K 0,ll limill ,J .i V M r. I Uaf 'aiul iirriuaupiit curt-. .No .1ton nliatrrrr will be received by the IllluoU StHte Naoltarluiii trom atiyotieunderlu treat ment uutll ljunclat rult are rkl"r I- tBfd. lis teuiedle aud appliances have been I commended by the uew-spaper ot iwoi.ouu-j SmT1 MffihJ? ; accomplish i: and never tail to invigorate, up- f j bThey inu ue'w life and encrsy. They per-' ; mauentlv -stop all lones which uudcrmiue the re-tone, refresh aud restore to manhood, rt , , crilie. uf ugn. They cure evu habtta and tj ruanentiy remove tnetr eiut-ti. as veu those of exces-w and over-ta.xeii brain work, neurasthenia or nervou- exhau-tlou. No fail ure, ii publicity, no deception, uu iilap IMiiiitiiim. A ItITt: TII-IIAV. ILLINOIS STATE SANITAEIUM. Kianton, III. , . Un f -nAri -i rrp, V p, i CLVil. UU-J-ZjC Troy All kind of ivnrk. White shlrti a rclalty Famlly work at reduced r t-,. Wah collected aud deliveied freu. TbIiIhiii No. 1 Iu. H. D. Parkins, Agt, In fauTliuraed "eeonomr In Fitmuuct." bcauM tbe cost ofcultlvttonwatdonlDfnortlJ ulwaji largely exeds tbe original cost of the beat and dmrtat to j b bal. The beat I alwayia toe ebeapcau Pay trttie more for FERRY'S SEEDS and aluayi gtt your mony'a worth. Five cent per paper everywum. Always the tst. ttca Annual im. D.M.FERRY CO. , Detroit, Mich. J. 3. f-'cifl.sx President. II. M liKAI. , Ca.ibler First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A iieitarai tjAU&ilitr Businees traimuvtud Depoaitfi received, aulijeot to Siht Draft or Cheok. OillectiouH made anil proceeds promptlj remitted on dav of collection. fiiKiit and Telegraphic Ezctiance Bold or Ne-jr York. San Francisco an port. land. OI KKCTDKS D. P. TllOMPbOH. JNO. S. fjCHUHCK. En. M. Williavh, ,Gko. A. Libbk. H. M. 15 k a i.l. , 1'tS OEIKEMtOltrrKIt tl ItUKUV, J7 Piiysicians aud SurgeoiiH, hilal attention ulvcn lo aur'ery. luhmt 21 and i!, Tel. 3H. Vogt Block cheerful naivete. ! " .'""...'"S.VVJi" """" "l ut " I CliUtKJit ill iCTV. I 1T.IMARIKS. FREE. G) (9 We Will Give " - to u Subscribers and persons and paying vance for the subscribing up in aci- Weekly Ghroniele -A Copy of nanac ivui Answer Any Question You may Ask It. Standard American Annual. Ready Jan, !, 1898, On All News Stands. ktf ksS jt j Jt Ji J . Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. JTbe mos! videly sold sfnmial Reftr Vice Book and Politi. al Mamul ptibltsbtd. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. TILLETT & GALLON, WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Sole I'roprletnts of the C'KLKIIKATKK XAKI3IA AI'I'I.K. "Hood River Nursery TILLETT A" G A I.l.IO AX I'rupi. ' FirBt-claofi Xurserv Stock n Specialty THe Columbia PacKing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAN' I FACTL" I'.riUn OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON xMMEI) Hi: HP. ETC. rtt EE M fnnin VTT77 1 1 1 Encyclopedia Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, olld Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOH FlOUP n'8 'onr ls tnanufacturwl expressly for family UViA v 4 use : every ack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oatc. ..GHAS. FRAJ1K.. Butrhers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on drauirht the celelirutml COl.r.Mll'.V HKF.lt. iickuotvl tisn the In-it Iw-er iu The Dalles, nt tin' UMtal price. ouii1 In, try D and