The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 09, 1898, Image 3

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3 Big Drives3.
Lot No. i.
Twoityfive pieces l-lnch, Kino Cambric; nil new
patterns and fast edges; per yard 05c
Lot No. 2.
Twenty-five pieces 3).-inch Cambric Embroideries;
all different patterns; per yard 10c
L'ot No. 3.
Twenty-five pieces 5-inch Cambric Embroideries;
beautiful patterns ; trood strong edges ; pur yard 12Jc
Lonsdale Muslin, &
For this week only, at 6 1-4C per yard.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
We huvu cigars to burn at Font.'.
Girl wanted to work at the European
House. 0-3t
The weather forecast for tonight und
Thursday ib fair and cooler.
Wanted a girl to do general house
work. Inquire at this otliee.
At the annual school meeting held at
Wasco Monday, It. P. Orr was re-elected
director, and C. J. Bright, clerk.
A dance and social will bo given by
the Foresters of America'on Frday even
bent their lodge rooms Knights of
TytLiue hall.
The last games of the bowling contest
between the 1). C. & A. C. team and the
Umatillu House team comes oil' at the
Umatilla alleys tonight.
While preparing yoiir gardens, re
member Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Sou have
mny roses, hurdy plants und shrub
Iwries, which will add greatly to the ap
pearance of your home. dlw-wlm
Pa Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every
tet to be the best non-poisonous fluid
dip m the world; guaranteed to cure
Mb, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot.
Clarke k hulk, agents, The Dalles.
Geary, the piano-tuner, will be in the
city on the 1 1th and remain three- day.
He can he found at the Jacobson Book
4 MuBic Co.'s or I. C. Niekelsen'e,
liere orders for tuning will be uttended
) !) 3t
Th In inline f.ti. .iU,tf flrti.i 1ll
bich le to be built ut Wasco, was re
Ported on the ground yesterday. The
'condtttlon is completed, and Mr. Scholl
Mpects to have the carpenters commence
work III II ft II t MX t inn
Him mmtu 1hmu tin mill
In good shape for teaming, muuti
ol the nhfiit that was not hauled in last
Wile Wing brought to market, and as
fooiiBBthe farmers finish suwliitf theit
V'P'Inif crops the umouut will greatly in-
T&e call for the Republican county
Wnventiou and notice of primary elite
llo" appears in unother column. The
"Mention will bo held on Saturday,
AP'II Oth, u-hUo the primaries will be
Je In eacu of the various precincts on
March 20tlt.
The cntm of Albert Nelson vs. Otto
irgfeld was at issue before Justice Fil
loo this morning. The duto of hearing
"M et for tlu i8tu Inst. Reger B. Sin-
I . "Ppuar as attorney for the
a!! I 1 l,u nttorney 'or the defend
01 bag not yet been selected.
le carloadB of fine beef cattle were
'aed and fed at Saltmaruhe & Co.'s
Z iy'rdB loduy' Tl,t,V are on their
,rom Uaker City to the Portland
L , 'nd Wngln splendid condition,
"undoubtedly command a high price.
BW0Uy Bl,l,et, b-v Wooda ol
Irtbida for the contract for furnish-
ing the pipe to be used In putting in the
the 1200 feet of (i-inch main on eadt
Second street, were this morning con-
and he does not depend on Boreas or the
co-operation of anyone else to assist him
in making sales. A few more bargains
sidered by the water committee, and the ' left for those who come early
contract awarded to Maier it Benton, I Last evening's meeting of the Eastern
their price being 20 50 per ton. This star was an unusually pleasant one.
mnine is a needed improvement, as the , Qujte n number were present, and after
water pressure in the East End hereto- the general oider of exercises the ladies
fore has been very poor,
Arrangements are being made today
determined to give their husbands a
practical lesson, showing just how much
for an excursion from Portland to The I labor haB to be expended in constructing
Dalles on Sunday, May 8th. Mr. X. N.
Stoves and Mr. Orton are in the city
making arrangements for the same. In
the Red Men's excursion of last year
sufficient carB could not be secured in
Portland to carry all who wished to
the much talked-otand expensive spring
bonnet. Accordingly, each gentleman
was provided with an untrimmed hat
and materials for trimming it, with or
ders to make them look ''swell." Amid
much laughter the task waB completed,
come, and there is no reason why this j when the ladies sat in judgment and
should not be equally as well patronized, i awarded Mr. A. S. Mac Allister the prize
. . . . . ., , r I for the most artistic work, discovering
- , . , . .. . . ,-.,,; .D ., .,i
iuu iaic ii jut- viic li iUiiJiui, i us uui qui.-
stantial, but pinned on. Harry Clougb,
having less experience in that line, was
given the booby prize. All were then
ready for the banquet, which was great-
j ly enjoyed.
This morning's bulletin states that all
H.B.Brown, of 5-Mile, found u bottle
of atropia, which is a deadly poison, and
drank, it is supposed, about four grains.
As soon as possible she wiib brought to
Dr. Hollister for treatment, and is at
present out of danger. Her recovery
was almost miraculous, aB 1-100 of a
grain would have been a fair-sized dope.
