r Hulks t VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1898 NO 8(i WAR NOW INEVITABLE World's Pence Hangs by a Slender Thread ONLY A M1KACLE CAN PRESERVE IT Bfllltli MutcMiii'li HHl thn Mitliittliiii Vnry (Srn Wnr C'lnuil ore ('.i-nernl at I'rcNiiiit. Royal make the I nod pure, wholesome and dellclnut. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROVAl I1AKINQ POWDCR CO., WCW YORK. Xew Youk, Mar. 8. Nothing fihort of g miracle can preserve tlio peace of the n :t u ti..li.tv.trl nrii-inn. llrltfuli itateamun mul politiclitnts, wires th - - London eonespoiident of the New York t-, report fnvornbly the. hill uppropriat World. j ing $50,000,000 for the national defense. Not since the Napoleonic warn Iihh There was practically no discussion in danger thieutetied from bo many quar- committee. The memhere had inform tera. ally discussed the bill yebterday after- Toduy's news from Washington com- ,loon , jt met with the hearty npprov bind with ttie grave tidings from China i ui 0f aj, anil West Africa, Hunt consuls down i Ah the bill was to he called up imme on the stuck exchange, and the panicky j diately after the house met today, Say res feeling there was reflected in the house j 0f Texas, the ranking minority memter of commons lobby . ! of the committee, waH more solicitous In their present temper the F.nglish ' ohout making a .itisfactory arrangement would regard with extreme distavor the ! for the conduct of the debato than any trati.ler of any British-built ship to any thing else. He protested against the in foreign nation. The admiralty was sav- trod uction of a special rule as liable to gely attacked today for permitting plUCe the Democrats in lalse attitude, Spain to take over two torpedo-bout re- j und asked, he said, only for a reasonable cently completed for her. Vet these length of time to allow them to deflue boate were only the partiul filling of an ! tbeir position. order from Spain given more than a He submitted a propotition which in jur ago, when four were contracted for ! eluded a provision for a general debate from the Kuirfield shipbuilding plant. j of three hours, one and one-half hours Itieprool of the extreme urgency of on each side, and one hour for debate Epain's requirements that those two tor- under the five minute rule. pedO'Cutchere ure accepted, notwith- Chairman Cannon, of the appropria Handing thut they failed in speed triuls tions committee, conferred with the ind Mowed other defects which there speaker after the committee adjourned hianot been time to make good. Iliey relatives to the proposition submitted by Sayres, It was agreed to, and the bill wub considered for four hours without special rule. The bill will be reported as a deficiency bill, and will include in addition to $50, 000,000 for the national defense, the fol lowing items : were contracted for as 110-knot boats, but they only attain !5. The work on the remaining two boats is being strenuously pushed, but it eini cot be completed under six weeks at the earliest. A late Tribune dispatch from London For printing, $00,000; bureau of med icine and suigery, naval establishment, $10,000; bureau of cqvipment. nuval es tablishment, $100,000; bureau of ordi nance, naval establishment, 7,000; totul $30,18:1,000. Cannon, in his opening speech will argue that it is a peace measure. uje: There has been a heavy fall in consols, Americans and stocks of all kinds today iaconseuuence of the rumors from Chi na, West Africa. Spain and America, with rumbling thunder all around the iky. There were Bigns of ularin in ev ery section of the stock list, American Kturities showing the greatest Weak ness. In Ijiiml i.r NuvhI HIiIih. New Youk, Mar. 8. A Heruid spcciul uji: Secretary Long having given orders to dm im,n,w f t ' f ,i It ib guaranteed to give perfect BatiBfac- U ut villi vt I it i I niniiKVhiwii .- n a rvey, to leave at once for Jinglnnd and i. f l0"' "" P f cent.B Fnce to inspect the vessels which have ! ' bo- for sale uy Blakeley and bwn oileretl to the government, and to nongiiiou. un 'port without deluv if tiiey are suitable fcrwrvice in tho United States navy. Oimnmnder Ltrownson will not only kok at thu vessels offered, but will ex mine other warships under construe Iwn for foreign nations, and should he 'lort thut any are desirable and ready "ea, this government will undoubt- enter into negotiations with the Huomeu's Arnica naive. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, Bores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevel sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine. coriiH, mid al! skin eruptions, and posi tively cuius pileB, or no pay required Klooill kern III Troulilu. Nkw Youk, Mar. 8. A special from Valparaiso says : The American steamer Columbia, which started from New York to the Klondike, is still here. Her supplies are liable to bo cut off, as her captain has been unable to raise money and her owners in New York have failed to send Ja ' Who ordered the ships, with a view ' hm ( ,0 ,my (or .,,!.,, provisions ' the Bale of them to tho United j um, ThjJ ,)B8HBI,KerH aHI becoming k ' I .lH.i.,nite. There is a possibility of the . "cretary Long talked with Coinman-' ... ... ,,..; lit. c irovM.,0,, and told him what he An,t.nullll8 u.ri) r0 indignant over wtal, ami the instructions given dur-1 h() ,.olluolof t10 vessel's owners. The ! the consultation will guide the naval u (,onHU, t,0 no,n,, UH matters '"ce ui the important work which has now Htlull, "en placed in its charge. ' CIiuiiiIiitIuIii'm ;iub1i lli-iiiril)'. Wi.i..,.TO ... u -r, ...i. I This remedy is intended especially for l('on coiimiittuo of the house, at a meet in? tlii. i. . i - " """u..n, of tt,e ,Bt.ag?1 over a The coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough um influenTirt. It has become famous D1 lame imrt of the civilized world. & most Haltering testimonials have been .)., , . . , , ,, , P received, giving accounts of its good 1 lie only acc dent policy i rtu ,,," , r .. . .' , h u.nrfcH- nf the iiegravuting and persist ent wugtis it has cured ; of severe colds that have yielded promptly to its sooth 1 lug eHVutfj and of the dangerous attacks 'of croup It lius cured, often saving the ! life of the child. Tho extensive use of it for whooping coughs has shown that It robfl that disc use of all dangerous c n j sequences. For sale by Ulakeley A I Houghton. . i une minuie vuukii vui ., I That la what It was made for. thut is put up In jars for 50 cents, Good business policy to keep a supply of Garland's Happy Thought Salve in the home. The kind thut cures, DO cents, For Sale at DONNELL'S, IT WAS ABOUT A DOG. An Atnr'iitl.v Hnrncnt ArRiimpnt with n ContlniioiiM llcKlnnlnu:. The man who was waiting' for n train mid had nothing to do with an hour wnlked down the nvenne to see what he could see, says the New York Sun. On n corner stood four young men engaged in (ippnrently earnest argument. The tall, slender one in ti light coat waggled n long forefinger nt the others col lectively, and said: "Now, you take a dawg " "Do' wan' no dog," put in one of the others. "Whii' kin' dog?" ashed another. The tall one straightened up, wabbled a hit, and returned to the nrgument. "Von take n dawg," he said. "Whozh dog?" asked one of the other three. The mnn waiting for a train walked on out of hearing. He made several blocks down i..e avenue and then turned hack. The four young men still stood on the corner, and as he came near lie heard the tull one say: "Now, you. take a dwag." "Yellow dog?" asked one of the others. "Wha'd take a dog for?" asked an other. The man walked on quickly, and as he passed out of sound the last he heard was: "You take a dwag." Perhaps by now the argument has reached specifications. Itev. E. Edwards, pastor of the English Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa., ' when suffering with rheumatism, was ' advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. HesayB: "A few applications of this liniment proved of great service to me. It subsued the inflamation and relieved i the pain. Should any suffer profit by giving Pain Balm a trial it will please me." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Weekly Excursions lu Through Cur to thn Kant. Another through tourists car to the East has been arranged for to run out of Portland, giving four each week. Here after the car leaving Monday will run through without change to Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. K. & N, Oregon Short Liue, R. G. W., D. & K. G., Mo: Pacific and C. & A. That car has just previously been arranged for and the one previously arranged for has been changed to Thursday. It runs through to St. Louis, via the Mo. Pacific line. The car leaving Portland Tuesday goes through to Boston, and is promoted by the C, P. I. & P. Wednesday's car runs to St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis over the Burlington. All these special through cars are receiving a gratifying patronage. Consult the O. It. & N. agent before buying a ticket to the East. Sheriff's Sale. TX TIIK OinCtJIT COl'tlT OK T1IK STATE OK 1 OrcKon for Wiiveo county. T. I. Field, plnlnttir Wm. lllrRfcld, ljurn i:. Itlrpfeld. Flist Nntlonal Kalik of I he Dill li s, Thomas Kelly nnrt A. . liciiiiett.iU'fimiiimts. Hy virtue of mi execution, itecrec mid order of snlc, duly isuud out of nun under the soul of the Clicuit Court of the Siite of Oregon, for the the County of W'nmo, to tin- directed nnd dated the 'JMh day of Kibnmry, IMfc, lijion n decree for the foreclosure of a ccrtHlti mortKURe, and juds limit reiidcied and entered in said Court on the 4th day of December, 1MI7, in tho above entitled cause, in favor ot the vlaintill' :ind against the defendants William BIrKfeld and Iuira E. lHrp feld us judgment debto's, in the sum of fifteen hum! ml and