Ik- i-o-vinccd. AIo the Klnf-t liriinds of Wines. Llpiors alidt'lsars. Sandxxiichcs ot all Kinds always on hand. u r-i- NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. IK 1'HCfS a Wruk. 150 I'Hpfrs n War ! It Etunde first among "weekly" papers ' in size, frequency of publication fref linecs, vnrieU and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically n daily at the lo price o a weekly ; and its vnst list of subscribers, extending to every state and 1 territory of the Union and foreign coun ' tries, will vouch for the accuracy and ' fairness of if news columns. ; It is splendidly illustrated, and among ' its special features nre n tine humor ' page, exhaustive market reports, all the latent fashions for women and u Ion series of stories by this greatest living American and English authors, Conan Doyle, ,lroin K. .leronia, Stanley Wryniaii alary K. Wilkin Anthony Hope, Hret llurtf, I ltrander 3!altliiw, Kc. j We offer this unequnled newspaper and ' The Dulles Twice-a Week Chronicle to 1 gether one vear for $".00. The regular '. price of the two papers is $3.00. FRENCH & BANKERS. CO., ! TRANSACT A GKSEIIAUIANKINU HUHINKH t letters of Creilit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic. Transfers sold on New York. Chicatto, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore , gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points ! in Oregon and Washington. Collections ma'le at all points on fav , orable terms. Harry Liebe, PP.ACT1CAL Watchmaker?Jewelcr All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT LOCK Guardian Sale of Real Estate. ' To Whom It .Mav Concku.v N'o'lee Is hereliy Blven that the uiidernlcned, as KUardian of Jus. A. llrovvn. Jr., Ethel M. Drown, I'aultna A. llrnwu, David K. llrowu, Mary h. Ilrnwn and (ieo. 1. Ilruwii, has tlleil III 'ho County Court of the state of Oregon for i Waaco County, Ills iMilltloii rayliiK for it 11 I f:ene to sell the interent of said iiiliiors In and . to the following described real proiierty to-wit: 'a tract of laud in Ialle City, Wasco County, Oreiron. Uiunded and descrllied as follows ilettimiltit; at u jmlnt '.11 rods nouth mid i! feet went of what 11 known as the northweit comer of theJ. (. miaou lot, said corner hulng unu , hundred ami elevin rods eait of tho northwest corner ol the John A. tiimuis Donation Uiud ( laim N'o.SU, in Ti 1. North Uange l;i East W . i M , running thence south ten rods, thence west ! six rods and three feet, themi; north ten rods. ! thence east six rods a'ld three feot to the place of beginning, containing one-half an acre, ' more or lesa. I All person interested In real t.Mtiitenro hereby untitled to appear before said County Court at the county courtroom In Dalles City on Krldar, , thu 'Silh day of March, Ism. ut the hour of 'J n clock p in., then and there to show cause, If i any there be, why said license to sell said real proM.