She must have thrown up almost the j the American correspondents of news-
entire amount, else it certainly would papers will be expelled from Cuba to
have proveu fatal. j day.
While playing solo in the card room i For a time evervone wondered where
Spain got the necessary money to pur
chase ships and make other preparations
for war. It has at last leaked out that
France is furnishing the same.
It now looks that not only would
Cuba be looked upon as a seat of war,
but the world's peace seems to be in
danger, as China and West Africa may
soon bo involved in war. The money
markets of the world are affected in con
sequence. Reports received this morniuc state
that both the United States and Spain
feel that they are not fully prepared for
war, and are span ing for time. There
is no doubt, as soon as the government Is
of Swearingen Bros.' saloon, on Main
street, in Pendleton, early Sunday
morning, Frederick Kinder, an employe
at the Pendleton woolen mills, fell over
on the table dead. He was happy all
evening, and had just come from a dance
of the Cactus Club at Armory hall. Two
or three hands of u game were played,
when Kinder suddenly placed his hands
to his hands to his head, exclaimed,
"My, but I'm dizzy!" He sunk on the
toble, gasped for a moment, and all was
over. He wiib 20 years old, uumarried,
a man of jovial disposition, and never
drank a drop.
Last evening when the Sons of Vete
runs were holding their usual meeting remjyi war wj begin without loss of
they were aroused by a violent knock- tjmt
ing on the outer door, and frou, the dis-j The Kugpi(in denindB U)0 Clina
turbanco concluded that they were at-1 . .
gang-' or a ueuicn- 4. , ,
tucked by the "sewer gang'
meiit of Spaniards. Upon
investigation, however, they
agreeably surprised. at seeing that their
aggressors wore noney other than the
Belief Corps and the (J. A. K,, with well
tilled baskets of L'ood things. The in-
Unci! Sale
One '95 Ladies' Cleve
land Wheel
Two '97 Eagle Wheels
at !
One '90 Cleveland....
Gent's Wheel
One '95 Eagle Gent's QQI1
Wheel IjluU
One '97 Boy's Eagle ttpD
One '97 Girl's Eagle ttQD
Wheel PUU
In order to make room for
our new stock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
Itert (leer, of Marlon County Will Be
come a Newsjiaper Artlxt.
Bert Geer, 17 years old, has decided
to quit the Salem public schools. In a
few weeks he will go to New York. He
is a son of Bi Geer, and a cousin of Hon
T. T. Geer. He iB also a cousin of Ho
mer Davenport, the famous cartoonist.
In the Eist young Geer wili be a stu
dent of and co-worker with Davenport.
In deflerence to the boy's parents'
wishes, it it is promised that he shall
continue his literary studies in the New
York school. He will be given a salary
from the start, with an aseurance of a
Young Geer would have finished the
course in the Salem public schools tiiis
year. Like his cousin, he is a natural
artist. Making pictures is his favorite
employment. His conceptions are usu
ally applied to things practical, and are
pictured in a catchy wav. His latest
picture that has attracted general atten
tion waB inspired by the recent public
school examinations. It represents a
boy trying to "pull through." The face
shows a battle royal between despair and
Ho) (I School lteiurt.
the Japanese legation, and the Japanese
minister has had several interviews with
otlicials of the Chinese foieign office,
urging the rejection of the Russian de-
iiiuiwL Tit udilltinti if iu rnnnrtuil i lint
, Japan has threatened to take vigorous!
I .....! It .1 1.. ..I 1) t.. ...... t
' . ,,, . aciiuu 11 mo uciiiiiiiuo oi jwibbiu uidi
I ......... tri tititot- u'Ulinnf I I
iruuiTB wuiu Mu w ........ ......-- conceded
the pass word, and a splendid lunch was ()f - (o -
spread, and delightful lime was had by
all who were fortunate euough to be I jj"aney ribbons promise to lead again
"The blustering boreas did encroche
and beat upon the solitane Brere," thus
sung the poet of olden time, but yester
day thero wub more truth than poetry
In thiB saying, for old Boreas got frolic
some ud made Dalles real estate move
faster than ever did The Dalles Real Es
tate Exchange. Old Dad Butts, how
ever, waB up with the pace set by old
Boreaa, and while Boreas only moved
the surface ButtB moved everything from
the sky to the center of the earth on one
or two pieces of property. Butts has
the bargains that make property move,
during the present season, and to be
need more extensively than during last
year. The present collections show rib
bons iu bayadere, plaid, amber und
checked styles ; besides a good variety
of stripes. Also mousseline, satin mer
veilleux and satin taffeta ribbons, iu ex
tremely wide widths. An extensive
invoice of the very newest styles in rib
bons has just been received by A. M.
Williams & Co.
One Minute Cough Cure, cure.
Trmt U what It wmt md lor.
Try ScMIIIub's Host lea aim ball Hit powder
Hmtok Ciihonicli: :
The following the report of the Boyd
school for the mouth ending March -1th :
No. enrolled, 30.
Average belonging, 23.
Average attendance, 22.