twelve dollars and twenty-nine cents, with interest thereon from the 4th daj- of December, 1M7, at the rate of ten )er cent per annum, and tho further sum of one hundred and fifty dollars as attorney's fees, and the further sum of tilteen dollais, costs, and the lostsof and upon this wilt, and cominnndlnfr me to make sale of the real property embraced in such Itcreeof foreclosure and hereinafter decribed, I will on the lath day nf April, 1898, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon nf said day. and at the front door of the County Court house In Dalles City, Wasco County, Orc roii, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash It hand, all the rieht. title and interest which the defendants William Kirnfeld and Laura E. Illrgreld. Thorn s Kelly and A. S. Hen nett, or cither of them, had on the 4h day of August, lh'.rj. the date of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or whicn such defendants or any of the defendants herein have acquired, ornow have in and to the following described real property, situated and being lu Wa-co County, Orrgon, to-Hit: An ui'dlvidtii one-ritth interest of all of section No. 21, the nw y, and the se a of fee tion No. 'J3: also all of section No. '.'.'i, the nw "4 and the se '4 ot section No. 27, ami the nw ot section No. Ill, nil in township No 7, soutn of range No. 17. east of the W. l; also of section No. :!, township No. &, south of range No. 17, east cif the W. M., containing In all 2b81.'JS acres ac cording to the Government survey (page Sll.Vol. O of deeds) also the s J, of th sw li and the s of the se of section No. 31, township No. 7, south nf lance 17, east ol W. M., containing 100 acres, (paee Ufl.Voi. K. deeds) also all the nw i of section No. 20, township 7, south of range 17, enst of W. M (page .171, Vol. N. of deeds.) paid interest in the above described real property be ing the same descended to and inherited by the said Laura E. llirgfeld upon the death of Alexan der Rogers and Mxtilda lingers, her father and mother. Said property will be sold subject to confirmation and redemption as by law pro vided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 3d dav of March, lfc'Jj. mch.Vii. T. J. DMVEIl, Sheriff ol Wasco County, Oregon. Neuu Today. fleuJ Goods. Doily Arriving. Dress Goods Department. Coverts, Plaids, Bayadere Stripes, Two-Toned Silk and Wool Mixtures, Checks. Spring Novelties in Dress Goods direct from the New York Market Now on display. Silk Department. Plain Taffetta Newest Fancies Swellest Plaids and Checks, Choice Pickings from the New York Markets await your inspection. Administratrix Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that under and by vir tue of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, made on the 8th dav of January, lb9S, in the matter ot the estate of Dr. W. E. rUnchurt, deceased, I will sell at public auction, at the courthi use door in Dalles City, in said county and state, on the 28th day of February, Ib'M, at 1 o'clock p. m to the high est bidder, all the real estate belonging to said estate and described as follows, to-wit: Lots A, li, C. D, E. F. i, H, I, J, K and L in Hlock Ci. in the Fort Dalles Milltiry He'erva tion Audliiou to Dulles City, in said county und state. Ihe west half of the southeast quarter and the 1 cast half of tue southwest quarter of section 21 in township 2 norm, range 11 east, in nusco County, Oregon. Terms of sale One-half in cash at time of j sale and one-half In six months, secured hy juoriKiigu tin inc jiii'imsus. Dalles City, Oregon, Jan. 27. P9S. EMILY 11. ltlNEIIAItT. jinr.".)-!! Administratrix. Notice of Final Settlement. The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fearing men and women, have prepared the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years, and it is always the same, timple, hon est, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long lived people that they are. The Shak ers never have indigestion. This is partly owing to their simple mode of life, partly to the wonderful properties of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges tion is caused by the stomach glands riot supplying enougli digestive juice. Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vigorates the stomach and all its glands so that after awhile they don't need help. As evidence of the honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is printed on every bottle. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bot tle. ltiililieil the liruvt-. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject is narrated by him as follows: 1 was in it most dieadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually lu back and sides, 110 appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given mo up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise, the flrrt bot tle made a decided improvement I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well uiiui. I know they saved my lite and robbed the grave of another victim." No onesliould fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle ut Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned lias tiled In the otlice of the County Clerk, of Wasco County, her final ticcount as admlnlstrlx of tlie estate of 1. I. llurget, and that hy order ot the County Court, for said County, Monday, the 2d dav of May, lbtnj, has been II ted as the time and the court room of said Court as the pluco for the hearing of said final account. All persons Interested in said estate are uolihed to appear at said time uud place and show cause why said linal account snouiu not ne approved hiiii ui- . T. JIUKUtSl , lowed. mcbfi-ii. Administratrix. Other Goods Just Arrived find Jioia Being Opened. NOTIONS. Consisting of a little of everything in small wares, to sell at small prices. NECKWEAR FOR MEN. An advanced shipment of 100 dozen, to sell nt a price that will astonish you. Never so cheap. HATS. Stetson's newest spring Idea". Also styles in the famous Lion and Big Bear brands. CLOTHING. Suita to suit the 3-year-old little man. New styles, new cloths, new prices. Suits to tit the hard-to-fit, to suit the nobby dressers and suits to tit the purse of the man of moderate means. More to come. SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Manhattan Shirts spring creations, pret tier than ever. Flannels, Madras and Per cales. We all know the advantages of buy ing Manhattan shirts they have qualities decidedly their own. Prices are not high. SHOE DEPARTMENT. By the way, next visit down town stop in and take a glimpse at some of our now styleB for spring wear. Be sure nnd see our Ladies' fancy Vesting Top Street Shoe; laced, McKay sewed, with a patent leattier tip. New Coin Too. You will like it antl price is only f looka like it might be $5. SILK WAISTS. Still a few of those silk waist and dress skirt wo are selling ut $'-.50. Choicest ones are leaving fast. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Frank Ireland, deceased, ha Med his Html account as such H'l luiul' trator In the county court of the State of (lire-oil for Wasco Counlv. and the judge theio of has upjminted Monday, thu 7th day of Match, , lsys. ut tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the 1 county courtroom in the courthouse in Dulles J I I'tty, In said county and state, as tiie time end 1 : . 1 - ' .1... 1 i.... ... ..i.t I.t I 1 lUHce lor 1 ll" lieamiK 01 ouj-uuoiib iu run, hum j account and the settlement thereof. Alt heirs I and cridltorsnf the deceased, und all other per 1 sons Interested iu said estate, aroho'eby notllied to tile their objictlous to said lllial aeeoiint, II any they have, on or befoie the date llxed for the hearing and settlement thereof. Dalles City, Oiegon, Feb. H, IV.iS. liKOKUE IUELAND, Jeb,V4w-il v Administrator. Did It ever strike you thut FouU' Prize Medal nnd Guarantee cigars are the best cigars on earth. tf. Notice of Executor's Sale. Notice ih hereby given that thu undersigned, exiciitorof the estate of MiiMinilliau M'-yer, do ceiiMit, will, from and after thu 1st day of March, lb'Ji, sell at plivute sale, upon the prem ises, thu following deseilbcd real proiieily be longing to said estate uud situated in Wasco county, Oiegon lo-wlt: Lot two 2 in block eight. lu what Is known as 'I hom son's Ad dition to Dull h City. Said sale is Hindu iu accordi nee witli 1111 older of thu County Court rendered and u iteicd Ihe 3d dav of January, IMS, and such sale will be subject toconllrnintlon by snld court, thu terms of said sate to becasli or credit, or both. AN I' It HW KKI.I.KIf, Executor of the vstaiu of .MiiMimlllun Meer, di ceased. Jun'Jt. 1 Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as been regulaily appointed by thu county court of the Mute of Ortgon for W'uco County us udiniulstratrix of thu entutu of Charles W. John ston, decease'. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby no'ill.d to pre sent them, with the proper vouchors, to niu nt thuolllcu of WML Wilson, lu Dalles City. Ore gon, within fix mouths from thudutuut this notice. Dulles City, Oregon, Feb. 23. l.'JS. OAKKI1C M, JOHNSTON, (eb'.'C il Administratrix. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi noss, for tho improvement of their business and homo interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at tho fireside, inlortJsting and instructive stories of the doings of tho world, tho nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved moth- 1 i 1,: 1: 1 1.., ......( : .... 1.;,, ...wl 1 Iwi OUS OI CUIUVillilll UIIU lliirvu-ll-K "'0 un-jin, ami inn proper timo to convert them into tho largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to thu welfaro of farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE and wo furnish it with tho Semi-Weekly Chroniclo ono year for $1.75, cash in advance.