-rty should not be crauleit. I March 1, l,Vi. ; JA3. A Iir.OW'.S'. Kit., mch'J I (iiiardlan. , T'ilORTHERN if PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegont Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car JiT. I'Alfl. SltNNEAfI,I mn.ttTii I'AIKIII llt.M Pint CKOOKSTON WINNITKO II K I. EN A an Itl'TTK TO Through Tiekcts t CIIICAOO WASIIIMiTOS ' IMtlI.AtKI.rillA NKW VIMCK IIOITO.N AND AH. I'OINT.s EAST and SOUTH For inlormatlon, lime cards, mnpand ticket, cal on or write to W. C. AI.LA WAY. Agent, The Dalles, OrtKon on A. I). CHARLTON". Asst. G. P. A., i, Morrl.mu Cor. Third. Portland Ornn EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TIIK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave and are due to arrive at Portland OVKHI.AND KX-1 press, Mdeiu, Ro ' burc, Ashland, mic- 111, MIC- den, San I G:C) r. M. ramcuto, Oftde rraiiclsen, in. Mojave, f Ims AtlKeleii.Kl f'ato, I New urleuti and , (. Kind lHoeburK and way ft:3l A. M ittotnt . fVIa Woodburn for' 1 Mt.AtiKel, tillvertou, 1 West Sclo, Hrowni- vllIe,riirllKnuld aud Natron . j I'. 11 Dally except duudayi. Dally except I7:." A. 11. jCorviillth (ntatlouii and way) .SO r It. INDKl'ENDKNCK I'ASSENGKK. I.xpres tralu Dully (except nundayj, I :S0 ti. in. rl.v. Portland Ar.) S'iia, ra 7:31 p.m. Ml Mclllnnvllle l.v.V ."i::'jJ p. in. (Ar Indeindcnce..I.v ; ,V) H, IE I M n. m Dally. tPaiiy, except Sunday. DININti CAUS ON OO DEN' liOt'TE. 1'ULt.ilAN J1UEKET Bl.EEI'EHS A.Vl) riKCOND-CLABa bl.EEl'INC CAKb Attached to all TlirouKh Trnltm IUrect connection at mil rrnnclsco with Oeci dental mid Oriental and I'licltlc mail steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Milling dates ou a plication. Hates ntiil tickets to Eastern Kluts and hu- roie. Also JAPAN. CHINA, flONOl.l 1.1 aim At 'SSTUAl.lA.ciin la! olitalmtl from J. II. KIKKLAM), Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Othce, ll Third street where through tickets to ail points In thu Eastern stales, Canada and Eurojic can bo obtained at lowest rates from J. II. KIKKl.ANH, Ticket Agent All nbovo trains arrive at and depart Irnrp (irand Central .Station, Fifth and Irving streets Yamhill mvision. I'assenger IK'iHit, foot of Jutlerson street. Uavc for O.-UVEOO, dally, except Stmilay. at T.M i. m.i l'J.i'Jl, l.W, fi lfi, C:'J- W !' m land 11:30 p, in. on Saturday only, and 0 w) m and :i:3u p. tn, on hundajs onlyj Arrive at I'ortlnuu uiiliy at "tiuu ami n;.m a in. anu 1.15, r.:'.uiuid7:Wp. in., (and WM a. in , 5:1U p. m. on euiiilays only). 3 IS U-ave for miurlilau, week days, t 1:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, y;:J a. in. U-ave for AII'.LIE on Monday, Wednesday and i Kri'iav ut 0:10 a, in. Arrive at Portland, flies' dav. Thursday and Satutclai itS.Uop, in. Except huuday. Except Saturday. U. KOEIILKlt, Manugur. CI, 11. MAUKHAM. Asst. O. F. Ji i'ass Agt Dalles, Mora and Antelope STAGE LINE. Through by daylight Via Grass Vallei , Kent and Cross Hollows. DOUDI.AS AI.I.KN, tl, M. M'lllTKI.AW, Tlix ItalleH. Alitflopii, I fitaues leave The Halle Irom t'niatlda II ie at 7 a. in., ulso from Auteloiiu at ".'M a. m ' e Monday, Wulnesday and Friday, t.'onn.ri inuilo nt Antelope for Prlimvlile, Mllclie ami points iM-yonu. t'loso c. niieotlons made at hk. t halles wjth railways, trains mid boat. ' Mime from Alilelopc reach The Halles Tirs ' days, Tlmrsd.iys and Saturday ft I;) p. ' KATKS Of KAUK i Hallcs to Deschutes I do Moro j do Grass Valley I do Kent i do Cross Hollows I Antelope to (;ros llnllowi . . ! do Kent i do (Irass Valley 11 CO lfl i !! i :o 1 . 2 U) Iao .norn. ,.. do Hocliuet-s. . ,. , m do Dalle "w pitKD, W. WIIOK. ATIOANEY AT LAW. ,...,..,.. Otlico ovei Klrtl Nat. lliiK. ( wiwof B liUMTlHOIOH HUNTIN0TOK it WIL80S. . w axaoaNK W LAW QUaoi( Oftce ovn Mist Nat. Sank. ibf'SaHaaiaBBP4f'' " -1