Cases of tardiness, 'J.
Those who have been neither absent
nor tardy during the month are Emily
Baker, Pansy Wing, Frank Headley,
Malison Headley, Willie Richards, Do
cia Bolton, Flora Baker, Andy Baker.
The visitors during the past month
were: u. i). liuller, Misses uoiue
Smith, Maud Smith, Lela Foss, Katu
Bolton, Mrs. Richards, C. 11. Southern;
MisB Aila Bell, of Boyd; Mrs. Mary
Campbell, of Portland ; Miss I.eabo, of
Kiidefsby, and Miss Hattie Stirnwois of
Boyd. A great deal of interest is being
shown by the patrons in the welfare of
the school. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all to visit us and note the
progress. 1). C. Ai.iiAiii), Teacher.
Serloim IU'hiiI'h Honif tlnien Follow IU
Kxctta.lvv Un,
Common sodu is all right iu its place
and indispensable in thu kitchen and
for cooking and washing purposes, hut
It was never intended for a medicine,
and people who use it as such will some
day regret it.
We refer to the common use of soda
to relieve heartburn or sour stomach, a
habit which thousands of people practice
almost daily, and one which is fraught
with danger; moieover the soda only
gives temporary relief and in the end
the stomach trouble continues to get
worse and worse,
The soda acts as a mechanical irritant
to the walls of the stomach and
bowels and cases are on record where
"Very Much to the Good."
...reseept Bieyeles...
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
Nevx Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Wc have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J- T. PetefS & CO-
it accumulated in the intestines, causing
death by inflaraation or peritonitis.
Dr. Harlandson recommends os the
safest and surest cure for eour stomach
facid dyspepsia, an excellent prepara
tion sold by druggists under the name of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. These tab
lets are large twenty-grain lozenges,
verv pleasant to taste and contains the
natural acids, peptones and digestive
elements essential to good digestion,
and when taken after meals they digest
the food perfectly and promptly before
it has time to ferment, and sour and
poison the blood and nervous system.
Dr. Wuerth states that he invariably
uses Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablete in all
cases of stomach derangements and finds
them a certain cure not only for sour
stomach, but by promptly digesting the
food create a healthy appetite, increase
flesh and strengthen the action of
the heart and liver.
They are not a cathartic, but intended
only for stomach diseases and weakness
and wili be found reliable in any stom
ach trouble except cancer of the stomach-
All druggists sell Stuart'sDyspepsia
Tablets at 50c per package.
A little book describing all forms of
stomach weaknesses and their cure
mailed free by addressing the Stuart Co.
of Marshall, Mich.
Prof. P. G. Dout will open up an op
tician parlor on Second street, two doors
west ot Keller's bakery. The professor
has been employed by Harry Liebe, the
jeweler, for several months and leaves
him with the best of recommendations.
His work speaks for itself, and he has
many home testimonials, which he will
be glad to show to anyone desiring to see
them. His patients are his friends and
his friends are his patients, for he is an
expert !n fitting the eye perfectly in nil
Anyone wishing their eyes examined
aud properly fitted will do well to give
him a trial. He states that he will be
rsady to open up by Tuesday, the 8th,
and will, for a beginner, make a special
reduction for tin days only. Ho will
also do all kinds of complicated watch
work, jewelry repairing und diamond
Ho comes horo with the best of rec
ommendations as an eye specialist, ami
can, undoubtedly, do as he agrees. We
are pleased that he has decided to ru
main in our city, und recommend him
to the patronage of our readers. tf
At In I ii if mill lrrlifiillon Convention,
For the Mining und Irrigation Con
vention, to be held at Baker City, Or.,
March 20th, 30th und 31st, the O. R, &
N, Co. will muke a rute of one and one
fifth fare for the round trip. Delegates
or parties attending the convention,
paying full fare to Baker City on March
2t!th, 27th, 28th and 20th, will be re
turned at one-fifth fure on presentation
of certificates on or before April 3d to
our agent at Baker City, signed by the
secretary of the convention. U-tf
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
Tile lmiiou little pllU,
An Interesting Story is attractive at
all times. No one can a (Turd to let the
evenings at home be spent without good
reading matter in these days when good
books cost so little. Our" stock oll'era
some very attractive, up-to-date and
standard literature which will interest
I. C. lekelsen
Book St music Company.
Ue fire Doing
jsfeat apd
For Reasonable
Wo Print Anything in
Iho Printing Lino.
Cjiue 115 a trial.
5tyroi7i;l pub. $o.
A hpU'iiillil afcvnrtmeiit of Vego
table, llunlun umi Uina Hmls Iu
Hulk, Hmt Wheat, Kecti (IuIh,
Seed Hurley, Stvtl Hoeil It ye.
Oil Mciil Cuko ami I Vr 1 1 liorn,
Deo fiiiinilli'B, Kurly Kuu Tutu
tui'N. Ktuven kluils of llrst iiluso
8ml Corn. 1'oiiltry uiul ligga
bought uiul Mild at
Clieiip rail) (iroevry ami I 'to. I
Htoru, Hiriiiiit uiul Union .St.